Thursday, February 25, 2016

How to Get Rid of Pneumonia with Home Remedies

Simple and efefctive home remedies to get rid of pneumonia.



    Make tea with fenugreek. Add a few drops of lemon to it. Diet with this juice alone for 2-3 days at regular intervals.The Fenugreek helps in removing all toxins and clears the respiratory tract.


    Apply garlic paste directly onto the chest for good results. Garlic being an irritant and rubefacient helps clearing the respiratory tract. Consuming large quantities of garlic is also useful in fighting this disease.


    Mix 15gms of sesame seeds in 250 ml water.Add 1 tbsp. linseed, pinch of salt and 1 tsp. honey.Drink the solution as a tonic once a day to clear phlegm from bronchial tubes.


    Take 250 ml of parsnip juice (cultivated) everyday to heal this disease. The patient must be careful to avoid drinking the juice of the wild variety.


    Mix 200ml spinach juice or 100ml each of beet and cucumber with 300ml carrot juice. Drik this juice through the day at regular intervals to help cure pneumonia.

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