Friday, March 31, 2017

How to Prevent Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is a skin condition that commonly causes hair loss, exposing certain areas of your scalp or other parts of your body. It manifests unexpectedly and can last up to one year. This condition affects millions of people worldwide and causes great psychological distress. Numerous factors can cause alopecia areata, including genetic dispositions, excessive hair styling, chemicals, hormonal imbalance and immunological disorders. However, you can prevent alopecia areata naturally, i.e. without any pharmaceutical medications.



    Apply pure aloe vera gel on your scalp. The aloe vera plant contains many active ingredients which can strengthen your hair follicles, shafts and roots. Apply a quarter-size amount of aloe vera gel to your scalp twice a day, especially before bedtime.


    Consume more protein. Your hair is composed mostly of protein. When your body lacks protein, the cells in your body begin to break down, causing rapid hair loss and hastening the aging process. Eat protein-rich foods, such as broccoli, tofu, lentils, wheat bread and beans.


    Drink at least 10 glasses of water every day. Water flushes out harmful bacteria and toxins via your urinary system. When your body contains more water, it utilizes less energy to remove toxins. As a result, it can focus more energy on cellular growth, especially to any thinning areas of your scalp.


    Take vitamin B6 capsules. This vitamin maintains your hair, skin and nails. The recommended safe dosage is 100 mg and below. Read the label of the bottle for directions on how to take the vitamin.


    Eat half of cup of raisins a day. Raisins are rich in iron. Your blood cells utilize iron in order to transport oxygen to the many internal organs in your body. Your scalp needs oxygen to maintain hair-follicle growth.

Uses for Peppermint Oil Capsules

Peppermint is one of the most popular essential oils used for a variety of ailments. The most common ailment that peppermint oil is used to treat is indigestion. Peppermint oil can be in capsule form and ingested whole, broken apart or mixed with water. Depending on the type of problem, methods of use will vary. If you need to remove the oil from the capsule, you can break it apart or insert a needle into it to extract the oil. Always consult your doctor before using peppermint oil.

Relieves Symptoms

    In addition to indigestion, peppermint capsules relieve menstrual cramps, respiratory infection and throat infection and reduce fever, diarrhea, rheumatism, arthritis and anxiety. Follow all daily dosage recommendations.

Other Uses

    Undiluted peppermint oil can be applied topically to the stomach to relieve nausea, travel sickness and morning sickness. Topical application also reduces swelling from injuries, relieves itching of skin and reduces symptoms of poison ivy and poison oak. Do not place undiluted peppermint oil directly on cuts or burns; instead, apply it around the affected area by rubbing the oil into the skin.

    Peppermint oil can also be placed on the tongue for a variety of purposes. It can reduce bad breath, clear congested sinuses and promote concentration and mental alertness.

    Mix peppermint oil in water and drink as a tea to improve memory and concentration. One drop of peppermint oil in water is an alternative for reducing indigestion.

    Heat a pan of water with three drops of peppermint oil and inhale the fumes to relieve chest congestion and stop a headache.

    Peppermint oil can be rubbed on and around a painful tooth to relieve pain or mixed with water and used as a mouthwash.

    Peppermint oil can even be mixed into paint before painting to reduce paint fumes.

Pets, Animals and Insects

    Not only is peppermint oil effective for people, but it helps pets as well. Apply a small amount of peppermint oil from a capsule onto a tick and the tick will release from the skin for easy removal. Mix one drop of peppermint oil in a spray bottle full of water and spray on the pet's coat to deter fleas and deodorize the pet's hair.

    If roaches, mice, spiders or ants are a problem in the home, place a cotton ball soaked in peppermint oil in strategic locations to keep the annoying critters away.

Home Remedies for a Hormonal Imbalance

The U.S. National Library of Medicine states that hormones, made from endocrine glands, send messages to the body's tissues and organs, affecting bodily functions such as growth and development, metabolism, sexuality and reproduction and mood changes. Hormonal imbalances occur when there is an overproduction or underproduction of specific hormones. Symptoms of hormonal imbalances include acne, depression, reproductive problems, weight gain or loss and fatigue. Doctors treat these conditions with prescription medication, but various home remedies for a hormonal imbalance naturally reduce symptoms.

Reduce Meat Consumption

    A home remedy for a hormonal imbalance begins with dietary changes. Chemicals found in animal fats leads to hormone imbalances in the body; therefore, people should reduce the amount of meat and dairy products they consume. Overconsumption of animal fat primarily affects the prostate and increases a person's risk for getting cancers directed related to hormone imbalance. It is better to eat soy products, because they contain phytoestrogens that balance hormone levels.

Eat Organic Fruits and Vegetables

    People who eat organic fruits, vegetables and whole-grain breads reduce instances of hormonal imbalances. Organic foods work as home remedies for hormonal imbalances, because they don't contain pesticides and herbicides that lead to hormonal imbalances in many people.

Essential Fatty Acids

    Eating foods high in omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids helps hormone levels. These foods include flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and lean fish, which all contain the essential fatty acids needed to assist hormone levels. People can find various supplements containing these essential fatty acids; however, to be an effective home remedy for a hormonal imbalance, people should get 300 mg of omega-3 and 200 mg of omega-3 from their daily diet.


    Scientists are continuing to research the effects of chastenberry on female hormones. Some people use chasteberry as a home remedy for hormonal imbalances caused by premenstrual syndrome, menopause, infertility and acne, and women use chasteberry to increase breast milk production. People can find this home remedy at drug stores in tablet or capsule forms.

Black Cohosh

    The Native Americans used black cohosh for a variety of gynecological conditions, malaria, rheumatism and sore throat. This home remedy improves hormonal imbalances caused by menopause and reduces inflammation in the ovaries. However, black cohosh may causes side effects such as stomachaches and headaches.

A Natural Way to Stop Coughing

Coughing is the body's normal response to irritation in the throat, lungs and bronchi. It serves a useful purpose because it removes bacteria, mucus and other harmful substances from the respiratory tract. There are many natural treatments that assist with treating coughs. Chronic coughing can indicate a more serious condition, so be sure to see a doctor if the condition persists for longer than a couple of weeks. There are many natural treatments to remedy a cough.

Beneficial Herbs

    Suggested doses of herbs and pharmaceutical agents are determined by their therapeutic range. This refers to the range from the smallest dose that provides medicinal benefit to the largest dose safe for consumption. Herbs are generally nontoxic, and overdosing or serious complications are rare. However, taking more than the suggested amount is unlikely to produce additional benefit and may cause negative side effects. Dosages listed are for adult use; children under 6 should be given one-quarter the dose, and children 6 to 12 should be administered half the dose.

    Coltsfoot tea relieves acute congestion and hoarseness. Take 1/2 cup two or three times daily.

    Echinacea stops bacterial and viral infections that produce a cough. Take 2,000 mg every 3 hours until symptoms subside.

    Fritillaria syrup stops sticky phlegm and chronic sore throat. Take as directed on the label. Avoid use if suffering from high blood pressure.

    Lobelia relieves dry, hacking coughs. Take 500 to 1,000 mg three times a day for no longer than 2 weeks. Do not give to children under 12.

    Marshmallow root alleviates dry hacking cough. Take 1 tsp. of extract in 1/4 cup water three times a day.

    Peppermint suppresses the cough reflex. Use menthol lozenges once hourly. Those with gallbladder disorders should not use peppermint.

    Slippery elm bark tea coats and soothes sore throats. Drink as desired.

    Sundew lozenges stop coughing fits. Use one lozenge hourly.

    Wild cherry bark syrup acts as an expectorant--something that expels mucus. Take the suggested dose two to three times daily for 3 days.

Other Suggestions

    A chest rub of eucalyptus, peppermint, rosemary and sage oils can relieve cough and sore throat. Take five drops of each oil and mix with 3 tbsp. olive oil.

    Eating 1 to 2 hours before bedtime can produce an acidic stomach, which can cause coughing and a sore throat in the morning.

    Taking 1,000 mg vitamin C daily can soothe the bronchial passages when exposed to dust or other irritants. To help break up and move phlegm, take 400 mg vitamin E daily.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

How to Get Rid of Dry Scalp Naturally

Dry scalp usually occurs when the oils produced by the sebaceous glands are depleted. It also can be caused by chronic dandruff or prolonged exposure to cold weather. Dry scalp is uncomfortable as it often causes excessive itching that might subsequently lead to irritation. To cure this dryness and discomfort, the area must be hydrated with natural oils such as olive oil that are massaged deeply into the scalp.



    Combine a teaspoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of avocado oil in a small mixing bowl and stir to blend the oils.


    Apply a few drops of the oil mixture onto your fingertips.


    Massage the oils into your scalp for 30 to 60 seconds.


    Put on a shower cap and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes to allow the oils to absorb deeply into your scalp.


    Remove the shower cap and gently rinse out the oils with warm water.

How to Make Treatment for Shingles Rash

How to Make Treatment for Shingles Rash

Shingles is a skin rash which is caused by the herpes virus Varicella Zoster. Shingles is not contagious and usually affects the elderly, or older persons who suffered from chickenpox (also caused by a herpes virus) in their youth. There is no cure for shingles and while there are medications which may lessen the painful symptoms, some people prefer to take the more natural route to ease the discomfort caused by shingles.



    Practice Tai Chi as a preventative measure against shingles. A study conducted by Michael Irwin, M.D., in 2007 suggested that older adults can boost their immune systems and reduce the risk of contracting shingles by regularly exercising using Tai Chi principles.


    Avoid foods such as nuts, peanuts (legumes), and chocolate. These foods have high amounts of the amino acid arginine which is used by the herpes virus Varicella zoster, the virus that causes shingles.


    Prepare a mixture consisting of 80% almond oil and 20% peppermint oil. A study published in the August 1989 issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology supports evidence that applying 2 or 3 drops of peppermint oil to the affected area several times a day can help relieve the pain of shingles. Applying pure peppermint oil to the skin can be irritating, however, so it should be mixed with almond oil to avoid additional redness and irritation.


    Use skin ointment that contains capsaicin three or four times per day. Capsaicin is a natural ingredient found in cayenne peppers. Some people have found relief by applying capsaicin ointments to affected skin.


    Relax in a cool bath to soothe the skin and prevent overdrying. Finding ways to relieve and control stress can help improve the immune system and overcome the pain of shingles.

Grapefruit Seed Extract Uses

Grapefruit Seed Extract Uses

Grapefruit seed extract (known as GSE) is frequently used by practitioners of alternative medicine and nutritionists, because of its healing properties. The grapefruit's pulp and seeds are altered into a highly acidic liquid, to create the extract, which contains polyphenolic compounds. The International Journal of Molecular Sciences notes that polyphenolic compounds are considered to have antioxidative, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic properties; which is why grapefruit seed extract serves a number of uses.


    Grapefruit seed extract is often used for detoxification, as it helps the body fight off infections caused by bacteria, fungi and parasites. The phenols in grape fruit seed extract also work to maintain and advance the function of the immune system, according to


    Grapefruit seed extract is full of bioflavonoids and C and E vitamins, which are used to reduce the effect of the dangerous free radicals and enhance our metabolic functioning. According to the the George Mateljan Foundation for the World's Healthiest Foods, "Vitamin C-rich foods like grapefruit may help reduce cold symptoms or severity of cold symptoms; over 20 scientific studies have suggested that vitamin C is a cold-fighter."


    Grapefruit seed extract is also used to help alkalize the body (raise the pH level); a key component health restoration that can prevent associated degenerative diseases, according to Vanderbilt University's Health Psychology department.


    Due to its therapeutic makeup, grapefruit seed extract can also be used to combat conditions such as candida Infections, chronic fatigue syndrome, colds, digestive disturbances, ear inflammation, gastrointestinal disorders, halitosis, infections, sinusitis and to prevent germs from forming a resistance against external disturbances and infections of the skin like acne, athlete's foot, chicken pox, cold sores, dandruff, head lice, herpes, poison ivy, poison oak, rashes, ringworm and warts, according to


    Grapefruit seed extract also serves a variety of purposes for the household (as a cleanser, laundry cleaner) and garden (eliminating fungus, mold and bugs).

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

About Coconut Oil Cures for Herpes

Coconut oil is widely touted as a miracle food with claims that it can cure a myriad of diseases like viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi. On the other end of the spectrum, it's considered a high-fat food with dangerous implications for heart health. Emerging research supports theories of the coconuts beneficial effects, but does it indeed treat and kill viruses like the herpes virus? To better understand how coconuts (and coconut oil) can treat viruses, we must first learn a little more about this often overlooked "superfood."

The Coconut

    Coconuts (cocos nucifera) boast a rich concentration of both short- and medium-chain fatty acids like lauric acid (which been widely used in cosmetics and soap and is also known to have antiviral and antibacterial properties) and capric acid (known to have antimicrobial properties). The size of the chains is an important distinction because our bodies metabolize the fat differently depending on its size. Coconuts are mainly medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) while meat, dairy and eggs are mainly long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs). Research is emerging that MCFAs lower the risk of heart disease and does not negatively impact cholesterol levels.

General Benefits

    In many island cultures, the coconut is a main staple in the diet. These communities largely consider the coconut to having healing powers and use it to treat conditions like asthma, flu, abscesses, kidney stones, gonorrhea, bronchitis, earaches and upset stomachs. Modern medicine is researching the health benefits of the coconut and is investigating benefits like killing viruses (influenza, hepatitis, herpes), killing bacteria (those that cause ulcers, pneumonia, gingivitis, urinary tract infections and gonorrhea), killing fungi, killing parasites (tapeworms, giardia and lice). From a dietary standpoint, the coconut provides a good source of energy and seems to support healthy digestion.

The Herpes Virus

    Oral herpes results in cold sores (usually on the mouth) and genital herpes results in lesions on the genitals. This common virus affects up to 80 percent of the adults in the United States (orally with cold sores) and as many as one in four adults are infected with the genital infection. The virus can flare up (when it causes cold sores or genital lesions) and then enter a stage of dormancy with no symptoms.

Effects of Coconut Oil on Herpes

    Virgin coconut oil has antimicrobial properties that have led many to believe that it is effective in treating herpes. The human body turns capric acid into monocaprin and lauric acid into monolaurin--both of which have been proven to have antiviral properties. These fatty acids work by demolishing the virus's lipid membrane, thus killing the virus. Leading the forefront in research on lauric acid's effects, Dr. Jon Kabara believes that coconut oil is not effective on herpes because it does not deliver enough of the active substances.

How Much is Enough?

    For maximum effect, Dr. Kabara's claim is that the body needs between three and nine grams per day of monolaurin to benefit from the antiviral effects. This translates to approximately 300 to 900 hundred milliliters of coconut oil per day--an amount which almost certainly would make you sick. Dr. Kabara, therefore, concludes that in order to get an effective therapeutic dose of monolaurin and monocaprin, it's best to skip the coconut oil in favor of supplements.


    Research is ongoing, but currently, there is no scientific proof that ingesting coconut oil will alleviate symptoms of the herpes virus. There is emerging evidence of the power of the coconut to positively impact a myriad of other body functions.

Natural Cures for Improving Memory Loss

People of all ages experience lapses of memory from time to time. Chronic memory issues can be the result of many factors, and often causes great concern. Possible causes include serious conditions like Alzheimer's disease or a stroke, drug and alcohol use, poor nutrition, certain prescription drugs and free radicals (produced from normal bodily processes) that damage brain tissue. There are many natural treatments that can improve your memory, but it may take several weeks to several months of consistent use to produce significant change.

Beneficial Herbs

    Herbs and pharmaceutical agents are assigned doses based on one of their most important pharmacological properties, therapeutic range. Therapeutic range is the smallest dose that produces any medicinal benefit to the largest dose safe for consumption. Herbs are generally non-toxic, and serious complications or overdose is unlikely. However, taking more than the recommended amount is not likely to produce additional benefit, and negative side effects are possible.

    Ashwaganda is a principal herb in ayurvedic medicine, the ancient Indian system of medicine. It has a long history of use for chronic memory loss. Take as directed on the label. Garlic contains substances that improve memory. Take as directed on the label. Gingko enhances learning ability and memory, particularly under anxiety-inducing or stressful conditions. Take up to 500 mg once a day. Do not use if you are taking blood-thinning medications. Gotu kola protects the blood vessels that supply the brain. Take 60 to 120 mg once a day. Soy lecithin reduces memory loss. Take 15 to 25 g daily.

Other Suggestions

    Regular physical activity increases blood flow to the brain. Take 2,000 mg of the amino acid tyrosine daily. It helps improve your memory and attention span. Use monounsaturated fats like olive oil when cooking. They contain protective substances that help with age-related memory loss. Antioxidants like vitamins A, C and E are linked with improved recall, vocabulary and recognition in older adults. If you're over 65, take 200 to 400 international units of vitamin E and 1,000 mg of vitamin C daily. Eat five to seven servings of dark green, yellow or orange fruits and vegetables a week to obtain beta-carotene, a form of vitamin A.

Home Remedies for Sinus Congestion & Pressure

If you are continually plagued with symptoms of sinus and congestion pressure, home remedies offer a unique and effective alternative to conventional medicine. Symptoms of sinus congestion and pressure are often the result of common illnesses, such as colds and flu, and can also accompany allergies and sinusitis. Use all or just some of these home remedies to alleviate your symptoms. If you continue to be bothered with sinus and congestion pressure, contact your physician for more conventional treatment options.

Avoid Allergens

    To ease sinus and congestion pressure associated with allergies, one of the best plans of attack it to simply avoid contact with the allergen. If this means your symptoms act up during the arrival of spring and its resultant blooms, avoid the outdoors as much as possible during this time. Likewise, if you experience symptoms when exposed to other allergens, such as dust or mold, avoid those things. This is one of the simplest home remedies there is to treat a stuffy and congested nose.


    Use a humidifier to loosen chest congestion and open up clogged nasal passages. This will help to keep the mucous flowing in the nasal passages, as well as allow them to drain. Stand in the shower at least twice a day for a basic version of a humidifier and allow the steam to build up in the shower for about 10 minutes. Alternatively, put a standard humidifier in an enclosed room and breathe in the soothing vapors. Another option is to fill a basin with hot, steamy water. Place a bath towel over your head, lean over the steam, and allow it to penetrate your nasal passages. Stanley N. Farb, M.D states in the book, "The Doctors Book of Home Remedies", that humidity is key to keeping the cilia working in the nose.

Nasal Washes

    Use a nasal wash system to remove debris from your nose. This helps to eliminate stale nasal secretions. Simply mix one teaspoon of table salt with two cups of warm water. Pour into a small shot glass, tilt your head back and pour into the nostrils, one at a time. Close one nostril, and pour into the remaining nostril. Repeat, then blow your nose gently.

Moist Heat

    Apply moist heat over the sinuses to remove the feeling of pain and congestion. Put a warm, wet washcloth over your cheekbones, nose and eyes to hep open up the sinuses. Leave on for two to three minutes or until you feel symptoms subside.

Spicy Foods

    Eat spicy food to encourage the flow of mucous within nasal passages. Garlic, horseradish and cayenne all encourage the thinning of nasal mucous. Add these spices to everyday foods and eat whenever you feel congested.

What Are the Benefits of Coconut Oil Capsules?

While olive oil is most known as the "healthy oil," coconut oil is gaining popularity as possibly an even healthier alternative. While coconut oil has myriad health benefits, is inexpensive and has been used as a health supplement for centuries, like any oil it can be messy to take in liquid form. This makes it a good candidate to be taken in capsule form so you can enjoy all the nutrients of the coconut in a convenient and clean package.


    Coconut oil has been used by natives in tropical areas for thousands of years. The coconut palm tree was known as the "tree of life" within these traditional communities. However, research in the 1970s on coconut oil determined that its high levels of saturated fats made it an unhealthy choice. These studies were later found to be flawed because inferior grades of hydrogenated coconut oils were used in the experiments that were not representative of the properties in natural coconut oil.


    More recent research on coconut oil has concluded that while it does contain a high amount of saturated fats, the bulk of this fat has been found to be "beneficial fat." While beneficial fat sounds a bit like an oxymoron, saturated fats in the form of medium-chain fatty acids such as lauric acid have been found to positively affect many functions in the body. Not only are these kinds of fatty acids good for you, they can be tough to find in other oils, as all other vegetable oils beside tropical oils are completely devoid of them.


    Because coconut oil contains an array of essential fatty acids, it can be effective for a broad range of health issues. While it has antioxidant, antimicrobial, antifungal and antibacterial qualities, one of coconut oil's most significant effects is on immune system health. Lauric acid is especially good for the immune system, and coconut oil has higher concentrations than any other source except mother's milk.


    There have been many reports that coconut oil can be effective for weight control, and while it may not work for everyone, there is some scientific research to support this claim. Studies have found that the essential fatty acids in coconut oil are more easily digested than other fats because they process directly in the liver. This process has been proven to increase metabolism and provide more immediate energy. Higher metabolism and increased energy--provided the extra energy is used for exercise--can both have a positive effect on weight control.


    Coconut oil is available in organic form and virgin form, but be wary of products labeled "extra virgin," because unlike with olive oil, there is no such thing as extra virgin coconut oil. It is just a marketing ploy. Coconut oil is hydrophobic, meaning it does not mix well with water, so choosing soft gel capsules which facilitate absorption is recommended. One of the more practical benefits of coconut oil is that it is relatively easy on the wallet; in 2009 you can find a bottle of 120 softgels of virgin coconut oil for $8.80 on, and sells organic virgin coconut oil in bottles of 120 softgels for $11.85.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Aloe Vera Plant Uses for Skin Care

Aloe Vera Plant Uses for Skin Care

Use of the aloe vera plant has been documented as far back as 2100 B.C. It was mentioned in an Egyptian papyrus from 1550 B.C., and Egyptian queens attributed their beauty to the plant. Today, the aloe vera plant is still used for many things, and skin care is chief among them. Aloe is commonly referred to as the "burn plant" and is kept in many homes so it will be available to soothe burns.

Skin Irritations

    The gel found in the aloe vera leaves is spread on the surface of minor burns to soothe pain and aid in healing. Pinch or cut off an inch or so of the tip of a leaf, and squeeze the gel from the leaf and onto the burn. This will not kill the plant. Rather, the leaf will develop a scar along the edge and continue growing.

    Not only burns but also skin irritations such as a heat rash, poison ivy or dry skin will benefit from aloe vera. Use the same process as above to treat these skin conditions. Use of the aloe vera gel on a consistent basis will allow dry skin to become more elastic and smoother. The gel is absorbed into the skin and will rehydrate the skin and help in rebuilding healthy skin cells.

Skin and Facial Conditions

    Eczema and psoriasis sufferers benefit from the use of aloe vera, which can lessen the severity of the conditions and stop itching. Aloe has been known to replace cortisone cream for inflammatory skin conditions.

    Apply aloe vera gel to fever blisters and genital herpes to reduce swelling and pain associated with the blisters. Normal precautions will still need to be taken for outbreaks of the herpes virus, as aloe vera will not cure the virus.

    Used as a moisturizer on the face, aloe aides in reducing wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes. The facial skin will become smoother and younger looking with the use of aloe vera gel.


    When applied directly from the plant, the gel will feel sticky as it dries. This will go away as the skin completely absorbs it. If you don't like the feel of the natural gel, there are commercial products available that contain the gel. Aloe vera can be found in commercial lotions, makeup and ointments. However, pure aloe vera tablets, juice and capsules are also available at health food stores.

Alternative Psoriasis Treatment

Psoriasis is a skin condition identified by red, scaly elevated lesions, usually on the elbows, knees, torso and scalp. Periods of acute episodes generally are followed by periods of remission. The condition is caused by the rapid division of skin cells. New cells appear rapidly, and old cells build up and are not shed properly. Many people who suffer from this psoriasis have a relative who does, too, suggesting a genetic link. Sluggish bowels that do not properly eliminate toxins and emotional stress also can trigger a flare up. Many natural treatments can help control and prevent flare-ups.

Herbal Treaments

    Herbs and pharmaceutical agents are assigned doses based on one of their most important pharmacological properties, therapeutic range. This is the smallest dose that has any medicinal effect and the largest dose safe for consumption. Herbs are generally nontoxic, and overdose or serious complications are unlikely. However, stick to suggested doses as taking more is unlikely to produce additional benefit and can cause negative side effects. Unless otherwise noted, use as directed on product labels. Herbs are generally gentler than pharmaceutical agents and therefore could take longer to achieve full effect, so consistent, proper use is necessary for maximum benefit.

External Herbs

    Aloe gel soothes inflamed skin and prevents infections. Andiroba and copaiba oil give quick relief and speed up the healing process. Cayenne, in the form of a capsaicin cream, alleviates pain. Chamomile cream is very effective at relieving inflammation. Lavender stops pain. Add 2 ounces of the herb to a quart of water and let sit overnight. Bathe the affected areas. Marshmallow cream provides a protective layer against infection.

Internal Herbs

    Use barberry, coptis, goldenseal, or Oregon grape root to remove toxins from the bowel. Take 250 to 500 milligrams three times a day. Dong quai is effective at reducing inflammation when taken at the start of an episode. Take 500 milligrams daily. Milk thistle can reduce the number of outbreaks. Take 120 milligrams three times a day. Sarsparilla extract moves intestinal toxins out of the body. Take 1 to 2 teaspoons three times a day.

Considerations for Herbal Treatments

    Do not use cayenne on broken skin and be sure to keep it away from the eyes and mouth. Do not use barberry, coptis, goldenseal or Oregon grape root if you are suffering from gallbladder disease, are pregnant or for longer than two weeks at a time. Milk thistle can cause mild diarrhea.

Other Suggestions

    Add omega 3 fats to your diet to inhibit inflammation. Eat foods high in fiber to increase absorption of toxins that get passed through the stool. Do not drink alcohol; it increases the amount of toxins absorbed from the intestine. Applying seawater to affected areas throughout the day can help clear up lesions. Expose affected skin to sunlight at least 15 to 20 minutes a day to boost synthesizing of vitamin D, which helps slow the multiplication of skin cells. Vitamin D creams can be effective as well.

Remedies for a Congested Chest

Remedies for a Congested Chest

Chest congestion slows you down and wears you out. When you are having trouble breathing, your whole body suffers for the restriction of oxygen. Your brain is more sluggish and your limbs feel heavy. You are troubled by chest rattling and coughing that often results in sore muscles.

Clear Liquids

    Your body requires hydration to heal. Clear liquids like water, juice and tea will keep you hydrated, which will help your tissues do their jobs to heal you more effectively. Increasing your liquid intake will also help ensure that your cough brings up the phlegm that needs to come out of your lungs. Try to avoid milk and thicker drinks, though, as these have a more congestive effect.

Herbal Teas

    An herbal tea made with plantain leaf is extremely effective at clearing up chest congestion. Steep a teaspoon of the leaf in a cup of boiling water for five minutes and then drink. Don't add milk or sugar, as these can add to your congestion. Peppermint tea, prepared in the same manner, also produces very favorable results.


    Take a hot shower and breathe deeply of the steam to relieve chest congestion. You can also bring a pot of water to a boil on the stove, turn off the heat and hold your head over the steaming water. Use a towel to help trap the steam, but be sure to give yourself moments of relief in order to avoid steam burns. You can also add two to three drops of peppermint or eucalyptus essential oils to the water for added benefit.

Apple Cider Vinegar

    Prepare a warm bath and add a cup of apple cider vinegar to the water. Soak in the water for a while. Apple cider vinegar has a detoxifying effect that eases and soothes a number of ailments, including colds and congestion.

Hot Toddy

    If you're of legal drinking age and have no problem with alcohol, mix up a hot toddy or have half a glass of wine before bed. For the hot toddy, mix together a half-shot of warmed whiskey and as much warmed honey as you want for the taste. The honey isn't for taste alone, though. It actually has quite a few healing and nutritive benefits. The amount of alcohol used should be small, like you would get from cough syrup. Too much alcohol will stress your system and may actually cause difficulty with sleeping.

Monday, March 27, 2017

What Kind of Vitamins Should I Take for Fatigue?

Fatigue can be defined as a state of extreme tiredness. It can be mental or physical and is often caused by a lack of rest, working long hours, intense mental or physical activity and stress. Sleep disorders such as insomnia, sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome can all reduce sleep quality, which can also contribute to the development of fatigue. Vitamin deficiencies can also be a causal factor.

B Vitamins

    B vitamin deficiencies are responsible for several fatigue conditions including beri-beri and pellagra. B-vitamin complexes come in standardized doses, over the counter, and one per day is generally sufficient to restore imbalances.

Vitamin A

    When the immune system is functioning poorly, fatigue is much more common. Taking around 1000 mcg (microgram) of vitamin A in beta-carotene form can bolster the immune system.

Vitamin C

    Like vitamin A, vitamin C also bolsters immune function, decreasing the likelihood of fatigue. A standard dose is 500 mg per day.


    While not a vitamin, magnesium is widely used for both nerve and muscle function, both of which suffer with fatigue. A magnesium supplement of 300-400 mg per day can help to restore any deficiency.


    Fatigue can be a symptom of other, extremely serious conditions. If your fatigue persists after rest and vitamin supplementation, seek the advice of a doctor.

Benefits of Oxygen Therapy

As everybody knows, the oxygen in the atmosphere is an integral part of making sure that we stay alive. Every single living organism needs to breathe in oxygen, to make sure that his biological, natural and physiological functions work in a healthy and faultless manner. However, there might be cases---especially in cases of lung damage or heart attacks---when the lungs find it rather difficult to get the exact amount of oxygen required by a body to perform its duties well. That is where the idea of oxygen therapy comes in. Oxygen therapy means giving the body the required amount of oxygen it needs to function properly.


    Hypoxemia is the technical name given to a lack of adequate oxygen in your blood. The brain begins to shut down because there is not enough oxygen to reach it. In these instances, oxygen therapy is used on the patient, administering calculated amounts, so that the blood supply, brain and other organs of the body can get the necessary oxygen.


    Hypoxemia is the technical name given to a lack of adequate oxygen in your blood. That means the body is definitely not going to function properly. The brain might decide to shut down, because there is not enough of oxygen reaching it. Under such cases, oxygen therapy is going to be of extreme benefit to the patient. With a regular oxygen dosage, the blood supply, brain and other organs of the body can get the necessary oxygen after calculated amounts of oxygen to the patient are administered by the doctors.

Shortness of Breath

    There might be a time when a patient finds himself "gasping" for breath. This is due to a decrease in the level of oxygen in the blood. This is the time when the patient is going to need a supplemental amount of oxygen, to raise the oxygen level. Under such circumstances, oxygen therapy is going to benefit the patient immensely. Oxygen therapy also is extremely beneficial when a patient is suffering from a respiratory problem. It is also seen when the heart is overtaxed, and that is why heart patients are often given supplemental doses of oxygen, when required.

Relief From Headache and Nausea

    Some of the reasons why people begin to suffer from headaches is because they are breathing in the stale atmosphere brought upon by a carbon dioxide buildup in an enclosed room. Apart from opening the window and taking deep gulps of (supposedly) fresh air, one is going to find that a little bit of oxygen therapy is extremely beneficial for relief from headache and an increased clarity of the thought processes. One might even feel nausea in an enclosed area or space, especially if it happens to be air-conditioned, with no fresh air conduit. A little bit of oxygen therapy is going to get rid of that nauseated feeling.

Succours Lung Disease Sufferers

    A person who is suffering from lung disease may have increased chances of heart failure, due to the added strain on the heart with not enough oxygen reaching the heart via the lungs. Here is where one can see a clear benefit of oxygen therapy. Not only is the patient's heart going to get enough of oxygen to keep functioning regularly, but his ailing lungs are also going to be relieved from their hard job of trying to work properly.

Long-Term Benefits

    Using oxygen therapy for a longer period of time is being reveiwed by medical practitioners and doctors because of some accrued benefits. These benefits include: 1) Less time in the hospital as doctors have found that oxygen therapy reduces the period of stay of a patient in the hospital. 2) Reduced strain on the heart. If the heart happens to be strained due to circumstances like heart attack, sickness and other ailments, a calculated oxygen therapy is going to be very helpful in reducing the strain on the patient's heart. And 3) oxygen therapy aids air travel. Many people find it very difficult to travel by air, because of the decompressed atmosphere, as well as the paucity of oxygen. The FAA has approved oxygen concentrators that are portable. These not only help people travel by air without any breathing problems, but also help in the reduction of stress and anxiety brought about in these people, when in the air.

Herbal Cures for Tinnitus

Tinnitus is the sensation of hearing certain types of sounds that are not actually present. Commonly, people report hearing ringing, buzzing, hissing and roaring sounds. These sounds may persist or come and go. This condition is caused by damage to the inner ear. The inner ear contains many tiny hair-like cells called cilia, which help translate sound. Loud noise or toxicity from another condition can easily damage the cilia because these things cause the release of free radicals. It is not a serious condition and there are natural ways to help manage the symptoms.

Herbal Treatments

    Herbs and pharmaceutical agents are assigned suggested doses based on one of their most important pharmacological properties, therapeutic range. Therapeutic range is the smallest dose that provides any medicinal benefit to the largest dose that is safe for consumption. Herbs are generally nontoxic and serious complications or overdose is unlikely. Stick to suggested amounts as taking more is not likely to produce additional benefit and can potentially cause negative side effects.

    Cordyceps reduces fluid accumulation in the ear. It is recommended to take 25 milligram tablets four times a day. Gingko stops free radical damage. A person with tinnitus should take 240 milligrams in a single dose once a day.

    There are two traditional Chinese formulas that can help with the condition. Gentiana Longdancao and Six Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia both alleviate ringing in the ears.

Other Suggestions

    It is important to avoid alcohol because it increases blood flow to the inner ear, making symptoms worse. Caffeine and nicotine can also aggravate the condition. A person should try his best to manage stress as this can also make tinnitus worse.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Natural Hypothyroid Remedies

Hypothyroidism is the result of an underactive thyroid gland. This gland produces a hormone called thyroxine, which regulates virtually all bodily functions. Women over 50 are most likely to have the condition. Symptoms include depression, fatigue, sluggishness, constipation, sensitivity to cold, brittle hair and nails, swelling, changes in voice and weight gain. There are natural treatments to deal with the condition, which should be used in conjunction with standard treatments.

Herbal Treatments

    Herbs and pharmaceutical agents are assigned suggested doses based on one of their most important pharmacological properties; this is called therapeutic range. Therapeutic range is the smallest dose that provides any medicinal benefit to the largest dose that is safe for consumption. Herbs are generally nontoxic and serious complications or overdose is unlikely. Stick to suggested amounts as taking more is not likely to produce additional benefit and can potentially cause negative side effects.

    Black cohosh helps with a variety of symptoms that result from hypothyroidism. Kelp is an excellent source of iodine, which is vital for proper thyroid function. Use both of these supplements as directed on the label.

    There are three traditional Chinese formulas that are employed to manage this condition. The Frigid Extremities Decoction treats cold hands and feet, sensitivity to the cold, fatigue, diarrhea and lack of thirst. Kidney Chi Pill from the Golden Cabinet treats excessive urination and urinary incontinence that sometimes accompanies hypothyroidism. True Warrior Decoction is very effective at treating stomach pain and diarrhea.

    Avoid herbs that stimulate the immune system. These include American ginseng, astragalus, bamboo, burdock, chrysanthemum, echinacea, ginger, ginseng, kelp, lemon balm, motherwort, Siberian ginseng and wheat grass.

Other Suggestions

    There is a natural alternative to the synthetic thyroxine that doctors prescribe that is derived from pigs; it requires a prescription and is not to be confused with similar products sold at natural health stores.

    Do not eat large amounts of soy foods. They possess a chemical that can interfere with the body's use of thyroid hormone. Stay away from processed and refined foods also.

Home Remedies for Sinuses

Home Remedies for Sinuses

Our sinuses are hollow, air-filled cavities located above the eyes, along the inside of the cheekbones, and behind the bridge of and upper part of the nose. If the sinus cavities become clogged, pressure increases and causes pain. When sinuses become infected or swollen, they can hurt tremendously and can lead to a sinusitis, an infection of the sinuses and nasal passages. Sinus problems can be painful and frustrating. Self-care at home can help alleviate many symptoms of sinus problems.

Sinusitis, the Main Cause of Sinus Problems

    Swollen sinuses can be very painful

    Sinusitis is classified as either acute or chronic. Acute sinusitis has sudden onset and is usually caused by bacterial or viral infections of the upper respiratory tract, such as the common cold, allergies or sometimes from inhaled irritants. Chronic sinusitis lasts a long time. It usually occurs more than four times a year and may be caused by structural problems, such as injury to facial bones or small growths in the nose.

    Symptoms of sinusitis include facial and head pain, fever, cough, ear or toothache, tenderness in the forehead and cheekbones. If tapping on the forehead over the eyes or on the cheeks or bridge of the nose causes pain, the sinuses might be infected, according to the "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" by James and Phyllis Balch.

Remedies That Help Sinus Problems

    Massage therapy can alleviate sinus pain and problems

    Home remedies can help open the sinuses and alleviate dryness. To promote drainage, it's very important to drink plenty of fluids. Inhaling steam over a bowl or pan of very hot water (not while on the stove) several times a day helps open the sinuses. A Neti Pot, available at most retail or health food stores, can be used to help drain sinuses. Add a of blend of 1/2 teaspoon salt, warm water and a pinch of baking soda to the Neti Pot. Pour the mixture through each nostril while tipping your head to the side and over a sink. Warm compresses and/or ice packs will also alleviate pain. Warm helps some people, cold others. Choose what works for you. Steamy showers can bring relief as well.
    Massage is very helpful for sinus problems. Acupressure can be done at home by gently pressing and holding the inside edge of each eye by the bridge of the nose or the inside point of each eyebrow for a few moments. Also pressing at the side of each nostril at the base of the cheek or the middle of the lower part of the forehead can give relief and help promote drainage.

Foods That Heal Sinuses

    Sulfur, the compound that makes you cry when slicing an onion, can help you to breathe easier, according to Barbara Klein, professor of food and nutrition and editor of the Journal of Food Science. Other helpful kitchen sinus remedies include soups made with garlic, jalapeno or cayenne pepper (or mixed into foods) and horseradish. Make a paste of ginger, cinnamon or cloves and spread on the forehead to alleviate congestion. Apple cider vinegar, added to your inhaled steam or mixed into a glass of warm water to drink, can also be beneficial.

How to Stop Stomach Pain

Your stomach is the primary organ for digestion. It is capable of digesting and breaking down most consumable foods due in part to the gastric acids inside your stomach. Factors such as stress, microorganisms, menstrual cramps, ulcers, indigestion and medications can cause stomach pain. While over-the-counter medications can relieve the problem, there are natural remedies that can ease your stomach pain without any adverse side effects.



    Take chamomile capsules for ulcers. An untreated ulcer can cause a great amount of stomach pain. The chamomile herb contains a potent compound called bisabolol, which works by reducing the inflammation while soothing the stomach muscles. To treat stomach ulcers, take one 500 mg capsule twice a day before meals.


    One common cause of stomach pain is constipation. Apples contain properties that have a laxative effect. Drink one glass of apple juice every day to relieve stomach pain related to constipation.


    Diarrhea is another cause of stomach pain. The golden seal flower has an ingredient called berberine, which stimulates your white blood cells (leukoctes) to destroy such bacteria as Vibrio Cholera, Escherichia Coli or Salmonella, which cause diarrhea. Put two or three drops of golden seal tincture into a cup of juice or tea.


    Drink star anise tea. Menstrual discomfort is another cause of stomach pain. The anise herb contains a potent substance called anithol, which acts by relaxing the muscles of your lower abdomen, thus lessening the pain. Drink one cup of anise tea every night as needed.


    A viral intestinal infection can cause severe pain in your stomach. Ginger contains a potent compound called 6-gingerol, which effectively kills the microorganisms responsible. Add ginger to your meals and consume every day. You can also eat ginger candy, which will have the same effect.

How to Get Relief for a Migraine Headache

Tip to ease the pain of migraine headaches. Migraines are one of the most debilitating headaches you could ever have.



    Get plenty of sleep, try going to sleep at the same time every night and wake up at the same time everyday. When having a migraine you need plenty of sleep this helps to relax the nerves in the brain easing the pain. When resting to relive your migraine pain, close all drapes make your room very dark, and noise free.


    Use a cold ice pack applied to the back of your neck, the cool down helps relieves the pain. Use a frozen pack of vegetable for a substitute of an ice pack if one is not readily available.


    Forget those prescription drugs that have so many terrible side effects. Use tiger balm applied to the temples, brows, and back of the neck and with in minutes you should begin to feel relief. When using tiger balm avoid the eye area.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

How to Fix a Pinched Nerve

Pinched nerves are caused by bone, cartilage, tendon or muscle compression. The following is a technique for relieving pain due to muscle compression. Since both bone and muscle compression may occur simultaneously, the muscle work can help take the edge off any pain caused by bone compression. Before using this technique, see your doctor to get a diagnosis.


How to Fix a Pinched Nerve


    Pinpoint your pain by moving the affected area of the body. What movements cause pain? How far can you move before it hurts too much? How much weight can you put on the problem area before the pain stops you? Feel around and find the sorest spot.


    Apply heat to this area for 15 to 20 minutes. Be careful not to burn yourself---put a T-shirt or cotton or flannel fabric between the heat source and your skin. Remove the heat and stretch the area to see if you have a better range of motion or less pain.


    Apply a generous amount of liniment to the sore area. Let it soak into the muscle and reapply. Stretch the sore area again to see if your range of motion has improved.


    Take the tennis ball or use your finger to apply pressure to the sore area. Then, after a few minutes, take the tennis ball and put it between your body and a wall or the floor and use your body weight to apply deeper pressure. Do this for 15 minutes, going deeper over time. Do not try to go too deep too quickly or you may bruise yourself.


    Check your range of motion and gauge your level of pain. Apply more liniment if you like, but do not apply more heat until the liniment wears off (in a few hours).

Drug-free Pain Relief

Drug-free Pain Relief

Painkillers such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen are considered to be safe and well-tolerated by most people. Yet, all allopathic (traditional) medications have their share of side effects, especially when consumed over a long period of time. You can have drug-free relief from pain if your pain is a manifestation of physical and mental stress, minor injury or inflammation. However, if your pain is severe and does not respond to alternative treatment, see your doctor to rule out chronic underlying diseases.

Cold and Hot Packs


    Sore muscles respond well to cold and hot packs. "For best results, alternate between hot and cold packs for a minute each until you begin to experience relief from pain," says Dr. Jayanardhana Iyengar, a Connecticut-based homeopath and certified massage therapist.

Massage Therapy

    Relax your muscles

    Generalized body pain caused by stress and/or bad posture can find immediate relief with a therapeutic massage of warm oil, infused with healing herbs.



    In a November 2007 column in Vitality magazine titled "Arnica for Pain Relief," Dr. Christopher De Barros, a Toronto, Canada-based homeopath, wrote: "In homeopathic medicine, the top pain-relieving prescription remedy is arnica. This flowering plant is commonly referred to as Leopard's Bane, and is easily found in natural health products stores, particularly as an ointment. Arnica is prescribed homeopathically in any case where the individual has suffered a trauma. For example, someone who has fallen off of a bicycle would be a prime candidate for arnica, as it would work quite effectively in quelling the pain, bruising and soreness. This remedy is effective because it stimulates healing in the venous system, muscles, tendons, as well as the surrounding tissue. In such cases, it is most effective as an orally ingested remedy. However, arnica can also be applied locally on an injury in the form of an ointment or gel. Here, it can also be quite successful in treating bruises and scrapes." Dr. De Barros also recommends arnica for sprains and headaches (especially migraines).

Biofreeze & Pain Patches

    Spray Biofreeze on sore muscles and joints. According to the website, this pain reliever contains all-natural ingredients such as natural menthol and botanical ingredients consisting of arnica, calendula, chamomile, echinacea, juniper berry and white tea. The makers of Biofreeze claim that the drug-free painkiller can alleviate pain in the back, shoulder and neck; ease ankle, knee, hip and elbow joint discomfort; and soothe muscle sprains and strains. The manufacturers state that the formula reduces pain associated with arthritis, bursitis, diabetic neuropathy, tendinitis and plantar fascitis. This writer has experienced significant pain relief by applying Biofreeze in the neck and shoulder.
    Another drug-free option is to apply natural pain patches such as Tiger Balm, advertised for arthritis, back pains and muscle aches and strains. The active ingredients in this product are camphor, menthol and capsicum extract. This writer has used the pain patch as well and found quick relief.

Ginger & Turmeric


    Ginger and turmeric have anti-inflammatory properties and help minimize inflammation-related pain. A study conducted by researchers at the University of Arizona and published in the November 2006 issue of Arthritis & Rheumatism found that turmeric is effective in treating osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
    Prepare a simple, healthy drink of ginger-infused tea a day, or dissolve a pinch of turmeric powder in a boiling cup of milk. Add to it a pinch of cardamom, a pinch of nutmeg, a few strands of saffron, a pinch of ginger powder and a tablespoon of honey. Drink right away.

What Is Nettle Leaf Used For?

What Is Nettle Leaf Used For?

Friday, March 24, 2017

Natural Remedies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Natural Remedies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS, is a common digestive disorder--an estimated 20 percent of adults suffer from it--of the intestine and can include abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, gas, diarrhea and constipation. While the exact causes remain a mystery, some natural remedies can relieve the pain and discomfort.

Herbal Remedies

    Peppermint oil--taken in an enteric-coated capsule to prevent heartburn--is one of the best remedies for IBS. It acts as an antispasmodic in the intestinal tract, reduces abdominal pain and bloating, and eliminates excess gas. Herbs such as chamomile, rosemary, lemon balm and valerian can greatly reduce spasms in the intestines and are very effective. Consumption of ginger, either raw or in a tea, reduces inflammation.

Dietary Recommendations

    Fiber--found either in fruits, vegetables, whole grains or as a supplement--is useful in regulating the intestines and is one of the most effective ways to improve symptoms of IBS. Drinking six to eight glasses of water daily can also help to regulate one's bowels. Some have found eating small meals frequently instead of larger meals to be helpful as this puts less pressure on the digestive system. Foods or beverages containing caffeine, carbonation, and/or fat may cause cramps in the intestine or increase the amount of gas produced so these should generally be avoided.

Other Suggestions

    Exercise is a common recommendation for those with digestive issues as a way to move things along. Also, stress can trigger many digestive problems, so try to find ways to lower the stress in your life, or deal with it more effectively if elimination isn't possible.

Home Remedies for Gallstones

The gallbladder stores bile, a fluid produced by the liver. It secretes this substance to aid in fat digestion. A series of tubes called bile ducts connect the gallbladder to the liver and small intestines. Gallstones are hard deposits of either cholesterol or calcium salts that block these bile ducts. Women are more likely to have gallstones; age and obesity are factors, as well. Many people have gallstones that produce no symptoms, while others are prone to gallstone attacks that can be quite painful. There are many natural remedies that help prevent and treat gallstones.

Herbal Treatments

    Herbs and pharmaceutical agents are assigned suggested doses based on one of their most important pharmacological properties, therapeutic range. Therapeutic range is the smallest dose that provides any medicinal benefit to the largest dose that is safe for consumption. Herbs are generally nontoxic and serious complications or overdose is unlikely. Stick to suggested amounts, as taking more is not likely to produce additional benefit, and can potentially cause negative side effects.

    Herbal treatments for gallstones fall into two categories. There are treatments that can be used during an acute attack to ease symptoms. There are also treatments that should be used on a regular basis to alleviate gallbladder irritation and prevent the formation of stones.

    Peppermint should be used during active attacks to relieve bile-duct spasms. Take 200 mg three times daily. Prickly ash plaster also relieves pain and bile duct spasms during an acute attack. Make a plaster by mixing the herb with warm water. Put this paste in a cloth pouch, or between two layers of cloth, and apply to the skin. Prickly ash plaster can be purchased from a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, or from a Chinese herbal shop under the name tian he gu tong. Apply as needed.

    The following herbs should not be used during an acute attack. Alfalfa tablets clean the liver and supply necessary vitamins and minerals. Take 1,000 mg with warm water twice a day to prevent gallstones. Boldo tea increases bile production and flushes small gallstones out of bile ducts. Drink 1 cup three times a day. Gentian bitters reduce your appetite and stimulate bile production. Take as directed on the label. Greater celandine also stimulates bile production and relieves spasms. Take 15 to 30 drops of tincture with cup of water three times a day. Milk thistle reduces the amount of cholesterol in the bile. Take 600 mg every day. Soy lechitin lowers cholesterol production in the liver. Take 2,000 mg in capsule form daily. Turmeric inhibits the formation of cholesterol crystals. Take 125 mg three times a day.

Other Considerations

    Constipation can lead to the formation of gallstones. Always treat this condition to reduce your risk of gallstones. Rapid weight loss and low calorie diets also increase the likelihood of this condition. A 1986 study published in the Annals of Allergy found that food allergies can contribute to gallbladder irritation. When subjects identified and eliminated offending foods, they experienced complete relief from gallbladder pain.

Thyroid Cancer Homeopathic Treatments

Thyroid cancer affects an estimated 40,000 people per year in the United States, and women are more likely to have it. It commonly attacks people over the age of 30, but it is known to happen in all age groups, worsening with age. Thyroid cancer almost always starts with the growth of a nodule deep within the thyroid gland. However, only about 1 percent of all thyroid nodules are cancerous. Following homeopathic treatment can help eliminate cancerous cells in the thyroid gland and other areas in the body.


    Controlled amino acid therapy, or CAAT, is thought to be an effective treatment and cure for thyroid cancer. The treatment involves administering supplements, amino acids and dietary changes to accommodate the intake of the amino acids. This therapy is ordinarily monitored heavily by a medical professional, who administers all supplements and herbs.

Mind and Body

    Another alternative treatment falls under the idea that you can literally think yourself well by meditation and practices like yoga, pilates and even taking up hobbies such as art, music and dance. It is believed that meditation in conjunction with herbal supplements can prevent and even possibly treat thyroid cancer as well as other ailments.

Other Therapies

    Massage therapy and chiropractic medicine can help relieve the pain associated with thyroid cancer and other issues as well as promote a sense of well-being. One could even receive acupuncture treatments for relief and treatment of pain and swelling of the thyroid gland.

Epsom Salt Bath Benefits

Epsom Salt Bath Benefits

Epsom salt is a combination of magnesium and sulfates. There are many benefits of Epsom salt baths. Soaking in a bath of Epsom salt can relax your muscles, reduce inflammation, minimize pain, fade bruising, aid digestion, relieve stress and tension, and detoxify your body.

Pain and Inflammation

    Epsom salt can ease muscle cramps and pain from inflammation. It can also relieve tired, aching feet and may be used to treat the pain and inflammation of gout. According to the Epsom Salt Council, two cups of Epsom salt should be added to your bath for soaking. One cup of Epsom salt added to a foot bath can be soothing. The water should be as hot as you are able to tolerate. Keep in mind that if you have skin conditions, the water should be warm, not hot, to avoid skin breakdown and further complications.

Stress and Tension

    Having too much adrenalin in your body due to stress and tension can result in a low magnesium level. Stress can be caused by a deficiency of magnesium in your blood. Soaking in an Epsom salt bath may allow magnesium to be absorbed through the skin; magnesium then attaches to serotonin, a mood-enhancing hormone, and helps to relax you. It can also lower your blood pressure, improve your concentration and help you sleep.


    Your body can accumulate a residue of medications and impurities from the environment. Soaking in a bath of Epsom salt can pull these toxins from the cells of your body through reverse osmosis. This is a process where salt is drawn from your body and the toxins come with it. It can also soothe your nerves by balancing your electrolytes.


    Sulfates trigger the pancreas to release digestive enzymes as they are needed. While sulfates are not easily obtained through foods, they can absorb very quickly through your skin. Sulfates can aid your nutrient absorption. They are also important for production of mucin proteins, the cells that secrete mucus along your digestive tract.

Other Benefits

    According to Natural Home Remedies, Epsom salt can assist in blood circulation, aid in wound healing, remove foot odor, soften your skin and increase your strength and stamina. The Epsom Salt Council says that Epsom salt can also increase the effectiveness of insulin, lower blood pressure, improve oxygen use and ease the pain of migraine headaches.


    The use of Epsom salt baths is not recommended without the consultation of your health care provider. Hypermagnesemia in a condition of excess magnesium that may be fatal. Epsom salts should not be used if you have an allergy to sulfur or if you are pregnant.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Remedies to Increase Sexual Desire

Decreased interest in sex can affect men and women. For some people, it is an issue throughout their lives while others might only start to experience it in midlife. This lack of interest can stem from many things. Hormonal imbalances, especially in testosterone levels of both men and women, can affect the sex drive. Additionally, trauma, depression, boredom and the use of drugs, including anti-depressants, tranquilizers, sedatives and certain types of blood pressure medication, can affect interest in sex. There are many natural treatments to help increase sexual desire.

Herbal Treatments

    The following herbal supplements can assist with a diminished sex drive by raising testosterone levels and increasing desire. Unless specific dosages are stated, take as directed on the product label.
    For men: Avena tincture, chrysin capsules, muira puama tincture and Asian ginseng tablets will raise testosterone levels. Ashwagandha stimulates the male sex drive and can prevent premature ejaculations.
    For women: Pine pollen, damiana tincture, and star anise tea stimulate testosterone production in women.
    For men and women: Siberian ginseng tincture boosts testosterone and balances the production of dopamine in the brain. Tribulus terrestis also increases levels. Kava tablets and passionflower tea are both mild relaxants that can help release inhibition. Yohimbe and sasparilla tinctures are aphrodisiacs.
    Herbs and pharmaceutical agents are assigned suggested doses based on one of their most important pharmacological properties: therapeutic range. Therapeutic range is the smallest dose that provides any medicinal benefit up to the largest dose that is safe for consumption. Herbs are generally nontoxic and serious complications or overdose is unlikely. Stick to suggested amounts because taking more is not likely to produce additional benefit and can potentially cause negative side effects.

Other Suggestions

    The amino acid L-arginine helps create nitrous oxide, which is vital to erections and increasing blood flow to the vagina. It is found in chocolate, peanuts, almonds and other nuts. The amino acid L-tyrosine is used to make dopamine in the brain. Stay away from beer. It contains hops, which are similar to estrogen. Years of regular consumption can lead to diminished sex drive in both sexes. There can be a strong mental component to decreased sex drive. Make an effort to reduce stress and seek counseling for any issues that are causing mental distress, sexual or otherwise.

Herbal Cures for High Cholesterol

Cholesterol occurs naturally in the body. It is often viewed as a bad substance, but it serves important functions ranging from hormone production to nerve function. When the body's use of this substance is disturbed, or if levels become too high, that is when it can become problematic. High cholesterol can lead to atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, mental impairment, gallstones, stroke and heart attack. There are herbal treatments which can increase HDL or "good" cholesterol and decrease LDL or "bad" cholesterol. They often take at least a couple of months of use to effect change, so consistency is important.

Herbal Treatments

    Artichoke leaf reduces overall cholesterol and triglycerides (a form of fat) and raises HDL. Take 1,500 mg daily for at least 6 weeks.

    Asafoetida reduces total cholesterol increased by excess fat in the diet. Take 1 tsp. of powder daily.

    Cordyceps lowers LDL and raises HDL. Take 1,000 mg daily.

    Dioscorea, also known as wild yam, raises HDL. Take tincture as directed on the label.

    Garlic enteric-coated capsules lower total cholesterol in the body. Take 900 mg daily for 3 to 4 months.

    Ginseng lowers LDL and triglyceride levels. Take the tincture as directed on the label.

    Green tea lowers LDL and raises HDL. Drink two to five cups daily.

    Guggul raises HDL. Take 25 mg three times a day for 3 to 4 months.

    Hawthorn assists the liver with conversion of LDL to HDL. Take 100 to 250 mg three times a day.

    Milk thistle maintains general liver health and helps with conversion of LDL to HDL. Take 300 mg every day.

    Shiitake mushroom eaten whole lowers LDL and raises HDL. Eat three to six grams daily.

    Herbs and pharmaceutical agents are assigned suggested doses based on their therapeutic range. This refers to the range from the smallest dose that provides any benefit to the largest dose that is safe for consumption. Herbs are generally nontoxic, and serious complications or overdose is unlikely. However, you should stick to suggested amounts, as taking more is not likely to produce additional benefit and can potentially cause negative side effects.

Other Suggestions

    Quitting smoking raises your level of good cholesterol, reduces blood pressure and decreases the risk of heart attack. Limit fat intake and eat lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Limit alcohol intake and exercise regularly. Carrot juice helps flush out fat from bile in the liver, lowering cholesterol. Vitamin B3 (niacin) lowers LDL, raises HDL and lowers production of blood-clotting factors that provoke heart attacks. Start with 500 mg three times daily and after 2 weeks increase to 1,000 mg three times a day. Do not use if taking Mevacor.

Herbal Cure for Congestive Heart Failure

Congestive heart failure results from the heart's inability to pump blood quickly enough to provide all the oxygen and nutrients needed by the body. It causes an enlarged heart, and edema or fluid retention. Congestive heart failure can be caused by a number of things such as heart attacks, high blood pressure, heart valve problems, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, morbid obesity, and arrhythmia. Natural treatments are most effective when used as part of an overall treatment plan that includes lifestyle changes, and standard treatment for this condition and the underlying disorders that caused it.

Herbal Treatments

    Aconite alleviates shortness of breath, edema, and strengthens blood flow from the heart. This can only be used under professional supervision. Arjuna stops pain and helps the heart muscle build energy reserves. Take 500 milligrams every 8 hours. Asparagus root increases urination. It is good to use when prescribed diuretics are discontinued. Drink 1 cup of tea three times a day. Astragalus lessens pain caused by exertion. Take 500-1,000 milligrams three times a day. Hawthorn increases blood flow to the heart. Use 100-250 milligrams three times daily. Kudzu improves coronary circulation and helps the heart use oxygen more efficiently. Take 10 milligrams three times a day. Motherwort makes the heartbeat stronger without accelerating it. Take -1 teaspoon in cup of water three times a day.

    Herbs and pharmaceutical agents are assigned suggested doses based on one of their most important pharmacological properties, therapeutic range. Therapeutic range is the smallest dose that provides any medicinal benefit to the largest dose that is safe for consumption. Herbs are generally nontoxic and serious complications or overdose is unlikely. Stick to suggested amounts as taking more is not likely to produce additional benefit and can potentially cause negative side effects.

Other Suggestions

    If trouble sleeping is an issue, take 150-300 milligrams of valerian 45 minutes before bed. Dandelion extract can relieve fluid retention after consuming salt in excess. Take 10-15 drops in cup of water. Post menopausal women not using estrogen replacement therapy can benefit from eating soy foods. They contain chemicals similar to estrogen that open and relax the arteries. The amino acid arginine relieves edema brought on by exercise or motion. Take four grams daily. Do not smoke, limit sodium intake, reduce consumption of high fat foods, and limit or eliminate alcohol. All of these things will worsen the condition. Make a serious effort to exercise moderately and reduce stress

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

How to Increase Oxygen in the Blood

How to Increase Oxygen in the Blood

How to Get Rid of a Blood Clot

Blood clots are clumps of blood that can collect in different areas of the body and cause the blood to coagulate. If a blood clot forms within a blood vessel or the heart, it is referred to as a thrombus. This condition can prove serious if the thrombus travels to another area of the body, a disorder referred to as an embolism. If you are concerned about the health effects, speak to a doctor about how to get rid of a blood clot.



    Make an appointment with your doctor. Blood clots are serious conditions that need to be monitored by a physician. Blood clot symptoms include cramping, redness, swelling and gradual onset of pain at the affected site.


    Keep the affected area elevated and avoid prolonged sitting. Blood clots that occur in the legs have the potential to travel to the lungs and lead to serious complications and possible death. To prevent this, doctors recommend elevating the leg and not lying down or sitting for a great deal of time during treatment.


    Take an anticoagulant medication. Anticoagulants help aid the body's natural clotting ability and can break up blood clots and prevent the condition from worsening. Heparin is an anticoagulant administered through an IV and warfarin is an oral medication prescribed.


    Find out if you are candidate for surgery to get rid of the blood clot. A doctor may decide to do a thrombectomy in lieu of using anticoagulant medication if the condition is serious. Doctors will surgically remove the blood clot from the body during this procedure.


    Use compression products. During treatment as well as a part of follow up care, the patient may be advised to wear compression stockings or use compression devices to help prevent blood clots.

What Does a Heavy Metal Cleanse Do?

Heavy metals are toxic chemicals and compounds that are found in our environment. These heavy metals can cause harm to the body, especially when they accumulate to toxic levels over time. There are many products available, both online and in health food stores that claim to detoxify the body of these metals. Heavy metal cleanse products should help to remove the heavy metals from the body through metabolic pathways.

Harmful Heavy Metals

    Lead can be found in the air from factory emissions, in old paint, in water contaminated through old plumbing pipes, in pesticides and in cigarette smoke. Lead poisoning, called plumbism, is still one of the most common health problems in children in the United States.
    Mercury is found in the air and water due to pollutants from chemical plants. This has caused the fish population to become infected with mercury, so when humans ingest the fish, they are also ingesting the mercury. Mercury is also found in amalgam fillings in the teeth, cosmetics and pesticides.
    Aluminum is a metal found in antacids, deodorants and aluminum cookware. Other metals of concern include arsenic, copper, cadmium, nickel, iron and uranium.

Symptoms of Heavy Metal Toxicity

    The body cannot dispose of heavy metals so they are stored in the circulatory system, lymphatic system, fatty tissue and vital organs including the brain and liver. As the levels increase, the body can experience symptoms including headaches, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, digestive problems, high blood pressure and depression.

What is a Heavy Metal Cleanse?

    There are a variety of heavy metal cleanse products available on the market. They range from pills, to drops to foot pads. They are generally a mixture of herbs, amino acids and antioxidants. The heavy metal cleanse products help to denature the toxins to aid in their elimination while also protecting and promoting normal cellular functions.

How to Cleanse

    The cleansing process usually takes anywhere from 1 to 3 months depending on the product used and the level of metals in the body. The cleansing products detoxify better and more efficiently when the patient also drinks plenty of water and adheres to a healthy and preferably organic diet. Those wishing to perform a heavy metal cleanse should also replace any amalgam fillings with new composite fillings.


    Doctor, natural healthcare providers and chiropractors can all perform tests on urine, hair or saliva samples that can determine the level of buildup of heavy metals in the body. There are also home test kits available, but the tests run by a professional will result in more reliable results.

Natural Cures for Nasal Allergies

Natural Cures for Nasal Allergies

Our bodies produce mechanisms to fight off germs and stay healthy. For instance, nasal allergies trigger histamines in our body, which in turn, result in the uncomfortable symptoms associated with the condition. While it's important to have histamines, an overabundance of them can make you uncomfortable. Luckily, there are natural cures to help you overcome the symptoms without having to take prescriptions or over-the-counter antihistamine medications.

Get Rid of Allergens

    One of the best ways to start curing your nasal allergies is to begin ridding your home and surroundings of the allergens that are creating the reactions. Vacuum your home and car daily and change air filters often. You can even run a small air purifier in your office or workspace.
    After coming in from the outdoors, be certain to shower and change clothing, and you might want to limit outdoor activities during high pollen seasons.

Saline Rinse

    Many nasal allergy sufferers find relief using a saline rinse daily. To make your own, combine 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 3 tablespoons of non-iodized table salt and mix well. Then add 1 teaspoon of the mixture to 1 cup of warm water and, using a bulb syringe, irrigate and rinse the nasal passage to help cure allergies.

Nutrition and Exercise

    Nutrition and exercise are vital to our bodies' well-being, as we are less likely to react to allergens if we are healthy. Eat properly and exercise daily, particularly during high pollen seasons. Your immune system will be stronger and you will be more resistant to nasal allergy problems.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

How to Alleviate Arthritis

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis, which is characterized by the breakdown of cartilage. Arthritis affects millions of people each day, causing pain and making it hard for them even to get out of bed or make it through the day. Many treatments are available, but the natural treatments will be emphasized here.



    Eat fish and nuts that contain omega-3 fatty acids, which have been proven to reduce inflammation. Reducing inflammation can alleviate some of the pain of arthritis.


    Increase your water intake to promote cartilage formation.


    Maintain your weight with a healthy diet because extra weight can increase the pain associated with arthritis.


    Try different over-the-counter supplements to find the best one for you. Supplements include glucosamine, chondrointin sulfate, niacinamide, and methyl sulfonyl methane, or MSM.


    Exercise in any form to help alleviate arthritis pain. The buoyancy of swimming is particularly good for relieving stress on the joints, and a heated pool can help to reduce inflammation.


    Try medical remedies if these natural remedies do not alleviate your arthritis pain. Use ibuproin for pain and inflammation and consider cortisone injections. These will need to be administered by a doctor.

How to Avoid Arthritis

Arthritis is a collection of conditions involving inflammation and pain of one or more joints in your body. The concerned joints may be warm, swollen, painful and tender, particularly during movement. Arthritis can cause so much pain and disable you. Unfortunately, arthritis is not curable. You can only treat it and treatment is normally focused on managing the pain. However, you can avoid arthritis by keeping your body flexible while applying natural methods of prevention.



    Drink plenty of water. Water helps prevent arthritis by lubricating your joints and cartilage so that you can have more movement. Water also makes your joints more-efficient shock absorbers. Drink at least ten glasses of water daily.


    Consume turmeric. This common East Indian spice contains a powerful substance called curcumin. It inhibits the onset of joint pain by suppressing inflammation in your body.


    Take vitamin C tablets. This important vitamin can help you avoid arthritis by helping your body make more collagen, an important component of cartilage. Take one 500mg tablet once a day.


    Eat cinnamon. Cinnamon contains a potent ingredient called hydroxychalcone which helps remove deposits and blockages that can cause arthritis. Add cinnamon to warm milk or sliced apples. Eat these foods every day.


    Practice yoga exercises focusing on your joints. Yoga can prevent arthritis by keeping your joints flexible. Perform yoga exercises every day. See link below for a You Tube video.

Natural Anti-Fungal Treatments

Natural Anti-Fungal Treatments

Typically, a person with fungal problems visits a physician or takes a quick trip to the pharmacy. This generally results in the patient using a conventional anti-fungal drug--like Clotrimazole, Monistat, Lamisil, Spranox or Diflucan. Some, however, prefer to deal with these sorts of issues by utilizing more natural anti-fungal solutions.

Vinegar Mixture

    A natural home remedy for fungal problems--particularly when it comes to the feet--is to create a vinegar mixture, and then soak the affected area. To create the mixture, pour 1 cup of water into a bowl, and then pour one-fourth of a cup of vinegar into the bowl. Soak the affected area in the vinegar mixture twice a day for 10 to 15 minutes each time.

Baking Soda Mixture

    Another simple natural remedy for fungal issues to is create a baking soda mixture. Take one-half cup of baking soda and mix it with 4 tablespoons of powdered sage, 2 tablespoons of dry white clay (fine) and 2 teaspoons of zinc oxide powder. Dust the affected area with the mixture. You can even spread a little around in your shoes, to keep them clean, dry and fresh.

Tea Tree Oil

    Another natural remedy, albeit one that may necessitate a trip to an herbal store, is tea tree oil. Apply the oil to the affected area.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Body Cleansing During Pregnancy

Body Cleansing During Pregnancy

While it is important to take care of your body during pregnancy, be sure that you are body cleansing in a way that won't hurt the baby by avoiding the unknowns.

Fun Fact

    Drinking water is the most effective way to cleanse your body during pregnancy. Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day.


    Avoid any herbal or detox remedy while pregnant. Not only are these remedies not scientifically proven to work, they can have unknown effects on the baby.


    Cutting out caffeine, alcohol and nicotine are immediate ways to rid your body of toxins. In addition, not consuming these substances is better for the baby.


    Sticking to non-processed foods is another way pregnant woman cleanse their bodies. If you don't know what's in it, don't eat it.


    When you exercise, you sweat, cleansing the body in the safest and most natural way. Exercise also will have added benefits for you and your baby.

How to Help Heal Your Sciatica (Lower Back Pain Caused From Nerve Pinch)

How to Help Heal Your Sciatica (Lower Back Pain Caused From Nerve Pinch)

You've been diagnosed with Sciatica. It can be an extremely difficult and debilitating to your life. Here's some things you can do to help your condition. (I'm not a doctor and this is just from my experience. Please use this at your own discretion and consult a doctor before trying any of this.)



    Stop doing the same thing you are doing. That's how you got that way. Chances are you are sitting with bad posture and in a bad chair and most people with Sciatica work while sitting. Purchase a firm mattress. If it's uncomfortable at first it will feel better eventually. Then purchase a lumbar support for your back. (I prefer the mesh kind). They are usually $10 or less at Walmart and you can place them in your car and at work.


    If you work in a office, I suggest sitting on a firm exercise ball. This will feel awkward at first but it will help your muscles get stronger and will stop you from slouching. Daily concentrate on your posture and read books about how to maintain it properly.


    You must find the correct chiropractor. Chiropracting is a broad field with many ideas and theories. I found the most helpful to be those trained in Active Release Technique. These physicians help massage the muscle that is causing the pelvic or disc shift that could be pinching the sciatic nerve. With a regular chiropractor, the bones will shift right out of place again. If you don't feel better for a few days after, you haven't found the right one. In order to save money, keep looking until you find someone that knows the muscles and tissue in and out.

How to Do a Home Kidney Stone Cleanse

Your body has two kidneys that function to filter toxins and waste products from your blood. They also regulate the electrolyte levels in your body. Waste products of cellular metabolism, often rich in nitrogen, are eliminated from your body in the form of urine. Occasionally, urine can crystallize and form renal calculi (kidney stones). If left untreated, these kidney stones can cause blockage and severe pain. However, by applying the natural treatments below, and after consulting with a doctor about your symptoms, you can cleanse your urinary system of kidney stones at home.



    Consume fruits high in citrates. Citrates stop kidney stones from increasing in size while preventing calcium from accumulating in your kidneys. Fruits high in citrates include grapes, bananas, oranges and tomatoes.


    Take kava-kava tablets. This herb is a calcium channel blocker which alleviates the spasms related to kidney stones while relaxing your urethra. The recommended dosage is one 120 mg tablet once daily.


    Drink an olive oil and lemon juice concoction. The olive oil lubricates and soothes your urethral passages while the high acidity of the lemon juice breaks down the crystal aggregations, clearing your urethral passages of kidney stones. Drink this mixture once a day before going to bed. If stone pain is detected, mix 2 oz. olive oil with 2 oz. lemon juice,drink straight down and then drink a large glass of water. Stones should pass within 24 hours.


    Drink apple cider vinegar. The high acidity of apple cider vinegar breaks up your kidney stones and allows them to easily pass from your body through your urine. Drink 5 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar daily, preferably 30 minutes before meals, diluted to your taste in water.


    Drink a lot of water. Increasing your water consumption prevents new kidney stones from forming, while softening existing ones. Drink twelve full glasses of water a day to cleanse your urinary system of kidney stones.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Bowel Cleansing Recipe

There are many different ways to cleanse the colon. Many involve the purchase of ready-made colon cleansing kits. These can sometimes be harsh and harmful to use on a long-term basis. There are several homemade bowel-cleansing recipes that are just as effective as colon-cleansing kits. Some of these contain psyllium, bentonite, lemon and other natural ingredients. Papaya is another popular ingredient in homemade bowel cleansing recipes.

Psyllium and Bentonite Bowel Cleanse

    One of the most popular bowel-cleansing recipes is the psyllium and bentonite cleanse. This is made like a shake. To make this cleanse, combine 1 tsp. of psyllium, preferably organic, with 1 tsp. of bentonite and 1 tsp. of ginger. Put this mixture in a jar with 8 oz. of apple juice, and shake it vigorously. Make sure all of the lumps are gone from the mixture. Drink it immediately, and follow this with a full glass, or 8 oz., of water. You can take this shake as many as five times a day. However, avoid eating anything for two hours before or after consuming the shake. Follow a high fruit diet while consuming these shakes. The bentonite clay in the shakes sticks to the walls of the intestines, and draws out impurities and toxins. The pysllium acts as a binding agent, while the ginger has antibacterial properties and kills parasites.

Lemon Cleanse

    One of the most popular bowel-cleansing recipes is called the lemon cleanse. This is simple to make and use. To make the lemon cleanse, combine 2 tbs. of lemon juice with 2 tbs. of pure maple syrup. Add one-tenth of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Mix this into 8 oz. of room-temperature water. You should not eat or drink anything else during the lemon bowel cleanse. Drink the mixture six to eight times a day for optimal results. This bowel cleanse will help to remove toxins and mucus from the body.

Green Papaya

    Use green papaya as another alternative bowel cleaner. Papaya contains a powerful enzyme called papain, which can eliminate hardened mucus and large amounts of toxins in the body. To make a papaya bowel cleanse, take a small amount of green papaya, and combine it with other fruits of your choice; mix them together with some water in a blender. Drink it immediately after mixing. This is especially effective if taken first thing in the morning. You may also want to focus your diet on eating more alkaline foods, since this will enable the cleansing process. Add psyllium if you need to fully empty your bowels.

Home Remedy for Vomiting

Vomiting involves the removal of stomach contents up from the esophagus and out of the body. Though unpleasant, it protects the body from harmful substances and is usually accompanied by nausea. It can be caused by many things such as too much alcohol, pregnancy, chemotherapy, food poisoning, viral infections or motion sickness. The best way to stop vomiting is to treat the underlying cause. However, if vomiting is the only or main symptom, there are many herbal home remedies which are effective. These treatments are specifically for vomiting and may alleviate nausea indirectly but are not meant for nausea only.

Herbal Teas

    There are herbal teas that are very good for treating vomiting. Agrimony tea contains astringent substances that reduce the amount of fluids in the esophagus, which can help prevent vomiting. Use 1 teaspoon of the loose herb in 1 cup of water and drink up to three times daily. Fennel seed tea relaxes the muscles of the digestive tract and helps stop vomiting as well as alleviating any pain, indigestion or acid regurgitation that may occur with it. Drink 1 cup up to three times daily in tea bag form. Do not use fennel seed if you have an estrogen-sensitive disorder such as breast cancer, endometriosis or fibrocystic breasts. Ginger tea stops vomiting and nausea. Drink 1 cup up to five times a day in tea bag form.

Herbal Supplements

    There are two tinctures that are also helpful. Codonopsis treats vomiting and diarrhea. This can only be used under professional supervision. Scutellaria is useful for vomiting which results from viral infections. It has substances that weaken the virus and can control accompanying vomiting. Take 1 to 1/ teaspoons in cup of water up to three times daily. Do not use scutellaria if diarrhea is present. There is also a traditional Chinese formula which has a long history of use for vomiting. Five Ingredient Powder with Poria reduces fluids in the digestive track.