Wednesday, August 31, 2016

How to Treat Rosacea through Diet

One way to treat and cure Rosacea is through diet changes. Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that affects many adults. Rosacea tends to worsen over time when left untreated. For many, Rosacea only shows up for weeks or months at a time only to disappear then reappear again at a later time. For many adults suffering Rosacea, some simple changes to their diet is all that is really necessary to prevent Rosacea breakouts.



    Increase your intake of Fiber, which helps to force toxins through the digestive tract, rather than having them affect the skin.


    Increase your intake of B Vitamins with foods like wheat germ, brown rice, brewer's yeast and whole grain foods. B Vitamins are often found to be deficient in many patients with Rosacea.


    Increase your intake of fatty acids with cold water fish and flaxseeds. Fatty acids help to reduce inflammation.


    Avoids foods that will cause your skin to flush, this includes spicy food, caffeine and alcohol.


    Avoid sugar and iodized salt. Sugar and iodized salt can dilate the blood vessels.


    Avoid saturated fat, which has an inflammatory effect on the skin. Also try to cut back on fried foods, greasy foods and red meat which can weaken the immune system and worsen Rosacea.

How to Treat Parkinson's Disease Through Diet

A simple way to help treat Parkinson's Disease and its symptoms is through your diet. Parkinson's Disease is a motor system disorder that is the result of the loss of dopamine producing brain cells. Parkinson's Disease symptoms usually include tremor, trembling in the arms and legs and sometimes face, the stiffness of limbs, slowness of movement and impaired balance and coordination. As they worsen over time many patients suffer difficulty with regular activities such as walking, speaking and other tasks. Though there are no current cures for Parkinson's Disease, there are ways to help with the symptoms. Below are some effective ways to help Parkinson's Disease by making simple changes to your diet.



    Try to get most of your protein from legumes, beans, soy and fish. When eating meat, also try to eat only organic meat and focus mostly on poultry with an occasional serving of red meat. Many patients with Parkinson's Disease have a high protein diet, so try to follow the daily recommendations and avoid excess protein.


    Use more cold pressed oils, which are high in Vitamin E which is important in the treatment of Parkinson's Disease.


    Avoid artificial sweeteners and preservatives known as excitotoxins, this includes aspartame and monosodium glumate.


    Avoid alcohol, sugar and caffeine, all which can disrupt neurological function. Also try to avoid any type of processed food because processed foods contains high levels of chemicals and toxins.

Religious Cures for Depression

The world contains many different religions, but two of them claim more than half the population of the world: Christianity and Islam. Islam claims more than a billion followers and is the second-largest religion in the world. Christianity claims more than two-billion followers and is the largest religion in the world. These religions have different treatments for depression.


    In curing depression, Islam emphasizes the importance of discovering the source of depression. There are many possible explanations for depression, and not all of them have to do with spiritual causes. Psychological, physical or other causes may explain an individual's depression. But outside events causing depression, such as the death of a loved one or the loss of a home, is not considered as the only reason for depression. Thus, two siblings may suffer the death of a common parent, but only one develops chronic depression and the other doesn't. The depressed sibling may suffer from a spiritual sickness that manifests itself in sin. Sin causes a person to worry, feel sorry or be extremely sad. A depressed individual discovering that sin has caused his depression must remedy his sin. Islam teaches that the remedy to sin is Allah's (God's) forgiveness. Allah forgives only if a person repents of his sin, is a Muslim and does good deeds. Islam teaches that being a Muslim is necessary for forgiveness because Allah will not forgive those who do not believe in him and his prophet Mohammed. Allah commands good deeds for sins in order to atone for the sin. Once Allah forgives the sinner of his sin, the man who had suffered from depression as a result of this sin can recover.


    In curing depression, Christianity emphasizes Jesus Christ and the power of forgiveness that He has imparted to His followers. According to Christian belief, Jesus Christ came to the world to free humanity from its enslavement to sin and open the doors of Heaven to those who accept Him. He provided believers with a means to salvation but did not eradicate all suffering in the world. Thus hunger, war and disease (both mental and physical) still remained. Nevertheless, Christ also left his followers the power to forgive others, which could include not only forgiveness of sins but also power to heal from all types of hurt and pain, such as depression. In order to benefit from this power, the person seeking healing must be a Christian. A person becoming a Christian may have to follow different procedures depending on the Christian denomination, but it typically includes baptism whereby he or she is immersed, sprinkled or washed in water. If the depression remains, and the individual believes it was a person or persons who caused his or her depression, then the individual would have to articulate his forgiveness of the other(s).

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Nutritional Therapy for a Patient With Cirrhosis of the Liver

Cirrhosis involves scarring of liver tissue and can lead to permanent liver damage and a higher risk of liver cancer, according to the Mayo Clinic. People suffering from cirrhosis should limit their intake of potentially liver-damaging substances, such as alcohol and some medications, and eat a diet rich in fruit and vegetables, according to the Mayo Clinic. Medicinal mushrooms can also be added to the diet that have been found to have a profound effect on liver function and may help people with cirrhosis.


    Quercetin is a phytochemical (plant based chemical) present in many fresh fruits and vegetables and has been found to have a strong protective effect of the liver. In a study published in the journal Digestive Diseases and Sciences in April, 2003 by Amalia Pavanato and a team of researchers, quercetin was tested on rats with chemically induced cirrhosis. The study found that quercetin improved various functions of the liver and reducde the buildup of collagen tissue. Buy quercetin as a nutritional supplement, or consume it naturally in apples, onions, tea, leafy green vegetables and many berries, according to the American Cancer Society.


    One of the common complications of cirrhosis is vasoconstriction (narrowing of blood vessels) in the body due to impaired liver function. In a study published in the journal Critical Care Medicine in 2005 by Lippincott, Hagerstown, M.D., several antioxidants, including vitamin C, were administered to patients suffering from alcoholic cirrhosis with impaired vasoconstrictor responsiveness. The study found that antioxidants play an important role in restoring normal blood vessel function. Antioxidants are found in high quantities in many fresh fruits and vegetables as well as teas and spices. Adding antioxidant-rich foods may be an important part of a nutritional approach to treating cirrhosis.


    Mushrooms such as shiitake have been part of traditional Asian diets for centuries and have recently been studied by the scientific community for their medicinal properties. A study published in the Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin in 2004 by Soichiro Akamatsu and a team of Japanese researchers examined the effect of shiitake mushroom extract on mice with chemically induced liver fibroids. The researchers found that the shiitake extract inhibited the formation of collagen and produced hepatoprotective effects on liver function. Shiitake mushrooms can be found at most health food stores in the produce section as well as in supplement form.

Sun Lamp Healing Uses

Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D for your body. According to "The UV Advantage" author Dr. Michael Horlick, your body uses vitamin D to prevent chronic diseases such as mental disorders, osteoporosis and cancer. Sun lamps (also called solar lamps) capture the sun's vitamin D and store solar energy for use as electrical power. The use of sun lamps for healing is often referred to as light therapy. The practice involves exposure to specific wavelengths of light.


    Sun lamps have a battery that charges during the daylight hours by solar radiation. A solar panel converts the sun's energy into electrical power during the daytime. This maintains the battery power-pack charge, which supplies the lamp during the night when needed. Sun lamps (particularly artificial broad spectrum light sources) help plants grow and thrive. Infrared lamps are used frequently on farms to help indoor animals remain healthy and warm. Sun lamps are also used to help reptiles thrive in aquariums.


    Healers have known about the sun's healing effects since ancient times. The medical profession later realized that sunlight provides the human body vitamin D. In modern times, the use of concentrated light sources in the form of sun lamps is used as a treatment option for a variety of maladies.


    Though it hasn't been officially approved to do so by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), light therapy is often used by mental health providers to treat depression, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and Parkinson's tremors. Sun lamps are also used for deep penetrating light therapy, which uses light-emitting diodes (semiconductors) to heal wounds. Deep penetrating light therapy is also used on bodily pain, acne and wrinkles.


    Light therapy helps alter your body's natural circadian rhythms. This helps control the negative effects of seasonal affective disorder. Light therapy may even help those who suffer from major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder and postpartum depression. Light therapy is often used in hospitals to treat neonatal jaundice.


    It is important to consider the side effects involved with sun lamp healing. Possible side effects include: fatigue, headaches, irritability, nausea, vomiting, sleep problems, eyestrain or dry mouth. UV light may cause eye or skin damage. Although most sun lamps do not contain UV, some do. Contact your doctor before using a sun lamp, especially if you have sensitive skin or eye problems. You should also consult your doctor before using a sun lamp if you suffer from bipolar disorder, SAD or any kind of depression.

How to Treat Parkinson's Disease with Natural Remedies

Each year more than 50,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. There are no cures for Parkinson's Disease, but there are ways to help control the condition and relieve the symptoms of Parkinson's Disease. Below are some of the more effective natural remedies that can be used to treat Parkinson's Disease.



    Take a Fish Oil Supplement as well as an Evening Primrose Supplement. Both contain essential fatty acids that are important for patients with Parkinson's Disease.


    Take 500 mg of NAC (N-acetylcysteine), three times per day. NAC helps to increase levels of glutathione, which is an important antioxidant in patients that suffer from Parkinson's Disease.


    Take 5 mg the supplement known as NADH daily. NADH has been proven to help improvebrain function and reduce some of the symptoms common in patients that suffer from Parkinson's Disease.


    Take 60 mg of Ginkgo Biloba, twice per day. Ginkgo Biloba helps to improve blood flow and also has powerful antioxidant properties.

Problems With Inversion Therapy

Problems With Inversion Therapy

Perhaps you saw gravity boots in the blockbuster film American Gigolo and thought they were cool or downright silly. Though favored by some, inversion therapy is not for everyone. According to Dr. Randy A. Shelerud of the Mayo Clinic, inversion cannot guarantee more than temporary relief from back pain. And even just a few minutes of hanging upside down will increase blood pressure and decrease heart rate.

    Inversion might not be for you.

History and Description

    "Inversion therapy has been used to relieve back pain since about 400 BC when Hippocrates (father of medicine) strung up a patient on a ladder with ropes and pulleys and allowed gravity to do its work," says Dr. John Daugherty, a Colorado chiropractor. Yet in the United States the concept of inversion did not take off until the 1960s. It started as a way to provide spine decompression, prevent pooling of fluid in the extremities, improve circulation, release tension on the spine and maintain good health. By 1982 the inversion business was pulling in over 70 million dollars and had thousands of followers, explains Dr. Daugherty.

Inversion Therapy Types

    Inversion can be accomplished with inversion tables, benches, chairs, swings, and gravity boots. The Gravity Guidance Inversion Table was one of the original devices for inversion. There are now numerous brands of inversion devices that range in price from under $100 to $400. Yet poorly built equipment can also result in problems with inversion. Do your research before buying.


    Some people intensely dislike the feeling of being upside down and should avoid it. Others need to be careful about the angle at which they hang. Being inverted more than 30 degrees from the floor does not provide any additional therapeutic benefit, according to Dr. Gottesman, a Colorado chiropractor. Even well-conditioned athletes do not need to invert to this extent. Do not use gravity boots for inversion because they jeopardize spine stability. Without this stability, twisting and torquing can lead to other spinal problems.


    Inversion increases eye pressure.

    According to Dr. Gottesman people with high blood pressure or heart disease, pregnant women, those who have had back surgery, those with glaucoma, and stroke victims should not be inverted. Inversion increases blood and eye pressure. Dr. Daugherty further recommends that you get approval from your physician before inverting if you have skeletal implants, a hiatal hernia, extreme obesity, or retinal detachment.


    Inversion works with gravity instead of against it. For the lymphatic system, which has no natural pump, being upside down can help eliminate toxins. According to Dr. Daugherty it can also relax muscles, lessen stress, and provide ligament mobility. Being inverted can lengthen the spine, and it places less pressure on the discs than lying down. Dr. Gottesman says it is also a great alternative to more expensive therapies or surgeries if you can tolerate it.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Alternatives to Detrol

Detrol is a medication that helps control an overactive bladder. As we age, the muscles that control the bladder can weaken. This can cause the frequent urge to urinate or urinary incontinence. If you cannot or don't want to take this medication, alternatives are available.

Bladder Retraining

    In bladder retraining, you log in a diary each time you urinate or are incontinent. After several days, a physician examines the diary to make a plan of times when you should go to the bathroom. The theory behind this is that if you go at planned times you are less likely to have an accident.

    Along with this, you will be taught Kegel exercise, which strengthens the pelvic floor and helps control the release of urine. The same muscles that stop the flow of urine and the passage of gas from the bowel are put to use here. Once the muscle is located, you can practice this exercise at any time by tightening and relaxing it for a specified amount of time.

Other Medications

    Detrol is the brand name of tolterodine. Detrusitol is another brand name of this medication. Both prescription medicines are taken once a day and act to control the central nervous system and to relax the bladder, thus preventing wetting accidents. These medicines usually take at least two weeks to begin relieving symptoms.

    Oxybutynin chloride, another prescription medication, controls the bladder by the same means as tolterodine. It is available in an oral tablet with the brand name Ditropan, as a transdermal patch with the brand name Oxytrol and in gel form as Gelnique. Another medication approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat overactive bladder is fesoterodine fumarate. Toviaz is the brand name of this medicine that relaxes the smooth muscle of the bladder.

Surgical Options

    If medication and bladder retraining fail, your doctor may suggest sacral nerve stimulation or bladder augmentation. These are performed only as a last resort. The nerve stimulation uses an electrical device to send signals to the sacral nerve in the lower spine, which controls the urge to urinate. Bladder augmentation is a surgery that uses a small portion of the intestines to increase the capacity of the bladder. The patient must be able to insert a urinary catheter in order to be a candidate for this surgery.

What Complementary Therapies Help Osteoarthritis?

What Complementary Therapies Help Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common diseases in the U.S., becoming more common with the aging population and trend toward obesity. Greater numbers of osteoarthritis patients, especially chronic sufferers, are seeking complementary and alternative medicines to deal with their illness.

    Knee joint
    Knee joint


    Conventional medicine
    Conventional medicine

    A 2005 study published in the Journal of Clinical Rheumatology reported that arthritis patients were more satisfied with complementary practitioners than general practitioners. Patient's also described fewer adverse affects than with conventional medications.


    Complementary therapy
    Complementary therapy

    If you can prevent muscle weakness, maintain a healthy diet and increase bone density, you stand a good chance of preventing osteoarthritis. Find complementary therapies that deal with diet, hormonal balance and obesity.


    Yoga for Osteoarthritis
    Yoga for Osteoarthritis

    Massage therapy, acupuncture and homeopathy are the most common therapies for osteoarthritis. Several recent studies also indicate the effectiveness of yoga, ayurveda, glucosamine and chondroitin, and even bee venom in treatment and prevention.


    Pain swelling and depression
    Pain swelling and depression

    The various complementary and alternative methods offer unique treatments for specific conditions. Pain, swelling, loss of appetite, fatigue and even depression are symptoms associated with this disease.


    Complementary implies that you use the alternative therapy in conjunction with the care and treatment of a licensed medical professional. Some treatments may interfere with conventional medications, so always inform your doctor when you seek complementary treatments.

Home Remedy for a Burned Tongue

There are few things as frustrating and as painful as accidentally burning your tongue on hot food or a hot beverage. In most cases, the best you can do is reduce the pain and avoid additional injury to the burn while you let it heal--and there are a few quick and easy solutions that can help take some heat out of that burn.


    Although ice alone will not heal a burned tongue, it can provide some relief from the burning sensation, as well as reduce the swelling of a serious burn. If possible, keep an ice cube or ice chips handy and suck on them throughout the day, as needed, to control the worst of the immediate post-burn pain.

Avoid Spicy or Rough Foods

    Sometimes you just have to let time heal the burn. A way to help it heal faster is to avoid eating acidic foods that will irritate your tongue--including things such as coffee, citrus fruits and tomato-based products. Avoid the hotter hot peppers, as well. Steer clear of rough-textured foods, such as thick tortilla chips, because these will poke at the healing skin inside your mouth.

Throat Spray

    If you don't have the time to sit around and let ice melt or eat ice pops and you need some quick relief from a burned tongue, consider using sore throat spray. The spray contains anesthetics that will numb the area and reduce the burning sensation for a short time.

Sugar, Honey & Tea

    There is some evidence that sugar, honey or some teas (e.g., orange pekoe) can have a soothing effect on the nerves of the tongue, thus reducing the pain associated with a tongue burn. Although these items will not heal the burn, they may provide some relief from the pain.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Black Currant Seed Oil Benefits

Black Currant Seed Oil Benefits

Black currant (Ribes nigrum) grows in Europe and Asia. For centuries it has been used as a food and medicine. The astringent flavor of black currant complements many beverages and dishes. The leaves and berries of the black currant plant are used as an additive to alcohol preparations such as Russian vodka and beer.

    Black currant seed oil provides a wide range of health benefits.
    Black currant seed oil provides a wide range of health benefits.

Black Currant Seed Oil Contains Essential Fatty Acids

    Black currant seed oil contains the essential fatty acids gamma-linolenic acid and alpha-linolenic acid. The extraction of oil from black currant seeds yields 17% gamma-linolenic acid and 13% alpha-linolenic acid. These significant amounts of essential fatty acids offer health benefits through supplementation. Gamma-linolenic acid falls in the omega-6 family of fatty acids and alpha-linolenic acid falls in the omega-3 family. Alpha-linolenic acid is similar to the beneficial fatty acids found in fish oils.

Black Currant Seed Oil and Gamma Linolenic Acid

    According to the University of Maryland Medical Center's website, gamma-linolenic acid is the only omega-6 fatty acid that can reduce inflammation. It can also help in a variety of health conditions. It may improve nerve function for diabetes patients, relieve dry eye and maintain or improve bone mass and proper calcium absorption. Gamma-linolenic acid also shows promise in preventing or lessening allergic reactions. Allergy sufferers typically have lower levels of gamma-linolenic acid in their blood.

Black Currant Seed Oil and Inflammation

    Due to the inflammation modulating benefits of black currant seed oil, it may be helpful for inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. By reducing the secretion of inflammatory cytokines, the gamma-linolenic acid in black currant seed oil may relieve the painful symptoms of this disease like morning stiffness and joint pain. Another benefit it may provide is a reduction in the amount of pain medication rheumatoid arthritis sufferers must take.

Black Currant Seed Oil and Cardiovascular Health

    Although there have only been preliminary studies of the benefits of gamma linolenic acid in cardiovascular health, it may prove to be beneficial in decreasing blood pressure. One clinical study showed that sufferers of peripheral artery disease showed improved blood pressure levels when they took both gamma-linolenic acid and an omega-3 fatty acid. The anti-inflammatory properties of black currant seed oil may also reduce platelet aggregation and cholesterol levels.

Other Benefits of Black Currant Seed Oil

    Black currant seed oil is also useful in preventing premature aging as it reduces wrinkle formation and repairs tissue damage. The omega-6 fatty acids of black currant seed oil may be useful in treating eczema. It may also be beneficial in treating liver toxicity and withdrawal symptoms of alcohol abuse. Symptoms of premenstrual syndrome may also be reduced, alleviating cramps, depression and breast tenderness. Black currant seed oil could aid in repairing damage to the liver while reducing stress to the nervous system.

How to Heal With Flowers

Most people appreciate how fresh flowers lift spirits and brighten the atmosphere. Flowers have so much more to offer. Flowers can heal the body and mind with deep and brilliant colors. Flower essences bring healing energy for many forms of mind-body dysfunction.



    Heal with chromotherapy (color therapy). In a 2007 presentation to the Texas Senate Ladies Club, Carol Bice provided insight into healing with flowers and color. According to Bice, the simple presence of flowers has a psychological healing effect. Surround yourself with violets or lavender to stimulate a sense of authority or to send unconscious feelings of spirituality. Help to circulate oxygen to the brain with orange flowers, such as calendula.


    Use flowers for anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antispasmodic healing properties. The Holistic Online website describes the healing properties of chrysanthemum flowers. Chrysanthemums have anti-inflammatory properties, which can reduce fever and soothe reddened eyes. The Monterey Bay Spice Company website suggests using a chrysanthemum infusion to reduce fever. Infuse one teaspoon of chrysanthemum flower heads in one cup of near-boiling distilled water. Steep the tea for five minutes. Add a small amount of raw honey. Drink hourly. Do not drink if weakness or diarrhea is present. The Herbs2000 website recommends placing warmed chrysanthemum heads over your eyes to draw out redness and irritation. If you are allergic to chrysanthemums, do not apply them to your eyes.


    Refresh and heal with the herbal and homeopathic properties of flower essences. According to Reader's Digest's book "The Complete Illustrated Book of Herbs," crab-apple blossoms, gentian and vervain flower essences promote a healthy sense of self and improve communication. Crab-apple flower essence promotes self esteem. Gentian flower essence energizes and encourages deflated spirits. Vervain opens channels of understanding and communication when inflexibility threatens. The website Rainflower Essences explains ways to use flower essences. Place two or three drops of flowers essence under your tongue. Repeat three to four times a day for a lunar month. Increase the number of drops if needed.

    You can also apply flower essences to pulse or chakra points. Repeat this method as often as desired. If you have sensitivity to an essence, carry a small glass vial containing the essence around your neck. This method reduces healing effects, however.

Home Remedy for a Fissure

Anal fissures are breaks in the skin around the rectum and anus. These small tears in the skin are most often the result of straining and constipation. The tears are quite painful and can make life miserable for sufferers. Home remedies provide relief for this painful condition and are a safe and inexpensive method for treatment.

Sitz Baths

    A sitz bath provides a great deal of relief from the pain of anal fissures. If you don't have a sitz bath in your home, a hot tub can provide the same effective treatment. The hot water soothes the sore skin and relaxes the muscles.
    You can buy a sitz bath at most drug stores for a small amount of money. The bath fits right over the toilet and can be used several times a day for relief. The bath only covers the affected area and is also used to treat hemorrhoids.
    Pat dry your skin when you finish with a sitz bath and never rub the affected area.

Pillows and cushions

    Sitting comfortably is one of the biggest problems with anal fissures. An investment in a donut-shaped pillow can provide a great deal of comfort until the fissures have healed. Some of these cushions are also filled with liquids to provide warmth to the area. These special cushions and pillows are available in a medical supply store or you should ask your doctor to recommend a pillow for you.
    Take your donut pillow with you when you go out of the home. If you spend a good deal of time sitting at work, you should have your cushion with you.

Toilet Tissue and Cleansing

    Rough toilet tissue can tear the skin, especially when the tissue is dry. A bidet seems like the ideal answer to the problem, but many people will not incur the expense of installing one in their home. Use cleansing wipes that are designed to be used like toilet tissue, but are much less irritating to the skin. Do not use scented or colored toilet paper as the fragrance and dyes may exacerbate the symptoms of fissures. White plain toilet paper is best or you can use facial tissue instead for a much softer tissue.
    Have your anal fissures checked by a doctor if they do not heal within a month. An anal fissure that does not heal can be a sign of a much more serious condition.

Natural Solutions for Joint Pain

Joint pain is a fairly common problem. It is also known as arthritis and can debilitate a person. There are lots of different types of arthritis but the most common type is osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease. There are many different types of treatments for joint pain including prescription drugs, over the counter drugs and natural treatments.


    Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory herb that is also gentle enough to be used by pregnant women to treat morning sickness. Just a moderate dosage of ginger can inhibit the formation of inflammatory pain causing prostaglandins.


    Turmeric is a culinary herb that inhibits the enzyme Cox two, while keeping Cox one levels steady. Curcumin in turmeric can reduce inflammation. Cox one protects the stomach and regulates blood flow to the kidneys, while cox two enzymes inhibit pain. Cox one should never be inhibited.

Glucosamine Sulfate

    Glucosamine sulfate is a form of amino sugar that can work for joint pain in two different ways. The first way is to stop the breakdown of cartilage. It can also stop the inflammation cycle. It is a great supplement to help relieve joint pain.


    Chondroitin can improve joint mobility and slow down cartilage loss. It may be very effective in treating arthritis pain.


    MSM, also known as methylsulfonylmethane, has certain molecules that can help ease joint pain and build amino acids, like collagen. Cartilage is formed by collagen.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

How to Naturally Treat Leg Ulcers

Leg ulcers are open sores that affect the lower area of the leg. Leg ulcers usually begin with itching and pain, and then begin to swell. They then form as ulcers. Below are some natural remedies that can be used to treat leg ulcers.



    Take an extra 500 IU of Vitamin E daily until the ulcers have healed. Also apply Vitamin E Oil directly to the ulcers 2-3 times per day.


    Increase your intake of Vitamin A to about 10,000 IU per day. Also apply Vitamin A directly to the affected areas 1-2 times per day. Skip this step if you are currently pregnant though.


    Make sure that you're getting a high daily dosage of Zinc. Zinc is important in the healing process of the ulcers.


    Try to add Blueberries, Bilberries or Blackberries to your daily meals. These all help to improve the integrity of the capillaries, speeding up the healing process of leg ulcers. You can also take them in supplemental form.

Detoxamin Benefits

Detoxamin is a form of chelation therapy. Chelation therapy is the process of administering certain agents that will remove poisoning from heavy metals such as lead, iron, copper, calcium, magnesium, zinc, plutonium and manganese. Chelation therapy can be done in many ways, but there are some benefits to using Detoxamin instead of other forms of chelation therapy.


    Some forms of chelation therapy can be done with infusion or by orally taking pills. Detoxamin is a form of chelation therapy that is done with suppositories. A suppository is a form of delivering drugs that requires inserting the medicine into the rectum or vagina.


    According to the Detoxamin website, toxic metals have been known to clog arteries. Detoxamin will flush the arteries and provide protection from heart disease.


    Since Detoxamin is in the form of a suppository, it can be safer than some other forms of chelation therapy. For example, some chelation therapy is done by injection with a needle, and needles pose a chance of infection. Detoxamin has no known health risks.


    Sometimes, chelation therapy can be inconvenient because it has to be administered by a doctor if it is the form of an injection. Detoxamin is convenient because the person taking it can administer the suppository without a doctor visit.


    The only other form of chelation therapy that is as convenient and safe as Detoxamin is in pill form. But a pill doesn't absorb as much of the toxic metal as a suppository, so it takes much longer to work.

Natural Remedies for a Healthy Prostate

The prostate is a male gland about the size of a walnut that is located just above the bladder. The gland produces seminal fluid and surrounds the male urethra, through which urine is secreted. An inflamed or swollen prostate can hamper attempts to urinate as well as cause sexual dysfunction. Natural remedies may help reduce symptoms of inflamed prostate and provide preventive care for optimal health and function of the prostate.


    Eat plenty of foods that contain powerful antioxidants such as tomatoes, watermelon and pink grapefruit. Antioxidants are effective in protecting the prostate against damage caused by free radicals, which cause cell destruction. The Department of Human Nutrition at the University of Illinois has researched lycopene, an antioxidant component of fruits and vegetables with red colors, and found evidence of reduced prostate inflammation, reduced size of prostate tumors and even some anti-cancer properties. Also eat plenty of fruits, as they contain fructose, which, according to the Department of Medicine of Harvard Medical School, promotes and stimulates vitamin D production in the body, which in turn slows and inhibits tumor growth.

Saw Palmetto

    Take saw palmetto supplements to treat a variety of prostate disorders. Saw palmetto comes from a berry native to the southeastern U.S. Native Americans have traditionally used this herb for a variety of medical conditions. Saw palmetto may produce results in prostate enlargement in about four to six weeks. Follow instructions on packages or bottles of saw palmetto regarding dosage, which depends on the strength of the capsules you purchase. Cell Biology International in 2001 published results of a study by researchers at Boston BioProducts that found saw palmetto to inhibit cell growth of prostatic cancer cells in lab tests. More research will determine whether the effect works in human trials.


    Take pygeum for relief of prostate disorders that cause swelling or inflammation. Pygeum comes from a tree bark native to Africa and is used to treat prostate enlargement because certain chemicals found in it inhibit DHT, a derivative of testosterone that promotes cell growth and enlargement of glands. Recommended doses of pygeum are approximately 50 to 100 milligrams taken twice a day for six to nine months for optimal prostate health and wellness. Writing in the May 15, 2008, issue of American Family Physician, Dr. Jonathan L. Edwards says that limited evidence suggests pygeum relieves symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Take pygeum as your health care practioner recommends.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Alternative Cure for Yeast Infection in Women

Yeast is commonly found in the body, but when it gets out of control, it can cause problems for women, especially in the form of yeast infections. Yeast infections are caused by a proliferation of Candida albicans, which is a fungus commonly found in the female genital organs as the body's natural defense against harmful viruses and bacteria. Yeast infections may be caused by use of oral contraceptives, declining hormone levels, steroids or antibiotics. One effective alternative cure for yeast infections is the use of probiotics.


    Treat a yeast infection with probiotics, which are a natural bacteria found in the female vagina as well as in the digestive system. Probiotics help to produce niacin and folic acid in the body, as well as help protect the stomach and intestines from bacteria by creating hydrogen peroxide and lactic acid during digestion. The most common source of probiotics is yogurt, one of the most commonly used prodcuts to treat yeast infections.

Foods and Probiotics

    Eat foods that contain acidophilus, most specifically lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium. Such foods may include, but are not limited to, fermented as well as unfermented milks, yogurt, tempeh and miso. Probiotics can also be found in cranberry juice and in some soy products such as soy milk and tofu.

Probiotic Supplements

    Take supplements that contain probiotics such as acidophilus, available in liquid, capsule and powder forms. Today, consumers can even purchase acidophilus beverages at most natural or health-food stores. When purchasing probiotics for curing a yeast infection, always choose those that contain lactobacillus acidophilus.

How to Treat Candidiasis (Thrush) with Natural Remedies

Candidiasis, also known as Thrush, is a fungal infection of any of the Candida species and there are several different types of candidiasis. Below are the most effective, natural, remedies that can be used with or without other treatments to help treat candidiasis (thrush).



    Take 300 to 500 mg of Oregano Oil, three times daily. It works best when taken with meals to help it to digest properly.


    Take around 750 mg of Garlic, twice daily. Garlic helps to fight fungal infections, such as candidiasis, while helping to strengthen the immune system as well.


    Take a Probiotic that contains at least 4 billion active organisms, twice per day after meals. Probiotics give the system more healthy bacteria which can help to fight candidiasis.


    Take 1,000 mg of Caprylic Acid, three times per day. This fatty acid is known for it's anti fungal properties and is one of the more effective treatments for candidiasis.


    Take 500 mg of Echinacea, three times per day. Echinacea helps to enhance immune function and also has antiyeast effects.

How to Naturally Treat Seborrhea (Seborrheic Dermatitis)

Seborrheic Dermatitis, also known as Seborrhea, is a scaling on the skin that is caused by a malfunction in the oil glands. Seborrhea usually occurs on the upper body, including the face, scalp and chest. Below are some natural remedies that can be used to help treat Seborrhea.



    Take 500 mg of Black Currant Oil with all three large meals of the day. Also take a Fish Oil supplement that has between 5 and 10 grams in it. Both of these help to treat seborrhea by moisturizing the skin.


    Take a B-Complex supplement along with 100 mg of PABA with the first meal of the day. B-Complex vitamins are effective in helping to improve seborrhea.


    Take 500 mcg of Biotin with all three meals of the day.


    Take an antioxidant supplement that contains around 50 mg of Zinc.


    Increase your Vitamin E intake to at least 500 IU per day.


    Increase your Vitamin A intake up to 50,000 IU per day. If you are pregnant though you should only take up to 5,000 IU.


    For seborrhea on the scalp, wash the hair with an Everclean Shampoo. Lather the shampoo for 30 minutes or longer before rinsing out with cool water.


    Apply a mixture of 3 drops of Cedarwood Oil and 2 teaspoons of Vegetable Oil to skin areas affected by seborrhea.

How to Treat Menstrual Cramps Naturally

Menstrual cramps affect almost all women during their menstruation. Luckily, menstrual cramps are one of the easiest menstrual symptoms to treat naturally. Below are some of the more effective natural remedies that can be used for menstrual cramps.



    Take Motherwort in supplemental form daily during menstruation to both prevent and treat cramps. If you do not like taking supplements, you can add a few drops of the tincture to either water or tea instead.


    Take a Niacin supplement starting about 5 days before your menstruation usually begins, continue taking it until about 2 days after the end of your menstruation cycle. Niacin is very effective at relieving cramps of any type. It helps by diluting the blood vessels, allowing more oxygen and circulation to the wall of the uterus.


    Take an Omega 3 Fatty Acids supplement daily, and continue taking it regularly even when you are not menstruating. Fatty acids help to prevent muscle tissue spasms, which is a factor in menstrual cramps.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

How to Treat Boils Through Diet

One of the easiest ways to treat and precent boils is to make changes to your diet. Boils are caused by an infection in the follicle of the hair. Boils usually come in groups, and this is usually due to bacteria. A lack of proper nutrition is often times the underlying cause of boils.



    Eat more green leafy vegetables, as well as orange vegetables. These vegetables contain beta carotene, which helps to keep the skin healthy, and also helps to repair damaged skin. Focus on eating more vegetables raw and fresh, since other forms tend to lose most of their nutrition.


    Eliminate most processed foods and simple carbs, such as white flour and sugar, from your diet. All of these can worsen boils and also make you more prone to getting more of them in the future.


    Stay away from saturated and hydrogenated fats. Also stay away from shortening, lard, and other types of solid fats. These types of fat worsen boils.


    Avoid any caffeinated products. Caffeine aggravates skin conditions, such as boils.

Side Effects of Lutein & Zeaxanthin

Side Effects of Lutein & Zeaxanthin

Lutein and Zeaxanthin are nutrients that are found in green leafy vegetables as well as corn and eggs. They have both been found to be of great benefit to eye health by reducing chronic eye diseases like age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts. Both can be found in many types of supplements if fruits and vegetables are not a large part of your diet.

Side Effects of Lutein

    There are no documented side effects of Lutein but it is recommended that you do not take too much of the nutrient as it can possibly accumulate in the body. The American Optometric Association says that research shows that individuals should take 10mg of Lutein a day either through food or in supplement form.

Side Effects of Zeaxanthin

    There are no reported side effects of Zeaxanthin but as with Lutein you should only take the suggested dosage as recommended by your physician. The AOA suggests individuals consume two mg of Zeaxanthin a day.

General Side Effects

    If taking Lutein and Zeaxanthin in supplement form, there can be several side effects, depending on the supplement you choose. lists common side effects of multivitamins and minerals as upset stomach, headache or unusual taste in the mouth. For information about a specific supplement, talk to your health care provider before taking it.

Skin Health

    Lutein supports healthy eyes and has been found to benefit the skin. The Lutein Information Bureau says it "...filters the high-energy, blue wavelengths of light from the visible-light spectrum by as much as 90%. Blue light, in both indoor lighting and sunlight, is believed to induce oxidative stress and possible free-radical damage in human organs exposed to light, such as the eyes and skin."


    According to the American Optometric Association, "Beyond reducing the risk of developing eye disease, separate studies have shown that lutein and zeaxanthin improve visual performance in AMD patients, cataract patients and individuals with good health."


    Lutein and Zeaxanthin can be found in various foods. Some are spinach, corn, green peas, broccoli, eggs, oranges, kale, collard greens and romaine lettuce.

Alternative Treatment for Essential Tremor

Essential tremor is a mystery. A type of involuntary shaking movement in which no cause can be identified, it differs from tremors that are symptoms of diseases such as Parkinson's and others. Essential tremor involves the hands and head, along with the voice in many cases. Diagnosis through a process of elimination is the first step toward appropriate treatment.


    Obviously a doctor can't give you a blood test to determine whether you are suffering from essential tremor, but the test is useful in ruling out other serious conditions that may be responsible for your tremors or shaking.

    Ruling out other causes is the diagnostic tool for essential tremor. Neurological exams will check your reflexes and responses to sensations. Blood tests rule out conditions such as thyroid disease that cause tremors.

    Make an appointment with your doctor to determine the cause of your tremors and the best treatment approach for your condition.

Lifestyle Changes

    The doctor may prescribe medications to treat essential tremor, such as beta blockers and antiseizure drugs. You can also minimize your tremors by making some dietary and lifestyle changes. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Eliminating caffeine may not stop the tremors, but foods and beverages that have caffeine will make the tremors worse.

    Relaxation techniques may help too. Again, stress reduction is not a cure for essential tremor, but too much stress can make the symptoms worse. Get plenty of rest and avoid becoming fatigued.

    Use these lifestyle changes alongside traditional medical treatments or alternative treatments for essential tremor. Do everything possible to eliminate things that make your symptoms worse.

Alternative Treatments

    Many patients with essential tremor turn to alternative treatments when traditional medicine fails to curb the tremors. Treatments such as acupuncture and hypnosis have not been studied enough to determine whether they are effective.

    Some patients have found relief from tremors through alternative treatments, but discuss these methods with your doctor first.

    Some professional acupuncturists and hypnotists will attempt to treat your condition. Biofeedback and massage may also be effective. Experiment with different methods to find the right one for your condition.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Are Saunas Good for a Cold?

Colds usually start relatively mundane: a runny nose or a small cough, perhaps a little fatigue. If left unchecked, however, you could find yourself waking up and feeling completely miserable. The bad news is that antibiotics won't work on a cold, and other medicine just eases your symptoms. While a sauna will not cure you of your cold, it is a good way to make yourself feel better.

Saunas and Colds: Raising Your Body's Temperature

    According to the article "Sauna and Health," by Mikkel Aaland, sitting in a room with a temperature of 192 degrees Farenheit has many benefits for the body. These benefits include relieving discomfort associated with such things as hangovers, arthritis and even the common cold. This is corroborated by, which describes a 1989 German study in which people who took two saunas a day only caught colds half the amount of times as people who did not take saunas at all. The reason saunas help is that when you sit in them, you breathe in air that is over 80 degrees warm. Cold viruses cannot survive in these high temperatures. Essentially, what you are doing to your body is manually inducing fever conditions. Fevers work to reduce viral infections by raising your body's internal temperature to a point where the viruses cannot survive. When you sit in a sauna, you are increasing your body's temperature. Therefore, sitting in a sauna helps reduce the number of viruses in your body just like a fever does. This means that saunas are good for a cold.

Saunas and Colds: Improving Breathing

    Saunas also help improve your breathing, which may be hampered due to congestion in your sinuses and lungs. By sitting in the sauna, the warm air helps open up your air passages, making it easier to breathe and easier to expel mucous and other fluids from your body. As you expel these fluids, you are ridding the body of viruses and helping the body get well faster. Because the warm air also helps you breath easier, it helps make you feel better.

Does Colloidal Silver Prevent Infection After Surgery?

Does Colloidal Silver Prevent Infection After Surgery?

Colloidal silver has been shown to kill more than 650 kinds of bacteria, fungi, viruses and other pathogens. Silver has been used successfully to destroy many pathogens and protect the health for thousands of years. Colloidal silver is a liquid suspension of silver that is broken down into very small particles and more easily absorbed into the body. It does not attack things directly but rather it works much like an antibiotic. It destroys the enzymes of these organisms, disturbs their metabolism and keeps them from reproducing. It has even been known to help prevent scarring.

Surgical Infections

    Post-operative surgical infections kill a large number of people each year. These infections can be caused by something as minor as the bacteria on the patient's skin. They can be transmitted by medical attendants and instruments or even be airborne. These infections can be quite dangerous and are usually treated by large doses of antibiotics. This can lengthen the hospital stay and add thousands of dollars to a patient's hospital costs. But there is something safe you can do about it.

MRSA and Staph Infections

    MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) infections are responsible for more deaths in America than AIDS. MRSA is responsible for an estimated 94,000 serious infections and over 18,000 deaths a year, according to the October 17, 2007, issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association. The use of silver was tested against MRSA and staph in several studies and found to be effective.

Supportive Studies

    A study by the wound-care company Acryl Med proved silver to be an effective antimicrobial against MRSA when used in wound dressings. In another study, published in the journal Current Science, Vol. 91, No. 7, October 10, 2006, the researchers stated "Silver--Water--Dispersion solution has been shown as an effective antibiotic against many Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and multiple drug-resistant (MDR) strains".
    The Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Medical Nanotechnology Research Center in Iran determined "these [silver] nanoparticles were evaluated for their part in increasing the antimicrobial activities of various antibiotics against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The antibacterial activities of penicillin G, amoxicillin, erythromycin, clindamycin, and vancomycin were increased in the presence of silver nano-particles (Ag-NPs) against both test strains." Since the antibiotics had lost their effectiveness against these infections, it became clear that it was the colloidal silver particles that decided the fate of the infected patients.
    A study performed in Taiwan, published in the journal Colloids Surface B Biointerfaces in October 2007, determined that, "a special colloidal silver solution was tested on contact surfaces where the deadly pathogens are known to colonize, and from which they can spread to humans." The silver solution proved to be completely effective against both the antibiotic-resistant MRSA and Pseudomonas pathogens, it stopped colonies from forming.

How to use

    Colloidal silver can be used as a spray over surgical incisions or it can be impregnated on dressings and backed up by occasional re-wetting of the dressings. It is also acceptable to dispense colloidal silver directly from a bottle dropper onto a wound.


    Colloidal silver is reported to be non-toxic, non-addictive and when used for short treatments of seven to 10 days or so has no known side effects. Large doses for extended amounts of time, however, are to be used with caution. Some patients have developed argyria from ingesting home-made solutions of colloidal silver in high doses for extended amounts of time.
    Argyria is a condition in which the skin turns blue in spite of all other tests showing good health. Over-the-counter colloidal silver products used normally have no known links to this disorder. However, because of the rare instance of this happening and in spite of its benefits, the FDA has ruled that all of these products are not recognized as safe.There have been no studies or findings to deem the product unsafe other than the rare high-dosage occurrence.

What is an Alternative Method for Decreasing Testosterone?

There are many ways to lower testosterone levels if they are too high. Excessive testosterone can cause irritability, adult acne, and an incredibly high sex drive that can distract you from everyday life. Natural, alternative treatments will lower your testosterone without the use of drugs.

Meat for Soy

    Meat has been proven to raise testosterone levels, due to the animal proteins. According to, testosterone levels in strict vegetarians were significantly lower then omnivores, or those who eat both meat and vegetables. This dietary shift may be tough initially and the lack of protein from the meat itself may be a concern, but that can be taken care of by eating soy-based products instead of meat-based products, as soy is high in protein and doesn't increase testosterone levels.

Saw Palmetto

    According to, the natural herb saw palmetto reduces testosterone levels significantly when taken regularly, as it is used by men who are trying to reduce the size of their prostates and by women who are trying to naturally enlarge their breasts. The reason the mammary glands increase in women (or in men, for that matter) when taking saw palmetto is that it lowers testosterone levels, which would otherwise restrict the size of the mammary glands. Taking regular supplements of this herb, which is available inexpensively over the counter in most grocery and health food stores, will significantly reduce testosterone levels.

Drink, Smoke and Stay up Late

    While drinking, smoking and staying up late are not the healthiest things to do for the rest of your body, it will reduce your testosterone levels significantly over a short period. According to, this abuse to your body forces it to creates cortisol, the human stress hormone, which depletes testosterone levels. Also, the toxicity of alcohol and cigarette smoke decrease testosterone plasma, which lowers testosterone levels. This, of course, is not recommended as a method of decreasing testosterone levels by any doctor, but if it is part of your lifestyle and testosterone levels become a problem, it may help.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Side Effects of Whole Flaxseed

Side Effects of Whole Flaxseed

Adding flaxseed to you diet may provide health benefits; however, side effects do exist for flax seed, and whole flaxseeds may not be digested appropriately. Understanding the potential side effects, as well as how to obtain the maximum benefit from flaxseeds, can help you determine if flaxseed is right for you.


    Grown throughout Canada and northwestern United States, flaxseed is simply the seed from the flax plant. Flaxseed supplements can come in whole or crushed form, and flaxseed oil is available in liquid or capsule form.


    According to the Mayo Clinic, it's important to grind flaxseeds, as the whole seed may pass through the digestive tract without being digested. Grinding the flaxseed before consuming it means that you'll get more nutrition and benefit from the seed.

Side Effects of Flaxseed

    The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine says that, overall flaxseed supplements are generally well-tolerated. Flaxseed may cause constipation or intestinal blockage if it's not taken with an adequate amount of water. Because flaxseed contains high amounts of fiber, consider starting it a low dose and increasing it slowly. This may help to ward off uncomfortable intestinal side effects.

    Also, NCCAM says that the fiber in flaxseed could stop or limit the absorption of other supplements and medications, so don't take anything else at the same time as the flaxseed.


    NCCAM says that flaxseeds contain soluble fiber and are high in omega-3 fatty acids. Though NCCAM says there's not enough data to definitively say, some studies do suggest that the alpha-linolenic acid found in flaxseeds could benefit those with heart disease. NCCAM is also currently researching other studies on the benefits of flaxseeds.

    According to the Mayo Clinic, flaxseed may help reduce total blood cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels; however, the NCCAM says that studies on the effects of flaxseed and cholesterol have reported mixed results.

Flax oil or Flaxseed?

    Though flaxseed oil is an excellent source of alpha-linolenic acid, it is missing many of the health benefits of actual ground flaxseeds. The fiber found in the seed isn't present in the oil, though the omega-3 essential fatty acids are. Also, NCCAM says that flaxseed contains lignans, but flaxseed oil does not.

Glucosamine & Chondroitin

Glucosamine & Chondroitin

Dietary supplement treatments have become an alternative approach in the treatment of symptoms associated with arthritis and joint pain. Glucosamine and chondroitin are the materials that make up cartilage and bone structures within the body. As of yet, it is unknown whether supplement versions of these materials can help to maintain and restore normal joint function.


    According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, as many as 27 million people within the United States suffer from some form of osteoarthritis. Also known as degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis is a progressive disease that involves the breakdown of the cartilage and connective tissues that cushion the joint structures within the body. Joint pain, swelling and deformity can result within weight-bearing joints like the hands and the knees. During the early stages, joint stiffness becomes a problem. As the condition progresses, pain and swelling may occur.

Joint Repair

    The joints of the body are constantly working to break down and repair the connective tissues that enable joints to function properly. In order to do this, needed glucosamine and chondroitin materials must be made available within the joint metabolism process. The natural occurrence of glucosamine and chrondroitin within joint structures is an indication of how essential these materials are to normal joint function. The use of these materials in supplement form is intended to make them available to joint metabolism processes.


    The molecules involved in joint metabolism are made up of precursor materials that are synthesized into the molecule that is used. Glucosamine is a precursor material used in the synthesis of glycosaminoglycan, which is the molecule used to form and repair cartilage structures. Glycosaminoglycan is an amino sugar produced by the body. In supplement form, glucosamine is believed to attract water into the network of tissues that comprise cartilage and to assist in the manufacture of collagen proteins.


    Chondroitin is another precursor material involved in glycosaminoglycan synthesis. It appears in heavier concentrations within cartilage structures, and is thought to account for joint resiliency, and durability. Chondroitin is a carbohydrate molecule that retains water, and may slow the breakdown of cartilage materials within the metabolism process. The supplement version is made from cow cartilage and is sold in the form of chondroitin sulfate. It's found in high concentrations within the fibrous materials that hold joints together, and in the shock-absorbing cushions that cover the ends of joints.

Treatment Effects

    The actual effectiveness of glucosamine and chondroitin supplements in the treatment of osteoarthritis remains a topic of inquiry within medical circles. Numerous studies have been done to determine the effects, however conflicting results are apparent. The first large-scale study performed was GAIT--a multicenter clinical trial done in the United States in 2006. GAIT (Glucosamine/chondroitin Arthritis Intervention Trial) sought to examine the effects of glucosamine and chondroitin in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis. Results from the study revealed both materials worked to relieve pain symptoms for individuals with moderate-to-severe pain. As far as claims regarding improved cartilage production, no substantial improvement was found in the build-up of cartilage materials.

How to Extract Bee Venom

Because the amount of venom a honeybee produces is infinitesimal and very difficult to collect in large quantities, an electronic device for extracting it, known as a bee venom collector, is used. It is the easiest way to generate enough stings for a viable amount of venom per collecting session. The collector consists of a housing with controls on one side and a glass plate on the other. The plate is covered with a row of electrified wires. When a bee comes into contact with the wires, an electrical impulse triggers a sting. The venom from the sting then falls onto the glass plate. Once it has dried, it can be collected.


Extracting Bee Venom


    Insert the glass plate directly below the stretch wires on the front side of the collector.


    Place the bee venom collector and the hive entrance with the glass plate and wires facing the hive.


    Turn the device on. Watch for the blinking green run light that indicates proper operation. Ensure that the device is pausing every 50 seconds for a 10-second interval.


    Make sure that the device turns off automatically after 40 minutes, which is the maximum amount of time for each collecting session. If the device does not shut off after 40 minutes, turn it off manually.


    Place the device in a shady area to allow the remaining bees to return to the hive. Leave the glass in place.


    Remove the glass plate. You will notice spots of white crystals beginning to form. Allow the venom to dry completely.


    Scrape the bee venom off the glass plate with a clean razor blade once it is completely crystallized. Place venom in a small, dark-colored glass vial, and label. Store the venom by refrigerating it for up to one year.

Tree Oil Wart Removal

Warts are bumps on the skin that are caused by HPV, or the human papillomavirus. Warts are contagious and can spread if not treated properly. Over-the-counter remedies can be purchased for wart removal, but they can be expensive and painful. An alternative treatment, tea tree oil, is extremely effective in treating warts if applied diligently.

Warts and Tea Tree Oil

    Warts can exist anywhere on the body. Warts that appear on the feet are called plantar warts. These types of warts are usually seen in clusters, rather than individually, as they tend to spread easier in the moist area of the foot.

    Tea tree oil is extremely effective for treating warts, including plantar warts, when applied regularly. Tea tree oil is sold under many name brands and can be found in most natural health stores. Tea tree oil is sold in liquid form and is typically packaged with a dropper lid that controls the flow of the oil, as the product is extremely potent. According to Bill Gottlieb, author of "Alternative Cures," tea tree oil has antiviral properties (see Reference 1).

Treat Warts with Tea Tree Oil

    In the morning, apply a couple of drops directly to the wart. Because tea tree oil does not damage surrounding tissue, it is not harmful if some of the oil gets onto unaffected skin. If plantar warts are apparent all over the foot's sole, apply the tea tree oil to the entire area. Allow the area to dry. Covering the wart is not necessary, although socks can be beneficial for plantar warts.

    In the evening, repeat the application process. It is important to allow the area to dry before touching another object, as the oil needs time to absorb into the skin. This process should be repeated daily to receive maximum benefits.

Stubborn Plantar Warts

    For more stubborn cases of plantar warts, investing in a foot bath can be an inexpensive way to help healing. Continue to apply the tea tree oil to the plantar warts twice daily. Two to three times a week, fill the foot bath with water, and then add five to 10 drops of tea tree oil. Soak the feet for at least 20 minutes.

    Following this process meticulously should heal the warts in about a month. Sometimes treatment can take up to three or four months, and Gottlieb recommends abandoning the treatment if it is not successful within that time.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Tribulus Benefits

Tribulus Benefits

Tribulus Terrestris is a plant that has been used by the Chinese and Indians for many decades. In the 1990's the use of Tribulus became popular in North America because several Eastern Europe Olympic athletes, mostly bodybuilders, said that they use Tribulous, The root of the Tribulus is the part that is important. It is believed that the Tribulus root can cure many ailments.


    The reason the Tribulus plant is supposedly good for several ailments is because it is believed the Tribulous can increase the luteininzing hormones. The luteininzing hormones are the hormones that help the body to create testosterone. In one study the subjects each took 750mg of Tribulus each day and the results were a 72 percent increase in luteininzing hormones and a 41 percent increase in testosterone.


    Tribulus was first introduced to North America by bodybuilders because many of the performance enhancing drugs that bodybuilders use increase the levels of testosterone. Higher levels of testosterone in the body will lead to increases in muscle size, stamina and strength.


    Bodybuilders commonly use Tribulus, but they usually use it on their own without it being suggested by a doctor. A doctor will most often recommend Tribulus to somebody with fertility disorders. Since Tribulus increases the amount of testosterone made in the body it can help to treat erectile dysfunction and other problems with the libido.


    Tribulus has also been found to be an effective diuretic. Diuretics are a type of medicine that will remove body fluids from the body by causing the body to urinate. Diuretics can be used to help treat dysuria and urinary stones as well as help to lose weight.

Blood Pressure

    One of the most common ailments in the world is high blood pressure. In men, high blood pressure can occur because of a lack of testosterone. Since Tribulus increases the amount of testosterone in the body it could lead to a healthier level of blood pressure.


    If someone has low levels of testosterone increasing the testosterone using Tribulus can be very helpful. If someone already has the right amount of testosterone but uses Tribulus to get bigger and stronger then there are side effects of high testosterone levels. Some of the side effects of testosterone levels that are too high include erectile dysfunction, baldness, acne, nausea, headaches, anxiety and depression.

How to Learn Jala Neti

Jala neti, or just "neti" is a nasal irrigation method. Performed properly, neti flushes toxins and loosens mucus from sinus passages. Jala neti instructors teach neti irrigation procedure. You can master the process at home with practice. It may take more than one time to feel comfortable using a neti pot, but you will become accustomed to the practice and enjoy its benefits.


Learning Jala Neti


    Prepare neti solution. According to the Himalayan Institute, neti solution consists of non-iodized sea or kosher salt and water. Add to your neti pot 1/2 tsp. kosher salt and 1 cup distilled warm water. Mix to completely dissolve salt. Hot water can damage your nasal linings. If the water is too cool, it will cause congestion.


    Practice holding your head correctly. As you bend over a sink, look into it. Turn your head so that your nostrils are aligned one above the other. Keep you forehead and chin even. If your forehead is too high, the solution will pour into your mouth.


    Place the spout of the neti pot into your upper nostril. Do not allow any solution into your nostril, yet. The Himalayan Institute teaches to seal the spout in place. Open your mouth. Lift the pot handle, allowing solution to pour slowly into your nostril and drain from your lower nostril.


    Empty the neti pot and turn your head to face into the sink. According to the Himalayan Institute, simultaneously exhale through both nostrils expelling water and mucus into a tissue. Repeat the entire process with a new solution. Pour solution into the opposite nostril with your head turned opposite of the first application.

Acid Reflux Treatment Without Drugs

Acid reflux happens when stomach acid and juices from the stomach back up into the esophagus leading from the throat to the stomach. There are several home treatments that may help control the symptoms.


    The Mayo Clinic reports that acid reflux is more specifically known as gastroesophageal reflux (GER) and is not interchangeable with the more severe gastroesophageal disease known as GERD.


    The Merck Manual of Health and Aging reports that the most obvious symptoms of acid reflux are heartburn that sometimes extends to the neck, throat and face, and regurgitated material from the stomach that causes a sour taste in the mouth.


    According to the Merck Manual of Health and Aging, lifestyle changes can treat acid reflux. These include raising the head of the bed 6 inches, smaller meals, not lying down after a meal, reducing fatty foods, and eliminating cigarettes, caffeine and alcohol.

Who Is Affected

    The Merck Manual of Health and Aging reports that 10 percent of all people are affected and about half have acid reflux once a month. It affects old and young and is more common among men.

When to See a Doctor

    According to the Mayo Clinic, you should see your doctor if symptoms worsen, or if you experience nausea, vomiting or difficulty swallowing.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

What Are the Health Benefits of Peppermint Tea?

Peppermint tea is a common herbal remedy made from the leaves of the peppermint plant. It is naturally caffeine free, contains a large quantity of menthol and offers numerous health benefits.


    Peppermint tea works as a muscle relaxant and encourages bile production. It is used to relieve headaches, nausea and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome such as bloating, diarrhea and gas. It keeps breath fresh and is said to help relieve stress.

Method of Use

    When steeped in hot water, dried peppermint leaves yield an aromatic, amber-colored tea.

Botanical Details

    Peppermint is a naturally occurring hybrid of the spearmint and water mint plants. Indigenous to Europe, it is now cultivated all over the world.


    Peppermint tea works to relax the muscles of the digestive system. While this helps treat most stomach problems, it has a negative impact on acid reflux disease.

Fun Fact

    Peppermint tea can be stored in a spray bottle and used as an all-purpose insect repellent.

Home Remedy for Nausea & Hot Flashes

Nausea and hot flashes are two uncomfortable conditions that don't always go together and usually have very different causes. Yet there are certain herbal and alternative remedies that can be used to treat both conditions. There are also some good commonsense methods that will help you cope with both nausea and hot flashes. It is helpful to first differentiate between the two conditions.

What is Nausea?

    You are experiencing waves of queasiness and dizziness. It's hard to keep anything down. You want a remedy eases or cures your nausea. But first, you need to find out what's causing it.

    If your nausea is caused by food poisoning, overdose or poison, your system is trying to get rid of deadly poison. Get immediate medical help. The same is true if a heart attack, kidney or liver disease or another serious condition is causing nausea. But once you are sure your nausea is not life-threatening, there are many excellent home remedies to treat it.

What are Hot Flashes?

    You are a woman who feels fine one moment, and the next feels too warm, flushed, sweating and very uncomfortable. You are experiencing a 'hot flash' because your blood vessels, particularly those in your face, are dilating. This vasodilation is caused by hormonal changes in your body, usually due to menopause. Medication may or may not be indicated, but you will want to treat your symptoms so you feel better. There are a number of home remedies that can help.

Home Remedies for Nausea

    Peppermint tea and peppermints work great for nausea, but they must contain real oil of peppermint, not just flavoring. Also, try a few drops of oil of peppermint in water. Parsley, sage and rosemary relieve gas and stimulate digestion. Ginger, anise, chamomile, cinnamon, fennel, goldenseal and red raspberry leaf teas all help with nausea. Ginger-ale and soda crackers can help with short-term nausea (the cracker's baking soda helps rid your stomach of excess acid).

    A remedy for motion sickness nausea is acupressure. Take your right hand thumb and first finger and apply gentle steady pressure on the skin between your left hand thumb and first finger. You should feel the nausea lessen. Fresh, cool air will also help. Warm, stuffy air increases nausea.

Home Remedies for Hot Flashes

    Ginger tea, raspberry leaf tea and sage tea sweetened with anise are all effective for hot flashes. Chamomile and linden flower tea are also good. Always keep the air around you fresh and cool, particularly when sleeping; stuffy warmth can trigger a hot flash.

    Black cohosh and dong quai supplements have phytoestrogens -- naturally occurring plant-based non-steroidal estrogens that can ease you through the hormonal changes that cause hot flashes.

Home Remedies for Nausea and Hot Flashes

    Ginger, cinnamon, anise seeds, licorice root, star anise, fennel, chamomile and goldenseal all help with both nausea and hot flashes. In particular, anise, star anise and fennel contain phytoestrogens, and they also help settle the stomach. And remember ---lots of fresh, cool air helps to ease both nausea and hot flashes.

Home Remedy for Sundamaged Skin

Sun damage occurs when there is not enough protection for the skin from the sun's ultraviolet rays. When this happens, skin cells are burned, and DNA rapidly tries to repair and replace them. This can cause unsightly red coloration to appear in the affected area, as well as swelling, peeling and blistering. If skin is continuously damaged by the sun, it may become unable to repair itself. Melonoma, basal and squamous are all types of skin cancer that can result from sun-damaged skin.


    Aloe is one of the most frequently used plants for remedying sun-damaged skin. The plant has long, cactus-like leaves that that are filled with a soothing gel-like substance. According to (Reference 1), when using aloe to help heal sun-damaged skin, you should peel the skin off aloe leaves and apply the fleshy, gel-coated section of leaves to the affected area. Aloe will serve both as a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory. To make the remedy even more soothing, aloe leaves can be refrigerated prior to treatment.

Lavender Extract

    Lavender is a shrubby evergreen plant that has been used for centuries because of its medicinal and aromatic qualities. According to, lavender extract, which is a condensed liquid form of the plant, can help remedy sun-damaged skin. In addition to relieving pain, lavender extract also helps the damaged skin heal. For best results, the above source recommends mixing approximately 20 drops of lavender extract with a cup of water, and applying the solution with a cloth or sponge to the affected areas.


    White and apple cider vinegar are both home remedies for sun-damaged skin. According to (Reference 2), these vinegars work because they contain malic acid, which helps restore the pH levels (or helps balance the acidity and alkalinity) of the affected skin. White and apple cider vinegar are especially useful for preventing and minimizing peeling and blistering.

Food and Drink Remedies

    There are a number of common food and drink items that can be used to as home remedies for sun-damaged skin, including yogurt, cucumbers, oatmeal, lemons, tea and milk. Yogurt can help sooth damaged skin, and yogurts that feature live cultures can also help repair it. Cucumber slices can be rubbed on affected areas and also provide a soothing, as well as cooling, effect. Lemon juice helps disinfect damaged skin, but it is important to dilute it with water before applying. Oatmeal can serve as both an anti-inflammatory and a pain-reliever. recommends mixing it into a warm bath, letting it settle for approximately 15 minutes and then soaking in it. Boiled tea bags can be applied to damage skin, and it is thought the tea's tannins can help speed up the healing process. Milk is another home remedy, which can help reduce swelling caused by sun-damage because of its lactic-acid content.

Natural Ways to Shrink Uterine Fibroids

Fibroids are thought to be caused by high levels of estrogen in the body. Also known as leiomyomas, fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that grow in or around the uterus. Fibroids are actually quite common and are generally not considered serious. For women who have few symptoms with fibroids, a natural approach may be all that is needed to shrink them and reduce symptoms.


    While there are some relevant and seemingly effective natural and herbal remedies to treat fibroids, short of surgery; there is no guarantee that the size of fibroids can be reduced using natural means. Many of the herbs and natural treatments look to reduce the effect of symptoms from fibroids, along with helping to balance the female reproductive system. It is believed that fibroids form due to an excess of estrogen in the system. This is a particular problem just before the onset of menopause; during the time called perimenopause. Estrogen levels can become extremely high during this time, and if not properly balanced, can lead to the formation and growth of fibroid tumors. A key consideration in treating fibroids and encouraging their reduction, is to treat the functioning of the liver. The liver acts as the main filter in the body, and helping it to remove toxins, may in fact help to rectify the excess levels of estrogen in the body. This balance can be aided with the use of natural remedies along with herbal preparations.

    Herbal remedies can also attack fibroid tumors by working to increase progesterone levels in the body, thereby balancing the excess levels of estrogen. If you are plagued with symptoms from fibroids like heavy bleeding, pain, cramping, bloating and fatigue; herbal teas and supplements may offer a solution.

Liver Cleanse

    There are many formulations you can use to do a general liver cleanse. Specific herbs can target the liver, helping it to function more efficiently, reducing the level of estrogen in the body. Liver friendly herbs like burdock, dandelion, yellow dock, red clover, nettle, cleavers, milk thistle and vervain, bump up hormone processing. Try combining equal parts of these herbs in one quart of boiling water. Steep for about ten minutes, strain and drink. You can drink two cups of this tea daily to strengthen your liver. Try using this remedy for 4 weeks, and take one week. Have your physician check your progress, and resume treatment if desired.


    Vitex, or chasteberry is a popular herbal treatment used to treat menstrual problems by raising levels of progesterone in the body. Instead of working as a phytoestrogen, vitex works on the hypothalamus and pituitary glands, and balances the female hormones. By doing so, this can lead to a reduction in symptoms associated with fibroids, such as heavy bleeding, pressure and pain. Vitex or chasteberry is widely available in tea form or supplement form. Often it is combined with other beneficial herbs such as raspberry, which has also been shown to be of benefit to the female system. Follow dosing instructions carefully. Vitex is safe to consume indefinitely.

Castor Oil

    Soothing castor oil packs are a good choice when it comes to treating fibroids. Thought to penetrate the internal organs, castor oil packs can be applied directly to the abdomen and may help shrink smaller fibroid tumors. Make a pack by saturating a small piece of flannel or cotton in some castor oil, wring out well. Warm in the microwave for just a few seconds and place over the affected area. Cover with plastic wrap and top with a hot water bottle. Recline and relax for up to one hour. Repeat once a day for relief.

    Consult your physician if are having severe symptoms with your fibroids including extremely heavy cramping or bleeding, or pressure on internal organs. You may need more conventional treatment.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Organic Ringworm Remedies

Ringworm, also known as Tinea, is a fungus. It is not caused by worms. Ringworm gets its name from the circular, raw, red patches created by the fungus. It is very contagious and can appear on all areas of the body. The most common area of infection is in the groin area where it is known as jock itch. When it appears on feet, it is known as athlete's foot. It is easily treated at home with natural remedies.

Ringworm Treatment

    Treat ringworm with natural remedies, rather than resorting to over the counter chemical treatments. There are many natural choices which offer anti-fungal, anti-bacterial properties and relief from the itchy symptoms of ringworm.

    * Use a cotton ball to apply hydrogen peroxide to the ringworm. Then apply an antibacterial ointment.
    * Cut up a raw papaya and gently rub it into affected areas. You can also make a paste from dry papaya seeds and apply it directly to the ringworm. Lemon or lime slices can also be used to treat ringworm.
    * Apply tea tree oil, thuja oil, coconut oil or black walnut tincture directly to the ringworm. Combine the oils with neem or olive oil for quick relief. These natural, anti-fungal, remedies are available at local health food stores. Do not use tea tree oil on cats.
    * Create a rinse with myrrh. Myrrh is known to help the immune system and act as an anti-fungal agent. Combine 10 drops of myrrh oil and water. Apply to the ringworm rings. Tincture of myrrh can also be taken internally.
    * Create a paste by crushing dry mustard seeds and adding a small amount of water. Clean the affected area with hot water and then apply the paste.
    * Apply raw turmeric juice to the ringworm. Turmeric can also be taken orally; combine 1 tsp. of turmeric juice and 1 tsp. honey.
    * Soak a cotton ball in organic apple cider vinegar. Rub the ringworm with the soaked cotton ball.

    Keep the ringworm patches clean and dry. Clean the spots at least twice a day and drink water to keep yourself hydrated.

    Relieve the itch caused by ringworm with an application of aloe.

    Discuss any organic treatments with your doctor. This is especially important if you are pregnant, have a compromised immune system or are taking any other medications.

    Cats are sensitive to many organic treatments. Discuss any potential treatment with a veterinarian.

Natural Gas Relief Remedies

Natural remedies for gas and flatulence can range from teas to psyllium to supplements. Whichever natural remedy you choose, there are effective ways to rid yourself of this embarrassing and sometimes painful condition. If your condition worsens, consult with your physician for more conventional treatment options.


    Teas can be effectively used to treat gas. Peppermint tea is especially helpful in ridding the body of gas. Simply look for some peppermint tea at your local health food or grocery store. Make sure it is real peppermint, and not just a peppermint flavored tea. Drink this tea as need for your symptoms.

    Another effective tea for gas contains a mixture of several herbs. Mix equal parts of chamomile, peppermint, valerian, aniseed and caraway seeds. To make a cup of tea, place about one to two teaspoons of the mixture in one cup of boiling water. Steep for ten minutes, strain and drink. This tea contains compounds called carminatives that eliminate extra gas in the body. Drink as often as you like.


    Papaya tablets can help treat gas symptoms. Papaya contains enzymes that help the digestive tract break down food, reducing the amount of gas that is formed. Look for these papaya enzyme tablets in rolls similar to antacids. To relieve gas, take one or two tablets after meals, or follow package instructions.

    Activated charcoal is another useful supplement that can help treat and eliminate gas. This alternative remedy is usually made from specially treated wood, and is safe to take, without side effects. Take four to six capsules when eating problem foods. It is best to use on an as-needed basis.


    Surprisingly, fiber added to your diet can help with gas symptoms. Psyllium is one such example. Psyllium encourages normal bowel function by propelling waste through the bowels in a more efficient manner. This, is turn, leads to less gas in the system. Take one tablespoon once daily with eight ounces of water. Be sure to drink water throughout the day, along with eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.

How to Get a Physician Medical Massage Referral

Massage has been used for thousands of years to treat and prevent injuries and illnesses. Bas-relief carvings from Ancient Egypt and ancient Chinese texts show how massage was used by ancient cultures. Texts dating back to ancient Greece and the early days of Rome outline the massage methods and techniques used to keep people healthy. Ayurvedic writings also describe in detail how massage kept the body supple and fit. Massage has fallen out of favor in the western world, but it is beginning to make a come-back as more and more people seek out treatments which do not rely on risky and expensive prescription drugs.

Doctors do not often prescribe medical massage, not only because they often do not understand it, but also because there are not many trained, certified medical massage therapists. Fortunately, as more therapists become available, it is becoming easier to get your physician to give you a medical massage referral.


Getting a Physician Referral


    Determine whether your injury or illness would benefit from massage therapy. The best way to make this determination is to meet with a licensed massage therapist. Many soft-tissue injuries can benefit from the work of a massage therapist, but most diseases have contraindications which exclude massage as a treatment option. Energy work may prove beneficial in those cases, but the possibility of getting a physician referral for energy work is next to nil, owing to the lack of verifiable research proving the benefits of energy work.


    Locate a qualified, trained, and certified licensed massage therapist. The phone book is one option. Your physician or chiropractor may have a preferred massage therapist, or you can search any of the massage organizations such as the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) or the Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP). Look for licensure, certification, and additional training in medical massage, injury recovery, or specific conditions. Specific training modalities you would look for may depend on your condition. For example, people with structural alignment issues may seek out Trager or Rolfing bodywork, while the victim of a vehicle accident may get greater benefit from a Swedish massage. The important thing is to seek out the most appropriate modality for your condition.


    Discuss with your physician how massage treatment would benefit your specific condition. This may take some convincing on your part, as most physicians believe prescription drugs and physical therapy is all you need to recover from an injury. If you can, meet with the massage therapist ahead of time to discuss your condition and how massage can benefit. Ask for literature, whether in the form of brochures, newsletters, or specific texts, to help support massage as a treatment option.


    Involve the massage therapist in the treatment plan. This will require a medical records release form so the therapist can base the treatment on your specific condition. The therapist should meet with your physician to discuss the specifics of your massage treatment. Often, your physician may have specific goals and treatment courses in mind to help with your condition.


    Adhere to your physician's and massage therapist's instructions. Your therapist may recommend bathing in epsom salts and essential oils to aid in your recovery, or particular stretching exercises to improve mobility in the injured area.

    This not only helps in your recovery, but it demonstrates for the physician how effective massage therapy can be in treating medical conditions, making it easier for the next patient to ask for and receive a referral for medical massage.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Natural Cures for Lyme Disease Symptoms

Lyme disease is caused by bacteria known as Borrelia that is carried by ticks and is identifiable by a circular, reddish rash that appears on the skin. If caught in the early stages, Lyme disease is largely curable by medical professionals through the use of antibiotics. Some evidence suggests that natural remedies may be effective in treating the symptoms of Lyme disease, though you should consult a medical professional before attempting any treatments on your own.

Herbal Supplements

    Some doctors recommend a herbal supplement known as Cat's Claw or Samento as a natural treatment for Lyme disease, according to the Health New Age newsletter. The herb is non-toxic and works to rid the body of the Borrelia bacteria. It comes in capsule form and should be taken on a daily basis to achieve maximum results. Symptoms like fatigue, headache and muscle pain will often return if a patient stops taking the herbal supplement.

    Additional herbs can also be administered as part of a homeopathic remedy for the symptoms of Lyme disease. Types of herbs will vary, depending on the type and severity of an individual's symptoms, and should be prescribed by a homeopathic doctor for best results. Herbs may include Super Aloe Vera Juice, Ashwangha, Melilotis or Cimicifuga.

Dietary Changes

    Julian Whitaker, founder of California's Whitaker Wellness Center, suggests that garlic and foods with a high content of vitamin C can help fight the effects of Lyme disease. Garlic acts as an antibiotic, while strawberries, peppers and citrus fruits help the body to build immunity. This immunity provides relief from the symptoms of Lyme disease that resemble the flu.


    Joint pain is a common symptom of Lyme disease, which can be eased through the use of hydrotherapy like ice packs or hot compresses. Dull, penetrating pain should be treated with a warm compress, applied right on the painful area. For sharper, intense pain, wrap an ice pack in a plastic bag and a towel and hold it in place on the affected area for 10 to 20 minutes. The treatment should be repeated every four hours until the pain is reduced.

    Heat therapy can also be used to strengthen the immune system and reduce the symptoms of Lyme disease. Patients raise their body temperature to around 102 degrees by sitting in a sauna, hot tub or steam bath. This should be done once a day for no more than 20 minutes, according to