Sunday, April 30, 2017

How to Get Rid of Acne With Pure Shea Butter

It may seem counterintuitive to use shea butter to cure acne. After all, acne is usually associated with greasy skin. For some people, however, shea butter works wonders on their acne. It clears up breakouts without drying out the skin.




    Consult your doctor or dermatologist before trying any alternative treatments, including shea butter.


    Check that the shea butter is pure and unrefined. You can usually find it in African stores and markets.


    Cleanse the skin using a gentle medicated face wash containing salicylic acid. Salicylic acid encourages the shedding of dry skin, which keeps your pores clear.


    Apply a thin layer of shea butter all over the face. It's best to do this before going to sleep so that your skin doesn't look greasy in the daytime.


    In the morning, wash your face as you normally would.

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