A wart is a benign skin tumor that results from a viral infection of the human papilloma virus (HPV). Typically, warts are not painful and are often of more cosmetic rather than medical concern for many people. While there are a number of commercial preparations are available on the market, you can treat your warts using natural home remedies.
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Use duct tape as a home remedy for warts on the hand and the foot. Cut a section of duct tape that is large enough to cover the infected wart area. Place it over the wart, applying it snuggly. Leave it on for six to seven days. After this period, remove the duct tape and soak the infected area for 10 minutes in warm water. Dry the wart and repeat the process for up to two months until the wart is healed.
2Break open a vitamin A capsule (25,000 IU) and rub some of the liquid onto the wart. Apply this once a day until the wart heals. This remedy is strictly for external use only: ingesting large doses of Vitamin A is toxic.
3Crush a vitamin C supplement tablet with the back of a spoon. Moisten it with a few drops of water, to form a paste. Apply this mixture directly onto the wart. Cover the area with a bandage and leave this on for at least 24 hours. The high acidic content of the vitamin C mixture is believed to kill the papilloma virus that causes the infection.
4Treat genital warts using tea tree oil. Dampen a cotton ball with some of this essential oil and apply it directly to the genital wart, dabbing gently. Do this once every day for up to 10 days. The oil may cause a mild tingling sensation.
5Rub the inner side of a banana peel onto your wart until the peel turns dark in color. Slice a section of banana peel that is large enough to cover the area of the wart infection. Place it over the wart with the inner side of the peel against your skin. Cover it with a bandage and leave it in place for at least 5 days.
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