Wednesday, March 23, 2016

How to Get Rid of Headaches with Home Remedies

Simple and effective home remedies to get rid of headaches.



    Squeeze 3-4 slices of lemon in a cup of tea and drink to ge immediate relief from headaches.


    Remove the upper skin and the inner hard portion of an apple and eat it with a little salt every morning on an empty stomach. Continue this treatment daily for about a week to get rid of headaches and migrains in general.


    Add some vinegar to a few henna flowers and rub them over the forehead. This is effective in curing headaches caused due to sun exposure and heat.


    Finly paste cinammon with a little water and apply it over the forehead. It will bring relief from headache in a few minutes.


    Prepare tea from marjoram and drink it once daily. This cures headaches caused due to nervous tension.


    Boil about 1 lt. water and add rosemary leaves to it. Cover the patient's head with a towel and bend over the steam of this decoction for as long as the patient can tolerate. This will refresh the person's mind and provide relief from headaches.

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