Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Asthma Relief Without Medicine

Asthma Relief Without Medicine

Hundreds of millions of people worldwide suffer from asthma. Although many asthma patients rely exclusively on steroid-based medications like Foradil, Proventil and Accolate, an increasing number of people are finding success with alternative methods of relieving asthma symptoms.

Breathing Techniques

    The Buteyko breathing technique is gaining popularity with asthmatics.

    Breathing exercises are used by asthma patients as a complementary treatment to medications or, in some less severe cases, as a sole alternative treatment. To guard against hyperventilation, one popular method to try is known as the Buteyko Technique. To learn diaphragmatic breathing, try the Papworth Method.


    Walking and other light exercise helps to strengthen the lungs.

    Daily exercise helps asthmatics tremendously. Exercise for 30 minutes each day to help strengthen the lungs and improve overall health. Light exercises like golf, walking and yoga are advised for people with asthma since these activities allow for brief intervals of rest throughout the workout.


    A vegan diet has been shown to drastically reduce asthma flare-ups. A study conducted at Shou University in Taiwan found that teenagers who consumed meat were 1.5 times more likely than vegan teenagers to develop asthma. Also, Dr. Frank Oski, the chief of pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, speculates that more than 50 percent of all children are allergic to milk and that dairy products are responsible for most allergy-triggered asthma cases. Asthmatics should try transitioning to a vegan menu, if at all possible.

Alternative Treatments for Plantar Warts

Plantar warts are found on the bottom of the feet and are characterized by a soft center surrounded by rough rings. There may be little black dots, which are bits of coagulated blood. These warts can be painful and affect posture. Like genital warts, they are caused by a strain of human papillomavirus (HPV). Natural treatments for warts work more slowly than their conventional counterparts, but they are pain free and inexpensive.

Herbal Treatments

    Aloe vera gel has strong antiviral and antibacterial properties. Apply to the wart two to three times a day until it is gone.
    Astragalus keeps the immune system functioning properly, which is important for preventing and healing warts. Take capsules as directed on the label.
    Bloodroot is a well-known natural topical agent used for removing warts and skin tags. A good paste is available from Omega Labs. Apply as directed on the product label and cover with a bandage.
    Bromelain strengthens the immune system and contains enzymes that help dissolve warts. Take 2,000 milligrams three times daily. If you are allergic pineapple, you may develop a rash when using bromelain. Discontinue use if a rash appears.
    Olive leaf is one of the strongest anti viral herbs available; take 250 to 500 milligrams three times daily.
    Reishi mushroom is a powerful immune stimulant that also has strong antiviral properties; take 150 to 300 milligrams three times a day.
    Cat's claw is good for stimulating the immune system and fighting off viruses; take 20 milligrams three times a day.

Other Suggestions

    Make a garlic patch by covering the wart with olive or castor oil, and place a thin slice of garlic over it. Keep these treatments in place for 24 hours, and replace if necessary. Place a piece of tape over it to hold it in place.
    A study led by A. Schneider published in a 1990 edition of Nutrition and Cancer found that pork intake is strongly linked to the growth of warts and tumors caused by HPV.

Colloidal Silver Dangers

Colloidal silver contains submicroscopic silver particles in a liquid base, used as an alternative health product for treating many disorders. Historically, people applied silver solutions as a topical antiseptic, and silver nitrate eyedrops are still administered to newborn infants to prevent eye infections. Consuming large amounts of silver or taking it for lengthy time frames can cause serious side effects.

Expert Insight

    According to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, negative effects associated with silver supplementation include seizures and kidney damage.

Pregnancy Concerns

    Pregnant women should not take colloidal silver because it is linked to developmental abnormalities in unborn babies.

Drug Interactions

    Colloidal silver decreases the absorption of some medications. These include penicillamine, quinolone and tetracycline antibiotics, and thyroxine.

Side Effects

    In a poll conducted by the Silver Medicine website, a small number of respondents reported adverse effects from taking colloidal silver. These side effects included diarrhea, digestive problems, gas and a problem with calcium absorption.

Skin Condition

    People who consume colloidal silver in large amounts or for long periods can experience a permanent change in skin color to ash-gray or blue-gray, a condition called argyria. This results from excess silver being deposited in the body.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Gray Hair Cure With Molasses

Blackstrap molasses is not just for baking any more. This humble liquid (albeit a sticky one), the product of the third boiling in the process of making sugar from beets or sugarcane, actually has healthy benefits. One of the most exciting benefits from it is the gray hair cure with molasses.

A Teaspoon of Molasses...

    The first and most basic gray hair cure is taking molasses straight first thing in the morning. All you do is pour a teaspoon of blackstrap molasses into a measuring spoon and swallow it.

An Iced Molasses Recipe

    Add one tablespoon to enough hot water to dissolve the molasses. Put some ice in the glass then add 3/4 of a cup of milk, rice drink or soy milk.

A Plainer Recipe

    Add a teaspoon of blackstrap molasses to a cup of water and heat it in the microwave until it is warm enough for the molasses to dissolve. Stir the water with a spoon to ensure the molasses is completely dissolved and drink it.


    Earth Clinic lists a long range of cures their readers have shared thanks to their use of blackstrap molasses. One of the ailments that have received the most positive feedback is graying hair. Other sites repeat this claim, though no medical studies have been completed to back up this claim. Medical studies have been done to prove molasses' effectiveness to lower blood pressure as well as helping to cure depression.

Alternative Remedies for Menopause Symptoms

There are many alternative remedies to ease menopause symptoms ranging from herbal supplements to soy products. Including these alternative therapies in your treatment program will provide you with substantial relief from hot flashes, night sweats and other symptoms associated with menopause. Smoothing the way through menopause and its multitude of symptoms is no longer dependent on taking estrogen products, as long as there are other options available. Incorporating these healthier, alternative options into your lifestyle will lessen the impact menopause symptoms have on your life.

Behavioral Changes and Vitamin E

    Simple behavioral changes can be easily integrated into your life to help with menopause symptoms. To reduce the incidence of hot flashes, wear loose, cotton clothing. Avoid spicy hot foods. Limit coffee and alcohol. Keep your stress levels in check. Deep, focused breathing for as little as five minutes twice a day can reduce the number of hot flashes. Avoid taking long, hot baths before bedtime.

    Vitamin E (400 to 800 IU) may also be helpful in decreasing the amount of hot flashes you experience.

Natural Progesterone Cream and Soy

    According to Dr. Christiane Northrup in her book "The Wisdom of Menopause," about 85% of women who use a progesterone cream that contains 2% progesterone experience a reduction in hot flashes. Apply about 1/4 teaspoon of this cream daily for relief.

    Soy products may be added to the diet to relieve symptoms of menopause. Although there is some contradictory information regarding the benefits of soy, Christiane Northrup again concludes that the addition of soy in the diet can have benefits when treating hot flashes. After 12 weeks, women who consumed 60 grams of soy protein per day experienced a 45% reduction in hot flashes. Good sources of soy include soy milk, tofu, edamame and roasted soy nuts.

Black Cohosh, Exercise and Yoga

    One of the most common herbs used to treat symptoms of menopause is the herb black cohosh. It has been shown to reduce the symptoms of hot flashes by reducing their intensity and duration. Black cohosh is available in supplement form, and may be taken for six months at a time.

    Simply adding an exercise regime to your daily lifestyle can help with relieving some of the symptoms of menopause. Exercise is also critical for maintaining bone density in post-menopausal women. Weight-bearing exercise seems to offer the most benefit to the bones. Lift weights two times a week for 40 minutes each time to help maintain strong bones during menopause. Take a walk to lessen the stress related to menopause and to maintain your weight.

    Yoga is beneficial as an alternative to treat menopause. Specific yoga poses can help to alleviate hot flashes, stress, mood swings and depression. In her book, "The New Yoga for People Over 50," Suza Francina goes over these yoga poses.

    Add some of these alternative treatments to your daily routine to help with symptoms of menopause.

What Are the Health Benefits of Charcoal Tablets?

Activated charcoal tablets have the capacity to adsorb a large amount of chemicals. Adsorb means that the charcoal can hold chemical molecules to its surface. Charcoal's capability has made these tablets desirable and widely used in industries that specialize in products for home improvement and personal health. The tablets are a beneficial addition to first aid kits that people keep in their campers, cars and houses.

First Aid for Brown Spider Bites

    Bites from brown recluse spiders, scorpions or hornets can be treated with an immediate treatment of activated charcoal tablets. Use the charcoal tablet by wrapping it in a cloth and pounding into poultice. Then lay the cloth on the bite. The charcoal inside the poultice wrap helps to carry toxins out of the body by its adsorbent properties. While this treatment can be effective, it is still important to see a physician as soon as possible after receiving a bite.

Air Filters for Allergies and Asthma

    Those people who suffer allergies brought on by pollutants in the air inside their homes, air filters with charcoal inserts might help. They can be found on the Internet as well as in home improvement centers. The charcoal tablet in the air filter works as the pollutants in the air enter the filter and are adsorbed by the charcoal. This characteristic is especially important for people with asthma or those who have allergies to particles in the air. The charcoal inserts can also have the benefit of helping get rid of odors.

Poison Control

    If someone accidentally ingests or absorbs poison, food-grade charcoal tablets have been known to help. Some poisons that can be neutralized by charcoal tablets include carbon dioxide, chlorine and hemlock. The charcoal tablet is ingested into the body as soon as possible after the poison has been swallowed. The charcoal will then adsorb the poison, thus attaching it to itself on its journey through the body. This chemical reaction between the charcoal and the poison will limit the damage that the poison could ordinarily cause to the body. Although charcoal tablets can be used as a first measure, always call the poison control center first if someone ingests any form of poison.

How to Buy Bioidentical Hormones in Canada

How to Buy Bioidentical Hormones in Canada

Many doctors in the United States and Europe have begun using bioidentical hormones for hormone replacement therapy, also called HRT. Doctors in Canada are beginning to prescribe this natural treatment for HRT, but Canadian availability can still be challenging.



    Understand bioidentical hormones. Hormones regulate almost every function in our bodies. Bioidentical hormone replacements are very different from traditional medicine's synthetic hormones in that bioidentical hormones look molecularly the same as and act like the ones our bodies make. Bioidentical, or natural, hormones are made from plants, such as soy, and animals, such as pigs. The materials from these sources are structurally changed in a lab so that the molecules are the same as the ones we produce. Synthetic hormones cause the body to react in a way that our hormones do, but synthetic hormones do not resemble real hormones structurally.


    Find a doctor or health care practitioner who prescribes bioidentical hormones. While challenging, it is becoming easier to find doctors in Canada who work with natural hormones. Check out sites such as womenshealthmaters.ca, which have helpful guides and forums for people seeking bioidentical prescribing doctors in different territories and provinces.


    Find a compounding pharmacist. Compounding pharmacists use natural hormones mixed into an application, using various strengths and combinations of the hormones. The amounts and types depend on the doctor's prescription. Health care practitioners who prescribe bioidentical hormones can help you find a compounding pharmacy. For those still looking for a physician or clinician that works with bioidentical hormones, these pharmacies usually can recommend one.
    The Association of Compounding Pharmacists of Canada has a list of pharmacies. It also can help you find a doctor in your area.


    Decide which type of bioidentical hormone you want to use. Your doctor or pharmacist can offer suggestions based on your individual needs. Natural hormones come in many forms, including creams, gels, lozenges, suppositories, injections and oral supplements. Many people feel the transdermal (applied to the skin) method of bioidentical hormones works best because the hormones are easily absorbed this way.


    Purchase natural hormone replacements in herbal formulas. Large retailers in Canada, such as Costco and Sears, offer herbal HRT supplements that contain soy and other isofavones that work like bioidentical hormones.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Natural Hormone Treatments

Hormones are chemicals created by the body that serve as messengers. Traveling via the bloodstream, hormones cause reactions in organs and tissues and instruct the body how to behave. Different hormones are responsible for your body's growth, metabolic processes, sexual functioning, reproductive processes and moods. Hormonal imbalances can cause a host of inward and outward symptoms and can send unnecessary or excessive signals to certain areas of the body, thereby causing a disruption in its ability to function properly.

Black Cohosh

    Black cohosh is an excellent treatment for hormonal imbalances in women and the conditions that are caused by such imbalances. Black cohosh can be used to treat endometriosis, hot flashes, menopausal symptoms, menstrual cramping and dysmehorrhea. The phytoestrogens in Black cohosh are plant-based estrogens that work to repair estrogen imbalances in the body. This herb can be consumed as a tea two times a day, or as one 20-milligram capsule twice daily for relief of female hormonal issues.


    Partridgeberry is another useful herbal remedy for women that can be used to successfully treat conditions like amenorrhea (absence of menstrual bleeding), dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) and to improve the uterine tone. This herb is a natural uterine relaxer and it can help alleviate menstrual cramping caused by hormonal imbalances, too. This herb can be consumed as an extract two to three times a day. Mix 14 to 18 drops of the extract with an 8-ounce glass of water for relief of feminine hormonal imbalances.

Siberian Ginseng

    Both men and women can suffer from hormone imbalances, and Siberian ginseng can benefit women and men looking to treat hormonal conditions. Siberian ginseng balances progesterone and testosterone levels by naturally stimulating the adrenal gland. This herb is classified as an adaptogen: an herb that helps restore natural balances in the body. Siberian ginseng can be safely consumed for the treatment of chronic fatigue, immunological issues and stress-related conditions. Siberian ginseng contains eleutherosides, which elevate energy levels and augment immunological functioning. This herb can be consumed in capsule form two to three times a day at a dosage of 400 milligrams for each dose.

Dong Quai

    Dong Quai is often used by females to alleviate menopausal symptoms, to minimize abdominal cramping, to help blood vessels dilate and to improve circulatory processes. This herb also has been used to treat amenorrhea. This herb can be consumed on a daily basis as a tea, or it can be taken in capsule form. You can take two 530-milligram capsules daily with a meal to ease digestion.

What Are Some Home Cures For Herpes?

What Are Some Home Cures For Herpes?

Herpes simplex virus is known as genital warts, cold sores, fever blisters, HSV-1 or HSV-2. It usually is seen as blisterlike outbreaks on the skin and inside the mouth. But can also lead to more serious types of body infections. For thousands of years, doctors have tried to find a cure, but HSV has proven to be persistent and hard to control. Recent studies suggest that HSV-1 is not strictly an infection of the mouth as was previously thought, and that it can be transmitted to the genital area and passed through transmission of body fluids in the same way HSV-2 is spread. There is no cure, but in many cases, the symptoms can be treated with simple methods and over-the-counter medications.

Relief of Symptoms

    - Maintaining good hygiene is imperative. Avoid touching the infected area, wash hands frequently, and keep fingernails clean to avoid transferring germs to the open sores.
    - Drink plenty of water to help flush the virus out of your body
    - Keep the infected area clean and dry. Clean gently with water and a mild soap, rinse thoroughly, and pat dry or use a hair dryer on a cool setting.
    - Cornstarch or a similar powder may be effective in keeping the area dry, but women should not use products containing talcum (often found in baby or body powder) because it may increase the risks of certain types of cancer.
    - Wear clothing that fits loosely and 100-percent cotton underwear to promote air circulation.
    - Ice packs placed directly on the infected area may soothe the pain and promote healing by suppressing the virus.
    - Some people report that warm baths help relieve the pain.
    - Avoid sex during outbreaks. Friction can prevent the blisters from healing.
    - Over-the-counter pain medications (ibuprofen, acetaminophen or aspirin) can help reduce fever and pain.

Dietary Supplements

    Many sources on the internet claim that oils and supplements help--and some even go so far as to say cure--herpes. The fact is that herbal and dietary supplements do not require approval and testing by the FDA, so the claims are largely unproven. Check with your doctor before adding any herbal supplements to your diet, because just like medications, herbal remedies or dietary supplements can have drug interactions and unexpected side effects.

Oral Herbs and Supplements

    - Echinacea is used to stimulate the immune system and help fight infection. When taken over time, echinacea can lower white blood cell count. It may also interfere with certain drugs used to treat the immune system.
    - Siberian ginseng works to boost the immune system. When tested on herpes patients, it was found to reduce the frequency, severityand length of outbreaks.
    - Lysine is an essential amino acid found in food. Taking lysine supplements can help speed up recovery and reduce the chances of recurrence.
    - Bee products containing propolis, a substance collected by bees that contains natural antibiotic properties and is thought to boost the immune system.

Topical Ointments

    - Aloe vera is a substance found in the aloe plant that has natural healing and soothing properties. While topical aloe has no known side effects, many aloe vera lotions commonly sold contain very little aloe and are mostly made up of other ingredients, any number of which could irritate blisters and make the condition more painful.
    - Zinc in a topical form may relieve symptoms and help prevent recurrences of HSV-1 herpes (canker sores). It is not recommended for genital herpes.


    Always check with your doctor or health-care provider before taking any kind of herb or supplement. Several prescription medications for the treatment of herpes are available by prescription. Some home cures for herpes may make the problem more severe, so if symptoms persist or get worse, see your doctor. An estimated one out of four adult women in the United States suffer from this highly contagious infection. The infection can hide in the system for many years before erupting. Prevent the spread of sexually transmitted disease by using condoms. People can pass herpes to a partner before they know they have it.

Natural Treatments for Uterine Fibroids & Ovarian Cysts

Fibroids are benign uterine growths. Many women have no symptoms while others experience bleeding, increased urination, bladder displacement, urine retention, constipation, infertility, miscarriage, pain during intercourse and anemia. Ovarian cysts are enlarged follicles that fail to rupture and release an egg. Women may experience general pain, disrupted periods, pain in the back and abdomen and painful intercourse. Both of these conditions are caused by imbalances in estrogen production. There are many natural treatments to deal with both of these conditions. Talk to your doctor about any natural supplements you are using.

Herbal Treatments for Fibroids

    Herbal treatments that address bleeding often work quite quickly, but supplements that control hormone levels take about three months of use before bringing about noticeable results.

    Black cohosh controls bleeding and relieves pain; take 500 milligrams daily. Cinnamon oil has a long history of use in traditional American medicine to control bleeding fibroids. Use 10-to-15 drops every 15 minutes until the bleeding stops. Dan shen, which should only be used under professional supervision, treats congealed blood, dark red clots during menstruation, and relieves pelvic congestion. Reishi tincture alleviates pelvic inflammation. Take one tablespoon in cup of water three times daily.

    There are three traditional Chinese formulas that are commonly used to treat uterine fibroids. Take as directed on the product label.

    Augmented Rambling powder lowers estrogen levels and is most useful for women who are also suffering from painful or difficult urination. Cinnamon Twig and Poria Pill lowers estrogen levels without interfering with the menstrual cycle or causing weight gain. Four Substance Decoction treats fibroids and is especially useful for women who eat a poor diet.

Herbal Treatments for Ovarian Cysts

    Dioscorea tincture, also known as wild yam, alleviates cramping caused by ovarian cysts. Take as directed on the label. Dong quai relieves pain resulting from this condition. Take 1,000 milligrams daily during the two-week period after menstruation and then discontinue for two weeks.

    There are several Chinese formulas used to treat ovarian cysts. Use as directed on the product label.

    Dong Quai and Peony Powder reduces estrogen levels and the formation of inflammatory substances in the tissues that line the uterus. Two Cured Decoction reduces estrogen levels. Augmented Rambling Powder and Cinnamon Twig and Poria pill, which are listed above, can also be used for ovarian cysts.

Other Suggestions

    Estrogen is produced from body fat. Excess weight increases the amount of estrogen in the body, so make an effort to maintain a normal weight. Do your best to exercise regularly and reduce stress levels. Avoid the following herbs that stimulate estrogen production: Coleus, Cordyceps, fennel seed, licorice, and moutan.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Herbal Cure for Halitosis

Halitosis, also known as bad breath, affects everyone. Disagreeable breath odor caused by foods such as cabbage, garlic, and onions usually goes away on its own. However, there are other causes that can result in continuous bad breath. This kind of halitosis is usually the result of some sort of bacterial infection in the mouth or digestive tract, and it cannot be corrected unless the infection is treated. There are many herbal treatments that can mask odors and address these underlying causes.

Herbal Treatments

    Alfalfa contains chlorophyll, which cleans the bloodstream and colon, where bad breath often starts. Take either 1,000 milligrams in tablet form three times a day or 1 tablespoon of liquid in juice or water three times a day. Barberry, coptis, golden seal, and Oregon graperoot all contain substances that kill E. coli, the most common reason for denture odor. Choose one and take three to four drops of tincture in one-quarter cup of water and use as a mouthwash every day. German chamomile tea alleviates inflammation and temporarily stops bad breath caused by gum disease. Swish one-half of a cup around the mouth and swallow twice a day. Hawthorn helps keep gum tissue healthy. Take 250 milligrams three times a day. Peppermint tea is good to drink after a meal containing offensive foods. Drink one cup. Tea tree oil toothpaste is a strong disinfectant. Turmeric tincture prevents gum decay. Use as directed on the label.

    Cat's claw strengthens the immune system against H.Pylori, the bacteria that causes gastritis and peptic ulcers. This bacteria is also a potential cause of chronic halitosis. Take 1,00 milligrams three times a day. Do not use this herb if you use insulin for diabetes or if you are pregnant or nursing. Peppermint tea is good to drink after a meal containing offensive foods. Do not use peppermint if you have any gallbladder disorders. Drink one cup. Tea tree oil toothpaste is a strong disinfectant. Never use tea tree oil internally. People who are allergic to celery or thyme should not use this herb in any form.

Other Suggestions

    Chewing parsley or fennel seeds is an effective way to combat bad breath after eating garlic or onions. Drink plenty of fluids since a dry mouth will intensify bad breath. Cleaning the tongue with a tongue scraper should be a routine part of oral hygiene. Do not eat foods that easily get stuck between the teeth, such as meat, stringy vegetables, and sweets. Food that gets stuck between the teeth can cause bacteria.

Important Considerations

    While most cases of halitosis are not the result of anything serious, there are certain serious conditions that produce very distinctive breath odors. Breath that smells of stale beer can be indicative of tuberculosis. A rotten egg smell is typical in liver failure. Fruity smells indicate extremely high blood sugar that causes diabetic ketoacidosis. People with bronchitis often have breath that smells like rotten fish.

Home Remedy With Honey for a Cough

If you are looking for a home remedy to treat a bothersome cough, look no further than the jar of honey sitting in your cupboard. While over-the-counter cough syrups are readily available, honey offers a homemade solution to a common symptom of colds and the flu. Honey offers a completely natural alternative to soothe a throat raw from coughing. It offers a safe and valid alternative to dextromethorphan, an ingredient found in most cough syrups. In addition, it has virtually no side effects and is quite safe for use with children.

Cayenne Honey Cough Syrup

    This is a cough syrup that tastes absolutely horrible, but works great. It helps to soothe an irritated throat and loosen congestion and phlegm in the chest. If you can tolerate the taste it is worth considering. Combine the following ingredients in a bowl: 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper, 1/4 teaspoon of ground ginger, one tablespoon of honey, one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and two tablespoons of water. Mix together well and take one to two teaspoons several hours apart for relief. You may want to make it in larger quantities and keep in a bottle in the refrigerator.

Lemon and Honey

    The combination of lemon and honey is a classic for treating a cough as well as soothing a sore throat. If you have a minor cough, try this instead of resorting to an over-the-counter cough medicine. Boil a whole lemon, remove from water, then let the lemon cool. Once it has cooled, squeeze the juice into a small bowl and combine with one cup of honey. Take two tablespoons of this mixture every four hours for relief of your coughing symptoms. This mixture coats the throat and is very soothing. It's especially effective for those coughs that involve throat irritation as opposed to those with a significant throat or chest infection.

Garlic, Onions, Oregano and Honey

    This is quite a smelly recipe for a cough-relieving syrup, but it works great on relieving a chronic cough that is accompanied by phlegm and congestion. Boil about one cup of water with two chopped-up garlic cloves, one tablespoon of oregano and one tablespoon of honey. Boil for about 10 minutes. Pour into a cup, let cool slightly and drink.

    Raw onion juice can be useful when treating a cough. Chop up an onion into very small chunks and extract the juice from the pieces. Mix one teaspoon of the onion juice with a teaspoon of honey. Take one teaspoon twice daily.

Laser Therapy Treatment for Calcifications

Calcification is a condition where calcium accumulates and hardens in the body tissue and bones. When calcium hardens on the bones, it can cause painful bone spurs. Most calcium is absorbed by the body and used to promote the health and maintenance of teeth and bones. About 1 percent of calcium winds up in the blood stream.

Bone Spurs

    Bone spurs often occur on the end of a bone or on joints that endure a lot of weight. Bone spurs are commonly located on the spine, and when they rub against other bones or nerve endings, they can cause pain. The pain can prove so extreme that your range of motion becomes limited and your lifestyle is banefully affected. People with conditions like spondylosis, spinal stenosis and osteoarthritis are more likely to develop bone spurs and calcifications. The bone spurs can be treated safely with laser therapy.

Laser Therapy Techniques

    Laser therapy involves the use of low intensity lasers to remove bone spurs via a non-invasive procedure. An infrared light is used to help diminish pain and promote healing. Cold laser therapy helps promote tissue regeneration on a cellular level and encourages proper blood flow to the area where calcifications have formed. The laser therapy encourages the blood to eliminate debris that would otherwise inflame and aggravate the bone spurs. While the bone spurs might remain after cold laser therapy, the site is treated so that pain can be permanently eliminated via laser therapy treatments.
    The laser generates photon energy that is absorbed by the body, promoting the release of energy to intensify cellular metabolic processes. This act further promotes normal cell functioning. Damaged issues are repaired quickly with laser therapy, and inflammation and swelling are also effectively minimized.

How Laser Therapy is Performed

    Since the benefits associated with laser therapy are cumulative, patients are required to have several sessions. Anywhere from five to 20 treatments might be required from a chiropractor or a clinic offering laser therapy treatments. Each session can last from 30 to 60 minutes, depending upon the severity and pain. Low level laser therapy involves the use of infrared light at energy ranges that fall between 1 and 500 milliwatts. Cold laser therapy further involves the utilization of a subthermal laser that exposes areas of the body to the invisible light rays that promote healing. A machine like the Microlight 830 applies the infrared light in a professional medical setting.

Herbs for Treating Asthma

Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition that is characterized by acute attacks of shortness of breath. It constricts the muscles lining the small air passages of the lungs, which keeps air from leaving the lungs. Attacks are triggered by a variety of things, including allergic reactions, stress, smoke, exposure to cold air, toxic chemicals and low blood sugar levels. Herbal medicines are useful for preventing attacks and are not appropriate for treating an acute attack. Herbal therapies can also help make steroids more effective so they can be used at lower dosages with fewer side effects.

Herbal Treatments

    German chamomile tea is a gentle antihistamine that can prevent asthma attacks. Drink one cup two or three times daily. Coleus, a popular Ayurvedic herb, also helps prevent attacks and is suggested for people with high blood pressure. Elderberry extract alleviates nasal congestion and fever. Ginger inhibits substances that cause allergic reactions. Use in the form of hexanol extract. Green tea contains a substance called theophyline, which opens bronchial passages. Drink one cup of tea two or three times daily. If you are using an inhaler, hawthorn can help prevent tissue damage to the liver, heart and pancreas. Take 250 milligrams three times a day. Grapeseed or pinebark capsules help prevent asthma attacks triggered by airborne allergens. Taking both is not necessary. Lobelia halts inflammatory reactions to dust, smoke and chemicals. Take 1,000 milligrams three times daily for no more than two weeks at a time.

    Tylophora is a natural antihistamine and antispasmodic. It has a long history of use in treating asthma. Take 250 milligrams one to three times daily. Do not use if you are pregnant, or have diabetes, high blood pressure or congestive heart failure. Khella tincture stops bronchial spasms. This herb causes sun sensitivity. Use sunblock when outside. Quercetin relaxes bronchial passages. Take 250 milligrams three times a day. Do not use quercetin if you are taking Sandimmune, Neoral, Adalat or Procardia. Scutelleria stops allergic reactions. Take 2,000 milligrams three times daily. Do not use if you have diarrhea. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, a review of studies regarding pycnogenol found it has potential to reduce symptoms and improve lung function. Take 1 milligram per pound of body weight. Do not take more than 200 milligrams.

Herbal Formulas

    Arrest Wheezing Decoction treats asthma that is accompanied by coughing, large amounts of yellow mucus, fever and chills. Ephedra, apricot, kernel, gypsum and licorice decoction are good for asthma with nasal allergy. It is especially useful for people with allergies to cedar pollen.

    Ephedra, asiarum and prepared aconite decoction treats chronic coughing and wheezing. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, the Japanese formula Saiboku-to has been shown to reduce symptoms and allowed those participating in the study to reduce their dosage of standard steroid treatments.

Other Suggestions

    Thymus extracts can improve symptoms and shorten the duration of attacks. These extracts help the immune system fight off chemicals that cause allergic reaction. Take 750 milligrams once a day. Drink at least eight glasses of water daily to help loosen and expel phlegm. Avoid sulfites, which are preservatives found in wine and dried fruit. They cause bronchial congestion. MSG can have the same effect on people with asthma. Dr. Andrew Weil, a natural health expert, recommends experimenting with radical dietary change, such as completely eliminating sugar, long-term fasting, trying a vegan (no animal products) or a macrobiotic diet. He has had patients respond very well to these sorts of changes. Only fast under the supervision of an experienced healthcare provider.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Alternative Treatments for Gout

Gout is a form of arthritis caused by an excessive amount of uric acid in the body. Uric acid is a byproduct of the metabolism of purines, which are substances found in some foods. Uric acid forms needlelike crystals in the joints, causing inflammation and pain. This is usually a recurring condition that can cause the affected joints to become immobile and cause some degree of kidney dysfunction. There are many natural treatments and lifestyle changes that can help manage this condition.

Herbal Treatments

    Unless a specific dose is indicated, take as directed on the product label. Since many of the treatments provide similar benefits, it is not necessary to take all of them. For example, if you were looking for an herbal substance to reduce inflammation, you could pick one of the herbs listed below to treat that particular symptom.

    Bilberry extract contains powerful antioxidant compounds. Celery seed has many anti-inflammatory compounds. Iporuru tincture relieves acute inflammation. Sarsaparilla can lessen the frequency of gout attacks. Take 3,000 milligrams three times daily. Cranberry extract maintains kidney health. Take 300 to 400 milligrams daily or drink one to two glasses of unsweetened cranberry juice every day. Cat's claw is a potent immune stimulator and an effective anti-inflammatory herb. Take 20 milligrams three times a day. Tumeric is another powerful anti-inflammatory herbal treatment. Take 300 milligrams three times a day.

    Bromelain dissolves uric acid crystals and is also well known for its powerful action against inflammation and swelling. Take 500 milligrams three times a day between meals. If you have an allergy to pineapple, using bromelain may cause a rash. Devil's claw is one of the most potent herbal pain relievers. Take 2,000 milligrams three times daily for no longer than three weeks. Do not use this herb if you have any kind of heart condition. Quercetin prevents the formation of uric acid. Take 250 milligrams three times a day between meals. Do not use this herb if you are using Neoral, Sandimmune or Procardia.

Nutritional Supplements

    Take a multivitamin to address any deficiencies in the diet. Omega-3 fatty acids are known for their anti-inflammatory action. Take one or two capsules of fish oil or one tablespoon of oil daily. Discuss use of these supplements with your doctor if you are using blood-thinning medications. IP-6 (inositol hexophosphonate) is beneficial for kidney health. Take one to eight grams daily on an empty stomach. This is commonly available in a flavored powder. Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is good for decreasing inflammation. Take 3,000 milligrams twice a day.


    Although purines are found in all foods, it is most important to monitor protein intake. Do not eat anchovies, baker's and brewer's yeast, herring, mackerel, sardines and shellfish. Limit intake of meat, poultry, dried beans and fish. Aim for a diet high in whole, unprocessed foods, especially fruits and vegetables which are high in antioxidants. Drink at least eight glasses of water daily to help flush uric acid from the body. Eating foods high in fiber help the body eliminate harmful substances, such as uric acid, by passing them out through the stool. This prevents re-absorption by the body. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, eating half a pound of cherries daily for two weeks lowers production of uric acid and helps prevent gout attacks. Avoid coffee and other sources of caffeine; they raise levels of uric acid in the body.

Natural Cures for a Bad Cold

A cold is a viral infection consisting of familiar symptoms such as a sore throat, headache, nasal and head congestion, coughing, watery eyes, and sneezing. Rhinoviruses are responsible for causing colds and they are well adapted to human hosts. A cure for the common cold still eludes modern science. There are many natural treatments which can help remedy a bad cold. Doses listed are for adults. Children under six should be given one-fourth the dose and children between 6 and 12 should be given half the dose listed.

Herbal Treatments For Strengthening the Immune System

    Cat's claw helps the immune system get rid of the virus faster. Take 3,000 milligrams three times daily. Do not use this herb if you take insulin for diabetes or are pregnant or nursing. Echinacea, a principal herb in Native American medicine, quickens recovery and can help prevent colds. Take 900 milligrams daily. If you suffer from any autoimmune condition, do not use this herb. Shiitake mushroom is a well known immune stimulant. It is especially good for colds that appear after periods of stress. Take 3 grams daily in tablet form

Herbal Treatments for Combating Symptoms of A Cold

    Astragalus keeps nasal passages linings from letting in rhinoviruses. Take 1,000 milligrams three times a day. If you have a fever or skin infection, do not use astragalus. Ephedra alleviates cough and congestion. Breath-Ease is an effective ephedra product. Take as directed on the label. Ephedra is an inappropriate treatment for anyone with anxiety, glaucoma, heart disease, high blood pressure, insomnia, or any sort of prostate disease.

    Fenugreek and thyme help expel mucus from the nasal passages. This combination is available from Nature's Way under the name Fenu-Thyme. Take as directed on the label. Ginger tea relieves head and chest congestion and chills. Drink one cup three times daily. Horehound lozenges break up nasal congestion. Use as desired. Hyssop tea is an effective expectorant and fights viral infection. Take one cup twice a day. Kudzu is good for colds accompanied by sore neck or muscle pain. Take 10 milligrams three times a day. Tea tree oil stops a sore throat. Use 4- to 6-drops in 1 1/2-cups of water as a mouthwash. Use as often as desired. Never take this oil internally and do not use if allergic to celery.

Food and Other Supplements

    At the first sign of a cold, eat two cloves of raw garlic. Garlic has very strong anti-viral properties. Taking high doses of vitamin C (ie, 2,000 to 4,000 milligrams a day) has been shown to reduce the duration of a cold by about one day. Scientific evidence on whether it helps prevent colds is mixed. Studies on the effect of zinc on colds have been mixed as well. Taking 30 milligrams daily of zinc may produce results, but this is not true for everyone. A study led by EA Belongia published in a 2001 edition of the American Journal of Medicine found that zinc nasal sprays can help reduce nasal congestion.

Other Suggestions

    Aromatherapy in a form of steam inhalations is effective for soothing irritation and clearing out the nasal passages. Some beneficial oils are eucalyptus, peppermint, yarrow, German chamomile, elderberry, and lemon balm. Unless you have a fever, try to remain active. This will help loosen and expel fluids and mucus.

Lysine & Licorice Cold Sore Cure

Cold sores are small, painful, fluid-filled blisters caused by the Herpes simplex 1 virus (HSV-1). Once you initially are exposed to this contagious virus you will always be susceptible to outbreaks, which are triggered by stress, fever, menstruation or sun exposure. These blisters form on the lips, chin, cheeks or inside of the mouth, but are not to be confused with canker sores, which are non-contagious ulcers of the mouth. Cold sores normally last for seven to 10 days, but you can reduce the duration and intensity with natural remedies such as lysine and licorice.


    According to a study done by the Southern California University of Health Sciences, lysine "inhibits normal replication of Herpes simplex virus (HSV), shortening the normal course and duration of the disease." Lysine is an essential amino acid that the body needs but can't make, so it must be obtained through diet. Good sources include red meat, eggs, milk, cheese, fish and wheat germ. Since arginine, another amino acid, supports the growth of the Herpes virus, arginine-containing foods such as chocolate, nuts, grains, oatmeal and whole wheat should be avoided.

    Lysine is available in supplement or cream form at most health food stores. The cream is applied topically and decreases pain as well as decreasing recovery time---from roughly two weeks to as little as four days. When you feel a sore coming on by the tell-tale sign of tingling, you can also take at least 1250 mg daily in supplement form. Lysine is especially effective when taken in conjunction with vitamin C, bioflavinoids and zinc.


    Licorice root, not be confused with licorice-flavored candies, has been a staple in healthcare for thousands of years, especially in Europe and China. Licorice root's main ingredient glycyrrhizin has both anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties, and therefore counteracts the symptoms of the Herpes simplex virus. You can chew whole sticks of licorice root, make a tea from it or take tablets. Glycyrrhizin may increase blood pressure in those who are susceptible, so don't use it for prolonged periods of time.


    Do not take lysine if you are pregnant or nursing.

    No amino acid in large doses should be taken for long periods of time.

    Replace your toothbrush after the cold sore is gone; your toothbrush can harbor the virus for many days, possibly leading to re-infection.

    Don't cover your cold sore with make-up as this will just incubate the virus.

    Don't pick at the sore or you will make it worse.

    Avoid salty or acidic foods.

    Try to relieve your stress as much as possible.

    Boost your immune system with echinacea tea and sugar-free zinc lozenges.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Natural Treatments for Perimenopause

Perimenopause is the time period just before a woman achieves menopause, and it can last two to eight years. Estrogen levels increase and decrease during the perimenopause stage, menstrual cycles grow longer or shorter, and ovulation processes begin to cease. Symptoms associated with perimenopause include irregular periods, slowed metabolic processes; sleep disturbances, hot flashes, mood changes, bone loss, and a diminished interest in sex. The symptoms of perimenopause can often be treated at home with all natural treatments.


    Regular exercise can help you gain much needed muscle mass to stay in shape and to increase your metabolic rate. The older you become, the slower your metabolism becomes; via exercise you can keep your metabolic rate functioning at peak performance. Exercise is also great for stress reduction, and getting enough exercise every day will ensure your overall well-being.

L-arginine and Choline

    Taking an L-arginine amino acid supplement can help reverse the effects of having low levels of testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen. When these hormones are too low, your interest in sex is affected. You can naturally restore your hormonal imbalance by taking two 1000 milligram capsules of L-arginine along with 350 milligrams of choline, a phospholipid needed for membrane functioning and formation, one a day to increase the amount of blood that flows to the tissues and organs in the pelvic area. To get natural sources of L-arginine amino acids from your diet, consume more walnuts, pecans, Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, buckwheat, almonds, peanuts, and meats.

Natural Progesterone Cream

    Natural progesterone cream is applied directly to the skin; a quarter teaspoon daily is all that is needed to gain the benefits of its use. This cream can be used to diminish hot flashes and uncomfortable night sweats, which are caused by decreases in estrogen levels and increases in follicle stimulating hormones. Some foods that can also help in alleviating night sweats include tofu and soy milk; you can consume 45 to 160 milligrams of isoflavones found in soy products every day for relief of hot flashes associated with perimenopause.

Valerian Root

    Women suffering from perimenopause may have sleep difficulties. Valerian Root is an herb that offers a sedating effect, because it helps to elevate the amount of gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the human brain. GABA is a special chemical that calms the mind and body and regulates cells. Thus, Valerian Root can be consumed at a dose of 150 to 300 milligrams about an hour before bedtime to promote sleep. You may want to consume more water when using Valerian Root, as this herb has a dehydrating effect on tissues.


    Passionflower is an herbal remedy that helps keep serotonin levels balanced and, therefore, helps to promote adequate sleep. Like Valerian Root, Passionflower consumption encourages the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid in the human brain. This herb can be consumed as a tea by using one teaspoon of dried leaves in steeping hot water just before bedtime.

Alternative Medicines for Lower Blood Pressure

Lowering blood pressure through alternative medicine is an excellent approach to an increasingly prevalent predicament. High blood pressure and heart disease are one of the leading causes of death and being proactive by discovering alternative approaches to lowering blood pressure is an essential step to heart health and total body wellness.


    With the advent of the obesity epidemic and individuals leading increasingly sedentary lifestyles, high blood pressure is a major concern for many individuals. Many people choose to continue eating the same way and take prescription blood pressure medication to manage their blood pressure. There are many alternative methods to managing blood pressure that do not have the negative side-effects of traditional pharmaceuticals. They are not only effective in managing high blood pressure, but also encourage total body wellness.


    There are three primary ways alternative medicine can be used to manage high blood pressure; through homeopathic medicine, food and lifestyle changes. Homeopathic medicine uses supplements and food rich in specific vitamins to treat high blood pressure. Some of the most frequent treatments prescribed by homeopathic medicine practitioners are potassium and magnesium. A homeopathic practitioner will either prescribe supplements or encourage patients to eat a diet that is rich in those minerals. Some foods that have proven blood pressure lowering benefits are bananas, molasses, soy and bananas.

Herbs and Supplements

    A homeopathic doctor may also prescribe herbs to help lower blood pressure. Some of the more frequently prescribed herbs and supplements are hawthorne, rauwolfia serpentine, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin E, coenzyme Q10 and Omega-3 Fatty Acids. These herbs and supplements work to lower blood pressure by dilating the blood vessels and helping the arterial walls remain healthy. Also increasing the intake of fiber may also help lower blood pressure when used in conjunction with other blood pressure controls such as reducing sodium intake and losing weight.


    Exercise is a great approach to lowering blood pressure because it is healthy for everyone, provided they work up to their goals gradually and know their limits. Exercise has the capability to lower blood pressure because it makes the heart stronger. When the heart is stronger it does not have to use as much effort to pump blood throughout the body. Further, exercise is essential to weight loss which is another component of lowering blood pressure and obtaining overall health.


    Lowering blood pressure by using alternative methods can be a great start to obtaining not only a healthier heart, but also total body wellness. However, when taking herbal supplements always be sure to check with a doctor because of potential interactions with currently prescribed medication. Further, a doctor should be consulted before stopping any existing blood pressure medication and beginning a rigorous exercise regime.

How Long Does it Take for Fish Oil to Get Into Your System?

How Long Does it Take for Fish Oil to Get Into Your System?

Fish Oil Explained

    Fish oil contains Omega-3, which is a polyunsaturated fatty acid found in fish like salmon and tuna. This fatty acid is comprised of Omega-3 compounds EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Omega-3 cannot be manufactured in our body, but has to be ingested from fish, plants or in supplements.
    Fish oil is available in capsules and in liquid form. The capsule forms are most popular because of taste, but the liquid form may be more beneficial.

How to Take Fish Oil Properly

    The amount of time for fish oil to take effect depends on the concentration and quality. Some capsules have only 30 percent concentration while others are much more potent, with a concentration of up to 85 percent Omega-3, which is similar to liquid fish oil supplements.
    Once ingested, fish oil is digested rapidly, but the amount of time to see benefits from taking fish oil can take up to three months, according to Dr. Mercola of Dr. Mercola's Natural Health Center.
    Dr. Mercola also prefers liquid fish oil due to the potency, but suggests a capsule formula of 180 /120 mg EPA/DHA for every 10 lbs. of body weight.
    If you experience a fishy aftertaste when taking fish oil, try keeping the bottle in the refrigerator or freezer. This will help cut down on the fishy burping after-effect, and also prolong shelf-life.

Why Fish Oil Is Important

    Fish oil has many benefits, including helping with heart disease. The risk of sudden cardiac arrest death was reduced by up to 36 percent when the diet was supplemented with Omega-3 fish oil supplements, according to a "Quarterly Journal of Significant Omega-3 Research" study by Harvard professor D. Mozzafarian in 2008. Fish oil supplements are also used to help rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune disorders, diabetes, cholesterol problems, depression, ADHD and other emotional disorders.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Guarana Side Effects

Guarana seeds come from a shrub found in Brazil and Venezuela. These seeds contain more caffeine than coffee beans and can be made into beverages, pills and powders. The ingredient is often included in energy drinks, teas and diet pills. While some tout guarana's effectiveness for weight loss, this substance can cause side effects.

Common Side Effects

    Common side effects of guarana include trouble sleeping, restlessness, increased heart rate, loss of appetite, anxiety, heart burn, shakiness, headaches, nausea, ringing in the ears, and frequent urination.

Allergic Reaction

    Signs of an allergic reaction to guarana include swelling of the throat, lips and tongue, hives or itchiness and trouble breathing Consult a doctor immediately if you are experiencing this side effects.

Serious Side Effects

    Serious side effects of guarana include vomiting, difficulty urinating, stomach cramps, racing heart, dizziness, seizures and severe stomach pain. These side effects may all indicate a guarana overdose and should be brought to the attention of a medical professional.

Other Conditions

    Side effects of guarana may be more dangerous to and more acutely felt by people with heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease or an overactive thyroid. These people should avoid any beverage or medication with guarana. Guarana should also not be used by those with a caffeine allergy.

Other Medications

    People taking any other pills that contain ephedra will worsen any side effects caused by guarana and therefore the two should not be taken together. Side effects as severe as stroke, hemorrhage, myocardial infarction, and fatal changes in heart rate and blood pressure can occur when guarana and ephedra are combined.

Holistic Cures for Anxiety

Anxiety is a part of many people's lives. It is characterized by nervousness and worry that can produce physical symptoms such as shortness of breath, sweating, heart palpitations, a feeling of claustrophobia and hot flashes. There are many natural ways of managing this condition, including using herbal supplements. Be sure to talk to your doctor about any natural treatments you use, especially if you are taking any prescription medicine for anxiety.

Herbal Treatments

    Many herbal treatments produce similar results, so it is not necessary to use every treatment listed here. For example, if you are looking to relieve muscle tension resulting from anxiety, taking only one of the herbs listed for this symptom is sufficient. Unless a specific dose is indicated, take as directed on the product label.
    California poppy with cordyalis treats anxiety without causing drowsiness. Do not use it if you are pregnant. Fennel tea alleviates gastrointestinal upset that often accompanies anxiety. Drink one cup as desired. Kava is well known for its ability to relax muscles and relieve pain, but do not use it if you have liver problems. Also, this herb should not be used for more than a few days at a time. It can increase the effects of alcohol and sedatives. Passionflower is one of the best known herbs for reducing mental distress. Drink one cup up to three times a day. If depression is an issue, St. John's wort can be of help, but do not use it if you are already taking pharmaceutical antidepressants, hormonal birth control or any medicines that interact with MAO inhibitors. Women who are pregnant or nursing should also refrain from using this treatment. Valerian is a natural sleep aid. Take 40 milligrams three times daily, but do not use it if you have any liver problems, or if you are pregnant or nursing.


    A study led by L. Guizhen that was published in a 1998 edition of "The American Journal of Acupuncture" found that acupuncture combined with psychotherapy was effective in relieving anxiety. Benefits lasted as long as one year after treatment. Acupuncture is a component of traditional Chinese medicine based on the belief that energy blockages in certain parts of the body cause specific health problems. Acupuncture attempts to clear these energy blockages to alleviate the condition.

Other Natural Methods

    According to Dr. Andrew Weil, there are many natural methods that are very successful in treating anxiety. Physical exercise and yoga are great for clearing the mind and relieving tension in the body. Meditation, which is focused concentration, is an effective way to slow down and take control of the mind. By gaining clarity in your thinking, you are able to respond better to outside stressors without getting overwhelmed with negative reactions like anxiousness. Sound has a significant influence on the central nervous system. Listen to relaxing music to help calm the mind and body. Deep breathing is also very effective for calming the central nervous system. Dr. Weil recommends an exercise in which you employ conscious regulation of breath. To begin, exhale completely through your mouth, making a loud whoosh sound. Next, inhale quietly through your nose while mentally counting to four. Hold your breath for a count of seven. Lastly, exhale loudly through the mouth to a count of eight. Do this a total of four times.

Natural Cold Sore Treatments

Natural Cold Sore Treatments

Cold sores are a direct cause of the herpes simplex virus and are highly contagious. They are small, painful, pus-filled blisters that appear on the lips, gums and the roof of the mouth. You may get some pain or tingling a few days before the cold sores appear. There is no cure for the herpes virus that causes cold sores, but you can use natural ways to treat them.


    Lysine is used to make protein we need to produce infection-fighting antibodies. We get lysine through natural supplements and foods we eat because it is an amino acid. Lysine is good at decreasing the effects of the herpes virus. We get lysine through foods we eat such as red meat, milk, eggs, cheese, wheat germ, fish and brewers' yeast. Lysine competes with another amino acid called arginine. The less arginine we have, the more lysine we have in our bodies. Lysine supplements taken three times a day may help shorten the duration of cold sores.

Lemon Balm

    Lemon balm is also known as Melissa officinalis. It has antiviral properties and is a good natural way to treat cold sores. You can use lemon balm in a cream form to reduce the recurrence of cold sores.

Peppermint Oil

    Peppermint essential oils have been found to penetrate the skin and have a direct effect against the herpes virus. Peppermint oil has not been scientifically proven to work on everyone to treat cold sores naturally. Until it has been, it should not be used.

Self Heal

    Self heal is an herb commonly grown in China and Europe. It is also known as Prunella vulgaris and is a perennial plant. The extracts of self heal have been known to treat herpes simplex I and herpes simplex II viruses.


    Resveratrol is a compound found in red grapes and has been found to be effective against the herpes simplex virus. You can use this natural treatment as a cream to treat cold sores. It has also been found to be effective on animals with the herpes virus. It has been found to be just as effective as Zovirax, a topical cold sore ointment.


    Propolis is a natural, brownish, resinous substance. Bees collect it from poplar to keep their hives clean. Propolis is very effective against cold sores. It has been found to prevent the virus from entering the body cells and to block the reproduction and spread of herpes.

How to Relieve Nausea Without Medication

How to Relieve Nausea Without Medication

A simple home treatment may be all that is needed to treat nausea. Whether your queasiness is a result the 'stomach flu', motion sickness or some other non-life threatening problem, there are natural, home remedies for nausea that you can use as an alternative to medications. These techniques should be used in people four years and older.



    Use an acupressure band. These are easily found in your local pharmacy, and are a common treatment for motion sickness.


    Use acupressure. Place your right index finger on the underside of your left wrist, about 1 1/2 inches from your hand. Apply moderate pressure for two to three minutes. Because pressure points are very small, it make take you a few times to locate the exact spot on your wrist. This form of acupressure can be repeated as needed. Another pressure point that may help relieve nausea is located between the thumb and forefinger. Again, moderate pressure for two to three minutes should help relieve that queasy feeling.


    Slowly dissolve a peppermint drop in your mouth, chew a piece of peppermint gum or sip some peppermint tea. If you don't have peppermint tea, dissolve a peppermint drop in a cup of tea. Peppermint may help decrease stomach contractions that could be causing your nausea.


    Take two teaspoons of any flavor non-carbonated syrup. The carbohydrates in the syrup can help calm your stomach.


    Take two ginger root capsules or steep a cup of tea with a piece of fresh ginger in it. Ginger ale can also help. Ginger has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for nausea.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Natural Cures & Treatments for Dandruff

Dandruff is a common scalp condition. It usually results from excessive drying of the skin and over-activity of the oil glands. Dead skin cells shed and cause white flakes and possibly an itchy scalp. This condition usually runs in families, but can also be caused by fatigue, stress, hormonal imbalances, frequent exposure to dry air, and neurological conditions. Herbal treatments are used topically and should bring about noticeable results in six to eight weeks.

Herbal Treatments

    Burdock oil provides the skin with essential fatty acids. After shampooing and drying, apply about 1 teaspoon to the scalp. Copaiba oil is very effective for curbing inflammation and flaking. You can buy copaiba shampoo or add a few drops of oil to a commercial dandruff shampoo. Tea tree oil is a strong anti-fungal agent. Add 2 teaspoons of oil to 1 quart of water and rinse your hair with this solution after shampooing. Do not use tea tree oil if you have an allergy to celery or thyme. Ayurvedic medicine suggests making a paste from fenugreek seeds soaked overnight in water. Apply to the scalp and rinse off after one hour.

Other Natural Supplements

    The benefits of burdock oil can also be achieved by eating goboshi, a Japanese cereal made from burdock. Eat 1 ounce daily. Gamma-linolenic acid promotes healthy skin, hair and nails. This essential fatty acid is contained in black currant, borage and evening primrose oil. Take 500 milligrams in capsule form twice a day. Flax seed, sardines and salmon are also rich in essential fatty acids. You can eat these foods or use fish-oil or flaxseed-oil supplements as directed on the label.

Other Suggestions

    Use natural shampoos that do not contain artificial chemicals. To make your own herbal anti-dandruff shampoo, use one part propylene glycol, four parts baby shampoo and then add in some copaiba and tea tree oil. Rinsing the hair with vinegar instead of plain water can help prevent flaking. Use cup of vinegar in 1 quart of water. Vinegar can have a strong odor but it dissipates. If odor is a concern, use at night and the odor will surely be gone in the morning.

ADHD Alternative Medication

ADHD can be a difficult affliction for individuals to overcome, but is there a middle ground between traditional pharmaceuticals and no treatment at all? Fortunately, there are alternative medicines for ADHD that can be effective and are much safer than Ritalin and other traditional pharmaceutical drugs.

Natural Medicines

    Rather that turning directly to Ritalin, individuals can look to natural and herbal treatments for ADHD. According to Natural Medicine for ADHD, some of the most effective herbs to treat ADHD are: "gingko biloba, skullcap, chamomile, gotu kola, and avena sativa." These herbal medicines calm the nervous system so that patients are able to focus on the task at hand without being constantly distracted by wandering thoughts and hyperactivity. Herbal treatments are a good alternative to pharmaceuticals because they do not have any adverse side effects or the health risks associated with Ritalin use.


    Controlling the diet of an individual suffering from ADHD is another approach to treating and curing ADHD. Aside from reducing the intake of sugar and empty calories in those afflicted by ADHD it is important to consume the right foods to replace those calories. Foods that are high in fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6 are used to build nerve and brain tissues and as such support healthy growth and brain function. Foods that are rich in Omega-6 include vegetable oils and margarine. Foods that are rich in Omega-3 include flax seed, salmon, mackerel, and sardines.


    When used in conjunction with a well-balanced diet and herbal supplements, exercise can play an important role in controlling ADHD. Rather than allowing children to spend copious amounts of time in front of the television, computer, or video games it is crucial that they spend an adequate amount of time outside playing sports and exercising. Physical exercise helps children to stay fit and reduces the possibility that they will eat unhealthy foods out of boredom. It also helps to reduce the free radicals in the body and simply allows them to be more focused because they have less energy welling up inside of them.

Get an Expert Opinion

    In order to create the right combination of herbal remedies, diet, and exercise for a child with ADHD it is important to consult a homeopathic doctor, physician and nutritionist. Working together a child's advocates can create a specialized plan to nurture the child and evaluate which approaches work best. It is also important to contact the child's teacher to monitor the success or failure of a particular treatment in an academic setting.


    Before embarking on an alternative treatment regime for children with ADHD it is important to consult a physician. This is especially crucial before abruptly stopping any ADHD medication as it can create adverse effects and withdrawal for the child. Further, be sure to notify the child's doctor before beginning any type of herbal remedy treatments to make sure that the herbal remedy will not reduce the efficacy or conflict with other medication that the child may be taking.

Alternative Cures for Gout

Gout is a debilitating disease that causes a buildup of uric acid in the joints, which causes excruciating pain. According the Mayo Clinic, "Normally, uric acid dissolves in your blood and passes through your kidneys into your urine. But sometimes your body either produces too much uric acid or your kidneys excrete too little uric acid." While at the time of a gout attack any type of medication may be welcome, there are many alternative treatments to gout that are available to not only cure the gout itself, but also encourage total body wellness.

Herbal Remedies

    Gout sufferers can turn to herbal remedies to stop the buildup of uric acid crystals in their joints and prevent the uric acid from returning. According to Natural Cures for Gout, the following herbs are particularly effective in curing the condition: Devil's claw (anti-inflammatory and lowers amounts of uric acid), Gravelroot (diuretic and kidney support), Turmeric (anti-inflammatory), and Nettle Root (kidney support). A homeopathic doctor can assist individuals to find which herbal gout remedy is the best for their lifestyle as well as one that works well with any other medication that they are taking.

Vitamin Support

    Vitamins and minerals are also very useful in fighting gout and do not have the side effects that traditional pharmaceuticals do. The three most effective vitamins and minerals for treating gout are: vitamin C, B complex vitamins and folic acid. Vitamin C not only works to rid the body of uric acid, but also works by preventing the uric acid from building up again. B complex vitamins support the body's natural breakdown of uric acid. Folic acid works to reduce the overall quantity of uric acid in the blood. Vitamins can either be taken as supplements or found in foods.

Food Options

    Approaches to curing gout that focus on changes made in the diet are twofold. One is reducing foods that encourage the buildup of uric acid, and the other is consuming more foods that eliminate and protect the body from accumulating too much uric acid. Foods that should be avoided contain purine. Examples of purine-containing foods primarily include organ meats and highly processed meat products. Conversely, foods that support the body and reduce instances of gout include fruits (especially cherries), dark leafy green vegetables, fortified bread and cereal, and eggs.


    Modifying your lifestyle is also an essential part of finding an alternative cure for the disease. A great start is weight loss and exercise. Moderate exercise helps eliminate uric acid from the system and helps the body fight off future gout attacks. Further, exercise combined with herbal supplements and dietary changes will lead to total body wellness for the gout sufferer who will not only rid himself of gout, but prevent a host of afflictions.


    It is important to consult a medical doctor or homeopathic practitioner before embarking on a new regime to combat gout. Do not stop prescription medications without consulting a doctor because it could lead to serious consequences.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Milk Thistle Liver Cleansing

Milk Thistle Liver Cleansing

Egg Yolk Acne Cure

Egg yolks contain Vitamin A and other compounds that theoretically have value in treating acne, but the evidence is anecdotal, not clinically tested.

Why egg yolks might help treat acne.

    Egg yolks are rich in Vitamin A, known as a retinoid in its many different forms. One of these retinoids, all-trans-retinoic acid, also known as Retin-A, is used in regulating the production and shedding of skin cells. Retin-A helps keep pores from clogging up and so is good for acne. Another retinoid is 13-cis-retinol, also known as Accutane, that regulates the production of skin cells, inhibits the production of oil. Accutane also inhibits the bacteria that causes acne.

    Both13-cis-retinol and Accutane are common ingredients in commercial ointments sold to treat acne. Egg yolks contain 13-cis-retinol and Accutane.

Why the egg yolks might not cure acne

    Acne is caused by clogged pores beneath the epidermis, or outer layer of the skin, so applying a face mask of egg yolk or any other mask or ointment is likely of limited value. However being rich in vitamin A, egg yolk is theoretically helpful in the prevention of scarring.

How egg yolk is applied.to acne

    Apply raw egg yolk to your face. Let it dry. Wait 10 minutes. Wash it off. Do this every day for a month. Some who suffered from acne swear by this treatment. Others say it doesn't appear to work.

Home Remedies for Kidney Stone Pain

Often when you're diagnosed with a kidney stone, your medical professional will tell you to go home and wait for it to pass. How do you deal with the discomfort in the meantime? Stock up on ibuprofen, run a warm bath, and hydrate as much as you can.

Over-The-Counter Pain Medication

    Take anti-inflammatory medication to dull the pain of the kidney stone making its way down your ureter. Your ureter is stretching and spasming, attempting to accommodate the stone and push it out of your body, which is what causes the pain you're experiencing in your flank and groin areas. Take a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) such as ibuprofen or naproxen. Ask your doctor how much you should take and how often.

Prescription Pain Medication

    Make sure you follow any directions your doctor or pharmacist gives you for taking Vicodin when you go home. You'll probably want to eat before you take it. You may feel ill, but make sure you eat a small amount of bland food. Once you take the medication, your pain--and probably your nausea--will abate.

Warm Bath

    Get into a soothing bath. Much like it does for laboring women who sit in a bath, the warm water will help relieve your pain. You can take several baths a day.


    Drink lots of water. This helps the kidney stone progress down the ureter and hopefully make it pass more quickly. Keeping yourself hydrated may also help prevent future kidney stones from forming. Dr. John Rodman, author of "No More Kidney Stones: The Experts Tell You All You Need to Know about Prevention and Treatment," recommends you drink enough water to produce 2,000cc's of urine a day. That's about 64 oz.

Heating Pad

    Place a heating pad on your flank to ease the spasms caused by the stone making its way down the ureter.

TENS Machine Information

A TENS machine administers alternative therapy referred to as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. TENS involves the use of low voltage electrical currents or impulses. The premise is that this affects your body's own electromagnetic energy fields. The impulses are administered through electrodes attached to the skin of the body where pain is experienced. Supporters claim TENS has many uses for healing, but the effectiveness of TENS machines remains largely unproven within the medical community.

How Does it Work

    A patient can visit an alternative medicine practitioner or a physical therapist, or purchase a TENS machine for use at home, with a prescription. There are over 100 FDA-approved TENS machines available for home purchase. In any of these situations, the first step involves hooking electrodes to the patient's skin close to the source where the patient is experiencing pain. The electrodes are attached to the TENS machine, which is an electrical powered unit, by wires. The machine is turned on, and electrical current travels from the wire to the electrodes to the body. The patient may feel a sensation of tingling or warmth. The machine may be used for between 5 and 15 minutes, and can be be used as often as necessary.


    According to the American Cancer Society, the theory behind the TENS machine was developed by Dr. Ronald Melzac and Dr. Patrick Wall in 1965. Melzac and Wall believed that the electronic stimulation of nerves caused a reaction in the spinal cord, which blocked the body from experiencing pain. This idea formed the basis for the TENS machine, which became a commonly used form of therapy in the 1970s.

Suggested Uses

    According to the American Cancer Society, supporters of TENS machines believe that they are useful for managing pain associated with a number of conditions including surgery, childbirth, migraines, sports injuries, arthritis, tendinitis, cancer and other serious illnesses. The American Cancer Society states that, although many practitioners believe Tens can cure pain, few believe the therapy actually cures the underlying causes of the pain. Instead, the pain-relieving properties are thought to be associated with stimulating the production of natural pain killers within the body, called endorphines.

Medical Evidence

    The American Cancer Society suggests that the use of the TENS machine may be useful at short-term pain relief, but that there is little conclusive evidence demonstrating its effectiveness at relieving long-term pain. The ACS site's small clinical studies that have demonstrated that patients experiencing mild nerve damage pain may experience pain relief form the use of the TENS machine. Additional studies are cited by the American Cancer Society, some of which suggest the TENS machine has been useful in pain management while others have demonstrated that it did not relieve pain associated with surgery, or childbirth, and that TENS was not as effective as other alternative treatments at managing lower back pain.

Risks & Side Effectss

    There are few side effects associated with a TENS machine, when used properly. However, if the electrical currents are too intense and/or the TENS machine is used correctly, surface burns can appear on the skin. Those who are pregnant or have heart problems should not use TENS. Finally, electrodes should not be attached directly over the heart, on the brain, over the eyes, or on the front of the throat.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

What Are Some Natural Relief for Cold Sores?

Cold sores, also called fever blisters, can be quite painful, look terrible, and usually last between a week to 10 days. Caused by the herpes simplex virus, cold sores form when a blister appears on the outside of your lips or mouth. These blisters typically ooze, sting and itch before disappearing. Luckily, there are a number of simple methods you can use to find natural relief for these unwanted mouth sores.

Replace Your Toothbrush

    One of the easiest ways to find natural relief for cold sores is to replace your toothbrush. Because the herpes simplex virus can survive on your toothbrush for days, it can easily reinfect you over and over again after your cold sore heals. As soon as you notice a blister forming, throw out your toothbrush and use a new one. Continue using the new toothbrush until the sore fully heals, then replace that toothbrush with another new one.

Apply a Whole-Milk Compress or Ice

    Another easy technique you can use to find natural relief for cold sores is to use a whole-milk compress on the cold sore blister. First let the whole milk stand at room temperature for about 10 to 15 minutes. Then apply the whole-milk compress directly on your cold sore for several minutes to ease your pain and promote healing. Be sure to wash your mouth afterward, otherwise the milk residue will begin to taste and smell sour. Applying ice directly over your cold sore is also a highly effective way to find immediate relief from cold sore pain.

Fight Arginine

    To survive, the herpes simplex virus needs the amino acid, arginine. Therefore, if you find that you are prone to repeated cold sore outbreaks, you should try to avoid foods that contain high amounts of arginine, such as peas, cashews, beer, chocolate and peanuts. Try to completely cut these foods from your diet whenever a cold sore blister is present to speed the healing process. It may also be wise to take a daily supplement of lysine, an amino acid that counteracts arginine. According to Dr. Mark McCune, chief of dermatology at Humana Hospital in Overland Park, Kansas, the recommended dosage is 2,000 to 3,000 milligrams per day.

Herbal Remedies

    Several herbs are known to ease cold sore pain. A hyssop compress can be particularly soothing. To make a hyssop compress, use 1 ounce of dried herb per pint of boiling water. Steep for 15 minutes and then allow it to cool. Soak a clean cloth in the steeped hyssop and apply it directly to the cold sore as needed for pain relief. Or try licorice. Licorice stimulates the production of antiviral components in the body, thereby effectively fighting the herpes simplex virus. Simply sprinkle some powdered licorice root on clean cold sores to speed healing. Witch hazel is also used to relieve cold sore pain when applied directly on the blister. It works by drying out the blister, but it can sting when initially applied.

Natural Herbs for Heart Health

Natural Herbs for Heart Health

Nature provides us with herbs such as hawthorn, capsicum, garlic and rosemary to maintain a healthy heart. These herbs combat heart disease and supply the body with vitamins. Each herb performs a specific function for heart health.


    Hawthorn strengthens the heart muscle and helps prevent blood clots.


    Capsicum, or cayenne, works by increasing the heart action but not the blood pressure. It also acts as a catalyst for other herbs, boosting their power. Taking capsicum with garlic, for example, intensifies the blood-pressure-lowering effects of that herb.


    Garlic dissolves cholesterol in the bloodstream, opens up the blood vessels to reduce heart palpitations and lowers blood pressure


    Rosemary is a strong stimulant of the circulatory and nervous system, and lowers high blood pressure. It can be taken as a supplement or made into a tea.


    Because some herbs lower blood pressure, do not take all of the recommended herbs at once. Make sure you monitor your blood pressure daily.

Home Remedies for Bed Sores

Pressure sores or pressure ulcers, often known as bedsores, are common for anyone who is confined to bed or a wheelchair or cannot move without help. Bedsores are products of skin damaged by insufficient blood flow. Sustained pressure on skin stops circulation. Common areas on the body susceptible to bedsores include the hips, the buttocks and the heels. Bedsores are difficult to heal and can develop quickly; however, they can be prevented and healed with home remedies.

Change Positions and Use Support Surfaces

    Changing positions often aids bedsores and prevents new ones. Moving releases the pressure from the skin and increases circulation. If the patient is in a wheelchair, reposition every 15 minutes. If the patient is in a bed, reposition at least every two hours. Sheepskin, padding and powder reduce friction when moving the patient.

    Support surfaces such as pillows and foam cushions reduce pressure. Ring-shaped or donut cushions are not recommended. Further trauma will make the sore worse.

Clean the Sore

    The sore needs to be cleaned to remove dead skin. Rinse with a warm saline solution (salt water) every time the dressing is changed. Do not use antiseptics because they may damage the skin and slow healing. Baths are recommended for cleaning the skin.


    Some of honey's natural characteristics include acting as a skin moisturizer, preventing allergies and accelerating healing of the skin. Honey is also known for its antiseptic qualities and its overall ability to prevent infections. Apply honey to a gauze bandage and place on the sore. A honey dressing should be changed at least every 24 hours.

    Although all honey has healing powers, Manuka honey, in particular, aids with sores, wounds and burns. Manuka honey comes from New Zealand and can be purchased over the Internet. Manuka honey comes in all forms including soap, astringent, oil and ointment.


    Calendula is a homeopathic remedy that soothes skin and kills germs. The oil or ointment form best suits bedsores. As with other dressings, apply calendula to the clean bedsore. Calendula can be applied two times a day. It can be found in health-food stores or on the Internet.


    Bedsores have four stages of development. Stages I and II can be treated with home remedies. However, stages III and IV need medical attention. In Stage III, the skin looks like a crater and in stage IV the sore has damaged the muscle and the bones and sometimes the tendons and the joints. If you are unsure of the stage of the bedsore, consult a doctor. Other signs that represent the need for medical attention are foul odors, redness, tenderness, warmth and swelling. Skin infections can be very serious, sometime deadly, and they can spread rapidly to the entire body.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Natural Cures for Bad Breath Due to Stomach Problems

Natural Cures for Bad Breath Due to Stomach Problems

Natural Ways to Cure Alcohol Addiction

Alcoholism is characterized by the daily consumption of alcohol to escape the mental and physical symptoms of withdrawal. This condition usually develops over time as the alcohol reduces the amounts of certain chemicals in your brain, particularly the ones that control impulses and produce feelings of pleasure. Natural treatments are best used as a complement to counseling and standard medications.

Herbal Treatments

    Always consult your doctor before taking these or any other supplements.

    The herb kudzu discourages alcohol consumption by creating nausea, swelling and facial redness when taken before drinking. Take 10 mg three times a day. Milk thistle, a well-studied herb for liver disorders, prevents and treats cirrhosis and other liver conditions. Take 600 mg daily. Milk thistle can cause mild diarrhea when first taken. Reishi prevents fatty liver and cirrhosis. Take 3,000 mg three times daily. Soy lecithin encourages liver-cell regeneration and protects it from toxins. Take 3,000 mg daily. Dandelion is commonly used for liver disorders because of its detoxifying properties. It can also help with withdrawal symptoms. Take the tincture as directed on the label.

Homepathic Remedies

    According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, there have not been many studies on how homeopathic remedies treat alcoholism. However, the following treatments are commonly used by homeopaths based on their clinical experience. Homeopathy, like traditional Chinese medicine, often looks at particular symptoms in addition to the main condition when suggesting treatments. These remedies should be taken as directed on the product label.

    Arsenicum album eases anxiety and compulsiveness. It is most useful if you are experiencing nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Nux vomica reduces irritability and compulsiveness accompanied by constipation, nausea and vomiting. Lachesis lessens cravings for alcohol, headaches and trouble swallowing. Staphysagria is used to treat angry individuals who bottle up their emotions and have suffered physical, sexual or psychological abuse in the past.

Other Suggestions

    The University of Maryland Medical Center reviewed several studies that examined acupuncture as a treatment for alcoholism, and found some studies that concluded it could be an effective method for reducing cravings and easing symptoms of withdrawal. This should be used in conjunction with other treatments and not on its own. A study led by W.E. Sevrus, published in the April 1999 Archives of General Psychiatry, found that taking omega-3 fatty acids eased depression. These fatty acids can be found in black currant oil, evening primrose oil, flaxseed oil and fish oil. Take as directed on the product label.

Natural Cures for Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal fatigue is caused when over-stressed adrenal glands do not regulate the hormones they produce. Symptoms of it include fatigue, non-specific pain, weight fluctuations, sleeping problems and digestive disorders. According to Mayo Clinic endocrinologist Todd B. Nippoldt, all of the symptoms of adrenal fatigue can also be categorized as Addison's disease or adrenal insufficiency. Rather than put up with numerous medical treatments for an incurable disease, you can try some natural cures for adrenal fatigue.

Rhodiola Rosea

    Rhodiola rosea is used to help stimulate the nerves, decrease depression and eliminate fatigue. The benefits of this herb work to reverse the common symptoms of adrenal fatigue. It has also been shown to enhance mental function.


    Ashwagandha is an Indian herb that is commonly used to relieve stress, and to combat depression and anxiety. According to Life Extension Magazine (LEM), "Scientific studies support ashwagandha's ability not only to relieve stress, but also to protect brain cells against the deleterious effects of our modern lifestyles."

Siberian Ginseng

    Siberian ginseng has been shown in studies to help improve the immune system and help the body deal with mental and physical stress. The University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) says eleuthero root, or Siberian ginseng, is "Prized for its ability to restore vigor, increase longevity, enhance overall health and stimulate both a healthy appetite and a good memory. It is widely used in Russia to help the body adapt to stressful conditions and to enhance productivity."


    There is little scientific evidence of what this Chinese fungus actually does. It is used to sustain the adrenal gland and regulate immune function. Use of the many species of cordyceps can help improve sexual function as well as fortify primary body functions.

Dietary Supplements

    Adding sodium and potassium to the diet can help remedy some of the symptoms of adrenal fatigue. Sufferers commonly crave salt because their adrenal glands do not produce enough of the hormone aldosterone. Aldosterone deficiency causes the body not to preserve enough salt. A natural diet with lean meats and complex carbohydrates can also help to alleviate the symptoms of adrenal fatigue.

Natural Way to Get Rid of Sinus Congestion

Natural Way to Get Rid of Sinus Congestion

Whether caused by a cold, flu, allergies or a sinus infection, clogged sinuses make life difficult. Over-the-counter drugs designed to leave congestion may be ineffective, leave you jittery or sleepy or leave you with unpleasant side effects, such as dry mouth or sore throat. Fortunately, you can turn to a number of effective, natural remedies to ease and even eliminate your sinus congestion.

Liquid Help

    Neti Pot

    Keeping sinuses moist helps them drain. Run a humidifier, especially in your bedroom at night, to keep the air moist. Take a hot shower and breathe in the steam. Give your nose a steam bath by heating water until it is almost to a boil. Pour the water into a bowl, lean over the bowl, cover your head with towel to form a tent to trap steam, and breathe for 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat as often as desired.

    You may have heard that chicken soup is good for a cold, but it can be good for sinus congestion, too. Any hot liquid such as soup, tea or hot juice can help open up the sinuses and get them draining.

    Add hot peppers to increase the effectiveness of hot drinks and soups. Try this tasty and effective version of a hot tomato cocktail: Combine 2 cups of V-8 or tomato juice with 2 or 3 cloves of crushed garlic, 2 tbsp. lemon juice and a dash or two of hot sauce. Heat until steaming and sip slowly. Breathe in the fumes as you drink. Repeat as necessary to unblock drainage.

    A Neti pot helps unblock sinuses and keeps them unblocked. A Neti pot is a small plastic or ceramic pot with a long spout, long used in ayurvedic medicine. Fill the pot with warm water. Add 1 tbsp. sea salt or un-iodized table salt and a pinch of baking soda. Swirl it around to dissolve. Lean over the sink and tilt your head. Insert the spout of the pot into one nostril and pour. The warm water will fill your sinuses and run out the other nostril. It is messy but effective in cleaning out that sinus. Repeat several times a day until sinuses are clear. Daily use helps keep the problem from coming back.

    If you do not have a Neti pot, you can use saline nasal spray, or use an eye dropper to drip a saline solution into your nostrils.

Other Remedies

    Hot Peppers Open Up Your Sinuses.

    Eating horseradish, hot peppers or fresh ginger root is another good way to open up the sinuses. You can also take ginger root capsules or make ginger tea. Some people find relief if they refrain from all dairy products.

    Get a massage and ask the therapist to concentrate on your sinuses. Facial massage and cranial sacral work can help ease pain and congestion.

    Try acupuncture. In a 1997 study reported in the "Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine," 200 people suffering from chronic rhinitis received at least temporary relief when acupuncture.