Friday, March 24, 2017

Epsom Salt Bath Benefits

Epsom Salt Bath Benefits

Epsom salt is a combination of magnesium and sulfates. There are many benefits of Epsom salt baths. Soaking in a bath of Epsom salt can relax your muscles, reduce inflammation, minimize pain, fade bruising, aid digestion, relieve stress and tension, and detoxify your body.

Pain and Inflammation

    Epsom salt can ease muscle cramps and pain from inflammation. It can also relieve tired, aching feet and may be used to treat the pain and inflammation of gout. According to the Epsom Salt Council, two cups of Epsom salt should be added to your bath for soaking. One cup of Epsom salt added to a foot bath can be soothing. The water should be as hot as you are able to tolerate. Keep in mind that if you have skin conditions, the water should be warm, not hot, to avoid skin breakdown and further complications.

Stress and Tension

    Having too much adrenalin in your body due to stress and tension can result in a low magnesium level. Stress can be caused by a deficiency of magnesium in your blood. Soaking in an Epsom salt bath may allow magnesium to be absorbed through the skin; magnesium then attaches to serotonin, a mood-enhancing hormone, and helps to relax you. It can also lower your blood pressure, improve your concentration and help you sleep.


    Your body can accumulate a residue of medications and impurities from the environment. Soaking in a bath of Epsom salt can pull these toxins from the cells of your body through reverse osmosis. This is a process where salt is drawn from your body and the toxins come with it. It can also soothe your nerves by balancing your electrolytes.


    Sulfates trigger the pancreas to release digestive enzymes as they are needed. While sulfates are not easily obtained through foods, they can absorb very quickly through your skin. Sulfates can aid your nutrient absorption. They are also important for production of mucin proteins, the cells that secrete mucus along your digestive tract.

Other Benefits

    According to Natural Home Remedies, Epsom salt can assist in blood circulation, aid in wound healing, remove foot odor, soften your skin and increase your strength and stamina. The Epsom Salt Council says that Epsom salt can also increase the effectiveness of insulin, lower blood pressure, improve oxygen use and ease the pain of migraine headaches.


    The use of Epsom salt baths is not recommended without the consultation of your health care provider. Hypermagnesemia in a condition of excess magnesium that may be fatal. Epsom salts should not be used if you have an allergy to sulfur or if you are pregnant.

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