Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Natural Methods of Removing Scars

Scars can be an embarrassing problem for people. They can look unattractive, especially when they are large, raised and bumpy looking. Prescription topical medication can't always eliminate permanent scars. However, natural remedies can heal, lighten and remove scars.

Rose Hip Seed Oil

    Rose hip seed oil helps regenerates skin and is very moisturizing. By applying the oil to the scar, it helps reduce scar tissue.

Olive Oil

    Olive oil has been used for centuries to treat skin conditions. By applying olive oil twice daily to the skin, it helps reduce scar formation.

Aloe Vera Gel

    Aloe vera gel is applied topically to heal skin conditions, such as burns. However, when aloe vera is applied to fresh scars it can help prevent permanent scarring.

Sandalwood and Rose Water Paste

    By mixing sandalwood and rose water together, it forms a paste that is effective in treating scars. For best results, the mixture needs to be applied directly to scars before bed, left overnight and rinsed off the next morning.

Tea Tree Oil

    Tea tree oil is used as a therapeutic, healing antiseptic for skin conditions. When applied topically to scars, it can heal scars faster.

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