Monday, August 17, 2015

How to Get out a Splinter Without Pain That Is Inside Your Skin

Splinters are a painful nuisance that can cause infections if not removed properly. Removing a splinter can be painful and difficult; However, there is a do-it-yourself removal method that can be completed without inflicting pain. This method is safe and easy to complete. Try this home remedy and painful splinter removal will be a thing of the past.



    Pour 1 tbsp. baking soda into a small mixing bowl.


    Add just enough warm water to the bowl to form a paste.


    Use a clean spoon to mix the ingredients.


    Place a small amount of the paste onto the area of the skin that covers the splinter.


    Cover the affected area with a band-aid.


    Leave the band-aid on overnight, or until the paste has dried completely.


    Remove the band-aid from the area. The splinter should be sticking out of the skin. Use a pair of tweezers to safely remove it.

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