Sunday, November 1, 2015

How to Treat Indigestion Symptoms (Functional Dyspepsia) with Natural Remedies

How to Treat Indigestion Symptoms (Functional Dyspepsia) with Natural Remedies

Dyspepsia (indigestion), also called functional dyspepsia, is a persistent stomach pain or discomfort primarily in the upper abdomen. Indigestion symptoms affect approximately 25 percent of people in the United States and other western countries (See Resource 1 below). Here are a few indigestion remedies prescribed by alternative medicine practitioners.


    Relaxation helps relieve indigestion symptoms

    Reduce indigestion symptoms from functional dyspepsia using relaxation therapies. The Mayo Clinic (See Resource 2 below) suggests progressive muscle relaxation and guided imaginary to relieve symptoms of anxiety and stress associated with dyspepsia.

    Acupuncture to treat indigestion symptoms

    Consult with an acupuncture practitioner to treat dyspepsia (indigestion) symptoms. The practitioner will take your medical history then examine your tongue and pulse to determine a diagnosis. The acupuncture session will involve inserting very fine needles into specific points, called acupoints, on your body. Depending on the severity of , you may need a few sessions to see an effect.

    Tuina massage for functional dyspepsia

    Use Tuina massage to treat functional dyspepsia. Tuina massage, which is an important component in Traditional Chinese Medicine (See Resource 3 below), is among the oldest therapies known to man. Clinical research has shown that it is effective in the treatment of (indigestion) symptoms, particularly in children.

    Relieve indigestion symptoms with aromatherapy (Image:c0rrin3)

    Relieve indigestion symptoms with aromatherapy. Put a few drops of chamomile or lavender essential oil onto your pillow to promote a relaxing sleep. Alternatively, get an aromatherapy massage to ease the tense muscles around your abdomen.

    Take peppermint oil and caraway oil for functional dyspepsia (Image:gun4hire)

    Take peppermint oil and caraway oil in combination (See Resource 4). Clinical research by German scientists found that taking 90mg of peppermint oil and 50mg of caraway oil in combination are effective in reliving dyspepsia (indigestion) symptoms.

    Take peppermint nutritional supplements (Image:forwardcom)

    Drink some peppermint herbal tea. Alternatively, take enteric-coated peppermint nutritional supplements. These supplements are formulated to release their contents in the intestines, rather than the stomach.

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