Monday, August 1, 2016

How to Prepare Herbal Home Remedies for Constipation

How to Prepare Herbal Home Remedies for Constipation

This eHow on herbal home remedies shows you how to use herbs to treat constipation. Natural remedies are an inexpensive alternative to pharmaceutical drugs. The Mayo Clinic describes constipation as a gastrointestinal condition in which the patient has very infrequent bowel movements, and passes hard stools. Read on to learn how to prepare herbal remedies for constipation.



    Measure out one part each of licorice root and yellow dock root. Add two parts each angelica and dandelion root and mix the herbs thoroughly. Place eight tablespoons of the herbal mixture into one quart of water and simmer covered for 30 minutes. Drink warm as needed.


    Shred a head of cabbage, one onion and one carrot into a bowl in alternating layers. Cover with 1 cup of sugar. Bring to a boil one cup each of salad oil and vinegar, and one teaspoon each of celery seed, salt, and dry mustard. Pour liquid mixture over vegetables. Refrigerate for one day. When ready to serve, stir well.


    Mix one cup of tomato juice, one-half cup sauerkraut juice and one-fourth cup of carrot juice and drink.


    Drop ten to fifteen dry seedless grapes into milk and then boil the milk. Strain the mixture and save the grapes. Drink the milk and then crew the grapes. Best when taken at night.


    Combine equal parts peppermint, nettle, yerba santa, spearmint, lemon grass, eyebright, fennel seeds, stevia, red clover and lavender flowers. Make a tea of mixture and let stand for ten minutes. Strain and drink.

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