Saturday, March 26, 2016

How to Get Rid of Diabetes with Home Remedies

Simple and effective home remedies to get rid of diabetes.



    Drink the juice of 4-5 medium sized bittergourd once daily to get relief from diabetes.Alternatively, boil the peices of 1 bittergourd in a cup of water and drink twice daily to get rid of diabetes.


    Mix 1 teaspoon of gooseberry juice to 1 cup bittergourd juice.Drink twice daily to reduce the sugar levels in blood of a diabetic.


    Eat 3 grape fruits 3 times a day to get relief ROM diabetes. Those that do not have sugar but are inclined towards it must eat a grape fruit atleast once daily to keep the disease at bay.


    Soak 15gms of fresh mango leaves in 250 ml water overnight. Remove the leaves and drink the solution in the morning to control blood sugar levels.


    Mix teaspoon of parslane seeds with 1 cup water. Drink daily for 3-4 months to increase the body's natural insulin and fight diabetes.

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