Saturday, August 13, 2016

How to Lower High Blood Pressure Through Diet

The best way to lower high blood pressire is through diet. High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, affects a lot of people, but there's a lot of simple changes you can make to your diet to help to naturally lower your blood pressure. Below are the more effective changes you can make to your diet to naturally help cure high blood pressure.



    Add more vegetables to your diet. Put extra focus on green and leafy vegetables, such as salad greens and asparagus. Asparagus is known to help naturally detoxify the body, flushing out toxins and impurities.


    Avoid hydrogenated oils, such as vegetable shortening, lard and margarine.


    Opt for sea salt, rather than using table salt.


    Try to eat more raw foods, and try to avoid heavily processed foods.


    Increase your Omega 3 Fatty Acids, such as coldwater fish and raw nuts.


    Drink more water. Try drinking mineral water in place of some of your regular water.


    Eat more potassium rich foods. Some of these foods include bananas, sea vegetables and leafy green vegetables.

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