Thursday, December 3, 2015

How do I Store Collodial Silver?

How do I Store Collodial Silver?

Colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic. Unlike other antibiotics, it does not destroy the body's enzymes. According to, colloidal silver is neither a poison nor a panacea; it is a safe, topical antibiotic that may be used internally cautiously. There are three different types of products labeled "colloidal silver." According to, they are ionic silver solutions, silver protein and true colloidal silver. Only true colloidal silver is safe. Store colloidal silver in glass containers or the silver particles will no longer be in suspension and the shelf life will be minimal.


    Store collodial silver in a dark glass bottle.
    Store collodial silver in a dark glass bottle.

    Store colloidal silver in a dark glass bottle.


    Store colloidal silver away from electrical appliances.


    Store in a dark place, such as a cabinet.

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