Friday, June 30, 2017

How to Cure Hemorrhoids the Natural Way

How to Cure Hemorrhoids the Natural Way

Hemorrhoids happen when the veins around the anus tend to stretch under pressure and may bulge or swell. These swollen veins develop from an increase in pressure in the lower rectum which can be very uncomfortable. If you are suffering from hemorrhoids, here are few ways you can cure it naturally:



    Avoid sitting on the toilet for long periods of time. Use the toilet only whenever you feel the urge to have bowel movement. Prolonged sitting on the toilet as well as forcing out the stool causes the hemorrhoids to get worse.


    Eat foods high in fiber such as fresh fruits, leafy vegetables, and whole-grain breads and cereals. Remember also to drink plenty of water and fluids. Changing your eating and drinking lifestyle avoid constipation and helps in passing the stool out easily.


    Observe proper anal hygiene. Keep the area clean and dry at all times. Avoid scrubbing the area for this further aggravates the hemorrhoids and causes irritation. When wiping, use a gentle and slow motion. Using water to clean the area is the best but if this is not possible, clean your anus by patting gently using a moist toilet paper of baby wipes.


    Reduce your weight. Losing weight significantly decreases the pressure on the lower part of your body specifically the rectum area. Maintain a healthy weight for your height to get rid of hemorrhoids.


    Avoid lifting heavy objects or other form of activity where you do excessive straining. Ask someone else to help you out.


    Refrain from prolonged sitting for extended periods of time. This will limit the pressure being exerted on your bottom. When your work requires you to be seated most of the time, take a break every now and then and walk around for few minutes.


    Apply ice pack to the affected area. It will give a quick relief from the pain and swelling by shrinking the veins. Take small pieces of ice cubes and put them in a bag. Apply on the affected area of the skin. Be careful not to insert the ice directly into the rectum because it will burn your skin.


    Soak yourself in a warm tub or sitz bath several times a day for about 10 minutes. The warm water will ease the swelling and alleviate the pain associated with hemorrhoids. Make sure to use clean water free from any bath products.

How to Build Your Immune System

How to Build Your Immune System

It seems everyone these days are trying to build their immune system. It can be an important thing, especially among people that tend to get sick easier than others. Here are a few tips to help with those immune boosters.


    Immune System

    Try eating more broccoli to ward off those nasty germs. Just one cup delivers 206% of your daily RDA of vitamin C. This increases the levels of interferon, which is the antibody that coats cell surfaces and prevents the entry of viruses.


    Sing your favorite song to boost your immune system. It will raise the levels of immunoglobulin A, which is an antibody that provides one of your first lines of defense against invading viruses.

    Destroy Viruses

    Destroy viruses with some great tasty foods and spices, such as garlic and shitake mushrooms. Both of these contain polysaccharides, sterols, vitamins, minerals and amino acids which are proven to help your immune system stop viruses from multiplying.

    Vitamins for the Immune System

    Don't forget your multi vitamins for boosting your immune system. Just one multivitamin can reduce your risk of infections, including colds and the flu by 76%.


    Getting the proper rest will build your immune system.

    Yogurt for the Immune System

    Eat a daily helping of yogurt and it will send healthy bacteria to your digestive tract and help your immune system stop germs from taking hold. If by chance you still get a bug, then keeping eating your yogurt to get you back on your feet faster.

How to Fight Infection Without Antibiotics

How to Fight Infection Without Antibiotics

If you have to wait to get to the doctor, or just want to try something without the side effects of antibiotics, try odorless garlic soft gels!



    You will need the highest dose of odorless garlic soft gels available at your local health food store or in the vitamin section of the pharmacy.


    I recommend the odorless kind because the regular garlic soft gels will pass through your pores when you perspire. This type also have the advantage of avoiding "garlic breath"


    Take 2 pills (1000 mg each) every 2 hours. A lot of doctors don't think that anything but prescriptions can do any good, but they agree that garlic surely cannot hurt. I continue to take my sinus medicine in conjunction with the garlic and feel a significant difference in 3 days.


    This can be used instead of antibiotics if your infection isn't too bad. I take them whenever I feel sinusitis coming on.

Liver Cleansing With Apple Cider

The liver is one of the most important organs in your body. Located in the upper right part of the abdominal chamber, the liver filters out toxins and waste products from the blood. Additionally, it manufactures proteins, metabolizes fats, stores essential nutrients and carbohydrates, and makes and secretes bile, which aids in the proper digestion of food. To keep your liver in good working condition, the first thing to do is adopt a healthy lifestyle. Eat wholesome foods, drink alcohol moderately or not at all and avoid toxic substances. Many natural health proponents such as Dr. Linda Page, author of "Healthy Healing's Detoxification," also recommend a routine "liver cleanse" to help rid it of accumulated toxins and recharge its efficiency. One of the most common and widely praised methods of liver cleansing is the use of apple cider vinegar (ACV), which Dr. Page calls a "powerful remedy for resolving liver stagnation and indigestion." Practitioners of liver cleansing say ACV's combination of vitamins, minerals and alkalinity help rid the liver of harmful substances and help keep the body's pH levels from becoming too acidic, a condition that can make a person more vulnerable to disease. Here are some ways to use apple cider vinegar to cleanse your liver.



    Make an apple cider vinegar tonic. Mix 1 or 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with 6 to 8 ounces of water. Add a natural sweetener like honey if you wish. Use this as a daily tonic and drink three times a day before meals.


    Commit to a short liver detox twice a year, one day in the fall and one day in the spring. The night before "detox day," have a light supper that's easy to digest such as steamed vegetables and fish. On the detox day itself, you'll basically follow a liquid fast, ingesting only vegetable juices, broths, apple juice, green tea and other healthful liquids. Upon rising and before bed, take the basic tonic described in step one but increase its strength by adding an additional tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. For the week following the detox, eat only 100 percent fresh foods (e.g., fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, legumes, nonfat dairy and so forth). During the fast, you may experience some side effects as a result of toxins leaving your body, including headaches, nausea and lightheadedness. Plan accordingly so you're not required to do any high exertion-type activities, try to get some sunshine and aim for some light exercise like walking or stretching.


    Maintain good liver health by enjoying a cup of liver cleansing tea. Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to 1 cup of hot water and sweeten with honey or maple syrup. Drink 1 cup daily.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Apple Cider & Vinegar Remedies

Apple Cider & Vinegar Remedies

Advantages of Apple Cider Vinegar

Advantages of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has been noted for its health benefits for thousands of years; even Socrates used it to ward off disease and encourage a healthy constitution. But there is much debate about the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar, as it is often presented as a miracle cure for any and every ailment. Science has revealed that apple cider vinegar can be used to effectively treat several--but certainly not all--ailments. Here's an outline of the proven benefits of apple cider vinegar.


    The cover of Dr. Jarvis's book, which popularized the health benefits of apple cider vinegar

    While its use as a health tonic was known for centuries, apple cider vinegar gained special prominence as a result of D.C. Jarvis's popular 1958 book, "Folk Medicine: A Vermont Doctor's Guide to Good Health." Since the book's publication, apple cider vinegar has been touted as a cure-all, which is not always the case.

Weight Loss

    Apple cider vinegar is commonly used by those who wish to lose weight. Some studies have shown that people who take a teaspoon or two of the vinegar with a light meal will feel full and want to eat less.


    Apple cider vinegar has been proven to lower blood glucose levels, which could help diabetics. According to a study conducted in 2007 on a group of people with Type-2 Diabetes, taking 2 tsp. of apple cider vinegar before sleeping lowers blood glucose levels by as much as 6 percent in the morning.

Calcium Absorption

    Contrary to many claims, apple cider vinegar is actually very low in nutrients. But this doesn't mean it has no nutritional value. The vinegar is full of ascetic acid, which, like many other acids, can help our bodies absorb vital nutrients like calcium. This may be especially helpful for women who are trying to prevent osteoporosis.

Cleaning Produce

    Washing fruits and vegetables with a mixture of water and apple cider vinegar can help to remove the pesticides which are sometimes used in farming and which many natural food proponents believe are harmful to your health.

Use in Healthy Cooking

    Apple cider vinegars, like many other vinegars, should be employed as often as possible in cooking. This is because vinegar, which can often give a dish a tart and savory spike, works as an excellent replacement for cooking products high in sodium and saturated fat.


    Because it's highly acidic, you should always dilute apple cider vinegar with juice or water before using it. Prolonged use could result in erosion of the tooth enamel or damage to the mouth and throat. Also, because apple cider vinegar contains chromium, which can alter insulin levels, diabetics should consult with a doctor before beginning to use apple cider vinegar.

Natural Sleep Aids

Difficulty sleeping is a relatively common problem, affecting 20 to 40 percent of adults. Inadequate sleep can affect your health and impair immune system function. Prescription and over-the-counter medications can be effective, but may have significant side effects. Natural, herbal teas and supplements can offer safe and effective alternatives.

No TV in Bed

    Remove the television from your bedroom. Watching television or reviewing work-related documents from your bed makes you more alert and can interfere with sleep.

Dietary Supplements

    Try melatonin to help prevent jet lag or ease insomnia. Melatonin supplements can help to balance the natural secretion of melatonin in the body, a hormone in the brain that helps to regulate sleep patterns.


    Drink a warm cup of herbal tea made from Chamomile, Valerian root, Passionflower or Kava Kava to help you to fall asleep. These herbs have been used in folk medicine for centuries.


    Before using any natural sleep aid, talk to your doctor about potential interactions with any medications you are taking, including antidepressants.


    If you continue to have trouble sleeping or are relying on any type of sleep aids more and more, contact your doctor. You may have another condition that is causing your sleep disturbances, such as anxiety, depression or restless leg syndrome.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Natural Remedies for Anxiety & Depression

Anxiety and depression are separate disorders but often occur simultaneously. Almost 10 percent of the adult population and 13 percent of children between the ages of 9 and 17 live with anxiety and/or depression. While there are prescription medications that can help you to deal with these disorders, try natural alternatives first.


    Exercise three to five times a week. Even mild exercise releases endorphins. These natural chemicals from the brain increase feelings of well-being and combat anxiety and depression.

Don't Isolate Yourself

    Anxiety and depression can make you want to avoid other people but this is the worst thing you can do. Don't isolate yourself from others. Get out in the community. Talk to your friends or find a local support group.

Avoid Alcohol

    Alcohol is a depressant. It can also have serious interactions with any medications you may be taking to control your anxiety or depression. Avoid or limit your intake of alcohol.


    Try herbal supplements or teas. St John's Wort is an herbal remedy widely used in Europe to treat depression. Kava Kava may help to ease anxiety.


    If you are taking any prescription medications, talk to your doctor before you take any herbal supplements or teas. Kava Kava should not be taken if you have chronic liver disease.

Home Remedies to Cure a Sinus Infection

Home Remedies to Cure a Sinus Infection

Sinus problems are not only painful, they can be distracting and tough to treat. The inflammation of the nasal passages and sinus cavities associated with sinus problems can become debilitating when it reaches the stage of infection. Very often people don't even realize an infection is involved because the symptoms can resemble a cold or the flu with an intense sinus headache. Some easy home remedies can help you deal with your sinus infection.

Nasal Irrigation

    The first thing to do when you suspect you have sinus infection is to dilute 1/4 teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of warm water and then draw this solution into an ear bulb syringe. Gently place the bulb into your nose and squeeze while breathing into get the salt water up into the nasal passages where it can help clean away the mucus and decrease swelling. Inflammation in the nasal passageway creates nasal pressure that can lead to headaches and prolonged infection.

Ginger Compress

    Another natural remedy for sinus infection includes ginger. Get yourself an actual root of the ginger plant and use a cheese grater to slice about 1/4 cup of the root. Add the ginger to a pint of boiling water. Let it simmer for 15 minutes and then strain the results. Dip a washcloth into the pot until it is nice and damp and then cover your face to help with the nasal drainage and hopefully, the end of your sinus problems.


    A buildup of mucus is the primary contributing factor to the swelling and pain caused by a sinus infection. A solution made of 1 teaspoon of horseradish mixed with 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice has the miraculous power of reducing that mucus and helping the drainage process. You can eat this solution straight or mix it with rice or potatoes if you experience a burning sensation when eating it.

Grape Seed Extract

    Grape seek extract contains very powerful antioxidant properties that can serve to reduce the inflammation of the sinus cavities and nasal passages. Take 50 milligrams of grape seed extract three times a day to speed up the process of healing when you have a sinus infection and to quickly reduce swelling and that lingering sinus headache.


    No to be confused with acupuncture, this process does not require needles and can be done by yourself at any time. Press and massage the areas around the nose, playing special attention to the base of the nose where the nostrils flare outward and the areas of the cheek just below the eyes. Massaging these areas with a fair amount of pressure can help relieve pain and aid drainage.


    Proper nutrition during a sinus infection involves more what you don't want to eat than what you do. Since sinus infections are all about the production of mucus and the drainage of same, avoid any kind of food or beverage that stimulates mucus production or inhibits drainage. This could include alcohol, milk, ice cream and foods high in sugar.

How to Naturally Heal an Ailing Stomach

How to Naturally Heal an Ailing Stomach

When I get really sick with an aliment such as the flu or nauseous stomach, and traditional medicine seems to fail me, I turn to Ginger.

The health benefits of Ginger are endless. Ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory benefits. Ginger is good for colds, flu, nausea, motion sickness, and chest congestion. It's also a natural blood thinner. You can use it for medicinal purposes or to flavor food. I prefer to use it for medicinal purposes.

Ginger is spicy, peppery, and pungent. It has a very strong taste, but I can't say enough good things about Ginger. You can buy it fresh in the vegetable section of your local supermarket or you can buy ginger capsules at your local health food store. I use mostly raw Ginger and Ginger capsules. You can find fresh Ginger root in the vegetable section of your local supermarket. I prefer to make a strong tea out of it.



    Rinse the Ginger Root: Rinse the Ginger with water to remove any excess dirt before slicing it.


    Slice Ginger:
    Slice the Ginger into thin slices. You can use the whole root or half of the root. Add the ginger to the 2-3 cups of water in a pot.


    Boil Water and Ginger Together:
    In a pot, let the water boil with the sliced Ginger for 45 minutes to an hour.In a pot, boil 2-3 cups of water with the sliced ginger root.


    If the tea is too strong to drink, add more water. You can also add cinnamon, lemon or honey. The tea has a very strong taste going down my throat, but Ginger Tea makes me feel so much better.

How to Lose Weight with The Secret (Law of Attraction)

How to Lose Weight with The Secret (Law of Attraction)

At any given time, millions of people are trying to lose weight. Some restrict their food intake, while others push themselves to exercise harder. Others, however, lose weight by employing the law of attraction (known to some as "The Secret").



    To lose weight using The Secret (as written by Rhonda Byrne), you must first understand the law of attraction. The law of attraction states that you can have anything you want, as long as you believe that it is rightfully yours. Anything you desire, you can manifest. Using this powerful law of the Universe, you can lose weight by manifesting a thinner, healthier body.


    To lose weight using the law of attraction, you must sit quietly, close your eyes, and imagine how it would feel to live in a thinner, healthier body. Think about this for several minutes, actually feeling what it would feel like to zip up smaller jeans with no problems, what it would look like to see a smaller version of yourself in the mirror. When you open your eyes, you must believe that this body is yours.

    By doing this, you're not being delusional, you're simply believing that the Universe will deliver that which you have asked for. This does not mean that you can continue to eat unhealthily. Rather, with the help of the Universe, you will begin to lose your appetite for unhealthy foods, and you'll most likely develop a healthier diet with little effort and no suffering. Even if you don't like exercise, you will most likely find yourself wanting to move your body in order to strengthen it.


    Each morning, as soon as you wake up, before your feet even touch the ground, give thanks. You don't have to be a religious person to give thanks. Simply thank the Universe for the thinner, healthier body (even if you don't have it yet. Remember, The Secret it believing that what you want will be delivered to you.).


    Each night, as you're falling asleep, thank the Universe for the thinner healthier body that you have been given. Even this bit of positive thinking may boost your metabolism to help you lose weight because you are no longer thinking like a defeated heavier person.


    While employing The Secret Law of attraction to lose weight, do not shop for clothing. Buying clothing in large sizes is an acknowledgment that you are not the thinner body that you are manifesting. You don't necessarily have to shop for smaller clothing now (because trying on clothing that doesn't fit might be depressing and will flood you with negative thoughts again). Do not, however, buy clothing at your current large size. Even if a major event comes up, find ways to either make due with your current wardrobe or borrow something from a heavy, like-sized person.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

How to Use Cinnamon to Relieve Toothache

How to Use Cinnamon to Relieve Toothache

Cinnamon contains a number of active ingredients that help relieve toothache temporarily. If you develop a toothache but can't get to the dentist right away, use this home remedy to help keep the pain at bay. Do not substitute a home remedy for proper dental care. A toothache is a symptom of a problem that should be dealt with as quickly as possible to avoid complications.



    Purchase whole cinnamon from the grocery or from a natural foods store. It is available in a tubular form called a quill or stick made from curled bark. If you can't find whole cinnamon, purchase powdered cinnamon.


    Break up 1/2 inch of cinnamon quill and powder it in a coffee grinder, if you purchased whole cinnamon.


    Measure out 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder and 5 teaspoons of honey into a small bowl.


    Mix the cinnamon and honey together thoroughly.


    Apply a small amount of the cinnamon-honey mixture directly to your tooth. You can apply it with a clean fingertip, a cotton ball or a small, folded piece of gauze.


    Store the remaining cinnamon honey in an airtight jar with a tight-fitting lid.

Cure for an Ingrown Hair

Cure for an Ingrown Hair

Ingrown hair is often caused by shaving, waxing and tweezing. It occurs when the shaft of hair re-grows sideways and back into the skin instead of up and outwards. It often causes itching, localized inflammation and even infection. An effective cure for ingrown hair works by freeing the trapped, ingrown hair and its harmful effects.


    Release the ingrown hair by gently rubbing a warm washcloth in a direction opposite to that in which it is growing.


    Pluck the ingrown hair out with nail or eyebrow tweezers. Be sure to pull the hair from its root, leaving no hair beneath the skin surface.


    Apply a mask to the area (See Resources below). Press a small piece of muslin or gauze into the mask. Let it dry for 20 to 30 minutes. Swiftly strip the gauze away in a direction opposite to that in which it is growing.


    Dab some mild antiseptic--such as hydrogen peroxide or aloe vera gel--onto the ingrown hair to disinfect the area and treat the infection. Repeat as needed until healed.


    The most effective means for prevention is to stop shaving or shave less often. When this is not a practical option, then always shave in the direction of hair growth. Avoid using repeat razor strokes. Wear loose fitting clothes.


    If there is no improvement after 5 to 7 days--or if the ingrown hair begins to ooze pus--it is time to consult a dermatologist.

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits for Yeast Infections

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits for Yeast Infections

A yeast infection, also called candidiasis, is caused by a fungus called candida. While candida occurs naturally and harmlessly in a healthy body, certain conditions, such as damp heat, can make it grow uncontrollably, causing the yeast infection. The use of apple cider vinegar to treat yeast infections is a centuries-old regimen that is a popular alternative to commercial drugs.


    The acidity of apple cider vinegar has a very therapeutic effect on yeast infections, because rebalances the acid levels that cause the proliferation of the candida fungus. It helps to fight intestinal yeast infections by creating unfriendly conditions that kill off the candida. It also creates a friendly environment for friendly, beneficial gut bacteria.


    Apple cider vinegar is effective in curing vaginal yeast infections. One way to take advantage of this benefit is by means of a douche. To make the douche, stir 2 tablespoons of the cider vinegar in 8 ounces of warm water. Douche with this solution twice a day. Never apply undiluted apple cider vinegar to the skin. Do not use the douche longer than 10 days.


    Making apple cider vinegar a regular part of your daily diet will help to prevent yeast infections by helping maintain a proper pH balance, which hinders fungal growth. Use it on salads as a dressing, marinate meat, sprinkle it on baked potatoes and fries, use it in your coleslaw or use it as a pickling agent.


    To enjoy the apple cider vinegar benefits for yeast infections, take 2 to 3 table spoons a day. This can be taken undiluted--for those who can handle the sour taste--or diluted in a glass of warm water. Fruit or vegetable juice or even herbal tea may be used instead of water. Try 1 or 2 tablespoons of honey or agave syrup to sweeten and further mask the taste.


    Always opt for the "raw" murky, brown apple cider vinegar to treat your yeast infection. This variety of unpasteurized, organic cider vinegar offers far more benefits than the processed varieties. Vital, beneficial nutrients are stripped from apple cider vinegar when it is filtered, distilled and pasteurized to make it clear and sparkly.

Monday, June 26, 2017

How to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor Naturally

How to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor Naturally

Vaginal odor can be extremely upsetting for a woman. One of main causes may be bacterial vaginosis, an infection in which overgrowth of bacteria in the vagina produces a milky discharge with an unpleasant, fishy smell, as well as irritation and intense itching. It is not dangerous if it is taken care of. But it can be embarrassing, especially if others around you notice your vaginal odor.

If you don't want to be prescribed conventional treatments, such as antibiotics, there are some natural remedies you may want to give a try to rid you of your problem. See your gynecologist, if this condition persists.



    Watch your diet. Cut out or reduce foods and drinks that add to the problem such as mushrooms, bread, sugary foods, beer and coffee, which can increase the amount of yeast in your vagina. Just making these nutritional changes can make a difference.


    Mix 6-ounces of purified water with 2 drops of tea tree oil and apply it to the vaginal area. Since tea tree oil is anti-fungal and antibacterial in nature, it can help to get rid of the bacteria that contributes to your feminine odor.


    Insert a tampon that has been dipped into plain, unsweetened yogurt into your vagina to address the odor. The healthy bacteria in yogurt should help to fight the unhealthy bacteria, prevent it from worsening and help eliminate the fishy, unpleasant odor. Do not use yogurt that is flavored or that contains sugar, because this will only worsen your condition. After removing the tampon, remember to wash your vagina thoroughly.


    Give up the fancy panties. Those satin underwear may look pretty, but they could be exacerbating your condition. Replace them with cotton panties. Additionally, wearing a pantyliner should help improve the situation.


    Stay away from scented soaps and body washes, as they will likely worsen the problem. Opt for a plain, unscented soap that won't increase the discharge that produces vaginal odor.


    Ingest 1 tbsp. of liquid chlorophyll in an 8-ounce glass of water twice a day or as directed by the product you choose to use. Chlorophyll, derived from green plants, is an internal deodorizer. Don't be alarmed if your tongue turns a blackish hue or your urine and feces turn green when taking chlorophyll as these are common, harmless side-effects.

    Check with your doctor before taking chlorophyll, if you are on any prescription medication or are being treated for a serious medical condition.

How to Naturally Calm Perimenopause Symptoms

Perimenopause is the time of transition between having regular menstrual cycles and total cessation of menstrual cycles. This can last up to a decade and may include symptoms such as irregular periods, insomnia, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, depression, mood swings, decrease in sex drive, tenderness in the breasts, frequent urination and fatigue. Although there are conventional treatments, such as estrogen replacement therapy, choosing natural remedies may be a much better option, because they have little or no risk of dangerous side effects. Sometimes, making a few subtle changes in your diet and lifestyle, as well as adding certain herbs and supplements, can make a sizable improvement in your perimenopausal symptoms and contribute to your overall quality of health.



    Take evening primrose oil capsules. Evening primrose oil comes from a North American biennial and has been known to help ease breast tenderness and pain. It should not be used if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have been diagnosed with mania or schizophrenia.


    Consider using damiana supplements, which come from a Central American shrub with aromatic, yellow flowers. This herb has long been used to help combat a low libido. Speak with your doctor before taking damiana if you have liver problems, suffer from diabetes, are pregnant or are on a prescription medication. Breastfeeding women should not take damiana. Make sure that you use a high-quality, reputable brand of damiana to avoid harmful added ingredients. Take as directed by the individual product you are using.


    Drink a cup of valerian root tea at bedtime to aid in falling to sleep, when needed. Valerian comes from a perennial found in parts of Asia, Europe and South Africa. The herb has been commonly used to treat insomnia and nervousness. It has a calming effect. Valerian should not be taken together with the herb skullcap, as the combination could have an adverse effect on the liver. You should avoid taking valerian if you are on anti-anxiety drugs, and valerian should only be used for a short term, when experiencing bouts of sleeplessness.


    Take dong quai supplements for vaginal dryness and irregular menstrual periods. Dong quai comes from a perennial commonly grown in areas of Asia and has been used for female complaints for centuries. When taking dong quai, use caution when being exposed to sunlight. Also, you should not take this herb if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, on the prescription drug warfarin or taking herbal blood thinners such as ginger, turmeric, garlic, feverfew or ginkgo biloba.


    Modify your diet to include more raw foods and limit meat and dairy products, which can contribute to hot flashes. Some common examples of raw foods are fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, raw honey, olives, fresh sprouts, seeds and nuts.


    Get regular exercise, which will help reduce many of your perimenopausal symptoms. Examples of exercises you can do are walking, swimming, water aerobics and strength-training exercises. You can also try tai chi and yoga, not only for their physical benefits but also to ease depression and stress.

Yeast Infections in the Body

Yeast infections in the body are due to candida albicans, an overgrowth of the candida in the mouth. It can spread through the gastrointestinal tract to the intestines, creating a vaginal yeast infection in women. Men can get yeast infections, too. Overconsumption of yeast-containing foods, foods made from mold (cheese, mushrooms) and sugars of all kinds (including fruit) can feed yeast infections.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) states that left untreated, candida can spread to the brain (meningitis), heart (endocarditis), eyes (endophthalmitis), esophagus (esophagitis) or the joints (arthritis).


    Candida is a well-known infection. Many women experience yeast infections while taking birth control pills. Both men and women can develop yeast infections after a taking a course of antibiotics---which kills off the friendly bacteria in the gut that normally keeps the candida bacteria in check.
    If you have symptoms such as extreme fatigue, mental fogginess, vaginal yeast infections or feel "run down" physically, see your doctor to be evaluated for candida.


    Candida as a yeast infection is common in people with an immune system that is weakened from overwork or if the person has been ill recently and not fully recovered.
    Candida lives in the mouth, throat, digestive tract and in the urinary tract. If you have a healthy immune system, you may not develop candida albicans.


    If you live or work in an area that is very damp and has signs of mold or if you have been ill frequently and have taken more than one course of antibiotic drugs, you may be more prone to developing candida albicans.
    If you consume a lot of foods made from yeast, molds or sugars, you are also more at risk. Foods include yeast-containing breads (including pretzels, crackers and pizza), foods with mold (cheese, but also leftover foods with microscopic growths of mold) and sugar of all types, including fruits, honey, maple syrup, molasses and cane juice. Stevia is not considered a sugar.


    Many people, including medical professionals perceive yeast infections to be primarily a "women's health issue" because they identify them with vaginal yeast infections. While women do have yeast infections, men can also be at risk for yeast infections if they have a compromised immune system or fit the other criteria regarding environment and diet.


    Notice any obvious signs of extreme tiredness for no reason and a feeling of malaise. Women need to be treated before the infection spreads. Men, who may not exhibit signs of any yeast infections, need to be more aware of the signs of yeast infections.
    See your doctor for early detection and treatment to prevent the yeast infection from spreading to other areas of the body.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

About Natural Body Cleansing

About Natural Body Cleansing

Fasting with the aid of herbs helps to cleanse the body. Many herbs have natural cleansing properties and can be incorporated into a natural detox program. Helping the body to flush waste promotes overall health. Used to complement a detoxifying fast, herbs promote healthy blood and organ functions and relieve symptoms of impurities in the system. (All medical statements and fasting regimens in this article are cited from Balch, James., Prescription for Nutritional Healing, New York: Avery, 2000.)


    Fasting with herb remedies can promote the body's innate ability to purify toxins. Herbal detoxing helps the body naturally to remove harmful impurities without the side effects of harsher cleansing methods. Fasting is a generally safe and effective way to help the body move through its low cycles more quickly and with less discomfort. Fasting gives the body a break from digesting foods, allowing it to heal better from allergies, some colon problems and poor respiratory health. Fasting facilitates the body's natural cleansing abilities.


    When fasting, many cleansing activities occur. The body continues its normal excretion of toxins and experiences reduced influx of new toxins. Overall toxicity lessens.The energy usually directed to digestion redirects to promote increased immune function, cell growth and waste elimination functions. Toxic chemicals from various external sources are shed. The body becomes more sensitive to negative diet and environmental influences.


    Because of the ways that fasting functions, the body experiences many benefits. A fasting cleanse can help decrease healing times. Fasting cleanses the liver, colon and kidneys. Some people lose water weight. The eyes and tongue clear and the breath freshens. To reap lasting benefits from fasting with herbs, fast between 3 to 5 days monthly. Perform a 10-day fast, twice annually.


    Fasts are recommended at various points to promote and maintain health. Three-day fasts aid the body's naturally occurring purifying abilities and purifies the blood. Five-day fasts initiate healing and strengthen the immune system. Ten-days fasts are the grand-daddies of body cleansing. A 10-day fast can stop potential illnesses before they occur. The immune system is strengthened, helping to stave off degenerative diseases that are the result of environmental pollutants.


    A variety of herbs complement a cleansing fast. Herbs can be used in various ways. You can drink herbal teas during a fast, usually as many cups as desired. Suggested teas include chamomile (do not use if allergic to ragweed), red clover and rosehips to help the liver and flush impurities from the bloodstream. You may drink a blend of 2 parts each echinacea and pau d'arco and 1 part unsweetened organic cranberry juice. Drink four times daily to rebuild the immune system and promote healthy bladder function. (Do not take echinacea if suffering from autoimmune disorders.) Peppermint tea calms and eases indigestion. Ingest garlic capsules or garlic extract twice a day. This helps flush parasites from the colon.


    Always consult a physician before beginning a fast and before using any herbs. Never go on a water fast, which works too quickly and causes physical problems. The best fast is a live-juice diet, which cleanses, gives the body necessary nutrients, and promotes healing. Certain health conditions such as diabetes and hypoglycemia require a doctor's supervision. Never fast when pregnant or lactating. Fasting is not a quick fix to the buildup of years of toxins in the system. The body will feel healthy, but it takes time.

Early Symptoms of Candida

Candida albicans is the overgrowth of flora in the gastrointestinal system. Early symptoms include fatigue, mental fogginess, malaise and a vaginal discharge in women. However, men can also have candida.
Everyone has friendly flora that grows in the digestive tract and if the person has a healthy immune system, the candida bacteria is kept in check. If not, candida overwhelms the friendly bacteria to create discomfort.
Prevention includes removing all foods with yeast or mold and all forms of sugar, including fruit. Grapefruit seed extract and consuming live cultured yogurt can prevent and alleviate candida.


    Candida albicans is a well-known bacteria that grows in moist areas of the body. It is normally kept in check by friendly bacteria in the gut.
    If someone is ill and run down, his immune system may be compromised and he may have an overgrowth of candida bacteria.
    Candida can also be transmitted to another person through sexual contact. To eliminate it, the candida must be managed and eliminated before intimate contact can resume or there is a "ping pong" effect where the infection is transmitted back and forth between two people.


    Feelings of unexplained fatigue, mental fogginess are early symptoms of candida. People with candida complain of exhaustion even though they have not done any extreme physical exertion.
    Later, symptoms may develop into yeast infections in women which is seen as vaginal discharge. Men can have yeast infections but may show no external signs of it.


    If you eat a lot of food made from molds, yeast or with a high sugar intake, you may be more prone to candida infections.
    Yeasted breads is very common and pizza is in the same category. Cheese is made with mold and sugar intake includes fruits, fruit juice as well as maple syrup, corn syrup, molasses and honey. Stevia is not in this category.
    These foods tend to worsen a case of candida as the yeast, mold and sugars "feed" the candida bacteria and allow it to foster. Eliminating these foods until the candida has been eliminated is one way to stop the infection.


    The greatest misconception is that only women get candida albican infections as they are often defined as yeast infections.
    Men can get candida from sexual contact with women who have it, but they can also develop it on their own.
    Sources are a compromised immune system that does not keep the candida bacteria from growing and consuming foods that feed the infection, such as yeasted foods, foods made from mold and sugars of all types.


    If you get yeast infections or exhibit the other symptoms of candida, examine your diet, work and home environments.
    Remove yeasted foods, foods made from molds and all sugars from your diet. This includes mushrooms, leftover foods (that have micro molds growing on them) and also fruit sugars.
    Eliminate actual mold from bathrooms, the basement and the garage to not expose yourself to it. If you are too sick to clean these areas, have someone else do it.
    Consume probiotics which are live cultures such as acidophilus lactobacillus as supplements or yogurts with these live cultures. Read labels to identify these cultures.

What Is Feverfew Extract?

What Is Feverfew Extract?

Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) is also known as featherfew, midsummer daisy, wild chamomile, flirtwort and febrifuge plant. It is an increasingly popular herbal remedy that is used to treat a number of health conditions. Like many herbal supplements, it is available in a variety of forms, such as a feverfew extract.


    Feverfew extract is obtained from the leaves of the feverfew herb, a perennial plant that belongs to the daisy family. It is native to Europe, where it has been used for centuries as a folk remedy for a wide range of conditions. The name "feverfew" is believed to derive either from one of its names, "featherfew" (owing to the feathery leaves), or from its traditional use in treating fever. It has since been naturalized in America, where it is widely used in the form of a feverfew extract.


    The most common, scientifically documented benefit of feverfew extract is in the prophylactic treatment of migraine headaches. Clinical studies show that one of its active chemical constituents, called parthenolide, is effective in reducing the frequency and severity of migraine headaches and the associated vomiting and nausea. (See "Additional Resources," below.)

Other Uses

    In addition to being used in the treatment of migraines, feverfew extract is also popular for formulating folk remedies for arthritis and rheumatic pain. It is used to treat women's conditions including menstrual pain, PMS symptoms and to ease childbirth. Asthma, skin inflammation, insect bites, toothache and psoriasis are other ailments treated with feverfew extract.

Side Effects

    There are a number of side effects associated with taking feverfew extract, including vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, flatulence, indigestion and pain in the abdominal region, as well as general nervousness.


    Feverfew extract should not be used by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or children under the age of 2. People who are allergic to yarrow, ragweed or chamomile or any other herb in the daisy family should avoid using this extract. Anyone with a bleeding disorder and/or taking a blood-thinning medication should avoid using feverfew extract.


    Although feverfew extract is a natural, herbal product, is may cause adverse side effects in different people or may interact with other medications that you are taking. For this reason, it is important to consult with your physician or other licensed health care provider before you begin to self-medicate with feverfew extract. It is also important to get a professional diagnosis to ensure that the ailment you are treating is not a symptom of a more serious, underlying condition.

Amount of Fish Oil Needed Per Day to Lower Cholesterol

For many sufferers of high cholesterol, those with a family history of it, those interested in keeping cholesterol levels low, and those interested in lowering heightening cholesterol levels before pharmaceutical drugs become necessary, fish oil provides hope in terms of its use as a supplement. What amount of fish oil is therapeutic in terms of lowering high cholesterol is something each individual may want to take the time to look into.


    Fish oil can and its health benefits can be found in oily types of fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout and herring.


    Taking fish oil as a supplement increases a person's high-density cholesterol (HDL) and lowers his low-density cholesterol (LDL).


    The end result of taking any significant amount of fish oil is a higher amount of good cholesterol (HDL) and greater overall cardiovascular health.


    A greater amount of fish oil in a person's diet will result in the person experiencing more health benefits, but adding even a small amount of fish oil to an already healthy diet can provide some health benefits.


    Eating 100 grams of oily fish three times a week, taking fish oil supplements of about 6 grams per day, or doing a combination of both should be enough to result in significantly healthier cholesterol levels for most.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

How to Get Rid of Migraines Without Medicine

How to Get Rid of Migraines Without Medicine

A migraine is a painful experience that you will never forget. This excruciating headache can be disabling because the symptoms can be so severe. Some people may have a warning sign called an aura. This aura may be sudden flashes of light, weakness or tingling in your arm or leg, or blind spots. A migraine can cause nausea and vomiting. You may feel pain on one side of your head. It may also cause extreme sensitivity to light, sound and smells. A migraine can last for several hours or even days. Here are some tips to help you treat a migraine naturally.



    Stop any activity that you are engaged in. As soon as you feel any migraine symptoms, rest. Start treatment as soon as possible to minimize the severity of your migraine. Avoid walking or bending down if it worsens your pain.


    Turn off the lights in the room. As soon as you feel the symptoms of a migraine coming on, turn off the radio or TV. Migraines can increase sensitivity to sound that can make even the slightest noise unbearable. Relax and lie down in a dark room. Try to sleep.


    Wrap an ice pack in cloth. Place the ice pack on the back of your neck. Use the ice pack to apply gentle pressure to areas that are painful on your scalp.


    Place a warm compress to your head or neck. Warm compresses can help to relax tense muscles around your neck and shoulders. Try a warm shower or soak in a warm bath.


    Massage your neck, scalp and temples with peppermint, eucalyptus or lavender oil. Muscle tension in your shoulders and neck can worsen migraine pain.


    Drink caffeine. Drinking small amounts of caffeine can help constrict dilated blood vessels that occur in migraines. Drink a cup of coffee, tea or caffeinated soda can help ease your symptoms.


    Visualize removing the pain from your head. Imagine pushing the pain out of your head through your nose or mouth. Visualization can serve as a distraction from your migraine

Natural Cures for Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is heel and foot pain caused by inflammation--the plantar fascia is the tissue on the bottom part of the foot that attaches the toes to the heel bone. Victims generally experience intense burning pain or stabbing sensations that usually feel worse upon waking as the fascia contracts overnight. There are several natural cures associated with plantar fasciitis.

Home Remedies

    Some home remedies for plantar fasciitis include losing weight to lessen heel strain, stretching the heels before rising in the morning; avoiding running, walking upstairs or walking barefoot; wearing comfortable, cushioned and supportive shoes; taking breaks when standing for long periods of time and applying ice in case of pain.

RICE Treatment

    One common natural treatment for plantar fasciitis is RICE treatment. RICE stands for rest, ice, compression and elevation. This natural remedy helps to cure milder forms of the condition with a lot of relaxation and not putting a lot of stress or strain on the heels.

Stretching Exercises

    Stretching the calf muscles after rising is a wonderful way to help eliminate plantar fasciitis. Stretching should also be done throughout the day. To do this, lean against the wall with the foot firmly planted on the ground to stretch the plantar fascia. This will help reduce tension on the foot while walking or running.

Night Splints

    Night splints are a good natural treatment option for healing plantar fasciitis. Night splints gently flex both the toes and foot as you sleep, so you don't wake up to burning, stabbing chronic pain.

Heel Cradles

    Heel cradles (also called heel cups) are also beneficial as a natural means of caring for plantar fasciitis. These devices contain gel to cushion the heel and absorb shock. They can easily fit into any type of footwear.

Natural Cures for Ringing in the Ears

Natural Cures for Ringing in the Ears

Ringing in the ears, otherwise known as tinnitus, has many causes. The most common cause is damage to the nerves inside the ear. However, it can also be caused by other factors, such as earwax buildup, exposure to loud noises, ear infections and certain medications. Finding out the actual cause of your tinnitus is the first step in finding a natural cure.


    Ringing in the ears is a symptom, not a disease. To a certain extent, it is normal. However, tinnitus can be an indicator of a more serious condition. It is often associated with hearing loss that is caused by aging. When the ringing becomes very loud, it can become a major nuisance. You can't cure tinnitus that is caused by nerve damage, but you can alleviate it.


    Normal ringing in the ears often goes away in just a few minutes. When ringing in the ears is persistent, it is considered tinnitus. In the majority of cases it can only be heard by the sufferer. Men suffer from tinnitus more often than women. It is also more common in people over the age of 40 than in young people. There may be a sound of pulsation inside your ears. This is caused by muscular contractions near the ear, internal changes within the ear and by blood flow. If the sound is constant, it is being caused by problems with the auditory nerve.


    Absolute silence can make ringing in the ears seem louder. Putting on a little bit of soft music or using a white noise machine can help. If you have determined that ear wax is the cause, try using a natural ear wax removal kit. If you have problems with your temporomandibular joint (TMJ), try gently stretching and massaging your jaw. See your naturopathic physician to treat an infection of the ear.


    Many commonly used alternative remedies for tinnitus have not been tested. Always try to remove the cause of the ringing before you spend money on treatments, such as acupuncture, hypnosis and herbal or nutritional supplements. Although some doctors have used niacin to treat tinnitus, it has not been proven effective in studies. In addition, niacin can cause skin flushing.


    In many cases, you can reduce your risk of experiencing tinnitus. Get regular exercise, such as walking, bicycling or yoga. Work to maintain a normal weight. Avoid extremely loud noises, excessive caffeine and alcohol and large amounts of aspirin. Quit smoking, and if you don't smoke yet, don't start. If you are quitting smoking, don't use a nicotine patch or gum, as these can reduce blood flow to the ear and exacerbate tinnitus.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Natural Cures for Lung Health

Natural Cures for Lung Health

Lung problems are some of the most debilitating and intractable health issues that a person can be saddled with. In most cases, chronic lung problems are caused by smoking, second hand smoke or environmental pollutants like mold or emissions. Natural remedies for lung ailments include vitamins, increased exercise, improved nutrition and alternative respiratory treatments.


    Beware of marketed cures of herbal supplements and vitamins that are not backed by scientific studies. Although it is illegal to market cures without having some sort of proof for the claims, many supplements marketers ignore such advice and produce vast amounts of promising marketing material designed to rope in the unwary consumer. Alternative medicine is often a better choice than turning to the medical establishment, but that doesn't mean accepting any marketing claim as the plain truth without any proof backing up claims.


    Breath exercise machines are good natural alternatives to drug treatments and surgeries that cost very little. These simple plastic devices add resistance to breathing and push their user to become more mindful of their breath. They apply air pressure to make it more difficult to breathe, exercising the lungs. Using such a device multiple times daily can have a marked effect on lung health.


    Improving cardiovascular health is the best way to improve lung strength and effectiveness without expensive and dangerous medical treatments. Regular strenuous exercise at least three times a week trains the heart and lungs to become stronger, making them oxygenate the blood more efficiently. This helps the body get the most out of lungs that may have been weakened over time.

Time Frame

    Repairing the lungs is a process that can take months and years. Don't expect instantaneous results with any alternative treatments. Herbal supplement marketing that suggests that it can solve intractable lung problems rapidly are almost certainly using deceptive marketing. Be wary of words like "cleansing" and "detoxification" when used in regards to supplements. No treatment can destroy accumulated tar or repair lung scarring. Successful lung healing requires committed effort applied over a period of years.


    Increasing vitamin A and D intake can improve lung function, whether it's taken in through supplements or improved nutrition. When beginning a vitamin program, be sure to stick with it over the long run. Only taking vitamins for a short time may result in an improved feeling of well-being, but the effects on lung health will not take hold without repeated intake of a healthy, vitamin-rich diet. Regular exposure to sunlight is necessary for the body to synthesize vitamin D. Work some regular time outdoors into your schedule to make sure that your body produces the vitamins that it needs to strengthen its lungs.

Alternative Treatments for Yeast Infections

Alternative Treatments for Yeast Infections

Anyone with a yeast infection has a right to know all of their options before making a decision about treatment. The following information can provide a good background for an upcoming discussion with a primary care physician.

What's Yeast?

    Yeast is a component of beer, wine and bread.

    Yeast is a fungus, and one type of yeast plays a critical role in the foods that we eat. For example, yeast is what makes bread rise and it can also be a key ingredient in cornbread. Furthermore, vintners and brewers use yeast to promote the fermentation of wine and beer. Another type of yeast, called Candida albicans, is far less benign and can cause yeast infections. It can be found all over the body, but prefers moist areas. The fungus can get into the body through open cuts or sores, irritating that particular area and potentially spreading throughout the body. Also, if antibacterial products are used frequently in a certain area, Candida albicans can multiply unchecked. (The bacteria usually keeps tabs, so to speak, on the amount of yeast in a certain region.)

Common Symptoms

    A photograph of a yeast infection.

    Though most people associate yeast infection with the vaginal region, yeast infections can also occur in the mouth or the arm pit. Symptoms for vaginal yeast infections include pain or burning during urination or intercourse, thick discharge or an unusual smell. A topical yeast infection, like under the arm, will cause a red rash that can itch or hurt. An oral yeast infection will look like a very red tongue that may or may not have thick white patches on top.

Standard Treatments

    Oral medications are often prescribed to fight yeast infections.

    While you will need a prescription for any treatment designed for oral yeast infections, antifungal creams or powders are commonly used to treat vaginal yeast infections and are available over the counter. Oral medications designed to fight the fungus are also popular among those with vaginal yeast infections. The two ingredients you should look for are fluconazole and itraconazole; ketoconazole should be avoided due to studies that showed it can cause damage to vital organs.

Alternative Treatments

    Who knew a clove of garlic could be used as a remedy for yeast infections?

    Boric acid suppositories have shown promise in terms of treating yeast infections. You can get this powder at a pharmacy without a prescription, but you will probably need to pack it in an empty gelatin capsule yourself. One 600 mg capsule should be placed in the vagina nightly for 14 days. If you're not big on the DIY capsules, you can order the capsules online. One such example is called Yeast Arrest.

    A garlic suppository can be made by peeling one clove, wrapping it in gauze, and inserting it into the vagina. Or you can insert potassium sorbate that has been diluted with water.

    If you shy away from suppositories, you can douche with a mixture of yogurt and water, or water and vinegar, to promote a healthy balance between the yeast and the bacteria. In addition to any treatments, alternative or otherwise, unsweetened cranberry juice or cranberry capsules are recommended.

So Which Treatments Are Better?

    It is in your best interest to speak to a health care professional to determine which treatment is best for you. They may be surprised, or even concerned, if you say you would prefer a garlic suppository to the standard over-the-counter creams. But the statement will undoubtedly prompt discussion of the benefits and problems with homemade remedies. In the end, it is strictly a personal decision but do be careful with any DIY remedies because boric acid and potassium sorbate can be dangerous if not used correctly.

Herbal Remedies for Anxiety and Irritability

Herbal Remedies for Anxiety and Irritability

General practitioners have been touting anxiety as the most commonly reported mental health symptom in recent decades. It is reported much more frequently than depression and all other mental health symptoms combined. The cause is unknown, but many have speculated that our fast-paced society and increased stress has caused an epidemic of new anxiety sufferers. Those individuals who are opposed to taking prescription medication for anxiety do not have to suffer silently. There are alternative choices for anxiety treatment.


    There are several types of herbal remedies that have been touted as effective natural treatments for anxiety. For centuries, western medicine practitioners have administered natural herbs such as kava kava and valerian root to successfully treat and alleviate symptoms of anxiety and irritability.


    The benefits of using a natural, herbal remedy for anxiety is that the side effect profile is likely to be much better than for prescription medications. One disadvantage of prescription medications is that they are synthetic, and our body doesn't recognize certain compounds. This is the chief cause of side effects.


    The calming and anti-anxiety benefits of herbal medications are thought to be caused by the relaxing effects on the central nervous system. By slowing down nerve impulses, it is thought to have calming properties that induce a state of relaxation.


    The use of herbs for disease and symptom control has been around for hundreds of years. In fact, most pharmaceuticals have been created by studying the structure and effects of natural herbs on the human body. Many prescription medications are simply synthetic versions of naturally-occurring plants and herbs.


    Before beginning any natural herbal supplement, please discuss this with your general healthcare practitioner. Herbal remedies can also cause drug interactions in the same manner as prescription medications. Use caution with herbal remedies as much as you would any other medication, and always consult your doctor beforehand.

How to Cure Herpes Naturally

How to Cure Herpes Naturally

Herpes is one of those diseases that has been coined as incurable. That might be the case, but there are some steps to take that can at least alleviate the effects and make living with it a lot more comfortable. Because herpes is a viral infection, the main thing to focus on is boosting the body's immunity.



    Eliminate the junk food. The junk food in this case includes anything that is high in acid as herpes manifests in an acidic environment. Some of these foods include processed carbs, soda, alcohol, coffee, deep fried foods and white flour products.


    Apply some cream. There are a number of topical creams that have been known to alleviate herpes outbreaks, relieve pain and speed the healing process. Some of these include aloe vera, eucalyptus, comfrey and tea tree oil. They can be found at health food stores in the cosmetic sections.


    Try some homeopathic remedies. These can also be found in a health food store and they have been known to help the body deal with outbreaks from herpes. Some of these include rhus toxicodendron, sepia, natrum muriaticum and dulcamara.


    Eat alkaline foods. Eating alkaline forming foods can help boost immunity lower acidity levels. This is the theory behind the pH level of the body. Fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains and high quality protein meats like organic chicken and fish help to produce an alkaline state. Just be wary of citrus fruits. With the exception of lemons and limes, citrus fruits are acidic.


    Take some key supplements. In controlling herpes, there are a few notable supplements that have been known to be beneficial. Lysine, Vitamins A, C, E, B group, zinc, selenium and licorice root are considered good defense mechanisms in inhibiting the growth of the herpes virus.

    Destressing at Deer Valley

    Keep your stress levels in check. One of the main things that causes herpes outbreaks is when the acid levels in the stomach are elevated. This causes a negative impact on the immune system which triggers herpes symptoms. Try to exercise regularly, get proper rest, go for a hike and even take up yoga or meditation.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

How to Make Glycerin Soap Bars

Glycerin is a sweet, sticky by-product of saponification, a process whereby animal fat, lye, vegetable oil and water are blended to make soap. It is a natural emollient and acts as a humectant, meaning it softens and attracts water to the skin. Glycerin is removed from commercial soap because manufacturers prefer to add more lucrative softening agents. Glycerin remains in homemade soap since removing it requires an industrial steam and filter process, but also because many people prefer the natural soothing properties. To make glycerin bars at home, obtain glycerin at a craft store or online through a soap supplier, then melt and pour.



    Place two 1-lb. blocks of glycerin on the cutting board. Cut each block into small sections with a serrated knife.


    Liquefy the glycerin in a double broiler. Place at least 1 inch of water in the lower pot and place cubes in the top portion. Then heat at 155 degrees F until smooth, stirring occasionally.


    Prep a flexible, rectangular-shaped mold. Use a bottle to spray a 9-by-6 5/8-by-2 inch food container with an even coat of alcohol to reduce potential air bubbles.


    Pour the glycerin liquid into the mold and let it stand for 5 minutes while the air bubbles emerge. Again, spray alcohol over the surface.


    Let the soap cool for 24 hours at room temperature to firm or to let the added fragrance, if any, settle (see Tips).


    Release the glycerin soap from the mold by pulling the sides back and forth. Flip the container over on wax paper then press the center until the soap separates from the mold.


    Cut the glycerin bars with a paring knife. Create clean lines by warming the knife blade in a cup of hot water and keeping the knife straight as opposed to tilted. Make one vertical cut down the center of the block and two evenly spaced horizontal cuts for 6 glycerin bars.

Anxiety Disorder Herbal Medications

Anxiety Disorder Herbal Medications

Successfully administered for thousands of years, herbal medications have stood the test of time. Most popular in Asia, herbal medications have made their way to the United States with impressive results. In some cases, herbal medications have relived their symptoms just as well, if not better, than prescribed medications. With the cost of health care skyrocketing, patients are choosing alternative ways to treat their symptoms, especially when it comes to anxiety disorder.


    Herbal medications are alternatives to manufactured pharmaceutical medications. Derived of plant stems, roots, bark, leaves, flowers and berries, herbal medications are used to naturally heal wounds and relieve the symptoms of illness. Herbal medications help combat psychological disorders such as anxiety.


    Anxiety sufferers often have overwhelming feelings of fear and worry, coupled with nervous feelings that can escalate into feelings of sheer panic. Prescription drugs that treat anxiety can quell the adrenaline rush or 'fight or flight' symptoms of the disorder by blocking certain chemicals in the brain. Herbal medications treat anxiety disorder in the same way, without the synthetic chemicals.


    Among the most common types of herbal medications that have been known to counteract the symptoms of anxiety disorder are valerian, Saint John's wort, chamomile and passion flower. Both valerian and chamomile are used to treat anxiety disorders that affect sleep, and are best suited as night time aids. Passion flower and Saint John's wort are both mood stabilizers that relieve nervousness and feelings of restlessness, in addition to alleviating depression symptoms often associated with anxiety. Both the passion flower and Saint John's wort can be taken any time of day.


    When choosing herbal remedies, consider that there may be a downside to their use. Just as prescription medications can have side effects, so can herbal medications. For instance, although valerian alleviates anxiety, it may also cause extreme fatigue, dizziness and upset stomach. Passion flower may cause an itchy rash that makes it unsuitable for some users.


    Before beginning any herbal medications to treat your anxiety disorder, speak with your doctor first. Because some combinations of herbals and prescription medications can be a hazardous mix, your doctor may wish to change or discontinue your prescribed medications before you partake in an herbal exploration. There is also a possibility that you may have a severe allergic reaction when taking herbal medications; therefore, take one herbal form at a time in order to identify which one is causing an adverse reaction. Herbal remedies are not approved by the FDA, which means that no studies have been done supporting their usefulness or identifying their dangers.

Natural Thyroid Medicine

Natural Thyroid Medicine

The thyroid gland secretes hormones for cellular energy processes. The thyroid gland is composed of a right lobe, and left lobe, and an isthmus, and is located at the anterior base of the neck. Its main function is metabolic regulation of the body's temperature, weight and energy, through its production of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4).
When conditions develop in the thyroid, some look for an alternative to conventional pharmaceutical treatment modalities that come with common side effects. Natural thyroid medicines tend to work effectively in treating thyroid conditions, with minimal side effects, and they also cost less than thyroid pharmaceutical drugs.


    When the thyroid becomes compromised by a condition or disease, several thyroid problems may emerge. Hyperthyroidism is the condition of an overactive thyroid, while hypothyroidism is is when a thyroid is incapable of acting at normal thyroid levels. Goiter is the enlargement of the thyroid gland, and thyroid nodules are characterized by lumps existing in the thyroid gland. The inflammation of the thyroid is called thyroiditis. Cancer of the thyroid can develop within the thyroid tissue.

Coconut Oil

    Coconut oil is a natural treatment for the thyroid gland. Other vegetable oils have long-chain fatty acids that burden the body's cellular processes. Coconut oil, however, is a medium-chain fatty acid oil that has beneficial effects on the thyroid gland's cellular regeneration. It also acts as an aid to the enzymatic functions of the T3 and T4 hormones produced by the thyroid gland.


    Iodine occurs naturally in the kelp seaweed. Kelp has a long history of supporting thyroid health, and it has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thyroid conditions. Kelp harvested for medicinal and food purposes is not contaminated by common toxins found in water bodies. This is available in supplement and food-grade form.


    Makandi, or Coleus forskohlii, is an Ayurvedic treatment for thyroid conditions. It has a very important component called forskolin. Forskolin naturally raises the body's levels of cyclic AMP, the carrier that facilitates communication between cells and the glandular production of hormones. Makandi is a natural thyroid medicine that boosts T3 and T4 hormonal secretion and distribution.

Desiccated Thyroid Supplements

    Desiccated thyroid supplements provide relief to common thyroid conditions. The concept is if human thyroid were available, that would be more suitable for the replacement like thyroid cells and tissue. Animal thyroid is closest to human thyroid, for cell specialization of thyroidal functions. Take desiccated thyroid supplements only under a health care professional's supervision.
    Desiccated thyroid supplements are available in pork or beef, although the more widely available preparations are either pork or a pork-and-beef combination. Pure beef desiccated thyroid supplements are available as desiccated bovine thyroid supplements. Synthetic desiccated thyroid supplements are also available. This is most suitable for those who cannot take the pork or beef forms, either due to allergies, intolerance or religious prohibition.


    Natural thyroid medicine also involves avoiding foods that counteract the healing process of thyroidal functions. Do not eat soy, cauliflower, broccoli, turnips, mustard, cabbage and kale. Als,o avoid eating walnuts, refined sugar, wintergreen, and do not smoke.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Home Remedies for Dry Damaged Hair

Home Remedies for Dry Damaged Hair

Home remedies for dry, damaged hair can easily be made right in your kitchen. Stop wasting your money on high end conditioning products. Just open up the refrigerator and give your hair the moisturizing treatment it needs. Strengthen, soften and moisturize your hair using products you already have.


    Spread 1/2 cup of full fat mayonnaise through your hair, making sure to cover from root to end as you would a conditioner. Cover your hair with a towel and allow the mayonnaise to sit and moisturize your hair for approximately 15 minutes. Then rinse and shampoo as normal.

Cocoa Butter

    Soften 1/2 cup of cocoa butter in the microwave. Spread it onto your hair, vigorously working the cocoa butter through the ends. Let the cocoa butter sit in your hair for 10 minutes. Then rinse and shampoo.

Egg Yolk

    Whip 2 large egg yolks together until they are smooth. Work the egg mixture through your hair until all hair is fully saturated. Allow the egg mixture to sit and strengthen while softening your hair for approximately 20 minutes. Then rinse and shampoo.


    Pour 3 tbsp. of olive oil, avocado oil or sunflower oil into a zipper bag and heat in a pot of boiling water for 2 minutes. Remove it from the heat and gently work it in until all your hair is drenched. Let the moisturizing oil sit in your hair for 10 minutes. Then shampoo as normal.


    Mix together 12 ounces of beer and several drops of your favorite essential oil. Use this daily as a final rinse after shampooing to add protein to your hair.

Aloe Vera

    Aloe Vera is moisturizing for hair and helps to promote new hair growth. Rinse your hair with 1/2 cup of pure Aloe Vera juice after shampooing.


    Vinegar helps to break down build up and serves to regulate the pH level in your hair. Rinse daily with a mix of vinegar and scented oil to help regulate the pH of your hair and remove excess mineral deposits from styling products.

Hair Replacement Alternatives

Hair Replacement Alternatives

When you first notice you're losing your hair, it can be devastating, especially if you're still young. If you don't want to just let nature take its course, there are many options available for replacing hair. It's all a matter of determining which hair loss alternative makes you feel the best. Examine the many options and make a decision that's right for you.


    The main reason people choose a hair replacement alternative is to restore their confidence. Besides worrying about how you appear to others, hair replacement also gives more confidence on the job. Often men worry about how their hair loss appears to bosses and if they'll be replaced by younger men. On the other hand, a premature hair loss could mean not even landing a job, because an employer thinks you're older than you appear.


    Special vitamins such as combining key amino acids as vitamin B6 and E, biotin and zinc help thinning hair promote regrowth. However, this is usually a choice for people with thinning hair and not for those who want to regrow hair. If that's your goal, you may want to choose a hair loss treatment that targets hair loss and balding.
    Topical medications such as Rogaine are popular. Also known as minoxidil, Rogaine is rubbed on the scalp twice daily, giving results in about two to four months. However, there are some side effects if you stop using it, including rapid heartbeat, dizziness, sudden weight gain, and chest pains, as well as swollen hands or feet and scalp irritation.
    Wigs and weaves continue to be a popular choice, especially for women, if their hair loss isn't going to be helped with transplantation. However, they need much maintenance and should be done by someone who's skilled, as they can look artificial.
    Transplanted hair, which is the only way to permanently restore hair, is a choice of men, particularly. This is usually a good option if their donor area is inadequate. It's your own hair, so you don't have to worry about wearing wigs.
    Essential oils are placebo oils that are mixed with spices. They're a combination of carrier oils---grapeseed and jojoba---which are massaged daily into the scalp. Improvements are usually shown after about seven months of use with no side effects, although allergic reactions do occur in some people.
    Oral supplements are also used to treat hair thinning and baldness. Most oral supplements have ingredients that try to stop hair loss by stalling the DHT hormone, which causes male pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia). Propecia, taken as a pill, is an example of an oral supplement for hair restoration. Finasteride is an FDA-approved medication that slows hair loss while giving a small degree of hair regrowth. There are side effects such as rash, itching, hives, face problems and others.

Time Frame

    Most hair loss treatments and prescriptions take about six months before their results become obvious, so patience is needed. There's no magic pill for an overnight miracle. Have a temporary plan of survival while waiting for hair to grow back, rather than being disappointed when results don't occur immediately.


    To help stimulate hair growth, massage the scalp. This stimulates the hair follicles, unclogging blocked oil glands found in the scalp. Scalp massaging also leads to a healthy scalp as well as healthy hair growth. What's more, it feels good and relaxes you.


    Julius Caesar

    Don't be scammed. Many hair replacement treatments are not authentic, taking victims' money without delivering what they promise. Before agreeing to anything, you should thoroughly check out the company or product.


    Although we may think hair replacement treatment is new, it's not. People have been using hair loss products for centuries, trying to stimulate hair regrowth. For example, in ancient Egypt it was fashionable to rub fats of animals as crocodiles, ibex, geese, serpents, hippopotamuses and others into the scalp as a hair loss solution.
    In Greece, Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, searched for a hair loss treatment during the fourth century B.C, developing various treatments such as his mixture of cumin, pigeon droppings, nettles and horseradish and applying them to the scalp. When all his brews failed, he gave up, settling for baldness. Men and women through the centuries have continued to be let down when hair loss treatments did not work.
    During the Roman Empire era, Julius Caesar tried to hide his thinning hair using several methods. Besides wearing a laurel wreath, he initially grew his hair long, combing it forward over his bald area.

Home Remedies for Athlete's Foot

Home Remedies for Athlete's Foot

Home remedies for athlete's foot are easy to make and can quickly get rid of the itch. The most important thing is to keep the foot clean and dry. Bacteria and fungus love to grow in damp, dark areas, such as between the toes. Over the counter antifungal medications and ointments work but can be expensive. Instead use the home remedies for athlete's foot below, safely and effectively for both children and adults.

Tea Tree Oil

    Place 20 drops of tea tree oil mixed with warm water into a small plastic tub and soak your feet for 10 to 15 minutes. Adults and children can use this soak up to three times daily for relief from athlete's foot symptoms.

Olive Leaf Extract

    Rub olive leaf extract liberally over the bottom of your feet and allow it to sit for 30 minutes before removing. The olive leaf contains antimicrobial properties and helps kill the fungus that causes athlete's foot.


    Soak feet in a mixture of one park vinegar and one part warm water. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant and can help kill any bacteria lurking on your skin.


    Garlic is a natural antibiotic and can aid in destroying fungus. Take two capsules, three times each day or place slices of garlic in your socks to be absorbed through the skin.


    Add cinnamon to boiling water, allow it to steep and cool for approximately 40 minutes. Then soak your feet in the mixture for 15 to 20 minutes. Cinnamon can effectively fight both yeast and fungus infections.

Baking Soda

    Sprinkle baking soda in your socks and shoes every day to help keep your feet dry and neutralize the pH of your skin.


    Mix 2 tsp. of Epsom salt to 8 ounces of water. Soak feet in this salt mixture for up to 15 minutes three times daily to help dry out the fungus and reduce sweating.