The old adage of RICE--rest, ice, compression and elevation--for swollen ankles and feet from an injury is a tried and true formula that works. However, swelling, also called edema, can occur for other reasons too. The best remedy to solve the problem depends on the cause.
Alternative Remedies for Swelling
Experts have studied several flavonoids that effectively reduce swelling. Flavonoids are water-soluble plant pigments and are available in foods and in supplemental form. Coumarin and hydroxyethylrutoside are two flavonoids that reduce swelling.
Coumarin has been effective for treating chronic lymphedema of the legs when the patient takes 400 milligrams per day, according to a study by Chang, Gan, Fu and Huang in Lymphology.
You can find coumarin in dong quai, lavender, licorice, strawberries, apricots, cherries, cinnamon and sweet clover. Use it only under the direction of a knowledgeable health care provider or physician.
Common herbs used to treat edema in the feet and ankles include butcher's broom, dandelion, stinging nettle, goldenrod, horse chestnut, goose grass (cleavers), uva ursi and parsley.
According to a 1996 study done by RV Cluzan on the treatment secondary lymphedema, 150 milligrams of butcher's broom taken two to three times a day relieves swelling.
Conventional Treatment
Traditional medicine suggests you should use NSAID--non-steroid anti-inflammatory medicine--like ibuprofen for swelling in feet and ankles resulting from injury. This type of swelling also warrants rest and elevation.
However, frequent movement will help reduce swelling caused by water retention. Walk more frequently and avoid standing or sitting in one place for too long.
Also, limit your salt intake if swelling is a problem.
Dr. P. Ponce recommends no more than 2100 milligrams per day to reduce water retention and swelling.
Your doctor can prescribe medicines to reduce swelling. Diuretics, commonly referred to as water pills, will help alleviate swelling caused by water retention. Common prescriptions include Lasix and HydroDIURIL.
In certain circumstance, wearing elastic hosiery and compression socks can help swollen feet and ankles. Check with your health care provider to see if this type of treatment is appropriate for your type of edema.
Drink plenty of water. While it might seem strange to consume more water to your body if it is already holding excess, there are benefits to drinking extra water. Drinking at least 64 ounces of water a day will help flush out toxins and waste that build up with edema.
If your swelling is not from an injury, yoga, bicycle riding and water exercise are all excellent ways to encourage blood flow, reduce water retention and alleviate discomfort.
If any area of only one ankle or foot is swollen or red and painful and your temperature exceeds 100 degrees Fahrenheit--38 degrees Celsius--or the pain is accompanied by a rash, you should be evaluated by your doctor for infection or inflammatory condition.
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