Primary Usage
Apistan was created to control and prevent the spread of Varroa Jacobsoni, a parasitic form of mite, that tampers with the production of honeybee hives. It comes in strips that you apply to hive itself. It is recommended to wear protective gear when doing this, especially gloves, since Apistan is a chemical. It is also important to wash your hands after touching this substance.
Duration and Interaction With Bees
You must leave on the strips for at least six weeks, but no more than two months for the treatment to be effective. When bees touch strip, they pick up very small qualities of Apistan's central chemical, which is called "tau-fluvalinate." Immediately, more of the chemical replaces what the bee just picked up, so that more bees can spread the tau-fluvalinates.
Effects of Mites
While bees remained unharmed, mites in the hive are infected with the tau-fluvalinate, and soon die because the chemical attacks and shuts down their nervous systems.
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