Monday, November 30, 2015

Neem Juice Benefits

Neem Juice Benefits

Neem juice, derived from the neem plant, has been used in ayurvedic medicine for centuries. The bitter juice is still in use in modern times--especially in India--for a variety of uses ranging from soothing the skin to cleaning teeth. While neem juice--a relatively cheap product--has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, there are no known side effects of neem juice, so many people use it as a home remedy.

Benefits for the Eyes

    Ayurvedic practitioners consider neem juice beneficial to eyesight. For people with night blindness, a common treatment is the application of a couple of drops of neem juice at nighttime. Neem juice is also said to benefit those with conjunctivitis when dropped directly into the eyes.

Dermatological Uses

    Neem juice is often used for eczema and other skin conditions. Diseases like chicken pox and smallpox are also believed to be affected by neem juice. Dermatologists also recommend neem juice for acne patients, due to its anti-inflammatory, soothing qualities. In India, neem juice is also used as a common remedy for lice.

Benefits for the Ears

    Neem juice can be warmed and applied to the ear to reduce hearing problems, practitioners say. If you have a bug in your ear, you can drop a few drops of neem juice in your ear to kill the bug. If you develop boils in your ears, a mixture of honey and neem juice--taken orally--is said to cure them.

Treatment of Fevers and Malaria

    Neem juice is even used to treat malaria, a tropical fever that is very prevalent in India. Neem juice is said to inhibit the development of the virus and to help stimulate the liver.

Used as Contraception

    Neem juice is also viewed as an inexpensive form of birth control. In monkeys, neem juice is said to lower fertility without lowering the libido. Neem can be used before or after intercourse and has not been shown to cause permanent infertility or damage to the reproductive organs.

Benefits to Pregnant Women

    Some pregnant women use neem juice to reduce labor pains and fevers associated with labor. After pregnancy, neem juice--when applied as a douche--is said to relieve the pain of external wounds to the vaginal area.

How Can Parasites Benefit Humans?

Parasites are usually considered to be harmful creatures that drain nutrition from their hosts while giving nothing in return. However, speculation exists as to whether or not parasites might actually have a practical function.


    An article published in the British Medical Journal in 1989 suggested that excessive hygiene could be to blame for many health problems like allergies and autoimmune diseases. David P. Strachan, the author, suggested that parasites and bacteria played a role in stimulating the immune system in our ancestors. As of 2010 his theories have not been scientifically investigated.


    According to the Health Guidance website, leeches, which are parasites that attach to a host and break the skin to drink its blood, have been used since the 18th century when bloodletting was a popular treatment for disease. ABC News indicates that women ingested tapeworm eggs to help them keep their weight down during the 1950s.


    Currently, leeches are used to help the skin reattach and promote healing after surgery, and they reduce discoloration in a black eye. The Tapeworm Diet website advocates using worms to control weight and stimulate the immune system, a practice that is banned by the FDA.

How Do I Eradicate Candida Overgrowth Naturally?

How Do I Eradicate Candida Overgrowth Naturally?

Candida is a type of yeast that is found in everyone's body. Candida is found in the intestinal track in humans from birth and does not typically harm humans if it is under control. An overgrowth of Candida called "candidiasis" can result in yeast infections of the mouth, skin, genitalia and nails. Candida cannot be completely removed from the system, but it can be controlled naturally and effectively.



    The best step to getting rid of a Candida overgrowth would be preventative care. Limit your intake on sugar, white flour and overly processed foods. This will allow your immune system to stay strong and balanced. Start by changing your diet and include natural foods such as whole grain, raw fruits and vegetables in your diet.


    Eat yogurt. Look for yogurt brands that contain live cultures, such as S. Thermophilus or L. Acidophilus. These are probiotic cultures that help restore balance in your intestinal track. Greek yogurt is one type of yogurt that has a good amount of live cultures in it.


    Include garlic in your diet. Not only does it taste good, but garlic also has antibacterial and antifungal properties that are effective in ridding the body of excessive Candida. Taking garlic will also boost the immune system. Fresh, dried and concentrated garlic products are available at most grocery and health food stores.


    Consider taking grapefruit seed extract. Nutritionists have recommended the use of this extract for its antiviral and anti-fungal properties. There are no side effects associated with taking grapefruit seed extract. Typically, it comes in a liquid concentrate or in a tablet form.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Properties of Apple Cider Vinegar

Properties of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is made exclusively from pulverized apples in fermentation processes that retain many of the essential minerals and other nutrients present in the apples themselves. There are two fermentation processes in the production of this particular vinegar. The first stage occurs when yeast and sugar are added to turn the apple product into alcohol. A second fermentation process then allows the alcohol to mature into actual vinegar, which is composed primarily of acetic acid. Apple cider vinegar actually carries the same chemical structure as acetic acid: two carbon, four hydrogen and two oxygen atoms which may be written as CH3COOH.


    Because of its apple base, apple cider vinegar contains a high level of potassium with lesser amounts of manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and silicon. Additionally, scientists have identified as many as 90 substances in apple cider, vinegar including 13 types of carbolic acids, four aldehydes, 20 ketones, 18 types of alcohols and eight ethyl acetates. In addition to the acetic acid, apple cider vinegar also contains important minerals and trace elements along with propionic acid, lactic acid, enzymes and amino acids. Calcium, chlorine, sodium, sulfur, copper, iron, silicon, and fluorine are also present in varying amounts as are Vitamins C, E, A, B1, B2, B6 and beta-carotene.

The "Mother"

    A distinguishing characteristic of apple cider vinegar is the "Mother," which forms as a result of the second fermentation process. This cobweb-like residue is a concentration of accumulated bacteria and enzymes that many commercial producers leave in their products to supplement the many reported benefits of apple cider vinegar. The "Mother" it visible to the naked eye; it looks like sediment in the vinegar itself.


    Unlike many other vinegars, apple cider vinegar is used primarily for healing rather than as a condiment. Reports of the healing properties of apple cider vinegar date as far back as 400 BC, when there is evidence that Hippocrates, the founder of modern medicine, used it as a healing tonic. There are also anecdotal reports dating back to the Revolutionary and Civil Wars that apple cider vinegar was used as both an antiseptic and as a disinfectant.

    Recent literature has sought to capitalize on these anecdotal reports and to summarize some of the many varied uses of this vinegar. Probably one of the best-known resources is "Folk Medicine: A Vermont Doctor's Guide to Good Health," by Dr. D. C. Jarvis, which documented the successes of apple cider vinegar as a remedy in treating conditions including arthritis, gout, acne, colds, sinus infections, sore throats, insomnia, and bladder and kidney infections. Some alternative health websites also describe apple cider vinegar as helpful for weight loss, indigestion, as a regulator of blood glucose levels, and as a good detox agent.

How to Make Hand-Sanitizer Spray

How to Make Hand-Sanitizer Spray

Hand-sanitizer spray keeps the hands clean between washings. Doctors, nurses and many other professionals sanitize their hands frequently throughout the day. Commercial hand sanitizers can be expensive, so make your own and save money. Add your own fragrances to make a custom blend.



    Measure 1 cup grain or isopropyl alcohol into a clean spray bottle. Either form of alcohol is acceptable as long as it meets the 60 to 95 percent alcohol requirement, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


    Add 1/2 cup aloe vera gel and 1/4 cup distilled water. The ancient Egyptians used aloe vera as a healing plant, and the sticky sap from its leaves acts as a moisturizing agent.


    Add 5 drops tea tree oil. Attach sprayer and shake to mix ingredients. Tea tree oil acts as a natural antibacterial agent. You also may add a few drops of fragrance oil if you do not like the strong smell of tea tree.


    Spray on hands and rub together until dry. Wash hands with soap and water prior to using hand-sanitizer spray. Hand-sanitizer spray is not a replacement for proper hand washing practices. Washing with soap and water cleans the hands while the hand-sanitizer spray disinfects to inhibit the spread of germs.

Uses of Mentholatum

Uses of Mentholatum

Menthol and Mentholatum have been used for many years as home remedies for many different things. The strong odor is unmistakable and can be distinguished from any other product on the market. It has been useful as a plant in the yard and been blended with other products to become indispensable to the average family with children. It has fuzzy leaves and grows about one foot tall. Camphor is an ingredient in mentholatum and is an evergreen tree that grows in Taiwan, Japan, and China. The camphor is extracted from the wounds of the tree, according to Earth Notes.

Muscle Rub

    Mentholatum is formulated for and used in muscle rubs.
    Mentholatum is formulated for and used in muscle rubs.

    Mentholatum is formulated for and used in muscle rubs that penetrate the skin and relieve muscle pains. It is used for aches and strains, according to WebMD. It is used to treat arthritis pain and deeper aches of the joints. It works because it starts out cool to the skin and then begins to warm the muscles down deeper. Also, according to WebMD, it is to be used externally only, on the skin.

Cough Remedy

    According to End Times Report, rubbing a child's chest and feet with mentholatum ointment and covering the feet with socks will give relief to the nighttime cough from severe colds or flu. It is also stated by End Times Report that the house should be kept cold while the child kept warm.

Clearing Sinuses

    According to Earth Notes, the plant can be used as an inhalation treatment. For this treatment, take a few drops of the extracted oil from the plant, put it in hot water, and breathe it in deeply. The oil extracted from the plant is supposed to repel bugs, ants, and rodents, Earth Notes says.

Chapped Lips

    Another home remedy to use mentholatum for is severe chapped lips. According to Best In Cosmetics, one of the best nighttime cures is mentholatum. Lather your lips right before bed; by morning, the chapped and cracked dry skin will be gone.


    According to Earth Notes, camphor is an ingredient blended into mentholatum rub. It is used in aromatherapies. The scent of camphor is said to help alleviate depression, and has sedative properties.This blend is used for a heart tonic and used to treat infectious diseases, according to Earth Notes.


    When mentholatum is used in veterinary practices it is a helpful treatment of fleas, ticks, swollen glands, colds, and flu in dogs, according to Earth Notes.

How to Dissolve Keratin

How to Dissolve Keratin

Keratin buildup, common in skin, can lead to blocked hair follicles and small white bumps. When this natural skin protein causes a blockage, the condition is known as keratosis pilaris. While the bumps look like acne, they actually contain hardened keratin rather than pus. There is no cure for the harmless condition, but with a steady skin-care regimen, you can limit the problem.



    Rub a cloth gently over keratin deposits in a circular motion.


    Rinse the affected area of your skin with warm water. Pat your skin mostly dry with a towel without rubbing or squeezing the deposits. Leave your skin slightly damp.


    Apply a lotion containing either lactic acid or urea. As it helps moisturize your skin, it will begin to dissolve the keratin.


    Repeat these steps for a few weeks. If you still notice a problem, apply a cream with a Helix Aspersa Muller complex as an ingredient. The main component of this complex, glycoconjugates, may help reduce excess keratin.


    After you have reduced the appearance of keratin on your skin, continue a steady moisturizing routine to prevent future keratin deposits.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Benefits of WBV

Benefits of WBV

WBV, or whole body vibration, is a therapy that uses vibration for various health gains. Specific areas are treated with vibrating cushions, cables and dumbbells, or the whole body with vibrating platforms. Gyms, weight loss clinics, athletes and chiropractors use whole body vibration machines and techniques. Some research indicates that vibration provides several health benefits, including increased muscle strength, faster muscle repair, weight loss and bone mass replacement.

Bone Density

    WBV improves bone mass, especially in people with low bone mineral density and osteoporosis. As we age, the bones become less dense, increasing the risk of fractures and deterioration. Exercise prevents bone loss, but physical activity is difficult for individuals with weakened muscles and mobility problems.

    The vibrations from WBV platforms produce results similar to exercise while allowing a patient to remain stationary. Accordingly, a patient can increase bone mass and decrease the risk of injury. In 2003, a six-month study at Leuven University in Belgium showed that menopausal women had an average of 1 percent increase in bone density after vibration therapy. Also, a study at State University of New York at Stony Brook concluded that sheep exposed to 20 minutes of vibration daily increased their bone density by 34 percent in a year.

Hormone Advantages

    In a 1999 study of 14 men, scientists discovered that WBV training increased testosterone levels and decreased levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Elevated testosterone levels are linked to improved muscle strength. This may explain why some athletes who use WBV experience fewer injuries and heal more quickly.

    WBV also helps regulate cortisol levels. The body secretes the hormone cortisol in response to stress. High levels of cortisol can bring on ulcerated organs and heart disease. WBV treatment helps the body to maintain balanced cortisol levels and thus ward off disease.

Weight Loss

    Whole body vibration is suggested to promote weight loss. In May 2009, a WBV weight loss study was presented at the European Congress on Obesity. The study indicated that obese people who used WBV in conjunction with a low- calorie diet lost more weight and abdominal fat over the long term than those who used traditional weight loss methods.

Healing Properties of Vitamin E

Healing Properties of Vitamin E

Vitamin E is vital to the proper functioning of the human immune system. Additionally, its antioxidant properties protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, which are molecules usually found in polluted air or ultraviolet light. Some researchers suspect these antioxidant properties can prevent diseases caused by damage from free radicals. The Food and Nutrition Board recommends healthy individuals at least age 14 consume at least 15 mg., or 22.4 IU, daily of vitamin E.

Stomach Cancer Prevention

    PubMed reports that a 2009 diet and health study published in the International Journal of Cancer found that Vitamin E had no effect on esophageal cancer, but supplemental Vitamin E, an additional 71 mg. daily, significantly lowered the risk for gastric cardia adenocarcinoma, a stomach cancer. The study included almost 500,000 subjects.

Alzheimer's Disease Risk

    A study published in June 2002 in the Journal of the American Medical Association found a connection between the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and diet. Diets containing foods rich in vitamin E appeared to protect against Alzheimer's. One important finding was that vitamin E supplements did not have the same effect as eating foods rich in the vitamin. The study cited other research done by scientists in the Netherlands that found diets that provided higher doses of both vitamins C and E protected some individuals from Alzheimer's. Researchers caution readers against taking high doses of vitamin E since the dosage needed and potential effects are still a subject of ongoing studies. Some foods rich in vitamin E are sunflower and safflower oils, almonds, peanut butter and dark leafy greens.

Helpful to Men

    The Harvard School of Health study done in 2004 determined that after seven years taking a regular low-dose of 200 mg., or less, vitamin E, the risk of cancer for male study participants was reduced, and their overall mortality rate was improved. Women subjects received no similar benefits.

Helpful to Diabetics

    The Harvard School of Health reports in a 2007 study conducted in Israel that vitamin E supplements were particularly helpful to a subgroup of subjects with type 2 diabetes. This group showed a substantial reduction in the incidence of coronary heart disease. The researchers theorize that the anti-oxidant properties of vitamin E are particularly helpful to type 2 diabetics who are more susceptible to damage from free radicals.

Vitamin E Caution

    A 2004 study done by scientists at Johns Hopkins found that doses of vitamin E in excess of 400 IU per day increased the risk of dying. This concerned the researchers because most supplements sold over-the-counter contain 400 to 800 IU. The Johns Hopkins researchers arrived at this conclusion after analyzing data produced by 19 large clinical trials that took place between 1993 and 2004. According to the Office of Dietary Supplements, 400 to 800 IU equals 268 to 536 mg. of natural vitamin E, or 180 to 360 mg. of synthetic vitamin E.

How to Train for Preventative Maintenance

How to Train for Preventative Maintenance

Machinery breakdowns cost industry millions of dollars each year. Not only from loss of production, but from the labor and materials used to repair the equipment to an operational state. During the heat of repairs to restart production, the failed machine is only patched, and all too often not repaired. A run-to-failure maintenance policy is the most costly maintenance program in existence. Preventive maintenance (PM) programs, however, have the ability to reduce, if not eliminate, costly failures. Training maintenance staff, machine operators, and management, is critical to implementing an effective PM program.



    Select key staff for involvement in the discovery and training phase of preventative maintenance. This group will attend initial training and development for the preventative maintenance program. They will also serve as a future advisory committee for continuous development of the PM plan.


    Attend reliability maintenance seminars that focus on maintenance prevention. Organizations such as the Society of Maintenance and Reliability Professionals, IDCON, and Reliasoft, offer courses and seminars around the country throughout the year.


    Assess your business needs and what level of PM its machinery requires. There is no one-size-fits-all PM program to fit every industry and company. Based on the principals and fundamentals from conferences and seminars, choose the topics and practices that best fit your organization and will achieve the company's goals.


    Schedule equipment specific training for technicians and operators. Thorough knowledge of the equipment being maintained is as valuable as the PM program itself. If knowledge gaps exist between what the maintenance staffs knows and the technical information necessary to maintain a piece of equipment, send the affected technicians to training.


    Hire a consultant to aid the on-site training and to survey progress. While this is not mandatory for a preventative maintenance training program, the amount of time required to achieve the level of knowledge necessary to carry out an effective PM program is substantially reduced.

Friday, November 27, 2015

How to Clear Spider Veins with Bio-Dyne

How to Clear Spider Veins with Bio-Dyne

Bio-dyne, which is extracted from brewer's yeast, was the main ingredient in (George) Sperti's Ointment, which is no longer on the market. Also known as LYCD (live yeast cell derivative), bio-dyne is a main ingredient in Preparation H sold in Canada. Many consumers apply bio-dyne topically to treat varicose veins--also known as spider veins--and many home consumers attest to its effectiveness.



    Inspect the ingredients in your product of choice. Bio-dyne is generally used at 1 percent.


    Wash a small area of skin with mild soap, and pat dry. Apply a small amount of bio-dyne to the area, massage it in and wait six hours to make sure you have no adverse reaction. If there is an adverse reaction, wash the bio-dyne off with mild soap and discontinue use.


    Wash the area of your skin you wish to apply the bio-dyne with mild soap and pat dry--if there was no negative skin reaction in Step 2. Apply the bio-dyne to the area of skin where varicose veins are visible and allow 12 hours.


    Wash the area again with mild soap and pat dry before reapplying. Two times per day is the recommended usage for hemorrhoids (if using Preparation H from Canada); however, some consumers report using it every six hours for varicose veins (for which there is no recommended usage from a pharmaceutical company).

How to Make a Caster Oil Pack

How to Make a Caster Oil Pack

Castor oil is best known for its internal use to cure constipation. According to the website Electro Herbalism, however, castor oil also has antimicrobial properties. This means castor oil can be used externally because it has the ability to help various skin conditions such as ringworm, acne, and small cuts. One way to use castor oil on your skin is to make your own castor oil pack.



    Lay three strips of flannel in a bowl, and pour pure castor oil over them. Wait for the flannel to completely soak up the castor oil. Wring out the pieces of flannel.


    Lay the castor oil-soaked pieces of flannel directly on the area of skin you want to treat.


    Wrap plastic wrap around your skin to completely cover the pieces of flannel.


    Lay a hot water bottle on top of the plastic wrap.


    Wrap the entire area with a towel. This will keep the hot water bottle in place, and it will protect your clothing and bedding from becoming stained by the castor oil.

How to Prepare Aloe Vera Juice at Home

How to Prepare Aloe Vera Juice at Home

The health benefits of aloe vera go far beyond soothing a sunburned back. The earliest mention of aloe vera being used for medicinal purposes dates back to the 16th century B.C.E. in ancient Egypt. The plant, which contains over 20 beneficial amino acids, is known for its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe vera juice, which is made from the gel inside the leaves of a mature plant, is used primarily to treat a host of intestinal and digestion problems such as heartburn, colitis, ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome.



    Harvest a leaf from the outer edges of your aloe plant. These are the most mature leaves and contain the most antioxidants. Cut the leaf off on a diagonal.


    Set the leaves in a bowl with the tips facing upward and the cut edges facing downward. Let the brown juices drip out of the plant for 10 to 15 minutes. Discard the brown juices.


    Cut off the spiky edges of the leaf by scraping the sides with a paring knife.


    Fillet the leaf, cutting it in half so that you can see the insides.


    Scrape out the clear aloe gel from inside the leaf using a small teaspoon or butter knife. Be careful not to take out the yellow part of the leaf, which is found just under the green rind. This yellow membrane is called the latex and can cause severe cramping and diarrhea.


    Mix together 2 tbsp. vinegar with 1 cup water.


    Place the pieces of aloe vera gel at the bottom of a strainer. Rinse the aloe vera with the vinegar solution gently, turning over the pieces of gel to ensure that all sides have been rinsed. Doing so will wash away any extra latex that may be sticking to the gel.


    Add 2 tbsp. aloe vera gel and 6 oz. of citrus juice (such as grapefruit, lemon, orange or pineapple) to a blender. Blend until the aloe vera and juice are fully incorporated.


    Store your aloe vera juice in an airtight food storage container in your refrigerator. The juice should be consumed within two to three days.

Alternative Treatments for Behavioral Problems in Children

Alternative Treatments for Behavioral Problems in Children

Behavioral problems in children can refer to attention deficit disorder, adjustment problems and emotional issues. Children with behavioral problems often have out-of-the-ordinary responses to situations, such as tantrums lasting more than 30 seconds, aggression towards others and depression, among other symptoms. As a parent, you may be concerned about the effects medication can have on your child. There are alternative treatments you can try in order to manage your child's behavior problems.

Behavioral Therapy

    Reward your child for good behavior.
    Reward your child for good behavior.

    Behavioral therapy works by making adjustments in your child's daily routine in order to change behavioral patterns. According to Kids Health, some strategies to help your child include following a schedule, using effective discipline and using a reward system. Creating a schedule provides structure and consistency for your child. Effective discipline refers to revoking privileges from your child instead of resorting to negative responses such as spanking. A reward system can help your child achieve goals as she learns to modify her behavior.

Parent Training

    Break out of the negativity and focus on the good.
    Break out of the negativity and focus on the good.

    When you focus on the bad things your child does, your child will also want to focus on this negativity. According to the Mayo Clinic, negative attention can harm her self-esteem and confidence. It may take active coaching from a therapist to break out of the cycle of only telling your child what she's doing wrong. Learning how to praise your child for even the simplest of tasks can help her learn how to cope with her frustrations. Engaging in enthusiastic praise such as giving a hug or a pat on the back can help improve your child's behavior.


    Psychotherapy is the treatment of behavioral or emotional problems through counseling, or talking. You may opt to attend your child's counseling sessions or let her attend sessions on her own. Therapy with a trained professional can help your child deal with her emotions effectively.

Staying Calm

    Your child may yell in response to your yelling.
    Your child may yell in response to your yelling.

    At times you may act out when your child gets out of control. A natural response is to yell to try to regain control. However, your child is more likely to lose control if you yell at her. Iif you speak in a calm tone, your child may also calm down instead of throwing a tantrum.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Healing Properties of Neem Oil

Healing Properties of Neem Oil

Neem oil is a vegetable oil that comes from the seed kernels of the neem tree. The neem tree and neem oil have many benefits and uses. According to the Neem Foundation, the neem tree is known as the "village pharmacy." Neem oil is widely-recognized in India for its healing properties and is highly regarded for its medicinal qualities.

Skin Healing Properties

    Neem oil is a popular cure for skin conditions such as hives, eczema, psoriasis and acne. Massaging a mixture of neem oil with a carrier oil, like grape seed oil, directly onto the skin is an effective way to receive its healing benefits. Its healing abilities are attributed to the plant's anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Neem oil contains an aspirin-like compound that helps with acne conditions by ridding the skin of acne-causing bacteria. It also helps reduce redness and inflammation.

Fungal Healing Properties

    Neem oil has been used to treat and heal fungal infections, such as Athlete's foot, ringworm and nail fungus. Neem oil contains two bio-active compounds, nimbidin and gedunin, that have anti-fungal properties and can effectively kill fungus. Using a few drops of neem oil, with grape seed oil as a base, can heal and prevent future fungal infections.

Hair and Scalp Healing Properties

    Neem oil has been used as a treatment for dandruff, hair loss and head lice. Neem oil acts as a natural insect and pest repellent. It not only kills head lice, but its emollient properties soothes, nourishes and protects against an itchy, dry and flaky scalp. The use of neem oil with grape seed oil, or any other carrier oil, as a hot-oil treatment can help reduce shedding and promote thick, shiny and healthy hair.

Herbal Remedies for Lice

Herbal Remedies for Lice

Lice are a type of parasite that infest human hair, commonly on the head. They can cause scalp and neck irritation, and spread readily from person to person through direct contact, as well as through items like combs, hats, towels and linens. There are many over-the-counter products to kill both the live lice and their eggs; however, these often contain chemicals that can harmful to humans and the environment. There are several natural herb-based remedies to remove the lice that can be prepared at home.

Essential Oils

    Many essential oils are effective in treating  head lice and nits.
    Many essential oils are effective in treating head lice and nits.

    Rosemary, eucalyptus, tea tree, lavender and geranium oils have all been shown to kill head lice, and are commonly found at many supermarkets or health food stores. Mix a few drops of one or several of these essential oils into a 1/2 cup of a carrier oil (like olive or vegetable oil). Massage the oil into the hair and scalp, cover with a shower cap or plastic wrap and let the oil sit on the head for several hours before washing out. Carefully comb through the treated hair to check for remaining nits, and gently pull them out (a nit comb, available at most pharmacies, is helpful with this task). Repeat the treatment as needed, typically two or three times to thoroughly remove all lice and eggs.

Neem Leaves

    Neem is a tree that grows in tropical regions, and its leaves and bark are often used in Ayurvedic medicine. Steep three or four neem leaves in 1/2 cup of coconut oil in a glass jar with a tight fitting lid. Applying the homemade neem oil to the scalp will help to kill the lice and nits, and make it easier to remove them from the hair. Commercial neem oil can also be found at many health food stores, and used in a similar manner to the essential oils.

Other Remedies

    Fresh garlic can be used as a remedy for head lice.
    Fresh garlic can be used as a remedy for head lice.

    Although not technically herb-based, there are several other natural remedies that may help with lice. Finely chopped garlic cloves mixed with lemon juice, a water and vinegar solution or mayonnaise (store-bought or homemade) can all be massaged into the scalp and left on for several hours or overnight. Comb through the hair to check for lice and nits, and repeat the treatment as necessary.

Oil Distillation Process

Oil Distillation Process

Essential oils add scent to potpourri, homemade candles, bath salts and countless aroma therapy applications. You can also replace herbs in recipes with a drop or two of essential oil, eliminating burned herbs or oregano stuck in your teeth. The problem is essential oils, especially pure ones, are relatively expensive. To get around this problem, you can make essential oils at home with a simple distillation setup. It may sound difficult, but is actually quite simple.



    Place your stock pot on the largest burner of your stovetop or hot plate. Fill it with about 1 inches of room temperature water. Set a round cooling rack in the bottom of your stock pot; make sure it fits the pot exactly and sits at least 1 inch above the water. If it doesn't, you may stack two cooling racks to get the desired height.


    Pull your cooling rack out of the pot and trace its shape onto a piece of canvas with chalk. Cut out the canvas circle and place the rack back in the pot with the canvas on top. Center a wide-mouthed jar on the canvas. The jar should ideally be about 2 inches shorter than the rim of the stock pot. In this case, wider is better than taller.


    Chop up to 3 lbs. of fresh herbs or crumble up to 1 lbs. of dried herbs. The dried herbs may take longer to distill, adding a risk of burning your oil if you leave them in the distiller too long. Fresh herbs will simply wilt as time goes by. Spread the herbs in an even layer around your jar; make sure none of them get into the jar.


    Fill a large, shallow glass bowl with ice and set it on top of the stock pot. The bottom of the bowl should cover the mouth of the stock pot completely and the lowest point should be directly over the center of the jar. The bowl should not touch the jar; a 1-inch gap is ideal.


    Turn the heat on your burner to low and let it heat for an hour. As the water in the pot heats, the steam will rise and vaporize the oils from your herbs. The liquid rises to the bottom of the cold bowl and condenses, then slides down to the bowl's lowest point and drips into the jar.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Uses for Active Manuka Honey

Uses for Active Manuka Honey

Active Manuka Honey is an effective natural remedy for a variety of health problems. The honey is sourced from the Manuka and tea tree bushes, plants native to New Zealand and Australia respectively. It contains medicinal properties that combat several strains of bacteria including the bacteria responsible for sore throats, tonsillitis, stomach ulcers and gastritis. When used externally, it also acts as a natural aid in healing wounds, burns, external ulcers and eczema. Unlike antibiotics, Manuka Honey has no known side effects; in appropriate cases, it is a safe, natural alternative to strong medications.

Healthy Digestion

    The anti-bacterial properties in Active Manuka Honey have been shown to effectively combat the bacteria helicobacter pylori. This bacteria is responsible for many common digestive complaints, such as stomach ulcers, peptic ulcers and indigestion. Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome are greatly reduced through the ingestion of Active Manuka Honey; the honey coats the stomach and intestinal tract when taken before a meal and helps normal digestion take place. Manuka Honey also treats acid reflux; not only does the honey help to heal the esophagus for long-term recovery, it also creates a protective barrier on the tissue for immediate relief from discomfort.

Immune Health

    Active Manuka Honey can eliminate the need for harsh medications
    Active Manuka Honey can eliminate the need for harsh medications

    Active Manuka Honey is a natural remedy for sore throats and colds. The honey's anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory characteristics destroy the bacteria streptococcus pyogenes, the chief cause of sore throats and throat infections. Ear and eye infections can also be treated using a solution of Manuka Honey and hot water, and applied carefully with an eye dropper. Active Manuka Honey is high in antioxidants, and serves as a general immune system booster, as well as a treatment for specific ailments.

Skin Health

    Due its potent healing qualities, Active Manuka Honey is an effective treatment when applied directly to many skin conditions or wounds. Manuka Honey can prevent and treat fungal and bacterial infections of the skin, as well as help to prevent or limit scarification of abrasions, cuts and surgical wounds. Applied topically to skin ulcers, acne and eczema, Manuka Honey offers a natural treatment and eliminates the need for antibiotics or hormonal medication. Because Manuka Honey allows a moist healing environment while simultaneously treating infections, it is highly beneficial in the treatment of burns, and can greatly reduce scaring by allowing the body to heal more efficiently.


    Only Active Manuka Honey--rather than regular Manuka Honey--contains the healing properties described above. Check all labels before purchasing to ensure Honey is genuine New Zealand Active Manuka Honey. All jars should be marked with a UMF (Unique Manuka Factor) number, between 10 and 20. Jars without this labeling are not genuine and do not have healing properties.

Natural Ways of Purging Bladder

Natural Ways of Purging Bladder

Cold dairy products, spicy food and stress lead to gallbladder problems. Most gallbladder diseases are mild but some are deadly. One of the best ways to avoid diseases caused by bladder problems is to purge the bladder. There are a number of ways to purge the bladder to help a person live a healthier life.

Liquids to Help Flush the Bladder

    While doctors often prescribe antibiotics to help clear up a bladder infection, a number of liquid remedies exist to help purge the bladder. Cranberry and blueberry juice contain a component that stops E. coli from sticking to the walls of the bladder. This helps heal infections and the juice also aids bladder infections by not acidifying the urine. Drink 24 oz. in 8-oz. servings every day. While drinking the juices, drink a minimum of 64 oz. of water daily to flush out the bladder.

One-Day Cleanse

    Before purging your bladder, choose a day or two where there is nothing planned. Do not eat solid foods on the day you plan to purge your bladder after noon. Feel free to drink fresh juices and water throughout the day until 6:30 p.m. After 6:30 p.m., don't drink any more fluids. At 7:00 p.m. measure out 1/4 cup of olive oil and drink it. Follow the olive oil with 1 to 2 tbsp. of lemon juice. Relax after this, preferably lying on the right side. Repeat the dosage every 15 minutes until you have consumed a full pint of olive oil. After this, go to bed. The bowel movements will begin between 2:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

21-Day Gallbladder Cleanse

    A more gradual way to purge a bladder takes 21 days of work, creating a smoother purge. People can complete this method two to three times a year. During the 21 days, don't consume any meat, foods with high-fat content or dairy products. The best foods to eat are vegetables, fruits and grains. Every day, eat one to two radishes as a snack between meals. Drink 5 cups of chamomile tea or 3 cups of cleavers tea each day. For every 32 lbs. of body weight, add 1 tsp. of flaxseed oil to food.

What Are the Benefits of Strontium?

What Are the Benefits of Strontium?

Strontium is a common element in soils and drinking water. It exists in trace amounts in all bone. It is in the same chemical family as magnesium and calcium, being next to them in the periodic table. Many studies, including those by the Navy, the Mayo Clinic and McGill University, have proven substantial benefits deriving from this element. Strontium supplements cannot be taken by children because of the possibility it can deform bones still in formation.

Reverses Osteoporosis

    Strontium builds bone. It assists in the fusing of calcium in bone and hence serves as a catalyst. Several studies, led by an early 1959 study by the Mayo Clinic as well as more recent studies at McGill University, showed conclusively that strontium increases bone density -- in one case by 8.1 percent in patients who were losing bone before taking the supplements. This element not only builds bone like calcium can, but it also inhibits the re-absorption of bone matter into the system. Therefore, it doubles the rate by which bone disorders such as osteoporosis can be reversed.

Treats Arthritis

    Strontium also can build cartilage in the joints. In a Belgian study carried out by the Bone and Cartilage Metabolism Research Unit, strong evidence was uncovered that this element can assist in the stimulation of cartilage production and hence help reverse arthritis.

Prevents Cavities

    The U.S. Navy undertook a study to show strontium could prevent cavities. The Navy investigated a small town--Rossburg, Ohio--that had a large amount of this element in its drinking water. The surprising lack of cavities in the town strongly suggested that this bone strengthener can assist in the prevention of cavities by strengthening the bone structure of teeth.

Treats Cancer in Bone

    Cancers can spread into the bone. This becomes a severe problem since it quickly can destroy bone, leaving it brittle and weak. Even if the cancer is eventually cured, the damage to the bone is difficult to fix and can leave substantial deformations in the bone structure that cause severe pain and deformities later on. In a McGill University study, strontium was shown to strengthen cancer-riddled bones and fill in the holes that cancer leaves. Though it cannot cure bone cancer, it can deal with its effects by strengthening bones and leading to a speedier and less painful recovery.

Reduces Fracture Risk

    Given strontium's ability to strengthen bone more effectively than calcium, this element has also been found to reduce the risk of bone fractures, specifically in cases of bone weakness brought on by cancer or osteoporosis.

The Use of Regular Umbrellas for UVA Protection

The Use of Regular Umbrellas for UVA Protection

Sunscreen can feel like more trouble than it's worth, and you may forget or avoid applying it from time to time. Certain umbrellas make very effective UV-protection devices. The best ones to use for this purpose are specifically built to block UVA rays, the most dangerous of all sun rays, but your run-of-the-mill umbrella will work in a pinch.

Nylon umbrellas

    Most umbrella canopies are made of nylon or a nylon blend. Nylon is a synthetic fabric used for for items such as parachutes and tents because of its strength. It's also used as the base for fabrics manufactured specifically to block UV rays, like Solarweave.

UV-blocking umbrellas

    If you've heard of an umbrella being used for UVA protection, odds are it was not a regular umbrella but one specifically formulated to block UV rays. UV protection umbrellas have canopies made of a fabric with a nylon base; however, this fabric also has sun-blocking minerals woven into it.


    The use of a typical umbrella to prevent UVA damage will probably not be as effective as the use of a UV umbrella. However, even a shirt made of cotton, which is much less strong, resilient and opaque than a nylon umbrella, offers some UV protection. If you're hoping to use an umbrella as your primary sun protection method in the long-term, invest in a UV protection umbrella. However, if you're on your way out of the house on a sunny day and realize you'd like some extra protection from sunburn, it would be worth it to grab your regular umbrella. It won't block 99 percent of all rays like its UV-formulated cousins, but it will certainly help.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

What Are the Health Benefits of Omega-3 Fish Oil?

What Are the Health Benefits of Omega-3 Fish Oil?

Omega-3 fatty acids are long-chain polyunsaturated fats found in certain foods, such as fish. The two most beneficial omega-3s are DHA (docosahexaenoic) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic); both are found in fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, lake trout and albacore tuna. Essential nutrients from fish oil help maintain a balanced production of hormone-like substances known as prostaglandins and offer many health benefits in the prevention of a wide range of diseases.

Battles Heart Disease

    Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil benefit those who have cardiovascular disease or are at a high risk of the disease. Additionally, research indicates that omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of abnormal heartbeats, decrease triglyceride levels, slightly lower blood pressure and slow the growth rate of atherosclerotic plaque. For those with coronary artery disease and high trigylcerides, taking fish oil supplements provides more benefits than they would derive from the consumption of food, according to the American Heart Association website.

Potential Cancer Reducers

    Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil are commonly taken by cancer patients and may reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancers. This includes breast, prostate and colon cancer. Fish oil reduces the growth of cancer cells.

Pregnancy Benefits

    Omega-3s are essential for the early visual and neurological development of a baby. An increased intake has been shown to prevent early labor and delivery, increase birth weight, lower the risk of pre-eclampsia and reduce the risk of allergies in infants. Additionally, omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial after childbirth to help produce breast milk.

Mood Stabilizer

    Fish oil is beneficial as a mood stabilizer and provides relief from depression, anxiety, stress, sadness, mental fatigue and other nervous disorders. Positive results have also been shown in postpartum depression. Additionally, research indicates therapeutic benefits in childhood depression.

Additional Benefits

    Scientific evidence indicates that the omega-3-fatty-acid benefits of fish oil are used to treat a variety of diseases, according to the MedlinePlus website. This includes improvement in kidney function along with protection from toxicity in organ transplant patients, pain relief in joint tenderness and morning stiffness related to rheumatoid arthritis, a reduction in angina pectoris, relief from painful menstruation and a reduction of inflammation in patients with ulcerative colitis.

Sea Salt Remedies

Sea Salt Remedies

Salt is used in a variety of applications, including cosmetics, cleaning agents and cooking. Nevertheless, there are many different types of salt on the market and not all are good for your body. Table salt is chemically treated and, in the process, vital nutrients are removed. Additives are also often added, which are chemicals that can be harmful to your health. Sea salt, collected from the evaporation of sea water, is a natural and simple remedy for a myriad of afflicting ailments.


    Soaking in a bathtub full of warm water and only 1 cup of sea salt can do wonders for your body, both externally and internally. A sea salt bath is known to alleviate joint pains from arthritis and counteract the effects of obesity. Defective glandular functions can lead to obesity. The absorption of sea salt helps to balance these functions. A sea salt bath also helps to heal wounds on the outside of the body and alleviates stress.


    Gargling a glass of warm water mixed with 1 to 2 tbsp. of sea salt is a simple and inexpensive treatment in place of purchasing expensive mouth rinses and medications. It is also a healthier, more natural means of ridding your body of harm instead of digesting manmade chemicals. Although it may not taste as good, gargling salt water can be used in place of minty mouthwashes to rid your mouth of bacteria. It also helps cure symptoms from allergies, colds and strep throat. The sea salt helps to decrease the swelling of the throat and alleviate any pain and itching.


    A sea salt solution can also be inhaled through the nose as a method of curing a number of ailments. Mix 1 tbsp. of salt with 2 cups of water. Tilt your head back and gently inhale the warm, sea salt solution. It's best to do this over a sink with a handful of tissues available as this process can get a bit messy. The sea salt helps to reduce any inflammation in the nose. It alleviates pressure and rids the sinuses of congestion.


    Sea salt acts as an exfoliant when applied to the skin. A sea salt facial can be done by mixing 1 tbsp. of sea salt with 1 tbsp. of olive oil. Gently massage your face with the mixture for no longer than a minute before washing your face clean with fresh warm water. The facial clears dead skin and dirt and opens your pores. The scrub stimulates your body with the absorption of the natural minerals in the sea salt. It also helps to rid your body of toxins.

Silver & Esophageal Cancer

Silver & Esophageal Cancer

According to the National Cancer Institute, esophageal cancer strikes over 16,000 new patients every year, with approximately 14,500 patients dying from the disease annually. Many alternative therapies have developed, including silver, usually diluted in water and sold as "colloidal" silver.


    Colloidal silver, the most-common therapeutic type of silver marketed for diseases such as esophageal cancer, is known to kill germs, bacteria and viruses on contact. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allows colloidal silver manufacturers to claim that their products promote immune health.


    Makers of colloidal silver can not claim that their product cures any specific disease, including esophageal cancer, according to FDA regulations. In addition, studies have proven that taking large amounts of silver compounds is potentially harmful. Some patients have developed a bluish tint to their skin.


    If taking silver preparations or tonics for esophageal cancer, you need to favor the recommendations given by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over the manufacturer's instructions. The EPA reports that it is safe to take .005 mg of silver for every 2.2 pounds of body weight on a daily basis. Keep in mind, however, that no scientific data proves that silver compounds cure or improve esophageal cancer.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Safe Effective Benefits of Ultrasound Massage

Safe Effective Benefits of Ultrasound Massage

The ultrasound is most commonly associated with the diagnostic ultrasounds used in prenatal exams and medical screenings. Ultrasound massage is a type of therapeutic ultrasound that is used to stimulate muscles, joints and tissues. The high-frequency sound waves set between 800,000Hz and 2,000,000Hz can penetrate as much as 5 inches below the surface of the skin to stimulate cells and promote a variety of safe, effective healing benefits to various parts of the body.

Increased Range of Motion

    Ultrasound massage can increase range of motion in the muscles and joints of some patients. According to, ultrasound therapy is often used as part of a physical therapy regimen to relax the patient and prepare the body for physical therapy exercises. The ultrasound waves create a gentle, safe heat deep in the muscle tissue which can alleviate pain, stiffness and discomfort in some patients. Those who suffer from joint or muscle stiffness as a result of an injury or chronic condition, such as arthritis, may experience greater freedom of movement as the tissues are heated and relaxed throughout the body. The initial increase in range of motion allows the patient to work through physical therapy exercises more comfortably and effectively.

Accelerated Healing

    Ultrasound massage therapy is also used to accelerate and encourage the healing of wounds throughout the body. Joseph McCulloch, PhD, served as the director of the Physical Therapy Department at the Louisiana State University Medical Center, and his work suggests that ultrasound therapy can affect the natural secretion of collagen in fibroblast cells. Fibroblast cells are responsible for creating collagen, which is the structural framework of the human body. An increased production of collagen can strengthen the healing tissues and promote faster recovery from wounds and injuries of the skin and bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Reduced Scar Tissue

    Ultrasound massage is believed to safely stimulate an increased production of collagen that can also affect scar tissue formation. When the tissues of the body are relaxed and able to heal more quickly through the benefits of ultrasound massage, the formation of scar tissue can be significantly reduced. According to, ultrasound therapy may also have an effect on mature collagen throughout the body. Ultrasound treatment can be applied to fibrous scar tissue that may have already formed following an injury or trauma. The gentle pulsations of the ultrasound massage may reduce the appearance of exterior scars on the skin, and ultrasound treatment can also reduce scar tissue that may interfere with movement in the joints, muscles and ligaments.

What Is Curcumin Used For?

What Is Curcumin Used For?

Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric. This compound provides turmeric's characteristic yellow color. It adds a strong flavor to many Asian dishes. Curcumin is also an important herbal remedy.


    According to the American Cancer Society website, curcumin has been used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine since the seventh century A.D. It was historically used to treat a wide range of medical conditions, including intestinal worms, bladder and kidney trouble, mouth and eye infections, and bronchitis.


    Curcumin has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant properties. It also has some anti-cancer properties. Curcumin works by reducing the production of free radicals. According to, it stops cancerous cells from spreading into the rest of the body. It also lowers bad cholesterol and raises the levels of good cholesterol, restores kidney function and helps in the treatment of arthritis.


    Traditional uses for curcumin include as a weight loss aid and a treatment for leprosy, human papilloma virus, scleroderma and Alzheimer's disease in addition to a number of other conditions, according to MedlinePlus. However, curcumin has not been scientifically validated as a treatment for these conditions.

What Do Cinnamon Capsules Do?

What Do Cinnamon Capsules Do?

Cinnamon's aromatic scent has made it a favorite spice for thousands of years. In addition to cinnamon's culinary uses, it has been used traditionally in embalming procedures and religious ceremonies, and as an herbal remedy.


    Cinnamon and cassia are two separate plants. Ceylon cinnamon is derived from the Cinnamomum zeylanicum plant, while cassia is derived from Cinnamomum cassia. Both are used in herbal medicines.


    The bark and flowers of the cassia cinnamon plant are used to treat conditions such as appetite loss, colds and stomach upset. Cassia contains a chemical called cinnamaldehyde that may have antibacterial and antifungal properties, according to WebMD. Cinnamon bark, which is derived from Ceylon cinnamon, also helps with stomach upsets and works as an appetite stimulant. It is used to treat infections caused by parasitic worms and helps lessen menstrual cramps.


    Coumarins are plant components with anticoagulant properties, according to website The World's Healthiest Foods. The amount of coumarins in cassia can cause health risks if it is used for long periods. Cinnamon bark oil is irritating to the skin and mucous membranes. Both cinnamon and cassia can cause hypoglycemic attacks in people with diabetes or low blood sugar.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

How to Mix a Bentonite Clay Poultice

Bentonite clay is often an ingredient in cosmetic facial masks. It is purported to draw out toxins, according to (see reference 2). You can even eat this clay to cleanse the colon. Bentonite clay may also help ease inflammation, infection and accelerate wound healing. Make a poultice of the clay and apply it to bee stings, cuts, bug bites and infected wounds.



    Measure about 1 cup of bentonite clay and place it in a bowl.


    Measure about 1 cup of water and add it to the clay.


    Mix the clay thoroughly. Add more water as needed. The clay should have the consistency of a gel. According to Eytons' Earth, you have added enough water when the clay can just hold its shape without completely falling apart (see reference 1). The clay should be smooth, with no lumps.


    Apply the clay to the area you wish to treat. Eytons' Earth recommends applying it to a thickness of 1/4 inch to 3/4 inch (see reference 1).


    Wrap a bandage around the area gently. The bandage should be loose enough so that it does not put pressure on the area.


    Leave the clay on the skin for 20 minutes to an hour. If you have applied the poultice to a wound that is draining, remove the clay, clean the wound and reapply another poultice. You may need to do this several times until the wound stops draining.


    Remove the poultice by taking off the bandage. Rinse off the clay in warm water. You may notice a temporary redness on your skin. According to, this disappears in about 30 minutes (see reference 2).

The Healing Power of Coconut Oil

The Healing Power of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil owes its healing power to the antibacterial and antiviral fatty acids it contains. The body can use these substances to destroy viruses and pathogenic bacteria.


    For at least 4,000 years people of various cultures have revered coconut oil as an important medicine and have valued its healing properties. Popular to this day, coconut oil is used as an ingredient in lotions, skin care products and hair treatments.


    The healing properties of coconut oil are due to its medium-chain fatty acids, with which the body produces energy. Lauric acid, one of the components of coconut oil, is found in human milk. Coconut oil's antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties make it effective against such conditions as candida, inflammatory bowel disease and ulcers, according to the book "Coconut Cures" by Bruce Fife.


    Pacific Islanders consider coconut oil to be an excellent skin lotion, and many apply it from head to toe every morning. It helps protect their skin from the sun's rays in a hot tropical climate. Coconut oil is a healthy fat for cooking and can be used as a massage oil for any skin type.

Clove Oil Components

Clove Oil Components

Clove oil is extracted from the dried flower buds of the Eugenia caryophyllata tree. Clove oil has a spicy, warm aroma. It should only be used topically, and in very small amounts with a carrier oil because it is very strong. The Essential Oils website reports clove oil aids in digestion, lifts depression, refreshes the mind, eases respiratory tightness and painful joints, and helps heal sores. The Greeks, Romans and Chinese used clove oil to relieve toothache.


    According to the study on the "Cytotoxicity of Clove Oil" published in "Cell Proliferatation," eugenol makes up approximately 78% of the components of clove oil. Eugenol is used in perfumes, antiseptics, analgesics and flavorings. It is used extensively in the dental industry. Eugenol can be highly toxic if not used properly.

Eugenol Acetate

    According to the peer-reviewed article "Chemical Composition and Content of Turkish Essential Clove Oil," eugenol acetate makes up approximately 8.01% of clove oil. Eugenol acetate is an FDA-approved food additive, and is considered safe for consumption. It is used to create impart the spicy scent of clove to foods and perfumes.


    Beta-caryophyllene makes up approximately 3.56% of the oil components. Beta-caryophyllene is an FDA-approved food additive and that is sometimes used to create a clove-like aroma in some perfumes. Cloves are a natural source of this substance.

Additional Components

    The other trace components of clove oil include: a-Humulene (.4%), (E)-beta-Ocimene (.33%), p-Allyl phenol (.19%), Caryophyllene oxide (.1%), a-Copaene (.1%), Methyl saliculate (.07%), alpha-Cadinene (.04%), 2-Heptyl acetate (.04%), 2-Heptanone (.04%), 2-Nonanone (.02%), Linaloola (.01%), a-Pinene (.01%) and trace amounts of p-Cymene.

The Benefits of Flaxseed Bread

The Benefits of Flaxseed Bread

Flaxseed has a high content of alpha linolenic acids (ALA), which is an omega-3 fatty acid, like those found in fish. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to the body, and since your body can't make them, they must be eaten from a variety of sources. They are essential for brain function such as memory, behavioral functions and brain performance.


    In a study at the University of Toronto, participants who ate flaxseed bread actually had blood sugar levels that were 28 percent lower than those who ate wheat bread. Although it can't cure diabetes, flaxseed may help keep lower blood sugar levels than eating regular bread if eaten regularly.

Cancer Prevention

    Flaxseed contains a phytoestrogen known as lignans, which could have preventative properties against cancer. Flaxseed also contains ALA, which also has potential as a cancer fighting substance. Also, the high fiber is helpful in preventing colon cancer. Eating flaxseed bread could be beneficial for cancer prevention.


    Flaxseed is high in fiber and can promote regular bowel function. If taken with water, it can help soften stools if you are suffering from constipation, as it absorbs the water. One ounce of flaxseed bread offers up to 32 percent of your recommended daily intake of fiber.


    A study reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that people who took flaxseed had 30 percent less inflammation than those who did not. This could be directly helpful to those suffering from inflammatory arthritis.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

What Are Fish Oil Capsules Used For?

What Are Fish Oil Capsules Used For?

Fish oil capsules are supplements containing the oil from the flesh of cold water fish, such as tuna and salmon. These supplements have essential fatty acids called Omega 3, which are believed to offer health benefits.

Heart Health

    Fish oil supplements may reduce the risk of heart disease. According to the Mayo Clinic, studies have shown that fish oil reduces abnormal heart rhythms, slows hardening of the arteries, and the risk of stroke for people with heart disease. Fish oil has also been proven to lower triglycerides and blood pressure, which increases heart health.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

    Fish oil is known to have anti-inflammatory properties. This may help people with autoimmune disorders, such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.

Mood Enhancer

    Fish oil is believed to enhance mood in some people, and has been used with other natural or prescription antidepressants to treat depression.

Improved Vision

    The fatty acid in fish oil, known as DHA, is also found in the retina. Fish oil has been linked to fighting macular degeneration, an eye disorder that damages the center of the retina.

Citronella Plant for Head Lice

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) notes that citronella has been used for more than 50 years as an insect and animal repellent. Citronella products are not believed to cause harm to the environment, humans or pets.

Use for Lice

    Citronella oil is a volatile, liquid oil derived from the dried cultivated grasses of the citronella plant. The oil can be used to repel head lice and prevent an infestation if rubbed onto the scalp. However, the oil cannot drive out an existing infestation.


    During four months in 2003, a placebo-controlled double-blind study was conducted in four elementary schools; 95 children were tested with a placebo and 103 children were treated with citronella oil. Only 15.4 percent of the children treated with citronella contracted head lice while 55.1 percent of the placebo group contracted it.

How It Works

    Citronella oil works to repel insects without harming or killing them. Citronella's distinctive odor makes it difficult for some pests to locate a host.

How to Prepare Aloe Vera for Drinking

How to Prepare Aloe Vera for Drinking

People have long been using the extract of aloe vera in the form of a gel to treat burns, bug bites and other skin issues, such as dandruff and psoriasis. The gel of the aloe vera plant can also be made into a juice that can be consumed. One benefit of the juice, according to information on the University of Maryland Medical Center's Complementary Medicine site, is that it may help lower blood sugar in people dealing with type 2 diabetes. The gel required to make the juice should be procured from a mature plant---at least three to four years of age. The juice is made with the assistance of a blender and mixed with another liquid to cut the taste of the aloe vera juice.



    Remove one to two leaves from the aloe vera plant by gently pulling them off.


    Remove the outer thorny rind of the leaves with a sharp knife. This will expose the latex of the leaves---a yellow layer found directly underneath.


    Cut through the latex of the plant with a sharp knife and scoop out the inner aloe vera gel with a small spoon or the tip of the knife. Place the gel into a small bowl.


    Examine the gel for any latex remnants. It is crucial to remove all traces of latex, as this layer has been known to cause cramping and diarrhea.


    Place two tablespoons of aloe vera gel into a blender that contains one cup of juice, such as orange or grapefruit juice.


    Blend the ingredients on a low setting for two to three minutes.


    Pour the juice out of the blender and consume.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Oxygen Bars in Ontario

Oxygen Bars in Ontario

A growing trend in the bar and club party scene is the use of pure oxygen in order to feel awake and refreshed. Those in favor of oxygen bars and the use of pure oxygen are adamant about the alleged benefits, which include speedier weight loss, healthy skin, increased endurance and stamina and increased melanin production within the skin. Advocates also insist that the use of pure oxygen can cure hangovers, fatigue, headaches, cold and flu symptoms, viral infections, insomnia, jet lag and hormonal imbalances. Many cities within Ontario, Canada have picked up on this development and have capitalized on it by opening up oxygen bars of their own.

Lifesource O2 Oxygen Spa Bar

    Lifesource 02 Oxygen Spa Bar, located at the corner of Lakeshore Boulevard and Islington Road, provides a comprehensive oxygen therapy program. The establishment features a marble-top oxygen bar for guests to sit and choose their favorite scented oxygen. An oxygen spa bath is also available. Additional spa services at Lifesource 02 Oxygen Spa Bar include skin care and treatment, facials and massage. Packages are available to customers who wish to host their own private party within the spa.

    Lifesource O2 Oxygen Spa Bar

    2819 Lakeshore Blvd. West

    Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6S 1P9


Planet Beach Contempo Spa

    Planet Beach Contempo Spa in Oakville was the first spa of its kind to establish a base in Ontario. The establishment provides a full-service spa in order to meet the health needs of all their patrons. Tanning, massage, detoxification, guided meditation, facial treatments and light therapy are all available, and Planet Beach Contempo Spa also features a small oxygen bar for those who desire it. Planet Beach Contempo Spa is open seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.

    Planet Beach Contempo Spa

    2460 Neyagawa Blvd. Unit 3

    Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 7P4


Sweet Sun Tan & Oxygen Bar

    Sweet Sun Tan & Oxygen Bar is located in the St. Lawrence community of Toronto, Ontario. The oxygen bar here provides 92 percent pure oxygen in combination with the patron's choice of aromas. Sterilized equipment provides a clean and healthy experience with each visit. Apart from their oxygen bar, Sweet Sun Tan & Oxygen Bar also offers tanning beds for customers who need the suntanned look immediately.

    Sweet Sun Tan & Oxygen Bar

    125 Front St. East

    Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5A 1E3


How to Create a Gift Certificate for Massage

How to Create a Gift Certificate for Massage

Massages are a wonderful gift idea for a person who has everything, or when you're on a budget and want to give a personal present. Rather than simply writing the gift of a massage inside a card or telling the recipient, create a homemade gift certificate you can include in a card or wrap as a present.


Gift Certificate Template


    You can design and customize your massage gift certificate using an online template. Free gift certificate templates can be printed and can be customized for your massage gift.


    Fill in your information using a text editor or word processing program. Include the recipient's name and a special message. Include some details about the massage. Add an expiration date.


    Print the certificate on regular paper or card stock. Cut out and sign at the bottom to make it official. Place in an envelope to present as a gift.

Custom Gift Certificate


    Open a word processing program and open a blank document.


    Create a box with an outline or border. Inside the box add an image, graphic or a logo to make it more decorative and appealing.


    Add text to the box detailing what the certificate is for, when it is valid and a signature line to be signed by you.


    Print the certificate on paper or cardstock. Sign the signature line validating the certificate. Cut with a paper cutter and insert in an envelope.

Detox Remedies

Detox Remedies

Detoxing is a process anyone can try to help the body break down and eliminate toxins that accumulate over the course of time. These toxins include environmental pollutants such as air and water pollution, and cigarette smoke, as well as many most people never consider, such as ingredients in packaged and processed foods, and alcohol. There are several ways you can help your body detox without making much effort.

Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

    Eating more leafy greens and brightly colored fruits and vegetables, instead of a lot of meat, can help your body push out toxins. There are a few key organs that assist with toxin elimination: the kidneys, liver and skin. They do this by sorting the good nutrition from the bad and ridding the body of the bad. Sometimes, however, the build up of toxins becomes too much for our systems to handle, so we have to give them a little help. Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables can help because these foods are full of nutritional value, are easier for the body to digest than meats (proteins), grains and dairy products, and contain one of the best ingredients for your body: water.

    Essentially, this method involves going on a raw vegan diet until you stop experiencing the effects of detoxification. Depending on the amount and types of toxins it is eliminating, the body shows various symptoms of detoxification, from needing to use the bathroom frequently, to boils, to foul smells in the skin, breath or bodily waste.

The Water Detox

    Adding more water to your diet is a great way to flush out toxins. When you are not properly hydrated, your body begins to take water from other cells and add it to your blood cells, which adds unnecessary stress to your body's systems, including the circulatory, lymphatic and digestive systems. If you're not drinking 64 ounces of water per day, begin doing it now.

The Juice Fast

    A juice fast is one of the easiest and best options for a detox because it is simple, effective and easy on your wallet. All you have to do is drink juices that have no sugar added, or you can purchase fruit in bulk and juice it at home. Do not eat anything during this type of fast: You will get all of your nutrition from juices. If at all possible, include at least one vegetable juice a day, and then choose fruit juices that promote toxin elimination, such as grapefruit, pomegranate, blueberry and cranberry. You can also drink water and herbal teas on this fast, but sweeten your tea with honey instead of sugar, if needed. Avoid dairy products.

Detox Programs

    There are several detox programs on the market that target specific systems, such as colon and digestive system cleanses. These are a series of herbal supplements and/or teas to be taken or drunk every day until the supplies run out. Read package directions thoroughly for specific instructions on how to use them.

Hygiene and Exercise During Detox

    Depending on the amount of toxins your body is eliminating, there are many forms in which they can be released, including sweat, boils and waste. Thus, it is important to be on top of your personal hygiene. This may include taking two or more showers a day, brushing your teeth more than twice a day or applying topical ointments to any boils or lesions that may occur. Exercising daily is conducive to removing toxins more quickly, as it helps your systems function to release more toxins through the skin.


    Positive effects of detoxification can include weight loss, increased energy levels, a sunnier disposition and a more productive digestive system. If you have certain conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), you may notice an alleviation in symptoms. Performing a body detox twice a year is healthy, but detoxes should not be done back to back -- allow your body the time it needs to adjust. One detox every two to three months is healthiest.

Difference between Biotic Silver & Colloidal Silver

Difference between Biotic Silver & Colloidal Silver

Biotic silver and colloidal silver are both natural health remedies used as antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal agents. Both consist of microscopic amounts of silver processed to remain in suspension in water.

Form of Silver

    Colloidal silver is composed of approximately 50 to 80 percent silver particles and the balance as silver ions. Biotic silver is composed of silver powder combined with a protein binder.


    The greater the surface area of the silver particles, the more the product will react with its environment, which, it is believed, is an indicator of how effective the product will be. A greater concentration silver particles, rather than larger silver protein molecules, will increase the product's surface area at equal concentrations.


    Biotic silver is simple to manufacture and can even be made at home. Colloidal silver is more complicated to manufacture, and is therefore the finished product more expensive to purchase than biotic silver.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Pros of PGX

Pros of PGX

PGX, which is short for PolyGlycopleX, is the registered name of a nutritional supplement designed to control appetite. It is available for sale in the United States and Canada. It is a combination of plant fibers developed in a precise way using technology. It is sold in capsules and as meal replacement drink mixes. As with any health product, it should not be consumed without prior consultation with a physician.

Blood Sugar Control

    One of the primary claims of PGX is that it regulates blood sugar in order to maintain consistency of levels throughout the day. Sharp decreases in blood sugar send off a signal in the body that the person must eat in order to bring the sugar levels back up. PGX keeps blood sugar levels steady in order to prevent the spikes and dips in glucose levels that can cause hunger.

Slowing of Digestion

    Another primary PGX claim is the ability to make you feel full longer by slowing the digestion process. The company claims the immediate effect of feeling full can happen as soon as a capsule is taken with a glass of water and food. This is because the particular blend of fiber in PGX expands quickly in the stomach, making it a small-sized equivalent of a much larger amount of regular fiber.

Side Effects

    PGX side effects are minimal, but because it is a highly concentrated form of fiber it should be taken first in small doses that are gradually increased. Possible side effects include gas, bloating, loose stools and constipation. The likelihood of side effects can be reduced by always taking PGX with a large amount of water.

Uses of Vinegar in Women

Uses of Vinegar in Women

Vinegar is created through the natural fermentation, or artificial oxidation, of fruit or other substances containing sugar. The benefits of vinegar are numerous, and range from household cleaner to food condiment. There are a variety of vinegars available to consumers, but apple cider and white vinegar are the most common types.

Nail Fungus

    Nail fungus occurs when fungi infect the flesh under fingernails or toenails. A person is usually exposed to the fungus in warm, damp areas like showers and swimming pools. Women face additional risks from salon tools when they obtain acrylic and other types of fake fingernails. The infection can cause the edges of the nail to crumble, and thicken and discolor the other areas of the nail. Due to its unsightly appearance and potential for pain, women may feel self-conscious about exposing the infected nails and restrict their choice of footwear. Soaking the infected nails daily in a vinegar solution made from one part vinegar and two parts water, may ease the infection, according to the Mayo Clinic. Any area exposed to the solution should be rinsed thoroughly and dried.


    Rosacea is a skin condition that causes a noticeable redness on the skin, broken blood vessels and tiny red bumps. More women than men suffer from rosacea, and though there is no cure for it, treatment can ease the symptoms. White vinegar can improve the appearance of rosacea by reducing the yeast and bacteria on the skin, indicates MedicineNet. A white vinegar soak, or cleanse, applied to the affected skin in a solution composed of one part vinegar and six parts water is sufficient to reduce the yeast and bacteria. Some people find that white vinegar aggravates the condition, so a person should test a small area before using the treatment.


    Osteoporosis is the loss of bone mass that occurs when a lack of calcium causes the insides of bones to become porous. At around age 35, all adults begin to lose bone mass, but women are more likely than men to have osteoporosis. One way to help prevent osteoporosis is increasing daily calcium intake with food or supplements. Vinegar, white or apple cider, can increase calcium absorption.

Superficial Folliculitis

    Superficial folliculitis, commonly referred to as ingrown hairs, is a bacterial infection of the upper part of the hair follicle. The infected areas have an appearance similar to pimples, and they're usually itchy, but can be painful on occasion. Folliculitis can occur in any area that has hair follicles, including underarms, legs and the bikini area, and can cause embarrassment and discomfort. Using a wet compress with white vinegar may ease the symptoms of superficial folliculitis, according to the Mayo Clinic.

The Best Massage Tools

The Best Massage Tools

Massage can help you relax, relieves stress, and provides health benefits, such as reducing lactic and uric acid and other metabolic wastes in the muscle tissues. Massage can improve circulation, help heal muscles, and improve your general wellbeing. Performing massage is not difficult and requires few tools. Several types of massage exist, including Swedish, shiatsu, medical, physiotherapeutic, and sports massage. They can all help you feel better and benefit your health.


    Human hands are the most effective massage tool. Using them is the best way to determine the level of pressure that an individual finds most relaxing. If the recipient has tight muscles in his back or neck, the masseuse can adjust the pressure of her hands to either loosen or soothe the tight muscles.

Massage Lotion or Oil

    Using massage lotion or oil helps the masseur's hands glide over the recipient's muscles and skin. The masseur can warm the solution between his hands or with a warmer to make the benefits of massage even more relaxing and soothing. The masseur can wear a waist holster for the lotion or oil container; this allows him to use it whenever needed. Many holsters also keep the oil warm.

Table or Other Support

    The professional masseuse needs a massage table. Tables are adjustable and can be portable or stationary. Many masseuses travel to their clients' homes and therefore need a portable model. If the masseuse is not a professional, a bed or other flat surface is sufficient. Other types of support tools are stools or massage chairs, which enable different types of massage.

Linens and Towels

    Plenty of clean sheets and towels are necessary for a proper massage. The masseur may hold the sheet up over his own face while the client removes his robe and positions himself on the table. Otherwise, he waits outside the room until the client is ready. Typically, the masseuse uncovers only the body part he's massaging at the moment. The rest of the body remains covered for the client's warmth and modesty. The masseur uses towels to clean supplies, wipe his hands, and position the client, as with a rolled towel beneath the neck.


    Pillows are necessary to make the client comfortable. They can be put under the head and knee when the client lies face up or under the hips, feet, or other areas when the client is face down.

Handheld Tools

    Handheld massage tools can save the masseuse's hands from strain and fatique. She can palpate the muscles to locate a tense area and then use a wooden, rubber, or plastic tool to manipulate the pressure point. These tools often have textured or nubby edges to stimulate skin and muscles.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

How to Powder Bee Pollen Granules

How to Powder Bee Pollen Granules

Bee pollen is touted to have benefits from stabilizing weight, lowering cholesterol and triglycerides, curing allergies and increasing energy and stamina to being a complete source of nutrition. Raw bee pollen contains live enzymes that are killed when introduced to heat or other processing, and these enzymes are the source of many of its benefits. Buying bee pollen granules in their purest form is the best way to benefit from it; but to reap those benefits, you must soak the granules to make them fully digestible or grind them into a fine powder. This ensures their goodness does not pass through your system without stopping to help out.


Machine Grinding


    Clean and thoroughly dry your coffee grinder or food processor.


    Place a small handful of bee pollen granules into a coffee grinder or food processor equipped with a chopping blade.


    Process the granules until they are the desired consistency. Even a rough chop to break open the outer shells of the granules makes them up to 90 percent more likely to be absorbed by the body, according to Nuts Online.

Grinding by Hand


    Clean and thoroughly dry your mortar and pestle.


    Place a small handful of bee pollen granules into the mortar.


    Cover most of the top of the mortar with your free hand -- with an opening just large enough for the pestle -- to keep granules from jumping out.


    Use the pestle to press the granules into the side of mortar, breaking them open and grinding them down into a powder.

Natural Ways to Curb Smoking

Natural Ways to Curb Smoking

Deciding to quit smoking is a lot easier said than done, especially if you have been smoking for years. If you have decided that this is what you want to do, but you want natural alternatives, there are some available to you. Make a list of the reasons you want to quit and keep it nearby so you can remind yourself whenever the cravings hit.

St. John's Wort

    Take the supplement St. John's Wort. This herb helps relieve depression and increase dopamine, a hormone that makes you happy. When you smoke, dopamine is released; that is one reason so many people get hooked on cigarettes. Supplementing it with this supplement helps give you the same feeling.


    Eat nuts, such as peanuts or pistachios. Smoking requires you to use both your hands and your mouth, so eating nuts makes you do the same thing. Make sure you get the ones with shells. You will have to crack them open and then eat them. Nuts also have valuable fats that are good for you.


    Drink a cup of green tea whenever you want to smoke. This is time consuming and uses both your hands and mouth. Also, green tea contains caffeine, which gives you that extra boost you may need to get through your day that you typically get from smoking.