Sunday, July 31, 2016

Pectin Treatment of Sore Joints

Pectin is commonly discussed as a home remedy that can be used to treat sore joints and lessen the pain around them. Pectin comes from fruit and is widely discussed for its many uses.


    No studies have been held to see the scientific effect that pectin has on sore joints, but it has become an accepted home remedy passed on by word of mouth over the years.


    The scientific idea behind pectin's assistance with joint soreness is that it can theoretically bond with any metal in a joint and remove it to alleviate the pain.


    To potentially reduce the soreness of joints, it is best to consume amounts of pectin in gelatin form daily. Many people have reported success in reducing day-to-day pain, but results may vary.


    Pectin is derived from apples, citrus fruits, grapefruits, bananas and some vegetables. It is available at any store specializing in food products.


    Pectin is typically used as a gelling agent in jams and jellies to enhance food's texture. It also is said to increase the shine of hair and the strength of finger and toenails. Recently, speculation has arisen on its ability to reduce joint soreness.

Eye Exercises to Help Focus

As of 2009, the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the American Optometric Association disagree on the effectiveness of vision therapy, which includes eye exercises, in treating visual disorders. While the AAO is dissuaded primarily because controlled clinical trials are lacking, the AOA's position is that current research and anecdotal evidence demonstrate sufficient evidence that vision therapy is effective in treating visual defects, including focusing problems. Other studies show yoga reduces visual strain in those with computer vision syndrome and even progressive myopia. Available evidence suggests eye exercises are advantageous for eye health, and may prove successful in improving vision.

Improving Vision with Magic Eye

    The book, "Magic Eye Beyond 3D: Improve Your Vision," includes a collection of stereograms, a three-dimensional image hidden within a two-dimensional image that can only be seen when both eyes work together as a focused team. Its author, optometrist Marc Grossman, uses Magic Eye images in his vision therapy program to help people improve their sight. According to Grossman, our eyes are unsuited for the visual demands we place on them today, especially with the advent of technology. The ciliary muscles contract the lens of the eye to focus on near objects such as the computer screen, and if they are tightened too long it can become harder for them to relax, which is necessary for seeing far. The AOA states that a substantial amount of near work on a regular basis increases the risk of nearsightedness, or myopia (see Resource 1).

    One of Grossman's exercises to improve myopia involves removing your glasses, finding a three-dimensional object in the distance that's somewhat blurry, and focusing on it. Next, look at Magic Eye images. He refers to images in his book that may be previewed online (see Reference 2). Doing an Internet search for "magic eye image" also reveals several images available free online. After you've looked at the images for about 10 minutes, possibly seeing the hidden 3D image, return your gaze to the same three-dimensional object you looked at before. Does it appear clearer?

Another Focusing Exercise

    Jane Kabarguina, author of "How to Return Beauty and Clear Vision Back to Your Eyes," dramatically improved her vision through eye exercises. Researching several techniques, such as European, Russian, Japanese (acupressure), and Indian (yoga), she combined the best of each school into one system. She stresses that eye relaxation exercises are extremely important to ensure muscles are in the best possible condition before, during, and after training.

    Kabarguina's book may also be previewed online (see Reference 3). One example of her focusing exercises begins by covering one eye, choosing an object straight ahead and a few feet away, and focusing on it. Change your focus to the tip of your nose, then back again to the far object. All the objects you focus on have to be on the same line. Repeat 8 to 10 times. Cover your other eye and repeat.

Rosacea Light Therapy

Rosacea is a skin condition in which blood vessels in the face become inflamed. Symptoms include redness of the face, development of small acne-like bumps on the face, face dryness and irritation, a burning sensation in the eyes and a red nose. According to, rosacea is a progressive condition, meaning it will grow worse if left untreated. While its precise cause is unknown, several things can aggravate the condition, such as spicy foods, alcohol, sun exposure, stress, embarrassment, anger, strenuous exercise and some medications such as corticosteroids.

Laser Treatments

    According to, lasers have been used to treat rosacea since the mid-1980s. A laser beam is an intensified beam of light (the word laser actually began as an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation). There are a variety of different laser treatments available for rosacea, all of which typically require one to three sessions of therapy at four- to eight-week intervals, as well as follow-up sessions. The most common laser treatment for rosacea is pulsed dye laser (PDL) treatment. According, studies have shown that PDL treatment can reduce redness caused by rosacea by up to 60 percent and also can reduce dryness, sensitivity, bruising, itching and flushing. While PDL treatment is perhaps the most effective form of laser treatment, this effectiveness comes at a price. According to, PDL treatment almost always produces temporary bruising. There are softer laser treatments available, such as the diode laser, KTP laser and the Nd:YAG laser treatments; however, they are less effective in reducing redness. For removing rhinophyma (a thickening of nose skin caused by long-term rosacea), Erbium:YAG laser and CO2 laser treatments produce the best results.

Intense Pulsed Light Therapy

    Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy is a relatively modern technique that uses a non-laser light source for removing symptoms of rosacea. According to, the first IPL device was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1995. IPL therapy typically requires one to five sessions, as well as follow-up sessions. reports that the treatment can help reduce flushing, breakouts and redness and also can help make dilated blood vessels in the face disappear. However, because the procedure is relatively new, it is important to find a fully qualified professional to perform IPL therapy.


    Patients with blood clotting disorders, a predisposition toward keloid scarring or diabetes should talk with a physician before receiving laser or IPL treatments, warns. These conditions could negatively affect the healing process, resulting in scarring. Also, most health plans do not cover laser or IPL treatments, which can cost between $300 and $600 per session.

Apple Cider Cure for Swollen Prostate Gland

The prostate gland is a male-specific organ located at the neck of the bladder. It is responsible for producing semen, which is the fluid responsible for transporting and nourishing sperm during the ejaculation process. According to, men often go through a period of prostate growth during their 40s, which can result in an abnormally enlarged prostate. This is medically known as benign prostate hyperplasia or BPH. Swollen prostate glands can put pressure on the urethra, causing urination problems in men. Apple cider vinegar may, however, be able to help.

How Apple Cider Vinegar Works

    According to, vinegar has been used to treat ailments for thousands of years and even Hypocrites widely considered the father of western medicine--used it in a variety of applications. The Egyptians believed that apple cider vinegar specifically produced improved blood circulation, and folk medicine practitioners over the years have recommended the vinegar for is detoxification qualities. According to the above source, the malic acid in apple cider vinegar acts upon uric acid deposits in various joints, pushing it away. The malic acid also words with acetic acid to fight off bacterial and fungal infections, while apple cider vinegar's amino acids act as both antiseptics and antibiotics. When it comes to curing swollen prostate glands, apple cider vinegar may help because of its astringent quality (meaning it causes contraction). According to, apple cider vinegar helps shrink swollen vessels, which may in turn help swollen prostate glands shrink.

Taking Apple Cider Vinegar

    You can take apple cider vinegar orally or you can apply it externally (for external use you may want to dilute it with water). One option for taking it orally is to simply drink one or two spoonfuls daily, however the taste will not be so pleasant. To remedy the unpleasant taste, recommends mixing apple cider vinegar with honey and warm water, while recommends mixing the vinegar with tomato juice. Soaking in a warm bath with apple cider vinegar may be an especially beneficial method for patients suffering from swollen prostate glands.

Acquiring Apple Cider Vinegar

    Your can purchase apple cider vinegar at most grocery stores and specialty food stores, or you can make your own apple cider vinegar at home by fermenting apple cider (hardcore do-it-yourselfers can also make their own apple cider). According to, the two most important factors when making apple cider vinegar are temperature and oxygen supply. You should ensure that fermenting cider maintains a temperature of 60 to 80 degrees F, and you should also stir the mixture a few times each day to allow vital oxygen in. According to the same source, you should never use a metal container when making apple cider vinegar, because it will likely become corroded.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

What Is Vitamin B50 Good For?

What Is Vitamin B50 Good For?

B50 vitamins are multivitamin supplements containing different B complex vitamins. These are thought to improve concentration and energy levels.

What is vitamin B50?

    Vitamin B50 is a vitamin formulation containing many different B vitamins. Sometimes called a Vitamin B complex, it contains either 50 mg or 50 mcg of most B vitamins.


    B50 vitamin complex pills or tablets may contain thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, folic acid (folate), pantothenic acid, and biotin. They may also contain related nutrients, like PABA, choline, and inositol.


    B vitamins are needed by the body for energy production, cell growth, and metabolism. (Ref. 1.) They can reduce fatigue and chronic pain, and help fight Alzheimer's disease and alcoholism, although these claims have not yet been proven in clinical studies. (Ref. 2.)

Special benefits of B50

    Different B vitamins have different functions in the body. Combining them in a single pill is a convenient, cost-effective way to provide B vitamins for all of these roles.

Dangers and side effects

    Vitamin B50 is generally safe, though it may harmlessly color urine brilliant yellow. The main danger is medication interactions. If you take medications, consult your health care provider or pharmacist for details.

Home Remedy for Bursitus

Tension between the bone and tendons in the knee, shoulder, arm, hip and ankle are cushioned by the bursa. When repetitive motion creates more friction than the bursa can handle, irritation and inflammation commonly known as bursitis occurs. Bursitis can also be caused by continued, repeated pressure, such as sleeping on one shoulder every night. The good news is that home remedies can treat this problem.

Don't Medicate, Placate

    Pain relievers with acetaminophen do not have an anti-inflammatory in them, so they don't help to deal with this aspect of bursitis. When at home, put the body part on ice, particularly when there is swelling, so that ice can bring it down and increase circulation. If there is no swelling, use heat instead; this increases circulation to the affected area.

    Use a stepladder for reaching over your head; try a new pair of shoes if your heel is the problem; or look for ways to adjust the activity that caused your bursitis pain to start. There are many different protective aids, such as pads and wraps, that will take the pressure off your affected area.

Go Natural

    Some of the best home remedies that are available today are things you can create from products you probably already have in your kitchen: foods. One is a potato. Grate two teaspoons and leave soaking overnight in a cup of water. The next morning, drink the potato water on an empty stomach. Green, leafy vegetables are also an excellent natural resource for bursitis, because they contain magnesium.

    For external treatments, try using warm olive oil, apple cider vinegar mixed with cayenne pepper, or sandalwood paste. These types of rubs and salves are great because they are made from natural ingredients and can provide instant relief for bursitis pain.

Vitamins and Oils

    Vitamins and oils are rich sources of nutrients our body needs but may not get in the necessary quantities. Those that are particularly effective for bursitis are vitamin E, which can be used topically, and vitamin B6, which is a great supplement in pill form.

    Some oils to use are castor oil, lobelia oil, lavender oil, olive oil, emu oil and sesame oil. These oils are not difficult to find from your local grocer or health food store and can be applied to the inflamed area to provide relief and healing.

Home Remedy for an Infected Cuticle

An infected cuticle can be a source of discomfort around your fingernail, not to mention the unsightly condition it causes for your hands. The exposure your hands and fingernails get determines a lot about how your cuticles respond and look. If your hands are in chemicals or hard water or your put your hands through harsh conditions on a regular basis, you may find more than one cuticle infected and want to try a home remedy to cure the problem and restore the natural beauty of healthy cuticles, fingernails and hands.

Start With a Soak

    Often the infected cuticle has been subjected to picking or some other form of irritant that causes the infection to start. Some people try to eliminate the problem by clipping back the skin, but this can just cause the problem to worsen and create tenderness around the infected cuticle that makes it unsightly and uncomfortable to touch.

    Treating an infected cuticle is simple when you start with a warm salt water soak at night just before you go to bed. This helps to draw out some of the infection and pain around the cuticle. After the soak, proceed with an anti-bacterial such as Bacitracin or Neosporin. You can also wrap the cuticle with a Band-Aid overnight to start the healing process.

Keep Germs Away

    You've heard many times about the importance of washing your hands, and now you're being told again about the importance of keeping germs away from an infected cuticle because the skin and cuticle are already compromised. A simple basic cleansing method will allow you some relief from the discomfort of swelling and clear away germs that may be festering in the area.

    A wet nailbrush that has been dipped in baking soda can be used to soften your cuticles and clean your nails thoroughly. This natural remedy can be done after the salt soak so that cuticles are not so tender. Repeat this process nightly for several nights and watch for improvement.

Try White Vinegar

    If it sounds simple enough, that's because it is. Start with equal amounts of vinegar and water and place the infected cuticle in the mixture. Expect some stinging, but if it becomes too uncomfortable, add some additional water. Soak the problem cuticle for around 10 to 15 minutes, and then gently wash hands with an anti-bacterial soap to get rid of the vinegar smell.

    An over-the-counter antibiotic is good, but if you have access to Bactroban, this is even better. If not, try making a cuticle oil from ounce each of olive oil, jojoba oil, macadamia nut oil and apricot kernel oil. Add a drop or two of rosemary oil, tea tree oil and lavender oil. Use a drop of the mixture on the base of the cuticle that's infected.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Alternative & Home Remedies for Thyroid Disorders

Thyroid disorders are a relatively common endocrinology problem. The three most common thyroid disorders are hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and thyroid nodules, according to the Diabetes and Hormone Center of the Pacific. Hypothyroidism is usually treated with a lifetime of hormone therapy through medication, while the other two disorders are treated with radiology and surgery by traditional medicine. There are, however, alternative and home remedies available for those who wish to supplement these conventional treatments.


    An iodine-rich diet is critical for those with hypothyroidism, according to Iodine is an important part of the hormone thyroxine, which is produced by the thyroid gland. An underactive thyroid gland doesn't produce enough of this hormone, which slows down the metabolism. You can increase your iodine intake through dietary choices by eating foods like shellfish, seafood and iodized salt. This compensates for the body's lack of natural iodine production. You can also purchase iodine drops at a health food store. These drops can be added to your food and drinks in order to increase your daily iodine intake.

Dietary Changes

    Dietary changes can either boost or suppress your thyroid activity, depending on the nature of your thyroid disorder. According to, broccoli, spinach, mustard greens, turnips, kale, soy, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and beans all have a repressive effect on the thyroid. You can add these to your diet if you have hyperthyroidism and avoid them if your thyroid is sluggish.


    Herbal remedies for thyroid disorders can be taken as teas, pills or drops added to food and drink. Many herbs are available in a variety of preparations, depending on the supplier you choose to use. recommends ayurvedic herbal treatments such as triphala, guggul and ginger for thyroid. David Hoffman of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists further recommends the use of bladderwack for hypothyroidism and bugleweed for hyperthyroidism.

Aloe in Water for Weight Loss

Of African origin, the aloe plant is a spiky, water-retaining plant which grows in arid conditions. The liquid inside, which is a viscous sap, is used in pure liquid form, gel form, and lotion form on the skin to heal minor surface cuts, scratches, and burns. It is also available in a drinkable liquid form, with some manufacturers of aloe beverages claiming that it can help with weight loss. Unfortunately, though the sap in aloe vera leaves are helpful regarding a number of minor injuries--and possibly a few illnesses--weight loss may not be within aloe's medicinal capability.

The Claims

    The argument for aloe as a weight loss stimulator usually revolves around supposed metabolism boosting properties within the plant. By boosting one's metabolism, calories burn at a faster rate--even when at rest--than they would normally. Supposedly, the metabolic rate in cells of the liver increase, leading to increased energy expenditure.

    Yet another claim made for aloe's power to influence weight loss involves the digestion of collagen proteins in aloe. Because protein requires more energy to digest, the theory goes, the body burns more calories supplying the energy needed for the body to digest the proteins, leading to weight loss.

No Conclusive Studies

    Well reasoned though all of this may sound, there have been absolutely no conclusive medical studies proving either of these theories in a satisfactory or definitive manner. It is possible that, at some point in the future, the claims made regarding aloe as a metabolism booster will be validated, but presently there is no supporting evidence.

    In the meantime, one tried and true way to boost one's metabolism is to exercise regularly and frequently. Doing so may not be as easy as simply drinking aloe sap mixed with water, but an exercise routine is guaranteed to have results if one is consistent over a prolonged period of time.

    Bottom line: There is no such thing as a "cure-all" weight loss supplement. Exercise combined with a calorie-restricted healthy diet is the only proven way to increase your metabolism.

Substantiated Benefits Of Aloe

    The good news regarding aloe is that there are a number of ways in which it is beneficial. It's an extremely effective healing substance when used for minor cuts, scratches, and first and second degree burns, sunburn, and inflammations of the skin, such as psoriasis and eczema. In drinkable form, it is helpful for difficulties of the digestive system, including ulcers and pains due to diverticulitis.

Most Effective Natural HRT Supplement

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has become somewhat controversial in recent years due to the seeming link between synthetic hormones and the incidence of high blood pressure and breast cancer in women who are treated with them. The symptoms of menopause can be so disruptive to life, however, that women still want some relief. There are some natural remedies you can try to keep your hormone levels under control.

Progesterone Cream

    Traditional hormone replacement therapy includes prescribing either synthetic hormones such as progestin or animal-derived estrogen, such as Premarin. Both of these options can pose health risks. A better option is bioidentical hormone replacement. Usually prescribed in the form of a cream, bioidentical progesterone is derived from plant sources and synthesizes in the body as if it were your own progesterone. You can purchase progesterone cream over-the-counter without a prescription, but be sure to read the labels.

    Some creams are derived from Mexican wild yam, which can be beneficial in many ways, but it does not synthesize correctly for hormone replacement. Look for products that contain at least 20 mg per dose of USP progesterone. According to Dr. John Lee, who pioneered bio-identical hormone therapy, this dosage will ensure that you get enough to help overcome the estrogen dominance many women experience during perimenopause and menopause. Use the cream daily for 21 days out of the month, stopping use during your menses. If you no longer menstruate, or if your symptoms are severe, you may use the cream daily. The active ingredient is carried subdermally to your bloodstream. The best places to use the cream are on your abdomen, breasts, throat and the inside of your arms.

Herbs to Minimize Symptoms

    Symptoms you may experience as you near menopause include irregular periods, loss of libido, weight gain, mood swings, night sweats and thinning hair. Besides progesterone cream, you may want to supplement your diet with some herbs that have been used for centuries for these symptoms. Black cohosh can help to relieve hot flashes, reduce cramping and may even lower cholesterol. Chaste tree berry balances your hormones to help alleviate depression at menopause. Liferoot (Senecio bursas) can minimize excessive bleeding and regulate periods. Raspberry has a long reputation as being a uterine tonic, strengthening the muscles and ligaments and reducing hot flashes. You can find these herbs at your local health food store and online. In fact some companies have formulated special products for menopause that include some or all of these for your convenience. Some you may try are Estroven, Change O' Life and Remifemin.

How to Treat Epididymitis with Herbs Home Remedies

How to Treat Epididymitis with Herbs Home Remedies

Epididymitis is inflammation of the area behind the testicle in which sperm is stored. This condition can be mild to very painful and the scrotum may become swollen, hot to the touch and red. It usually occurs suddenly, but in rare cases it may be chronic. It is caused by infection.



    Alleviate and cure saw palmetto. Saw Palmetto is an herb that exerts powerful benefits upon the entire reproductive system. It is especillay beneficial for male genitalia and specificially epididymitis.


    Run a hot sitz bath with drops of juniper berry to relieve symptoms of the infection associated with epididymitis.


    Treat epididymitis with pulsatilla. A dried medicinal herb from pasqueflower has been used to treat reproductive disorders in males and females. It is now under intense study for the treatment of epididymitis.


    Cure epididymitis with guaiacum. Guaiacum is a family of tropical American trees. One of its components, guaiacol, is used the treatment of gonorrheal epididymitis.


    Use thua to treat epididymitis. Thua, a tree called weeping red cedar, is also effective against epididymitis caused by gonorrhea infections.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

How to Cure Cystitis Naturally

Cystitis is an inflammation of the urinary bladder, and there are ways to cure Cystitis naturally. Cystitis is usually caused by either bacteria or an infection, but Cystitis can also be caused by other factors. Below are some ways to help treat or even cure your Cystitis naturally.



    Drink extra fluids, and not just water. Drinking both lemon juice and herbal teas can help to flush out any bacteria and help with an infection, helping to treat Cystitis.


    Avoid stimulants like caffeine and alcohol. Both can irritate the bladder and worsen Cystitis and its symptoms.


    Avoid sugar as much as possible. This includes sweetened juices. Try to stick to natural fruit juices and a very low sugar diet. Sugar can actually encourage bacteria to multiply, making the Cystitis worse.


    Drink apple cider vinegar diluted in water once per day. This helps to balance the pH balance of the urinary tract. I suggest drinking a Tablespoon diluted in a glass of water. I suggest using raw apple cider vinegar rather than standard apple cider vinegar.

How to Naturally Cure Depression

Depression can be cured through many methods, and luckily there are ways to naturally cure depression. Depression is a general term for overwhelming sadness, but can refer to many forms and levels of depression. Below are some natural remedies that have been proven to help with depression.



    Take SAMe in supplemental form daily. SAMe is a natural substance formed in the body, that helpsd to produce hormones, proteins and neurotransmitters. When it's taken in a dose of around 1 gram per day, it's been proven to help fight depression. It works by increasing the bodies production of serotonin, which is what regulates a persons mood.


    Take St. John's Wort in supplemental form daily. St. John's Wort is one of the more well known natural remedies to help cure depression. St. John's Wort contains hypericin and hyperforin, both which have been proven to help alter the levels of serotonin.


    Take 5-Hydroxytryptophan in supplemental form daily. 5-Hydroxytryptophan (which is also known as 5-HTP), increases the levels of serotonin in the central nervous system. 5-HTP became a popular remedy around the time that Prozac was released, and was proven in studies to be as effectice as Prozac with some patients suffering from depression.

How to Make a Bath Treatment for a Circulation Problem

This gentle bath soak treatment helps to naturally improve your circulation problem. It works especially well for those that have circulation problems in their legs, arms, feet and hands. This circulation treatment can be used a couple of times per week, but with those with more severe circulation problems it can be used more regularly.



    Pour the cup of celtic sea salt under the running water of your bath. I suggest using water that is warm, but not hot. Hot water can weaken the essential oils that are used in this remedy, therefor weakening their effect.


    Once the water is done running, drop in the cypress oil, grapefruit oil and the nutmeg oil. Use your foot to stir the oils throughout the bath water.


    Soak in the bath mixture for about 30 minutes or so. Don't rinse the mixture off when you're done, just dry the skin gently. This helps the oils to absorb in through the skin.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

How to Treat Hypothyroidism with Herbal Remedies

How to Treat Hypothyroidism with Herbal Remedies

Hypothyroidism means that the thyroid is not secreting enough of the hormone thyroxin. This causes sluggishness, fatigue, weight gain, hair loss and a number of other symptoms. Natural remedies for low thyroid, such as herbs, are becoming more common. There are herbs that can regulate the production of thyroid hormones and benefit individuals with hypothyroidism.



    Cure hypothyroidism with kelp. Kelp is a marine plant that is credited with regulating body temperature, metabolism, and ideal body weight. It can bring the underactive thyroid into balance.


    Treat this condition with nettle herbal remedies. Nettle is a common herb that is rich in iodine. In hypothyroidism, there is insufficient iodine for the thyroid gland to secrete thyroxin to the cells. Foods rich in iodine are frequently recommended for the treatment of hypoactive thyroid.


    Add black walnut to your diet. Black walnut one of the richest sources of organic iodine. It is attributed to this that black walnut is thought to stimulate thyroid hormone production and combat hypothyroidism.


    Use guggal to treat hypothyroidism. Guggal (Commiphora Mukul) is a flowering shrub that is an important substance in Native American medicine. It is believed to increase the production of thyroid hormones.


    Take green oats to cure hypothyroidism. Green oats are also thought to regulate metabolism, including thyroid function. This herb is combined with other herbal thyroid medicines in commercial supplements.

How to Prevent Psoriasis

Psoriasis affects many people, but there are ways to prevent Psoriasis. Often times you have no control over whether or not you end up with Psoriasis, especially if your parents suffer from Psoriasis. However, there are effective ways to help reduce your chances of Psoriasis.



    Be sure to have a diet that includes all of the vitamins your body needs. I suggest taking a multi vitamin that offers Vitamins A, B, C, D, E and Zinc.


    Add foods to your diet that are naturally high in sulfur, two great examples would include onion and garlic, which are fairly easy to add to your diet. You could also consider taking a garlic supplement.


    Take Evening Primrose Oil and Borage Oil in supplemental form daily. These two supplements that have been proven to help prevent psoriasis and improve skin quality, include evening primrose and borage. Both can be found in oil capsules and supplements.


    Find ways to manage your stress. A lot of people believe that stress affects your skin, including your chances of developing psoriasis. Try to find healthy ways to deal with your stress like meditation or yoga. Others find that it helps to practice breathing techniques, and some people prefer to see a hypnotherapist.


    Follow a proper diet. A lot of doctors believe that the reason so many people get psoriasis is due to their lack of a proper diet. Try to avoid processed foods and stick to naturally based foods.

How to Treat Night Sweats with Natural Home Remedies

How to Treat Night Sweats with Natural Home Remedies

Except in cases of infectious disease, night sweats are a common symptom of menopause. New studies are showing that night sweats are also a symptom of andropause (male menopause). Prolonged night sweats cause sleep deprivation and frustration. As women turn away from hormone replacement therapy, many seek herbal remedies for night sweats.



    Relieve night sweats with sage. Sage is a common herbal remedy for night sweats. Scientific studies have found that sage reduces nightsweats by over 50%.


    Reduce night sweats with licorice root. Licorice root contains glycyrrhizin, which has been used to treat female disorders for many years. Menopause is characterized by a drop in estrogen levels. It is believed that licorice contains mild estrogen properties and therefore relieves symptoms of menopause.


    Alleviate night sweats with black cohosh. Black cohosh is a North American herb in the buttercup family. Both native Americans and settlers used the herb to treat female discomfort. A recent study upholds the fact that black cohosh relieves symptoms of night sweats because it contains plant estrogens.


    Ease night sweats with dong quai to alleviate night sweats. Dong quai is a Chinese herb that acts similarly to black cohosh, in that it provides plant estrogen, and alleviates symptoms of menopause, such as night sweats.


    Relieve the effects of night seats with macafem. Macafem root is grown in the high Andean plateaus of Peru. Unlike black cohosh and dong quai, macafem produces phytoestrogen herbs, which nourish the female glands so that they produce their own estrogen. This is considered more natural than plant estrogen remedies. The result, however, is similar. It alleviates the stress and fatigue of night sweats.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

How to Get Started With Chelation

Chelation therapy is a treatment that works by injecting a chemical into the body that binds, or chelates, to heavy metals, including iron, lead, mercury, cadmium, and zinc. The most commonly used chemical is ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (ETA). Chelation therapy has been used to treat lead poisoning, heart disease, cancer, autism and other conditions.



    Review the scientific research. Chelation therapy is an effective treatment for lead poisoning. However, there is no scientific evidence to support its effectiveness with respect to other conditions, according to the American Cancer Society. Moreover, according to the American Heart Association, chelation therapy can cause bone marrow depression, shock, low blood pressure (hypotension), convulsions, disturbances of regular heart rhythm, respiratory arrest and even death. The American Heart Association notes that while some people may feel better after chelation therapy, this is most likely due to the lifestyle changes that patients undergoing chelation therapy are forced to make, such as quitting smoking and losing weight, and not the chelation therapy itself.


    Gather the necessary funds. Chelation therapy can be expensive. A single chelation therapy session costs between $50 and $100. It is common for patients to undergo 30 sessions in the first month of therapy. Moreover, chelation therapy is not a medically-accepted procedure for most conditions, and thus insurance companies and Medicare will not pay for it.


    Find a physician. In 2009, the American College for Advancement in Medicine created a Certified Chelation Therapy (CCT) certificate. The certificate will be awarded to physicians who undergo certain training and demonstrate the highest level of expertise and professionalism in the field of chelation therapy, according to Dr. Jeffry Morrison, Chelation Therapy Program Chair. You can find a doctor through the American College for Advancement in Medicine website.


    Prepare for your first appointment. Prior to the first therapy session, a comprehensive personal and family history will be taken. You will be asked a range of question concerning diet, emotional status, exercise, etc. This will be followed by a physical examination and a series of medical tests, including chest X-ray, blood test, urine test, and exercise test. To ease this process, gather your medically relevant information ahead of time.

Home Cure for Overactive Bladder

An overactive bladder causes the sufferer to feel a frequent and sudden urge to urinate. The condition may cause incontinence. Some people are too embarrassed to discuss treatment options with their doctor. Some home treatments can help get control of the bladder and remedy the condition.


    You can train your bladder to cope with the sudden urge to urinate. Begin training your bladder by waiting just a few minutes when you feel the urge to urinate. When you feel the urge to urinate, wait two or three minutes before going to the bathroom. Train your bladder to wait longer and longer intervals between the time you feel the urge and when you head to the bathroom. Eventually the wait time between bathroom trips will extend three to four hours.

Pelvic Exercises

    Kegels are exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Men and women can both perform these exercises to help remedy an overactive bladder. To find the correct muscles, stop your urine stream the next time you are in the bathroom. The muscles that you use to stop urine are the ones that you will be working in your exercises.

    Contract the muscles and hold for four or five seconds. Release the muscle, rest for a couple of seconds and repeat the contraction. Complete a set of 10 or 20 of these contractions for one set of exercises. Do10 sets of exercises a day to strengthen your muscles and have better control over urination. Performing fewer of these exercises per day is not as effective as completing at least 10 sets.
    The exercises can be completed anywhere at any time of the day. Schedule your kegel exercises so that they become a part of your daily routine.

Scheduled Bathroom Breaks

    Traditional medicine recommends scheduling your bathroom breaks during the day to treat an overactive bladder. Plan your bathroom breaks at the same time every day to further train your bladder to void under your control. Your bathroom breaks should be about three or four hours apart at the same times every day.


    An overactive bladder may be the result of not emptying it completely during urination. During your scheduled bathroom breaks, wait some additional time to ensure that you completely empty your bladder.

    The home treatments for an overactive bladder focus on behavior modification. These treatments may take some time to work for your condition.

Alternative Medicine for Underactive Thyroid

Having an underactive thyroid gland is a condition called hypothyroidism. It occurs when your thyroid doesn't produce enough of the hormones your body needs to function properly. Women over 50 are particularly susceptible to hypothyroidism because it is a time in their life when the chemical reactions in their body are out of balance. Untreated, hypothyroidism can lead to obesity, joint pain, heart disease and other health problems.


    Symptoms of hypothyroidism tend to develop slowly, beginning with fatigue and sluggishness. Many people attribute this to their thyroid slowing down as they grow older, but with hypothyroidism, other symptoms will develop as well. These could include any combination of sensitivity to cold, constipation, dry skin, puffy face, hoarse voice, increased cholesterol, weight gain, muscle aches, joint pain, muscle weakness, abnormally heavy menstrual periods, brittle fingernails and hair and depression.


    Autoimmune disease is the most-common cause of hypothyroidism. This occurs when your body produces antibodies against itself and those antibodies affect the thyroid's ability to produce hormones. Sometimes, when a person is treated for an overactive thyroid, the treatment goes too far and turns an overactive thyroid into an underactive one. Radiation treatment around the head and neck can affect the thyroid. Also, certain medications may slow down the thyroid. Less often, hypothyroidism has been found to be caused by a congenital disease, pituitary disorder, pregnancy or iodine deficiency.


    The first thing to begin changing to help your thyroid is your diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables are a rich source of enzymes that can help the chemical reactions in the thyroid that produce the needed hormones.


    Since thyroid hormones are derivatives of iodine, consider using supplements rich in iodine. Supplements containing kelp would be a good sources. Vitamins A, C, E and B complex should be taken to provide the thyroid with the needed nutrients to make the hormones. Vitamin E is needed for the body to assimilate iodine and the other vitamins are needed to make the hormones.

Pig Hormone

    There is an extract of pig hormone available by prescription. It is natural and acts in the same way that synthetic hormones act. However, you should only use the prescription extract. It will be regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration so that its potency is guaranteed.

Fungal Ear Infections & Cures

All you know is you have a painful earache that refuses to go away. It keeps you up at night and may even affect your ability to hear. You may have a fungal ear infection. Knowing when to go to the doctor is important so that you get the right diagnosis and get past the pain and inconvenience of an unrelenting earache.

Bacterial or Fungal?

    Ear infections can be bacterial or fungal and the difference is crucial in understanding the healing process. A bacterial infection is treated with an antibiotic, and if all goes well it clears right up. However, if a misdiagnosis is made, a fungus will thrive on an antibiotic. Think about times when you may have been on an antibiotic and suddenly you also get a yeast infection--it's the same imbalance as when an antibiotic kills one type of bacteria while feeding another.

    Ask your doctor to determine if it is bacterial or fungal before she gets out her prescription pad. It might save you the cost of an antibiotic or an antifungal medication, not to mention the time and pain involved if a misdiagnosis is made.

    An over-the-counter defense might be found in Lotrimen drops (for athlete's foot) because it is an antifungal; it might be worth a try if you can't get to your care provider.

Alternative Cures for Fungal Ear Infection

    There are many herbal and alternative remedies for fungal infections, which certainly should be a consideration for your health as well as your budget. Natural fungicides cost less and tend to work fast in getting the upper hand on a fungal infection of any kind.

    Garlic is one of the most effective antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal substances available and is certainly inexpensive. The combined effects of garlic's sulfur and hydrogen are a potent antioxidant as well. Chop garlic into small pieces and add a few drops of oregano, lavender or clove oil. Let it soak for two hours. Pull the oil into a syringe and place several drops into the ear canal. Pack it with a cotton ball. Do this three to four times a day to kill the fungus as well as the pain. You can also do this with tea tree oil, which also is an antifungal, antibacterial and antifungal solution. There is absolutely no risk in using this oil, with the exception of an allergy to one of it's compounds.

    Other natural remedies include plant tannins, which come from supplements or from red wines such as cabernet and merlot.

    Colloidal silver is also available at natural food stores; place a few drops in your ears three to four times a day.


    If you are prone to ear infections of either kind, you should consider purchasing ear putty or swimmer's ear plugs to use when you are swimming, showering or washing your hair. Keeping the inner ear dry at all times leaves no place for fungus to grow, as it likes moist warm areas.

    As an added preventative measure, take a probiotic daily to keep your immune system strong. These are available at natural food and health food stores. Eat plenty of raw foods that include vitamin C, keep hydrated and get sufficient rest to help rebuild and restore your immune system.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Cilantro to Cleanse Body

Cilantro, which comes from the leafy part of the herb coriander, is often used in Indian, African, Italian and Middle Eastern cooking. Many use the herb to help discharge heavy metals from the body. You can add cilantro to salads, soups and pasta dishes, or eat it with fish. There are also several recipes for cilantro dishes specifically designed to help with chelation, which is the removal of metals.

Heavy metals and cilantro

    Heavy metal poisoning is caused by mercury, aluminum and lead. It can cause depression, allergies and learning problems as well as affect the memory and immune system.

    Research done by Dr. Yoshiaki Omura, who founded the International College of Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics and served as director of medical research at the Heart Disease Research Foundation, is most cited as the source for cilantro cleanses. Omura found that patients' urine had higher than normal levels of mercury after they ate a soup that contained a large amount of cilantro. He began experimenting and discovered that patients with mercury poisoning got better after eating cilantro.


    If you want to try chelation, you'll need to eat cilantro every day. Try eating two tablespoons of cilantro pesto each day for at least three weeks. It's also recommended that you take chlorella with the cilantro, as this will bind the mercury and help flush it from the system. You can try garlic for this also. You can also simply add fresh cilantro to your food each day. You can cook the cilantro into soup and pasta, add it to salads or use it as a topping for meat dishes.


    To make the cilantro pesto, you'll need four garlic cloves, 1/3 cup Brazil nuts, 1/3 cup sunflower seeds, 1/3 cup pumpkin seeds, 2 cups fresh cilantro, 2/3 cup flaxseed oil, four tablespoons lemon juice, two teaspoons dulse powder and sea salt. Process the cilantro and flaxseed oil in a blender until the cilantro is chopped. Add the garlic, nuts, seeds, dulse and lemon juice and blend until you have a paste. Add a pinch of salt and blend again.
    Eat two teaspoons of this each day for three weeks. Put the pesto on toast, baked potatoes and pasta.
    You can also drink your cilantro. Chop eight or more full teaspoons of cilantro and steep it in a quart of just boiled chicken broth or water for about 20 minutes. Don't use metal cookware to heat the broth. Sip this concoction during the day for two to three months for highly elevated mercury levels, according to Modern Herbalist.

Ways to Relieve Chest Pressure from Anxiety

Having an anxiety attack is extremely stressful, causing muscles to quickly become tense, sometimes to the point of spasm. When this happens to muscles in the chest, the pressure and pain can move down your arm and up your neck so you think you're having a heart attack. Learning relaxation and breathing techniques can be valuable in helping you calm the anxiety and relax.

Anxiety-Related Chest Pains

    The body reacts to stress by tightening muscles. Extremely stressful events, such as an anxiety attack, can cause severe muscle tension. Some sufferers experience intense tightness and pain or pressure in the chest, neck and down the arm similar to those of a heart attack. The most common response is panic.

Fight or Flight

    The fight-or-flight response is the body's most basic instinctual reaction when the mind perceives danger or threat. The fight-or-flight response is literally your body's way of preparing to fight or flee the stressful situation to defend your life. The fight-or-flight response triggers a series of biological events. Your body begins releasing adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol through the bloodstream. Usually, you are too busy responding to consider how your body feels. However, if you are sitting quietly watching television and your heart suddenly starts pounding and you feel hyper, you shake, your chest tightens with pain, and your heart flutters irregularly, it can be terrifying.

Internal Dialogue

    What you say to yourself during an anxiety attack determines whether you begin to calm down or panic more. It can be challenging to control your internal dialogue, but telling yourself that you are having a heart attack, need to get to the emergency room, and are going to die actually intensifies your symptoms. Rather, by making a conscious effort to tell yourself that you are okay, not having a heart attack, and just experiencing anxiety, you can begin to calm down. Soon, the muscle tension and pressure in your chest, arm and neck will begin to dissipate.

Breathing Techniques

    The first line of defense during an anxiety attack is to breathe. This requires that you focus. One breathing technique that will aid you in calming down is simple to use even if you are struggling with panic. Begin by inhaling to the count of 2. Exhale to the count of 2. Inhale to the count of 2. Exhale to the count of 4. Inhale to the count of 2. Exhale to the count of 6. Inhale to the count of 2. Exhale to the count of 8. Inhale to the count of 2. Exhale to the count of 10. This is also a useful technique to use when you feel an anxiety or panic attack coming on.

Muscle Relaxation

    It is essential to relax tense muscles during an anxiety or panic attack. Continue controlled and deliberate breathing. Sit or lay in a neutral position that is comfortable. Focus your concentration on the sensation of each muscle group. Add imagery, such as resting in the sun on the beach or ice cream melting in the sun. For each muscle group, tense the muscles, hold and then relax. Start from your toes and work up. If you are seated, start by dropping your chin to your chest and lifting slowly (do not make circles with your head). Continue through your entire body to your toes. By the time you reach the last muscle group, your muscles should be relaxed and the chest pains gone.

Natural Ways to Clear Up Face Rash

A face rash can be a localized rash that is only present on the face and not anywhere else on the body or the extension of a rash from other parts of the body. The main causes of a localized rash are bacterial infections and skin sensitivity, but there can be other causes. Rashes can be painful or itchy and vary in color from brown, purple, red or white. They can be raised, flat, dry or moist, and commonly include swelling and blisters. Treatment depends on the root cause of the rash.


    Rosacea usually affects the cheeks, chin and nose. It reddens the skin with a burning sensation and often has small pimples. The causes are most often spicy food, drinking alcohol, exposure to too much heat or sun and getting upset. There is no cure for Rosacea, but the effects can be reduced naturally. Use SPF 15 or higher sun block, avoid scrubbing the face, stay cool and use cool compresses if needed. Also, any extreme temperature is harmful, and avoid alcohol-based face products and hot drinks, spicy food, caffeine and alcoholic beverages.

Poisonous Plants

    Poison oak, sumac and ivy have a sap resin that is highly allergenic and can cause allergic rashes in most people who touch it. Flush with water at the first sign of a rash and only after that, use soap. Using soap first will spread the resin to other areas of the body. Cool water and cooked oatmeal compresses for 20 minutes several times a day relieves the itching and inflammation.


    Acne is the inflammation of the hair follicles and oil-producing glands of the skin. It begins in puberty for about 80 percent of all teenagers. Skin cells are not shed normally so they block the hair follicles trapping the sebum that forms there. Bacteria, which is normally in the hair follicle multiplies and forms a pimple. Dr. Jeffrey Dach, from, has found that vitamin therapy works to eliminate acne. Pantethine or Vitamin B5, when taken in large doses or combined with L-Carnitine to reduce the dosage, removes the acne. These speed up fatty acid metabolism and reduce oil build-up in the skin, which is the main cause of acne.

Heat Rash

    Overheating causes several skin problems generically called heat rash. It can disappear within a day but may cause a burning sensation. To relieve the symptoms, wash your face with a mild soap several times a day. Stay in a cool place with plenty of ventilation. Go somewhere that you can rest in air conditioning if it isn't possible at home. Apply packages of frozen food or cool packs for 20 minutes every hour. Drink plenty of water to cool and rehydrate the body. Do not apply fragranced lotions or creams to your face until the rash is gone.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

How to Cure Dry Nose Problems

It's easy to cure dry nose problems with a few changes. Dry noses are usually caused by dehydration in the body, often times caused by the surrounding environment. It's important to stop dry nose problems because it can quickly lead to infections and frequent nose bleeds. Below are some of the more effective ways to help treat dry nose problems.



    Start drinking more liquids, especially water or fresh juice. You need to help rehydrate the entire body, this is the most common cause of dry nose problems. Also be sure to avoid stimulants such as coffee, caffeine or alcohol.


    If you constantly wake up with a dry nose, try cracking your window open a bit. This allows air to circulate throughout the room properly.


    Use a humidifier, this helps to restore moisture to the air. This is especially useful for those in cold climates that constantly use the heater.


    Use room mists to help with dry air. Room mists can also help to add moisture to the air, as well as help to purify the air. Avoid using chemically enhanced ones, but instead purchase organic ones to avoid any irritants.

How to Tone Your Jowls - Without Surgery

How to Tone Your Jowls - Without Surgery

If you look in the mirror and a bulldog stares back at you, don't despair. Do these easy exercises just once a day and regain that youthful jaw line.



    Let your jaw hang down and back and separate your lips. The tip of your tongue will go behind your front teeth on your palate.


    Bare your teeth as though you were growling (no sound effects necessary). Look up at the ceiling, then use your neck and jaw muscles to put your head down to its normal position. How do your know whether you are using the correct muscles? Don't worry. You'll feel them.


    Repeat this five to fifteen times. You will start to feel the muscles in your jowl area stretch.


    Put your lips together and then get your jaw in motion. Move it back and forth, then side to side, then up and down. The movement will get bigger until you are doing the last reps with your lips parted.


    Repeat five to fifteen times. Do this every day, and the muscles in your jowl area will strengthen naturally.

Safety of Neti Pot

Many people who suffer from colds, congestion or allergies rely on neti pots to keep their nasal passages clear. Neti pots are safe if you follow the instructions on how to mix and use the cleansing solution.


    A neti pot resembles a small teapot with a long spout. You can find neti pots at drugstores or stores that sell alternative remedies.


    Dr. Bradley Marple of the American Academy of Otolaryngology says irrigating the nasal passages with a device like the neti pot is a safe, effective way to relieve sinus problems.


    Follow the instructions on how to use the neti pot. Tilt your head over a sink or basin and allow some of the solution to flow into the top nostril. The solution will flow out the other nostril. Repeat on the other side.


    You can make your own solution by dissolving 1/8 teaspoon of table salt in a cup of water. Distilled or purified water is best because it is free of chlorine or other impurities. If you use tap water, be sure to boil it first and add the salt after the water cools.


    If you are using the neti pot properly and your congestion or other nasal problems don't go away, see your doctor.

Home Remedies for Heartburn & Gall Bladder Problems

Heartburn and gall bladder issues are common ailments. Luckily, there are a large number of home remedies that will help prevent these afflictions and lessen their effects when they do flare up. There are also certain foods to avoid to ease these ailments and foods to eat to help prevent heartburn and gall bladder problems.

Gall Bladder Remedies

    Drink the juice from a beet, a cucumber and a carrot. These juices all clean the gall bladder. Drink this up to twice a day. Another good remedy for cleansing the gall bladder is the pear. Eat a pear or drink its juice as much as you can each day. Pear juice also helps treat gallstones, the most common gall bladder ailment. Oils are another home remedy for gallstones. Olive oil is preferred, but you can also use sunflower oil. Drink about 30 mLs first thing in the morning and follow with 120 mLs of grapefruit or lemon juice.

Gall Bladder Diet

    Follow a diet with lots of fresh and cooked vegetables, fresh fruit, vegetable juices and a moderate amount of seeds to improve gall bladder health. Fast for two to three days if you have bad inflammation. Drink only water during this time. After the fast, drink only fruit and vegetable juices for a couple more days. After this, eat a balanced diet, including vegetables, fruits, yogurt, cottage cheese and olive oil. Avoid animal fats, processed, fried and greasy foods. Eat smaller meals more often.

Heartburn Remedies

    There are several home remedies for heartburn, which is often caused by chocolate, soda or wine. Papaya is a natural heartburn remedy. Fresh papaya may be tough to find so use chewable papaya tablets. Apple cider vinegar is another common home remedy. Add the vinegar to a salad or take a couple of teaspoons. Drink a cup of chamomile tea after eating to ease any irritation of the esophagus.

What to Avoid

    If you are prone to heartburn, avoid chocolate and caffeine. Caffeine tends to irritate the esophagus. Chocolate contains caffeine and a lot of fat, which can also lead to heartburn.

    Don't lie down. You may feel bad and want to put up your feet, but this will make the pain worse. Staying upright will keep acid in your stomach. When sleeping, elevate the head of your bed by 4 to 6 inches. Put blocks under the bed, or put a wedge under the mattress. Extra pillows won't work. Keep your head elevated to keep heartburn from recurring.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Natural Cure for Sinus Blockage

Inhaled allergens, as well as cold weather often cause sinus blockage. Sinus blockage can be very uncomfortable. It can interfere with eating and sleeping. It can also lead to a sinus infection if untreated. But there are many ways to cure a blocked sinus the natural way.

Eucalyptus or Menthol Oil

    Eucalyptus and menthol oil aid the decongestion of the sinus and the nasal passages. Both are also natural antiseptics and anesthetics. Eucalyptus and menthol, which is derived from peppermint plants, are often in nasal inhalers. These inhalers drain mucus from the nasal passages and relieve sinus blockage. Eucalyptus and menthol are also common ingredients in cold rubs, which can be applied to the skin.
    Try putting a few drops of menthol oil into a bowl of boiling water. Three drops of oil should be enough. Bend over the bowl to inhale the oil-infused steam. Cover the area above your head with a towel or a cloth. Continue inhaling the steam slowly for 10 minutes. A few drops of the oil may also be applied to a handkerchief and sniffed throughout the day.

Clean Air

    Clean air is a natural way to prevent and relieve a blocked sinus. Outdoor pollution and allergens often cause blockage. To avoid this, stay indoors as much as possible. If you must go outside, wear a mask to avoid inhaling polluted air.
    When indoors, keep an air purifier running. It is also advisable to keep all surfaces inside the house dust-free. Change beddings regularly.


    A blocked sinus is usually experienced during the cold months of the year or early in the morning, when the air is still cold. During cold weather, a home's heating system is running, and all the doors and windows are closed. This makes the air very dry. Dry air causes a blocked sinus, which the cold outside aggravates.
    To avoid having blocked sinuses during cold weather, the humidity of the air inside the house must be increased. Small, free-standing air humidifiers are sold in most appliance and hardware stores. You can also use a large-scale whole-house humidifier. If an air humidifier is not immediately available, sit in the bathroom with the hot shower running for about 20 minutes. The steam will increase humidity in the air and relieve the blockage.

HPV Home Cures

If you're struggling with human papillomavirus (HPV), you may be seeking some at-home remedies to alleviate your symptoms, particularly the genital warts associated with some types of HPV. Incorporating some at-home techniques, and adding vitamin supplements to your diet, can help you find relief from HPV.

Help for HPV at Home

    To help treat genital warts associated with HPV, your might find relief from soaking in an oat bath. "The Doctors Book of Home Remedies for Women" says soaking in an oatmeal bath could be soothing for itchiness associated with genital warts. Over-the-counter products, such as Aveeno's bath treatment, use a finely powdered oatmeal called colloidal oatmeal and won't clog your drain.

    Keep the area affected by genital warts clean and dry. Bathe daily and wash the area with a mild soap. Gently but thoroughly pat yourself dry with a towel. If your doctor prescribes a wart cream, wash the medication off after four to six hours, as the powerful medications could also cause skin irritation and burn.

    Apply castor oil to the affected area three times a day, preferably after bathing. Proponents of this method say genital warts are cleared within 30 days of starting castor oil treatment.

    Use apple cider vinegar to clear up your warts. Tear a cotton ball so that it matches the size of your wart. Soak the cotton ball in apple cider vinegar, and squeeze any excess off. Next, place an adhesive bandage over the cotton ball to make sure it stays in place. Do this daily, and you can expect the wart to disappear within six weeks.

    Use fresh garlic to get rid of genital warts. First, cut a thin slice of fresh garlic. Place the slice of garlic directly on the wart and use an adhesive bandage to keep it in place. Expect results within three weeks.


    Sometimes, HPV in women can lead to cervical dysplasia, a condition in which abnormal, even cancerous, cells appear in the cervix. To protect yourself from this complication of HPV, get enough vitamin A, riboflavin, folate (B vitamins) and ascorbate (vitamin C). According to a study at the Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, women deficient in these vitamins have a higher risk of developing cervical dysplasia. Vitamin A can also build up your immune system and fight off genital warts. Take 5,000 units of vitamin A, 1.7mg riboflavin, 400mg folate and 60mg of vitamin C daily.

Natural Cures Using Cherry Juice for Gout

Gout is a painful medical condition that usually affects the feet and toes, causing them to swell and burn. The onset can occur suddenly and can be debilitating. Gout is a complicated condition and doesn't discriminate as to who it affects, though men seem to get these attacks more often than women. While there are prescription medical treatments, natural ones can work just as well. Cherry juice in particular is a common remedy.

The Effects of Cherry Juice

    If you experience gout, cherry juice can be a blessing. This liquid made from the dark red cherry packs a bountiful supply of vitamins and minerals, as well as flavonoids, antioxidants and anthocyanins. These qualities combine to make cherry juice an excellent treatment for relieving the pain caused by gout.

    Anthocyanins are the pigments that cause the berry's deep red color, but, more important, they have anti-inflammatory properties. Cherry juice also reduces the amount of uric acid in the blood, one of the chief causes of gout.

How Much is Enough

    To gain the full effects of cherry juice, drink two to three pints of pure, natural cherry juice a day, the equivalent of a half a pound of fresh or canned cherries, to keep your gout attacks at bay. This amounts to about two liters of cherry juice a day.

    Technically, it doesn't matter if you drink the cherry juice or eat the cherries themselves. They both contain the same qualities, but the juice is easier to consume, not to mention more economical.

Other Considerations

    Unless you are allergic to cherries and were not aware of this, the treatment has no side effects. Your body may take some time to adjust to the new level of juice intake if you don't normally drink juice.

    For variety, try drinking mixtures with other dark berries such as blackberries or raspberries, both of which have the same beneficial properties.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Does Saltwater & Baking Soda Gargal Help a Sore Throat

A sore throat makes doing just about anything uncomfortable. Swallowing and speaking can both become especially painful. There are a number of causes for this irritating condition, but everyone wishes it would leave. Although commercially-produced throat sprays and lozenges will usually facilitate a sore throat's departure, these can be expensive and contain questionable ingredients. However, quick and inexpensive sore throat solutions can be created in seconds in the kitchen.


    Dissolve one teaspoon of salt in one cup of warm water, then gargle for at least 30 seconds. This can help relieve sore throat pain. Repeat this process once an hour until bedtime or until soreness has gone. Salt helps remove mucus and other substances from the throat as well as helps to step bleeding. It is best not to swallow this mixture, however, since an excess of salt can lead to high blood sugar and other problems.

Baking Soda

    Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, also tends to work well as a sore throat-relieving gargle. Mix 1 to 2 teaspoons of baking soda in 1 cup of water and gargle for at least 30 seconds. Baking soda is an acid neutralizer, it can create an environment in the throat that is inhospitable to yeasts and other organisms in the throat. Like a salt gargle, repeat a baking soda gargle once per hour. You will also want to avoid drinking this mixture, since too much acid-neutralizing substance in the stomach can sometimes lead to an uncomfortable increase in stomach acid because of the body's attempt to compensate for low acid levels. With both of these gargles, swish and gargle the mixture in the back of the throat, then spit it into a sink when finished.

Baking Soda and Saltwater Mixture

    Mixing both saltwater and baking soda into a glass of water can also have a positive effect on throat pain. However, since both of these remedies work in slightly different ways, simply sticking with one or the other may be best. Try each gargle out individually. But if they both seem to help a little, a mixture of 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon baking soda in a cup of water to may make a bigger impact.

How to Identify Side Effects of Oral Chelation

How to Identify Side Effects of Oral Chelation

The purpose of chelation is to remove heavy metals such as lead or mercury from the body to treat persons exposed to toxic metals, such as mercury. Now available in pill form, oral chelation has become a popular anti-aging product that is claimed to improve the blood flow through clogged arteries. Oral chelation has not been approved by the FDA and can easily be obtained through over the counter products. Both minor side effects and serious complications have been reported from oral chelation therapy.



    Monitor the patient's mineral levels for depletion. Because purpose of chelation is to tightly bind minerals and remove them from the body though the urine, oral chelation also removes minerals critical to proper nutrition from the body, such as potassium, zinc and calcium. Traditionally, intravenous chelation was accompanied by simultaneous high doses of nutrient minerals.


    Expect the patient to experience excessive sweating and urination, a common side effect of oral chelation. Headaches result from dehydration caused by chelation.


    Watch for thrombophlebitis, which is swelling and discomfort in the veins. Thrombophlebitis can become very serious, as it may cause an existing blood clot to detach and advance through the bloodstream.


    Screen the patient for kidney damage. Oral chelation causes stress on the kidneys, resulting in kidney toxicity. Toxins must be excreted by the kidneys, and the speeding of the process by oral chelation can cause damage to the kidneys.


    Be on guard for any seizures. One of the dangerous health risks of oral chelation, when used outside of its original purpose of detoxification, is seizures. Seizures are usually the result of too large a dosage of an oral chelation product.

How to Naturally Treat Hot Flashes and Menopausal Symptoms

Most women do not realize that there are ways to naturally treat hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms. Menopause is unavoidable for all women, and though there's no way to get through it without any discomfort, there are ways to treat menopausal symptoms as they occur, including hot flashes. Below are some of the more effective, natural, ways to treat menopausal symptoms, especially hot flashes.



    Take Black Cohosh in supplemental form daily. Black Cohosh is a member of the buttercup family, and has been used for many years to help with menstrual discomfort, and even the pain during childbirth. It's been used since the 1700s, and more recently has become popular in Germany to help with menopausal problems. It's most common in patients that suffer from hot flashes. It's suggested you take around 40 milligrams per day.


    Add more Soy to your diet. Soy has been a medicine in some parts of Asia for thousands of years. It has recently become popular in Western Countries to help treat hot floshes during menopause. It's suggested you aim for around 150 milligrams of soy per day.


    Take Licorice Root in supplemental form daily, or add powder to your food. Though it's not understood exactly why, but licorice root has been proven to help reduce and prevent hot flashes. Just add a teaspoon of the powder or a few drops of liquid to food.

How to Make an Aloe Vera Gel Treatment for Hemorrhoids

This natural Aloe Vera Gel treatment treats Hemorrhoids naturally. Hemmorhoids are rarely severe enough that removal is necessary, but they are a hassle to deal with, especially the discomfort that they cause. Aloe vera not only helps to relieve the discomfort and itching, it also helps to reduce the inflammation that causes hemorrhoids. The essential oils also work to reduce the inflammation and help treat your hemmorhoids.



    Select the essential oil you would like to use. There are a few essential oils that can be used in this treatment. The three essential oils that will work the best to treat hemorrhoids, include lavender essential oil, frankincense essential oil and cypress essential oil.


    Before using the aloe vera gel, store it in the fridge overnight, or store it in the freezer for about 10-15 minutes. The coldness will help the hemorrhoids inflammation.


    Place the aloe vera gel directly onto a cotton ball or cotton pad (I suggest using a cotton pad) then gently spread it with your fingertip. Drop the essential oil you chose over the aloe vera gel, then gently apply the treatment directly to the hemorrhoids.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Natural Ways to Improve Liver Function

An efficiently functioning liver is necessary for good overall health. The liver is largely responsible for removing toxins from the body as well as aiding in digestion. There are several foods that help liver function. There are also several easy home remedies to improve liver health.


    Eat when you are hungry. It's healthier to eat only when you're body needs food. This way, your liver won't be overworked. Eating smaller meals will also help your liver function more efficiently.

    Drink plenty of water every day. Every health guide and health practitioner will tell you this. Water helps cleanse the liver.

    Eat plenty of green vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, sprouts and cucumber. Also eat carrots, beans, beets, tomatoes and mushrooms. These vegetables help the body detoxify, therefore increasing liver function. Other foods to include in your diet are garlic and high-protein foods such as eggs and fish.

    Just as there are foods to help improve liver function, there are ones you should avoid. Avoid eating a lot of refined sugar. However, if you think you can just substitute artificial sweeteners, you're wrong. These aren't good for the liver and can make you tired. If you have a sweet tooth, eat fresh fruit, sun-dried fruit or honey.

    Also avoid alcohol. Drinking alcohol puts a lot of stress on the liver. Deep-fried foods and refined flour can also make your liver sluggish.

Home remedies

    If you want to improve the health of your liver, there are several home treatments you can do. Juice two oranges and drink the juice. Do this every day for at least a week. You can also add a pinch of salt and a few roasted cumin seeds to a glass of buttermilk and drink it early in the morning.

    Another remedy is to mix carrot and spinach juice in equal parts. This especially helps with cirrhosis of the liver. Drink a glass of this daily for three or four weeks. Another beneficial remedy for cirrhosis is to mix honey and the herb bhringaraj. Put two teaspoons of bhringaraj into two teaspoons of honey. Split this mixture in half. Drink half in the morning and the other half at night.


    There are some exercises you can do every day to help your liver and other organs stay healthy. Try yoga, Pilates, stretching and breathing exercises. Walking is another low-impact exercise you can do each day.

Tongue Exercises to Help You Stop Snoring

Snoring is a condition that can keep a person and anyone sleeping nearby awake at night. There are a few remedies for people who snore, both natural and chemical. Sometimes a person can even stop snoring without spending a lot of money. These solutions take will power and some concentration, but they do work and the snorer and his family will be able to enjoy a good night's sleep once again.

Tongue and Facial Stretches

    These stretches might be funny to watch, but they can offer great relief for a snorer. You can do these exercises numerous times throughout the day.

    For the first stretch, stick your tongue out as far as you can. Hold this position for a few seconds before relaxing your tongue again. Next, stick out your tongue and try to touch your chin with the tip of it. Then try to touch your nose. You should repeat these three exercises ten times over.

    For the next tongue stretch, hold the spoon straight across from your tongue and try to push the spoon away by extending your tongue. Relax for tongue for a little while; then stick it out and take it back in repeatedly as fast as you can.

Tongue and Lip Exercises

    Open your mouth in a wide circle, and trace your tongue around your lips. Maintain contact at all times while you are doing this, even if it is slow at first. Repeat this several times.

    Another exercise creates a bit of sound. While keeping your mouth closed tightly, make loud slurping noises without sipping any liquid first. Your lips might feel different than normal if you do too many of these exercises; you can quit when your lips start to tingle.

Vocal Techniques

    These exercises that include the tongue and your voice can be fun and entertaining. Start by simply opening and closing your mouth while using your vocal chords. You will end up with something sounding like a repeated "ma-ma." Then you need to start saying sounds of notes in the '"la-la" form.

    Make the latter sounds as fast as possible but with as much accuracy in pronunciation as you can. Then follow by a "ka-ka" sound, then a "ka-la" sound. Do these in order, repeating them several times while maintaining speed and accuracy. Follow by gargling with warm water as loud as possible. After doing these stretches for some time, you will notice a decreased amount and loudness of snoring.

Holistic Diet for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder than usually starts to present itself in individuals between the ages of 30 and 50. Although it is less common than osteoarthritis, it is more debilitating. The cause of this disorder is not completely understood, but it begins with the immune cells attacking the regular cells. The first symptoms include pain and swelling of the joints that progresses at various rates. While there is currently no cure for this condition, there are some treatments to ease the pain, some of which emphasize holistic dietary changes.

Monitor Your Weight

    If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, it is necessary to be as close to normal body weight as possible. Any extra weight increases the burden on your joints, causing additional stress and pain.

    Consume plenty of fiber and water, which will help flush out chemicals and toxins in the body. Your body naturally reacts badly to chemicals, which can weaken the immune system further, and this reaction causes any pre-existing medical condition to worsen.

Foods to Include

    There are numerous foods that can help relieve some of the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Eat fiber-rich foods such as wheat, barley, oats, brown rice and millet in the purest, whole-grain form available.

    Other foods valued for their natural oils and fats, vitamins and mineral content include green vegetables such as broccoli, parsley and celery; seaweed; carrots; avocados; pecans; and coldwater fish such as salmon or sardines. Barley and wheat grass are also recommended for their anti-inflammatory, detoxifying properties.

Foods to Exclude

    It is as important to know which foods to avoid as it is to know which foods to eat. In particular, foods from the "nightshade" family---including potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes and peppers---trigger flareups in many people with arthritis, so avoid these for a month to see if some symptoms subside.
    Avoid foods that are high in oxalic acid, including rhubarb, plums, chard and spinach.

    Other foods to eliminate include saturated fats, dairy products, buckwheat, red meat, poultry, animal fats, refined sugar, excess salt, nuts and oil-rich seeds, caffeine and alcohol.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Cellulitis Prevention & Naturopathic Cures

Cellulitis is a bacterial skin infection that commonly strikes the leg. Symptoms include inflammation, redness, tenderness and swelling. The offending bacteria enter through a crack or break in the skin that might have resulted from wounds, dermatitis or insect bites among other things. It is potentially life-threatening condition. Without proper treatment it can spread rapidly to the connective tissue, lymph nodes and bloodstream. You need treatment with oral antibiotics for 10 to 14 days. Natural treatments are only appropriate as a complement to standard care. You can do several things to reduce your risk of cellulitis.

Preventing Cellulitis

    Clean any wounds daily with soap and water. Use a topical antibiotic like Neosporin to protect your wound from bacteria. Keep your wound covered with a bandage or some sort of dressing and change it every day or anytime it gets wet or dirty. Keep an eye out for infection; see your doctor if you notice redness, pain or pus.

    If you have a condition like diabetes or poor circulation, you want to take extra precautions to prevent cellulitis. Keep your skin moisturized to prevent cracking and peeling and check your skin on a regular basis for cracks and cuts.

Complementing Conventional Care Naturally

    Certain natural supplements can aid its tissue healing, reduce pain and inflammatin and complement the antibacterial action of antibiotics. Do not use these supplements without talking to your doctor. Seeking the guidance of a health care provider experienced in natural medicine is advised.

    The University of Maryland Medical Center suggests the following natural supplements might be appropriate supplements to conventional care. Vitamin C (1,000 mg two to six times a day), vitamin E (400 to 800 IU daily) and zinc (30 mg daily) encourage wound healing and strengthen immunity.

    Bromelain (250 mg three times a day) can ease swelling and inflammation; Echinacea (1,000 mg three times a day) encourages immunity, which can help fight off the bacteria.

    Pycnogenol (200 mg daily) and gotu kola (60 mg twice a day) promote skin health. Do not use gotu kola if you suffer from anxiety or high blood pressure.

    Certain herbs can be applied topically to treat infection and inflammation. Use yarrow, approved in Great Britain for infection and inflammation, in a sitz bath. Use 100 grams of powder for every 5 gallons of warm or hot water in your tub. Soak as long as desired. Make a paste from goldenseal root and slippery elm and apply twice a day. They are anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Mix the contents of one capsule of each with a bit of water.

Pinworms Anti-itch Remedy

Pinworms are intestinal parasites that reproduce in the large intestine. Each female pinworm is capable of laying 15,000 eggs. Most people don't want to talk about this parasite if they are having trouble, and they really don't want to exhibit any of the symptoms. The truth is, however, that having pinworms can be a serious problem that can easily be spread to others. Because of this, it is important to eliminate the parasites, not just in the person who is displaying symptoms, but in everyone in the household who comes in contact with the affected person.

Increase Your Fiber Intake

    Dietary fiber works to increase mucus in the digestive tract, making it less likely that pinworms will be able to get a grip on the intestinal walls. All beans and whole grains are food sources that are very high in dietary fiber. Breakfast cereals made of oats and bran also have sufficiently high doses of dietary fiber.

    An increase in fiber can be accompanied by consuming more garlic also. Garlic has antifungal and antibacterial properties that help to get rid of pinworms.

Home Treatment

    Whether you are dealing with pinworms in your children, in yourself or in both, using a natural remedy is a gentle way to give your system a cleansing and remove these itch-causing parasites that spread easily from one person to the next and that can remain alive for several days without a human host.

    Licorice root, marshmallow, wormwood and agrimony all provide a soothing supportive effort to the digestive tract. If these remedies fail to solve the problem, it may be necessary to ask your doctor for a prescription medication. Albendazole (Albenza) and Pyrantel (Pin-X) are the two most commonly prescribed medications for treating pinworms.

Clean It Up

    As clich as it may sound, practicing ultimate cleanliness is a very vital key to getting rid of the itch and the actual pinworms themselves. All bedding, linens, towels, clothing, stuffed animals and, basically, everything and everywhere in the house must be cleaned and treated as though it has been infected with pinworms.

    Keep hand sanitizer around and encourage everyone to use it often. Pumpkin seeds, papaya and garlic are fatal to pinworms, so try to consume these with serious intention. Avoid refined sugar and too many starches as they provide a breeding ground for pinworms. Looking for an emergency solution? Try inserting a whole clove of raw peeled garlic into the anus at night to zap itching and stun pinworms.

Home Remedy for Scabies in Humans

Scabies are a type of parasitic mite that are highly contagious and will spread until all of the mites as well as the eggs they lay are killed by a treatment. Scabies survive up to four days away from a human body, so it is possible to catch them from someone's clothing or bedding. Scabies is traditionally treated with a prescription anti-parasitic medicine, known as a scabicide. However, there are also natural home remedies that are also used to treat this infestation.

Drumstick Leaves

    You may have to search around a bit to find drumstick leaves as they are not commonly found in your local grocer's produce section but may be available at a specialty or gourmet grocer or garden shop. Take approximately 400 to 500 g of juice from the drumstick leaves by extraction method.

    Mix the same amount of sesame seed oil with the drumstick leaves juice and boil the mixture until the water has boiled out. Allow to cool before applying daily over infected areas. There is an anti-microbial action that works as an insecticidal and helps to cure scabies.

Natural Remedies

    Several natural remedy products are said to be a home remedy for scabies. One is an Indian oil called Margosa oil, which is an anti-fungal as well as an anti-bacterial. Menthol has cooling properties and is available in products like peppermint, ginger mint and mountain mint to cure scabies.

    Aloe Vera is available in a lotion, cream or gel, and can be applied topically to cure scabies. Gently massage any of these natural remedies into the area to relieve itching without any side effects. As with any home remedy you choose, watch closely for improvements or discontinue use and consult a medical professional.

Gentle Momentum

    For certain, when bursitis strikes and topical solutions along with oral directives provide some relief, it's time to add some gentle momentum to the area that's causing the problem. This will help to increase the circulation and blood flow and promote additional healing. The key is to recognize your body's limitations during the healing process and not to push too hard to return to normal, fully functional use of the area that's injured.

    If the problem is your shoulder or elbow, try a few minutes of exercise by swinging the joint. Dr. Edward Resnick of Temple University Hospital advises that you don't want to overstretch but you also don't want to get a stiff shoulder. Resnick suggests use a chair and lean forward with your good arm, allowing the problem area to swing in circles clockwise and counterclockwise, side to side and back and forth.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Natural Remedy for Bladder Infection in Men

Bladder infections, though most common in women, can occur to males. They usually cause painful and frequent urination, lower back pain and sometimes nausea and chills. If not treated, the infection can spread to the kidneys and can cause irreparable damage. There are, however, natural measures that can be taken to combat a bladder infection.

Stay Hydrated

    Staying hydrated is key to treating a bladder infection, as it promotes regular urination and helps flush the urinary system. Drink lots of water and avoid caffeinated beverages such as tea, coffee and soda. Hot tea can be helpful, but make sure it is herbal and non-caffeinated, as caffeine is an irritant to the bladder and urinary tract and will only make it more painful. And even though some sodas are caffeine-free, the sugar and sugar substitutes can irritate an infected bladder, as well.
    Fruit juices, particularly cranberry juice, are very helpful, as the natural acidity acts as an astringent to your bladder and urinary tract and helps remove bacteria. Other 100 percent juices high in vitamin C and antioxidants will work, as well. Avoid juices that contain high amounts of added sugar or corn syrup, which can dehydrate your body.

Natural Remedies

    Look for echinacea, goldenseal and vitamin C online or at your local market or health food store. Many manufacturers sell these in combination treatments, extracts, capsules or herbal teas. These supplements are great immune system boosters and help the healing process. Take at least 90mg of vitamin C and between 500 and 1,000mg of echinacea and goldenseal daily.
    Uva ursi (bearberry) and buchu help cleanse the bladder and urinary tract and promote healthy urination. Cranberry (both the juice and fruit) has been shown to be effective in promoting urinary tract and bladder health. Drink it regularly, but remember to consume other beverages as well, especially water.
    In addition, sarsaparilla is soothing to the urinary tract and bladder when urination is painful and/or slow.

When to See a Doctor

    If the infection doesn't improve or disappear within seven to 10 days then you should see a doctor, as it could be a sign of a more serious infection or condition. Most likely, your doctor will prescribe an antibiotic.

How to Make a Natural Treatment for Boils

This gentle and natural treatment for boils helps to treat boils and the infection that caused it. It also helps to help further the healing process of boils. Boils are skin infections that occur in a hair follicle and involve the surrounding skin tissue. Boils are often difficult to treat, and there are no magical quick cures which is why it's important to use a gentle treatment that can be used consistently, such as this one.



    Pour the water into a pan, and heat over high heat. Once bubbles begin to form on the bottom of the pan, remove the pan from the heat.


    Pour the water into a large mixing bowl.


    Pour in the sea salt and epsom salt, and stir the mixture together gently.


    Allow the mixture to cool until it's still warm, but not too hot for the skin. I suggest using your pinky to test the water.


    Add in the lavender oil, tea tree oil and lemon oil. Stir the mixture together gently.


    Dip a strip of clean flannel (or cotton if you don't have flannel) into the mixture. Wring out any excess liquid, then apply over the boil.


    Allow the strip to sit over the boil for 5 minutes, then re soak and apply once more. Continue to do this for 30 minutes.


    Repeat this process 3 times per day, until the boil has healed.

How to Naturally Reduce Scarring

There are many ways to reduce scarring, including some ways to naturally reduce scarring. Though it's always best to treat wounds properly to try and prevent scarring, you can also reduce scarring while the skin is still healing, as well as after the scars have formed. Below are some of the more effective, natural ways to reduce scarring.



    Apply tea tree oil directly to the wound. Tea Tree Oil is the best treatment to use on open wounds to help to prevent scarring. Just apply a few drops to open wounds a couple times a day. It can also be used during the healing process of the skin once the wound has closed.


    Apply a few drops of lavender oil directly to the skin during the healing process to help prevent scarring.


    Apply Vitamin E Oil to the skin during the healing process, as well as once the scars have already formed to help reduce scarring.


    Massage skin during the healing process to help prevent scarring.


    Apply St. John's Wort Oil 2-3 times a day to reduce scarring. St. John's Wort can be used on any skin that is healing or healed and scarred. However, never use St. John's Wort on open wounds.

How to Treat Raynaud's Syndrome through Diet

Raynaud's Syndrome has no simple cures, and one of the easiest ways to treat Raynaud's Syndrome and its symptoms is to make diet changes. Raynaud's Syndrome is a disease where the small arteries that bring blood to the fingers and toes spasm, usually due to either being exposed to cold, or stress triggers.



    Avoid drinking caffeine, both are vasoconstrictive and can further complicate Raynaud's Syndrome. Don't just pass on the coffee, avoid caffeinated sodas and chocolate as well.


    Avoid alcohol, which is a stimulant and can also further complicate Raynaud's Syndrome. It has the same type of affect on Raynaud's Syndrome that caffeine does.


    Add more garlic and onion to your diet. Garlic and onion both are known for aiding with circulatory problems. Try to add more of both to your diet. Try using them in seasonings and marinades or even salad dressings. You can even get extra garlic into your diet by taking it in a supplemental form if you don't like the taste.

Monday, July 18, 2016

How to Make a Cellulite Body Scrub

This cellulite body scrub helps to treat cellulite. This cellulite body scrub also helps to prevent future cellulite in the areas it's applied to. I suggest using this cellulite body scrub treatment 2-3 times per week, but it can be used more frequently for more severe cases of cellulite.



    Pour the cornmeal, oatmeal and dead sea salt into a glass jar.


    Drop in the mandarin oil, juniper oil, lemon oil and cypress oil. After you have added all of the oils, use a wooden spoon or spatula to stir the mixture together gently.


    Put the lid over the mixture and store in the fridge. I suggest storing it in the fridge between uses. Don't store directly under the fridge light though, because this can break down the essential oils and weaken them.


    To use, take about a teaspoon of the mixture and massage over damp skin in the area affected by cellulite. Use more of the mixture as needed, focusing on one area of cellulite at a time.


    If you're using it to prevent cellulite, massage into the areas usually affected by cellulite, such as the thighs and buttocks.

How to Treat Osteoarthritis Pain through Diet

A simple way to treat Osteoarthritis pain is through diet. Osteoarthritis is one of the more commong forms of arthritis, and is commonly known for it's pain. There are actually several ways to alter your lifestyle and diet not only help relieve pain caused by osteoarthritis, but also to help prevent osteoarthritis pain in the future.



    Be cautious with anything containing caffeine. And not just the basics like coffee and soda, also be cautious with products like chocolate. Try to keep anything with caffeine as a special occasion only treat.


    Be careful with over the counter drugs. Some over the counter drugs can actually increase osteoarthritis pain. Before taking anything, speak to your doctor or a pharmacist.


    Cut back on the dairy. A diet high in dairy can lead to an increase in pain. Try to limit your dairy for a week to see if it makes a difference, then adjust accordingly.


    Cut back on citrus fruits. Citrus fruits can lead to more pain, try to limit your intake of citrus fruits long enough to see if it makes a difference.


    Limit the wheat in your diet, be especially careful with white flour.