Tuesday, October 17, 2017

How to Use Essential Oils for Massage

How to Use Essential Oils for Massage

Using essential oils for massage is not only relaxing but can be beneficial in a variety of ways, depending the essential oils used. Just a few drops of each oil are applied after the application of carrier oil that dilutes the highly concentrated oils. Following are just a few suggestions using essential oils for massage.



    Relieve stressed muscles and revitalize the mind, body and spirit with a relaxing massage using essential oil of pine. Add cypress oil for a sense of security and grounding.


    Promote physical and emotional healing as well as a good night's sleep with Awaken, a blend of several other oil blends. Use vegetable oil as the carrier oil for a full body massage.


    Enjoy giving or receiving a massage with Sensation, a romantic, refreshing blend of ylang-ylang, jasmine and rosewood. Expect increased awareness and amplified excitement.


    Stimulate the limbic region of the brain with Live with Passion, a blend of oils including ginger, angelica, sandalwood, patchouli and clary sage. Increase passion in relationships, business or personal accomplishment with a massage with this oil blend.


    Give a massage with Valor, a blend of rosewood, tansy, blue spruce and franincense, to build courage, confidence and self-esteem. Apply Valor first when using other oils.


    Perk up the spirit with a massage with Citrus Fresh, a blend of orange, tangerine, lemon, spearmint, grapefruit and mandarin. Stimulate and increase creative energy with this refreshing blend.

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