Tuesday, March 1, 2016

How to Treat Vertigo with Natural Remedies

A good way to treat Vertigo is with natural remedies. For many patients with Vertigo, natural remedies can cure the condition when taken regularly. Natural remedies for other patients can help to control the condition, and work to improve the condition. Below are the natural remedies that have been proven effective in helping to treat Vertigo.



    Take 15 mg of Vinpocetine daily. Vinpocetine has been shown to help reduce the signs and symptoms of Vertigo in nearly 75% of the patients in a recent study.


    Take 5 to 10 mg of Hydergine per day. Hydergine is a synthetic compound that is used to stimulate the brain. In recent studies Hydergine has been shown to reduce many of the symptoms of Vertigo.


    Take Piracetam in supplemental form daily. Piracetam is a chemical dervied from the amino acid known as gamma amino butyric acid. Piracetam has been used to treat patients with Vertigo with good results. This treatment works especially well for older patients with Vertigo.

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