Wednesday, May 31, 2017

How to Make Aloe Vera Juice

How to Make Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera juice offers numerous health benefits as an herbal remedy, and you can make your own from aloe vera gel. If you have a mature potted aloe vera plant, or have some growing in your garden, this is a simple task. Read on to learn how to make aloe vera juice.



    Gather everything you will need to make your aloe vera juice. This is important because fresh aloe vera gel oxidizes very quickly once ex[posed to air, which makes it important to immediately extract and process the gel once you harvest the aloe vera leaf.


    Harvest one or more leaves from your aloe vera plant. Use the paring knife to trim off the thorny edges of the leaf., and then rinse in cold water.


    Split the aloe leaf into two halves. Scoop out the clear, translucent, inner gel from the split leaf.


    Put the aloe vera gel into a blender, and add some citrus juice, such as orange or grapefruit. The juice helps to briefly stabilize the exposed aloe vera gel, as well as enhancing the taste. Blend these ingredients for about two minutes.


    Pour the aloe vera juice into an airtight container. Refrigerate your homemade aloe Vera juice. It will stay fresh up to a week, but is at it most potent in terms of health benefits, if consumed within two days.


    Stir two tablespoons of the blended aloe vera gel in a glass of water to make a glass of aloe vera juice. You can tone down or enhance the flavor by substituting fruit juice for the water.

How to Prevent Grey Hair

How to Prevent Grey Hair

It is said that "Grey hair is a crown of splendor." That may be true, but some of us aren't quite ready to wear that crown. Although there are no methods yet to avoid grey hair entirely, there are some steps you can take to prevent grey hair for as long as possible.



    Stop smoking! Smoking has been scientifically proven to cause premature aging of the entire body, and that includes getting grey hair. If you want to prevent grey hair and you smoke, quitting should be the first, most important step.


    Relax. It has been found that stress can be linked to premature grey hair. Stress has an effect on the body like smoking, causing it to age faster. Search for ways to calm your emotions - like regular exercise or meditation - and you will also prevent grey hair.


    Examine your diet. Grey hair begins to appear due to a breakdown in protein synthesis. In particular, this is caused by a copper insufficiency. Luckily, there are many ways to get more of this mineral:

    1. Take a multi-vitamin. Most of them contain copper.

    2. Eat foods that contain copper. I have included a link at the end of this article for copper-containing foods. Some common ones include turnip greens, lima beans, yams, spinach, and most meats.

    3. Eat fruits and nuts, particularly - blackberries, pineapples, pomegranates, almonds, and pumpkin seeds.


    Herbs. There are some herbs in Chinese medicine that people claim prevent grey hair. The most popular is called He Shou We, or Fo-ti. "He Shou Wu means "black-haired Mr. He" in Chinese. In the resources section below, I have included a link to how Fo-ti is used to prevent grey hair.

Dry Mouth Alternative Remedies

Dry mouth is a condition also knows as Xerostomia. Dry mouth symptoms include a sticky and dry feeling of the mouth and tongue, cracked lips, difficulty in chewing or swallowing, difficulty in tasting or talking, mouth sores, frequent bad breath and dentures that do not fit properly. There are things a person with dry mouth can do from home to relieve these symptoms.

Sugar Elixir

    A major cause of dry mouth is dehydration. If dehydration is the cause of dry mouth, it is important to restore the electrolytes in the body. A sugar elixir can help by mixing 1 tsp. salt, tsp. baking soda and 1 tbsp. sugar into a cup of water, and add lemon or honey for flavor.


    Celery is waterlogged, and munching on these for a snack can help relieve dry mouth by restoring the saliva in the mouth.

Liquid Food

    When dealing with dry mouth, there won't be much saliva in the mouth. Try adding liquids to foods such as gravy, sauce, broth, butter or yogurt.


    If you are having problems with bad breath associated from dry mouth, parsley can help relieve both. Parsley acts as a breath freshener and has iron, calcium, and vitamins A and C to help relieve dry mouth.


    Drink at least 8 8-oz. glasses of water every day to deal with dry mouth and prevent it from getting worse. It doesn't matter if you drink tap water or bottled. Cut back on coffee, soda, and tea and stick with water to help relieve dry mouth.

Natural Cures for Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a painful and common form of cancer that is found only in men, and is related to a number of known and unknown factors. Since many natural substances are beneficial for prostate health and have cancer inhibiting properties, there is potential for a natural cure for prostate cancer.


    Natural cures for prostate cancer include herbal therapy, food therapy, minerals, lifestyle and exercise, and stress reduction techniques.


    Herbs that are used as natural cures for prostate cancer include saw palmetto and pygium. These act directly on the prostrate to reduce enlargements. Anti-cancer herbs such as essiac and green tea fight cancer systems on a wider spectrum.


    Certain foods can be natural prostate cancer cures. Broccoli and tomato contain compounds that affect the prostate and cancer cells. These compounds are also found in maitake and shitake mushrooms.


    Selenium and calcium are greatly utilized by the body while fighting cancer. Both should be an integral part of any natural prostate cancer cure plan.


    Exercise releases powerful chemicals in the body that assist in the fight against cancer and stress reduction techniques such as meditation boost the overall immune system.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

How to Tap the Nose to Relieve Sinus Pressure

How to Tap the Nose to Relieve Sinus Pressure

Sinus pressure can make life unbearable and unfortunately, many over the counter remedies may cause drowsiness or other side effects that feel worse than the original sinus pressure. There are many alternative remedies for relieving the pain and pressure, including learning how to tap the nose to relieve sinus pressure. Tapping is a simple process that can be done anywhere and usually gives relief within 24 hours if done correctly.



    Put two drops of eucalyptus oil and two drops of peppermint oil next to each other on a clean cloth handkerchief. Be careful not to get any on your fingertips.


    Hold the handkerchief up to your nose so you can smell the oils. Breathe in and out deeply for about one minute and then put the handkerchief aside.


    Using the index fingers of both hands, begin to tap lightly on the sides of your face below your cheekbones beginning at your hairline and following your cheekbone to where it meets the rise of your bone. Tap back and forth along the line of your cheek bone four or five times.


    Tap the area where your cheekbone meets your nose for about a minute. You should feel a slight pulsing or tickling sensation along your nose.


    Stop tapping in the area of your cheekbone and begin tapping with one index finger in the center of the bridge of your nose for one minute.


    Repeat this process starting with step 2; the two repetitions should last five minutes total.

What Is Red Rice Yeast Used For?

Red yeast rice--rice fermented with a reddish yeast (Monascus purpureus)--has been used for thousands of years as an Asian dietary staple, a natural food coloring and a traditional Chinese remedy. More recently, red yeast rice has come into the spotlight as a potent cholesterol-lowering supplement.

Culinary Uses

    Red yeast rice is eaten in Asian communities as a grain like ordinary rice. It is also used as a natural way to color a variety of foods, including Asian alcohols, pickled dishes and, most famously, Peking duck.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

    Since as far back as the Tang Dynasty in 800 A.D., red yeast rice has been used to aid in digestion and improve blood circulation.

Cholesterol Treatment

    Strong scientific evidence supports the role of red yeast rice in lowering cholesterol. A 2008 Mayo Clinic study showed that in combination with fish oil and lifestyle changes, red yeast rice lowered cholesterol even more than statin drugs, the standard treatment for high cholesterol (see Resources).

Other Medical Uses

    Additional studies suggest red yeast rice may promote bone formation, counteract diabetes and provide cardiovascular benefits.


    Because red yeast rice contains a naturally occurring substance found in prescription statin drugs, there has been an ongoing dispute over whether it should be regulated as a drug or a dietary supplement.

How to Get Rid of Spider Veins With Vinegar

Spider veins are discolored veins similar to, but less prominent than, varicose veins. They can be treated in a variety of ways, including at a doctor's office. However, several folk remedies have a strong reputation for lessening, or curing, the appearance of veins without a costly doctor's visit. Apple cider vinegar has helped many people lessen the appearance of their spider veins. Below, you will learn several different methods of using apple cider vinegar to reduce the bothersome appearance of spider veins.


How to Get Rid of Spider Veins With Vinegar


    Use a topical application by soaking bandages, a washcloth or rags in apple cider vinegar. Place the bandages, washcloth or rags on the affected area. Rub the affected area vigorously upward, toward your heart. Lie down with feet propped up about a foot higher than your chest.


    Apply a topical application without soaking bandages as an alternative. Fill a cupped hand with apple cider vinegar. Splash on the affected area. Rub or massage vigorously toward the heart with your hand. Repeat the topical application both at morning and night.


    Take apple cider vinegar orally for another option. Mix a glass of water with 2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar. Stir in honey or sugar as desired; generally, 1 to 2 tbsp. is enough. Sweetener is just for taste---all that is required is vinegar and water. Drink at least one glass a day.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Hormone Replacement Therapy Alternatives

Hormone replacement therapy has become controversial in recent years because of its potentially life-threatening side effects. Still, many doctors still feel HRT is the best way to control menopause, at least in the first few years. Whether or not to be treated with HRT is a very important and personal choice, but if it's not for you, there are alternatives. Small changes to your diet and lifestyle can have a significant effect on the severity of your menopause symptoms.


    Soy foods act like estrogen in the body, and eating them may help to soothe some menopause symptoms, such as hot flashes and mood swings.


    Stay on a diet low in saturated fat, high in fiber, and high in healthy fats like those found in olive oil, fish and nuts. Foods rich in unsaturated fats and fiber can actually help to lower your cholesterol, reducing your risk for heart disease.


    Drinking enough water is essential to helping you protect your skin, fight off hot flashes and prevent vaginal dryness.

To Avoid

    Certain habits can actually worsen your menopause symptoms. Avoid or reduce your consumption of alcohol, coffee and cigarettes.


    Few herbal supplements have been shown to have any effect on menopause symptoms. Black cohosh and St. John's wort are two herbs that have shown some effectiveness in clinical trials.


    If possible, start supplementing your calcium before you begin menopause. Bone loss starts after the age of 35, and physical activity combined with taking a calcium supplement can help to slow this process.


    Staying physically active can have several positive effects on menopause. Exercise helps fight off excess weight, reduces stress and can actually increase bone density.

Natural Cures for Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is on the rise worldwide and, like all cancer, is caused by a large number of variables and specific conditions. Many natural cures for skin cancer are touted on the Internet and most have not been studied by the scientific community. However, many people claim to have cured cancer using natural substances and many of these substances have long histories of traditional use worldwide. Escharotic salves based on natural herbs are currently widely-used, and may be a natural cure for skin cancer.


    Many natural substances such as herbs have been shown to have an effect on cancerous cells, and are spurning the search for a natural cure for skin cancer.


    Many remedies claiming to be natural cures for skin cancer are topical salves. The famous Hoxsey formula is an escharotic salve based on bloodroot, an herb traditionally used by Native Americans for skin growths.


    Escharotics are salves that are applied directly to the skin cancer growth and are supposed to directly attack the cancerous tissue, thereby effecting a natural cure.


    Eschotic salves used as natural cures for skin cancer can be prepared at home or purchased in a variety of forms, sometimes called black salve.


    Treating skin cancer through natural means is something that should only be attempted under the supervision of an experienced practitioner.

Natural Home Remedies for Yeast Infections

According to the NIH (National Institutes of Health), most women will experience a yeast infection---an overgrowth of the normal bacteria Candida albicans--at some time in their lives. While yeast infection is not classified as a sexually transmitted disease, up to 15 percent of men will suffer the itching and rash associated with this condition following intercourse with an affected partner. Fortunately, a visit to the doctor is not always necessary. Yeast infection may be effectively treated with natural home remedies.

Tea Tree Oil Cream

    Tea tree oil contains antibacterial and antifungal properties, making it an excellent natural home remedy for yeast infection. Apply tea tree oil cream once a day to the affected area.

Tea Tree Oil

    Pure tea tree oil may also be used for yeast infection. Coat the tip of a tampon with personal lubricant or petroleum jelly, then apply a few drops of tea tree oil and insert into the vagina once a day.

Apple Cider Vinegar

    Use apple cider vinegar as a natural home remedy for yeast infection. Pour 1 cup of ACV into a warm bath nightly until symptoms subside.


    The acidophilus in yogurt effectively fights yeast overgrowth. Coat a tampon in plain, unsweetened yogurt and insert into the vagina nightly until the yeast infection is gone.


    Sugar feeds a yeast infection. Avoiding all sugar in your diet until the infection has cleared up is a helpful, natural home remedy for yeast.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Health Benefits of Hot Tubs

There are a number of health benefits of hot tubs for people who need temporary relief from stress and those who suffer from chronic illnesses. Hydrotherapy works by providing the right amount of heat to massage the body, producing a relaxing effect. They also provide therapeutic effects as well for people in pain.

Stress and Migraines

    Sitting in a relaxing hot tub eases stress related to migraine headaches.


    Relaxing in a hot tub at night can help individuals sleep better. The National Sleep Foundation states that soaking in a hot tub can help the body transition and get ready for deep sleep (see Resources).

Joint and Muscle Pain

    Hot tubs have a relaxing effect on tight joints and muscles after a strenuous workout; they help with blood circulation.


    The Arthritis Foundation states that hydrotherapy alleviates some of the pain associated with arthritis. In addition to relaxing in hot tubs, arthritis sufferers can also perform flexibility exercises in the hot tub (see Resources).


    The "New England Journal of Medicine" states in initial studies that health benefits of hot tubs for people with diabetes include decreased blood sugar levels and blood pressure, as well as weight loss.

Natural Cures for Hepatitis

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver caused by a virus or damage to the liver which causes the liver calls to inflame. Natural cures for hepatitis attempt to heal, protect and reduce inflammation of the liver as well as treat the underlying virus or toxicity that is responsible for the inflammation. Hepatitis is commonly broken down into three types: hepatitis A, B and C. Both hepatitis A and B are short-term conditions that can be greatly helped by natural means, while some people never recover from hepatitis C.


    Many herbs have been used throughout the ages for liver health and as anti-viral agents. Some that may help you on your search for a natural cure for hepatitis are milk thistle, bupleurum and dandelion.

Milk Thistle

    According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, there is evidence that milk thistle protects the liver through antioxidant, antifibrotic and possible anti-inflammation and immunomodulating activities.


    According the University of Michigan Health System, the saikosapins in bupleurum have been shown to inhibit inflammation and inhibit liver cancer cells.


    According to Healthline, dandelion was studied for its effect on hepatitis B and was found to improve liver function.


    Herbs used as natural cures for hepatitis can be purchased as capsules, in bulk herbal packages or in herbal formulas that are specifically targeted to hepatitis.

How to Do a Safe Spring Cleanse

I am not a believer in "detoxing" and "cleansing" the way most people think of it. I don't think it's good for the body to just drink fruit juices or water for three days straight in order to "purge" the body of toxins.

The body is not dirty. It has the capabilities for taking care of its own elimination. The organs and body systems are designed to keep the body running smoothly.

However, I do think that the body needs a boost now and then. Yes, the body is not dirty. Yes, the body gets rid of toxins on its own. But things can get backed up, especially during the winter when we eat heavy foods and don't exercise as much as we do in warmer weather.

That's why the body often needs a boost in the spring. In this article I will offer some steps for changing your diet and lifestyle--as well as incorporate gentle herbs to help transition your body from winter to spring.



    Make sure you are getting the right amount of water for your body size and activity level. This is usually around 8 cups of water a day, give or take. Your body needs enough water to function at its best. Make sure the water is clean and filtered.


    Notice how the produce that is in season in the spring is often bitter? That's because bitter foods activate the digestive system and help the liver, which is a key step to helping the body get rid of excess weight that was put on during the winter. Eat a serving or two of this kind of food each day.


    Get more exercise than you did during the winter. No matter what your routine is, add more activity to it. Try walking outdoors for an extra 30 minutes. This will not only help you burn extra calories, but also connect you with the changes the earth is going through.


    Take an herb that is good for the liver. Your best bet is to use a fairly gentle one like dandelion leaves, which can be eaten fresh or taken as a tea in its dried form or milk thistle, which you can take as a capsule (just follow the package instructions).

How to Make Cough Syrup for a Baby Under One Year

Every cold and flu season, we hear more warnings about the medicine we give to our kids. The reality is that you can make cough syrup at home that is more effective and that doesn't contain the potentially dangerous drugs you find in commercial syrups. Not to mention, it can save you money.
The trouble with making cough syrup for babies is that honey--the main ingredient in most cough syrup recipes--shouldn't be fed to kids under the age of 2 because it can contain a microorganism that can make your baby sick. However, there's an easy solution: substitute brown rice syrup or organic fruit syrup, available at your local natural foods store, in the same amount as the recipe calls for honey. While you won't get all of the healing effects of honey, you can still make a soothing cough syrup for your child under the age of two.
There are countless recipes all over the Internet for homemade cough syrup, but most of them have the same basic ingredients. This article presents a few recipes that you can easily create at home.


Basic Lemon Cough Syrup for Babies


    Warm 1 pt. brown rice syrup or organic fruit syrup on low heat (see if you can find lemon or lemon-herb fruit syrup for this recipe). Be careful not to bring it to boil.


    In a different pot, boil 1 whole lemon for a few minutes, which will kill any bacteria and soften the lemon. Let the lemon cool, then cut into slices.


    Add the lemon slices to the syrup and heat on low for 1 hour. Don't allow the mixture to boil.


    Using a strainer, remove the lemons and their seeds from the syrup.


    Pour in a clean, tightly closed jar and let cool. Keeps for up to 2 months in the refrigerator.

Cherry Cough Syrup for Babies


    Put 2 cups cherries in a pot and add just enough water to cover them.


    Add 2 cups brown rice syrup or organic fruit syrup (see if you can find lemon or cherry fruit syrup for this recipe).


    Slice one whole lemon, and add at least half of the slices to the mixture on the stove.


    Simmer the mixture carefully until the cherries are soft.


    Strain the cherries, lemons, pits and seeds from the mixture.


    Pour in a clean, tightly closed jar and let cool. Keep in the fridge.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

How to Make Homemade Hair Treatment Recipes

Not every person can afford a lavish and expensive salon treatment each time his or her hair is in need of some pampering and TLC. Furthermore, some individuals prefer to do their primping and improvements at home in private and would prefer not to pay an arm and a leg for it.




    Massage your scalp. Something as simple and easy as giving your scalp and hair a regular massage can stimulate circulation, which, in turn, promotes hair growth and hair health. Couple the massage with some herbal remedies, and you may see even better and faster results. Rinse your hair with a combination of sage tea and apple cider vinegar. Other suggestions include rinsing your hair with chamomile infusions or catmint, both of which relieve scalp itchiness, which can be a cause of hair loss as well as discomfort and irritation.


    Make a paste out of licorice and milk. Grind the licorice first and then add to the milk. Apply the paste to any bald or thinning spots on your scalp. reports that this will induce hair growth.


    Slather some mayonnaise into your hair and let it set for a few minutes before rinsing it out. Mayonnaise has long been thought to be a good conditioning agent for hair.


    Spritz on the beer. According to David Daines, owner of the David Daines Salon in NYC, beer is a top-notch setting lotion and will give you shiny, healthy-looking hair. Put some beer into a spray bottle, and after you've washed and towel-dried your hair, mist your hair with the beer.


    Squeeze some of the gel out of your aloe vera plant and combine this with a little bit of coconut milk and wheat germ oil, creating a shampoo. Aloe helps balance the pH level of the scalp, while simultaneously cleansing the pores, according to Priya Shah, writer.


    Combine 4 oz. almond oil (or sesame oil) with a few drops of bay essential oil and lavender essential oil and rub this into your hair. Let it remain for 15 minutes and then rinse out. According to Ken Shorey of, aromatherapists use this technique to stimulate the scalp, which promotes hair health and growth.


    Add 1 cup of water to 1 tsp. of wheat germ oil and 1 tsp. of lemon juice. To this, add 1 tbsp. of glycerin and 1 tbsp. of milk. According to, this is a great hair conditioner. When you rinse it out, put some lemon juice in your rinse water.

How to Make Alkaline Water

How to Make Alkaline Water

Alkaline water is created in order to neutralize the acidity that is found in more acidic diets. Alkaline water contains no acids or bases. According to many natural health specialists and alternative nutritionists, the belief is that acidity damages organs and inhibits mental processes. In order to counter this, these alternative health specialists recommend alkaline diets consisting of vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts. However, alkalinity can also be achieved by treating water.



    Find a source of water that contains calcium and magnesium. These minerals are essential in order to exploit the electricity found in these minerals. Alternative health specialists believe that this process will separate acid from the water source.


    Pour water into a water ionizer. This is a container that sends electricity through the water.


    Run the water through a reverse osmosis water filter. This is a powerful filter that removes acidic contaminants from the water.


    Add a pH boosting supplement to the water.


    Add baking soda to the water in order to reduce acidity.

Natural Remedies for Diabetes

The American Diabetes Association defines diabetes as a condition in which the body cannot produce insulin or properly use the insulin it is producing. There are many causes of diabetes, including genetic factors, environment, obesity and inactivity. People diagnosed with diabetes often fear a lifetime of medication; however, there are natural remedies for diabetes that can be used in place of or in conjunction with medications.

Exercise and Weight Loss

    Exercise is one of the simplest natural remedies for diabetes. Participating in at least 30 minutes of exercise five times a week and losing weight will help stabilize blood sugar levels.


    A research report by Johns Hopkins University states that a diet rich in fiber helps stabilize blood sugar levels, as well as other conditions that can lead to diabetes, such as obesity. Fiber-rich cereals like Wheaties contain a portion of the recommended daily allowance of 20 to 35g.


    The American Diabetes Association cites a report stating that cinnamon reduces glucose levels, triglycerides and cholesterol in people with diabetes. At least 6g of this natural remedy for diabetes can be consumed per day. One of the best ways to get it is by adding it to a morning bowl of oatmeal.


    Stevia is a natural sweetener from a plant that grows in South America. Unlike sugar, this sweetener does not raise blood sugar levels, and can be added to drinks like tea and coffee. There is no specified amount to consume daily; however, one pack equals one serving.

Curry Leaves

    Living with Diabetes states that curry is one of the natural remedies for the condition, because it slows down the conversion of starch in the body. It is also one of the spices that speed up metabolism, thus promoting weight loss. Diabetics are recommended to have 10 leaves a day for a three-month period.

Bitter Melon

    A report in Science Daily states that bitter melon, a vegetable used in traditional Chinese medicine, is a natural remedy for diabetes that works by restricting the brain's response to sweet-tasting stimuli. You can purchase the whole vegetable or get it in juice form, combining it with the recommended three to five servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

Friday, May 26, 2017

How to Stop Coughing Without Cough Syrup

Coughs are tricky to get rid of when you are unwell. There are many over-the-counter options, but the best are often from Mother Nature. Few people are able to subdue a cough without cough syrup, but it is possible and healthier with alternatives. You can find alternatives to cough syrup in your own home.



    Rub a menthol chest rub onto the skin of the chest and throat. The vapors will break up your nasal congestion and relieve bronchial irritation. This is the desired effect, as bronchial irritation causes coughing.


    Turn on a humidifier. It will release moisture into the air and ease the cough. Turning one on in the winter may be a good preventative measure as well. This method in conjunction with the chest rub yields rapid results.


    Force yourself to make a few smaller, gentler coughs followed by a large one. The smaller coughs will help you to dispel cough-inducing mucus.


    Take a bite of pure dark chocolate. Dark chocolate contains Theobromine, a chemical that serves as a cough suppressant. Theobromine outperformed codeine by 33% in tests. Adults only need two ounces of dark chocolate every few hours; children need less than half that amount.


    Suck on a lemon and honey lozenge. The lemon will cut phlegm, and honey will soothe the throat. Coughing will decrease after 3 days of this treatment along with a healthy nonfat, nondairy diet during that time.

How to Naturally Regulate Hormonal Imbalances in Women

There are many stages in a woman's life where her hormones can become unbalanced for a variety of reasons. Stress, childbirth, and even normal monthly cycles can disrupt the balance of hormones. Many women have turned to birth control or hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to try to regulate their hormones, and while these methods do work, they can often have unwanted negative impacts as well. Some hormone imbalances may be better treated with a more natural approach by making small changes in your daily life to improve your overall health and boost your immune system. Following the steps here to lower your stress levels and improve your immune system may be all of the help you need to regulate hormonal imbalances.



    Add a Vitamin C supplement to your diet every day. Vitamin C supports immune system health, and can easily be flushed from the body.


    Drink more water. You should be drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water each day. This helps to keep all of your internal systems functioning at their best.


    Add more fruit and vegetables to your diet. They are full of the vitamins and antioxidants that your body needs to self-regulate and stay healthy.


    Find a comfortable chair or floor mat and a quiet corner of your home. For two minutes each day sit with your eyes closed and take deep breathes to relieve stress.


    Add more low impact, fun exercise into your week. Find a walking buddy and take a 30-minute walk three days a week while catching up on each others news. The exercise and social stimulation will feed a happier, well balanced body.

Home Remedies for Thrush

Thrush is a fungal infection that usually occurs in the mouth, and results from a change in the balance of bacteria and yeast in the body that normally keep the fungus under control. Thrush can be spread between people, especially between a mother and her breastfeeding infant, who may reinfect each other without treatment. Consider this information from the Mayo Clinic about home remedies for treating thrush.


    Eating unsweetened or sugar-free yogurt with active cultures is a home remedy for treating thrush in adults as well as children.


    Taking acidophilus capsules as a dietary supplement can shorten the duration of thrush and help prevent reinfection.


    Eating foods with fresh raw or cooked garlic, or taking garlic dietary supplements, can prevent thrush from growing.

Nursing Pads

    Women who are breastfeeding can treat thrush on the breast by using cotton or wool breast pads to absorb leaking milk that encourages the growth of thrush.

Dietary Changes

    Decreasing the amount of fermented foods, such as breads, beer and wine, can reduce the ability of thrush to grow.

Dental Hygiene

    Proper hygiene of your mouth and teeth, including brushing and flossing as recommended by your dentist, can help to get rid of thrush.


    Frequent rinsing of your mouth with 1/2 tsp. of salt in an 8-oz. glass of water can prevent the growth of thrush in your mouth.

How to Use Natural Progesterone Cream During Perimenopause

As women age and reach the perimenopausal stage of life, there is a noticeable decline in hormone production. This results in a hormonal imbalance, which creates estrogen dominance and leads to a host of unpleasant symptoms, such as hot flashes and menstrual irregularities. As these symptoms may be disruptive or unpleasant, many women seeking to avoid the side effects of traditional hormone replacement turn instead to the use of natural progesterone cream. When used properly, natural progesterone cream may alleviate many perimenopausal symptoms and help regulate the menstrual cycle. The following is a basic guideline for using most natural progesterone creams during perimenopause.



    Take the calendar and mark down the first day of your menstrual bleeding. This will be considered Day 1.


    Clean the application site with soap and water, making sure it is free of other lotions or oils that might inhibit the absorption of the natural progesterone cream.


    Apply, on the morning of Day 12, or tsp. of natural progesterone cream to the neck, inner thighs, hands, chest, inner arms, breast, abdomen or feet. Make sure to rub the cream into the skin until it is completely absorbed.


    Apply or tsp. of natural progesterone cream to another one of the thin-skinned areas on the body mentioned in Step 3. This must be done on the evening of the same day, Day 12, typically right before bedtime.


    Repeat Steps 3 and 4 the following day and night. Continue this repetition through the evening of Day 26.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Lemon Balm Benefits

Lemon Balm Benefits

Lemon balm is derived from a lemon balm plant, which has a pleasant citrus smell and generates delicate white blossoms. In pure forms, it can be used to treat all types of ailments and even increase scholastic performance. Below are a number of different uses for lemon balm.

Cramps and Nausea

    Lemon balm is said to have relaxing properties that can alleviate gastrointestinal issues, including cramping and nausea.


    Lemon balm relaxes more than just your stomach; it can be used to treat stress and anxiety. It can also be a comfort to some people with insomnia, and can help to calm a person with a phobia.

Increased Scholastic Aptitude

    According to research conducted at Northumbria University in England, lemon balm taken orally can improve memory and help students perform better on tests. Lemon balm continues to show promise as a supplement for people with dementia or Alzheimer's (see Resources).

Thyroid Conditions

    For people with thyroid conditions, lemon balm might aid in hormone regulation. Further testing is needed to confirm this, but it may prove to be helpful in treating people with Grave's Disease, which causes the thyroid to release too many hormones into the body.

Cold Sores

    Lemon balm can offer some relief for sufferers of cold sores. It has a reputation for alleviating the itching and redness that accompany cold sores.

Natural Remedies for Getting Rid of Stretch Marks

Many people have suffered from the embarrassment of stretch marks. They have either had their weight fluctuate too rapidly or they have become pregnant and found themselves dealing with unseemly reddish lines across their abdomens, thighs and hips. While these marks may never fully disappear, some remedies can help diminish them.

Cocoa Butter

    Apply cocoa butter moisturizing lotion to help minimize new stretch marks as well reduce the lines of old white, stretch marks. Apply the lotion on the affected areas three times daily. It may take quite a while for the old, white marks to fade.


    Massaging scars and stretch marks helps to initiate blood flow and increases capillary circulation. It also aids in tissue development, so treat yourself to a relaxing, full-body massage.

Aloe Vera

    Aloe Vera gel soothes burns and will soothe and heal stretch marks in a similar fashion, because stretch marks are also a skin injury.

Vitamin E

    Consume foods that are full of Vitamin E, as it aids in tissue development. You can also apply Vitamin E oil capsules directly to your skin after you shower daily to reduce the color and lines of stretch marks.

Lemon Juice

    Lemon juice lightens the rest of your skin, helping blend in the stretch marks. It works in a similar fashion to salicylic acids but is gentler to your skin.

Alternative Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatments

If you or someone you know suffers from rheumatoid arthritis, your quest to learn more about the condition should lead you to information on alternative treatments. Defined as a chronic condition where joints become inflamed, rheumatoid arthritis is a painful ailment that is often treated with prescription medication. But if you'd prefer to seek out treatments that fall outside the scope of traditional medicine, alternative treatments might be the thing for you.
You might find that the alternative treatments offer as much, if not more, relief than traditional medicines, but without the side effects.


    Magnets put into a bracelet and worn on the wrist may relieve pain. According to a study performed by Integrated Health Care (an alternative medicine project), osteoarthritis sufferers have been able to obtain joint relief by using strategically placed magnets. They also believe rheumatoid arthritis suffers might receive similar benefits. Medical professionals are not entirely certain how magnets relieve pain, or even if they do.

Plant Oils

    Plant oils that feature gamma-linolenic acid are another alternative. While no proof exists that this treatment is effective, researchers at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center and the Graduate Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania suggest that this treatment does ease pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Consult your doctor before using any treatment that contains plant oils, because some types of plant oils can harm your liver or counteract other medicines. Plant oils can be found at your local health-food store.

Tai Chi

    Tai chi, a health-centered Chinese martial art, is known to relieve stress, but it also might relieve pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis. If you've never done tai chi, consult your doctor. If he approves, find a qualified tai chi instructor to show you the moves. You can find qualified instructors through your local gym or fitness center, or sometimes by browsing the advertising sections in a health-food store.

Eicosapentaenoic Acid

    Fish oil that contains eicosapentaenoic acid is a potential treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. Certain types of fish oil containing omega-3 fatty acids can help to lessen the pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis.

Mangosteen Juice

    As you study about rheumatoid arthritis alternative treatments, you might come across the mangosteen juice method. Found in Southeast Asia, this fruit is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties that could potentially help to alleviate pain associated with inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. You should know that there has been no human study; however, there are numerous people that have provided their testimonials on the effectiveness of the juice.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Natural Blood Vessel Relaxant

Nitric oxide is a chemical compound that is produced by the human body and relaxes blood vessels. The supplements mentioned below help the body make nitric oxide. According to recent studies, these supplements may help naturally relax blood vessels.


    One of the main functions of nitric oxide is to relax smooth muscle tissue, which sends a signal to blood vessels to relax and dilate.

Coenzyme Q10

    An enzyme called Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, helps the body produce nitric oxide. Many health food stores sell supplements of CoQ10, and studies have shown that this supplement may help naturally relax blood vessels.


    L-arginine is an amino acid that can be taken as a supplement as a natural way to relax blood vessels.


    The antioxidant range of vitamins, especially C and E, help maintain healthy functioning in muscles and blood vessels. Taking a daily dose of vitamins C and E can help keep blood vessels relaxed.


    Though all of the supplements mentioned in this article are natural, you should always check with a medical professional before treating yourself or taking supplements for a medical condition.

How Do Ionic Foot Baths Detox the Body?

How Do Ionic Foot Baths Detox the Body?


    According to the International Institute of Holistic Healing, the function of an ionic foot bath is to improve health and energy and detoxify the body by drawing out toxins through a person's feet. The ionic foot bath is said to work by using stainless steel and brass electrodes in a foot bath of warm water to cleanse the person's body by drawing out toxins, which are visible as color changes in the water.


    A person immerses the feet in the ionic foot bath and keeps them submerged for 30 to 45 minutes. During this time, the ionic charge in the water is supposed to draw out toxins from food, pollution, chemicals and other environmental sources that has build up under the skin layers of the feet. The water changes color during the process based on the particular toxins being drawn out of a particular individual.


    According to Ionic Oasis, people between the ages of 10 and 65 can have an ionic foot bath every other day, up to three sessions per week. Each session typically lasts between 30 and 45 minutes.


    Device Watch, a watchdog group, says that the ionic foot bath does not have any detoxification benefits. The organization claims that a person's skin cannot excrete toxins. Instead, the liver and kidneys break down toxic substances, which are then excreted in urine. Device Watch says the color changes in the water are likely caused by metal and that the water will change even when a person is not using the foot bath.

About Herbal Colon Cleansing Recipes

There are many colon cleansing medications on the market. However, herbal colon cleansing recipes are easy to make and can be made at home. Colon cleansing has become a natural form of detoxification to rid the colon and intestines of bacteria and toxins.

Herbal Cleanse Tea

    In a pan, add two crushed cloves and 2 tsp. crushed fresh ginger to one cup water. As the water boils, add five basil leaves and three mint leaves. Simmer for five minutes until the tea turns a brownish color, cool and then drink.

Cayenne Drink

    Mix 1/2 teaspoon cayenne with one cup spring water and drink. Cayenne helps stimulate bowel movements and cleanses the intestines.

Ginger Lemon Tea

    Mix 1 tsp. freshly grated ginger, 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice and boiling water; then sip the tea. Ginger and lemon helps cleanse the intestines and colon of harmful bacteria.

Apple Cider Vinegar Cleanse

    In a mug of boiling water, add one tablespoon apple cider vinegar, one teaspoon honey and one tablespoon lemon juice. Apple cider vinegar stimulates digestion, and lemon and honey cleanse the colon of waste and excrement.


    If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome or gastrointestinal issues, consult with a physician before using these recipes. Not all colon cleansing recipes are suitable for people with pre-exisiting medical conditions.

How to Cleanse the Body With Fruit

How to Cleanse the Body With Fruit

Using fruit is an effective way to cleanse the body and remove toxins. All fruits contain acids, which are necessary for the elimination of toxins from the bloodstream. They also give the body strength and energy. Once you cleanse the body with fruit, the cells will be cleared, and they will function properly and harmoniously. The following method to cleanse the body with fruit should be followed for at least five days. Stay on the fruit cleansing diet for as long as 10 days, if you are extremely overweight or unhealthy.



    Cleanse the bowels with an herbal laxative tea before beginning to cleanse the body with fruit. Prepare the tea according to the instructions on the package, and drink it just before bed the night before you are to begin the diet.


    Eat as many ripe, fresh fruits as possible. Eat at least two grapefruits, six oranges, and three lemons per day, in addition to as much fresh fruit of other types as possible.


    Drink as much water as possible between eating the fruit. Aim for at least 8 to 10 glasses of spring or distilled water per day while cleansing the body with fruit, but do not drink while eating.


    Drink fruit juice liberally while on the fruit cleansing diet. Pure organic grape, apple, grapefruit and orange juice are the most beneficial. Do not drink juices from concentrate or juice cocktails. If you are unable to find pure and organic fruit juice, substitute water instead.


    Perform at least 30 minutes of exercise in the open air each day while on the diet to help the body eliminate waste. Walking is the best exercise, and can be done at your own pace. However, jogging or running are also acceptable, if you are in better physical condition.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

How to Use Food Cures for Migraine Headaches

How to Use Food Cures for Migraine Headaches

Food cures for migraine headaches encompass a variety of different foods. From fish to black beans, there are several different things you can try. Food cures are a safe, natural way to fight the pain associated with these debilitating headaches, and can even be taken in conjunction with medications. You may also take supplements in place of the food cures listed here, if you don't like the foods, or can't bring yourself to eat them on a regular basis.



    Eat fatty fish such as sardines and trout. These food cures for migraine headaches contain large amounts of essential fatty acids, which have been proven to reduce the body's production of inflammation and pain causing hormones. Eat at least one four ounce serving of fatty fish per day to help reduce migraine headaches.

    Fish Oil

    Take fish oil supplements if you can't bring yourself to eat fish everyday. Fish oil is one of the best food cures for migraine headaches, for the reasons listed above. Taking 1.25 grams of fish oil per day has been proven to reduce the duration and intensity of migraine headaches.

    Spinach Leaves

    Eat foods rich in magnesium. These food cures for migraine headaches include spinach, soy milk, seafood, and black beans. Eat at least 1-2 servings of one of these food cures each day to get rid of migraine headaches. Alternatively, a 500 mg magnesium supplement may be taken daily.

    Feverfew Flowers

    Take feverfew, a proven effective herb to combat migraine. Feverfew is another of the best food cures for migraine headaches. It has been proven by German researchers to inhibit the release of inflammatory substances in the body, thus reducing the frequency, duration, and intensity of migraine headaches. Take feverfew tea daily, or a supplement according to the manufacturer's directions.

Where Does Celadrin Come From?

The Formula

    Celadrin consists of fatty acids that have been altered through a process called esterifying. Ester is the result of combining acid and alcohol with the exclusion of water (this is a simplified explanation). Fatty acids are taken from beef tallow, oil that results when the beef is boiled. These fatty acids are then mixed with alcohol, esterified and combined with other proprietary ingredients to create the Celadrin. The entire process of esterifying the fatty acids is completed at more than 500 degrees Fahrenheit, then screened for safety utilizing the Ames test and Scientific Acute Toxicity. The full process is patented and labeled proprietary because of this the other ingredients are not listed.


    Celadrin is manufactured in pill and cream form, non-prescription and readily absorbed by the body. The result from using Celadrin includes increase of the fluids that cushion and lubricate your joints. There are no known ill side effects from the use of Celadrin.


    Through numerous research studies, the use of Celadrin shows a reduction in inflammation, increase in joint health and improved mobility. People who live with arthritis find a great benefit in using this natural substance. Celadrin has been shown to be more effective throughout the body, not just joints, than SAMe, glucosamine, fish oils such as DHA and EPA, however, it does not replace fish oils.

How Cocoa Butter Helps Skin


    Cocoa butter helps the skin in many ways. It lubricates and protects the skin and also helps to fade scars. It is a well-known folk remedy that has been used for decades. It is also a popular ingredient in skin care preparations. Cocoa butter is a natural product that is used in cooking so it is a safe to use on the skin. Cocoa butter is worth a try because it has a wonderful smell, is inexpensive and lasts for a long time.

Cocoa Butter and the Skin

    The skin has three layers. Cocoa butter penetrates the top layer of the skin called the epidermis. The cocoa butter can also reach the dermis, the middle layer. Cocoa butter is made from the vegetable fat of the cocoa bean. It is very effective for lubricating dry skin. This natural moisturizer also softens the skin. Herbal Luxuries writes that "cocoa butter is an excellent emollient that is well absorbed by the skin. Its incredibly high content of vitamin E is responsible for its beneficial properties." Vitamin E is proven to help with skin renewal and repair. Cocoa butter is also an antioxidant. Antioxidants protect the skin from free radicals or toxins that damage tissues at the cellular level. The antioxidant property also provides a natural preservative so cocoa butter lasts for a long time. Cocoa butter is available in a few forms--creams, lotions and sticks.

Cocoa Butter and Scars

    Cocoa butter is frequently recommended for eliminating stretch marks and other scars. Many people believe that cocoa butter has helped to reduce their scars. Even plastic surgeons have advised their patients to use cocoa butter on surgical scars. But there is no medical evidence that proves cocoa butter helps with scar tissue. A research study at the American University of Beirut Medical Center in Lebanon concluded, "Topical application of a lotion containing cocoa butter does not appear to reduce the likelihood of developing striae gravidarum (stretch marks.)" But there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that cocoa butter helps with scars. Many people see improvement in scars after applying the cocoa butter a few times each day. This natural product has a smooth texture so it is easy to apply and use.

Monday, May 22, 2017

How to Make a Hot Compress with Aromatherapy

How to Make a Hot Compress with Aromatherapy

Using essential oils to make aromatherapy compresses is easy. Both hot and cold compresses are effective at relieving pain and swelling, and reducing inflammation. Hot compresses are used to treat painful joints from arthritis to chronic backache to toothache and earache. Here are the steps to make a hot compress with aromatherapy.



    Fill a bowl with the hottest water you can stand. This could be boiled first if necessary to get it hot enough.


    Sprinkle a few drops of your chosen essential oil onto the surface of the water. It will result in a fine film on top of the water.


    Take your flannel piece of cloth or other chosen cloth, and lightly dip into the surface of the water, picking up as much of the essential oil as possible, and then some of the water in the bowl.


    Wring out the cloth to remove excess water, and then place on the area to be treated. Cover with the plastic wrap and bandage it, or wrap a towel to hold the compress in place.


    Repeat the process once the hot compress has cooled. This should help alleviate your pain.

Health Benefits of Honeycomb

Called the "nectar of the gods" by the ancient Greeks, honey is enjoyed by many today, not only for its health claims, but also for its sweet taste. The healthiest honey is honey straight from the honeycomb, and it is harvested for many uses.

Chewing Honeycomb

    An old Vermont remedy suggests that regularly chewing honeycomb during allergy season will alleviate sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes. Chew the honeycomb for as long as possible; after 30 minutes, allergy symptoms could disappear. Start chewing honeycomb a week or two before allergy season to keep allergy problems from starting.


    Honey contains potassium, and bacteria cannot survive in honey because of this ingredient. Raw honey straight from the honeycomb is used to treat scarring. It's also popular as a facial moisturizer, a mask and a body scrub. Raw honey from the honeycomb is also used for many skin infections.

Enzymes & Vitamins

    Honey straight from the honeycomb has all the main amino acids and necessary B, C, D and E vitamins. Honey also packs a punch of powerful and essential enzymes.

Fat Fighter

    A big misconception about honey is that it is fattening. Honey can help a person lose weight, as it has properties that boost metabolism and fight fat.

Overall Benefits & Energy

    Honey, especially raw, unprocessed honey from a honeycomb, is said to have a pronounced effect on a body, because of honey's antibiotic properties. It cleans the blood vessels and aids in digestion. Honey can give a person an instant energy boost.

Home Remedies

    Honey has been used for many years to treat athlete's foot, arthritis pain, yeast infections, hangovers, sore throats, insomnia and as a natural cure for cuts and burns.


    The purest honey is from the honeycomb. Its ingredients include water, pollen, fructose, glucose, organic acids, proteins and enzymes.

Side Effects of Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseed oil is one of the richest sources of lignan and omega-3 fatty acids. Also called linseed, it has earned renown for its cardiovascular health benefits and anti-inflammatory properties. Taking flax seed oil does, however, have a number of side effects.


    Flaxseed oil contains high levels of alpha-Linolenic acid that increases the risk of suffering from breast cancer.


    Taking dosages of flaxseed oil that are in excess of 2 tbsp. (about 30 grams) will cause runny stool or diarrhea. Much larger doses will cause tarry, black stool.


    A mild, but common, side effect is bloating and a feeling of being full. Flaxseed has also been found to cause upset stomach.

Blood Thinning

    Flaxseed oil has active compounds that have the effect of thinning the blood. This can cause uncontrollable bleeding in people who are taking anticoagulants, such as aspirin and warfarin.

Allergic Reactions

    The person taking flaxseed oil may develop an allergic reaction that manifests in a skin rash, itching and hives. It may also cause wheezing or difficulty swallowing.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Side Effects of Injectable Glutathione

Side Effects of Injectable Glutathione

Glutathione (GSH), a tripeptide of L-cysteine, L-glutamine and glycine, is an antioxidant that provides cell protection from free radicals and other toxins. It's used with varying levels of success for many illnesses, diseases and conditions, and comes in pill, powder or liquid form. It's traditionally administered intravenously by IV push as there is no authoritative evidence that taking Glutathione orally will provide the same benefits.


    Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins (1861--1947) discovered and characterized glutathione by testing it on chopped muscle tissue.


    Glutathione has been used successfully to help treat diseases including: Alzheimer's, cancer, cystic fibrosis, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, Huntington's disease and Lyme disease.


    In a 1996 study conducted by the Department of Neurology, University of Sassari (Italy), all Parkinson's disease patients showed significant improvement and a decline in disability by 42 percent.


    At this time there have been no studies conducted to determine what, if any, side effects occur from the use of glutathione, but zinc deficiency has been reported in long term use of some products containing the ingredient.

Side Effects from Allergy

    It's possible that some side effects can occur based on an allergy to glutathione such as: tightness in chest and throat, difficulty breathing, rash, hives, swollen or itchy skin.


    Glutathione should not be administered to patients who are receiving chemotherapy because it may reduce the effects of chemotherapy drugs, and it should not be administered alongside other IV drugs. Additionally, vitamin C can interfere with Glutathione's benefits.

Foods That Are Natural Diuretics

People use diuretics to get rid of fluid that has temporarily built up in the body. The temporary fluid retention can be related to eating excessive amounts of sodium, taking certain medications or suffering from health conditions like diabetes and PMS. Diuretics can be purchased over the counter or by prescription, and many people have adverse side effects from these pharmaceuticals. However, certain foods act as natural diuretics and release excess fluid from the body.


    The U.S. Department of Agriculture states that asparagus naturally detoxifies the body because the fiber in this vegetable cleans out the gastrointestinal tract and helps the body release excess fluid.


    Registered dietitian Dr. Lauren Braun states that the natural juice in watermelon is the primary reason it acts as a diuretic. The fluid in watermelon stimulates urine production.


    A study published by the National Center for Biotechnology and the National Institutes of Health states that parsley acts as a natural diuretic by inhibiting the production of sodium and increasing the flow of fluids in the body (see Resources).


    Dandelions act as natural diuretics because they contain inulin, an indigestible substance found in many plants. Because inulin cannot be digested, it naturally improves the body's ability to eliminate waste.


    The Weight Loss Guide states that chocolate acts as a natural diuretic because it contains lecithin. Lecithin improves blood circulations and restricts cholesterol buildup on arterial walls, leading to less fluid retention.

Coffee and Tea

    Coffee and other caffeinated substance work as natural diuretics because caffeine stimulates the system, leading to the excretion of excess fluid from the body.

What Do Fish Oil Pills Do?


    Fish oil pills offer the body many benefits, because of the essential fatty acids, or EFAs, in the oil. Without EFAs the body is unable to efficiently carry out its various functions. EFAs are not manufactured in the body, so the only way to get these necessary nutrients is by eating foods rich in EFAs or by taking fish oil supplements.

Heart Disease & Cancer

    Heart disease and cancer are the top two leading causes of death for both men and women. Fish oils are proven to help with cardiovascular disease. According to the Mayo Clinic, "Evidence from several studies has suggested that amounts of DHA and EPA in the form of fish or fish oil supplements lowers triglycerides, slows the buildup of atherosclerotic plaques ('hardening of the arteries,') lowers blood pressure slightly, as well as reduces the risk of death, heart attack, dangerous abnormal heart rhythms, and strokes in people with known heart disease." The omega-3 fatty acids reduce bad cholesterol in the body, which lowers the amount of plaque in the blood vessels and arteries. Less cholesterol means cleaner blood, which can circulate more easily throughout the body. Fish oil has been shown to reduce the size of cancerous tumors in the breast, colon and prostate. In "Fish Oils and Fighting Cancer" the author discusses a 1992 report in the "Lipids" journal. The author writes that fish oils have "significant inhibitory effects against various human cancers in animal models." The research shows that fish oils reduce the chances of getting skin cancer, pancreatic cancer and lung cancer.

Brain Functioning & Moods

    Fish oil pills also help with brain chemistry to improve memory, thinking and recall. When pregnant or nursing women take fish oil, it may improve the intelligence and mental acuity of the infants. According to the Mayo Clinic, "Early evidence suggests that infants have improved problem solving skills" when their mothers take DHA-foods during pregnancy. Studies also show that fish oil might help people with ADD, ADHD and dyslexia ( Omega-3 acids in fish oils may help alleviate the symptoms of mood disorders, such as depression and bipolar disorders.

Other Benefits

    Several diseases, such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, lupus and gout, cause painful, swollen and inflamed joints. Fish oil has anti-inflammatory properties that may relieve many of the symptoms of these diseases. Fish oils can help with the inflammation of conjunctivitis (pink eye), uveitis and other inflammatory eye diseases. As stated on the Mayo Clinic website, some studies suggest that fish oil pills may delay the progression of macular degeneration, an eye disease that can cause blindness in older adults. Fish oil pills can also increase weight loss. By taking the supplement and exercising, a person can lose more weight than if he just exercised. This was discovered in a study at the University of South Australia.

Side Effects of Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera is a popular medicinal plant for internal use. It is well-known for its ability to eliminate common gastrointestinal problems and shows promise in treating type-2 diabetes. While commercial aloe products have no known side effects, unprocessed aloe vera juice is associated with some risks.

What is Aloin?

    Aloin is a stimulant laxative found in unprocessed aloe vera. It has been banned from commerical aloe products, including aloe juice, since 2002.

Dehydration Dangers

    Aloin can overstimulate the bowels, leading to abdominal cramps, severe diarrhea, electrolyte imbalance and dehydration.

Aloin and Pregnancy

    Pregnant women are advised against eating or drinking aloin-containing aloe vera juice, since it may stimulate uterine contractions, triggering miscarriage or preterm labor.

Commercial Aloe Juice

    All aloe vera juice purchased in the United States has been refined to eliminate aloin. Aloin-free aloe vera juice is not associated with any known side effects.

Maintaining Safety

    Because the laxative effects of natural aloe vera juice can be exceedingly harsh, consumers should avoid making aloe juice at home and instead purchase aloin-free varieties.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

How to Use Herbal Infusion Baths and Poultices

Herbal medicine is a way to treat common ailments and relax the body. Infusions and poultices can be prepared at home or purchased from a reputable herbalist or local Chinese pharmacy.

Here I will offer some tips on how to use herbal emulsions and poultices for healing and relaxing the body for good health.



    Check out your local area or Chinatown or search online for herbal stores or manufacturers. Poultices or emulsions can be made from fresh plants, dried or powdered formulations. Try to buy organically grown plants and herbal products.


    Preparing the fresh herb plant is important. Take notice of the various parts of the plant that you will use, as potency varies according to plant species and plant parts. Wash the plant or parts of the plant gently under cool running water and pat dry on cotton cloth or a clean towel. Leave to dry for 10 to 20 mintues before use on the affected area or for preparation into a powdered form, compress or emulsion.


    For preparing the fresh herb for infusions, boil and steep the leaves, flowers and seeds in a saucepan of 1 pint of boiling water for about 10-15 minutes. Continue to stir the herbs as it is boiling then strain the water from the herbs. Allow to cool and dry before further processing or use.


    Infusions can be used for external or internal use. A popular way to use herbal infusions with a relaxing bath. For aromatic baths add 1 to 2 pints of strained herbal infusion and a couple of drops of aromatherapy essential oil to the bath. For a really relaxing bath also add some bubble bath to the water. Relax and enjoy.


    Other ways to treat common medical conditions with infusion baths is to use them in hand/foot baths or body washes. Hand baths are a great way to find some relief from arthritis pain. Place a cool infusion in a bowl and immerse your hand in the herbal treatment for 5 to 10 minutes. For tired feet or to find some relief from colds, pour the infusion in a bowl containing hot water and relax your feet in the mixture for 10 to 15 minutes. Infusions can be used for body washes to treat or find releif for affected areas of the body. Use a clean cotton cloth and dip it into a bowl of cool tepid infusion. Bathe the affected area with the infused cloth.


    Herbal poultices can be used in various ways to relax the body and offer temporary relief. Poultices can be made from fresh, dried or powdered herbal plants. To use fresh herbs directly on the affected area, place the prepared herb on the skin and secure with a clean bandage. Dried herbs are placed directly onto the bandage and applied to the affected area. If using powdered herbs, mix the powder with cold water into a paste and apply onto the affected skin.

How to Find Temporary Relief With Chinese Antitussive Herbs

Antitussive herbs are plants that possess properties which can stop coughs, wheezing and certain other respiratory problems like asthma, and also help to clear the phlegm that can cause nasal or chest congestion. Antitussive herbs are classified as phlegm-resolving herbs or aromatic dampness-resolving herbs.

In this article I will offer some tips on how to use Chinese antitussive herbs for finding temporary relief from some common ailments.



    One of the primary herbs for treating coughs and asthma is Xing Ren (Sm. Armenicae), which is apricot kernels. The nature of the herb is bitter and slightly warm and in traditional Chinese medicine is supposed to affect the lung and large intestine meridian channels. The herb should be cleaned and prepared, chopped and boiled in hot water for about 5 minutes. This herb contains natural emollients and oils, so you can also use it to treat bowel problems like constipation.


    Phlegm-resolving herbs can help dissolve and excrete phlegm, which obstructs the lungs and nasal passages causing congestion and other medical complications. Chinese medical practitioners use certain herbs to treat these conditions like Ban Xia (Rz. Pinelliae). This herb is warm and pungent and affects the lungs, spleen and stomach meridian channels. Zhu Ru (Caulis Bambuseae in Taeniis) or Chinese bamboo is another herb that is used to treat phlegm congestion. This herb is cold and sweet and affects the lungs, stomach and gallbladder meridian channels. Clean the herb plant thoroughly in cool running water and let it dry. Prepare the herb and boil the plant or parts of the plant in boiling water for about 10 minutes. Allow to cool and use according to the medical instructions.


    Aromatic dampness-resolving herbs possess properties that can invigorate your body and improve the transportation and transformation of food and fluids. These herbs are pungent, warm and drying. They affect the lung, spleen and stomach meridian channels, and are also good for relieving nausea and abdominal distention. Clean the plant and prepare the herb before cooking. Boil the herb in hot boiling water for about 10 minutes before use.


    Herbal antitussive tea bags are a quick and easy way to take the herbs. Take one herbal tea bag and place it in a cup or pot of boiling water. Allow it to stand for several minutes to allow the herb to infuse out of the tea bag into the water. Add a slice of lemon or a teaspoon of natural organic honey for additional flavor. Only use the tea bag once, since the potency and effect will decrease significantly after the first use.

How to Control Allergies Naturally

How to Control Allergies Naturally

When allergy season hits you, it slows you down. If you haven't already begun getting your symptoms under control or you just need more ways to control allergies naturally, here are some easy tips to try.


    Check the pollen count to control allergies

    Seasonal allergies can put a bad spin on the good weather season. What is the use in good weather if you're too sick to enjoy it.
    Learn to check the pollen count everyday so you will know what days are worse then others. You can do this online at yahoo weather.
    Cayenne pepper can help clear your sinuses so you can breathe better. This can be bought in capsule form in health stores.

    Close the windows when there is heavy pollen.

    Keep windows closed when possible on heavy pollen days. Use air conditioner and fans instead. This includes while you're driving. Using the herb Nettle can help with your seasonal allergies as it's considered a natural antihistamine. You can get in tea form.

    Wash your car.

    On heavy pollen days if possible wash your car to control your allergies. If this isn't possible, make sure you wash your hands after getting out of your car as soon as possible. Eyebright can be used for its anti-inflammatory and decongestant abilities, if you suffer with watery eyes. Check your local health store for this item.

    clean pet paws.

    Remove your shoes at the entrance of your door. So you won't bring pollen on your rugs.
    Wipe all pet paws at the door as well, so they won't drag in the pollen. Wash your hands after cleaning their paws too. Garlic has a natural antibiotic property which can help with infections that develop during allergy season. You can get this in capsule or pill form.

Friday, May 19, 2017

How to Know Which Herbs to Avoid During Pregnancy

When you get pregnant your body has special needs. Your nutrition needs change and overall you need to treat your body with respect. This includes monitoring what you put into your body.

Most people think that because herbs are natural, there's nothing to worry about. But this isn't the case; there are plenty of herbs that should be absolutely avoided during pregnancy. For example, herbs like rosemary are dangerous because they can stimulate uterine contractions.

In this article I will give you the basics on how to know which herbs to avoid during pregnancy.



    Evaluate the herbs you have in your spice cabinet and in your medicine cabinet. You'll want to research every single one of these, just to be safe.


    Check your multivitamin. Some include herbal remedies, and once you get pregnant the herbs contained in them may not be suitable.


    Having a set of resources at your disposal is key. You can easily do research on the Internet. I've also included a link in Resources below, which has a list of herbs to avoid. Some herbs on this list include: Borage oil, comfrey, angelica, dong quai, horsetail, mugwort, uva ursi and yarrow.


    If you love taking herbal medicine, you may also want to consult with a midwife and an herbalist for the best herbs to take during pregnancy and those to avoid. But don't just take their suggestions to heart--research them as well.


    Let your doctor know about any herbal remedies you are taking. In fact, if you decide to use a midwife as well, make sure your midwife and doctor work well together.

How to Make Homemade Head Lice Treatment

How to Make Homemade Head Lice Treatment

Head lice is most common in children ages four to 11, but it can occur in anyone, regardless of age, race or gender. Buying store-bought treatments to remove lice can be embarrassing and expensive, not to mention the hazardous chemicals involved in many of these over-the-counter remedies. An easy way to avoid these potential problems is to make a homemade lice treatment yourself. This can be done with a few common household products and is considered by many to be just as effective as conventional treatments.



    Apply the Listerine to the hair. Cover the head completely with the mouthwash, paying special attention to the areas around the lower neck and behind the ears.


    Cover the hair with a shower cap. Leave the Listerine in the hair for 1 hour. The Listerine will kill the live lice.


    Rinse the Listerine off of the hair.


    Apply vinegar to the hair in the same manner as you applied the Listerine in Step 1. The vinegar will help loosen the nits (lice eggs).


    Cover the head with a shower cap again and let the vinegar sit for 1 hour.


    Wash hair with regular shampoo.


    Apply conditioner to hair. Before rinsing the conditioner off, comb hair with the nit comb.


    Rinse off the conditioner.


    Repeat after 3 to 4 days, if necessary.

How Does Candex Work?

Fighting Candida

    Overgrowth of candida albicans, commonly referred to as "yeast infection," can take the form of thrush, vaginal yeast, skin disorders, or irritable bowel syndrome. Candida overgrowth is common for people who have recently taken antibiotics, but it can also become a chronic problem for some individuals.

    Conventional treatment of candida overgrowth involves the use of antifungal medication, which may cause unwanted side effects, including temporary intensification of symptoms as the yeast colonies die off. More recently, probiotics such as acidophilus have been used to combat yeast with "good" bacteria. Candex works in a completely different manner than either of these methods.

Why Candex is Different

    Candex does not use any herbs, bacteria colonies, or antifungal compounds to fight yeast overgrowth. Instead, this fascinating supplement utilizes enzymes to directly break down the cell walls of the yeast organisms. Enzymes digest, rather than kill, yeast, so the yeast organisms do not decay or cause further problems.

    When cellulase and hemicellulase, two natural enzymes found in Candex, are added to the body, they digest candida, effectively eliminating it. The cell walls of yeast colonies are made almost entirely of fiber, so the body can easily eliminate and digest them with the simple addition of fiber-digesting enzymes. The result is considered to be both safe and effective.

Side Effects and Interactions

    Because cellulase and hemicellulase are both naturally occuring enzymes, the body is already equipped to handle Candex. Some people experience mild stomach upset from the addition of these powerful enzymes to their gut, but the effects are generally short-lived and mild.

    Fortunately, Candex does not harm the natural floral balance of the body by eliminating probiotics, and it may actually have the positive effect of enabling the body to more efficiently digest fiber. Many naturopathic physicians believe that it is a safer alternative to conventional antifungal treatments.

Bad HGH Side Effects

Bad HGH Side Effects

HGH (Human Growth Hormone) is being touted as one of the miracle drugs of this century. While it does fulfill a need for those who have problems with producing their own HGH, it has some serious side effects.


    One of the most common bad side effects of using HGH is pain. Joint pain, muscle pain, bone pain, all result from using HGH.

Blood Sugar

    If you have diabetes, you should not use HGH. HGH can raise your insulin levels to dangerous heights and cause you to become diabetic, especially if you are predisposed to it.

Organ Problems

    Liver damage is common when using HGH injections, and HGH in any form can cause heart problems. With prolonged or unsupervised use, there may be devastating results on the liver and other organs.

Growth Problems

    There may also be problems with gigantism--growing too much and too fast. This can happen even in middle age, so HGH use should be closely supervised.

Lack of Natural Production

    When your body gets used to the artificial HGH, it may stop producing its own natural HGH. This would affect you long term, and may make it necessary to remain on HGH for a long time.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Benefits of Liquid Oxygen

Most chronic pain and disease is caused by a lack of oxygen in the cells. This is why oxygen is so vital to health. Liquid oxygen is a new type of oxygen therapy that will benefit the body.

Raises Alertness

    Extra oxygen in the brain heightens awareness and alertness. It strengthens memory, helps you think clearly and even improves sight.

Boosts Energy Levels

    Because 90 percent of your energy level originates from the oxygen you breathe in every day, the more oxygen you take in, the more energy you can use for bodily activities.

Strengthens Immune System

    Oxygen detoxifies the body, strengthening your immune system against diseases and nurturing your own healing mechanisms to defend against infections.

Relieves Headache

    More oxygen relieves the brain of headaches, hangovers and migraines by relieving muscle stiffness and allowing recovery from physical exertion.

Helps the Heart

    You reduce the risk of heart attack when you're allowing more oxygen into the body, because it diffuses into your blood stream and improves circulation.

Good for Digestion

    Liquid oxygen helps digestion and cell metabolism, because more oxygen stabilizes your nervous system and regulatory functions.

What is a Fast Cold Sore Remedy?

What is a Fast Cold Sore Remedy?

Cold sores are caused from the Herpes Simplex virus. The virus comes in two forms, herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2). Cold sores are usually caused by HSV-1, but they can also be caused by HSV-2. Cold sores usually appear on the lips or anywhere around the soft tissues of the mouth. They appear in small blisters, which eventually become filled with fluid. These fluid-filled blisters can be painful. When the blisters burst, a scab will form, which takes about 3-7 days to heal. There are a few effective home remedies that can heal cold sores faster.


    Garlic has been used as a home remedy to treat many different types of ailment. It is also an effective treatment for cold sores. The medicinal properties that are in the garlic will temporarily kill the virus and heal the cold sore faster.

Apple Cider Vinegar

    Use apple cider vinegar as soon has there is a tingling feeling in the area where the cold sore is about to erupt, to prevent the outbreak.


    Lysine is one of the most-effective cold sore treatments. Lysine is an amino acid which helps to stop cold sore outbreaks and may reduce future outbreaks.


    Yogurt has many nutritional values. Eat plain yogurt at the first sign of a cold sore to prevent the sore from erupting. The live cultures that are in yogurt are responsible for killing the cold sore virus.

Aloe Vera

    The aloe vera plant has many medicinal values, including effectively treating cold sores. Juice from the aloe vera, when applied to the cold sore, will eliminate the pain and prevent the cold sore from erupting.

Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids

Home remedies for hemorrhoids have become increasingly popular over the last decade. Instead of spending money on expensive medication with unpleasant side effects, many hemorrhoid sufferers have turned to natural treatments they can easily and cheaply apply at home.

Change Your Diet

    Straining on the toilet aggravates hemorrhoids. To soften your stool and make it easier to pass, eat 25 to 35 g of fiber and drink 6 to 8 glasses of water every day (a glass equals 8 ounces).

Wipe Gently

    Regular toilet paper can irritate hemorrhoids. Use white, unscented toilet paper dampened by water, or use unscented toilet wipes. Alternately, you can shower your anal area after each bowel movement.

Use a Donut Cushion

    Since a regular chair adds pressure to the anal area, you can avoid the pinched feeling that aggravates your hemorrhoids by sitting on a donut cushion, which has no middle. These cushions are useful if you sit a lot, and they can be found in medical supply and drugstores.

Take a Sitz Bath

    Fill the bathtub with 4 inches of warm water and sit in the water, with your knees raised to allow the water access. This eases the pain and increases blood flow to the hemorrhoids, which can shrink the veins.

Apply Witch Hazel

    Witch hazel soothes hemorrhoids and shrinks swollen veins. Witch hazel comes in convenient and affordable pads sold in drugstores. Or put witch hazel on a clean cotton ball and press it against your hemorrhoids 3 times a day.

Cure the Itch with Baking Soda

    Doctors discourage scratching hemorrhoids, because scratching can cause damage to the walls. If the itching is too much for you, place a small amount of baking soda on the hemorrhoids. Use baking soda wet (as a paste or in a sitz bath) or dry.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

What Is Turmeric Powder Used for?

Turmeric powder has been used for thousands of years in many different cultures. It is used for a variety of medicinal purposes including inflammation and pain relief. Turmeric can also be used in food, body products and crafts.

Natural Food Coloring

    Turmeric powder is often used as a natural food coloring in items such as cheese and butter.

Mosquito Repellent

    Mixed with citronella essential oil, turmeric has shown to be effective against mosquitoes.

Dying Silk

    Historically, turmeric has been used to dye silk, specifically for Buddhist monks.

Food Additive

    Turmeric is often used as a food additive in pickles, cakes, popcorn, cereal and sauces.


    A paste made of turmeric powder can be an effective relief for inflamed joints or muscles.


    Turmeric has been shown to cause mild uterine contractions and should be used only under the advisement of a health care practitioner when pregnant.

Home Remedies for Ringing in the Ears

Ringing in the ears is also known as tinnitus. Tinnitus is caused by damage to the hair cells of the inner ear. When you have ringing in the ears, you may hear a buzzing, ringing, hissing or whistling noise in one or both ears. This can be a serious problem is it goes untreated because it can lead to hearing loss. Ringing in the ears is also caused by a cold, flu, ear infection, too much wax in the ear, head injuries, high blood pressure, too much fluid in the ear and certain drugs. The drugs that can cause ringing in the ear include aspirin, quinine, antibiotics, alcohol and cigarettes.

Removing Wax

    Remove ear wax once a month to prevent and treat ringing of the ears. Use a few drops of hydrogen peroxide, mineral oil or glycerin and put in the ears. Let the fluid drain out and repeat this for a couple of days. This softens the ear wax for easier removal. After doing this, take a bowl of water and a rubber bulb syringe to pull the ear wax out.

Stop Noise

    Let your ears rest for a little while. Don't listen to headphones or anything else that is close to your ears and is loud because this may cause the ringing to get worse and cause temporary hearing loss.


    If the ringing in your ears is caused by pressure in the head, herbs can help get rid of the ringing. Black cohosh, feverfew and hawthorn in tincture form can help. Do not use feverfew if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, and do not give it to children. Also, do not use feverfew if you are taking blood thinning drugs.


    Aromatherapy can help with ringing in the ears by using fragrant oils for a massage of the neck, chest and head. These aromatherapy oils include rosemary, cypress, lemon and rose. These increase circulation and decrease ringing of the ears. You can also heat these oils and use in a vaporizer to be inhaled.


    Some vitamins can help treat ringing in the ears. These vitamins include magnesium, potassium and manganese. Also, eat more foods that are rich in vitamins A and C and bioflavonoids because they help improve circulation.

Home Cures For Acne

Home Cures For Acne

Acne is a common disorder of the skin. Acne can be caused by many factors. When acne appears, it is normally on the forehead, the cheeks, back and chest areas. Severe acne can leave unsightly scars on the skin. There are many different home cures for acne.


    Rubbing raw garlic on the acne is an effective home cure. The garlic can be used as an antiseptic to kill bacteria on the skin.

Orange Peel

    Grate the peel of the orange and add a little water, just enough to make a paste. Apply this to the affected area daily.

Lemon Juice

    Slice a lemon in half. Squeeze the juice of the lemon into a small container. Use a piece of cotton to apply the lemon juice to the acne.

Apple Cider Vinegar

    Apple cider vinegar is an effective home remedy for many ailments, including acne. Apply the undiluted apple cider vinegar to the areas where the acne is.


    Peel a potato and slice it in half. Use the potato to rub over the acne. Leave it on for about 10-15 minutes, then rinse off.

How to Use Cinnamon Oil as Arthritis Compress

How to Use Cinnamon Oil as Arthritis Compress

If you have painful joints from arthritis then you'll want to read this how-to for using cinnamon oil to help relieve pain. While you shouldn't use alternative healing methods without discussing them with your health care provider, cinnamon oil is a great way to help reduce the pain of arthritis. Use this handy step by step guide to learn how to use cinnamon oil as therapeutic alternative healing option for arthritis.



    Take a clean towel and get it wet but not saturated. No water should be dripping from the towel. If you need to, wring the towel to get the excess water out of it before going to step 2.


    Place the towel in the microwave for a few seconds to heat it up to make a cinnamon oil arthritis compress. You don't want it so hot that it's scalding.


    Fold the towel into fourths. Place one drop of cinnamon oil on each fourth of the towel. You should have a nice aroma in the room after placing the cinnamon oil on the cloth.


    Place the cloth back in the microwave, after applying the cinnamon oil, for about 10 seconds.


    Remove the towel and make sure it's not too hot. Lay the cinnamon oil hot compress on your joint area affected by the arthritis.