Tuesday, May 9, 2017

How to Get Rid of Moles with Dandelion Root

How to Get Rid of Moles with Dandelion Root

Do you have a problem of small moles on your body? Most of us have small and large moles all over our body. They start appearing when we are toddlers and continue appearing for the first 20 years of life. You can get rid of small moles either surgically or naturally. Surgical methods for getting rid of unwanted moles involve freezing, laser treatments or removal with a scalpel. These methods to get rid of moles can be painful and expensive. If these methods for mole removal do not appeal to you, check out the following holistic method for removing moles.



    Find a dandelion plant in your yard and pull it from the ground with the roots intact.


    Rinse dirt from dandelion roots completely with water.


    Cut end of dandelion root off with scissors and squeeze root stem until a milky sap emerges.


    Rub milky sap on unwanted mole.


    Repeat process 2 to 3 times per day using a new dandelion root each time on the unwanted moles.

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