There are many alternatives to treat depression rather than relying on prescribed antidepressants. Some of these alternatives can include herbal remedies, aromatherapy, vitamins and supplements, as well as writing in a journal and exercise. There are also therapies available such as acupuncture, reiki healing, chiropractic and homeopathy. Before you try any of these alternative therapies, consult with your health provider who is treating you for depression. You may be able to assimilate some of these nontraditional therapies with more conventional treatment including medication and psychotherapy. The least invasive and most accessible of these alternatives are herbal treatments, aromatherapy you can do at home or receive at a spa, taking vitamins and supplements, and keeping a journal and exercising on a regular basis. Combine several alternative treatments to conquer your depression. Work with your physician to determine the best avenue to take in combining alternative depression treatments with a standard approach for the best results.
Herbal remedies have been used extensively for treating depression, and are widely available and cost effective. The standard bearer for relieving symptoms of depression is St. Johns Wort. Taken in a capsule form of 300mg three times daily, this herb will start to relieve symptoms of depression in six weeks. Do not use St. Johns Wort during pregnancy, or with other medications, without consulting your doctor. St. Johns Wort is free of a lot of the negative side effects that may come with pharmaceuticals.
Another herbal option for treating depression is kava extract. Kava is a member of the pepper family and is native to the South Pacific. The stock that is made from the root of the plant is made into a drink that is purported to impart feelings of happiness and peace. You can purchase kava at a natural health food store, ingest the beverage and benefit from it's effects. Compared to taking standard prescriptions for depression, such as Xanax and Ativan, kava extract doesn't impair mental functioning, nor does it promote sedation.
Vitamins can be taken to treat depression, as they will often help balance brain chemistry. The vitamin B complex is known for its ability to maintain and promote normal mental capacity and functioning. If you are deficient in any of the B vitamins, you may notice symptoms such as lethargy, irritability, fatigue and anxiety. In addition, deficiency in vitamin B may also indicate a reduced level of folic acid. Large numbers of depressed people show reduced levels of folic acid. Supervision by a physician is advised when taking folic acid, as large doses can lead to mania.
The omega-3 fatty acids and fish oil are also useful supplements when treating depression. Dr. Andrew Stoll of Harvard University published a study in 1999 that found that fish oil proved extremely beneficial for his bipolar patients. Stoll discovered that 90 percent of his patients showed improvement. Eating more deep-sea cold-water fish such as salmon and sardines is an easy way to supplement your diet with the important omega-3 fatty acids. Another source is flax seed oil, which is rich in essential fatty acids.
DHEA is a naturally occurring androgen which is produced by the adrenal glands. Depressed patients may have reduced levels of DHEA, with symptoms such as fatigue and muscle weakness. Check with your doctor before taking DHEA because it is a hormone. Your physician will do a blood test to determine the levels of DHEA in your body. Do not take it in conjunction with an anti-depressant, insulin, estrogen or a thyroid medications.
Aromatherapy offers a wealth of alternatives to traditional therapy for depression. Self-nurturing is one way to improve your mental state of mind, and including aromatherapy treatments into your daily lifestyle will ease your symptoms of depression. Try taking an aromatherapy bath that includes a few drops of your favorite essential oils. Put a few drops of lavender essential oil and bergamot essential oil into your bath, and relax. Both of these essential oils have mood-elevating and relaxing properties. Soak for at least 20 minutes to get the full effect of the relaxing oils.
Taking a brisk 45-minute walk daily will release endorphins, promoting a feeling of well being and health. Make a conscious decision to exercise daily, whether it is yoga, walking, tai chi, biking or swimming. Try to exercise the next time you are feeling down and despondent, and notice the change in your mood after you exercise. Use exercise as a preventative measure to eliminate a blue mood.
Keep a journal to track your feelings, mood and emotions. By writing things down, you will gain insight into your emotions and your state of mind. Aim for writing in your journal 20 minutes a day, and write freely--let the words flow onto the paper. Don't worry about punctuation, spelling or how cohesive your writing is. Just getting your thoughts out will help you immensely. You will find that writing in a journal is a great way to clarify your thoughts and help you make decisions.
Speak to yourself with loving kindness. Repeat some of the following affirmations upon rising every day: I love myself unconditionally. I value myself. I am a valuable person. I deserve to be happy. I am a good person. I love myself just the way I am. I feel good about who I am. I am strong. I am confident.
Repeating these affirmations will improve your self-esteem and lead you onto the path out of depression.