Sunday, August 14, 2016

How to Treat Burns Without Burn Cream

Whether you're allergic to medical burn creams or simply do not like modern medicines, there is an alternative to traditional burn creams that will help heal your burn with minimal scarring. After just a few days of following simple steps with nature's sweet syrup, honey, your burn should heal nicely.



    Rinse the burn area immediately after you've been burned to cool the area down. Use cool tap water or cool bottled water.


    Pat the area dry and do not rub the area.


    Rub honey (preferably organic) onto the burn. Use a generous amount so that the layer is a few millimeters thick on your skin.


    Wrap the burn area in plastic wrap tightly to ensure the honey on the skin will stay on that area.


    Wrap a cloth bandage wrap around the plastic wrap to keep entire bandage secure.


    Repeat steps three through five every two days until wound is healed with minimal scarring.

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