Sunday, March 27, 2016

How to Get Rid of Cholesterol with Home Remedies

Simple and effective home remedies to get rid of cholesterol.



    Eat food containing Lecithin that breaks down the cholesterol in the body. The foods containing lecithin include egg yolk, vegetable oils, wholegrain cerals, soyabean and unpasturised milk.


    Eat vitamin rich foods such as those that are rich in vitamins B, B6 and E. Vitamin B rich fodds include wheatgerm, yeast and bran. Vitamin E foods include sunflower seeds, safflower, sprouted seeds, grians and soyabean oils.


    Boil a teaspoon full of coriander seeds in a glass of water. Filter and drink after the solution has been brought to room temperature. Regular intake of this solution helps fight cholesterol levels in the body.


    Eat fiber rich foods. These foods include wheat bran, rice, wheat, rye, potatoes, turnips, carrots, lady's fingers and celery. Oat bran and corn bran also lower LDL cholesterol levels.


    Drink one teaspoon basil ishabgul oil twice daily to help reduce cholesterol.

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