Saturday, March 12, 2016

How to Get Rid of Sunburns with Home Remedies

Simple and effective home remedies to get rid of sunburns.



    Apply aloe vera or vinegar directly onto the affected parts. Applying it regulary diminishes all sun burns and tan.


    Rub mustard oil directly onto the affected areas and let it dry.This enables the heat to be removed from the skin and heals a burn faster.


    Take fresh slices of cucumber and rub them onto the burns.Repeat process regulary to get good results.


    Add baking powder to bath to sooth the skin and releive sun burns.This process can be followed everyday to see marked improvement in the skin's condition.


    Apply lavender oil to the affected parts.lavender oil soothes, heals and protects the damaged area.


    Apply apple cider vinegar to the affected parts to get relief from the problem.


    Add chamomile and lavender oil to your bath and continue process everyday.


    Apply grated potatoes directly on the skin. This is useful in healing sunburnt skin.

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