Saturday, October 21, 2017

How to Get Allergy Relief with Herbs

How to Get Allergy Relief with Herbs

Stinging nettle is by far my favorite herb for allergies. But, there are plenty of herbs out there that will work. Since everyone is different, you may not have the same positive reaction to stinging nettle that I do.

There are so many herbs and supplements that you can choose from that can all help. The goal is to find the herb that works the best for your needs.

Choose from the following herbs:

Stinging nettle
Green tea
White tea
Cayenne pepper

Choose one herb at a time to work with so you can test how it works. I also take extra Vitamin C, quercetin (note that garlic has quercetin) and grapeseed extract if my allergies are really bad.

My favorite way of taking any of the herbs listed above is with a tea. So the instructions for making a tea with the herbs are listed below. But, you can also take a pill. Just follow the instructions on the bottle.



    Place the loose herb in a tea strainer or drop tea bag into the mug.


    Pour boiling water into the mug.


    Let steep for at least 10 minutes. If using stinging nettle, steep for around thirty minutes.


    Remove tea strainer or tea bag. Sweeten and enjoy.

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