Sunday, January 31, 2016

How to Use Aloe Leaves

Aloe vera has long been touted as the ultimate healing plant. Its leaves contain aloe, a clear, somewhat sticky sap that has been used to treat minor cuts, scrapes, burns rashes, and many other afflictions. The juice can also been consumed in order to provide digestive upset relief as well as promote digestive balance. The next time you decide to add a new plant to your home, think aloe vera.


How to Use Aloe Leaves


    Apply aloe vera pulp directly to cleaned lacerations and abrasions. First, thoroughly clean the wound with mild soap and water. Then apply crushed aloe vera pulp to the wound and bandage over the top. Keep any dressings moist with aloe vera juice until the wound is healed.


    Treat sunburns with liberal applications of aloe vera juice. Simply squeeze the juice out of the leaves and gently massage into burned skin. Apply as often as needed to alleviate the pain.


    To settle an upset stomach or regulate digestive processes, ingest 1-2 tbsp of juice up to three times daily. The taste may be somewhat bitter, but the results are worth it.


    When treating poison ivy/oak/sumac, liberally apply aloe vera juice to the rash. The juice will inhibit any pain or itchiness associated with the rash.


    Apply aloe vera juice directly to dry, itchy belly skin often while pregnant in order to reduce the chances for stretch marks.


    Cut up aloe vera leaves and place into a container of refrigerated water. Drink four tsps daily to combat the effects of arthritis. Both pain and inflammation have been reduced by using this method.


    Asthmatics can boil aloe leaves in water and breathe the steam to reduce symptoms associated with their condition.

How to Treat de Quervain's Tendonitis

De Quervain's tendonitis is a condition where the sheath, or lining, of the tendon in the wrist becomes swollen and restricts the movement of the tendon. It affects the tendon on the thumb area of your hand. If you are suffering from it, you will experience pain and discomfort in your thumb and wrist. It is made worse by repetitive motions that involve moving your wrist side to side or making a pinching motion with your thumb. Typing, playing the piano and gardening are often culprits in bringing on de Quervain's tendonitis.



    Use a splint or a brace to immobilize your thumb and wrist. Keep them straight to allow the tendon to rest. Wear the brace when typing or doing repetitive motion activities.


    Avoid movements that are repetitive altogether, when possible. Allow time for your hand to rest between actions.


    Avoid moving your thumb in a pinching motion. Use the other hand when possible. Avoid crossing your thumb across your palm.


    Avoid side-to-side motions with your wrist. Pick your hand up when reaching for keys on the keyboard, instead of turning your wrist.


    Alternate heating pads and ice treatments on your thumb and wrist. Apply one treatment every two hours.


    Take anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce swelling and relieve minor pain. Make sure your over-the-counter pain reliever is non-steroidal.


    Speak to your health care provider about corticosteroid injections to relieve swelling.


    Attend all physical or occupational therapy appointments and follow up with all prescribed strengthening exercises. Do not skip exercises as these are designed to relieve pain, strengthen the muscles, and decrease any irritation to the tendons.

Home Remedies for Allergic Rash From Sulpha Drugs

When your doctor diagnoses you with an infection, he will usually prescribe some kind of antibiotic medication. Some antibiotics fall into a group called sulfa-drugs. These medicines contain para-amino-benzene-sulfonamide, which acts like food for the bacteria which eat para-amino-benzoic acid (a B vitamin). Some people are sensitive to sulfonamide and will have an allergic reaction, usually presenting as a rash or hives.

Typical Treatment

    Most allergic reactions, whether from a drug or other cause, are treated with antihistamines such as Benadryl. The active ingredient, diphenhydramine, can be taken orally in pill or liquid form, or put directly on the rash via cream preparation. In extreme allergic reaction cases, your doctor may want to administer an adrenaline shot, but this is rare.

Home Treatment

    The first step when you notice a rash after taking a sulfa medication is to immediately stop taking it. If you notice other symptoms, like difficulty breathing or swelling eyelids, get to a doctor because your reaction may be life threatening without treatment. If your only reaction is a red, itchy rash, you can treat this at home using one of the following herbal remedies.

    Aloe vera has been used for centuries to soothe skin irritation, and does well on rashes. If you have an Aloe plant, simply break off a leaf and squeeze the liquid on your skin, then rub it in. You can also get aloe vera gel at your local pharmacy or health food store. Another, less well-known skin rash remedy is turmeric. You may even have some in your spice rack now. Mix tsp of turmeric with just enough water to make a paste and apply it to your skin. You can mix it with aloe vera gel to get the most benefit. Be careful not to get this paste on your clothing because it will stain. For allover relief, you may want to try bathing in oatmeal water. Place one cup of dry oats in a blender or food processor and pulse until powdery. Add this powder to a tub of warm (not hot) water and soak for 15 to 20 minutes. Oatmeal baths are very soothing and can help draw toxins out of the skin.

    If your symptoms do not lessen, or if they get worse, seek medical attention.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Best Natural Home Remedy to Prevent Scarring for Burn Blisters

Though painful and irritating, burn blisters are actually your body's way of naturally protecting irritated skin. However, burn blisters can cause scarring, so consider some at-home remedies, such as aloe vera or an antimicrobial cream, to help prevent scarring.

Treating Your Burn Blister

    To help prevent scarring, do your best to leave the burn blister intact. According to "The Doctors' Book of Home Remedies for Women," the collection of fluid inside the blister is the white blood cells needed to fight infection and help with the healing process. If you have a smaller blister, the fluid will naturally absorb back into your body without causing any scars.

    If you're experiencing a larger, more painful burn blister, do your best to keep it intact. If your blister does pop, make sure you leave the top flap of skin in place, as it will block out germs. Also, wash your blister with soap and water to eliminate bacteria. Once your blister is popped, apply an antibiotic ointment, such as Bacitracin or Polysporin. After applying ointment, cover it with a bandage to help keep it clean.

    You could also try rubbing the juice from aloe vera leaves on a fully formed burn blister to help nourish and moisturize the skin. The aloe vera can prevent burn marks and scarring once the blister is healed.

    The Mayo Clinic also says that the cream silver sulfadiazine helps kill bacteria and fungi on burn wounds. This medication is for more serious burns, and is available with a doctor's prescription.

When to See a Doctor

    Though smaller burn blisters can be treated at home naturally and with little medical intervention, call your doctor if your blisters continue to be painful and don't seem to be healing well. Also, if your blister is showing signs of infection or you have a fever, you need to seek the help of you doctor. Signs of infection include pain, redness, swelling or a yellow crust on top of the blister.

    Also seek help if your burn is larger than the palm of your hand.

How Much Omega 3 for Relief of Depression?

Omega-3 fatty acids can provide valuable relief for the symptoms of depression. Omega-3s are polyunsaturated fatty acids, and they are not produced naturally by the human body. Therefore, it is important to acquire these important fatty acids through food and, most commonly, nutritional supplements. In addition to offering help in combating certain types of cancer, cardiovascular disease and arthritis, omega-3s provide support for proper brain functioning and maintaining normal chemical balances within the brain.

Taking Omega-3 for Depression

    Dr. Basant Puri, of London's Imperial College MRI unit, conducted an extensive study on the effects of omega-3s on brain performance. Puri found that these acids are essential to maintaining an active and healthy mind, but because they are not naturally occurring within the body, you must seek omega-3 supplements or adhere to a diet rich in foods containing omega-3s.

    Omega-3s are predominantly found in fish, including halibut, salmon, sardines, and tuna. Certain types of nuts, walnut oil, and marine plankton also contain Omega-3s.

    To relieve depression, the easiest way to ensure you are getting the proper Omega-3 amounts is to take nutritional supplements. Fish oil supplements are by far the most popular form of obtaining these essential fatty acids.

    There is no conclusive evidence detailing exactly how much Omega-3 should be taken for depression. As there are many different forms of depression, and different types of depressive states, it is difficult to give any one number for dosage purposes. The American Heart Association suggests 800 mg per day. They also suggest eating fish two times during the week in order to get the proper amounts of Omega-3.

    The important acids contained in fish oil supplements are docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). For people with depression, EPA is the more important of the three, so be sure to choose a supplement that contains higher quantities of DHA and lesser amounts of EPA and ALA.

    In addition to fish and fish oil supplements, flaxseeds also contain Omega-3 fatty acids. Flax is unusually high in ALA, and the seeds can be ground and sprinkled over foods or blended into shakes. Flaxseeds can also show up in bread, but baking the seeds causes them to lose a significant portion of their ALA content.


    Omega-3s, when taken alone, may not provide the same relief as when taken in conjunction with other psychiatric medications. The acids and the medications work together to relieve the symptoms of depression, so do not expect a sudden cure-all when taking omega-3s on their own.

How Much Epsom Salt to Soak a Finger?

If you have a swollen or cramped finger, relief may be a 10-minute soak away. According to Duane Law, L.Ac., a holistic healthcare practitioner and owner of, soaking your inflamed finger in epsom salt, the common name for magnesium sulphate, is a quick and easy way to reduce swelling and pain and even fight infection. You can purchase inexpensive epsom salt packages in a variety of sizes, ranging from 1 lb. to 1 gallon, at your local drugstore or grocery store.

How to Soak a Finger in Epsom Salt

    Find a container large enough to fully immerse and rest your finger or hand comfortably. Prepare the soak by dissolving cup epsom salt in a quart of water. Law suggests heating the water in a tea kettle, but you can also use a pot on the stove or a container in the microwave. Take care not to overheat the water. The water should be as warm as is comfortable for you. Stir to fully dissolve the epsom salt in the water.

    Your soak should last only 6 to 10 minutes, and you can repeat several times each day. Frequency is more important than duration when it comes to effective epsom salt soaks.


    If you have certain types of infections, such as staph or fungal, you could make your condition worse by soaking your finger in hot water, according to Law. So if you do not feel relief within an hour or two of soaking your finger, or if your finger becomes red or extremely irritated, consult a doctor right away. Also, people with diabetes should not use hot or warm soaks unless under the advice of a physician.

Other Uses

    If your epsom salt soak works for your finger, you might want to try it as a bath additive. According to the Epsom Salt Council, the mineral is not only beneficial in treating swelling, bruising and sore muscles, but it also helps those with bronchial asthma, migraine headaches and fibromyalgia. The Council says that "magnesium--the second-most abundant element in human cells and the fourth-most important positively charged ion in the body--performs more functions in more systems of the human body than virtually any other mineral."

    To use it as a bath additive, which is a more effective way to absorb the magnesium than by ingesting it, simply dissolve 2 cups of epsom salt into your bath. To use as a laxative, stir 2 to 4 level tsp. in a full glass of water (for those 12 and older) and 1 to 2 tsp. per glass of water for those ages 6 to 12, then drink.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Honey Treatment for Burns

Honey has been used as a topical treatment for wounds for generations, and unlike some forms of alternative medicine, the reason for honey treatment is based in sound science.

Hygroscopic Properties

    Honey is hygroscopic, meaning that it attracts water molecules. When applied to a wound, this quality creates an environment inhospitable to most bacteria.

Antiseptic Properties

    Honey contains the chemical elements necessary to create hydrogen peroxide, which has antiseptic properties. When honey is applied to the skin, the sodium in the skin begins the chemical reaction that produces hydrogen peroxide. This adds another layer of antibacterial protection to your wound dressing.

Sugar Saturation

    Honey is a saturated solution, meaning that it contains about as many solids--in this case, sugar--dissolved in it as it can contain. Because of this, honey is too sweet for bacteria to survive in it.


    Honey is slightly acidic, which is deadly for most bacteria, thus preventing infection.


    Honey is potentially dangerous to small children if ingested; honey sometimes contains botulism spores that can make infants and toddlers very sick.

Natural Ways to Help With Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a common problem, but the particular foods and conditions that can set off an attack vary among acid reflux sufferers. Eventually you will be able to associate more foods with a flare-up and may be able to adjust your diet accordingly. You may be able to avoid medications by trying certain herbs and home remedies that can alleviate acid-reflux symptoms by supporting the digestive system.

Vinegar and Ginger Root

    Apple cider vinegar can be used in several ways when fighting an acid reflux attack. If you are experiencing acute symptoms, try to swallow two or three tablespoons of the undiluted vinegar immediately. You can also make a mixture one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and half a glass of water to drink before or after a meal. This mixture can help prevent attacks and soothes digestion. If your flare-ups tend to occur in the middle of your meals, try drinking this mixture with your meal. Ginger is a digestive aid that can soothe acid reflux symptoms in a variety of ways. You can purchase capsule supplements at the health-food store, but many get best results when using ginger in its organic form. Try chewing a piece of candied ginger before meals or when you feel your acid reflux kicking in. Incorporate ginger root into your stir fries and other dishes at least three or four times a week. Chamomile is also a soothing herb for the digestive tract. Drink a cup of hot chamomile tea after dinner with a piece of fresh ginger root added to the tea.

Other Remedies

    Aloe vera juice can also relieve acid reflux symptoms when taken before meals. Aloe juice can be a bit thick and hard to swallow, so mix it with a light fruit juice if that does not aggravate your acid reflux. If you are not sensitive to lactose, a glass of milk after an upsetting meal may give you relief. Chewing almonds in the morning and between meals can also ease digestion. Chew sugar-free gum after meals to stimulate saliva production, which will dilute the contents of your stomach.

How to Cook for Diverticulitis

Diverticulitis is an illness that develops when bulging sacs in the intestinal tract, diverticuli, catch small bits of passing matter, which then become inflamed and infected. An episode of diverticulitis may cause vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, fever and severe abdominal pain and tenderness. To prevent further aggravation of the infected diverticuli, your doctor will recommend a liquid diet for a few days, followed by a low-fiber diet that builds to a high-fiber diet. Once your episode is over, you will want to maintain a diet that helps your body to prevent another episode of diverticulitis



    Prepare more foods that are high in fiber. These include whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Pasta and processed foods do not contain much fiber. Stay away from prepared foods. Serve wild or brown rice rather than white rice. Stay away from white bread; serve whole grain breads instead. Rye, wheat and bran are good choices. Make sure the package says "whole" grain. Any bread, unless it is whole grain bread, is of little value.


    Leave skins on. Peeling fruits and vegetables not only robs them of valuable nutrients, it removes valuable fiber that people with diverticulitis need. Fiber helps to keep waste matter moving through the intestinal tract. Apple pie baked with unpeeled apple slices and carrots and potatoes prepared and served with the skins on are delicious, and many people don't notice that the skin is still there.


    Serve plenty of liquids. According to the Mayo Clinic, fiber absorbs water and increases soft waste in your colon. However, you need to drink enough liquids to avoid constipation. Juices with pulp are higher in fiber and are particularly beneficial.


    Develop the habit of looking up the fiber content of foods. Anything that's packaged will have this information listed on the package. You will have to look up other foods in a resource book or on a reliable website. Once armed with knowledge, you can make better choices.


    Serve seeds and nuts, as long as you don't have any reason to associate them with diverticulitis attacks. According to the Mayo Clinic, there is no evidence that seeds and nuts cause diverticulitis.

Chelation Therapy for the Heart

Chelation therapy is an alternative medicine practice primarily marketed to reduce plaque deposits in the veins and arteries as a symptom of the condition known as atherosclerosis. According to reports posted on the American Heart Association's website, the Mayo Clinic website and, much of the evidence citing the effectiveness of this treatment is anecdotal and testimonial. That means that it has not been scientifically proven that chelation therapy is an effective treatment for heart disease or heart-related conditions.

How It Works

    The article, "Questions and Answers about Chelation Therapy" on the American Heart Association website reports that chelation therapy has been proven to effectively treat poisoning from metals such as lead and mercury. Chelation is a process through which a compound known as EDTA is intravenously injected into the body. The chemical binds minerals in the bloodstream and allows them to exit the body in urine. Because much of the plaque deposits in the arteries are formed of calcium, many supporters of chelation therapy believes it works by binding calcium and carrying it to exit in the urine.


    According to the article "Chelation Therapy for Heart Disease: What to Expect," the process of chelation to treat heart disease takes a few hours. You sit comfortably in a chair while a medical professional inserts an intravenous needle into your arm or hand. The chelation compound is allowed to circulate in your bloodstream (which is why the procedure takes a few hours). After the process, you should be able to go about your day as normal. The article also states that some people experience frequent urination and swelling around the ankles. These side effects should clear up within a few days, but if they do not, contact your health care professional.


    The American Heart Association reports that chelation therapy has caused kidney failure in some people without "curing" their heart conditions. Although people have reported feeling more healthy after chelation therapy, there is no evidence to conclude that the feelings of wellness are not the result of the placebo effect, or in essence, they feel better because they believe they will feel better. In addition, the chelation therapy sessions costs on average $50 to $100 dollars and most people are encouraged to attend five to 30 sessions. The article "Chelation Therapy: Unproven Claims and Unsound Theories" by Saul Green, Ph.D., also reports that chelation therapy (in addition to binding calcium deposits) traps important nutrients and minerals within the bloodstream which can lead to medical conditions related to malnutrition.

    Before beginning any medical procedure, you should first consult with a reputable health professional. Make sure you understand the benefits and dangers of the procedure and take the time to educate yourself.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

What Can You Eat to Reduce Body Odor?

Body odor, though embarrassing, can result from a variety of factors, including a change in your body's metabolism, a certain medicine or drug you take or failure to clean your body properly. Perspiration by itself has no odor but when mixed with bacteria, it develops a foul odor. In lieu of merely masking the problem with deodorant, control and reduce body odor by changing what you eat.

Chlorophyll & Magnesium

    Take two chlorophyll tablets with each meal to help reduce body odor. You can also take this natural deodorizer in liquid form if you can't swallow pills.

    Magnesium provides another natural deodorizer. Eat foods high in magnesium such as green vegetables, including spinach and greens. Some beans, nuts, peas and whole, unrefined grains also make excellent sources of magnesium. Try to consume at least 500 mg of magnesium daily. If you can't get enough in your diet, take a magnesium supplement in pill form.

Vitamins A and B

    Eat foods high in vitamins A and B to reduce body odor and add much-needed vitamins to your body. Consume liver, tuna, eggs, carrots, cod liver oil, turkey, bananas, potatoes, legumes, sweet potatoes, spinach, kale, apricots and watercress. Many of these foods contain both vitamins A and B. Molasses and brewer's yeast also make excellent sources of vitamin B. Ingest at least 50 mg of each vitamin daily; you can also take a pill supplement.

Rice and Raw Vegetables

    Brown rice will also eliminate body odor. Unlike organic whey proteins, brown rice---also a protein---will not produce an odor. Instead of eating a big breakfast of pancakes, bacon and toast, mix a combination of raw vegetables (greens, kale and vegetables containing vitamins A and B) in your blender, and drink it each morning. The raw vegetable smoothie will not produce an odor, and you will receive both vitamins A and B as well.


    Foods rich in zinc help reduce perspiration and body odor---oysters, lobster, crab, nuts, beans, whole grains and fortified breakfast cereals; you can also take zinc tablets. Try to ingest 15 mg daily of the mineral. Consuming more than 15 mg of zinc may interfere with your absorption of copper.

Foods and Drinks to Avoid

    Reduce your intake of onions, garlic, dairy products, coffee, soft drinks, meats and exotic spices. These foods and substances can lead to body odor. If you do consume them, eat small portions and mix them with foods mentioned above that fight body odor.

Fish Oil for Menopause

Menopause causes a variety of changes in the body. These changes produce unpleasant symptoms as well as increase the risk for certain health problems. Fish oil might be beneficial for certain problems associated with this change of life.

Heart Health

    Menopausal women are at greater risk for heart problems. Fish oil is known for its heart-health benefits and specifically its ability to lower LDL (bad cholesterol) levels. This reduces the risk of heart disease and heart attack.

Hot Flashes

    Lower levels of estrogen during menopause affect the production of certain chemicals in the body known as eicosanoids and arachidonic acid; imbalances in production trigger hot flashes. Fish oil restores the balance and can ease this uncomfortable symptom.

Bone Loss

    Fish oil can inhibit the production of chemicals that trigger bone loss, which is another problem caused by changing hormone levels.

Eating Fish

    Eating fish can offer benefits as well; include fish in your diet at least twice a week.

Talk to Your Doctor

    Talk with your doctor before using fish oil supplements, especially if you are taking blood-thinning medications like Coumadin or using aspirin therapy. Achieving benefits from supplementation requires taking large doses--at least several thousand milligrams daily. Work with an experienced healthcare provider to determine an effective dosage for you.

Fruit Sensitivity Alternative Treatment

Fruit Sensitivity Alternative Treatment

Though you might not have a diagnosed fruit allergy, if you experience troublesome symptoms after a eating a fruit or a family of fruits, you could have a fruit sensitivity. Common symptoms of a food sensitivity include skin rashes, runny nose, mood swings, cramps, bloating, headaches, reoccurring infections and joint pain. (See References 1.) To alleviate your symptoms, consider trying alternative therapies.

Lifestyle Remedies

    If your fruit sensitivity symptoms are severe enough, avoid the offending fruit. Sometimes, though, symptoms can be managed with lifestyle changes.

    If citrus fruits or tomatoes give you indigestion, limit them. In addition, help gravity out by not lying down after eating these fruits. When you know youre going to be eating citrus, make sure your meal is small, as excess food causes stomach acid to rise back up into your esophagus. Also, The Doctors Book of Home Remedies for Women, suggests fasting before sleeping to avoid uncomfortable symptoms at night.

    When youve consumed too much of the fruit to which youre sensitive, drink a glass of water every two hours to help flush the allergen out of your system. Also, make sure youre eating a wide variety of foods, as a varied diet will help reduce sensitivities and allergies. If youve recently struggled with a particularly bad bout of symptoms from your sensitivity, consider going on a 24-hour detoxification. James F. Balch and Mark Stengler, authors of Prescription for Natural Healing, say that a juice fast can help rid the body of toxins and allergens. Make sure to use a juice thats of a different family than the offending fruit.

    Stress can also suppress the immune system, which will make you prone to fruit sensitivity symptoms. If youre feeling particularly stressed, avoid the fruit that gives you trouble, or work on ways to reduce your stress level.

Supplements to Consider

    Take a probiotic supplement to help boost your immune system and help with digestion. Take a supplement that contains at least 4 billion active organisms after a meal. Take this one time a day.

    Balch and Stengler say that a Vitamin C supplement with bioflavonoids will also boost the immune system and reduce reactions. Take 1,000 mg two to three times a day.

    Finally, consider trying betaine hydrochloric acid, as it can improve the stomachs acid levels. Take one to two capsules with a meal that contains the fruit to which youre sensitive.

When to Call Your Doctor

    Though fruit sensitivity symptoms are generally mild, if they increase in severity consider speaking with your doctor. Also, The Doctors Book of Home Remedies for Women says that constipation is a symptom of a food allergy, so if you experience this after consuming the suspected fruit, speak with your doctor about a possible allergy. If after trying alternative remedies you are still experiencing troublesome symptomssuch as excessive sneezing, wheezing and/or coughingsee your doctor.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Primal Defense Uses

Primal Defense is a whole food and probiotic supplement available in powder and caplet form. It contains "superfoods" such as spirulina, chlorella, wheat grass and alfalfa grass, along with probiotics (beneficial bacterial organisms) that manufacturer Garden of Life identifies with the trademark name Homeostatic Soil Organisms. Ray Sahelian, a physician who writes about nutrition on his website, notes that claims for the use of soil organisms for health are not based on clinical research. Other probiotics such as those found in yogurt, nevertheless, are associated with health benefits. Garden of Life lists several uses for Primal Defense.

Providing Natural Probiotics

    The theory behind Homeostatic Soil Organisms is they provide probiotics people would normally obtain if they ate food produced more naturally. Because of pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals, food is disinfected and sometimes irradiated, which kills the probiotics. The Primal Defense official website states the product includes 12 species of beneficial microorganisms.

Balancing Gastrointestinal Bacteria

    Garden of Life states that Primal Defense supports the proper balance of friendly and potentially harmful bacteria in the gastrointestinal system. This balance maintains a healthy gastrointestinal environment when other factors may disrupt the bacterial balance. Taking antibiotics, for instance, kills friendly bacteria as well as harmful bacteria, and fungi, parasites and an overabundance of yeast can also upset the balance, according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Maintaining Bowel Function

    Primal Defense maintains regular bowel function, as explained by Garden of Life. The NIH notes that probiotics may relieve gastrointestinal side effects from antibiotics as well as symptoms of lactose intolerance. Early research shows benefits for treating diarrhea, especially that caused by rotavirus; decreasing the time length of intestinal infection caused by Clostridium difficile; and treating irritable bowel syndrome.

Increasing Nutrient Absorption

    The Primal Defense website states the supplement increases benefits of a healthy diet by supporting absorption of nutrients. The NIH notes that friendly bacteria are essential for the digestion and absorption of food and nutrients.

Maintaining Immune System

    Primal Defense helps maintain a healthy immune system, according to the website. The NIH explains that friendly bacteria are important for immune system development and for protecting against disease-causing microorganisms. A 2005 study cited by the Mayo Clinic found that a group of employees taking the probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri missed less work because of gastrointestinal or respiratory disorders than did employees not taking the substance.

Additional Uses

    Early research supports the use of probiotics for many other health conditions, according to the NIH. It has shown encouraging results in preventing and treating urinary tract and female genital tract infections; decreasing recurrence of bladder cancer; preventing and treating pouchitis, a condition that can develop after colon removal; and preventing and treating eczema in children.

How to Bring Down High Blood Pressure with Natural Remedies

High blood pressure is nothing to mess around with. While you may have no physical symptoms, if your blood pressure is elevated, you run the risk of developing heart disease or having a stroke. High blood pressure also increases the risk of blindness and other medical conditions. After seeing your doctor for an initial diagnosis, you'll need regular blood pressure testing to determine if you're getting control of the situation. Some natural remedies may help you bring down high blood pressure.



    Take the salt shaker off the table. Sodium is the main dietary contributor to high blood pressure. Use non-sodium seasoning blends that combine herbs and spices to give your food more flavor.


    Buy lean cuts of meat and limit your meat consumption. Vegetarians do not experience high blood pressure as much as meat eaters do. If you must eat meat, trim away all the fat before cooking and bake or grill the meat, don't fry it.


    Give up alcohol and cigarettes. Nicotine causes your blood vessels to narrow, increasing the force with which your heart must pump the blood to your body and tissues. Two or fewer alcoholic drinks per day may not be harmful, but they aren't beneficial, either.


    Close your eyes and imagine your favorite outdoor spot when you feel stressed out. Anxiety plays a role in raising your blood pressure. Learn to relax. Take yoga class or learn to meditate.


    Start an exercise routine, but not weight lifting. The strain of lifting heavy weights may cause your blood pressure to temporarily skyrocket. Try swimming, walking or riding a bike.

How to Detox with Seaweed

How to Detox with Seaweed

Seaweed has long been valued in Asian countries for its nutritional and medicinal qualities, and Western cultures have now embraced it for its health benefits, particularly its ability to cleanse or detox the body. Brown algae, or kelp, is one of the most common types of seaweed which is believed to rid the body of toxins and heavy metals that cause a variety of health problem such as obesity, arthritis and high blood pressure. Rich in minerals like iodine and potassium, seaweed also believed to boost the body's natural immune system and improve thyroid and liver function which also helps with detoxification. Baths, body wraps, seaweed foods and diet supplements are methods used to detox with seaweed.


Dextoxing with kelp


    Put approximately four ounces of the dried kelp inside a stocking and boil it in a gallon of water for about 30 minutes. Pour the mixture into hot bath water and soak for 30 to 45 minutes. Drinking several glasses of water prior to a seaweed bath is believed to help flush toxins and waste out of the body.


    Mix an 8 ounce package of kelp powder, for a a seaweed body wrap, with approximately one cup of water to form a paste similar in consistency to other types of body creams. Apply the paste liberally on all parts of the body and wrap up in several warm, dry towels. Relax for roughly an hour and then shower off the dried paste.


    Mix approximately 4 ounces of kelp powder into a paste for wraps targeted for specific parts of the body. In addition to flushing toxins from the body, seaweed is believed to exfoliate and deeply moisturize the skin. It is also credited with reducing the appearance of cellulite. Apply the paste to whichever part of the body is being treated. Wrap with warm towels and relax for one hour before showering.


    Soak prepackaged dried kelp in water before cooking it and using it as a part of a diet that helps the body detox. Kelp can be chopped and used as a garnish for soup, or added into a vegetable mix or stew. It can also be cooked and seasoned as a side dish. Kelp is considered a good source of vitamin B and adding it to a diet is another way to take advantage of its ability to detox the body.


    Talk to a doctor or health care professional before opting to detox with kelp supplements. The iodine content in kelp supplements can regulate an underactive thyroid which can be the cause of water retention. Flushing out that excess water is a method of detoxing. However, supplements contain different amounts of iodine, and a high levels may harm rather than help thyroid function. Most health food stores carry several different varieties of kelp supplements, but there is no standard preparation and no federally approved daily dosage.

How to Make Natural Remedies for Constipation at Home

How to Make Natural Remedies for Constipation at Home

Learn how to prepare natural remedies for constipation relief right at home. Constipation symptoms include infrequent, uncomfortable bowel movements, and small, hard stools. Here are constipation remedies for this condition.


    Apples have strong laxative properties  (Image:straymuse)

    Eat apples. Apples have strong laxative properties due to their pectin content, which add bulk to the stool. Apple cider vinegar is a fermented form of apple - take two teaspoons twice a day with a glass of water.

    Citrus fruit promotes regularity, providing constipation relief (Image:lockstockb )

    Mix a glass of lemon juice with water and a pinch of salt. Stir then drink. Alternatively, stir 2 to three teaspoons of lime into a glass of warm water and drink this daily to prevent constipation. You may also drink orange juice throughout the day. Citrus fruit promotes regularity, providing constipation relief and also cleanses the bowel system.

    papaya contains good roughage for constipation relief (Papaya:DartVader)

    Eat some papaya and/or guava every morning on an empty stomach. A fruit salad that has guava and papaya contains good roughage which is effective for constipation relief.

    Bananas are high in natural fiber for cosntipation remedies

    Add bananas to your diet. They are high in natural fiber and will also help to restore normal bowel function. Strawberries and prunes are also gently laxative.

    Spinach a rich source of fiber

    Drink two cups of spinach juice each day. This is especially beneficial for chronic constipation. Alternatively, eat raw or cooked spinach. In addition to being a rich source of fiber, spinach is also beneficial to the functioning of the bowel system and digestive track.


    Soak figs for 24 hours in water. Drain and snack on these the following morning. Alternatively, soak six to eight dates in a glass of hot water, allow to cool and then drink the water and eat the dates.


    Put 1 teaspoonful of flax seed in a glass of water and let steep for 2-3 hours. Drain and then drink the flax seed water at night before you sleep. Alternatively, take one to two tablespoons of flaxseed oil right after lunch or dinner and drink a lot of water with it.


    Take a lot of water as soon as you wake up, and then at least 6-8 glasses of water a day. This will help regulate bowel movement and soften stool.


    Combine 2 to 3 seeds each of almonds, sesame and sunflower. Grind these to form a thin powder. Sprinkle a teaspoonful over your salad or stir it into a glass of fruit juice. You can also snack on the shelled seed throughout the day.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

How to Cure Asthma with Natural Remedies

A simple way to cure Asthma is with natural remedies. Natural remedies have been used for many years to help control Asthma and treat its symptoms. Below are some of the most effective natural remedies that can help with the treatment of Asthma and its symptoms.



    Mix 1/4 teaspoon of Ginger Powder and 1/4 teaspoon of Pepper into 1 teaspoon of Molasses. Stir the mixture into herbal tea and drink. Use this treatment once a day to help relieve Asthma and its symptoms.


    Take Butterbur in supplemental form daily. Butterbur is an herb that has been shown to decrease both the severity and frequency of Asthma attacks in those that suffer from Asthma.


    Take 1 teaspoon of Spiegel seeds mixed into warm water, twice a day. This treatment has been shown to help improve Asthma and its symptoms over time. It's best to swallow the Spiegel seeds with the water, but some opt to steep the seeds for a few minutes then strain them out.

How to Treat Shingles Pain with Natural Remedies

A good way to treat Shingles Pain is with natural remedies. Natural remedies are often times just as effective, if not more, than prescriptions or over the counter medications that can be taken for Shingles Pain.



    Apply a cream that contains capsaicin directly to the areas affected with Shingles pain. These creams should not be used until after the blisters have healed, and 2-3 days have gone by from the beginning of your Shingles outbreak.


    Take a low dosage of a natural antidepressant. Antidepressants work by helping to block the removal of a neurotransmitter called serotonin. This helps to relieve a good bit of the pain caused by Shingles.


    Apply an acetone based nail polish remover to the areas affected with Shingles pain, four times throughout the day, with a cotton ball. Leave it on for about 15 minutes then rinse off thoroughly with water gently. Nail polish remover helps to cool the burning sensation, and also helps to cleanse away dead skin cells and germs.

How to Make the Skin on Your Arms & Legs Lighter

How to Make the Skin on Your Arms & Legs Lighter

There are plenty of commercial skin bleaches and whitening creams on the market for achieving a lighter shade of skin; natural remedies are also plentiful and are less harsh. Many cultures employ the use of skin-lightening agents such as lemon juice to achieve a fairer shade, or even to diminish the look of age spots or redness and blotches.



    Combine the ingredients in the mixing bowl, and mix them into a paste with the spoon. Add some water if necessary to make the paste into the consistency of pancake batter.


    Apply the paste to your arms and legs so that all of your skin is covered.


    Wash the paste off with warm water after 15 to 20 minutes.


    Repeat daily until the desired color is attained. Afterward, repeating weekly will maintain lighter coloring.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Nutritional Milk for Newborn Puppies

Nutritional Milk for Newborn Puppies

Newborn puppies need nutritional milk to grow and develop. Puppies' digestive tracts and metabolisms are dependent on receiving the appropriate nutrition components from a mother's breast milk or from an appropriate alternative milk supplement. There are numerous reasons why a mother will either not be able to produce milk or neglect an offspring puppy, making it necessary to create and provide nutritional milk.


    Milk appropriate for newborn puppies should contain carbohydrates, mainly in the form of sugar lactose, fat, a principle energy component, minerals and vitamins, protein and water. Dog milk contains 9.5 percent protein, 8.3 percent fat, 3.7 percent lactose and 79 percent water.


    If you have a nursing newborn puppy without milk from a mother, use commercial supplemental milk formulas specifically designed for puppies. Commercial formulas are usually found at grocery stores and pet specialty stores. If you are unable to locate newborn puppy commercial supplemental milk, you can create a home formula that closely replicates the mothers milk. Homemade formulas suggested by your veterinarian might include condensed milk, yogurt, vegetable oil, light corn syrup, vitamin supplements and salt.


    Powdered newborn puppy formula can be used as nutritional milk for puppies. Homemade formulas can be made by combining one-half cup evaporated milk, one-half cup boiled water, 1 tsp. of corn oil, two raw egg yolks, 1 tbsp. of plain yogurt and one drop of pediatric multivitamin. Using evaporated milk instead of fresh milk results in less diarrhea symptoms. Add one-quarter of a lactase tablet to each batch of formula to aid in digestion and promote easier break-down of the lactose found in cows milk.

Expert Insight

    Puppy hunger signals include continuous crying, suckling on objects and back-and-forth head movement. On average, puppies eat every three to four hours. By the time puppies reach three weeks old, feeding four times a day is sufficient. Puppies should begin eating solid foods by five weeks of age and eating two to three times daily.


    Over-feeding puppies can lead to milk-inhalation in the lungs and develop into pneumonia. Over-feeding may also lead to excessive diarrhea. Prevent complications by speaking with your veterinarian about newborn puppy feeding guidelines. Avoid tube-feeding your newborn puppy without guidance from your veterinarian.

Uses for Walnut Oil

Walnut oil is considered one of the good fats. It is an essential fatty acid necessary for optimal health. These essential fatty acids come from oils made from vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts. Walnut oil is a nut oil high in polyunsaturated fats.

The oil is made from the meat of dried walnuts. It is most often used as a flavoring in salad dressings and sauces. It also has the added benefit of having aphrodisiac properties. Adding walnut oil to the diet adds essential fats and vitamins.

Health Benefits of Walnut Oil

    The essential fatty acids in walnut oil are responsible for the optimum health of the hormonal and immune system, as well as our skin, our joints and especially our brain. According to Dr. Ni of the Tao of Wellness, in Santa Monica, women who have low reserves of these fats may have scant menstrual periods or none at all; a sign of low progesterone and estrogen. This can lead to bone loss and many other signs of premature aging. Walnut oil also increases good cholesterol, and protects against heart disease and inflammation.

Adding Walnut Oil to the Diet

    Walnut oil is known for its strong and distinctive taste. It can be added to the diet by using it in salad dressings and drizzling it in sauces and over foods. It can be used in pan frying and sauteing but high heat can diminish the flavor. The cold-pressed version is recommended for more flavor. Like other nut oils it is often used in French cooking.

History of Walnut Oil

    Historical accounts show walnut trees growing in Babylon (present day Iraq) around 2,000 BC. However, prior to that time, there are other indications that show the walnut was grown in many parts of the world including Egypt, Eastern Europe, Asia, South and North America, and Greece. California now claims the most production of walnuts. In the San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys, there are about 5,000 growers and 52 processors.

Aphrodisiac Properties of Walnut Oil

    In addition to providing essential fatty acids to the diet, walnut oil is also rich in vitamins A, C, E, and the B vitamins. These are all key vitamins required for healthy sexual activity. A 35 gram serving of walnut oil can provide the same nutritional value as 50 grams of walnuts.

A High Fat Warning

    While cold-pressed walnut oil is an essential fat, it is still a fat. All fats and oils are 100 percent fat and are high in calories; they have about 120 calories per tablespoon. Fats are necessary in providing a concentrated source of energy and a certain amount is needed in every diet, but they should only be enjoyed in moderation.

How to Become a Certified Hypnotherapist in Ohio

How to Become a Certified Hypnotherapist in Ohio

A hypnotherapist utilizes hypnosis techniques within a therapeutic setting in order to induce a state of relaxation to bring forth new thought and emotion patterns to help patients overcome various psychological ailments. Hypnotherapists commonly work with clients to reduce anxiety, phobias, addictions, depression and eating disorders, according to Prospects, a career website. In order to become a hypnotherapist in Ohio you must undergo specific training to become certified.



    Meet the requirements to enroll in the American Institute of Health Care Professional (AIHCP) American College of Hypnotherapy. You must have either a bachelor's degree in psychology (or a related field), be a registered nurse, licensed social worker or a licensed counselor/psychologist. The American College of Hypnotherapy is the leading hypnotherapy certification organization within the state of Ohio. In order to become a certified hypnotherapist within Ohio you must complete five learning modules, which consists of 230 course study hours. All courses are taught on line through the American College of Hypnotherapy.


    Register by filling out the American College of Hypnotherapy Application for Certification provided by the AIHCP, which is available on line. This application consists of your contact information and education history. You must attach a copy of your official college transcripts as well as a detailed list of all courses you took.


    Pay the $175 application fee and submit your application on line or by mailing it to the American Institute of Health Care Professionals, 2400 Niles0Cortland Rd. SE, Suite 3, Warren, OH 44484.


    Register for your first course. Prior to receiving your official certificate you are required to undergo five course modules and pay the individual course fee. Module I ($150 fee as of 2010) covers hypnosis and trance introductions and consists of 50 contact hours. Module II ($150 fee as of 2010) trains you in hypnosis and hypnotherapies effectiveness and teaches advanced skills within its 50 contact hours. Module III ($100 fee as of 2010) consists of 25 contact hours and teaches you the art of self-hypnosis by learning methodology and undergoing first-hand exercises. Module IV ($200 fee as of 2010) offers 80 contact hours and guides you through advanced hypnotherapy techniques and theories. Lastly, Module V ($200 fee as of 2010) is the Hypnotherapy Practicum where you will conduct hypnotherapy sessions that are evaluated by your instructor. This last module consists of 25 contact hours.


    Complete all of the courses to become an official Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist within the state of Ohio. Once you pass all the required course modules you will be sent an official certificate in the mail. You must re-register your certification every three years through the American College of Hypnotherapy.

Chakra & Healing

Chakra & Healing

Thousands of years ago, while meditating, the mystics of India reportedly discovered seven major energy channels in the body. These channels are referred to as chakras--meaning wheels. According to the mystics, these energy vortexes distribute the flow of life energy throughout the body. Consequently, an open and clear chakra creates physical, emotional and mental stability, while a blocked chakra results in a state of imbalance leading to disease.


    Chakras act as transducers that receive life energy and distribute it throughout the body. This biophysical energy, known as prana, is believed it to be the sustaining life force of all living things. To maintain health, the chakras must be clear and open to sustain an optimal flow of the energy. Unfortunately, we create blockages with prolonged emotional stress and/or with emotional toxins created by our negative feelings, such as "chronic anger, hatred, bitterness, greed, hopelessness, loneliness, and depression...." according to Dr. Richard Gerber, M.D.


    There are seven major chakras that interact and influence the human body. Although non-physical in nature, each chakra is identified with a specific area of the body. Starting with the root chakra located around the tailbone, these energy vortexes move up the spine, passing through the reproductive organs, the stomach, the chest, the throat, the forehead, and finishing at the top of the head. Any blockages along the spine result in damage to the nearby area associated with the chakra.


    When operating properly, a chakra rotates like a spinning wheel, producing a specific energy vibration or frequency. When blocked, an energy shift occurs, changing the frequency pattern of the chakra, and disrupting the normal flow of energy to the body. Healers employ various energy therapies to restore a chakra to a healthy state. These remedies include homeopathy, healing hands, crystal healing, color and sound therapy and flower essence. Each of the therapies heals through the introduction of a specific energy pattern.


    Western medicine views the human body as a biological machine composed of independent parts that perform particular duties. Conversely, alternative medicine views the human body as a multidimensional energy system, composed of interconnecting fields of energy. According to this theory, the body produces a particular energy signature. Likewise, illnesses such as cancer produce their own energy signatures. This suggests the possibility of diagnosing and treating illnesses with energy therapies that restore the body's natural rhythm.


    Modern medicine does not accept the belief that chakras nourish the body with life energy, thereby affecting health. However, a growing body of evidence suggests the possibility that these frequency-specific energy fields exist. The Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research recently published a study that identified specific frequencies associated with cancerous tumors. This study also reported that treatments using noninvasive frequencies produced significant results. The researchers concluded that treatment of tumor-specific cancer with specific frequencies, "may have biological efficacy in patients with advanced cancer."

Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Benefits of Honeybush

The Benefits of Honeybush

The honeybush is native to the cape of South Africa. It is a beverage and a medicinal tea, having a mildly sweet taste somewhat like honey. The tea is also called Bushtea, Bergtee and Bossietee. The shrub grows on mountain peaks, in perennial streams, marshy areas, on shale bands and wet southern slopes. The honeybush usually grows to about 6 feet but can grow as high as 12 feet.

No Side Effects

    One of the positive aspects of honeybush is that it has no recorded side effects. Because of this, you can drink it freely in its tea form and do not have to worry about the side effects of tea, such as large amounts of caffeine. It also has very low tannin levels. Almost every plant contains tannin. Tannins are polyphenols obtained from various parts of different plants. Tannin-rich food consumption is linked to certain cancers, such as esophageal cancer. Tannin also has a low nutritional value. Honeybush tea is free of all the complications associated with tannin.

Health Effects

    Honeybush tea can treat a variety of illness symptoms, including coughing. Honeybush tea contains pinitol, which is a modified sugar. Pintinol helps lower blood sugar and blood lipids. It is being considered as a drug for diabetes. Honeybush also helps soothe menstrual side effects. It helps to prevent breast, prostate and uterine cancers. It reduces the occurrence of osteoporosis. It has anti-fungal and anti-virus benefits. It eases constipation, helps stop hunger pangs, aids in dieting and is rich in iron, potassium, calcium, copper, zinc, magnesium, manganese and sodium.

Soothing effects

    Honeybush has no caffeine so it does not cause abnormal excitation or stress on your body. It also has soothing effects on the central nervous system. The tea can be taken before bedtime to calm nerves and induce sleep. It can also help if you suffer from anxiety or panic disorder. You can drink the tea when you are feeling nervous or overly excited and it should bring on a positive, calming effect.

Different Styles of Massage Therapy Techniques

Different Styles of Massage Therapy Techniques

Selecting the style of massage that is right for you is not as easy as it seems. First, you must decide what type of massage therapy you need. A wealth of different massage therapies is available, so if you don't have luck with one kind, don't give up on massage completely. Perhaps you just didn't choose the strategy that will work for what ails you.

Swedish Massage

    Swedish massage focuses on five kinds of techniques: stroking, friction, kneading, percussion and vibration. The techniques tend to be followed in sequence. The intended effects of Swedish massage are to get the blood circulating, facilitate the process of skin cell renewal and improve muscle elasticity, according to "Massage Basics."


    Reflexology is a massage therapy that has its roots in traditional Chinese medicine and philosophy. The thumb and fingers are used to massage reflex points on the body that are believed to produce an effect on another part of the body. Body maps reveal how these reflex points are connected to the stimulation of other body parts. A reflexology massage on one part of the foot might help to alleviate neck pain while a massage on another part of the foot might improve circulation, according to "Reflexology."


    Shiatsu massage therapy goes back over 5,000 years. Its roots are related to acupuncture and acupressure. Shiatsu massage is performed primarily with the thumbs, but can also include the palms of the hand, elbow or even the feet. Pressure is exerted slowly and only lasts about six seconds on each point of the body. You can judge the quality of a massage therapist in shiatsu by whether or not you are aware of the movement from heavy to light pressure.

Sports Massage

    Sports massage is a modality geared towards reducing metabolic waste, helping prevent or treat sports injuries and helping athletes prepare for competition. The type of treatment that is given can vary from one sport to another. Massage for basketball players will focus on shoulder joints, forearms and calves. Massage for golfers will focus on the muscles of the back, from the shoulders to the waist as well as the arms. Sports massage may often include elements from other types of massage therapies that are combined to produce a single effect.

Spiritual Massage

    Spiritual massage therapies introduce additional aspects, such as prayer, the anointment of oil and even the laying on of hands to relieve stress and increase one's spiritual well-being. A spiritual massage can actually become a means of worship. Oils that may be used in a spiritual massage session are chosen for therapeutic value and often harken back to ancient religious traditions. Frankincense can be used because of the belief that it facilitates the breathing process as well as because it has a strong connection with the Bible.

Peppermint Oil History

Peppermint Oil History

Evidence of peppermint oil as a medicinal cure-all dates back to ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece. Menthol, menthone and menthyl acetate, the key active components of the peppermint plant, are still prevalent in modern medications for irritable bowels, headaches, diarrhea and congestion, according to the University of Washington's Department of Family Medicine. Peppermint oil may also be known as balm mint or brandy mint.

Early Beginnings

    According to Greek mythology, Pluto turned the nymph Mentha into a peppermint plant so she could be enjoyed and appreciated for many years to come. Today, the scientific name of the peppermint plant is Mentha piperita. Use of peppermint has been found in Egyptian tombs dating back from 1000 B.C. Ancient Japanese and Chinese people harvested peppermint for its curing properties.

Medical Uses

    Indigestion, nausea, symptoms of the common cold, headaches and muscle pain have been soothed by the use of peppermint oil throughout the years. The herb also stimulates the senses, is an antiseptic to clean wounds, an expectorant to clear excessive mucus build-up and is used in aromatherapy treatments for depression and mental fatigue.

Plant Facts

    Peppermint (Mentha piperita) is a hybrid of water mint and spearmint plants, according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The perennial herb grows up to 3 feet in height and is found growing wild in North America and Europe, but originated in the Mediterranean.

Fun Fact

    Peppermint oil soaked rags were used in the early 1900's to catch rats. The strong scent of the oil, combined with ferrets to chase the rodents, lured rats into cloth bags so they could be removed from homes and businesses. Peppermint oil is also a powerful insect repellent.

Forms of Oil

    Capsules and small dosages of liquid peppermint oil are ingested or diluted with other oils and applied to the skin. As a topical treatment, peppermint oil cools and reduces inflammation from itching, sunburns, scabies and acne.


    Peppermint oil combined with antacids may cause heartburn and allergic reactions. Children under the age of seven and pregnant women shouldn't use peppermint oil. Ask a physician or pharmacist for drug interactions before supplementing any health regimen with peppermint oil.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Advantages of Air Ionizers

Although controversial in regards to how successfully they affect health, air ionizers are still used by many people in countries around the world. Air ionizers purport to clean the surrounding air by using a high voltage to generate negative ions, which then precipitate many of the harmful positively charged particles in rooms, such as allergens and bacteria.


    Air ionizers are designed to clear the air of allergens to promote easier breathing. Air ionizers work by releasing negative ions into the area, which will come in contact with floating positively charged allergens. The claim is that the bonding of the two will cause them to become too heavy to remain airborne, which will cause them to fall to the ground---making inhaling them less likely.

Mold, Dust, Bacteria, and Smoke

    Much like how air ionizers remove pollen, these items remove an assortment of common household problems, including mold, dust, bacteria, and smoke, say manufacturers. By removing these materials, not only do an air ionizers promote healthy living, but these products are supposed to benefit those that are suffering from chronic diseases, such as asthma.

Dry Atmospheres

    Air ionizers are considered more effective in dry atmospheres and are recommended for people desiring purer air in such a climate. Humidity above the level of 80 percent can impact the successful function of air ionizers.


    Manufacturers claim air ionizers help people to sleep much better. One reason for this benefit is due to the help a successful ionizer provides the body---allowing it to sleep without the interference of pollen or dust. Air ionizers are also very quiet; therefore, they can operate without creating too much noise at night.

Home Remedy to Remove Pet Tear Stains

Home Remedy to Remove Pet Tear Stains

Pets, such as cats and dogs, with fur coats light in color have a tendency to develop tear stains. Tear stains usually occur on the hair and skin below the inside corners of the pet's eyes. Tear stains range in color from pink to brown. There are numerous home remedies to treat excessive tear production and tear staining in pets.


    According to, a variety of reasons cause pets to develop tear stains. Pets with certain shaped eyes are more likely to develop tear stains. Miniature and toy breed dogs, or those with eyes that bulge, are most likely to develop tear stains. Abnormal eyelids may cause rubbing and irritation against the eye, resulting in tears and stains. Excessive hair around the eyes acts as a wick, encouraging tear development.


    There are a variety of home remedies to remove pet tear stains. suggests using the eyebright herb, which is rich in vitamins A and C and is thought to act as an anti-inflammatory that eases eye discomfort and reduces excessive tear production. Eyebright can be given to pets as an oral herbal remedy, or applied topically to the tear stain areas. External eyewashes such as chamomile, calendula and goldenseal are also effective pet tear stain remedies. Chamomile is thought to contain antibacterial and antifungal properties and also acts as an anti-inflammatory against eye infections. Calendula is thought to effectively treat bacterial, fungal and viral infections as well as promote wound healing.

Expert Insight

    According to, dandelion extract functions as an excellent cleanser for pet tear stains. Dandelion also exhibits antibacterial and antifungal properties that may help battle bacterial and fungal infections that lead to excessive tear production and staining. German chamomile may also be used as a tear stain cleanser, which, according to, is ideal for using around the sensitive eye area.

Tear Ducts

    Pet tear ducts can become infected and inflamed leading to excessive tear production. Tear duct infections can lead to significant staining. states that corneal ulcers may also be the culprit for pet tear stains.


    Bacterial and yeast infections can cause pet tear stains. According to, Red Yeast is the most common yeast infection, which results in reddish tear stains. Bacterial and yeast infections that lead to tear stains may also produce foul odors.


    Infections may not always be the reason for pet tear staining. NaturalDogHealthRemedies assert that some animals have genetic factors that lead to excessive tear production. As a result, tear staining develops. Excessive tear production and staining may be corrected with surgery.

Benefits of Sunshine

Benefits of Sunshine

A bright sunny day has a way of making you feel good no matter what your current circumstances. It is still important to protect the skin from the negative effects of UV light exposure, but you can also gain some health benefits from the sun. The sun has a positive effect on our mood, skin and health when you use it in moderation.

Cancer Prevention

    Vitamin D production occurs when sunlight interacts with our skin, according to North Dakota State University. Vitamin D works together with calcium to build strong bones and maintain bone strength. It also has a preventative effect for some cancers including colon, breast, ovarian and prostate cancer. A deficiency in vitamin D is associated with these types of cancer, according to the Lighting Research Center.

Improve Sleep

    The bright light from sunshine can also have a dramatic effect on the quality of our sleep, according to the Lighting Research Center. Sleep deprivation can cause a number of health problems, including an increased risk of heart attack, hypertension, depression, diabetes, obesity and stroke, according to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. Sunshine may help to reset the internal clock that regulates sleep.

    Improved sleep reduces fatigue during the day, increases alertness and helps productivity.

Seasonal Affective Disorder Treatment

    Seasonal Affective Disorder is a type of depression that occurs in patients when bright light and sunshine is limited, most often during the winter months, according to the Lighting Research Center. Sunshine is one treatment for the disorder that increases serotonin, melatonin and regulates the circadian system that affects sleep. Some patients with seasonal affective disorder are treated with light boxes that focus UV light on patients to relieve the symptoms of the condition. Bright sunlight can have the same effect on patients, according to the Lighting Research Center.

Treatment for Skin Conditions

    Sunshine may be prescribed to treat some skin conditions such as acne, eczema and psoriasis, according to the McDougall Newsletter. Patients who use sunlight to treat skin conditions should use caution. Prolonged exposure to UV light from the sun is also linked to skin cancer and aging skin conditions such as wrinkles and age spots.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Milk & Honey Cures

Milk & Honey Cures

Each of these products contains its own healing properties, but when combined they are even more beneficial. Whether you want to treat a skin ailment or cure constipation, milk and honey are readily available and easy to mix for a home remedy. According to, using the milk-and-honey combination often packs more of a punch than if you used either one alone.

Skin Problems

    The lactic acid in milk works as a gentle exfoliator, while honey has anti-bacterial properties that cleanse and purify skin. Many use a milk-and-honey combination to cure skin ailments such as dry skin. According to, milk and honey may both be applied to the skin to restore moisture. One remedy is to mix honey and cold milk together and apply to dry areas of the skin. Mix as much as needed to apply over the area, and allow it to sit for 10 minutes before rising off with lukewarm water.


    If you suffer from constipation, one natural cure for it is honey and milk, according to Drinking fluid helps to loosen the bowels, and one remedy is to mix a tablespoon of honey with a glass of milk, and drink two times a day. Milk is helpful during constipation because milk is thought to moisten the intestines and honey has a mild laxative effect on the intestines, according to

Lack of Energy

    If you feel tired or worn out during the day, drinking a mixture of milk and honey is thought to provide stamina and boost your energy, according to Milk contains proteins that offer the body fuel, while honey features carbohydrates as a source of energy. According to Champlain Valley Apiaries, one source of simple carbohydrates is raw honey. The honey provides fuel to the muscles for energy, and even though it is a sugar, it has a mild effect on blood sugar levels compared with other carbohydrates. Each of these products also works internally to strengthen bones, help nourish muscle with both their carbs and proteins, and add valuable cleansing properties to the digestive system.

Blue Lupine Healing Properties

Blue Lupine Healing Properties

Blue lupine has been used by the Cherokee to stop bleeding and vomiting. Native Americans also used it to "fatten" horses and externally for the control of horses. The essence of the blue lupine flower is used today for its calming effects.

Native Americans Medicinal Uses


    The Cherokee people used blue lupine to stop bleeding and vomiting. It was used as "cold infusions taken internally" and was used to wash the affected area, according to "Cherokee Plants and Their Uses--A 400 Year History," by Paul B. Hamel and Mary U. Chiltoskey.

Native American Veterinary Uses

    Used to control horses
    Used to control horses

    The Menomini people used blue lupine for the care and control of horses. In the "Ethnobotany of the Menomini Indians," by Huron H. Smith, blue lupine was "used to fatten a horse and make him spirited and full of fire." Smith also describes the use of blue lupine by the Menomini to "control horses." It was rubbed on the hands and body of the Menomini.

Modern Medicinal Uses

    Headache remedy?
    Headache remedy?

    There are several flower essence companies that sell blue lupine to treat headaches and digestive problems, and for the management of emotions. Little research has been done as to efficacy of blue lupine for medicinal use.

Blue Lupine Flower Essence

    Flower essences
    Flower essences

    Blue lupine has also been used to calm people and help with frustration and depression, according to, which also states that "some people are able to feel the positive effects of a flower essence within 15 to 20 minutes after taking one dose of a remedy. Some report feeling subtle changes over several days or weeks."


    The seeds are the most toxic part of the plant.
    The seeds are the most toxic part of the plant.

    A study published in the The Journal of Agricultural Science in 1951 reported that blue lupine is toxic to small laboratory animals and that "the seeds of blue lupine contain a higher percentage of crude alkaloid, than do the pods and leaves."

Medicinal Use of Bee Balm

Medicinal Use of Bee Balm

Bee balm (Monarda sp.) grows as a native Eastern American perennial distinguished by its bright, beautiful flowers. First used by Native Americans, bee balm has since become a popular beverage for both its taste and medicinal use. Bees favor this herb, lending to its common name of bee balm and making it a popular garden flower. It offers relief for a variety of ills from the common cold to insomnia, as well as providing culinary and craft material.

Plant Description

    Bee balm grows 2 to 5 feet tall, producing flowers on branching, square stems. On the stems, pale green opposite leaves unfurl, toothed and lance shaped. Fine hairs covering both stem and leaves give bee balm a texture that is rough to the touch. The fragrant flowers bloom in a variety of colors ranging from red (Monarda didyma) to pink (Monarda fistulosa). The unique whorl-like flowers bloom from June to September.


    The Oswego Indians first made tea from the dried leaves of bee balm, specifically Monarda didyma, giving it the nickname of Oswego tea. The Indians later shared it with the settlers in the New York area, which then became popular in the mid 1700s as a tea substitute. The fragrance of bee balm resembles that of Citrus bergamia, which gave bee balm the name of "bergamot."

Medical Properties

    Alternative medicine utilizes the antiseptic, diuretic and stimulant properties of bee balm. It has carminative (relieving flatulence) and diaphoretic (sweat inducing) qualities, according to Alternative Nature. Practitioners also use antiseptic thymol oil, which is derived from bee balm.

Traditional Uses

    Usually drank as a tonic or tea, the Native Americans used bee balm and other Monarda relatives to relieve fevers and headaches. Other uses for the tea include consumption as an appetite suppressant as well as a menstrual regulator. Traditionally, brides and mothers in the 19th century drank bee balm tonic.

Modern Uses

    Modern day finds bee balm usually used as an infusion or tea to treat upset stomachs, nausea and vomiting. To prove its wide range of medical uses, it also combats flatulence and gas. According to Alternative Nature, inhaling steam from an infusion of the plant helps sore throats and increases mucus flow. External applications applied medically treat skin disorders and infection.

Harvesting for Tea

    When harvesting bee balm to make into an infusion or tea, pull leaves from the stem and leave to dry in shade for two to three days. Finish drying by artificial heat if necessary. Letting the leaves dry longer can alter the taste and quality of the tea. Morning, right after the dew dries, presents the best time for harvesting.

Natural Naltrexone Substitutes

Natural Naltrexone Substitutes

Naltrexone (also known as hydrochloride sale or naltexone hydrochloride and under the trade names Revia and Depade) is a medication used to treat and reduce alcohol addiction by antagonizing opioid receptors in the brain. By preventing the release of endorphins associated with alcohol consumption, it reduces the pleasure experienced from consuming alcohol. While it is a relatively safe and effective treatment, there are a number of alternatives to naltrexone that may be used in its place. These depend on a variety of factors, notably the severity of the subject's addiction and their potential reaction to other medications.

Treatment and Abstinence

    The most natural alternative to any medical treatment for alcoholism is a treatment program such as Alcoholics Anonymous (or AA) and abstinence from any alcohol intake. During detoxification, withdrawal and post-withdrawal periods, an alcoholic will need both the supervision and support that a peer or peer group can provide, making support groups the ideal social environment in which to overcome an addiction. The presence and guidance of an experienced role model (or sponsor, as they are known in AA) can be an invaluable source of moral support for individuals intent on overcoming their addiction.

Rationing and Moderation

    In some cases of alcoholism it may be possible to combat the addiction through rationing and moderation. The outcome of this alternative will be highly dependent on a number of individual characteristics of both the addiction and the subject of treatment. Those suffering from an addiction in its early stages, or those who have exhibited especially strong willpower, will more likely to benefit from a regiment of moderation, leading to a gradual reduction of intake until no further alcohol is consumed.

Medical Alternatives

    There are a number of commercially available medical alternatives to Naltrexone. Disulfiram (also known by the trade name Antabuse) inhibits the body's ability to break down ethanol, resulting in severe discomfort when alcohol is ingested that feels remarkably like an instantaneous and long-lasting hangover. While disulfram is effective, it can pose a slight risk of hepatotoxicity and drowsiness in some subjects. It is created in the lab as a combination of an organic sulfur compound and iodine. Citrate salt produces the same reaction to alcohol as disulfram, but without the risk of its side effects.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Home Remedies That Use Baking Soda

Bicarbonate of soda, otherwise known as baking soda, is a white powdery substance used most often as a leavening agent in baking. Baking soda produces carbon dioxide when combined with acidic ingredients such as buttermilk or yogurt. The carbon dioxide in the form of air bubbles makes dough or batter rise as it bakes.

Tooth Whitener

    Because baking soda has mild abrasive properties, it can be used as a tooth polisher and whitener. Dipping a wet toothbrush into dry baking soda creates a paste that coats the toothbrush, making it ready for brushing. Dentures and retainers can be cleaned in this way as well. They can also be soaked in a solution of baking soda dissolved in water.

Skin Soother

    A solution of baking soda and water provides relief from acute burns and sunburn when applied to the affected area. This may prevent blistering as well as relief. A paste of baking soda and water can take away the itch of poison ivy. For bee stings, baking soda can help ease the pain when applied as a paste and allowed to dry.


    Baking sodas deodorizing, alkaline, and abrasive properties make it a good choice for cleaning. As a paste, it can remove stains from kitchen countertops and crayon marks from walls. Hair brushes and combs can be soaked in a baking soda solution to clean and freshen them.

Laundry Additive

    Adding baking soda to laundry at the beginning of the wash cycle boosts detergent performance. When its added in the rinse cycle, baking soda freshens, deodorizes and softens laundry.

Drain Opener and Refresher

    When baking soda is sprinkled down a drain or garbage disposal and is followed by the addition of vinegar, the chemical reaction between the two causes foaming that coats the pipe or disposal interior. The foaming action breaks down build-up and clogs.

Dry Bath for Dogs

    Baking soda can be applied to a dogs coat, massaged into the coat and then brushed out of the coat to deodorize and freshen the animal between baths. This home remedy can prevent the tendency toward over-washing and drying of a dog's skin.

Pool Care

    Adding baking soda to pool water can adjust the waters pH to the recommended level. Continual use can help keep a pools water clear.

General Deodorizer

    When sprinkled dry onto car interiors, sports gear, furniture, rugs, shoes or sneakers and allowed to sit, baking soda removes odors. Another method of deodorizing objects that does not require follow-up vacuuming is using a solution of water and baking soda in a spray bottle.

Fire Extinguisher

    Baking soda can be used to put out minor kitchen fires. Fire needs oxygen to burn. The heat from the fire reacts with the baking soda and creates carbon dioxide, which smothers the flame. This use is applicable only for very minor fires.

Fruit and Vegetable Scrub

    Baking soda helps dissolve waxes and dirt that may remain on fruits and vegetables after picking or purchase. Fruits and vegetables can be soaked in a solution of baking soda and water or scrubbed with a paste of baking soda and water to remove residue safely.

What Are the Health Benefits of an Oscillating Massage?

What Are the Health Benefits of an Oscillating Massage?

Massage is a healing tool that's been utilized for thousands of years. An oscillating massage gives periodic vibrations through massage machines. This type of massage can be accomplished with a belt, chair or mattress, depending on the areas you want to treat.

Oscillating Massage Belt

    Oscillating massage belts increase blood flow and oxygenation, burn calories and relaxe deep tissues, according to Oscillating Massage Belt. The company says toxins are removed from areas where the belt is placed, typically around the waist, thighs and back. An oscillating massage belt is beneficial before or after a workout to loosen muscles and prevent muscle fatigue or pain.

Oscillating Chairs

    Protracted sitting can cause discomfort and sometimes severe back pain, particularly for office workers. An oscillating massage chair relaxes the muscles and relieves back pain and fatigue. According to the Office Chair Review, massage chairs relieve stress. Some companies provide them to employees.

Oscillating Massage Mattress

    According to Ensuena, the health benefits of oscillating massage are significant, even in 15-minute sessions. Oscillating massage decreases cortisol, the stress hormone that kills cells important for immunity. Mattresses with built-in oscillating massagers help with sleep disorders and with circulation-related disorders such as restless leg syndrome.

Banana Peel Remedies

Banana Peel Remedies

Bananas are rich in potassium and a healthy snack, but the peel of the fruit offers some benefits as well. Those looking for natural remedies and treatments find the banana peel a good choice for more than just the compost pile. Using banana peel for a home remedy is a low-cost and all-natural treatment that makes the banana one fruit to keep on hand in your kitchen.

Insect Bites

    Use banana peels to reduce the itch and swelling of an insect bite. Rub the inside of the peel directly on the bite, according to Cait Johnson, assistant producer of "Care2 Healthy Living Newsletters." Be sure to use the part of the peel that contains the fruit pulp and not the outer yellow skin.

Wart Removal

    Banana peels are a folk remedy for wart removal. Place the banana peel directly on the wart, and keep it in place with a bandage. Use the inside of the fruit with the yellow skin facing out. Wear the banana peel treatment at night to eliminate the wart over time.

Psoriasis Treatment

    Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes painful scaling of the skin. There is no cure for psoriasis, but treatments such as banana peel may relieve the pain and dry patches. Rub the pulpy inside of the peel over the affected areas to alleviate symptoms.

Remedy for Dull Plants

    Polish the leaves of your houseplants with the inside of a banana peel. Wipe the leaves to remove the dirt and dust and give them a shiny appearance.

Aphid Remedy

    Deter aphids with cut-up banana peels placed in the dirt around plants that you want to protect. Cut the peel into small pieces, and allow them to dry out before burying in a couple of inches of dirt around your plants.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Magnesium Sulfate and Gum Disease

Magnesium Sulfate and Gum Disease

Gum disease causes swelling and bleeding in the gums. It may also eventually lead to receding gums and loss of teeth. Magnesium sulfate is one of the nutrients that may help in the fight against periodontitis.


    A Journal of Dental Research study of over 4,000 participants recorded fewer problems with teeth in those with gum disease who were taking magnesium.


    Supplementing your diet with minerals can help prevent bone loss around gums that occurs with gum disease. Magnesium is one of the important minerals that protect bones.


    There are a number of ways to take magnesium sulfate to help your body fight gum disease. It is available as a supplement in pill, as an enema, and in intravenous form.


    As with any supplement, allergic reaction is possible with magnesium sulfate. It is also not recommended for pregnant women. Consult your healthcare provider before taking magnesium sulfate.

Interesting Fact

    Magnesium sulfate is the main ingredient in Epsom salts, which is used in bath water to ease muscle aches or ingested as a laxative.

How to Treat an Ear Infection Using Home Remedies

How to Treat an Ear Infection Using Home Remedies

Having an ear infection is painful and irritating. An infection can happen after a cold or other respiratory ailment. When you get an ear infection, you will often get a fever with it, but not always. Once you determine you have an ear infection, go to the doctor and then use home remedies along with whatever medication the doctor recommends to get rid of the infection. Home remedies are cheap, and most of us already have them in our homes. When you find the right home remedies, they can ease the pain from the ear infection and help get rid of the infection altogether.



    Take a washcloth full of hot water and wring it out. Hold the hot washcloth onto the infected ear until it cools. The moist heat increases the circulation and reduces the swelling and the pain. This will not reduce the infection but will likely provide comfort.


    Take 1 tbsp. of pure almond carrier oil, add 2 drops of lavender essential oil, 2 drops of chamomile essential oil and 3 drops of tea tree essential oil. Mix the oils and heat them up. Put 2 drops of this warm oil mixture inside the infected ear twice a day for comfort.


    Chewing gum--or food for that matter--will open and close the mouth, causing the Eustachian tube (where an ear infection typically resides) to ventilate and may allow for drainage. This may help to relieve some pressure from the infection and provide comfort.

How to Treat an Earache Using Home Remedies

How to Treat an Earache Using Home Remedies

Everyone gets an earache from time to time, although children more often than adults. An earache usually comes after a bad cold or sore throat and often after you blow your nose and lay down for the night. The reason this happens is because fluids build up in the Eustachian tubes. The fluid becomes infected and builds up in the back of the eardrum and puts pressure on the ear, therefore causing discomfort. An earache often happens at night, causing you to lose sleep because of the pain. If you are experiencing ear pain, pressure, and/or drainage, you should contact your health care provider. If you do have an ear infection, your health care provider is likely to prescribe antibiotics to help your body eliminate the infection. There are things you can do yourself at home to ease the pain caused by an earache.



    Hold a hair dryer set on the warm setting a little ways from your ear to allow the warm air to blow in. Do not use the hot setting because you may burn yourself. You may also apply heat to your ear using a heating pad: turn it on warm and lay the side where the earache is on the heating pad. The warm air from the hair dryer and the warm heat from the heating pad will ease the pain. Do not use the blow dryer for more than 3 to 5 minutes.


    Puncture a piece of garlic, squeeze the juice out of it, and pour the juice in the ear that hurts. Garlic is known to have a natural antibiotic in it, and using the garlic juice may help the antibiotics to fight the infection.


    Put a few drops of olive oil or mineral oil in the sore ear; the oil will act as a lubricant and may help to eliminate dry, itchy symptoms of the ear infection. Warm the oil up like you would a baby's bottle, under the hot tap water for a few minutes. Make sure you test the temperature of the warmed oil before using it in your ear. The warm oil should be at body temperature. Apply it with an ear dropper and only use enough oil to coat the inner lining of the ear.


    Wrap a hot water bottle in a towel. Use the towel-wrapped hot water bottle as a pillow by laying the sore ear on it. Again, the heat from the hot water bottle will ease the pain from the sore ear.


    Chewing gum (or even food) and swallowing will help to ventilate the Eustachian tube and allow for drainage. This may help to alleviate some pressure caused by the infection in the inner ear.