Monday, March 28, 2016

How to Get Rid of Dark Skin With Home Remedies

Dark skin may be a major cause of concern for those who have a deep craving for fair complexion. Hyperpigmentation may be a cause for dark skin. Presence of melanin, a skin pigment in large quantities results in darkening of skin. Hyperpigmentation may also cause bark patches and blotchy skin. However, there are several effective home remedies that will lighten skin color if regularly followed.



    Make a paste of one tsp of milk powder, one tsp of honey, one tsp of lemon juice, and tsp of almond oil. Apply this mixture on face. Wash it off after 10-15 minutes. This pack provides healthy glow on skin. It also helps in removing tan.


    Placing sliced raw potato on the face reduces blemishes and on the skin.


    Applying turmeric powder mixed with lime juice removes the tan.


    Soak four almonds overnight. Use milk and grind almonds in to fine paste. Apply this mixture on face and neck. Leave it overnight. Wash off with cold water in the morning. Continuing the treatment for 15 days at stretch.

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