Monday, August 31, 2015

Chucking & Rolling Massage Techniques

Chucking & Rolling Massage Techniques

Imagine the sensation of floating in wave swept seas of aromatic oils as massage floods the tissue with healing lymph and provides the body with a sense of deep and lasting relaxation. Therapeutic massage kneads the muscles with chucking and rolling techniques that manipulate and soften muscle fibers. These strokes increase blood flow to the tissue and reduce muscle adhesions. The body begins to relax as the tissue softens.

Skin Rolling

    The practice of pushing and pulling the skin is an Asian technique called Tui Na.
    The practice of pushing and pulling the skin is an Asian technique called Tui Na.

    Skin rolling is a friction technique used to release tissue fibers between the skin and muscle. Grab the tissue between the pads of the fingers, pick up and roll the skin underneath itself and walk along one side of the back, similar to rolling meat into a tortilla. Lift the skin and shake gently before rolling to release it from the underlying tissue. Working slowly across the back from the top of the shoulders down to the sacrum, this stroke warms the skin and prepares it for deeper massage work.


    Applied to the limbs, chucking loosens tension in the joints and resets muscle spindle cells and golgi tendons in the joints. This technique reduces tension and allows the muscle to lengthen. With the client in a supine position, facing the ceiling, begin rocking the leg at the hip. Cupping the hands, scoop the skin and muscle, lift and drop the tissue in a continuous motion over the sides and tops of limbs. Similar to the hand motions required to keep the body afloat, chuck the muscle by rolling the hands inward and upward along the tissue. Continue chucking the muscle tissue all the way down to the feet, paying specific attention to tension in the hips, knees and ankle joints.


    Rocking the body causes muscle spindles in the tissue to reset and relax.
    Rocking the body causes muscle spindles in the tissue to reset and relax.

    Chucking and rolling are forms of massage friction techniques. Friction improves the functions of cells in the skin, muscles and organs and aids in their regeneration. Absorbing the fluid around joints, chucking and rolling strokes direct blood and lymph. Washing over loosened muscle fibers, lymph flushes cellular debris trapped in the tissue. Two types of friction-resistance techniques work the muscle and skin. One stroke warms and prepares the skin for deeper work, such as skin rolling and another activates receptors in the muscle and tissue. The latter technique activates receptor switches in the joints and muscles that govern their length, flexibility, tension and resistance.


    Massage as a system of varied technique has many different names and definitions for its strokes. Some techniques use kneading or chucking, wringing, twisting and rocking in the same way that deeper friction strokes work. Kneading is different from skin rolling because kneading releases individual muscle fibers and skin rolling only releases the superficial layers of the skin.

    Similar to kneading bread, lift, grab and squeeze the muscle so that it folds in on itself. This technique can be applied to the torso, legs, arms, shoulders, anywhere that the therapist has access to manipulate tissue, in good taste. Chucking might precede and follow wringing, rocking and rolling techniques.

The Effects of Iontophoresis

The Effects of Iontophoresis

Iontopheresis is a therapeutic medical procedure which reduces excessive sweat in patients with hyperhidrosis. The treatment is FDA-approved and considered safe. However, doctors do not recommend it for patients who are pregnant, have cancer, a cardiac pacemaker, metal implants or skin conditions needing treatment. Iontophoresis has a high success rate with immediate results. However, some patients may experience mild negative side effects.


    Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition that causes excessive sweat. The body produces sweat as a cooling mechanism or a psychological response to emotional stress. Patients, with hyperhidrosis, sweat unpredictably and produce more amounts required to cool the body.The two types of hyperhydrosis are focal and generalized. Focal hyperhidrosis is considered genetic and it affects the hands, feet and underarms. Generalized hyperhidrosis results from a pre-existing medical condition and affects larger areas of the body. Complications such as nail fungal infection, bacterial infection, warts, skin conditions, and social awkwardness can develop when the condition goes untreated.


    Iontophoresis is a non-invasive procedure which treats excessive sweating in the hands and feet.The treatment blocks sweat gland production by delivering low-level electric currents through water. The patient immerses his hands into water for 15 to 30 minutes as a small device sends electric currents through the water. Initially, treatments are repeated every other day, for a period of 10 days, until sweat levels are reduced. The treatment sessions are then gradually reduced from weekly to monthly sessions for maintenance.

Positive Effects

    Iontophoresis has a 83% success rate and shows immediate sweat reduction. The treatment helps the patient regain confidence in daily activities normally affected by excessive sweating, and it alleviates social anxiety. Iontophoresis also reduces chances of complications which could occur when the condition is not treated.

Side Effects

    Side effects include cracked skin, blisters, hand muscle weakness and headaches. Discomfort resulting from dry skin side effects may respond to treatment with topical ointments and moisturizers.

Uses of Ashwagandha in Biotechnology

Uses of Ashwagandha in Biotechnology

Ashwagandha, also known as Withania somnifera, is a shrub in the nightshade family that has been used in traditional Indian medicine. Extracts of the plant have shown promise in augmenting several maladies in humans, which include inflammatory bowel disease, Huntington's disease, breast cancer and male infertility. However, further research has been recommended to fully understand the molecular workings of this medicinal plant.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

    Ashwagandha has been tested for its ability to treat inflammatory bowel disease, which is characterized by the swelling and blockage of the intestine. An article appearing in the April 2011 issue of "BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine" investigated the effects of a gel prepared from the root of W. somnifera to regenerate the integrity of the tissues of the large intestine using a rat model. The researchers found that a preparation containing 500 g/mL decreased the edema, or swelling, and the cellular death of the tissue associated with this disease. The study concluded that rectal gel containing W. somnifera indicated a significant improvement in restoring the mucus layer of the intestine and greatly reduced the swelling caused by inflammatory bowel disease.

Huntington's Disease

    Huntington's disease is an insidious, genetic neurological disorder marked by the inability to control the muscles and eventually leads to dementia. An article in the June 2009 issue of the "Journal of Medicinal Food" explored the effects of W. somnifera on the decline in motor function and brain activity in a rat model of this disease. The researchers treated the test animals with either 100 or 200 mg doses for each kg of body weight and found that protective actions of the plant extract occurred in a dose-dependent manner to reduce the complications of the disease. The study concluded, however, that further studies are needed to identify the molecular pathways involved before the extract is used for human therapy.

Breast Cancer

    A compound called withaferin A is contained in extracts from the root of W. somnifera and has shown promise as an agent to promote apoptosis, or genetically programmed cell death. A group from the University of Pittsburg published an article in "Molecular Carcinogenesis," which investigated the ability of withaferin A to combat breast cancer by initiating apoptosis of cancer cells. The researchers designed a study to determine the role of this compound in suppressing the actions of estrogen, a female hormone known to advance the proliferation of breast cancer cells. The study found that withaferin A significantly decreased the levels of the estrogen receptors in cancer cells and inhibited the growth and reproduction of them. The authors concluded that extracts of W. somnifera is a promising natural therapy in preventing the advancement of breast cancer.

Male Infertility

    Infertility in men is most often a result of sperm quality and ability of the cells to utilize metal ions for normal function. A study published in the March 2011 issue of "Reproductive Biomedicine Online" documented the effects of W. somnifera in maintaining sufficient concentrations of metal ions in seminal fluid for the proper functioning of sperm cells. The researchers found that sperm apoptosis was greatly reduced and essential copper, zinc and iron ion concentrations were maintained due to treatment with W. somnifera. The study concluded that a three-month treatment of the plant extract was sufficient to improve semen quality by reducing apoptosis and improving metal ion concentration in seminal fluid.

Training for Bach Flower Remedies

Training for Bach Flower Remedies

Bach flower remedies offer a nontoxic approach to easing the mental and emotional stresses of life, and the prevention of disease caused by that stress. The 38 Bach flower remedies work on the mind, returning it to harmonious function, thus reducing the physical symptoms caused by the disharmony.

Several methods of training offer a student the opportunity to learn through the process that works best for her.

Level I Training

    The Bach Centre offers level I Bach-approved courses through correspondence, approved independent courses or through the Bach International Education Programme centers around the world. Those living in Europe may enroll in Anglia Ruskin University's flower remedy module, which covers all training levels as a part of the complementary medicine degree plan. A homeopaths' three-day training course, covering levels I and II, is offered annually in London. The Bach Centre lists information on registration and requirements on their official website.

Level II and III Training

    The Bach Centre offers several options for level II and III training, in their Mount Vernon, England headquarters. Bach International Education Programme and independent-approved courses offer options for those who do not desire to travel to The Bach Centre for training.

    Level II training participants must complete level I and have experience working with the remedies. Level III participants must complete levels I and II. This level focuses on the skills required by professional practitioners. A separate level III course for veterinarians provides training in using the remedies with animals.

Trainer Training

    Bach Foundation Registered Practitioners who have completed all three levels may contact the Bach Centre to obtain information about becoming an approved trainer in Bach flower remedies. The Bach Centre, or a Bach Centre-approved training program, provides training for trainers.

Non-Approved Courses

    Practitioners who use flower remedies often provide introductory classes for individuals who want to learn more about the remedies and their use. These courses, and any other course that is not Bach Centre approved, do not provide certified training and will not allow you to take levels II and III trainings. Make sure a course has Bach Centre approval, if you desire to achieve certification in Bach flower remedies.

Other Options

    The Bach Centre offers an online seminar that does not include certification. International presenters in France, India, Germany, Australia and other countries offer courses that focus on specific specialties. Find a listing of these trainings on the Bach Centre website,

    Books, DVDs and courses offered through practitioners may provide the student additional training beyond the introductory level. Apprenticeship programs with practitioners offer students hands-on experience with oversight, during the learning process, but may not offer certification without approval from the Bach Centre.

    Independent learning may include flower remedies beyond the Bach remedies; such as, California Flower Essences, Himalayan Aditi Flower Essences and the Flower Essence Society.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Forms of DHEA

Dehydroepiandrosterone -- better known as DHEA -- is a steroid hormone that has drawn much interest in recent years. Proponents of DHEA believe it can slow or reverse the effects of aging, lift the immune system and improve a person's physical condition and mental state. DHEA is available in several forms, natural and synthetic.

Natural in the Body

    DHEA is a naturally occurring hormone found in the human body, where it originates in the adrenal glands. When functioning properly, the body produces 15mg to 30mg DHEA daily, with a small percentage used by the body. As people age, levels of DHEA produced can lessen, leading people to seek ways to supplement the body's production.

Synthesized sublingual

    One commonly synthesized DHEA form is known as sublingual, which comes in tablet form in doses that usually are 5mg. Sublingual tablets offer the full spectrum of DHEA's benefits.

7-keto DHEA

    Another synthetic from of DHA is known as 7-keto, taken in doses of 25mg to 50mg daily. 7-keto DHEA is targeted toward improving the body's immune system. It's more often recommended for women, particularly those going into menopause. Another reason for women to use 7-keto DHEA is that it doesn't produce the testosterone of sublingual DHEA, which can produce unwanted side effects such as facial hair and acne.

Food Sources

    The best source of DHEA in a diet is by eating beef, pork, chicken an other animal meats. Some people claim that wild yams are a good source of DHEA, but there's no scientific evidence that they provide any beneficial levels.

Experiments to See If Yawning Is Contagious

Experiments to See If Yawning Is Contagious

Yawning is one of the many things all humans, and animals for that matter, have in common. It's a function of the body that has perplexed scientists for years. Some believe yawning is a sign of boredom or tiredness and until recently, experts agreed the primary function of yawning was to replinish oxygen to the blood stream. The subject is so puzzling and becomes even more confusing when the question of yawning being contagious comes into play.

Theory Disproving Contagious Yawning

    The notion of yawns being contagious is an idea some would discount. Gordon Gallup, University at Albany psychology professor, suggests yawing is a way for people to cool off their brains -- not the result of witnessing someone else do it. Gallup said, brains are like computers, they only operate efficiently when they're cool; therefore, yawning serves as a cooling mechanism that regulates the temperature of the brain. "Many things like being tired, actually make the brain hot, and yawning can allievate the heat," says Gallup.

Experiement 1

    One theory suggests yawns work like air conditioners for the brain.
    One theory suggests yawns work like air conditioners for the brain.

    Professor Gordon Gallup tested his theory with a group of students. They were asked to watch a film of other people yawning. Some of the students held a cold compress to their heads and others held a warm compress in the same way. The cold compress participants were also asked to breath in and out through their nose -- a natural brain coolant. These students did not yawn at all, but the warm compress students were far more likely to yawn.

Theory Approving Contagious Yawning

    Not everyone can catch a contagious yawn
    Not everyone can catch a contagious yawn

    Other researchers believe yawning is contagious and a sign of empathy, as well as a form of social bonding. Research suggests contagious yawning starts around age 4 and continues throughout life, but not everyone is susceptible to it. Only about 40 to 60 percent of people are likely to catch a contagious yawn. The exact reason for contagious yawning is still unknown, although some scientists think a person's mental state plays a major role.

Experiment 2

    Studies show that people who are self-aware are more likely to catch a contagious yawn.
    Studies show that people who are self-aware are more likely to catch a contagious yawn.

    Dr. Steven Platek and a team of researchers, from the Department of Psychology at the State University of New York, tested a group of students to prove contagious yawning does occur among individuals who are self-aware and have the ability to see things from someone else's point of view. First, Dr. Platek asked the participants to take a personality questionnaire -- this test identified students' social behaviors and perceptions. Then, they watched a series of videos of people yawning, laughing, or showing no behavior. The yawning videos caused students to yawn 41 percent of the time.

All-Natural Stress Relievers

All-Natural Stress Relievers

Stress is probably one of the most ubiquitous conditions of adult life. Though the condition no doubt existed throughout history, the theory that there are negative physiological reactions to negative changes in a person's external environment wasn't introduced until the mid-19th century by French physiologist Claude Bernard. It was much later that stress was recognized as a life-threatening health condition that could be treated with various therapies and lifestyle adjustments.


    Auricular or ear acupuncture has proven effective in reducing anxiety and stress. A study by Shu-Ming Wang, MD, at the Yale University School of Medicine revealed that mothers who received auricular acupuncture before their child's surgery experienced significantly less anxiety than mothers who receive acupuncture in other parts of the body. Acupuncture involves the virtually painless insertion of very thin needles. There are no side effects. If you are interested in exploring acupuncture as a treatment for stress, request recommendations from friends or from the nearest acupuncture school or clinic.


    Physiological tension resulting from mental or emotional stress accumulates around the acupressure points. Fatigue, trauma, stress factors, chemical imbalances and poor circulation can cause muscles to become chronically tense or spasmodic, accumulating secretions of lactic acid. A trained acupressure practitioner can apply pressure at certain points along a muscle that allows muscle fibers to relax and elongate and the nurturing blood supply to flow more freely, cleansing and eliminating toxins from the body. Acupressure can also be self-administered.


    Physical activity increases the production of endorphins in the body, giving you a feeling of well-being. Regular exercise, even if it is mild, can make a big difference in how you feel. It can enhance your mood and help you sleep better at night, which in itself improves other aspects of your life. Don't fail to make it a part of your stress management therapy.


    Regular meditation practice can result in a state of relaxation and tranquility that is an effective antidote against stress. If you have difficulty focusing your attention on your breath and turning your attention away from the thoughts that crowd your mind, try listening to a recorded meditation or visualization tape. Recordings of meditation bells, timed for 15-, 20-, 30-, 45- or 60-minute meditation sessions are available on the Internet if you don't have a bell of your own. Meditation can improve your emotional and overall health, and even some medical conditions.


    Massage is an effective alternative treatment for stress relief and depression or anxiety. There are several different kinds of massage, including the Swedish technique that uses long strokes, circular movements, gentle kneading and vibration. Massage is offered in many different settings, from massage therapists' offices, hospitals and clinics, to health spas and airports.


    Yoga is an alternative medicine practice that can help with relaxation, stress management and anxiety. Although yoga practice can involve comprehensive changes in behavior and nutrition, many benefits can be obtained by practicing only the postures and breathing exercises.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Charcoal Cures

Charcoal Cures

Activated charcoal is a fine black powder that is odorless, tasteless, non-toxic and completely natural. It is also one of the the most powerful detoxifying agents known. It is used in both western and alternative medicine due to its universal recognition as a safe and effective treatment for several disorders. Many charcoal cures are well known, while some of charcoal's health benefits are just now becoming known.

What It Is

    Activated charcoal is typically made by heating the husks of coconut shells in the absence of air. The resulting blackened material is then ground into a fine black powder. Chemically, the material is impure carbon in which water and volatile vegetation substances have been removed. Activated charcoal is not the same as the charcoal used for fire grills. Charcoal briquettes are combined with volatile petrol substances and should never be taken internally.

How It Works

    Activated charcoal is an extremely porous material. When taken into the body, activated charcoal attracts toxins, gases, heavy metals and other harmful chemicals. The harmful substances are neutralized by the carbon and then excreted out of the body via the intestines. Activated charcoal has the ability to remove substances in amounts many times over its own weight. As the activated charcoal moves through the body, attracting harmful substances into its porous granules, it does not interfere or affect any of the body's natural processes, making it a safe and effective detoxifying treatment.

Common Treatment

    The most common use for activated charcoal is for the treatment of poisoning. According to the National Institute of Health, "Activated charcoal is estimated to reduce absorption of poisonous substances up to 60%." The activated charcoal is able to reach all parts of the small and large intestinal tract, ensuring that as much of the toxic substance as possible is removed.

Alternative Treatments

    Charcoal has been used to cure a number of ailments, including bad breath and bee stings. It is useful for a host of gastrointestinal disorders, including gas (flatulence), nausea and alleviating diarrhea. It has also been used in combination with other medicines to help treat yeast infections in women.


    Activated charcoal absorbs food nutrients, vitamins and minerals along with toxic substances as it moves throughout the body. While this should not be a concern in a short-term treatment, such as in treating poisoning, it can be harmful if the charcoal treatment is used long-term. Also, if a person has any sort of intestinal blockage, it is not suggested that activated charcoal be used.

What Happens When Manuka Honey is Exposed to Air?

What Happens When Manuka Honey is Exposed to Air?

The healing properties of honey are well known, and most people will readily down spoonfuls of the stuff to cure a cold or sore throat. But Manuka honey has something extra. Already a super food, it's an efficient antiseptic and a popular treatment for all kinds of infections and skin complaints. The magic of Manuka honey is not just that it comes from one small region of New Zealand, but what happens when it is exposed to air.


    More than 20 years ago professor Peter Molan from the University of Waikato in New Zealand identified the extraordinary healing powers of Manuka honey. The Manuka bush grows only in certain areas of New Zealand, and the honey produced from the flowers of this bush contains a nonperoxide antiseptic, a host of antioxidants and a unique, and so far unidentified, ingredient. Other honey loses its potency when exposed to light and heat, but the special ingredient in Manuka honey means it is resilient to dilution from air. Professor Molan called this ingredient the UMF, or Unique Manuka Factor.


    Professor Malon claims Manuka honey is effective on every type of infection, including ulcers, sores, fungating cancer wounds and post-operative bacteria. Manuka honey is also an effective treatment for acne and other skin complaints because of its hygroscopic qualities. When exposed to air, the honey absorbs moisture and so keeps the treated skin moist. This speeds healing and prevents scarring. Clinical trials have shown that the antibacterial properties in Manuka honey are so powerful they can successfully tackle MRSA and Staph infections.


    There are now so many brands of Manuka honey available, all at different prices, that it's difficult to know which one is the best. Professor Molan's UMF used to be the only reliable method for rating the potency of the honey: 10 being the lowest score at which the honey was effective and 25 the highest. Now a new method measures the methogloxyl content of the honey, or MGC. Kerry Paul, chief executive of Manuka Health, prefers this system. The MGC of Manuka honey is up to one hundred times that of ordinary honey.


    Ken Allen, a National Health Service supplier, says no Manuka honey needs a high rating to be effective. He claims that a shop-bought jar of honey with a rating of 10 is a strong enough antiseptic to heal leg ulcers but warns the public to be wary of using shop-bought Manuka honey on serious burns or wounds, because unlike the honey used within the health service, it has been neither sterilized nor purified.

Uses of Liquid Fish Collagen

Uses of Liquid Fish Collagen

Collagen is a connective tissue found in the skin, joints, bone, cartilage, teeth, tendons and blood vessels. It is a group of naturally occuring proteins and it accounts for 25 to 35 percent of the total protein in the body. Age can diminish the presence of collagen and give rise to sagging skin, wrinkles, arthritic joints and other health problems. Many have turned to liquid fish collagen, a marine collagen, to restore youth to skin and to help with joint and bone health.

Basis for Use

    Liquid fish collagen is derived from the skin and scales of deepwater cod. Unlike animal collagen derived from cows and pigs, fish liquid collagen has a smaller molecular weight -- around 300 dalton; a dalton is an atomic mass unit. Its smaller molecular weight helps with more efficient collagen synthesis, enabling the body to use it to restore skin and bone health. Also, the small intestine more readibly absorbs it.

Cosmetic Use

    Age and indiscriminate exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun can affect skin health. Since collagen is the connective fiber that gives skin its firmness, cosmetic industries have included liquid fish collagen as one of the ingredients in their products to restore skin health. Liquid fish collagen is often used in face creams and skin products to boost elasticity and increase collagen production to achieve firmer and younger skin.


    Liquid fish collagen diet supplements are sold over the Internet and in health stores. Such supplements offer many kinds of health benefits, from improving hair and nail health to helping weight loss to producing healthy bones and joints. The supplements are oftentimes combined with other herbs or substances. The actual benefit of taking liquid fish collagen is still under debate, even though some studies support the effectiveness of liquid fish collagen in treating arthritis-related ailments.

Sports Nutrition

    Hydrolyzed collagen undergoes a process whereby large protein chains are broken down into smaller more digestible sizes, while keeping most of the amino acids intact. Athletes use hydrolyzed fish liquid collagen to build muscle mass and to decrease recovery time following injuries. Liquid fish collagen is also used to rebuild joint structures and improve cardiovascular performance.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Natural Cures for Restless Nights

Natural Cures for Restless Nights

Restless nights are often implicated in daytime impairment, like difficulty concentrating and performing activities of daily living. If an adult has difficulty maintaining sleep for three nights out of the week, he may have clinical insomnia, characterized by being unable to fall asleep, waking too early, or waking frequently throughout the night. Research shows that establishing healthy sleep habits, and supplementing diet with specific herbs or vitamins, can be effective at treating chronic restlessness at night. Avoiding certain substances, like caffeine and alcohol, in the hours before bedtime has been shown to help, as well.

Healthy Sleeping Habits

    Establishing healthy sleeping habits, like a bedtime routine, can often lead to restful sleep. Some common activities that can be part of a sleeping routine include taking a warm bath, having a light snack, and reading a book before turning off the light. Doctors often recommend that parents establish a routine for young children so that they feel relaxed, comforted and secure before going to bed, and this concept works for adults, as well. Sometimes, just establishing a set bedtime can help the mind and body to prepare to get a good night's rest.

Adequate Exercise

    The more energy you expend during the day is proportionally equal to how sleepy you feel at bedtime. Exercise can be tailored to meet an individual's needs. Sometimes, just taking a half-hour walk during the day can be enough to help the body feel sleepy at the appropriate time. Exercising outside is more beneficial, as sunlight and fresh air have been shown to decrease anxiety and depression, which may be an underlying cause of insomnia.

Relaxation Techniques

    Relaxation techniques, like yoga and meditation, can be beneficial for those who are experiencing restless nights. Deep breathing can help to oxygenate the brain, leading to relaxation and feelings of well-being, which are a prerequisite for sleep. The exercises can be done throughout the day to contribute to overall relaxation or just at bedtime of the sole purpose of falling asleep.


    Two of the most well-known sleep supplements are the herb, valerian root, and the hormone, melatonin. Valerian root has properties similar to benzodiazepine drugs used to treat insomnia as it affects the brain's receptors that induce relaxation and sleep. Melatonin is a compound, naturally found in the human brain, which regulates sleep and wake cycles. Supplementing with melatonin seems to help normalize these cycles, leading to restful sleep.

How to Kill Giardia Parasites

How to Kill Giardia Parasites

If you are suffering from symptoms of giardia infection, or giardiasis, there are many effective methods of self-care and treatment which can be attempted at home. Giardia parasites are transmitted through contaminated food and water, as well as contact with other people infected by the parasite, resulting in an infection of the small intestine. Symptoms include diarrhea, nausea, fever, abdominal bloating and flatulence.



    Drink increased levels of fluids to prevent dehydration. Drink water, sports drinks and fruit juices throughout the day. If you have trouble keeping down fluids, try sucking on ice cubes. Avoid drinks containing caffeine or alcohol as these will encourage further loss of fluids from the body. According to the eMedicine web site, consume only bland foods such as potatoes, noodles, boiled vegetables and breads till your stool becomes well-formed again.


    Take probiotics through supplements or whole foods. Probiotics are bacteria that are beneficial to our health and help us fight pathogens such as giardia through a variety of mechanisms. According to an article published in "Alternative Medicine Review" in 2003, author Jason Hawrelak, ND, states that probiotics directly reduce the growth of giardia through competing for cell receptor sites, competing for nutrients in the body and through the stimulation of the immune system against giardia. Take probiotics in the form of a supplement or through foods such as acidophilus yogurt, tempeh and saurkraut.


    Take berberine-containing medicinal plants. Berberine is a bitter tasting and anti-parasitic chemical discovered naturally in herbal medicines such as goldenseal, barberry and indian barberry. The primary chemical found in these two herbs, berberine, has been the subject of intense scientific scrutiny for its antibiotic properties. According to a study published in "Annals of Tropic Medicine and Parisitology" in 1991, berberine was found to be significantly effectively in reducing the growth of several parasites, including giardia. Obtain berberine naturally through extracts of medicinal plants such as goldenseal and barberry.


    Take garlic daily. In a study published in "The Journal of the Egyptian Society of Pasitology" in 1991, researchers discovered that dilutions of crude garlic in water was an effective treatment for children with giardiasis. Taking the garlic twice a day before meals significantly reduced the duration of illness and reduced symptoms. Cooking garlic destroys the active constituents, so consume whole fresh garlic or purchase a garlic supplement form a health food store.

Natural Cures for Tiredness

Natural Cures for Tiredness

If you have been feeling tired, fatigued or stressed, natural remedies can provide you with energy and endurance. Natural health remedies include nutritional supplements such as vitamins, minerals and plant extracts. These work naturally with the body to support energy levels. If you are currently taking prescribed medication, consult with your health care provider before purchasing natural health products.


    The B-complex vitamin encompasses the whole spectrum of B vitamins that work together to support the nervous system, increase energy levels and protect cells from free radical damage. Of special importance is vitamin B5 for adrenal health, vitamin B6 for balanced serotonin levels, and B9 and B12 for energy, memory, concentration and focus. B-complex can be taken as a nutritional supplement, or through the diet in foods such as pork, nutritional yeast, nuts, seeds and sea vegetables.


    CoQ10 is an antioxidant enzyme that is vital for manufacturing cellular energy and is present in every tissue of the body. Although the body produces CoQ10, taking this enzyme as a supplement can provide added benefits. According to James Balch, M.D., and Mark Stengler, N.D., authors of "Prescriptions for Natural Cures," 100 mg of CoQ10 three times daily is recommended for improving symptoms of fatigue. CoQ10 is also obtained naturally in the diet by eating red meat, chicken and fish.


    Ashwagandha, also known as withania, is a native plant of India that has been used in traditional and contemporary herbal medicine for insomnia, chronic fatigue and low immune function. According to Kerry Bone, author of "The Clinical Guide to Blending Liquid Herbs", Ashwagandha root improves stamina, supports cardiovascular function, balances sleep cycles and strengthens adrenal gland function. Take ashwagandha daily to protect your body from stress in the form of a supplement, tea or a liquid tincture.


    Ginseng root is known worldwide for its restorative properties. A rich source of natural chemicals called ginsengosides, ginseng root helps combat stress and increases stamina. According to an 2003 article by Vince Boyd published in "Modern Phytotherapist," ginseng helps to improve symptoms of fatigue, tired limbs, low appetite and poor memory. Take ginseng root as a supplement, a tea or liquid tincture. This herbal product may increase blood pressure so if you are currently afflicted and taking medication, consult your health care professional.


    Rhodiola, also known as golden root and arctic root, is a Siberian herb that has become the focus of recent medical research. In a review of research published in Alternative Medicine Review in 2002, rhodiola was found to increase stamina, endurance and decrease stress levels through the balance of hormones such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. The review recommends using a standardized extract of rhodiola rosea root to ensure you receive a clinically significant level of the active chemicals in the plant.

How to Make a Salt Inhaler

How to Make a Salt Inhaler

The use of a salt inhaler for treatment of respiratory ailments is a drug-free alternative health therapy. It is believed that the periodic inhalation of salt-infused air calms and flushes the entire respiratory system, and can ease asthma, allergies and the flu. Alternative health practitioners also recommend that salt inhalation be used as a preventative measure during cold season.



    Open a paper clip to form a straight piece of wire. Use pliers to hold one end of the wire over an open candle flame or an electric stove burner, until the end is orange with heat.


    Use the hot paper clip to melt holes into the bottom of the plastic bottle. Press the heated paper clip to a point along the edge of the bottle, and apply light pressure until the wire melts through to the interior. Repeat every 1/8 inch along each edge of the bottle, reheating the paper clip as necessary.


    Reheat the paper clip and melt 12 holes into center of the bottle lid.


    Fill the bottle with 1/3 cup of coarse sea salt. Wrap a small amount of electrical tape around the sides of the lid to form a tight seal.


    Use the inhaler by placing your mouth over the center of the lid and breathing in deeply. Remove your mouth from the bottle and hold your breath for 5 seconds, then exhale as forcefully as you can. Repeat this process for 10 inhalations.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

How to Detoxify With Vinegar

How to Detoxify With Vinegar

Vinegar has been attributed to healing ailments through detoxification back to the time of Hippocrates and Julius Caesar. Vinegar can be used topically, added to water for soaking or ingested. For any of these methods, people typically use apple cider vinegar as white vinegar can contain chemicals. Also, since apples contain potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, calcium and iron, apple cider vinegar proves to be healthier than white vinegar. Whenever possible, use organic apple cider vinegar to further increase the health benefits of a vinegar detox.



    Make vinegar tea by mixing two teaspoons of vinegar with one cup of hot water and one teaspoon of honey. The honey will help to cut some of the tart flavor of the vinegar. Using apple cider vinegar will further help the flavoring.


    Detoxify facial skin by applying apple cider vinegar to the skin for several days in a row. Pour the apple cider vinegar on a paper towel and wipe the face with it. Stay away from the eyes to avoid any possible stinging.


    Mix one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with an 8 ounce cup of ice cold water, mix well and drink as quickly as possible to avoid the taste. Drink one of these glasses before each meal. This is a quick mixture for people short on time and ingredients, that will help improves digestion and gastrointestinal health through toxin removal.


    Add apple cider vinegar to a hot bath to detoxify and balance the pH level of the skin. Take one bath a day, not more than 20 minutes long. Start with one quarter of a cup of apple cider vinegar the first few days, and increase slowly each day, until you reach one cup per bath. To use as a detoxifying foot bath, add only a few tablespoons.

Witch Hazel Pros & Cons

Witch Hazel Pros & Cons

Witch hazel is a native North American shrub grown in low damp woods. Its other common names include winterbloom, wych-hazel, snapping hazel, tobacco wood, hamamelis and striped alder. The word "witch" is derived from the Anglo-Saxon "wych" meaning "flexible," as the branches could be bent to make bows. It produces yellow flowers in the fall and typically grows to between 8 and 20 feet tall. The leaves, twigs and bark contain tannins and a volatile oil which is distilled to make witch hazel extract. Witch hazel is used to treat a variety of ailments, from sore feet and hemorrhoids to sunburn and headaches. However, relatively little clinical research into witch hazel has been done in the United States, and its use requires caution as it should not be ingested.

Astringent Properties

    Witch hazel is used to treat many medical conditions. Its astringent properties promote the healing of skin and the reduction of swelling and inflammation. It is used to treat insect stings, oily skin, sunburn, windburn, eczema, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, acne and mouth and throat infections. It rapidly stops bleeding and is used to stop inwardly-bleeding piles as well as heals bruises. Tightening the skin proteins to repair the skin, witch hazel also protects against infection, as seen in the treatment of skin lesions. Research from Asia shows that the tannins in witch hazel account for its strong antioxidant properties.

Gels and Creams

    Witch hazel is available in various forms but is usually administered as a liquid, gel or cream. An infusion of witch hazel, preserving the tannin astringents, is either mixed into a gel ointment base or used directly to treat a wound. It may be used as a compress to treat bruises, headaches, wounds, sores and hemorrhoids. Witch hazel pads and suppositories are also effective postpartum treatments. The soothing antibacterial properties of witch hazel calm inflammation and promote healing. Witch hazel can be used by women to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy.


    Witch hazel infusions are gargled to treat throat and mouth infections. However, care must be taken not to swallow the solution, as the tannin content can cause digestive complaints. Teas are brewed from leaves and twigs which are dried, then sold commercially in health food stores. However, their medical effectiveness and safety have not been investigated. Witch hazel contains small amounts of safrole, a potentially cancer-causing substance banned from foods by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in the 1960s. As of 2000, research had yet to be conducted into the danger of safrole in witch hazel products.

Adverse Side Effects

    Witch hazel should only be used externally. Undistilled witch hazel contains tannins which cause digestive irritation. If ingested, nausea, vomiting, constipation and impactions may occur. Extreme consumption can cause liver damage. Distilled witch hazel -- hamamelis water or witch hazel distillate -- does not contain tannins and is most commonly used directly on the skin. However, it can cause minor skin irritation in some individuals. If this occurs, it should be diluted to lessen its astringent effects. Be cautious when using witch hazel and, if pregnant, consult a physician before using the product.

Things to Do to Keep You Awake

Things to Do to Keep You Awake

Feeling sleepy makes it tough to focus at work, study for school or stay safe on the road. Caffeine and sugary snacks give you a burst of energy, but these quick fixes usually leave you yawning again in an hour or two. There are some other things that can keep you awake when you're on the verge of nodding off or prevent you from feeling drowsy in the first place.


    Dehydration causes fatigue, so increasing your water intake should energize you. Sip water throughout the day instead of gulping caffeine-loaded coffee, soda or energy drinks. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water daily to stay hydrated and energized.

Get Moving

    When your eyelids are drooping, get up and move around. The short walk across your office is enough to increase blood flow, sending oxygen and nutrients to feed your body and mind; walking briskly for at least 10 minutes leaves you feeling peppier and less tired at work. Try to incorporate 30 minutes of exercise into your daily routine to keep sluggishness at bay.

Steal a Nap

    A short "power nap" helps you feel more alert, but too much napping might have the opposite effect. If you opt for a nap to recharge your battery, limit your snooze to 25 minutes or less. If you have trouble falling asleep quickly, you'll benefit from simply closing your eyes and relaxing for 10 minutes.

Rest Your Eyes

    Long stretches of reading or sitting in front of a computer screen can cause visual strain. When your eyes are tired, it's easy to feel groggy. If you need to stay awake while working at the computer or hitting the books, give your eyes short, periodic breaks. Look away from the page or screen for a few minutes and return to your work refreshed.

Grab a Snack

    A handful of nuts or carton of yogurt provides healthy protein to fuel you up and keep you going. Vegetables and fruits have a high water content, so choosing these snacks give you some energy to burn and hydrate you at the same time.


    Sit up straight and take a few deep breaths to raise your blood oxygen level, increase circulation and feel more alert. If possible, head outdoors and try some energizing breathing exercises. The fresh air clears out the cobwebs, and a dose of sunlight tells your body it's not the optimal time to sleep.

Sleep Tight

    If you're always tired, it's probably because you've been skimping on sleep night after night. Adjust your schedule to fit in 7 to 10 hours of sleep each night, depending on your personal needs. If you're getting plenty of sleep but still have trouble staying awake during the day, see your doctor to rule out a medical condition that could be causing fatigue.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Medicinal Properties of Kalanchoe

Medicinal Properties of Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe pinnata is a plant that has been used in many countries for its medicinal properties. Natural remedies, such as plants, offer a way to treat numerous health problems. Kalanchoe is commonly grown as a house plant which grows beautiful flowers. For supplementing, you can use either Kalanchoe juice or oil. Centuries of use in many countries has provided proof that the medicinal properties of Kalanchoe work well for many people.

Names and Taste

    Kalanchoe pinnata also goes by many other names, including Bryophyllum pinnatum, parnabija, mother of thousands, air plant, wonder of the world, hoja del aire, never dead and oliwa ka kahakai. The taste of Kalanchoe is something you might have to get used to. It is rather bland, yet a bit sour.


    Kalanchoe is an anti-inflammatory, meaning that it helps with swelling, and it is hemostatic, meaning it cleans heat and toxins out of the blood and also helps to stop bleeding. It has been used as a Western medicinal plant, as well as in China, Hawaii, India and in other parts of the world.

Digestive, ENT and Respiratory Uses

    Kalanchoe has been used to treat various digestive problems, including blood in the vomit. It is also used to treat ulcers in the stomach and to help stimulate the intestines. Respiratory uses include treating head colds with a poultice made from it, and coughing up blood as sometimes happens with pneumonia. Kalanchoe is also used to treat many ear, nose and throat (ENT) problems, including tonsillitis, sinus problems and ear aches.

Infections and Bacterial Uses

    Kolanchoe has been used to treat infections such as mastitis, boils, ear infections, and other infections. It can be used to treat bacteria, and is considered to be a good anti-bacterial plant. It has been used on cuts, and wounds which may have become infected as preventive medicine, as well as being used as a disinfectant.

How to Use Essential Oil Rubs

How to Use Essential Oil Rubs

Essential oils are highly concentrated aromatic essences of plants. Essential oils are extracted from various parts of the plant, including the stem, leaf, flower, bark, fruits and the root. Essential oils have a number of uses around the home as air fresheners and cleansers, but they also have a number of medicinal purposes. Essential oils are antimicrobial and can effectively kill a number of viruses and bacteria, reducing inflammation assisting in promoting healing. Essential oils can be beneficial when inhaled, used in a bath, on a compress, added to a facial steam treatment, in a diffuser, as a rub or direct palm inhalation.



    Dilute the essential oil, adding approximately 15 drops of essential oil to 1 oz. of carrier oil. For children decrease the amount of essential oil to 6 drops per 1 oz. of carrier oil. Never use undiluted essential oils as they may be toxic or cause skin irritation.


    Take some of the diluted mixture and rub on the afflicted area.


    Use the essential oil frankincense diluted as a rub on the bottom of your feet to reduce nervous energy and calm. Use lemon essential oil to soothe corns, calluses, or bunions by rubbing on the feet twice per day.


    Combine peppermint, lavender and camomile diluted to rub on your neck, temples and massage into your big toe to relieve headaches.


    Combine lavender, eucalyptus and rosemary along with carrier oil. Use as a rub to relieve muscle soreness. Use prior to or after exercise.

Native American Massage Techniques With Oils & Stones

Native American Massage Techniques With Oils & Stones

Massages are a popular type of spa treatment that involve engaging muscle tissue to reduce or eliminate tension and stress. There are many different types of massage therapy and each type utilizes different means in order to alleviate tension. In some cases, aromatherapy, acupuncture or other tools may be used instead of, or in addition to, using the hands. There are some massage techniques that incorporate Native American methodology, and various oils and stones to achieve maximum relief.

Hot Stone Treatments

    Many spas offer a treatment or massage program incorporating hot stones. This is derived from a traditional Native American healing art and combines the Swedish massage with hot stone therapy. Hot stone treatment uses smooth stones that have been heated in hot water. These stones are placed on various parts of the body to relieve tension and improve circulation. The stones are usually basalt, or Mexican beach pebbles. In Native American culture, hot stones were heated by fire and used for healing. Often, hot stone treatments are combined with heated oils. These oils can be scented or unscented, whichever the massage recipient prefers.

Hakomi Massage

    Hakomi is the term for a new type of massage that is derived from the Hopi people. The Hopi practiced the Native American technique of using cold stones to penetrate tissue while tying together the physical and emotional aspects of a person's well-being. Many Native Americans today assert that Hopi and Shawnee techniques are the basis for many current forms of massage therapy, including the hakomi massage.

Essential Oil Massage

    Based on the Lakota tribe's method of healing, an oil massage utilizes antibacterial oils that contain antiviral and anti-inflammatory components. This massage involves applying these oils along the spine. In the Lakota tribe, healers use a feather to brush the length of the spine. The essential oil massage imitates this technique by massaging in the oil gently and lightly. This massage is meant to help align the body's systems.

Benefits of Native American Massage Techniques

    The techniques used and adopted from Native American culture for a massage are beneficial to the recipients of the massage in many ways. These massage techniques are known to relieve stress and improve the mental state of the recipient. Many of these techniques are meant to be metaphysical, and some are even said to engage the spiritual realm as well. Many use Native American massage techniques to alleviate chronic pain. At the very least, these techniques should leave you relaxed and tension free.

Oxy Powder Directions

Oxy Powder Directions

Oxy-Clean is a health product touted by its manufacturer as a natural way to cleanse the colon of toxins and relieve bloating, constipation and gas. Although most medical professionals advise that colon cleansing is unnecessary and potentially harmful, those in alternative medicine communities still advocate its use to increase the health of the colon. Global Healing Center produces Oxy-Clean, and recommends three colon cleansing programs, ranging from a seven-day program to a quick, overnight method. The overnight method is the easiest to attempt, and may be helpful to those who have overeaten or have indigestion.



    Before bed, fill a glass with 16 oz. purified, distilled water.


    Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the glass.


    Add 1 tsp. Bragg apple cider vinegar to the glass.


    Stir the mixture.


    Take eight capsules of Oxy-Powder orally and drink the whole mixture you made.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

How to Mix MMS With Lemon Juice As an Activator

How to Mix MMS With Lemon Juice As an Activator

MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) is a formula of sodium chlorite powder and distilled water. When combined with citric acid, the result is chlorine dioxide, which is thought to kill bacteria, parasites and viruses as well as offer many other health benefits. This solution, while not FDA approved to aid in the eradication of illness and disease, has many proponents who believe in its healing properties. MMS is sold around the world in its sodium chlorite and water form, but should not be ingested until the solution is activated with a citric acid such as lemon juice.


    Lemons contain citric acid, which is imperative to this solution.
    Lemons contain citric acid, which is imperative to this solution.

    Pour five drops of lemon juice into a drinking glass. This lemon juice should contain no artificial sweeteners or ingredients. It should be squeezed fresh from a lemon.


    Add one drop of MMS to the lemon juice. Do not stir or shake the contents of the glass.


    Tip the glass gently to the side so that the solution mixes together.


    Wait 3 minutes for the lemon juice to activate the MMS, or wait until the lemon juice turns a richer shade of yellow.


    Add as much or little water to the solution as desired and drink.

Uses for a Rife Machine

A Rife machine frequency generator emits radio waves throughout the body for the purpose of killing disease causing bacteria. Developed by Dr. Royal Raymond Rife to kill the virus known to cause cancer, the machine works on the principle of sympathetic resonance. That is, if two objects vibrate, the other one will also vibrate in the way that sound causes resonance in a crystal glass. Rife's machine uses sympathetic resonance to vibrate parasitic cells, thereby destroying them.

Cancer Treatment

    Cancer takes the form of a virus or bacterium that causes abnormal growth of cells. Rife identifies specific frequencies for certain types of cancerous cells. Along with using the frequency generator to kill the cells, Dr. Rife recommends keeping the body in an alkaline state by maintaining proper pH to inhibit further viruses from forming. Candida and other fungus should be kept at bay by eating an 80 percent raw diet that excludes fermented foods.

Lyme Disease Treatment

    Lyme disease is an infection usually carried by a deer tick that causes fever, joint and muscle pain, nerve damage and heart problems. The Lyme organism damages the body using its corkscrew shape to bore through muscle and into bone. In his book, "Lyme Disease and Rife Machines," Brian Rosner documents his battle with Lyme disease using the Rife machine as a safer and more effective treatment than continued courses of antibiotics that do not cure chronic cases. Since the Lyme organism can lie dormant for a long period, many months of Rife sessions are required to obliterate the disease.

Parasite Elimination

    Protozoa and worms can cause severe damage in the body, as they can grow up to 11 feet in length. The parasitic worms --- roundworms, tapeworms and flukes --- may contribute along with other parasites to as much as 75 percent of all illness. They not only inhabit the human gut, but also can take hold in the pancreas, liver, kidneys, brain and blood. Parasites can cause an array of symptoms from stomach illness to joint and muscle pain, blurred vision and headaches. Rife frequencies are effective against parasitic infestations, along with herbal remedies to repair damage to the body done by their presence.

Heavy Metal Toxin Elimination

    Exposure to heavy metal toxins can cause memory loss, high blood pressure, autoimmune diseases and chronic fatigue. Rife machine frequencies can eliminate the toxic metals mercury, lead and cadmium, as well as other toxins in the body. Once the toxins are shattered by the designated frequencies, the body needs to be flushed out with plenty of water to help release the toxins. "The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing" recommends that system detoxification be accompanied by saunas and electrolyte replenishment.

How to Create an Alkaline Body Chemistry

How to Create an Alkaline Body Chemistry

The scale used for measuring pH balance spans from 0 to 14, with 7 serving as the neutral point. An alkaline body would have a pH above 7, with 7.35 being the ideal balance. When the body falls below 7 into acidity, cellular body processes no longer function at an optimum level --- a condition known as acidosis, or an excessively acid condition of the body fluids or tissues. Symptoms of acidosis include headache, chronic fatigue, shortness of breath and muscle weakness. Over time, acidosis can cause multiple metabolic diseases, including kidney disease. Eating alkaline foods increases pH balance in the urine.



    Ingest more fruits and vegetables. Include vegetables such as carrots, celery, cucumber, spinach and watercress. Fruits --- including acidic citrus fruits such as grapefruit, watermelon and pineapple --- increase pH balance found in the urine. Other alkalizing foods include figs, soy bean, almonds, millet, coconut and buckwheat. Clinical nutritionist Suzanne Le Quesne includes these foods in her top 80 alkaline forming foods.


    Reduce meat consumption. Any type of animal flesh, including fish, increases acidity in the body, as reported by Dr. William Howard Hay in his book "A New Health Era." Try "meatless Mondays," avoiding all meat products for one day of the week. At least try to have one meatless meal a day. A vegetarian or vegan lifestyle is best for reducing acidity in the body.


    Reduce dairy consumption. Like meats, all animal products including milk, eggs and cheese increase acidity. Use soy or almond milk in place of traditional dairy milk. Replace a regular frozen pizza with a pizza made with soy cheese. Dairy-free products are becoming increasing common and easy to find at local grocery stores. Look for dairy-free items in the produce and freezer sections.


    Drink more filtered water; shoot for eight glasses daily. Replace coffee, black teas and soda, which are acid forming, with filtered water. Include slices of fresh lemon, grapefruit or peaches in water to boost taste and alkaline levels.


    Reduce stress with yoga or calming exercise. Yoga can both reduce stress (which increases acidity) and help you focus heavily on breathing. Proper breathing reduces acidity by increasing oxygen in the bloodstream. Holding your breath or breathing shallowly increases carbon dioxide in the blood, which leads to higher acidity levels.


    Decrease alcohol consumption. Alcohol increases lactic acid and can cause lactic acidosis. Over time, consumption of alcohol can cause brain damage and liver disease.

Monday, August 24, 2015

How to Make Colloidal Silver Without Salt

How to Make Colloidal Silver Without Salt

Colloidal silver forms when an electric current passes down two 99.9 percent silver wires into distilled water. A constant current generator forces silver particles off the wires into the water. Makers of homemade colloidal silver sometimes add salt to speed up the process. It usually takes more than an hour to make. Distillation removes impurities, minerals and salts from the water. Making colloidal silver using non-distilled water with added salt leads to the formation of silver chloride. Regular or excessive consumption of this solution leads to a permanent condition called argyria when the skin develops a blue tinge.


Preparing the Solution


    Clean the kitchen top surface to free the area from possible contamination by dust and cleaning chemicals.


    Place the generator close to an electrical socket for easy access.


    Fill a clean Mason jar to just under the neck with distilled water.


    Insert each silver wire into the jack on the underside of the generator. Push each in as far as it will go.


    Connect the generator's electric flex to the machine.


    Sit the generator with its two vertical silver wires, over the open mouth of jar. If the generator can't sit on the top of the open jar, place a ruler across the top and place the generator on that. Do not allow the wires to touch the side of the jar.


    Plug the electric flex into the socket and switch it on.


    Brew the colloidal silver for a maximum of 100 minutes if using a basic generator with no 'process complete' indicator light.

After Brewing


    Switch off the electricity and remove the plug from the socket.


    Take the generator off the top of the jar and gently pull out the flex.


    Place the lid on the jar and secure it tightly. Store the colloidal solution in a cool dark place until ready for use.

What Are USP Oils?

What Are USP Oils?

When it comes to your health, you want the best for your body, especially if you are sick or seeking treatment for an ailment. Taking in a low quality medicine or using a low end oil product may not produce desired results. USP, the United States Pharmacopeia, sets high standards for several different medicinal items. If you purchase an item that has been approved by the USP, you can expect a quality product.


    USP is the medical acronym for United States Pharmacopeia, a nonprofit organization. USP oils are oils that have been tested, examined and approved by the organization. If a product holds the USP label, it means that it has met or exceeded its standards. If you see the acronym USP NF, it stands for United States Pharmacopeia National Formulary. This is the printed book that clearly defines its standards on each product.


    USP determines and upholds specific safety standards for medical drugs, devices, dosage forms, dietary supplements and diagnostics. By purchasing oil with the USP stamp, you know that it is an item of high quality.


    There are two main types of oils that are tested for medical purposes. There are carrier oils and essential oils. Carrier oils are oils you can dilute and mix with essential oils or use by themselves. Common carrier oils are cottonseed oil, olive oil, sweet almond oil, grapeseed oil, castor oil, peanut oil, sesame oil and soybean oil. There are numerous essential oils that can hold the USP label. Some of the most common essential oils are lavender essential oil, tea tree oil, lemon essential oil and rosemary essential oil.


    USP carrier oils can be used for several different medicinal reasons. USP castor oil, for example, is used as a laxative. USP sweet almond oil is often used as the base of massage oils and essential oils are added depending on the medicinal intent. USP tea tree oil, for example, is often used as an antibacterial agent and for numerous skin issues. By mixing an essential oil with carrier oil, it dilutes the concentrated dosage, reduces the risk of skin irritation and makes the oils easier to massage into the skin to deliver the medicine.

Differences Between Olive Leaf & Olive Extract

Differences Between Olive Leaf & Olive Extract

The olive tree has been a source of food and medicine for thousands of years in Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and more modern cultures. For most of this time, the fruit and oil of the tree have been most valued for their health-giving properties. The medicinal use of an extract of the olive leaf is much more recent. Each part of the olive tree has specific medicinal uses.

Olive Leaf Extract

    The olive leaf is used as a nutritional supplement in integrative medicine for the treatment of infectious diseases and the bolstering of the body's immune system. Oleuropein and its main constituent eneloic acid have been identified as the olive-leaf compounds associated with apparent anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties. Integrative health practitioners use olive leaf extract in the treatment of diseases and conditions such as pelvic inflammatory disease, histoplasmosis, influenza, and cardiac and intestinal disorders.

Olive Fruit Extract

    Olive fruit extract is more commonly known as olive oil. Olive oil has been recognized as having beneficial effects in the prevention and treatment of coronary disease. These benefits are due to the high levels of monosaturated fats in the oil.

    However, an extract derived from olive skins has been found to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. The skins contain higher amounts of triterpenoids, non nutritive compounds that protect the fruit of the olive against insects and plant diseases.


    In essence, the olive leaf shows more ability to fight more acute conditions caused by infectious agents. The olive fruit is more effective in treating conditions with long onsets such as heart disease and cancer. Incorporating fruit extracts like olives and olive oil into the diet is very simple and palatable. On the other hand, the active components of olive leaf extract have a bitter flavor and are more often used as drugs than as food.

Common Traits

    Most of the constituents of the olive tree exhibit some ability to combat disease in humans. Both olive-leaf and olive-fruit extracts exhibit anti-oxidant properties that help combat unhealthy cell growth, whether they are cancer cells or viruses. Specifically, the tripertenes in olive skins, the lineolic acids in olive oil, and elenoic acid in olive skins interfere with and cause the death of abnormal cells.

How to Cure With Blackberries

How to Cure With Blackberries

Blackberry plants have been used for centuries in medicinal applications. The berries, plant and root-bark can be used to treat a multitude of disorders. The blackberry plant can be used as an astringent for open wounds and sores and also taken internally as a tincture or infusion to treat conditions like diarrhea and gout. The plant is sometimes referred to as "scaldhead," referring to its use in treating scalding burns of the skin. The berries and plant can be eaten raw or dried to obtain its medicinal benefits.



    Harvest the blackberry fruit and plant. Pick berries from plants that have uniformly black, dull berries. Blackberries are shiny when almost mature but begin to dull when they reach full maturity; the most benefit can be had from the fully mature berries. After picking the berries from the plant, harvest it by digging and pulling it out from the root. Collect the berries in a shallow container so that the berries do not get mashed during collection.


    Dry the berries and plant. Although the berries can be eaten raw to get the benefit of their antioxidant and phytonutrient content, drying the berries and other parts of the plant will enable them to be prepared in tinctures, infusions and poultices. To dry the berries and plants, store them separately in a relatively dark, dry area until the majority of the moisture evaporates. The drying process can take up to two weeks.


    Prepare the berries and plant for immediate medicinal use. To make a poultice to use topically, pour boiling water on the dried berries and plants. Place them in between two pieces of cheesecloth and apply to the affected area. Making an infusion, like a tea, is a common way to ingest blackberry. Put the dried berries and plant into a mug, pour boiling water over them, strain the water to remove large particles and drink.


    Prepare the berries and plant for storable medicinal use. An ointment can be prepared and stored for up to a month. Simmer the blackberry products in sesame oil over a low flame until fragrant. Cool and combine the product with a viscous lotion to make the ointment. For a storable ingestible product, create a tincture. In a small glass bottle with a tight-fitting lid, combine 4 oz. of the dried berries and plant with 4 oz. of water and 8 oz. of strong grain alcohol. Store in a dark place for two weeks, at which time it can be used medicinally.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Natural Alcohol Alternatives

Natural Alcohol Alternatives

Alcohol can be expensive, inadvisable or just not available. But whatever the reason, there are plenty of alternatives to every kind of alcohol, from rubbing alcohol to drinking alcohol. So whether you want a drink as you kick you feet up, or you want to give your kitchen the once-over, look no further than what nature has to offer.


    There are various natural antiseptics that can stand in for rubbing alcohol. Try tea tree oil for use on your skin, but be sure to dilute concentrated tea tree oil with water, because it can be too strong for sensitive skin. Saline (salt) solution is an antiseptic, and can be used inside the mouth. Rosemary, sage and thyme are also antiseptics.

Household Cleaners

    Create your own natural cleaners.
    Create your own natural cleaners.

    Alcohol can be used to clean everything from mirrors to walls to countertops. However, there are plenty of natural household cleanser alternatives. Try using a white-vinegar and baking soda combination, a lemon juice-water mixture or a commercial natural household cleanser brand such as Ecover or Seventh Generation. While alcohol can be good for cleaning glass or mirrors in particular, a white vinegar spray and a crumpled-up newspaper will do the trick equally well.


    Tea is a great evening drink alternative.
    Tea is a great evening drink alternative.

    If you're looking for an alternative to drinking alcohol when relaxing in the evening, turn away from artificial over-the-counter drugs. A cup of chamomile tea will ease your tension. Try kava kava tea or valerian root for a stronger sedative effect. While alcohol can cause disturbed sleep as well as evening relaxation, a warm glass of milk will find you sleeping soundly all night long.

Party Drinks

    Sometimes the presentation is more important than the alcohol content.
    Sometimes the presentation is more important than the alcohol content.

    There are fun, natural alternatives to alcohol when it comes to party drinks. While these alternatives won't get you drunk, they are an exciting option when you are trying to avoid alcohol. One great alternative is adding fresh berries to sparkling water, with a twist of lime and some ice. Another is creating an iced mocha with fresh whipped cream and a natural, organic cherry on top. Non-alcohol soda drinks are available at larger health food stores, made without corn syrup or food dyes.

Alcohol is a Natural Alternative

    Natural alcohol itself can be an option for many purposes. Just make sure that you get the kind that really is natural, and not processed from fossil fuels. Everclear is a food-grade grain alcohol that is available and legal only in some places, but it can be used for anything from cleaning vinyl records and white boards to making herbal tinctures.

Polyethylene Glycol Natural Alternatives

Polyethylene Glycol Natural Alternatives

Polyethylene glycol is the most frequently used polymer in biomedical applications. It has been used for the past 20 years in drugs that treat cancer, hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn's disease. It is also used in industrial manufacturing and many toothpastes, creams, deodorants and lubricants. Abundant alarmist and contradictory information is published on this compound, mostly by individuals in the field of alternative health. Alarmist reports exaggerate research and inconclusively point to danger. However, a careful analysis of recent research and studies done on polyethylene glycol indicates little support for these reported dangers.

The biggest danger of consumption of polyethylene glycol compounds is hypersensitivity and possible accumulation within the body. This is best averted by being conscious of the amount of PEG compounds you take into your body. Read all labels and integrate natural options whenever possible, like holistic approaches. However; polyethylene glycol is often grouped into a category of cancer-causing chemicals, generating unneeded worry and concern. Sometimes, the most effective solution is a chemical compound that has possible side effects. If you experience hypersensitivity, are allergic to PEG or have experienced side effects, a variety of alternative remedies are available.

Laxative Natural Alternatives

    Used as a laxative, polyethylene glycol 3350 is known as PEG 3350 or MiraLax. Many natural alternatives relieve constipation including increased water consumption, increased fiber consumption, aloe, rhubarb, probiotics, magnesium and acupressure. A variety of teas also have proven medicinal affects on constipation including dandelion, goldenseal and milk thistle.

Skin Cream and Lubricant Natural Alternatives

    The ancient Indian health system of Ayurveda has long advocated the use of oils to moisturize the skin and for lubrication. The philosophy of Ayurveda is grounded in its holistic approach to health. To keep skin moisturized, Ayurvedic practices include consuming organic milk, water, whole grains, healthy fats, fruits and dark leafy vegetables to hydrate your body from within. A daily oil massage is recommended to keep skin supple. Ayurvedic health practices are based in three categories of psycho-physiological principles called doshas. Understanding what dosha type you are can help you develop a customized skin care regimen.

Natural Polymers

    Natural polymers are alternatives to synthetic polymers like polyethylene glycol. Natural polymers do not accumulate in the body. They include poly-saccharides, which are polymeric carbohydrate structures that act effectively as carriers for other elements in the body. Natural polymers such as heparin, dextran, and chitosan are already used in a wide range of drug-delivery systems.

Cancer Treatment

    Many cancer treatments include polyethylene glycol. Recent research shows that polyethylene-glycol (PEG) 8000, taken as a dietary supplement, can suppress and prevent colon cancer. PEG compounds are also used in drugs that have successfully reduced tumors in patients with lung cancer, kidney cancer, leukemia, ovarian cancer and breast cancer. There are no available alternative medicines for these drugs.

What Emotions Are Stored in the Hips?

What Emotions Are Stored in the Hips?

The hips are home to the pelvic bone, which acts as a basin for storing old emotions. Any emotion can be stored in the hips, but old worries retained from past experience are the most common burdens. However, exercises that open the hips can lead to a emotional breakthrough that relieves some of the burden.


    Unexpressed feelings are stored inside the body, causing obstruction in the circulation of energy, blood and fluids and, in turn, creates a sensation of pain. Anger is an example of one commonly unexpressed emotion that becomes filed away in the hips. Anger and resentment are not socially acceptable emotions in many western cultures, so instead of sharing or channeling their anger, people may push the feeling inside. When this repressed emotion becomes stored in the hips it may cause physical pain or a feeling of tightness. However, finding a method of releasing anger, such as yoga, will bring relief to those holding onto these feelings.

Self Expectation

    Setting expectations for yourself is a natural, healthy part of living, but sometimes these expectations can take control of your life. For example, you can store disappointment over unfulfilled expectations in your hips, as well as stress over impossible goals. These disappointments can potentially lead to feelings of self-doubt. The gallbladder meridian used in acupuncture travels along the sides of the body, through the hip; feelings of doubt can weaken this meridian. Self-doubt often serves as a diagnostic tool for gallbladder meridian imbalances.


    Unexpressed sadness can also enter the hips. A person carrying this emotional burden may not even be aware of the sadness and only feel a climax of emotion when stretching or releasing the hips. People collect sadness when they do not allow themselves to grieve traumatic events such as losing.


    The hips are home to the second chakra, or splenic chakra, one of seven that run the length of the torso to the top of the head. The second chakra's energy is associated with sexuality and creative life force. When the energy of this chakra becomes blocked, a person may experience issues with intimacy, sex or creative blockage.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

How to Get Rid of Bruises on the Knees

How to Get Rid of Bruises on the Knees

Bruises, also known as contusions or ecchymosis, are common conditions that occur when a part of the body, such as the knees, is damaged and capillaries, small blood vessels beneath the skin, rupture, spilling blood into surrounding tissues forming a characteristic, tender purple/red mark on the skin. Most bruises are minor injuries that will heal on their own in a week or two, however, some care and treatment can help your body heal bruises more efficiently. If a bruise swells, becomes very painful or prevents you from putting weight on your knee, you should seek immediate medical attention.



    Elevate the area above the level of your heart as soon as you can after injuring it. This encourages blood to flow back away from the bruise, slowing the bleeding beneath the skin. Elevating the knees is easiest by reclining on a couch or the floor and placing a pillow under the knee.


    Place an ice pack (or bag of frozen vegetables if you do not have an ice pack) wrapped in a towel on the knee as you recline. This help eases swelling in the area.


    Apply arnica cream over the area of the bruise. Arnica has been used topically to help heal bruises and skin injuries for thousands of years. Apply a thin layer several times a day, or follow the manufacturer's directions for use.


    Increase your intake of vitamin C by taking supplements or eating more fruits and vegetables rich in the water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin C helps with your body's healing process.

Foods That Kill Pinworms

Foods That Kill Pinworms

Pinworms are a common parasitic infestation in the United States. These parasites infect the digestive tract , causing intense itching around the anus when they emerge to lay thousands of eggs at night. Itching spreads the infestation further and causes the affected host to reinfect themselves. It's easy to transmit pinworms and difficult to eliminate. Herbal, food-based remedies can help get rid of infestations, but only use them with a doctor's approval and in addition to a prescribed, medicinal remedy.


    Increase your fiber intake during a pinworm infestation. Eating foods high in fiber helps strengthen the speed and efficiency of medicinal treatment and may help prevent reinfestation. Grains, raw vegetables and whole fruits are excellent sources of fiber. You can also take fiber supplements to help increase fiber intake.


    Probiotics are "good" bacteria that maintain the status quo inside your intestinal tract. Probiotics are a natural protection against harmful organisms like pinworms. Plain non-fat yogurt is the best source of probiotics in food. You can purchase probiotic supplements from some grocery stores and most health food stores.


    Garlic can also help fight pinworm infestations. Mash up a garlic clove and mix it with honey to improve taste. Consume this mixture two to three times daily for up to three weeks. If you dislike the taste of garlic, simply swallow the clove of garlic whole, like a pill.

Seed Remedies

    Grapefruit seed and pumpkin seed remedies can help expel pinworms from your system. Add 5 to 10 drops of grapefruit seed extract to a glass of water once a day to utilize this remedy. Pumpkin seeds can be eaten whole or ground up and mixed with honey and water.

Foods to Avoid

    Pinworms thrive on sugar and refined carbohydrates. If you're trying to get rid of a pinworm infestation, eliminate foods high in sugar and refined carbs from your diet until the infestation ends. Foods that fall into these categories include white flour, white sugar, soda and some cereals.

Tests to Know Which Bach Flower Remedies to Use

Tests to Know Which Bach Flower Remedies to Use

Dr. Edward Bach, a British physician, developed the Bach Flower Remedies in the 1930s. Believing that flowers and plants had natural healing ability, he gathered the essence of 38 plants and flowers. A combination of one to seven essences are used in most remedies. A small amount of flower or plant material is used in an 8:7 solution of brandy and water. They are considered safe unless you are allergic to brandy. The remedies are intended as a short-term aid in the adjustment of emotions. Discovering which combination of Bach Flower Remedies you need can be accomplished by knowing yourself or having a friend or family member help identify the traits causing a problem in your life. There are several good online sites that will help you choose the right combinations, or you can go to a local Bach Flower practitioner, who can mix the correct remedy. Bach Flower Remedies are not considered medicine, though the are often referred to as medicinal. In the U.S., they are often called Bach essence, and in the UK, Bach Remedies.

Rescue Remedy for Anxiety

    Essences of flowers are used in Bach Remedies.
    Essences of flowers are used in Bach Remedies.

    If you are overly stressed and suffering from anxiety, then the Rescue Remedy may be for you. The most commonly prescribed Bach remedy, it is used for stress and anxiety. Used to quell anxiety attacks and ease tension, the Rescue Remedy is a mix of Impatiens, Rock Rose, Clematis, Cherry Plum and Star of Bethlehem. This remedy is also know as the Five Flower Remedy. Before taking any Bach Flower Remedy, check with your doctor.

Cherry Plum for Fear

    If you are overly strained and afraid of your reason giving way, Cherry Plum might be part of the flower remedy for you. Usually remedies are made up of more then one essence. The Flower Remedy questionnaires will help determine if Cherry Plum essence is what you need (see Resources).

Chicory for Being Overly Concerned About Others

    Being mindful of others is a good thing, except when it goes to extremes. Awareness of the needs of others at the expense of oneself can be taken too far. An essence of Chicory in a flower remedy can aid in redirecting some of your focus back to you and your life.

Honeysuckle for Living in the Past

    Impatiens can be part of a remedy.
    Impatiens can be part of a remedy.

    You may find yourself focusing on the past too much. Whether pining for what was or reliving the past, it can interfere in your present. Dr. Bach believed that essence of Honeysuckle could help bring you out of dwelling on the past and into your current life.

Impatiens to Cure Impatience

    If you suffer from road rage, hate standing in line or lack patience with your family, friends, boss or children, Essence of Impatiens might help you achieve a more peaceful, patient self. This flower essence is especially useful in today's hectic society.

Clematis for Low Energy

    Spending your days dreaming away can be a serious problem if it is stopping you from achieving your goals. The Bach Flower Remedy to help overcome excessive dreaminess will most likely contain Clematis.

Take An Online Test

    Online questionnaires are available to test which Bach Flower Remedy is right for you (see Resources.) Or, you can go to your local Bach Flower Specialist. Many organic food stores, herb shops and alternative medicine practitioners can help aid you in finding the combination of plant and flower essences that will help you.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Uses and Dangers of Papain

Uses and Dangers of Papain

An enzyme is a chemical that makes a chemical reaction go faster, a process known as catalyzation. Papain is an enzyme that breaks up protein and is known as a proteolytic enzyme. It is found in various plants, an example of which is the skin of the unripe papaya, scientifically called Carica papaya. Various uses have been devised for papain, but dangers concerning papain also exist.


    One of papain's marketed uses is as a digestive aid. This is because papain breaks down the protein in food and is taken so the digestive tract doesn't have to work as hard.

Wound Treatment

    Certain topical drugs, drugs put on the skin, use papain to get rid of dead or infected flesh surrounding a wound. Several examples of wounds that papain-containing drugs are used for include infected wounds and various types of ulcers such as varicose ulcers, diabetic ulcers and pressure ulcers. Doctors call this method of chemically cleaning wounds "enzymatic debridement."

Legal Danger

    The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has never approved a topical drug containing papain. In fact, the FDA demanded that as of November 24, 2008, all manufacturers of any topical drug containing papain stop.

Meat Tenderizer

    Due to its ability to break up protein, papain is useful to soften or tenderize meat so that it is less difficult to chew. Papain dissolves the connective tissue, made mainly of protein, and the part of the muscle cell called the fibril.

Bad Reaction Danger

    Not everyone can eat papain. Allergic reactions, such as rapid heart beat, lowered blood pressure and anaphylactic shock are possible. On a side note, the FDA has found that people who are allergic to latex are also allergic to papain.

Immunological Use

    Papain is used in immunology, the study of the immune system. Immunologists use papain to cut up immunoglobulin, a glycoprotein made by immune system cells, that acts like an antibody. Immunologists have found that if you cut an immunoglobulin using papain, one part, the Fab, sticks to the antigen that it's supposed to, while the other part, the Fc, doesn't stick to the antigen it's supposed to.