Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Natural Cures for Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is the process where the macula, a part of the retina, is progressively destroyed. It is the part of the eye that is responsible for maintaining proper and normal vision. There are two forms. The atropic (dry) form causes the cells of the macula to accumulate sacs of debris which swell and block off circulation in the blood vessels that serve the macula. The exudative (wet) form causes the blood vessels to swell and leak fluid. Macular degeneration is caused by aging, atherosclerosis, environmental toxins, high blood pressure and smoking. There are herbal treatments which can help.

Beneficial Herbs

    Herbal treatments help with macular degeneration by helping to stop the breakage of blood vessels, preserve nighttime vision and increase ability to see in bright light. Bilberry tablets increase production of rhodopsin, a pigment vital to night vision. Take 120 milligrams three times daily. Gingko tablets halt breakage of blood vessels and increase the supply of oxygen to the eye. Take 160 milligrams divided into two doses daily. Take either grapeseed or pinebark extract to reduce sensitivity to bright lights and glare. They also aid the macular tissue in adjusting to oxygen fluctuations. Take 200 milligrams daily. Choose one or the other, you do not need both as they have the same effect. Quercetin shields the macula from the effects of low oxygen levels. Take 150 milligrams three times a day between meals.

    Do not use ginkgo if you are taking any blood-thinning medication. Do not use quercetin if you are taking Neoral, Sandimmune or Procardia.

Other Suggestions

    Eat foods that contain the compounds lutein and zeaxanthin. These substances improve the health of the macula. Foods that contain them include spinach, corn, orange peppers, kiwi, grapes, summer squash, orange juice and egg yolks. Take 200 to 600 international units of vitamin E daily. It can repair early damage to the macula triggered by excessive exposure to sunlight. Zinc is a defense against toxic-free radicals. Take 30 milligrams daily. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes.

The Best Way to Treat a Sore Throat

Anyone who has ever had a sore throat knows how painful and frustrating it can be to endure. While a sore throat has many causes and may sometimes require medical attention, depending on the symptoms and severity, there are many simple, inexpensive home remedies that may help.

Causes of a Sore Throat

    Causes of a sore throat can include viruses, flu and sinus drainage. Bacteria, such as the type that causes strep, can contribute and cause other symptoms as well. Breathing through the mouth can also cause the throat to dry out, resulting in painful soreness.

    Generally a sore throat is nonthreatening and can be allowed to run its course over a few days to a couple of weeks using simple at-home remedies to treat the symptoms. However, for some viruses and bacteria, or a sore throat lasting more than two weeks, medical treatment may be needed to cure the cause of the symptoms.

Easy Remedies

    Preventing dehydration is key, as the throat needs to stay properly lubricated at all times to avoid soreness. Besides this, there are many easy, at-home remedies that can be used to treat the pain and symptoms of a sore throat.

    Throat sprays and lozenges can provide relief for a few hours and can be bought at most drug and grocery stores. There are also nasal sprays that may aid in relieving sinus drainage that may be causing the sore throat symptoms.

    Gargling with one tsp. of saltwater every hour may help relieve swelling and discomfort.

    Use a vaporizer or humidifier, which may help symptoms by moistening the throat and nasal passages. If you do not have a vaporizer or humidifier, use a shallow pan of water to provide moisture in the air through evaporation.

    Take two over-the-counter acetaminophen or ibuprofen to help control the pain.

    Do not smoke or use other tobacco products, as this can further irritate the throat.

    Mix a cup of warm water with two tsp. honey and lemon juice, and sip.

    Take plenty of vitamin C and zinc. Both will boost your immune system, and zinc will help the symptoms clear up faster.

    Many remedies also involve the use of cayenne powder or chili pepper ground and mixed in with one tsp. of water and gargled every hour. This has also been known to aid in clearing the pain faster.

Aromatherapy for Quitting Smoking

Quitting smoking is one of the hardest things to do. Aromatherapy and essential oils can change moods, however, and provide a positive influence when you're trying to stop smoking. There are aromatherapy combinations that can induce a feeling of calm, and help relieve some of the effects of nicotine addiction. When the next craving for a cigarette hits, try the following essential oil recipes.

Reduce the Effects of Nicotine

    To reduce the effects of nicotine, try blending essential oils of lavender, marjoram, palmarosa, frankincense, cedarwood, vetiver and geranium. Put 10 drops of each essential oil in an equal part of jojoba oil. This can be diffused throughout a home using a simmering pot, or put some of this blend on a handkerchief, and inhale the aroma when a cigarette craving strikes.

Other Options

    Keep individual essential oils such as peppermint, cinnamon or nutmeg handy in small bottles around your home and office, and inhale the aromas when you're tempted to light up.

    Pine essential oil mixed with thyme and ylang-ylang essential oils also can curb cravings. Mix 10 drops of each of these oils with a carrier oil such as jojoba oil, and inhale deeply.

Black Pepper

    Another aromatherapy option for smoking cessation is black pepper oil. This is a single note oil, and it is quite strong. Try a few drops on a tissue or cotton ball, and inhale as needed.

Relaxing Blend

    A relaxing blend of essential oils will ease the stress of quitting smoking for most people. Combine five drops of rosemary, five drops of lemon, three drops of peppermint, three drops of ylang-ylang and one drop of camphor. Diffuse these oils in a simmering pot.


    Try alternating these oil mixtures from day to day. Some essential oils probably will work better for you than others. Experiment to find the best mixture for your needs.

Monday, February 27, 2017

What to Use for a Cough Besides Cough Medicine

Coughing is an attempt to clear the lungs of fluid, mucus or other material preventing the free passage of air or causing irritation. Persistent coughing can become an irritation in itself. Being caught in a loop of irritation, cough, further irritation and continued coughing can become exhausting. Lack of sleep lowers resistance to disease, which can further increase the irritants causing the cough. Suppressing a cough with medicine does nothing to reduce or eliminate the reason it occurs.

Cough Suppressants

    Terpin hydrate with codeine, a licorice and orange peel-flavored elixir, was withdrawn in the late 1980s as an over-the-counter cough remedy. Terpin hydrate was proven by the Food and Drug Administration to be of little to no value in loosening lung secretions vs. treatment with guaifenesin or nothing at all. Codeine's proven cough suppressant ability is outweighed by the danger of addiction from continuous use.

    Dextromethorphan, an ingredient of Robitussin (R), and diphenhydramine, found in Benadryl (R), were shown to be no more effective than no treatment at all in a double-blind study published in 2004, performed at Penn State University. A later study performed in 2006 revealed that honey did provide significant relief.

Historical Remedies

    Sassafras, catnip, onions, ginger, oregano oil, horehound, eucalyptus and pennyroyal have all been used to treat coughs for centuries. Recipes from the late 1800s recommend horehound candy as an effective remedy. Both horehound and eucalyptus cough drops are available at your local drugstore. Sugar and honey were added to sassafras roots that had been rinsed and boiled to make tea. Inhaling the steam while drinking the tea increased its ability to loosen chest congestion. Pennyroyal, horehound and catnip were also used in teas.


    Onions were made into soup or applied to the chest as poultices. Mustard plasters were also believed to be effective at breaking mucus secretions. The heat of the poultice provided comfort, but there is little evidence to prove that it actually reduced the causes or duration of the cough.

Cough Candies

    Cough candy recipes from the 1800s included slippery elm bark, Irish moss, flaxseed, licorice, anise, brown sugar, lemon juice, vinegar, peppermint, wintergreen and horehound leaves. These ingredients were boiled to the hard crack candy stage, poured onto a marble counter to cool, broken into pieces, coated with powdered sugar and stored in tins. They were also rolled into candy sticks and distributed as cough drops.


    Theobromine, an ingredient in tea and chocolate, is the most promising of the newest potential treatments for coughs. In a double-blind study performed in Great Britain, published in the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Journal, the subjects who took theobromine " ... needed about one-third more capsaicin to produce coughing than those who took codeine." Codeine has long ago been proven effective at controlling the cough reflex, but its addictive power outweighs its benefit.

Herbal Treatment for AIDS

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or AIDS, breaks down the immune system and hinders the body from fighting infection. There are many conventional treatments that greatly extend the symptom-free period and are usually taken in a combination known as a cocktail. It is very important to never take any of the suggested herbs in the place of any of these drugs. A particular treatment regimen must be taken exactly as directed by your doctor. Herbal treatments help ease side effects and make relapses less frequent. Always discuss use of herbal medicine with your doctor.

Herbal Treatments

    Aloe juice soothes the digestive tract lining, increasing absorption of nutrients. Take one-fourth cup twice a day. Andrographis decreases viral load and increases T-cell counts. T-cells orchestrate the immune system response to harmful invaders like bacteria, viruses and cancer cells. Take tablets as directed on the label. Astragalus stimulates T-cells and prevents strep infections. Take 1,000 milligrams three times a day. Epimedium stimulates testosterone production and helps stop muscle wasting. See a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner for form and dosage. Saw palmetto also helps with this. Take 320 milligrams twice daily between meals. Licorice increases T-cell counts and keeps immune function intact. Be sure to take a potassium supplement as directed on the label or eat potassium rich foods like bananas and citrus juices while using this herb. Be sure to use the glycyrrhizin form tablets. Take 75 milligrams daily. Use for six weeks at a time with 2 weeks break in between. Maitake is toxic to HIV, the virus that causes AIDS and keeps it from entering cells. Take Maitake-D as directed on the label. Prunella tea prevents HIV from entering and binding to T-cells. Drink one tbsp. in one cup of water three times a day between meals. St. John's Wort contains substances that stop retroviral infections. Shitake decreases the viral load by stopping cell to cell transmission of the virus. Take in powder or capsule form as directed on the label.

    Do not use aloe vera juice if suffering from diarrhea. Do not use astragalus if fever or skin infection is present. Those with prostate disorders should not use epimedium. Avoid licorice if you have glaucoma, high blood pressure or any estrogen- dependent disorders like breast cancer, endometriosis, or fibrocystic breasts. Do not use prunella if you have diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Stay away from St.John's Wort if you are taking antidepressants.

Other Suggestions

    Take 150 milligrams of lipoic acid daily. It fights toxic free radicals and inhibits the destruction action of T-suppressor cells, which inhibit the immune system's ability to fight off infection. Drink at least eight glasses of water daily to prevent kidney problems, especially if you are taking Crixivan. During cold and flu season, the herb scutelleria can prevent viral infections. Take 2,000 mg three times a day. Take 200 mg of glutamine daily along with vitamin C as directed on the label. Glutamine is essential for the production of glutathione (GSH), the body's key free radical fighter. Vitamin C is a GSH cofactor, which is a substance that makes it more effective.

How to Make an Herbal Scalp Rub to Encourage Hair Growth

How to Make an Herbal Scalp Rub to Encourage Hair Growth

Many people suffer from hair loss due to age, hormones or health disorders. If you're having trouble with hair loss, try this scalp rub to remove buildup, and encourage hair to grow back.



    Place the nettle leaf, saw palmetto berry, chamomile, aloe, catnip and rosemary into a food processor or coffee grinder and grind into a fine powder. You may need to pulse the grinder, or move the herbs around a few times to get an even powder.


    Place a couple tablespoons of olive oil into a ramekin or small bowl. Add in the ground herbs.


    Microwave the mix for about 10 seconds, stir well, and microwave for an additional 5 seconds.


    Place a towel around your neck and shoulders, and secure with a clip.


    Use your fingertips to massage the oil blend into your scalp a bit at a time. Be sure to cover the entire scalp. Coating the hair is not necessary. (If you don't like oil on your fingers, you can wear plastic or latex gloves.)


    Once your scalp is covered, wrap a warm towel around your head, or at least put on a shower cap. Allow the oil to stay on for at least 15 to 20 minutes.


    Shampoo and condition your hair as usual, but be sure to wash with warm water and rinse with cool water. You may need to shampoo twice to remove all the oil from your hair. Be careful not to scrub your scalp much.


    Perform these steps at least twice a month. Once a week is better if you have severe loss, particularly due to DHT build-up. (DHT is the cause of hair loss in those with thyroid disorders, as well as aging men.)

How to Treat Eczema with Vitamins

Many people that suffer from Eczema lack the proper vitamins which can be a factor in the development of Eczema and Eczema breakouts. Below are the most important Vitamins needed to help treat Eczema and help prevent Eczema breakouts.



    Take 1,00 mg of Vitamin C, two to three times per day. Vitamin C helps to reduce inflammation and helps promotes healthy skin cell growth and healing of the skin.


    Take 400 IU of Vitamin E daily. Children should take around 200 IU per day. Vitamin E helps to promote healing of the skin and also prevents the oxidation of essential fatty acids.


    Take a Fatty Acid supplement that contains Omega-3, 6, and 9 fatty acids. If you can't find a product like this, just take 1.8 grams of Fish Oil with a 480 mg dosage of EPA. Fatty Acids help to reduce inflammation and relieve dryness, and also helps to heal eczema.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Alternative Melanoma Treatments

Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer and occurs equally in men and women. This cancer develops in the cells that manufacture melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color. It can lay dormant for as many as 50 years after the sunburn that triggered it. Herbal treatments for this condition should be used in conjunction with standard cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation and immunotherapy. Always be sure to let your doctor know if you are taking any sort of supplements.

Herbal Treatments

    Astragalus increases effectiveness of IL-2, a common immunotherapy treatment that mimics our body's own IL-2 cells, that is used in melanoma cases. It also increases production of natural killer cells, which destroy cells with damaged DNA. Take 1,000 milligrams three times a day. Cat's claw tincture also stimulates production of natural killer cells. Take as directed on the label in cup of water with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Kudzu contains daidzen, which halts the growth of certain types of melanoma. Take 10 milligrams three times daily. Soy isoflavone concentrate also contains this substance and gives the same benefit. Take 3,000 milligrams daily. You may choose one or the other and do not need to take both. Lentinan can slow the invasion of melanoma to cells in other parts of the body. This is taken in powder form and should be used in a dosage given by a healthcare provider. Polysaccharide kureha (PSK) slows the spread of melanoma to the lungs. Take 6,000 milligrams daily. Reishi increases the body's production of IL-2. Take 3,000 milligrams daily. Siberian ginseng is helpful for forms of cancer that are responding to immunotherapy, a common treatment in melanoma. Take pure eleuthero extract as directed on the label with 1/4 cup of water.

    Do not use astragalus if you have an infection or fever. Avoid cat's claw if you are taking insulin for diabetes. Soy isoflavone concentrate can cause upset stomach. If this occurs, stop using and take kudzu instead.

Other Suggestions

    Avoid getting sunburn but still get regular sun exposure. It is necessary to produce vitamin D, which helps melanoma cells return to a regular growth and reproduction cycle. Aim for at least 20 minutes a day in the early morning or late afternoon. Eat a lot of orange and yellow fruits and vegetables as well as green leafy vegetables. They contain vitamin A, which complements vitamin D. A study published in the December 1996 Journal of the American Medical Association found that selenium reduced the spread of melanoma cells. Take 150 milligrams daily.

Trigger Point Treatment

Trigger Point Treatment

Life can get quite stressful, and it can wreak havoc on the body. If the mind is overwhelmed, it is likely that the body will feel overwhelmed. Many people have uncomfortable muscle pain from this stress overload, but trigger point treatment can help alleviate symptoms.


    Knots are commonly found in the back.

    Trigger points are more commonly known as knots. They are located within the tissue fiber of our skeletal muscles, and can become uncomfortable and painful. There are two types of trigger points, active and latent. An active trigger point will be painful without stimulation, while a latent trigger point is only painful when provoked. The knots are mostly found in the mid- and upper-back, neck muscles and calves. They can be caused by poor posture, stress, strain and muscular trauma.

Manual Trigger Point Therapy

    Manual therapy

    There are two ways to treat knots, the first of which being manual trigger point therapy. The therapist will apply pressure gradually with his thumb directly onto the patient's trigger point, causing pain. When the patient has indicated that the aching he feels is at 70 percent of his pain threshold, the therapist then keeps his thumb at that level of pressure for 90 seconds in order to break up the knot. After the therapist removes his finger, the patient should feel a decrease in muscle tightness.

Low-Level Laser Therapy


    The second and most popular method is low-level laser therapy, in which a laser is applied to the trigger point for a specific amount of time. The length of the procedure changes when other variables are manipulated because the time is determined by the laser's set level of intensity. The laser encourages cell generation, which can repair tissue and relieve pain.

Colloidal Silver for MRSA Cure

Colloidal silver, or silver particles in suspension, has been shown in laboratory studies to reduce MRSA bacteria to below the level of detection in less than 5 hours. Even a colloidal silver solution at 1% and 75 ppm reduced the MRSA bacteria to less than the level of detection in 24 hours. It is important to know the science behind colloidal silver to protect against unscrupulous marketers.

Colloidal Silver Effective Against MRSA

    EMSL Analytical, one of the leaders in environmental laboratory testing, tested colloidal silver on the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, bacteria. The colloidal silver was tested at 20 ppm and 75 ppm in a 1% and 10% solution. By 24 hours, all solutions had reduced the MRSA to below the level of detection.

Nanoparticles in Solution

    Colloidal silver is growing in popularity as an alternative remedy for many health issues. The quality of the colloidal silver is an important factor in its effectiveness. Colloidal silver has been used for over 100 years as an antibacterial and is used allopathically in hospitals for burns. Silver ions, however, are not colloidal silver. An ion is a silver atom that is missing one electron, giving it a positive charge. These ions need water to stay in solution. When ingested, silver ions combine with chlorine to form silver chloride in the body. The silver chloride is then filtered through the kidneys and eliminated. Very little silver stays in the body. Colloidal silver uses nanoparticles of silver that will enter the bloodstream and, in theory, kill pathogens, according to Francis Kay of the Colloidal Science Laboratory.


    Argyria is a condition that happens when a person who is in contact with or ingests silver salts (for example, silver chloride) for a prolonged period. According to WebMD, there is some suggestion that a person's susceptibility to argyria is genetic. Silver workers, people who make artificial pearls and people who ingest large quantities of colloidal silver can get argyria. Argyria turns the skin a bluish-gray color and is irreversible. Highly concentrated ionic silver may cause argyria in a solution of over 100 ppm.

Ions, Particles or Protein

    There is much controversy about colloidal silver and much misleading and confusing information. Ionic silver is clear in color and is produced through electrolysis. It is not colloidal silver. There is some controversy about its effectiveness, and whether it can actually stay active In the body. Francis Kay of the Colloidal Science Laboratory has questioned if enough ionic silver enters the bloodstream to be effective in killing pathogens. Mild silver protein is silver particles suspended in a polymer. The polymer is usually gelatin or casein, which are both proteins. There is some question about the safety of these suspensions, because bacteria can live in the protein chains. Nanoparticle colloidal silver is colloidal silver suspended in water. It is an amber color due to the particles in suspension.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Natural Cures for Hodgkins Lymphoma

Hodgkins lymphoma is a cancer of the lymph tissue which stores most of the body's immune function. Lymph tissue is organized into lymph nodes in various parts of the body. The cancer most commonly strikes young boys and older men. There are natural treatments that can help with this condition, but it is important to use them in conjunction with standard cancer treatments. Always be sure to tell your doctor if you are taking any supplements. The herbs listed here should only be used by adults.

Herbal Treatments

    Astragalus stimulates T-cells, which are the immune cells responsible for fighting off infection and harmful effects from bacteria, viruses and cancerous cells. Take 1,000 mg three times daily. Do not use astragalus if you have a fever or a skin infection.
    Siberian ginseng increases T-cell production and activity. Take it in the form of eleutherococcus extract as directed on the label.
    There are two Chinese medicinal formulas that are commonly used to treat this form of cancer. Capital Chi Pill helps deal with many of the issues caused by Hodgkins lymphoma, such as shortness of breath, soreness and weakness in the lower back, light-headedness, vertigo, tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and hearing loss. Six Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia (Liu Wei Di Huang Wan) relieves bone pain that often accompanies this cancer.

Other Suggestions

    Do not take vitamin C in the sodium ascorbate form. A study published in a 1979 edition of the "Scottish Medical Journal" found that this form caused a flare-up of symptoms. Acerola, a natural form of vitamin C, does not have this effect. Take it as directed on the label.
    Avoid ham and liver. A study published in the March 1990 edition of "Nutrition and Cancer" found that these meats worsened symptoms of the disease.
    There is an active protein, called thymopoietin, in beef spleen that can reduce the loss of immune defenses during chemotherapy. A common brand is Golden Spleen 500, made by Enzymatic Therapy.

Herbal Treatment for Lupus

Lupus is a condition that causes chronic inflammation of the connective tissue. It results from the body's white blood cells mistakenly attacking its own organs. Antibodies that normally attack harmful organisms latch onto and attack DNA in the skin cells. This condition usually follows a pattern of periodic attacks followed by remissions. Herbal treatments should be used to make conventional treatments like steroids more effective, minimize side effects and maintain control of the condition on days when steroids are not taken. Be sure to tell your doctor about any supplements you are taking.

Herbal Treatments

    Chamomile tea can halt the formation of IL-8, which can destroy tissue. Be sure to use German chamomile and drink a cup at a time as desired. Codonopsis lessens the formation of antibodies that target the DNA of healthy cells. Take 1,000 milligrams three times a day. Feverfew alleviates inflammation and pain in the joints. Take 1,000 milligrams daily for as long as the symptoms are present. Hawthorn relieves fatigue. Take 250 milligrams three times a day. Hoelen helps the immune system stop inflammation. It is particularly good at protecting kidney tissue. Mix one cup of tea with 1.5 g of hoelen. Let the tea steep 20 minutes before drinking. Drink one cup three times a day. Licorice relieves pain and inflammation and increases the effectiveness of steroids, particularly prednisolone. Take 200 to 800 mg daily and use for six weeks at a time with a two week break in between. Be sure to use the glycyrrhizin form of licorice. Milk thistle cleanses and protects the liver. Take as directed on the product label. Stinging nettle root stops arthritic inflammation and helps prevent tissue damage. Take 900 mg daily.

    Do not use feverfew if any allergic reactions occur. Avoid hoelen if you have any long-term condition that produces excessive urination. Stay away from licorice if you have glaucoma, high blood pressure or an estrogen dependent disorder such as endometriosis, breast cancer or fibrocystic breasts.

Other Suggestions

    Take 500 mg of black currant oil twice a day. It is a rich source of GLA (gamma-linolenic acid), which is particularly effective against inflammation. It is also found naturally in flaxseed cereals and oils, and sardines. Take 600 mg of vitamin E three to four times a week. Vitamin E deficiencies are common in people on steroid therapy. Additionally, a study published in the December 1994 Romanian Journal of Internal Medicine found that vitamin E deficiency was usually present in people suffering from lupus before a flare-up of symptoms occurred. Take 500 mg of L-carnitine daily if you experience fatigue after exertion. This substance assists the heart muscle in using fat to make energy. Get your iron supply from food sources unless you are anemic or otherwise instructed to take a supplement by your doctor. Iron in supplement form can cause pain, swelling and joint destruction in people with lupus. Birth control pills can cause flare-ups, so another method of contraception may be more beneficial.

Natural Pink Eye Relief

Pink eye is a common infection of the eye that most people have had at least once in their life. In many cases, pink eye will clear up on its own and does not require medical attention. That said, to let an infection like this run its course is a luxury many of us do not have. Fortunately, there are many methods of natural pink eye relief that are quite effective.

Keeping Clean

    To try and keep the infection contained to one eye or not spread it to others avoid touching the eye that is infected. Keep the eye clean by swabbing it regularly with a cotton ball and sterile water. Warm water may also help soothe any irritation you are experiencing.


    To get rid of an infection, you need an antiseptic. Honey is a natural antiseptic that many people use to clear up pink eye. Mix a few drops of honey with warm sterile water and do an eye wash with this mixture. This will sting.


    To boost the healing and to relieve the discomfort of pink eye you can use chamomile tea bags or steeped chamomile tea. Either lay the soaked tea bag on the infected eye for 10 minutes at a time or soak the infected eye in the steeped chamomile tea using an eye wash cup.

Alternative Osteoporosis Treatment

Osteoporosis is marked by porous and easily broken bones. This condition can affect both genders but most cases occur in women past menopause. The bones become weak and brittle and can fracture easily due to a loss of minerals such as calcium, lowered estrogen levels and slower regeneration of new, stronger bone. Fractures, decrease in height due to fractured vertebrae, changed posture and curvature of the spine can all occur with osteoporosis. However, there are many natural treatments which can help improve bone health and relieve pain caused by the condition.

Beneficial Herbs

    Alfalfa contains vitamin K which initiates bone regrowth. Take 1,000 to 2,000 mg in capsule form daily or eat a handful of fresh sprouts every day. Feverfew is an effective herbal pain reliever and anti-inflammatory. Take the freeze-dried herb in capsule form as directed on the label. Hawthorn stabilizes collagen, which is a strong flexible protein vital for strong bones. Take 250 mg three times a day. Por Huesos tea encourages bone growth. Drink 1 cup three times daily between meals. Soy isoflavone concentrate helps transport calcium from the bloodstream to the bones. Take 3,000 milligrams daily.

    Do not use alfalfa is you are taking any blood thinning medications or if you are pregnant. Do not use feverfew if you are pregnant.

    Herbs, like pharmaceutical agents, are tested to determine their therapeutic range, which is the smallest dose that provides any change in condition to the largest dose safe for consumption. While herbs are generally safe and non-toxic, stick to suggested amounts to avoid possible negative side effects. Taking more is not likely to produce additional benefit.

Other Suggestions

    Use calcium citrate supplements. It is the form best absorbed by the body. Take at least 1,000 mg daily. Eat salads to help prevent fractures. Salad greens are rich in vitamin K, which assists bones with using protein to make collagen, which acts like a glue for bone structure. Vegetables rich in vitamin K are iceberg lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, kale, romaine lettuce and spinach. Aim for at least 1 serving per day. Avoid supplementing with vitamin A. A Swedish study of 66,651 women published in the November 1998 edition of "Annals of Internal Medicine" found that every milligram (3,000 international units) of vitamin A taken over the recommended daily allowance (RDA) increased the risk of bone fracture by 68 percent. It reduces bone density. The RDA for men is 5,000 international units and 4,000 for women.

    Try to exercise regularly if approved by your doctor. Strength training and light weightlifting reduce risks of falling and improve bone density. Eggs, garlic and onions contain sulfur, which is needed for healthy bones. Avoid yeast products and soft drinks. They contain phosphorus, which competes with calcium for absorption by the body. Blueberries, cherries and cherry juice contain substances called proanthocyanidins that stabilize collagen and help keep bones intact.

Friday, February 24, 2017

How to Cure Loss of Appetite

Stress, infections, medications and disease are a few of over a hundred causes of loss of appetite. When dealing with loss of appetite, you have to act quickly since water and food are needed for survival. If left untreated, this condition can weaken your immune system and deprive your body of the necessary nutrients it needs. By employing all the natural remedies below, you can naturally and safely increase your appetite.



    Take astragalus herb in capsule form. This herb includes potent compounds called flavonoids which help strengthen your digestive system to help stimulate your appetite. Take one 500 mg capsule twice daily preferably with food.


    Eat plenty of bitter gourd. This bitter vegetable contains potent compounds including charantin, momordicine and lectins that can help sharpen your appetite and helps in the whole digestion process. Add bitter gourd to your diet every day.


    Take slippery elm bark tablets. Slippery elm includes potent polysaccharides that aid in digestion and stimulate your appetite. The recommended dosage is two 500 mg tablets once daily preferably with food.


    Consume yarrow flower in tablet form. The internal use of this powerful herb treats all digestive ailments and provides you with energy thereby encouraging appetite. Consume two 325 mg tablets three times daily, preferably with food.


    Consume dandelion tablets. This potent flower includes the compound inulin which acts as a mild laxative while promoting increased digestion and appetite. It is recommended to take a 750 mg tablet twice daily, preferably with food.

Natural Cure for Herpes Simplex 2

There are two types of herpes, herpes simplex virus type 1 and herpes simplex virus type 2. Herpes simplex type 2, also called genital herpes, is the more severe of the two because it causes sores and itching on the genital area. It can be transmitted through sexual contact. Common symptoms are painful sores on the genitals, burning and itching, but there are other symptoms as well. These symptoms can be flu-like and can cause painful urination. Symptoms may not appear for 4 to 8 days after exposure to the virus. There are some natural remedies that can help relieve the symptoms, but there is no cure for herpes simplex 2.


    Echinacea is a highly recommended herb for boosting the immune system that is important to avoiding outbreaks and relieving symptoms caused by the herpes virus. You can take echinacea three ways--tea, capsule and tincture. If you are taking it in tea form, the recommended dosage is 3 to 4 cups a day. If you decide to take echinacea capsules, the recommended dosage is 2 capsules, 3 times a day. If you plan to take it in tincture form, the recommended dosage is tsp., 3 times a day. It is recommended to take echinacea for a period of 3 months and after, during outbreaks.

Immune Support Tea

    Pau d'arco is another recommended herb to include in your diet for 3 to 6 months. You can take it in tea form, tablet and tincture with the same recommended dosages as the echinacea. There is a special way to use pau d'arco in tea form and that includes using 4 parts pau d'arco, 2 parts echinacea and 1 part burdock root. Optional ingredients include cinnamon, orange peel or licorice root for taste. Take 4 to 6 tbsp. of the herb mixture per 1 qt. water and mix. Strain and drink 3 to 4 cups every day.

Reduced Stress Tea

    Reducing stress is another important role in avoiding an outbreak of genital herpes and reducing its symptoms. You can make a reduced stress tea using 4 parts nettle, 3 parts oat straw, 3 parts chamomile, 1 part St. John's Wort, 1 part skullcap and 1 part passion flower. Take 4 to 6 tbsp. of this mixture per 1 qt. water and mix. Drink freely throughout the day when there are high levels of stress in your life.

Herbal Bath

    An herbal bath can help relieve symptoms caused by herpes simplex virus type 2. Try an herbal bath blend with 3 parts chamomile, 1 part dry instant oatmeal, 1 part hops, 1 part comfrey leaf, 2 parts calendula and 1 part comfrey root. Mix these herbs together and place a handful or two in a handkerchief or a cotton bath bag. Tie it to the nozzle and let the hot water pour over it. Untie and let it flow freely in the water with you.

Astringent Bath

    Taking an astringent bath can help relieve the symptoms of herpes also. An astringent bath includes 1 oz. dry chaparral leaves, 1 to 2 drops of tea tree oil and 4 tbsp. baking soda. Mix these together dry, and then mix them in oil. Do the same with this mixture as the herbal bath to help relieve the symptoms of the virus.

Alternative Treatments for Shin Splints

Shin splints are a painful condition that can become increasingly worse if not treated. Fortunately, treating shin splints at home is an easy task. The process just takes a bit of planning and finding time to rest and let the body heal itself. However, there are also more aggressive alternative treatments for shin splints that are widely available.


    Shin splints can be an extremely painful condition. It is important to consult a physician and obtain X-rays to confirm that the diagnosis is a shin splint and not a stress fracture. However, after the diagnosis is confirmed, there are alternative treatments to shin splints that can help you avoid taking pharmaceuticals to correct the problem. In fact, the primary recommendations from alternative medicine professionals include a specialized diet and rest.


    When treating shin splints, it is essential to consume a diet of healing. Eating foods that are rich in protein, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids will help repair your damaged muscles. Rest is also essential in your recovery. Use your affected leg as little as possible for two weeks. According to the Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine, begin taking short walks after the two-week period is over, provided that you ice your leg prior to walking and use crisscross taping.


    One of the advantages of using an alternative medicine regime is that you will not be limited to a specific type of treatment. For example, the suggestions above are used in Western alternative medicine, but you may also find Eastern alternative medicine useful. For example, shin splints have been known to respond very well to acupuncture. There are also herbal tinctures that you can take and oils to massage into your sore leg. An herbalist or homeopathic doctor can recommend the right combination for you.


    Eating well and resting to treat shin splints will show how miraculous the human body is and how it is able to heal itself. Alternative medicine is the best approach for a condition such as this because it does not numb you to the sensitivity of your injury. You instead pay attention to how quickly you recover, and with this awareness you will not become active before you are ready.


    It is said that prevention is the best medicine and this is especially true for shin splints. Once you are finished with alternative treatment, continue eating a healthy diet, exercise and be sensitive to your injury. Purchase athletic shoes that fit properly with both lateral and arch support. Make sure to stretch-out before workouts and walk to cool down after a workout is over.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Natural Cures for Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is a hair loss condition that causes onset of baldness to occur in round spots of the scalp. The cause of this condition is unknown, although it is considered to be a hereditary condition. There are some prescription medications that can help with the condition, although many people opt for natural cures first.

Essential Oils

    Some essential oils can be used as a natural remedy for alopecia areata. When massaged into the affected area on a daily basis, these oils have shown improvement in about 45 percent of the people who tried them. This combination oil is made up of thyme, lavender and rosemary. There have been no reported side effects in those who tried this natural cure, although some people who have allergies may notice a reaction.

Onion Juice

    Onion juice is another natural remedy that has garnered results for sufferers of this affliction. In a study by the Journal of Dermatology, more than 86 percent of people who tried onion juice saw improvement in hair loss. This occurred after six weeks of use. It is important to note that the biggest improvement occurred in the males of the group; however, onion juice is still a natural remedy that any with alopecia areata can try.

He Shou Wu

    He Shou Wu is a natural Chinese herb that has been used for years in China to help with hair loss, as well as with those suffering from graying. This herb also offers natural help for those who suffer from alopecia areata, when used for at least three to six months. It is a tonic that is applied directly to the affected areas of the scalp.


    Hypnosis has also been used as a natural hair cure for those suffering from alopecia areata. In one study, 28 patients were treated with hypnosis, and all of them scored lower afterwards for anxiety and for depression. After three to eight hypnotherapy sessions, 12 of those patients saw re-growth in their hair from 75-100 percent. In nine people, a total re-growth of their hair occurred.

Ultraviolet Rays

    Some studies have shown that controlled exposure to ultraviolet rays has helped in some cases of alopecia areata. This is also known as phototherapy, and can help with certain conditions of the skin. It is a natural treatment that must be regulated carefully, as it can also be harmful when exposure to the rays is too high.

How to Reverse Bronchitis and Asthma After Quitting Smoking

The two types of chronic obstructive diseases (COPD) are bronchitis and asthma, conditions that refer to the difficulty of breathing out used air from your lungs. One primary cause of these diseases is tobacco abuse, including second hand smoke. If left untreated, COPD can weaken your lungs and cause numerous infections and other complications. By using all the natural remedies below, you can strengthen your lungs and reverse the symptoms associated with smoking.



    Eat foods high in magnesium daily. Magnesium acts by soothing your respiratory airway to allow more air to flow through. Foods rich in magnesium include beans, peanuts and pumpkin seeds.


    Add onions to your diet daily. Onions include potent sulfur substances that lower lung tissue inflammation related to asthma and bronchitis.


    Consume foods rich in selenium daily. This powerful compound maintains lung tissue elasticity while reducing the inflammation associated with bronchitis and asthma. Foods high in selenium include wheat germ, lentils and cashew nuts.


    Take ascorbic acid (vitamin C) tablets daily. Ascorbic acid is an antioxidant that treats bronchitis and asthma by helping your body eliminate the free radicals that inflame your airways, causing mucus to thicken. One 500 mg tablet taken daily is the recommended dosage of vitamin C.


    Add tofu to your diet every day. Tofu is made from soy beans, which are rich in antioxidants called flavonoids. They act by reducing inflammation in the airways of your lungs enabling you to breathe easier. Tofu also helps prevent against lung cancer.

Apple Cider Vinegar Sinus Relief

Apple cider vinegar, unlike other vinegars, is often used for its health purposes. It is thought to kill bacteria in the body and alleviate symptoms of infection.


    Apple cider vinegar is made from fermented apples or cider and has a brownish color. It is most often unfiltered and unpasteurized as a natural product and is very popular due to beneficial health properties.


    Apple cider vinegar aids in a variety of health issues, from regulating glucose levels in those with diabetes, to stimulating weight loss. It can also be used to alleviate pain and bacterial infections such as those in the sinuses.


    To help relieve the pain of sinus pain and pressure, mix 1 to 2 tsp. of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and drink every hour for six to eight hours.You may also add 1/8 cup of the vinegar to a cool-air vaporizer and inhale the air directly for five minutes

Side Effects

    Apple cider vinegar is acidic and can be very harsh, even burning to the throat. Always dilute with water before drinking to avoid burning.

Other Uses

    Apple cider vinegar can be used to treat other conditions such as headache, sore throat, sunburn, urinary tract infections, warts, menstrual problems and even muscle cramps.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Natural Alternative to Zoloft

Zoloft is one of many medicines that people use to treat depression. It belongs to a class of drugs called SSRI's (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), that can cause a number of undesirable side effects such as disturbing dreams, hallucinations, aggressive behavior, sexual dysfunction, digestive issues, headaches, and insomnia. There are many natural treatments that can ease symptoms of depression without these side effects. Be sure to talk to a healthcare professional about treatment options.

Herbal Treatments

    These herbal treatments are safe for long-term continuous use.

    Ginkgo can reverse symptoms of depression. Take 180 milligrams once a day. Kava has a long history of use in treating depression and is especially useful if anxiety is a persistent symptom. Take 120 milligrams daily. Lemon balm treats stomach and digestive issues that can occur as a result of depression. Morinda relieves depression and is known to enhance male sexual function. Take 1,000 to 5,000 milligrams daily. St. John's wort has a long history of use in treating depression. It is especially helpful if the person also experiences tension and exhaustion. Take 900 milligrams daily.

    Do not use gingko if taking blood thinning medication. Kava increases the effects of sedatives and tranquilizers. Do not use St. John's wort if you are taking prescription anti-depressants. It can also decrease the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives.

Chinese Formulas

    Chinese Formulas are most useful for treating depression if one is also experiencing the specific symptoms listed with each formula.

    Biota Seed Pill to Nourish the Heart treats symptoms of depression accompanied by memory loss. Bupleurum Plus Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell Decoction is useful in treating depression in men who also suffer from migraines. Coptis Decoction to Relieve Toxicity is good for those suffering from depression as well as episodes of symptoms that include sinusitis, headaches, nervousness, and facial flushing. Drive Out Stasis from the Mansion of Blood Decoction is good for women who are also experiencing migraines. Additionally, it is good for both men and women who also suffer from depression combined with chest pain, chronic headache, and dry heaving. Fridid Extremities Decoction is good for depression linked with a queasy stomach. Restore the Spleen Decoction treats depression that manifests as severe anxiety, trouble concentrating, mental and physical fatigue, and poor memory.

    Do not use Bupleurum Plus Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell Decoction if you have a fever. Avoid Coptis Decoction to Relieve Toxicity if you are trying to become pregnant.

Other Suggestions

    A study published in a 1998 edition of the Journal of Affective Disorders found that maintaining a normal cholesterol level can help prevent and ease depression. Levels below 160 milligrams per deciliter are strongly linked to anxiety and depression, especially in women between 18 and 27 years of age. Take 200 milligrams of chromium two times a day as well as 500 milligrams of vanadium once a day. Be sure to take these with food. These minerals help regulate blood sugar levels and supply a constant supply of glucose to the brain. Aim for at least 20 minutes of early morning or late afternoon dailysun exposure . It decreases the rate at which serotonin breaks down in the brain Inadequate supplies of the chemical serotonin is a major cause of depression. Exercise daily; it increases the production of serotonin. Eating complex carbohydrates like whole grains can ease acute feelings of nervousness. Protein-based meals containing essential fatty acids can increase alertness.

The Use of Silymarin

The Use of Silymarin

Silymarin, also called milk thistle, is an herbal remedy used for the treatment of liver and gallbladder disorders. Silymarin is also called holy thistle, Mary thistle, silybinin or silybin, and by the name Silybum Marianum.


    Milk thistle leaves are mottled green and white.

    Silymarin has been used medicinally for over 2,000 years. The term "milk thistle" comes from two features of the leaves -- one contains a milky like sap and they other is speckled with white. The seeds are the actual part of the plant that is used for herbal remedies.

How Silymarin is Used

    Each milk thistle seed contains about 5 percent silymarin. When extracted, silymarin is actually a complex group of flavonoids and flavonolignans.
    Although the most popular use of milk thistle is for treatment and cleansing of the liver and gallbladder, the herb is also traditionally used for lowering cholesterol and insulin resistance. It has been researched in the reduction of cancer cells in prostate, cervical and breast cancer.

    Silymarin is typically given in doses ranging between 220 to 240 milligrams twice a day. For Type II diabetes, silymarin has been given as 600 milligrams a day and as much as 1200 milligrams a day for patients with chronic hepatitis C.
    Silymarin is available in capsule and tablet form and also can be made into a tea.


    Milk thistle is part of the plant family that includes ragweed, daisy and chrysanthemum. You may experience allergic reactions to silymarin if you are allergic to other plants in the same family.

Remedies for Swollen Feet & Ankles

Remedies for Swollen Feet & Ankles

The old adage of RICE--rest, ice, compression and elevation--for swollen ankles and feet from an injury is a tried and true formula that works. However, swelling, also called edema, can occur for other reasons too. The best remedy to solve the problem depends on the cause.

Alternative Remedies for Swelling

    The herb, butcher's broom, is used for edema

    Experts have studied several flavonoids that effectively reduce swelling. Flavonoids are water-soluble plant pigments and are available in foods and in supplemental form. Coumarin and hydroxyethylrutoside are two flavonoids that reduce swelling.
    Coumarin has been effective for treating chronic lymphedema of the legs when the patient takes 400 milligrams per day, according to a study by Chang, Gan, Fu and Huang in Lymphology.
    You can find coumarin in dong quai, lavender, licorice, strawberries, apricots, cherries, cinnamon and sweet clover. Use it only under the direction of a knowledgeable health care provider or physician.
    Common herbs used to treat edema in the feet and ankles include butcher's broom, dandelion, stinging nettle, goldenrod, horse chestnut, goose grass (cleavers), uva ursi and parsley.
    According to a 1996 study done by RV Cluzan on the treatment secondary lymphedema, 150 milligrams of butcher's broom taken two to three times a day relieves swelling.

Conventional Treatment

    Conventional treatment for swelling can include ibuprofen

    Traditional medicine suggests you should use NSAID--non-steroid anti-inflammatory medicine--like ibuprofen for swelling in feet and ankles resulting from injury. This type of swelling also warrants rest and elevation.
    However, frequent movement will help reduce swelling caused by water retention. Walk more frequently and avoid standing or sitting in one place for too long.
    Also, limit your salt intake if swelling is a problem.
    Dr. P. Ponce recommends no more than 2100 milligrams per day to reduce water retention and swelling.
    Your doctor can prescribe medicines to reduce swelling. Diuretics, commonly referred to as water pills, will help alleviate swelling caused by water retention. Common prescriptions include Lasix and HydroDIURIL.
    In certain circumstance, wearing elastic hosiery and compression socks can help swollen feet and ankles. Check with your health care provider to see if this type of treatment is appropriate for your type of edema.


    Drink plenty of water. While it might seem strange to consume more water to your body if it is already holding excess, there are benefits to drinking extra water. Drinking at least 64 ounces of water a day will help flush out toxins and waste that build up with edema.
    If your swelling is not from an injury, yoga, bicycle riding and water exercise are all excellent ways to encourage blood flow, reduce water retention and alleviate discomfort.


    If any area of only one ankle or foot is swollen or red and painful and your temperature exceeds 100 degrees Fahrenheit--38 degrees Celsius--or the pain is accompanied by a rash, you should be evaluated by your doctor for infection or inflammatory condition.

Ginger Root Cleansing

The root of the ginger plant, Zingiber officinale, has been used for centuries in many different ways for cleansing. Known for its warm, stimulating properties, ginger root continues to be a favored spice, contributing to alternative health practices.


    Ginger root is used in lotions, massage oils and facial cleaners to help clear up blemishes, prevent break-outs and improve the skin. Ginger root can be found in many body products, and is usually gentle enough for daily use.

Athlete's Foot

    Ginger root has qualities that inhibit fungal infections. Ginger contains caprylic acid, and can help cure those who are suffering from athlete's foot. To use as this type of cleansing agent, add a cup of crushed ginger with one cup of boiling water. Simmer gently for about 20 minutes, remove from heat. After it has cooled, it can be dabbed on the affected area of the foot, using a cotton ball or cloth.

Ginger Bath

    Ginger may also be used as a detoxifying agent added to the bath for a pleasant, soothing effect on the body. Prepare at least a cup of freshly grated ginger, or a lesser amount of pure powdered ginger. Put this in cheesecloth and place in warm bath water. The powdered variety can be simply added into the bath water. For the best cleansing effect, soak in the bath for 30 minutes.

Bowel Cleansing

    There are many herbs that can help cleanse the bowels the all-natural way, and ginger is one of them. Drinking mixes that include ginger, or taking ginger supplements, can help get the bowels moving again, aiding detoxification.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Natural Home Remedies for Treating Cysts

Natural Home Remedies for Treating Cysts

Epidermoid cysts, according to the Mayo Clinic, are tiny permanent lumps which appear most often on the face, neck, and torso. Although usually harmless and painless, they may become inflamed.

Many women in their 30s and 40s develop breast cysts, benign fluid-filled lumps which disappear on their own following menopause. Many women also develop harmless functional ovarian cysts. (References 1 and 2, and Resource 1) A few natural remedies may relieve the discomfort of these kinds of cysts.

Epidermoid Cysts

    Dr. Jack Lesher, M.D., of the Medical College of Georgia, advises that the best approach to caring for epidermoid cysts is to leave them alone. These cysts, however, do sometimes become inflamed. Protecting yours from bumps with gauze may prevent that.

    Provide relief for inflamed or oozing cysts with a compress. Apply a warm wet washcloth to your cysts a few times each day to stimulate blood flow and flush out the inflammatory substances. Hot water may rupture the cysts.(Reference 2)

    Dr. Joseph Bark, M.D., a Lexington, Ky., dermatologist, warns that rupturing a cyst puts you at risk of infection. Never self-treat your cysts by squeezing them. Doing so may push their fluids further into your tissues, generating an immune system release of inflammatory substances to fend off the hostile invasion.

    Clean an accidentally ruptured cyst with warm water and antibacterial soap, apply hydrogen peroxide, and bandage it until you see your doctor. (Reference 2)

Breast Cysts

    Evening Primrose

    The Mayo Clinic's Dr. Sandhya Pruthi, M.D., says that some women claim to have found relief by reducing their caffeine intake. Eliminate coffee, chocolate, cola, and caffeinated energy drinks to determine if this strategy will work for you. (Reference 2)

    The same applies to salt. Salt intake can cause fluid retention. Limiting the amount of salt in your food may provide relief from painful fluid-filled cysts. (Reference 2)

    The Queen's Hospital, based in the UK, says taking enough evening primrose oil to supply 320mg of gamma linolenic acid daily may prevent breast cysts from developing. Get capsules at a health food store or pharmacy. Consult with your doctor before starting this treatment. (Reference 3)

    Treat yourself to the best supportive bra you can find. Relieving pressure on your breast tissue may be enough to alleviate pain from breast cysts. (Reference 2)

FunctionalOvarian Cysts

    Ovarian cyst

    While functional ovarian cysts usually disappear on their own, recommended home remedies for treating the pelvic pain associated with them include applying heat to the pelvis to relieve muscular tension. Drinking chamomile tea can also relax those muscles.

    Two more simple remedies, according to Blue Shield of California, are to urinate as soon as you need to, and to eat enough fiber to prevent constipation. The key is to avoid anything which increases pelvic pressure. (Resource 1)

    See your gynecologist any time you have unusual pelvic pain. Don't assume the problem is functional ovarian cysts.

Natural Remedies for Helicobacter Pylori

Natural Remedies for Helicobacter Pylori

Helicobacter Pylori is a strain of bacteria that many people in the world are infected with, but only 20 percent of those infected have any negative symptoms. For those who do have symptoms, there is a possibility of stomach problems including ulcers. While there are some theories that the bacteria may have a beneficial effect, the general consensus is that it should be eradicated from the body upon diagnosis.


    Raspberries have one of the highest concentrations of ellagic acid, a powerful disease-fighting substance. This phytochemical can be found in blueberries, strawberries and certain nuts and has been shown to be antiviral, anticarcinogenic, antimutagen and antibacterial. Ellagic acid destroys the offending stomach bacteria. This powerful phytochemical is preserved no matter how raspberries are cooked or frozen and is an effective natural combatant of the bacteria.


    A Japanese study in April of 2009 found that broccoli is an effective natural remedy of the H. pylori bacteria. This study has since been further proven. In the trial, it was found that sulforphane in broccoli sprouts reduced the colonies of H. pylori bacteria in test subjects. Sulforphanes, similar to ellagic acid, have antimicrobial, anticancer and antidiabetic properties. Because symptoms returned when broccoli supplementation ceased, it can be assumed that continued addition of the antimicrobial sulforphanes to the diet occur.

Cinnamon and Speculation

    A 1998 Israeli study found that extracts of cinnamon helped the stomach in its fight against H. Pylori. In the study, cinnamon extracts inhibited urease enzymes from catalyzing reactions in H. Pylori cells. This keeps the H. Pylori from performing all of their necessary functions. The cinnamon was found to work as well as a common antibiotic. There are several other substances that have been touted for their abilities to counteract H. Pylori, for example, herbs like garlic and ginger, oils such as coconut oil and oregano oil and apple cider vinegar. However, there is little proof in a scientific trial. Consult your doctor before using any of these unverified natural methods.

About Herbal Relief for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is marked by widespread pain all over the body, exhaustion and a set of nine tender points where the muscle is especially sensitive to touch. These points are located in the back, buttocks, elbows, knees, neck and thighs. According to the Mayo Clinic, fibromyalgia affects about 2 percent of the population and women are much more likely than men to suffer from this condition. Despite numerous studies, the medical community cannot pinpoint a definite cause or cure for fibromyalgia. There are herbal and other natural treatments that can help alleviate symptoms.

Herbal Treatments

    Consult a physician before starting herbal treatments, especially if you are taking standard medications already.
    Boswellia is good for stiffness and pain experienced after waking in the morning. Take as directed on the label. There are many anecdotal reports that cat's claw improves symptoms after three months of continuous use; take 3,000 mg daily. Kava induces sleep; take 120 mg daily. St. John's Wort can ease depression by raising serotonin levels. It also restores normal sleeping patterns and alleviates pain. Take 900 mg daily for two to three months. Willowbark offers aspirin-like pain relief without the risk of bleeding or upset stomach. Take tablets as directed on the label.

Caution about Herbal Treatments

    Do not use cat's claw if you are taking insulin for diabetes or are pregnant or nursing. Kava increases the effects of alcohol and other sedatives. St. John's Wort can interact negatively with and decrease the effectiveness of oral contraceptives, warfarin (a popular blood-thinning medication) and anticonvulsants.

Other Supplements

    Take 800 mg of S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) daily for six weeks to alleviate symptoms. Five separate studies have shown that this substance relieves depression, fatigue, morning stiffness, muscular weakness and pain caused by fibromyalgia. These studies were conducted by: P. Di Benedetto, published in 1993 in Current Therapeutic Research; S. Jacobsen, published in 1991 by the Scandanavian Journal of Rheumatology; A. Tavoni, published in November 1987 by Clinical Experience in Rheumatology; A. Tavoni, published in the February 1998 edition of American Journal of Medicine; and H. Volkmann, published in 1997 in the Journal of Rheumatology.
    Enhance any antidepressant therapies with 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan (5-HTP) and magnesium. 5-HTP increases the effects of both St. John's Wort and pharmaceutical antidepressants. Take 100 mg three times daily every other day for three months. Magnesium stimulates serotonin production and helps prevent muscle burn. Take 250 mg three times daily.


    Try eating pomegranates: A 2001 study by Drs. R. P. Singh, K. N. Chidambara Murthy, and G. K. Jayaprakasha at the Central Food Technological Research Institute in India found that pomegranates and pomegranate juice contain powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties; these may help alleviate symptoms.
    Drink a lot of liquids to help flush out toxins. Distilled water, herbal teas and fresh vegetable juices are best. Avoid alcohol, caffeine and sugar. They all increase the body's production of lactic acid, which can contribute to the feeling of muscle burn.

Other Suggestions

    A study conducted by the Mayo Clinic in June of 2006 consisting of 50 fibromyalgia patients had 25 receive acupuncture with the other 25 serving as a control. The patients receiving acupuncture reported significant improvement in their condition, namely lessened fatigue and anxiety.
    Make a serious effort to exercise daily, even if it is just starting at a few minutes a day. Try to work up to 20 to 30 minutes daily. The primary benefit for this condtion is the positive effect on sleep.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Aroma Therapy Recipe for Hemorrhoids

Many people suffer from the pain and embarrassment of having hemorrhoids. There are many over-the-counter medicines available to treat this condition such as ointments, suppositories and tablets. Most of medications work for a period of time, but often the symptoms of hemorrhoids come back again and again. This can be frustrating and inconvenient. Aromatherapy treatments offer an alternative to traditional remedies and may actually work better in the long run for treatment of hemorrhoids.

How Aromatherapy Works

    Aromatherapy is based on the premise of using liquid, volatile plant and flower materials, and forming compounds from them into essential oils. Aromatherapy treatment for hemorrhoids improves blood flow to the affected area, eases the pain and discomfort, and helps with the rebuilding and healing of tissue. Because they are very concentrated, it only takes a small amount of essential oils to make a difference in treating hemorrhoids.

Examples of Treatment

    To treat hemorrhoids with a traditional sitz bath, fill your tub with warm water. Add 20 drops of juniper essential oil and 20 drops of lavender essential oil. Stir the water to distribute the oils. Soak in the bath for between 10 and 15 minutes.

    Make a massage oil for hemorrhoids by combining one ounce of jojoba oil with four drops of lavender essential oil, two drops of tea tree oil, one drop of myrrh essential oil and one drop of coriander oil. Blend these oils together and apply externally to the affected area as often as necessary.

Topical Ointment

    Another alternative treatment for hemorrhoids is to use a topical treatment after a bath or bowel movement. Mix two drops of lavender essential oil with one drop of geranium essential in one ounce of your chosen carrier oil such as sweet almond oil. Apply externally after bathing or after a bowel movement.

    Along with proper diet and exercise, these aromatherapy treatments will help to ease your symptoms associated with hemorrhoids. Consult your physician for other treatment options if your symptoms persist.

Uses of Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon essential oil is a remarkably versatile product. From making fruit stay fresh longer (soak them in a bowl of water with a few drops of oil) to banishing warts (rub oil into them twice daily until they disappear), it's an item that everyone should keep stocked at home.


    When used for aromatherapy, lemon essential oil is known to raise people's spirits, making them feel clear-headed and improving their concentration.


    A wide variety of foods and beverages can be flavored with lemon essential oil, such as tea, salad dressings, vegetables, chicken and cheesecake.


    This oil is a powerful antibacterial agent that makes it excellent for household and hospital cleaning. It is strong enough to kill germs related to such life-threatening illnesses as typhoid, pneumonia and diphtheria.


    Lemon oil is an astringent that cleans oily skin and makes it look brighter. The appearance of freckles can also be reduced by applying diluted oil to them.


    Lemon is known for its refreshing scent, which is why the oil is used with diffusers to make homes smell clean and for personal fragrances.


    Ingesting the oil can soothe or cure numerous ailments, from improving your immunity and fighting infection and fevers, to assisting in waste elimination and treating anemia.

Natural Relief for Gas

Everyone gets gas from time to time; it's natural. However, when you have gas often, it can be painful, problematic and embarrassing. There are many over-the-counter and prescription medications you can buy to relieve gas. However, in many instances natural gas relief is just as effective.


    Oftentimes, you can prevent gas from occurring in the first place. Add food enzymes to your diet when you eat foods that cause gas. Food enzymes help break down the sugars in food, which makes them easier to digest. Beano is one common food enzyme and can be found at most stores. If you get gas frequently, try taking a daily probiotic to help balance your digestive flora.

Herbal Teas

    There are a number of herbs that can be steeped and consumed to soothe gas and the pain. Some of those herbs would include chamomile, peppermint, lemon balm and thyme. These herbs work by relaxing the intestinal muscles, which slows digestion, thus alleviating gas pain. You can also try teas made of anise or fennel.

Get Moving

    To break up the gas bubbles in your stomach, massage the belly or do some simple movements. Lie on your back on a flat surface and lift your legs to your chest. This will encourage the gas to move through the intestines and break up larger, painful gas bubbles.

More Prevention

    Taking activated charcoal tablets before you eat may also help prevent gas formation. Activated charcoal is made from natural ingredients like wood pulp. It helps prevent certain substances from being absorbed, thus preventing gas in many cases.


    It is also important to address diet concerns. For instance, if you are lactose intolerant, you should probably avoid dairy. If you do consume dairy, you need to take a supplement to counterbalance the allergic reaction. Products like Lactaid contain the natural lactase enzyme your body lacks.

How to Improve Your Memory Fast

How to Improve Your Memory Fast

There are many reasons for one's memory to fade. Luckily, there are many effective ways to improve your memory. Follow the steps below to get started in improving your memory fast and effectively.



    Take Vitamin Supplements

    Try taking memory improving vitamin supplements such as vitamins B6 and B12. You can take such vitamins individually or purchase a supplement with a proprietary blend of memory improving vitamins. One such supplement that has become very popular in memory improvement is "Focus Factor", this product as well as many other memory improving supplements can be found at your local vitamin store.


    Stay Active

    Recent studies have shown that staying active and exercising improves memory and overall brain function. Try to dedicate 30-60 minutes per day to light or moderate exercise.


    Play Memory Games

    Memory games are an excellent way to boost your memory. You can find such games at most retail stores or you can play them online. One website that offers free memory games is allstarpuzzles.com. You will start to notice a dramatic improvement in your memory after playing such games regularly.


    Eat Memory Improving Foods

    There are many food that both improve memory and brain function. A few such foods include Cantaloupes, blueberries, oranges. These foods are high in vitamin C that has been proven to improve memory. Also be sure to eat plenty of fish and foods high in B vitamins. Foods to avoid include things such as anything high in saturated fat, trans-fats, and processed sugar.


    Avoid Stress

    Stress has been shown to be a very big factor in poor memory. Remove necessary sources or stress and dedicate a part of your day to relaxation and calming.


    Refer to my resources section below for a short list of websites that offer more tips and information on how to improve your memory.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Natural Products for High Blood Pressure

More and more people are seeking natural methods of treating their high blood pressure. There are some plants that are known to either lower or regulate blood pressure.


    Hot peppers such as cayenne, serrano and habenero peppers reduce blood pressure by increasing blood circulation. Hot peppers also increase metabolism.


    Garlic is a plant that regulates blood pressure, meaning it will raise low blood pressure or lower high blood pressure.


    Ginger acts as a vasodilator, opening up the blood vessels so the blood flows more easily. It also acts as a muscle relaxant, which ultimately leads to a lessening of blood pressure.

Hawthorn Berry

    Hawthorn berries work as a diuretic, dilating blood vessels and thinning the blood. This makes it easier for the heart to pump blood through the body.

Red Clover

    Red clover is another plant that thins the blood. When the blood is too thick, it makes the heart work harder and increases blood pressure.

Other Naturals

    Cassia bark, peppermint, dandelion, yarrow and mallow root are just a few of the many other plants that have been used for centuries to treat high blood pressure.

Detox With Cranberry Juice & Water

Detox With Cranberry Juice & Water

Over time, toxins can build up in the kidneys, bowels, and lymph system. There are a number of natural ways to encourage the body to expel these toxins. Cranberries have a number of health benefits, including being high in vitamin C, vitamin A, manganese, potassium and antioxidants. In addition to the detoxification of the body, cranberry and water detoxes can help you to quickly lose weight.

A Quick One Day Detox

    Cranberry juice and water can be used for a quick detoxification that can be done in a day. To make the cranberry juice and water drink, use one part unsweetened cranberry juice and seven parts water. For this detox to be effective, a total of 64 ounces of the mixed beverage must be consumed in a day. To prepare for this detoxification day, have 4 ounces of cranberry juice with 28 ounces of water in a 32 ounce container. Make two 32 ounce containers for the day's consumption.

Cranberry Juice as a Daily Detox

    Cranberry juice and water can also be used as a daily detox. To mix a daily cranberry detox, add 2 tbsp. of unsweetened cranberry juice and one teaspoon of wheatgrass powder to 1 cup of water. Drink this every morning before eating. Over time, the cranberry juice and wheatgrass will work to help detoxify your body.

    Another suggested detox regimen is to mix one part unsweetened cranberry juice and four parts water. Drink this 10 minutes before eating lunch or dinner and avoid meat and dairy products for two weeks.

Other Bennefits of Cranberries

    Cranberries are a very healthy food. They contain proanthocyanidins (PACs), which can prevent the adhesion of certain bacteria in the body. Bacteria that have been shown to be expelled include E. coli and bacteria which can affect the urinary tract. Cranberries also inhibit bacteria associated with ulcers and gum disease. The anti-oxidants in cranberries have been shown to lower incidents of cancer and heart disease. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has also done studies that show the antioxidant and phytonutrient content of cranberries help with brain function and cognition.

Sulfur Detoxifying

Sulfur is a commonly used element in body detoxification. You can ingest sulfur through sulfur-rich foods or take it as a supplement. Bathing in a sulfur bath is also an option. Either Epsom salts or a mineral rich hot spring will work to detoxify your body. Sulfur works in your body, in part, by increasing the bile production of your liver, which aids in fat digestion and absorption.

The Importance of Sulfur

    Sulfur plays an important role in your body. It is essential in the synthesis of collagen and is an integral part of hair, skin, nails and cartilage. Sulfur has properties that may help in dermatitis and other skin conditions. It is also part of the molecule that forms the amino acids methionine, cysteine and taurine. It is the third most common mineral in the body, after calcium and phosphorus. Since insulin contains sulfur, it is also needed to regulate blood sugar. Increasing your intake of sulfur increases bile production, helping your liver to function better.

Where To Find Sulfur

    Sulfur is an element, which means that your body cannot produce it and instead must get it from food or supplements. It is commonly found in red meat, poultry, eggs, onions, brussel sprouts, asparagus, kale and wheat germ. Garlic is especially high in sulfur. If you choose to add garlic to your diet for medicinal reasons, roast it, or mash it in oil (as for salad dressing). Studies show that more medicinal properties are released when used this way, and there is very little chance for stomach upset compared to eating raw cloves. Several nutritional supplements are also good sources of sulfur, including glucosamine (1,500 mg daily); chondroitin (1,200 mg daily);
    methylsulfonylmethane, or MSM (1,000-2,000 mg daily).

    You can also try Epsom (magnesium sulfate) baths, or traveling to a mineral spa. Bathing in the mineral has a centuries long tradition for detoxification.

How To Detox With Sulfur

    Choosing the foods and supplements listed above, plan for a week where you will easily be able to eat mostly vegetables and sulfur-rich foods. Your body is continuously detoxing, eliminating toxins from the body. By going on a detox diet, you will simply be helping your liver and your entire body do what it wants to do. Eliminate sugar for this week, concentrate on the sulfur-rich foods, and avoid or reduce foods with a high glycemic index. Drink at least eight glasses of filtered water per day during this time, and eliminate or reduce your intake of caffeine and alcohol.

    Taking daily epsom salts baths will aid the detoxification process.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Natural Solutions for Digestive Problems

Indigestion, or dyspepsia, involves a variety of abdominal issues associated with eating. These include heartburn, belching, gas, bloating and hiccups. Poor diet, stress, rushing through meals and lack of exercise can contribute to indigestion. There are many natural treatments that address the above digestive problems.

Treatments for Belching

    Chen-pi or bitter orange tea relieves belching, as well as bloating and gas. Steep 1 teaspoon in 1 cup of water and drink as desired. Fennel seed tea also alleviates this problem. Use a tea bag prepared in 1 cup of water. Ginger tea relieves belching as well as stomach irritation. Take 1/3 tablespoon of powdered ginger and add to one cup of water. Peppermint oil offers quick relief. Take 10 to 15 drops in cup of cold water. Other suggestions to stop belching include avoiding chewing gum, smoking, and consuming gas-producing foods and beverages. When experiencing belching, lying on your side or back with your knees to your chest can help release excess air.

    Do not use peppermint oil if you have gallbladder disease.

Treatments for Bloating and Flatulence

    Angelica, caraway and cinnamon oils all relieve gas and bloating. All call for the same dosage of 10 to 15 drops in cup of water. Taking all three is not necessary as they all have the same effect; one is sufficient. Dandelion tincture stops feelings of fullness and gas. Take teaspoon in cup of water. Horehound and Chen-pi tea are also useful. Both are prepared by steeping 1 teaspoon of the herb in 1 cup of hot water. Again, taking both is not necessary.

    Do not use dandelion if you have gallstones. Avoid fennel if you have an estrogen-dependent disorder such as breast cancer, endometriosis or fibrocystic breasts.

Treatments for Heartburn

    Coptis or goldenseal relieves heartburn. Take 15 to 20 drops of tincture in cup of water. Do not take for longer than two weeks. Both have the same effect so there is no need to take both. Tumeric powder relieves stomach irritation that can lead to heartburn. Take 1 teaspoon in 1 cup of cold water. Avoid spicy food and citrus juices, and don't eat cold foods after a hot meal. Avoid smoking, alcohol and gum. Use alternative pain relievers other than aspirin.

    Do not use coptis or goldenseal if you are pregnant or have gallstones. Also avoid goldenseal if you have cardiovascular disease or glaucoma.

Treatments for Hiccups

    Galangal tea and ginger tea curb inflammation that causes hiccups and they relieve incomplete digestion. Both teas are prepared by adding teaspoon to hot water. You can drink as desired.

Natural Remedy for Adult Attention Deficit Disorder

Nearly eight million adults in the U.S. have been diagnosed with ADHD. The exact cause of ADHD is unknown, but it appears to run in families. While drugs are often the first line of treatment, they can have unpleasant side effects, including a risk of addiction. For some people who do take medicines, the drugs may not be enough to manage their symptoms. Others seek natural remedies to reduce the dose of medications required. Adults have several natural alternatives to help control their symptoms.

Stress Management

    The University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) reports that daily massage therapy helps adults with mild ADHD symptoms be less hyperactive, less fidgety, more focused and happier. Meditation, relaxation training or music therapy can also help. You're never too old--learning a musical instrument stimulates parts of your brain, which can lead to a long-term reduction in symptoms.

Herbal Remedies

    Several herbs have gained support in the medical profession as helpful with ADHD. The UMMC reports that panax ginseng, pine bark extract, ginko biloba and oral flower essence have clinical support from small studies but stops short of recommending them. Physician Anthony Kane recommends ginko biloba for adults with ADHD, and to improve intellectual performance generally.

    While there are no large studies showing they work, herbalists have used a number of different herbs to treat ADHD. Some people report improvements from taking German chamomile, gotu kola, hawthorn, lobelia, lemon balm, rooibos, valerian, scuttelaria (skullcap), or avena sativa (oat straw). Many of these herbs are rich in antioxidants or minerals.

Diet and Supplements

    Dr. Marty Hines at NeuroResearch Clinics has found that combinations of tyrosine, levodopa, cysteine, tryptophan, and 5-HTP can relieve ADHD symptoms by managing the balance of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine. While these supplements are available in health food stores, balancing them is a delicate business and requires a caregiver trained in this approach. Omega 3 supplements, melatonin and zinc have also had good results for some people and are simpler to use.

    What you take out of your diet may be as important as what you add. Some people are allergic or sensitive to artificial colorings, food additives, or any of a number of foods. Milk, eggs, wheat, and chocolate are all common culprits, as are foods, such as berries, apples, peaches and oranges, that contain salicylates. The Feingold diet, while quite restrictive, weeds out the foods most likely to be troublesome. It also prohibits aspirin.

    Herbs and supplements carry risks and can interact with medications your doctor may prescribe. If you take herbs or supplements, be sure to tell your doctor what you are taking and how much.

Natural Herbs to Treat Prostate Enlargement

An enlarged prostate, also known as Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH), causes problems because it presses on the urethra. It usually affects men ages 50 and over. The condition is linked to changes in hormonal levels that naturally occur as a man ages. The resulting problem is the growth of glandular tissue of the prostate in the presence of testosterone. Conventional treatments include drugs and surgery. Be sure to advise your doctor of any natural supplements you are taking.

Important Information About Symptoms

    When the prostate first begins to become enlarged, there may be no symptoms at all. As it continues to grow, a man may have difficulty urinating or experience frequent urination, including during the middle of the night. Immobility, cold weather, and alcohol consumption can aggravate these symptoms. If the condition gets worse, having an orgasm can be difficult to achieve. Additionally, one can experience pain or burning during urination, blood in the urine, pain in the lower back, bladder infections, and kidney problems. These symptoms are also seen in men with prostate cancer, so be sure to see a doctor if you are experiencing any of these problems.

Herbal Treatments

    Papain alleviates acute inflammation of the prostate. Take 500mg daily for no longer than two weeks. A combination of saw palmetto, pygeum and zinc picolinate lessens inflammation and restores normal urine flow. Take the following doses twice daily. They do not all need to be taken together at the same time. Take 160mg of saw palmetto. Use 100mg each of pygeum and zinc picolinate. Stinging nettle root stops the action of growth hormone on the prostate and can help stabilize urine flow. Take 1,500mg daily.

    Rarely, people have reported trouble getting erections while taking saw palmetto and pygeum. If this happens, you can substitute micronized pollen instead at 3,000 to 4,000mg daily.

Traditional Chinese Formulas

    There are three traditional Chinese formulas which are widely used to treat an enlarged prostate.

    Eight Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia alleviates difficulty urinating. Gentiana Longdancao Decoction to Drain the Liver reduces incontinence caused by BPH. It can also alleviate symptoms sometimes experienced by those who have enlarged prostate such as headache, dizziness, and emotional distress. Sairei-to establishes normal urination. It is especially useful after prostate surgery.

Herbs to Avoid

    Men who have an enlarged prostate should avoid the following herbs because they can stimulate hormone production in men with this condition in a way that can aggravate BPH. They include American ginseng, cinnamon, cordyceps, ephedra, epimedium, sarsaparilla and Siberian ginseng.

Other Suggestions

    Stay well hydrated by drinking at least eight glasses of water daily. Dehydration put stress on the prostate gland. Consume unsweetened cranberry juice; it can help prevent urinary tract infections. There are many anecdotal reports that pumpkin seeds can help restore the normal flow of urine, but it has not been extensively studied.

Kombucha Effects

Kombucha Effects

Kombucha is thought to boast a range of medicinal qualities and has been used for years across the world. Kombucha cultures are added to black or green tea and sugar, then fermented to create kombucha tea. This process allows microorganisms that are considered to promote healing (including bacteria and yeast) to combine. Such components are attributed with kombucha's therapeutic effects.


    Kombucha is known for having antioxidant and antimicrobial activity, helping to detoxify the body, enhance the immune system and balance a person's metabolism.


    Kombucha tea acts to defend the body against certain oxygen molecules that can cause cellular damage. Kombucha is considered effective in relieving a wide array of symptoms and discomforts including: digestive disorders, blood pressure and circulation problems, skin conditions and glandular problems.


    Kombucha can also increase energy, speed the healing process, decrease anxiety, protect the teeth from cavities and thicken the hair.


    Subjective reports cite kombucha's usage for numerous acute and chronic conditions like: AIDS, Allergies, Arthritis, Bronchitis, Cancer, Cataracts, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Diabetes, Edema, Gout, Hemorrhoids, Hypoglycemia, Insomnia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Kidney/Prostate/Liver disorders, Multiple Sclerosis, Migraines and Psoriasis.


    Several reports have been written on the dangers of kombucha and the adverse effects it can have. According to an article from the Mayo Clinic, "There's no proof that kombucha tea is effective for any of its myriad health claims. At the same time, several cases of harm or injury have been reported. Unless definitive studies are reported that can quantify more accurately the potential risks and benefits of kombucha tea, it's best to avoid it."

Friday, February 17, 2017

Natural Hormone Therapy for Menopause

Menopause is the time in a woman's life when her ovaries stop functioning. The bodily changes associated with menopause are part of a woman's natural aging process. Menopause is determined by the absence of a menstrual cycle for at least 12 months. The average age of onset is 52, but menopause can happen at any time between the ages of 35 and 60.

What Is a Natural Hormone?

    Natural hormones are considered to be identical to hormones produced in our bodies. Their chemical makeup and function mimic human hormones. They interact with cell receptors and other hormones in a noncompetitive manner. Natural hormones supplement and balance the body's own hormones.

What Is Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy?

    Natural hormone replacement therapy, or NHRT, utilizes substances derived from plants to treat hormone imbalances. They are composed of customized formulas containing chemically identical hormones. There are two types of marketed therapies. One is an FDA-approved formula that requires a prescription. The other is mixed based on individual preference and is not FDA approved.

What Types of Substances Are Used in Natural Hormone Therapy?

    Prescription-strength natural hormones are made from stimasterol, which is taken from soybeans. It is then chemically altered to represent progesterone or estrogen. These compounds are often micronized for use in NHRT. Over-the-counter progesterone is extracted from diosgeniun, which is taken from the giant Mexican yam. Other derivatives include estradiol and micronized testosterone.

What Are the Benefits of Natural Hormone Therapy?

    Natural hormone replacement therapy supports hormonal balances during and after the onset of menopause. Menopausal symptoms will usually subside any time from a few months to several years after onset without treatment. Natural hormone replacement therapy has helped to alleviate symptoms after one to three months of use.

Homeopathic Remedies for Cervical Dysplasia

Cervical dysplasia occurs when abnormal cervical cells develop on the cervix's surface. The degree of cervical dysplasia is determined by a gynecologist and can be rated as mild, moderate and, in some cases, severe. Dysplasia is not considered a cancerous condition, but it is considered a condition that holds the potential for developing into cervical cancer later on. It could be a decade or more before cervical dysplasia turns into a cancerous condition, but it is nevertheless a condition that requires assessment and continued observation, as well as treatment from a qualified medical professional.

Cervical Dysplasia Symptoms

    This condition is not easily identified since there are rarely any outward signs that the condition is present. Regular, annual pap smears are recommended to spot cervical dysplasia in its earliest stages. Once detected, your doctor might advise you to have questionable lesions removed and will continue to monitor you for future cellular changes. HPV, otherwise known as the human papillomavirus, is sometimes responsible for cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer onset. HPV has symptoms that include the presence of genital warts and skin lesions in the genital and anal regions, and is sometimes accompanied by vaginal discharge, abnormal bleeding from the vagina and itchiness in the affected area. Both men and women can get HPV.

Medical Treatments for Cervical Dysplasia

    There are a number of different treatments for medical cervical dysplasia depending upon the severity of the condition. A doctor might use electrocauterization, which involves the utilization of radio waves to remove abnormal cellular tissues from the cervix. In a procedure identified as cryosurgery, the procedure allows a doctor to use a probe cooled by carbon dioxide to freeze off abnormal cells from the cervix. Cryocauterization allows for a doctor to use a special probe to cauterize the precancerous cells identified, as well. It should be noted that it is not advised to forego traditional medical treatment when using all-natural homeopathic treatments for cervical dysplasia and that traditional medicine and herbal treatments should be combined for full, successful treatment of the condition.


    Natural treatments for cervical dysplasia involve increasing the immune system's ability to defend the body. Echinacea can be consumed on a daily basis to help improve one's immune system. This herb is also used as a natural defense against viral infections. This herb is also excellent for the treatment of HPV-induced genital warts. You can consume a 325-milligram capsule of echinacea two to three times daily to intensify immunological functioning.

American Ginseng Extract and Green Tea

    Ginseng, like echinacea, is heralded for its ability to empower the immune system to defend the body. You can consume two 200-milligram capsules of American ginseng extract daily to help empower your body and your natural defenses. You can also get a good dose of ginseng by consuming green tea with ginseng extract or by simply having plain Ginseng tea. Green tea also contains epigallocatechin gallatte, which helps the body in defending itself from cancer-causing free radicals.


    Wheatgrass is a product loaded with vitamins and nutrients, as well as cancer-fighting antioxidants. You can consume wheatgrass capsules at a dose of seven 500-milligram capsules daily with juice or water. You can break up the pills into two to three servings, taking three pills in the morning and four pills in the evening. This herb is equally useful in improving the overall condition of one's immune system.