Monday, February 29, 2016

Medicinal Use of Beet Root

Medicinal Use of Beet Root

The common beet has joined a long list of foods with medicinal and therapeutic applications. Beets are used to reduce blood pressure, as a tool in the fight against cancer, as an aphrodisiac, to regulate digestion, and to fight against skin discomfort and dandruff.

Blood Pressure

    An American Heart Association study indicates that drinking 500 milliliters of beet juice can measurably reduce blood pressure within one hour after drinking it. This effect is measurable for 24 hours.


    In Europe, beets are commonly used to treat cancer. They contain an antioxidant, betacyanin, which both inhibits tumor growth and prevents the formation of cancer-causing nitrosamines.


    Beet root is high in both soluble and insoluble fiber, which aid in the proper function of the digestive system. Because of the high levels of fiber, beet root is used as a treatment for constipation.

Skin and Scalp

    Beets are also effective at treating irritated skin and dandruff. The water in which beets have been boiled is applied to the irritated skin or scalp topically.


    Beets are also considered an aphrodisiac. Beets contain boron, which helps in the production of human sex hormones.

Bromide Detox for a Bad Headache

Bromide Detox for a Bad Headache

Bromides are naturally occurring chemicals that have been used for medicinal treatment for the last century. They also have been a common ingredient in many products, ranging from pesticides to flame-retardants. Bromides tend to stay in the body anywhere from one to two weeks. Too much bromide can result in bromism, and symptoms include bad headaches, nausea and irritability. There are a few ways to clear the body of bromides.

Chemical sensitivity

    If you are on a medication that has bromide in it, your headaches may be the result of a chemical sensitivity. Your body may be reacting to the bromide and causing your headaches. Talk to your doctor about potential bromide sensitivity and see if you can use an alternative medication.

Iodine and bromide

    Your body needs iodine to function. Sometimes too much bromide results in a decrease of iodine and bromism results. A technique called salt-loading can clear bromism symptoms: drink a solution of tsp. of unprocessed sea salt with 1/2 cup of warm water. Then drink 12 to 16 oz. of plain water. Repeat the process every 30 to 45 minutes until you being to urinate frequently. Stop drinking the solution when you begin frequent urination.

    You can also reduce any iodine consumption for three days. Iodine is found commonly in iodized table salts. Vitamin C has also proved helpful in bromide detox. Take several grams of vitamin C spaced through the day with increased water intake.

Avoiding bromide

    Many products in your home and environment contain bromide. Reducing or eliminating your exposure can reduce or eliminate bromide-related headaches. Products bromide can be found in include, but are not limited, to: bromated flours; bromated vegetable oil (BVO) in food and beverages; certain asthma inhalers (talk to your pharmacist or physician about non-bromide inhaler options); items coated in bromide fire retardants such as carpet, bedding and furniture; toys, electronics and cars with polybrominated diphenal ethers (PBDE); cosmetics with bromide compounds; and some perm chemicals. Being around these items may cause bad headaches.


    Talk to your doctor about your bad headaches. You should never begin any home-care program without your doctors consent. Discuss your full health history and concerns about bromide with your doctor.

How to Make a Treatment for Edema in the Feet

This treatment is perfect for Edema in the feet. This natural treatment can be used daily to help relieve Edema in the feet, or used to treat Edema that affects only one foot. I suggest using this treatment for Edema daily. If you would like to use this as a preventative it can be used 2-3 times per week, or as needed.



    Peel the potato and then slice it into thin slices and then place into a foot bath. If you have a Mandoline, I suggest using that with a setting that is between thin and medium slices.


    Cut the cucumber in half then remove the seeds. Unless you have a seedless cucumber. Gently peel the cucumber, then cut the cucumber into thin slices. If you have a mandoline, use the thinnest setting it offers. Place the slices into the foot bath.


    Gently sprinkle the Sea Salt evenly over the cucumber and potato slices. Follow this with the Raw Honey, trying to spread the honey over the area somewhat evenly.


    Fill the foot bath about 2/3's or until the water will reach to around mid ankle. Soak your feet in the treatment for a total of 20 to 30 minutes then rinse the feet off quickly with warm water.

Epson Salt & Yeast Infection

If you are looking to cure your yeast infection using an alternative medicinal product such as Epsom salt, then you will be disappointed. Yeast infection can be remedied through various homeopathy treatments, but not Epsom salt.


    Epsom salt is a chemical compound of magnesium and sulfate, and it has powerful attributes to soothe achy body and joints.


    Epsom salt is used mostly during baths and rarely ingested unless you want to alleviate some constipation.


    Because yeast infection is an internal infection, it is important to tackle the problem at the root cause; not necessarily looking at the symptoms.


    Aside from providing acute relief to your yeast infection, such as anti-itching cream, you should examine whether the yeast infection is caused by lack of good bacteria in the system, bad hygiene or some underlining disease such as diabetes.


    Among other remedies, yogurt, acidophilus, tea tree oil and garlic are the known home remedies used to alleviate the discomfort feeling associated with having a yeast infection; however, epsom salt is not one of them.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

What Is Colloidal Silver Medicine?

What Is Colloidal Silver Medicine?

In the world of alternative medicine, colloidal silver is recognized as a cure-all, able to tackle virtually any ailment. While its devotees swear by it, colloidal silver has never earned FDA approval and lacks mainstream scientific research supporting its effectiveness.


    Colloidal silver consists of microscopic bits of silver suspended in a liquid.


    Silver possesses antibacterial, antiseptic and germicidal properties, according to

How It Is Used

    Colloidal silver can be taken orally or applied topically to the skin.


    When taken orally, colloidal silver has been reported to treat a wide range of health conditions, including ear infections, bronchitis, emphysema, fungal infections, Lyme disease, sinus infections, stomach ulcers, yeast infections, gastritis, gum disease, common colds and flu, according to When applied topically, colloidal silver can be used to treat acne, burns, eye infections and assorted other skin inflammations.


    Ingesting too much colloidal silver over too long a time can lead to a condition called argyria, in which the skin turns bluish gray, according to the website of the Mayo Clinic.

How Can I Get Impacted Wax Out of My Ear?

Impacted wax in the ear can create an uncomfortable feeling of fullness or an earache. It can even affect hearing. There are a number of different remedies that can remove impacted wax from the ear, most of which revolve around softening the wax for ease of removal. It is recommended to see your physician to ascertain the severity of your earwax problem, as well as to establish any underlying conditions that need to be considered. If you have no underlying conditions, holes or perforations in your ear drum, you can safely eliminate impacted ear wax at home.



    Apply a couple of drops of the baby or mineral oil, glycerin or peroxide into the ear twice a day. Do this procedure for no longer than four or five days.


    After a couple of days, once the wax has softened, fill the bulb syringe with warm water and squirt directly into the ear. Tilt your head to one side while you are doing this. Pull the outer part of your ear up and away from your head. This straightens out the ear canal and allows the water to completely irrigate the ear. Tilt your head to the opposite direction and allow the water to flow out into a sink, basin or onto a towel.


    Repeat the irrigation process until all the wax has been removed from your ear.


    Dry the outer ear with a towel or hand held hair dryer.

Definition of Genogram

Genograms are pictorial representations of a family's history through three or more generations. Caregivers use this information in the treatment of family related illnesses and to discover family behaviors that may lead to medical conditions.


    Genograms provide deep understanding about a particular family's historical and current behavior. Strength and weaknesses can be gathered and examined by the family or the caregiver to make life changes or to scrutinize past health illnesses.

Genogram Characteristics

    Basic genogram models capture a family's history by documenting relationships, births, losses, connections, patterns, roles and health history.

Medical Revelation

    Clinicians take the information from genograms and use it to examine family members, patterns and events that continue to reoccur within the family. This information can also be used to indicate any behaviors that can lead to illnesses.

Genogram Building

    Four rules must be in place to build an effective genogram. First, male parents are always placed first at the left. Next, in cases of ambiguity, always assume male-female relations. Thirdly, spouses must always be closer to their first partner. Last, the oldest child is always at the left of the family. These four rules form the basis of how genograms are constructed.


    Universal standards for genograms are not in place, but there are some basic symbols that most constructors of genograms agree upon. Symbols represent certain gender, and how these symbols are placed within the genogram is important as well.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Homemade Magnesium Oil

Magnesium is an important mineral to the human body for heart health, a healthy immune system, the function of nerves and muscles, blood sugar regulation, blood pressure and metabolism. A deficiency in magnesium is easily remedied with the use of magnesium oil used transdermally (through the skin). Magnesium oil is very simple to make for personal use.


    Buy magnesium chloride crystals. The ratio of magnesium chloride to water is 50/50. Mix half magnesium chloride to half boiled water. Allow the magnesium chloride to dissolve. Once the mixture of magnesium chloride and water has cooled, pour into the container of your choice for use.


    The application of magnesium oil to the skin may cause a stinging sensation until the body is used to it. The solution can be further diluted with additional water to lessen the sting until the body adjusts.

    Applying magnesium oil directly to the skin will feel oily on the skin initially, but the oily feeling will quickly dissipate as it is absorbed.

What Is the Hope Formula?

In 2006, Dr. Brenda Watson introduced the H.O.P.E. formula with her book "The H.O.P.E. Formula: The Ultimate Health Secret." The HOPE formula claims to help corrective digestion problems with a special combination of products.


    High-fiber supplements, Omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics (special microbes that improve digestive health) and enzyme tablets comprise the HOPE formula, according to Dr. Watson.


    Dr. Brenda Watson claims that her HOPE formula can cure irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn from indigestion, excessive gas and other problems resulting from poor digestion.

Formula's Function

    According to Dr. Watson, the human digestive system needs a 4:1 ratio of good bacteria (probiotics) to bad. Omega 3 fatty acids are needed for good digestion, but the body cannot produce this on its own. Enzymes and fiber are simply not common enough in the average person's diet.


    The HOPE has yet to receive Food and Drug Administration approval as of 2010. In addition, HOPE warns consumers that it should not replace traditional medicine.


    Before taking a natural treatment such as the HOPE formula, people should consider whether any positive health benefits are from the placebo effect. Some people simply feel better because they are taking a medicine, according to psychologist Dr. Robert Ader of University of Rochester in New York.

Vegetable Glycerin Uses

Vegetable Glycerin Uses

Every day you probably use some form of glycerin or glycerol. This clear, odorless liquid is sweet tasting and has a consistency of syrup. It readily dissolves in water and is a good solvent. Vegetable glycerin is derived from extracted glycerol fats from plant oils such as palm and coconut. It is commonly used as a base for pharmaceuticals and other household items. Glycerin can capture moisture from the air, making it a good addition to moisturizers. It has a relatively short shelf life and should be stored in a cool, dark place.

Cleansing Oil

    Glycerin makes a good base for facial cleansing oils. It is a natural product that can soften dry skin with a pleasant cooling effect. It is also good for use on sensitive skin with the addition of aloe vera juice. Mix glycerin with liquid castile soap for an effective cleanser. Add essential oils such as rosemary or peppermint for added scent. Essential oils and aloe vera juice are available from health food stores.

Clear Soaps

    Vegetable glycerin makes attractive clear soaps. It melts at relatively low temperatures of 160 degrees Fahrenheit and is easy to work with. Add dyes and essential oils to create soap for your needs. Be aware, because of its tendency to draw moisture from the air, that it will dissolve more quickly than conventional bar soaps. Refrain from using glycerin soaps on your face in dry environments to prevent moisture loss.

Herbal Preparations

    Its sweet taste makes it a good base for herbal preparations that may contain bitter or sour-tasting herbs. Glycerin mixed with baking soda, salt and peppermint essential oil creates pleasant-tasting toothpaste that whitens your teeth. Online vitamin and herbal supply stores often sell herbal preparations containing glycerin for a variety of health-related uses.

Facial Creams

    Glycerin can be added to facial cream preparations for added moisturizing and soothing effects. Mix with sweet almond oil, liquid lecithin and melted beeswax. Add rosewater and essential oils for a personalized scent. Store prepared facial creams in the refrigerator. As with any product, discontinue use if you experience redness or other reactions when using products with glycerin.

Hair Conditioner

    Glycerin makes an effective conditioner, bringing moisture to dry hair. To help heal damaged hair, add aloe vera to glycerin for a moisture-rich conditioner.

Household Uses

    Glycerin has applications that make household products. Grease molds and cupcake pans for easy removal after baking. Prevent hydraulic jacks from freezing with a little glycerin applied to exposed surfaces.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Home Remedy for a White Inflamed Tongue

Home Remedy for a White Inflamed Tongue

A white, inflamed tongue is usually a sign of oral or mouth thrush. The white, creamy lesions that appear on the tongue will usually bleed when they are touched. Oral thrush is normally caused by a weakened immune system, according to the article "Oral Thrush" by the Mayo Clinic staff. It can be brought on by the overuse of antibiotics and corticosteroids. Though anti-fungal medications are often prescribed by doctors for this condition, there are also some highly effective home remedies for getting rid of oral thrush.

Getting Started

    Since oral thrush is caused by a fungus called candida albicans, the first thing you should do is remove sugar and gluten from your diet. Sugar and gluten will feed the fungus and make it nearly impossible to treat. Many commercial foods contain gluten like bread, milk and cereal. Substitutes are available in the health aisle of most stores. Oral thrush can quickly spread to the throat and even the esophagus. In addition to dietary changes, you can mix 1/2 tsp. salt in 3 oz. of warm water. Stir the concoction for a few seconds, then gargle with it for 45 seconds. Swish the salt water all around your mouth and tongue thoroughly before spitting it out. Repeat this procedure two more times.

Scraping the Tongue

    After gargling, measure out another 1/2 tsp. of salt and sprinkle it on your tongue. Brush your tongue with the salt and a toothbrush. You do not have to brush that hard as the bristles of your toothbrush will shred the white bumps fairly easily. You may experience a little discomfort. Continue to thoroughly brush all areas of your tongue. Gargle with water and examine your tongue. Notice the areas that need the most attention. Brush your tongue two more times, rinsing your mouth with water after each brushing. Finally, rinse your toothbrush off and use it, or a tongue scraper, to remove the furry white residue that is left on your tongue. Repeat all of the above steps as needed each day. Once you get rid of the oral thrush, make sure you brush your teeth regularly and use mouth wash.

Follow-up Care

    Gradually go back on your normal diet, but try to limit your intake of sugar and gluten. Avoid taking too many prescription medications and corticosteroids. You may also want to take probiotics, which are "friendly bacteria" that can help replenish the natural bacteria in your digestive tract. Your natural bacteria is what fights off candida overgrowth, which is the primary culprit of oral thrush. Eat yogurt in lieu of probiotics for a health digestive tract. Yogurt also contains cultures of bacteria. Maintaining a sensible diet and health digestive tract will help prevent any recurrent outbreaks of oral or mouth thrush.

Nonmedicinal Ways to Clear Congestion

Nonmedicinal Ways to Clear Congestion

Congestion occurs when the nasal passages become inflamed due to allergens or a virus. There are many medicines available to treat congestion, and they are usually effective. For even more effective treatment of congestion, combine medication with non-medicinal decongestant methods, or use as an alternative treatment on its own.

Nose Blowing

    Nose blowing is crucial to clearing congestion and avoiding infection. To avoid earaches, which can be caused by heavy blowing, blow your nose regularly and gently. Cover one nostril and empty the other, then alternate sides.


    Take a steam bath or shower to loosen mucous and moisturize nasal passages. If you are too weak to stand in the shower or take a long bath, simply sit in a steamy room for 5-10 minutes. You can also use the steam from a pot of boiling water: Use a towel to cover your head and breathe the steam for several minutes, staying far enough away from the water to avoid steam burns or discomfort.


    Using a salve will loosen any mucous in the nasal passages and will also moisturize tender skin under the nose. Eucalyptus, menthol and camphor are common salve treatments.


    Inhaling the vapors of various oils such as eucalyptus, tea tree oil or peppermint oil will help to moisturize and open the nasal canal. Add 3-4 drops of the oil to boiling water and inhale for 5-10 minutes.

Chicken Soup

    It may be considered an old wive's tale, but chicken soup is a great way to both clear congestion and replenish your body's nutrients. Add freshly ground black pepper to increase the soup's decongestant properties.


    At night or during naps, sleep with an extra pillow to encourage the nasal passages to drain. Get plenty of sleep at night, and rest during the day whenever possible. This will give your immune system a boost and allow it to better fight the cause of the congestion.

Vitamin C

    Vitamin C lowers histamine levels, which may contribute to congestion. A vitamin C supplement will also boost the immune system.

Neti Pots

    Neti pots rely on a method known as nasal irrigation to relieve congestion and prevent infection. Neti pots can be purchased at drug stores and many grocery stores. A saline solution is poured into one nostril while the user tips his head and looks at the ceiling, which allows the solution to run through the nasal cavity and out the other nostril. Although many people use neti pots on a daily basis, an article on Web MD entitled "Neti Pot, Nasal Irrigation Pros and Cons" suggests using them no longer than three weeks to treat serious congestion.

Oil Pulling With Essential Oils

Oil Pulling With Essential Oils

Oil pulling or oil swishing is the process of cleaning the teeth and gums by rinsing the mouth with edible oils. Oil therapy, as this is commonly called, is a part of the ancient Ayurveda healing system and has been accredited with oral and systemic health benefits.


    Oil pulling originated as an ancient Indian remedy thousands of years ago. Dr. F. Karach M.D. popularized the concept in Russia in the 1990s and today, many health-conscience people regularly practice the procedure as part of an overall health program.


    Oil therapy entails thoroughly swishing certain types oils in the mouth for about 20 minutes. It is claimed that the swishing activates enzymes in the body, which in turn, draw toxins out of the blood.


    Eliminating toxins from the body will lead to an increase in metabolism and, eventually, an increase in overall body health.


    According to the African Journal of Microbiology Research, oil pulling is an effective defense against the bacteria associated with dental caries (tooth decay). Studies show that it has also been beneficial in the elimination of bleeding gums, the fastening of loose teeth and the visible whitening of the teeth.


    Although any edible oil can be used for the purpose of oil pulling, experts recommend sesame or sunflower oils with cold-pressed oils as first choice and refined oils as second.


    It is important not to swallow the oil solution after the swishing process, as it is full of toxins.

Red Clover Medical Benefits

Red Clover Medical Benefits

The wild perennial red clover is a weed to some, but others use its nutrient-rich flowers for both modern and traditional medicinal uses. Red clover, or trifolium pratense, is an all-natural, alternative therapy for a variety of ailments, including some that specifically affect women's health. Consult a doctor or holistic health-care practitioner before using red clover, as it may be dangerous or unsuitable to your individual health needs.

Skin Health

    The component of red clover that benefits skin health is unknown, according to University of Michigan Health System, but it is a traditional therapy for skin afflictions, such as eczema and psoriasis. In "Medicinal Plants of North America," author Jim Meuninck notes that red clover tea was an external wash for wounds, burns and insect bites.

Menopause and Osteoporosis

    Isoflavones, an active constituent of red clover, contain estrogen-like properties, which may help reduce hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause. An additional benefit of red clover use during menopause is that it may help lower the accompanying risk of developing osteoporosis. Isoflavones may improve bone mineral density, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, and they may even slow bone loss.

Respiratory and Cardiovascular Health

    An expectorant by folk and traditional medicine, red clover helps treatment of coughs, asthma, bronchitis and whooping cough. Historical use also included blood purification, which is similar to its modern use as a blood thinner and promoter of cardiovascular health. Red clover's isoflavones improve arterial compliance in women, according to the Baker Medical Research Institute, and this aids prevention of heart disease. Additionally, it may improve blood flow and increase beneficial HDLs in cholesterol, though the University of Maryland Medical Center reports conflicting evidence of these red clover benefits.

Cancer Fighting

    Red clover is an ingredient in anticancer formulas, such as Hoxsey and Essiac. Laboratory studies do not clearly confirm the cancer-fighting properties of these formulas, according to the National Cancer Institute, but red clover may help prevention of some cancers, including breast and prostate cancer, according to the University of Michigan Health System.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Benefits of an Apple Cider Vinegar Bath

Benefits of an Apple Cider Vinegar Bath

According to Apple Cider Vinegar and the Holistic Pediatric Association, when incorporated into baths and other face and body care regimens, apple cider vinegar may help heal the skin and restore its natural balance. Although no conclusive medical testing has proven that apple cider vinegar is beneficial or curative for all patients, because it is a low risk treatment that can provide relief, patients who are suffering from certain ailments may benefit by trying an apple cider vinegar bath.

Sunburn Aid

    The Holistic Pediatric Association recommends apple cider vinegar as a treatment for pain or discomfort associated with sunburned or inflamed areas of the skin. When shopping for apple cider vinegar, select those which have been wood-aged instead of commercial ones that are chemically-aged. Apple cider vinegar can help alleviate the discomfort associated with sun burn and other skin irritations because it may be able to help restore the skin's pH balance. To prepare the bath, add 2 cups of apple cider vinegar to a bathtub filled with warm water. Soak in the bath for 15 minutes.

Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment

    To effectively cure or treat bacteria vaginosis, you need to restore the vagina's healthy condition. Most treatments for vaginosis aim to reduce the vagina's alkaline levels. One easy, cheap, natural but effective treatment method involves making use of substances that are mild but adequate in promoting pH balance in the body. According to Apple Cider Vinegar, apple cider vinegar may be one example of such a substance. Apple cider vinegar is acidic, but not enough to cause irritation in the vaginal area, as long as it is first diluted in water. To prepare the bath, add 2 to 3 cups of apple cider vinegar to your bath--a shallow one will do. Sit in the vinegar-water solution for about 20 minutes to achieve results. This bath soak may help restore your vagina's pH levels and provide relief for the symptoms of the vaginal infection.

Healthy Hair

    Apple cider vinegar can be added to shampoo and conditioner as well. Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits recommends you use it as a hair rinse for a natural cleansing and moisturizing shampoo. Apple cider vinegar can be effective at getting rid of hair build-up, leaving it softer and shinier. To make the hair rinse, mix 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar with 1 quart of water. Use it as your final rinse after you shampoo your hair.

How to Get Dry Mouth Relief (Xerostomia) from Herbal Remedies

How to Get Dry Mouth Relief (Xerostomia) from Herbal Remedies

You can get dry mouth relief (xerostomia) from a number of herbal remedies. Most of these dry mouth remedies involve stimulating the secretion of saliva (See Resource 1 below). This eHow highlights a few herbs that can be used to relieve drymouth.



    Chew some fennel seeds. This helps provide dry mouth relief by stimulating saliva production and also controls the bad breath that is associated with drymouth (xerostomia).


    Put 4 to 5 whole cloves in your mouth, and suck on them to boost saliva secretion. Keep sucking until they lose their effectiveness to deliver dry mouth relief and to get rid of bad breath.


    Place a few thin slices of ginseng in a cup of boiling water and let steep for about 10 minutes. Sip about three cups of this ginseng tea throughout the day. Add a teaspoon of honey if you find it to be bitter.


    Sprinkle some red pepper flakes over food or add red pepper powder into drinks. Capsaicin, the compound that gives pepper its "hotness", stimulates not only salivation but also other watery discharges such as sweat and tears.


    Sip a cup of echinacea tea. Echinacea contains a compound called echinacein, which can help to stimulate saliva production.
    **IMPORTANT: Echinacea also stimulates the immune system and should not be taken if your dry mouth is due to Sjgren's syndrome, a condition in some rheumatoid arthritis patients.

How to Get Rid of Pneumonia with Home Remedies

Simple and efefctive home remedies to get rid of pneumonia.



    Make tea with fenugreek. Add a few drops of lemon to it. Diet with this juice alone for 2-3 days at regular intervals.The Fenugreek helps in removing all toxins and clears the respiratory tract.


    Apply garlic paste directly onto the chest for good results. Garlic being an irritant and rubefacient helps clearing the respiratory tract. Consuming large quantities of garlic is also useful in fighting this disease.


    Mix 15gms of sesame seeds in 250 ml water.Add 1 tbsp. linseed, pinch of salt and 1 tsp. honey.Drink the solution as a tonic once a day to clear phlegm from bronchial tubes.


    Take 250 ml of parsnip juice (cultivated) everyday to heal this disease. The patient must be careful to avoid drinking the juice of the wild variety.


    Mix 200ml spinach juice or 100ml each of beet and cucumber with 300ml carrot juice. Drik this juice through the day at regular intervals to help cure pneumonia.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Phyto Soya Side Effects

Phyto Soya Side Effects

Phyto Soya is a supplement designed to help women weather the emotional, hormonal and physical changes experienced during menopause. The product is made from soya, or soybean based, isoflavones that work in similar fashion to estrogen, the female hormone that decreases in the body during menopause. Phyto Soya's manufacturer recommends use of the supplement at the first sign of premenopausal symptoms, during menopause and if you are unable or unwilling to undergo hormone replacement therapy. There are other voices, however, that caution against the dangers associated with soy phytoestrogens.

Endocrine Disruptors

    Phytoestrogens, in some cases, have shown evidence of negatively affecting the endocrine system and its job of coordinating how your body's glands and organs work together. Disruption of endocrine functioning has been studied more in animals than humans but an increasing number of critics are calling for more research to be performed in humans, particularly since there is evidence indicating that endocrine disruptors in women can increase risk of breast and ovarian cancer.


    Although soy isoflavones are promoted for their health benefits, their true effectiveness has yet to be backed up with clinical studies. The makers of Phyto Soya proclaim their product's benefits but the jury is still out on whether soy isoflavones are beneficial when used long-term or whether products containing them should be widely used. Ingestion of high levels of isoflavones has been associated with increased occurrence of thyroid disorders, including goiters and Hashimoto's disease.


    According to Soy Online Service (SOS), phytoestrogens have the potential to speed the reproduction and growth of cancer cells. SOS claims that postmenopausal women who take soy-based supplements increase their risk of breast cancer. An October 2009 report issued by Cornell University's Program on Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factors concluded that studies have been inconclusive and contradictory, therefore, "use of dietary supplements that contain soy phytoestrogens is not recommended."

How to Make a Lemon Juice and Coconut Oil Lice Remedy

How to Make a Lemon Juice and Coconut Oil Lice Remedy

Lice are tiny wingless insects that feed on skin and blood. They are often very hard to see and they can lay eggs in human hair. You can get rid of lice quickly with easy home remedies instead of harsh chemical shampoos.


Coconut Oil Remedy


    Purchase pure coconut oil from a natural food store or beauty supply store. It will typically come in a jar and appear solid but will become liquefied as it is applied. Wear protective gloves and massage a liberal amount of the oil into the hair and scalp.


    Place a plastic shower cap over the head for at least an hour before combing through. Coconut oil suffocates the lice and makes it possible to comb out both the adult insects and the nits (unborn eggs). Using a very fine-tooth comb, separate the hair into sections and comb through. Rinse away any lice bodies or nits that are removed under running water before continuing to comb the hair.


    Rinse hair with natural shampoo, preferably one that also contains coconut oil, and repeat as many times as necessary until the hair combs clean. Nits may be particularly difficult to remove from the hair but it is essential that you remove them all or else the infestation will continue when they hatch.

Lemon Juice Remedy


    Combine 1 to 2 tbsp. of freshly squeezed lemon juice with an equal amount of pure garlic paste. Apply this mixture generously to the hair and scalp, making sure to cover the head all the way to the ends of the hair.


    Place the plastic shower cap over the head and allow the hair to dry completely (about 30 minutes). Just as the coconut oil helps to suffocate the lice and their eggs, the acidity of the lemon juice will help to strip them from the hair.


    Rinse the hair with cold water and then comb through completely to remove garlic, dead lice and nits. Repeat this remedy until the hair combs clean of lice and nits.

Benefits of Insole Shoe Magnets

Benefits of Insole Shoe Magnets

Putting magnetic insoles in your shoes may sound kind of odd and perhaps even a little bit intimidating. The nervous twinges at the thought of using insole shoe magnets and the odd looks you get when you mention it may be worth the few but significant benefits the practice may give you.


    Magnets relieve pain in some users.
    Magnets relieve pain in some users.

    There have been claims that people who use insole shoe magnets experience more energy than they used to before using the product. If you find yourself tired all the time, this may be something you want to invest in. A little bit of extra energy each day due to something as simple as a shoe insole may be worth testing out. Do not expect to instantly feel like running a mile as soon as you put the insoles in because the effect of the energy is a subtle and gradual feeling.

Pain Relief

    Pain relief is a benefit to using insole shoe magnets.
    Pain relief is a benefit to using insole shoe magnets.

    Many people have pain associated with the feet. This is most likely because all of our weight is supported by our feet for hours and hours a day. This is probably why this is the most common reason for purchasing shoe magnet insoles. Pain relief is a benefit for using insole shoe magnets. Insole shoe magnets can relieve chronic pain due to arthritis or other normal aches and pains associated with the feet. Insole shoe magnets may be able to relieve those long nights at work, walking to the bus stop, or help you feel more comfortable exercising. Pain relief is definitely a promising sounding benefit.

Diabetic Neuropathy Reduction

    Many people with diabetes suffer from diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy includes foot pain, tingling and burning sensations in the feet. Insole shoe magnets won't cure diabetes, nor will it cure diabetic neuropathy, but what insole shoe magnets can do is reduce the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy. This can be extremely beneficial to those suffering from this disease.

Other Benefits

    Other benefits of insole shoe magnets that have been claimed by people who use them are: increased blood flow and oxygen levels, aligning of cells, revved-up nerve activity, and a change in the acidity of body fluids.

Fennel Health Uses

Fennel Health Uses

Fennel is a naturally occurring, flowering herb that, according to, grows seeds that have been used in Western medicine to treat a number of ailments. It can be taken in pill form, as a tea and as a liquid. Though there are many potentially beneficial aspects to fennel, warns, "Fennel has not been evaluated by the FDA for safety, effectiveness or purity. All potential risks and/or advantages of fennel may not be known."


    According to, fennel may be beneficial for treating various digestive conditions including indigestion, which it says "is a common practice, particularly on the Indian Subcontinent." Fennel seeds are commonly chewed after meals to avoid bad breath and to aid in digestion. Fennel can also be used to treat flatulence, constipation and diarrhea.


    According to, "The juice of fennel leaves and the plant can be externally applied on the eyes to reduce irritation and fatigue of eyes." It also says that using it in foods can aid in treating conditions like macular degeneration. The vitamin C and arginine in fennel can help rejuvenate tissue and reverse the effects of aging.


    According to, fennel can be used to stimulate lactation, although no research is available that supports such claims. Avoid using fennel if you are pregnant or nursing.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Medicinal Uses of Sea Salt

Medicinal Uses of Sea Salt

According to the Mayo Clinic, the chemical makeup of sea salt is the same as table salt, with differences existing in taste, texture and processing. Nevertheless, medicinal uses for salt--which are mainly topical applications--generally call for less processed sea salt. Many of these are traditional remedies, and their effects will vary. For serious health conditions, talk with your doctor about the effect of sea salt remedies.

Oral Health

    Sea salt can be used for gargling and to clean the mouth and teeth. To make a gargling solution, mix 1/2 tsp. of sea salt into a glass of warm water. This can help with a sore throat. You can make a toothpaste with one part sea salt and two parts baking soda that helps whiten teeth. Mix equal parts sea salt and baking soda to make a mouthwash.

Eye Treatments

    A diluted solution of 1/2 tsp. of sea salt to a pint of water can be used to wash and relieve tired eyes. Use the same solution with hot water to dab around eyes to reduce puffiness.

Skin Irritation

    Sea salt can be applied to some bug bites and rashes for relief. For bee stings, wet the area and apply salt for pain relief. For mosquito, chigger and other bug bites, soak the bite area in salty water, then apply a mixture of salt and lard to the bite. You can speed recovery from poison ivy by soaking the affected area in hot, salty water.

Soaking and Stress Relief

    Bathing in salt solutions is known to have a relaxing effect that soothes aching muscles. Add a handful of sea salt to a hot bath to relieve fatigue, or several tablespoons to hot water in a basin to sooth tired feet. You can also exfoliate skin by using salt as a rub after bathing.

How to Treat Halitosis with Herbal Remedies

A natural way to treat Halitosis is herbal remedies. Halitosis is the medical term for bad breathe, and it can be caused by many different factors. Certain herbs can be used to help treat, and sometimes cure, Halitosis. Below are the more effective herbal remedies that should be used for those with Halitosis.



    Add one drop of Eucalyptus Oil to your mouthwash before using it. Eucalyptus Oil has been shown to help increase the activity against bacteria in the mouth, which helps to improve Halitosis.


    Add one drop of Peppermint Oil to your toothbrush before brushing your teeth in the morning and evening. Peppermint Oil added to toothpaste has been shown to help treat Halitosis more effectively than toothpaste alone.


    Drink Ginger Tea with meals. Ginger Tea helps to aid in digestion, which can help to treat Halitosis. Many people with Halitosis actually have digestive issues that cause bad breathe, which actually is coming from deeper in the digestive system than the mouth.

How to Get Thrush Treatment

How to Get Thrush Treatment

Thrush is known as oral yeast infections. Also known as candidiais. It's a candida fungus which grows in your mouth. When your immune system is weak, it's prone to attack with fungus. Thrush is usually not very severe and can easily be treated. Recurring thrush might need treated medically. Those who are taking antibiotics, or other medications that weaken the immune system, can be prone to thrush. Thrush treatment can be done with home remedies. Those with medical conditions, like diabetes, or other conditions should consult with their doctor first.

Thrush symptoms are pretty easy to suspect. Thrush looks like cottage cheese, or white lesions in your mouth, tongue, gums, and tonsils. You'll tend to feel some pain, or possible bleeding of the gums even. Sometimes thrush spreads to the esophagus, making it difficult to swallow foods and drinks. Those who smoke, who are infants, or wear dentures can be prone to thrush. A thrush infection can cause discomfort. A good oral hygiene can help reduce thrush symptoms. Those with high blood sugar levels tend to be at risk for thrush.



    Treating infants with oral thrush. Infants can be prone to thrush. Thrush can usually go away on its own. If they were taking any antibiotics or inhaled corticosteroids, then this probably examples symptoms of thrush. Apply virgin coconut oil to your babies pacifier. Or if you breastfeed, apply virgin coconut oil to your nipples. Virgin coconut oil will kill fungus and it's perfectly safe for your baby. It's actually quite good for them.


    Eat yogurt. Plain yogurt kills yeast infections. Yogurt has anti-fungal properties. Yogurt can be given to infants as well. Start eating plain yogurt until symptoms improve. Massage plain yogurt inside an infants mouth, if they have thrush.


    Drink green tea. The catechin found in green tea is anti-fungal. Green tea boosts the immune system. Those with a weaken immune system should definitely drink green tea. If the thrush has reach the esophagus, then drink hot green tea daily can get ride of oral yeast infections.


    Use saltwater. Taking about a teaspoon of salt, dissolving it into water can help cure thrust. Just swish it in your mouth for about 30 seconds, then spit. Rinse your mouth out with cold water. Don't swallow saltwater. It's not a pleasant taste.


    Using apple vinegar to treat thrust. Apple cider vinegar can kill candida fungus growing in your mouth. Yeast can't grow when vinegar is involved. You can swish apple cider vinegar in your mouth, then spit. Or you can apply a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to cold water, then drink it. If you can tolerate the taste. Diluted in water its not too bad.


    Maintain a good oral hygiene. A good toothpaste to use is arm and hammers toothpaste. Contains peroxide and baking soda. You'll want to use a good mouthwash. A antibacterial mouthwash can help treat thrush. A good oral hygiene is important to maintaining a healthy mouth.

Monday, February 22, 2016

How to Mix Mineral Oil

Mineral oil mixtures are used to relieve constipation by stimulating the colon. A mineral oil mixture can be taken orally or used in an enema bag. Store bought products are expensive which can be an issue if you need to use them regularly. If you are suffering from digestive issues and constipation, making your own mixtures can save you money. Always consult your doctor prior to using mineral oil mixtures orally or through an enema. Long-term use of mineral oil can lead to a vitamin deficiency and should never be used for more than seven days in a row without doctor's supervision.


Oral Mixture


    Wait two hours after a meal to mix and consume mineral oil. This allows ample time for your stomach to absorb the nutrients from your meal. It is best to consume mineral oil before bedtime.


    Measure the correct dosage of mineral oil in a measuring spoon. The dosage for adults is 15 to 45 ml orally per day. Pour mineral oil into cup of tea. Stir.


    Drink the mineral oil/tea mixture as quickly as possible. Follow with 8 oz. of water.

Enema Mixture


    Measure 2 cups of mineral oil and pour into a microwave-safe bowl.


    Measure 6 cups of water and add to the mineral oil.


    Microwave the mixture until it is 102 degrees.


    Pour in enema bag.

Hot Mineral Springs Thermal Benefits

Hot Mineral Springs Thermal Benefits

Soaking in a hot mineral spring is a form of hydrothermal therapy, used to improve health and treat disease and injury since ancient times. The website notes that ancient Greeks practiced therapeutic bathing and traditional Native American and Chinese medicines use water in healing practices. Hot mineral springs found renewed popularity in the 19th century. President Franklin Roosevelt's use of mineral springs at Warm Springs, Georgia, brought international attention to mineral springs' benefits for polio patients. Soaking in the warmth of the hot mineral spring does more than just feel good. Doctors acknowledge therapeutic benefits of moist heat.

Pain relief

    Doctors often recommend the application of heat (moist or dry) to relieve the pain and stiffness of arthritis. The website notes that heat reduces muscles spasms and alters the sensation of pain. In treating arthritis pain, moist heat should be used for at least 15 minutes before exercise and then used again immediately after exercise, the website reads. Soaking in a hot mineral spring gives the effect of a nice, long moist heat application for joints and muscles in pain.

Improved blood circulation

    Because heat dilates blood vessels, it stimulates circulation, an effect noted on the website in a discussion of heat treatment for arthritis. Better circulation boosts the health of all the body's tissues, carrying oxygen and nourishment to the cells.

Stress reduction

    A warm soak in a hot spring relaxes muscles, soothing the body and relieving stress. Stress is more than a mental outlook. It causes muscles to tighten up, provoking spasms. Soaking in a hot mineral spring is a pleasant way to counteract stress.

Better breathing

    Breathing in steamy vapors has long been noted as a way to loosen mucus, relieve sinus congestion and open breathing passages. A long session of breathing warm vapors can even help clear out the lungs.

Not for everyone

    Although there are therapeutic benefits to hot mineral springs, certain health conditions give reason for caution. Pregnant women and people with diabetes, high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease should avoid soaking in hot water because it can provoke health problems for them.

What Are the Dangers of Feverfew?

What Are the Dangers of Feverfew?

Feverfew is an alternative herbal medicine that has long been used to treat a variety of conditions, including fever, headaches and other pains, infertility and other reproductive problems, arthritis, and ear, nose and throat concerns, according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). Although feverfew may be beneficial for some people, there are possible adverse effects of using this herbal remedy.


    People allergic to chrysanthemums and other plants may also be allergic to feverfew.
    People allergic to chrysanthemums and other plants may also be allergic to feverfew.

    People who are allergic to plants of the Compositae (daisy) family (ragweed, chrysanthemums and marigolds) may be predisposed to allergic reactions to feverfew (cross-sensitivity), according to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and the NCCAM. Sloan-Kettering also reports that skin irritation (dermatitis) may develop from contact with feverfew.

Adverse Effects

    Common adverse effects of taking feverfew include canker sores, inflammation of the lips and tongue, and loss of the sense of taste. Less common but possible adverse effects of feverfew include nausea, bloating and other digestive problems, according to the NCCAM.


    When a person takes feverfew for a prolonged period of time and then stops using it, the NCCAM reports that she may have symptoms such as headache, feeling nervous, trouble sleeping, stiffness in muscles and pain in the joints.

Risks During Pregnancy

    There is an increased risk for miscarriage or premature delivery in pregnant women taking feverfew, according to the NCCAM. Children under the age of 2 should not take feverfew, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.


    Feverfew can increase the risk for bleeding, and the University of Maryland Medical Center advises that individuals with bleeding disorders and those taking blood thinners should not take feverfew.

Concerns about Effectiveness

    Some studies show that feverfew may help prevent migraines, but the NCCAM reports that more research is needed to confirm this finding. The University of Maryland Medical Center reports that feverfew is not more effective than placebo in relieving arthritis symptoms.

How to Treat Photosensitivity with Natural Remedies

A good way to help treat Photosensitivity is with natural remedies. Some natural remedies have been proven to help improve the condition of Photosensitivity, also known as a sun allergy, in recent studies. Below are the more effective natural remedies for Photosensitivity.



    Take a Fish Oil supplement daily. Photo Oil has been shown to help treat Photosensitivity, and most people will see at least partial improvement after taking Fish Oil daily for three months. Ideally you should take 10 grams for a total of 90 days for the best results.


    Take AMP (Adenosine Monophosphate) in supplemental form daily. AMP is a substance that is made in the body that has been shown to completely alleviate Photosensitivity in many patients. Take 150 to 200 mg of AMP daily.


    Take an Antioxidant supplement daily. Antioxidiants hrlp with Photosensitivity, and taking an Antioxidant supplemental ensures that the body gets a variety of the different antioxidants that can help with Photosensitivity.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

How to Treat Sciatica Naturally with Nutritional Supplements

How to Treat Sciatica Naturally with Nutritional Supplements

Nutritional supplements can boost the body's own natural capacity to fight inflammation deliver sciatic nerve pain relief. According to neurologist David Perlmutter, M.D. (See Resources below) a number of nutritional supplements can re-program the chemical process in the body that produces pain signals. This involves controlling a group of hormone-like molecules that are called prostaglandins, by inhibiting their capacity to trigger inflammation. Read on to learn more about supplements


    Take bromelain and quercetin nutritional supplements for sciatic nerve pain relief

    Take up to 1,000 mg of bromelain and 500 mg of quercetin 4 times a day, between your meals to relieve sciatic nerve pain. Bromelain, which is an enzyme found in pineapple, is described as the jack-of-all-trades in fighting inflammation. Quercetin is a compound that works in combination with bromelain to block the process of inflammation.

    Omega 3 and Omega 6 Nutritional Supplements

    Use nutritional supplements that are rich in omega 3 and omega 6 essential fatty acids for sciatic nerve pain relief. These essential fatty acids have potent anti-inflammatory properties that help alleviate the pain and inflammation associated with pinched nerve (sciatica).

    Take one tablespoon of flaxseed oil with three capsules of evening primrose oil nutritional supplements. You can substitute 500 milligrams of black currant oil for the evening primrose capsules. Substitute 1,000 milligrams of fish oil nutritional supplements two to four times a day as a substitute for the flaxseed oil.

    Turmeric nutritional supplements ease sciatic nerve pain

    Add turmeric nutritional supplements to your diet. This spice contains a compound called curcumin, which is one of the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory drugs in nature's pharmacy. For acute sciatic nerve pain, take 250 to 500 milligrams three times a day.
    IMPORTANT: You must not take turmeric nutritional supplements if you are pregnant, or suffer from ulcers, gallstones or acid reflux.

    Valerian nutritional supplements for sciatic nerve pain relief

    Take 150 mg of valerian three times a day, if a doctor determines that your sciatic nerve pain is caused by a spastic muscle.

How to Treat Mitral Valve Prolapse with Diet

A good way to treat Mitral Valve Prolapse is with diet. Although diet changes can not cure Mitral Valve Prolapse, they can help to improve the condition and prevent further complications. Below are the more effective diet changes that can help with Mitral Valve Prolapse.



    Cut back on processed foods. Instead try to eat mostly raw and fresh foods that you prepare yourself. If you do purchase a lot of packaged foods, try to stick to organic products and products that are more naturally based. Lots pf processed foods contain ingredients that can worsen symptoms for heart problems like Mitral Valve Prolapse.


    Make sure you are getting enough of the nutrients found in meat. You may want to add more meats to your diet, or take supplements to make up for the differences if you are a vegetarian or vegan. Vitamin B12 deficiency is one of the vitamins you should make sure you get enough of if you have Mitral Valve Prolapse.


    Add more fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. Try to get more of a variety of fruits and vegetables as well to make sure your body is getting basic nutrients that it needs.

The Dangers of Pueraria Mirifica

Pueraria mirifica is an herb from Southeast Asia. It also goes by the name kwao kreu kao. It is considered an herbal, nonsurgical alternative to breast enlargement and enhancement and may also act as an estrogen-enhancing herb suitable for women who have reached menopause. It is native to most of Southeast Asia, and women in Thailand have been using it for centuries for a number of health purposes. Despite its popularity, there is considerable debate about its effectiveness. It also causes side effects.

Possible Cardiac Problems

    According to the Breast Enhancement Options website, use of pueraria mirifica could aggravate chest pain and hear conditions. Although there is no conclusive evidence that the herb actually causes heart problems, those with heart-related conditions are advised to abstain from using this herb. It is also not appropriate for use in people taking fat-reducing medication, because the reaction between the herb and the ingredients in weight-reduction medicines can contribute to heart problems.

Adverse Reactions

    Some people can have a negative reaction to pueraria mirifica, especially under certain circumstances. For example, the herb increases the circulation of blood. So, when menstruating women take this herb, they may have increased blood flow. This increase in blood flow can also cause you to become flushed. Other problems associated with this herb include diarrhea, insomnia, flatulence, tenderness of the breasts and vaginal discharge.

Other Possible Problems

    Although there is no conclusive evidence or studies that definitely proves the claims, according to the Herbalust website, some report a link between peuraria mirifca consumption and lumps, severe pain and cancerous growth in the breasts. Also, this herb increases production of hormone-producing estrogen, which can cause problems such as such as constipation, bowel irritation and vomiting. Excess of hormones produced by this herb have also resulted in many women experiencing problems such as loss of libido, fatigue, an increase in body fat and a loss of muscle tone.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Creative Uses for Yogurt

Creative Uses for Yogurt

Yogurt contains "good" bacteria called probiotics. Probiotics aid digestion and immune function. Yogurt also contains animal proteins, calcium, potassium, magnesium and vitamins B-2 and B-12. While it is proven that eating yogurt promotes general health and well being, there are many unexpected topical uses for yogurt.


    Use yogurt to combat acne. Rub 1 tsp. of plain yogurt onto a freshly-washed and dried face as if applying lotion. Allow for the yogurt to completely absorb into your skin. With continual use, your skin will feel tighter and blemishes should disappear.

Yeast Infection

    Treat a yeast infection with yogurt instead of costly over-the-counter medicine. Coat a tampon with plain, unpasteurized, unsweetened yogurt before insertion. Keep the tampon in for a couple of hours and repeat the process. Use the yogurt dipped tampons for up to five days, or until symptoms disappear. Douching regularly with a mixture of yogurt and water also can help combat a yeast infection.


    Cure dandruff build-up with yogurt. Wash your hair and apply one cup of plain yogurt to your scalp. Leave the yogurt to soak into your scalp for 15 minutes and then rinse thoroughly. Repeat the process over several days and your dandruff should disappear.

Toenail Fungus

    Fight toenail fungus with yogurt. Rub plain yogurt onto an infected toenail. Let the yogurt soak into the nail overnight. Repeat the yogurt application until the fungus is gone.

Sunburn Treatment

    Relieve painful sunburns by applying 1/2 cup of plain yogurt directly onto the burned area. Mix aloe vera into the yogurt to aid pain relief.

How to Take Melatonin for Jet Lag

How to Take Melatonin for Jet Lag

Traveling across time zones can leave you feeling lethargic and off-kilter, ready to sleep when everyone else is awake, or full of energy in the middle of the night. Melatonin is a hormone released by the pineal gland at night. The pineal gland regulates the body's rhythms of sleep and wakefulness, known as circadian rhythms. Taking melatonin is thought to "re-set" the body's internal clock, helping you adjust much more quickly to a new time zone and mitigating the effects of jet lag.



    Take .5 mg of melatonin at 6 or 7 p.m. the evening before your departure for your trip. Though melatonin tablets are available in various strengths, the University of Maryland Medical Centers recommends .5 mg as closest to the amount naturally produced by the body each day.


    Take a tablet at bedtime at your destination. Take a tablet at bedtime each night while you are at your destination.


    Take a second melatonin tablet if you awaken before 4 a.m. at your destination.

What Are the Health Benefits of Flaxseed Tea?

What Are the Health Benefits of Flaxseed Tea?

Linseed, or flaxseed, is a plant that grows year-round. It originated in Asia and the eastern Mediterranean regions. Flaxseed is abundant in fiber and alpha linolenic acid (ALA). ALA is an essential fatty acid, which is largely responsible for the plant's many health benefits, especially heart health, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. To make a warm cup of flaxseed tea, you grind up the flaxseed, and add about 1 tsp. to a cup of boiling water. Let it steep for 10 to 15 minutes, and sprinkle with cinnamon or add a little honey, as suggested by

Cancer Prevention

    According to the Mayo Clinic, flaxseed contains a kind of phytoestrogen known as lignan, which is a powerful antioxidant. It is thought by physicians at the Mayo Clinic that lignan may help avert various cancers, such as breast cancer. Lignan metabolites may attach to estrogen receptors and stop breast cancer cells from growing. On the other hand, the Mayo Clinic also states that recent evidence suggests that there is not enough data to confirm this assumption.

Improve Intestinal Health

    The high amount of soluble fiber and magnesium in flaxseed makes it beneficial for alleviating gastrointestinal disorders, such as constipation and gastritis, as noted by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Drink plenty of water alongside flaxseed tea to avoid aggravating problems, such as constipation, in the gastrointestinal area.

Improve Cardiovascular Function

    According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, the essential fatty acids, particularly alpha linolenic acid, in flaxseed tea may help to improve cardiovascular functioning and reduce the chances of suffering from diseases of the heart. Flaxseed may lessen inflammation associated with heart disease, which improves blood vessel health and platelet function. Furthermore, drinking flaxseed tea may also help decrease irregular heartbeats, lower cholesterol and reduce blood pressure, as noted by the website World's Healthiest Foods.

Reduce Menopausal Symptoms

    According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, the scientific reports are mixed as to the effectiveness of flaxseed in the treatment of menopausal symptoms, such as breast tenderness and hot flashes.

    However, according to the World's Healthiest Foods website, a study published in the Journal of the Society for Integrative Oncology found that postmenopausal women who consumed 40 grams of flaxseed (crushed) everyday for roughly six weeks decreased hot flashes by almost 60 percent.

Anti-Inflammatory Advantage

    According to the World's Healthiest Foods website, your body uses omega-3 fats to make anti-inflammatory prostaglandins, which are hormone-like molecules. Thus, you should consume a diet rich in omega-3 fats (like flaxseed) to help diminish systemic inflammation that can lead to many chronic inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis and asthma.

    Your body requires both types of essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6) to maintain good health, but it is important to consume them in the proper ratio. According to Dr. Mercola's website, the ideal balance of omega-3 to omega-6 essential fats is a one-to-one ratio. So, refrain from eating too many pro-inflammatory omega-6 fats, which are primarily found in processed foods, animal fats and vegetable oils, such as palm oil, soybean oil and corn oil.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Eucalyptus Leaves & Sinus Congestion

Eucalyptus Leaves & Sinus Congestion

Sinus congestion can be caused by allergies, cold and flu, pollutants and smoke. The mucus you experience results from your body producing histamine, a chemical that dilates blood vessels and triggers runny eyes and nose. Luckily, there are a few natural remedies, such eucalyptus, which help to alleviate some of the symptoms that are caused by histamine production.

Eucalyptus Leaves

    Eucalyptus Trees in the Outback
    Eucalyptus Trees in the Outback

    The Eucalyptus tree is a hardy evergreen tree with a gray trunk and blue-green sword-shaped leaves. Eucalyptus trees are native to Australia. Aborigines chewed the roots for water to survive in their dry climate. Settlers in Australia introduced eucalyptus into the traditional medicine system. It is known best as an effective relief from sinus congestion.

How Eucalyptus Can Be Taken

    Throat lozenge
    Throat lozenge

    Eucalyptus oil is used in cough syrups, inhalants, lozenges, cough drops and medicinal teas. It is also rubbed on the chest, back or throat to relieve congestion, or it can be used with a steam vaporizer. You can add two drops of eucalyptus oil to steaming water, cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam.

Benefits of Eucalyptus

    Person coughing
    Person coughing

    Eucalyptus lozenges increase the production of saliva, making you swallow more and reducing the urge to cough that comes from excess mucus in the nose and throat. As an expectorant, it dilates the bronchial tubes. When eucalyptus is inhaled it prompts the Eustachian tubes, which connect the middle ear and the throat, to open up so mucus can drain from the ear, resulting in decreased pain and pressure.

It Is in the Oil

    Eucalyptus Globulus: Botanical Name
    Eucalyptus Globulus: Botanical Name

    Oil is extracted from the fresh leaves, branch tips and even dried leaves of the Eucalyptus tree. The active ingredient is cineol or euclyptol. To be effective as an expectorant, the oil must contain at least 70 eucalyptol. It is similar to menthol, acting on receptors in the nasal mucosa and relieving nasal congestion. Euclyptol oil is also found in camphor laurel, rosemary, sage, sweet basil, tea tree, wormwood and other aromatic plant foliage.

Side Effects and Cautions

    Toxic risk
    Toxic risk

    Eucalyptus can be toxic if used excessively. It is advised that it not be used in children under two years of age, chronically ill persons, anyone with low blood pressure and breastfeeding or pregnant women. It also affects blood sugar levels, so it should be used with caution by diabetics. Symptoms of excess use include vomiting, gastric pain, diarrhea and depression of the central nervous system.

How to Treat Liver Cirrhosis with Vitamins

A good way to help treat Liver Cirrhosis is with vitamins. Although vitamins can not cure Liver Cirrhosis they can help to control the condition and prevent further complications. Vitamins also can help to improve your chances of survival, and sometimes even help to reverse some of the damage of Liver Cirrhosis.



    Take Vitamin E in supplemental form daily. Vitamin E has been shown to help decrease the damage of Liver Cirrhosis and can also help to reduce immune abnormalities that contribute to the development of Liver Cirrhosis. Ideally you should take around 500 IU per day.


    Take Vitamin D in supplemental form daily. Vitamin D has been shown to prevent a loss of bone in patients with Liver Cirrhosis. This treatment works especially well for those with Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, who are at increased risk for bone loss.


    Take Vitamin K in supplemental form daily. Vitamin K has been shown to help prevent Liver Cirrhosis but it has recently been shown to help improve the condition as well.

How to Get Rid of Sinus Infections without an Antibiotic

Your nose is stuffy, you have mucus discharge and your head feels like it has been hit by a transfer truck then you are possibly suffering from a sinus infection. But, if you are like many people today, you are leery of taking antibiotics for everything. You know that your body is likely to become immune to antibiotics if you continue to take them for every little thing. So, you decide you should learn how to get rid of sinus infections without an antibiotic and get your head cleared up.



    Use a saline spray. The Sinus Info center suggests saline sprays as a treatment option for sinus infections. You can get medicated or non-medicated spray. These solutions are sprayed into the nasal passages to coat it with moisture which thins the nasal secretions and reducing the presence of the infecting agents. By thinning the mucous you are able to expel it from your body by blowing your nose.
    There are medicated versions of saline sprays that your doctor might prescribe in place of antibiotics. These sprays help to decongest and clear the mucous from the nasal cavity. Medicated saline sprays should only be used for a short period of time as they can become addictive. (See Resources for Link)


    Ask your doctor about steroidal treatment for sinuses. Your doctor can prescribe a nasal spray with cortisone in it to reduce the swelling inside the nose and the opening to the sinuses. points out that a very small amount of the cortisone is absorbed by the body which makes it safe for use. Nasal steroid sprays have long been used in the treatment of allergies and are now being used to treat sinus infections. (See Resources for Link)


    Purchase an over-the counter decongestant. Decongestants can be purchased over the counter and as pointed out by E-Medicine Health, these decongestants can help to free the obstruction in the airway caused by mucous build up. These decongestants contain pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine as their active ingredients. Oral decongestants work slower than nasal decongestants. Nasal decongestants work almost immediately while oral decongestants can take up to an hour. You have to be just as careful with oral decongestants as you do with nasal decongestants as they can become addictive. (See Resources for Link)


    Use a Neti Pot. Purchase a Neti Pot and use it to irrigate the sinus canal. A Neti Pot is shaped like an Aladdin's Lamp. You fill the lamp with a warm saline solution and use the Neti Pot to pour it into your nasal cavity and then let it drain back out. This moves the mucous and opens the nasal passageway up allowing your sinuses to drain. This, in conjunction with warm compresses placed on your face periodically throughout the day to relieve the head pain, is an effective treatment for sinus infections without the use of antibiotics.

    Antibiotics are used all too frequently to treat a myriad of illnesses. If you can treat an illness without an antibiotic you are helping your body and keeping it from becoming adjusted to medicines that it might need further down the road in your life.

Catnip & Fennel for Infant Colic

Catnip & Fennel for Infant Colic

When a baby suffers from colic they do not suffer alone. Parents suffer from feelings of guilt and helplessness as well.


    Gas trapped in the intestines can cause colic. Some colic is also caused by spasms of the new baby's intestines.


    Some signs of colic include long crying jags more then three times a week, pulling their legs up to their tummy, tight fists, the tummy feeling hard, frequent passage of gas and crying that sounds like the infant is in pain.

Choosing A Remedy

    There are over-the-counter colic medicines, but sometimes one does not wish to take a chemical approach. There are soothing movements like patting or bouncing the child, however, these don't always work. For some an herbal remedy is the perfect answer.

Catnip and Fennel

    A tea of catnip and fennel can ease the symptoms of colic and comfort the child. This can be administered directly to the infant, or if a mother is breastfeeding she can drink the tea and transfer the benefits to the child.

Making The Tea

    Pour one cup of boiling water over two teaspoons of dried catnip leaves and one teaspoon of fennel. Let the tea steep for 15 minutes, and thoroughly strain the tea. If administering to the infant directly, let cool thoroughly. The dosage is one cup for the mother or one dropper full for the infant.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Frankincense to Remove Skin Warts & Moles

Frankincense to Remove Skin Warts & Moles

Derived from the gummy resin of the frankincense tree, frankincense has been used for ages as a common healing medicine. Today, it is often used to diminish warts and moles.


    According to, warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes keratin, a hard protein in the epidermis, to grow too fast. While warts are generally skin-colored, moles are dark and sometimes quite big. Moles appear when skin cells grow in a cluster rather than evenly throughout the skin.


    With its strong antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, frankincense is very effective because it actually repairs the skin, soaking deeper into the skin than typical over-the-counter treatments. Because of its incredible abilities to repair the skin, alternative medicine doctors often prescribe frankincense for acne, cysts, stretch marks, varicose veins and wrinkles as well.


    Frankincense oil should be applied to a wart or mole (after the area of skin has been cleaned and dried) and then covered with a bandage that will help retain the frankincense's moisture. According to Everything Essential, frankincense should be applied two to three times a day until the wart or mole disappears and then continued for one to two weeks after to ensure its completely gone.


    In ancient times, frankincense was often taken internally, but this is no longer recommended. In fact, ingesting frankincense could potentially be very dangerous.


    Frankincense oil can be added to a warm bath as an all-over treatment for the skin. Not only will your skin benefit, but since frankincense is one of the most common oils used in aromatherapy because of its calming scent.

Colloidal Silver & Crohn's Disease

Colloidal Silver & Crohn's Disease

Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease characterized by irritation of the small intestine. Colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic that has been found to alleviate the painful symptoms of Crohn's disease, which include stomach pain, diarrhea and painful gas.

What Is Colloidal Silver?

    Colloidal silver is comprised of tiny particles of silver--unseen by the human eye--suspended in water. It is a naturally-occurring antibiotic that is easily swallowed and well tolerated.

How It Works

    Colloidal Silver has shown impressive results in treating the symptoms of Crohn's disease. The silver attacks the bacteria and pathogens associated with Crohn's and boosts the overall effectiveness of the body's immune system.

Colloidal Silver versus Pharmaceuticals

    There are certain enzymes the body needs to stay healthy and fight disease. Many pharmaceutical medications for Crohn's kill these beneficial enzymes, while colloidal silver does not.


    Colloidal silver has been found to be an extremely safe alternative to more mainstream methods of treating Crohn's disease. It is safe for humans and animals and does not interact with other drugs or alternative remedies.


    Purchasing colloidal silver is very easy. It can be acquired in liquid form at health food stores and on the Internet. Some choose to make their own colloidal silver, which requires the use of a special generator.

How to Make Collodial Silver at Home

How to Make Collodial Silver at Home

Colloidal Silver is a natural remedy, made up of tiny particles of silver suspended in liquid, which can be consumed or applied to the skin. According to the website, Herbal Remedies, colloidal silver is a powerful antibiotic that has been used since the 1900's to treat infections safely, without the side effects of drugs. Colloidal silver can be made easily at home with only a few products.



    Purchase a 12 volt DC power supply with the following specifications: input: 120 volts AC, 60 hertz, 20 watts and output: 12 volts DC, 400 milliamps. A power supply can be purchased either online or at Radio Shack.


    Separate the wires coming from the power supply and strip each wire. Solder an alligator clip to the end of each wire.


    Pour quart room temperature distilled water into the glass jar.


    Boil quart distilled water on low boil in a stainless steel pot. Make sure that the pot used to boil the water is made of stainless steel and not coated with any substance, such as copper, which can cause impurities.


    Pour quart boiled distilled water into the glass jar.


    Place the wooden board on top of the glass jar.


    Turn the switch to off on the power strip to prevent damaging the power supply. Plug the power supply into the power strip.


    Clamp an alligator clip on each 12 inch silver wire and insert the wires through the holes in the board. The clips will hold the silver wires in place and the wires should go down until they reache approximately one inch from the bottom of the jar.


    Write down the time. Flip the switch to the on position on the power strip.


    Turn the power off after four to five minutes and remove the silver wires from the jar. Wipe off the wires with a paper towel and scotchbrite pad. Place the silver wires back into the jar and turn the power on.


    Shine hand-held laser into the jar every 30 minutes. The light will become clearer and look solid red when the colloidal silver is done. The more solid and bright red the line appears, the higher the parts per million (PPM) of the collidal silver.


    Pour collidal silver in amber jars using a plastic funnel when it's finished cooking, approximately three hours of cooking time for the first batch.


    Put aside quart of colloidal silver. This will be used to seed your second, third, fourth batches, etc. The quart from the first batch of colloidal silver will be used in place of the quart room temperature distilled water and the cooking time will be 1 hours opposed to 3 hours for every subsequent batch after the first.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Benefits of Camphor Cream and Herbs

Benefits of Camphor Cream and Herbs

Camphor, or Cinnamomum camphora, is a tall evergreen with a long history of use as a topical home remedy. The remedy is made from the stems and roots and comes in the form of white crystals. The wood itself is very fragrant and the crystals are used topically to aid many kinds of illness and skin disorders.

Cold Benefits

    Camphor has effective use due "to its mild local anesthetizing effect and to the production of a circumscribed sensation of heat," according to a study done through the Department of Crop Biology at the University of Pisa. Camphor works to alleviate symptoms of nasal congestion due to its pungent odor. Inhalation of camphor stimulates airflow in the nasal passages. In addition to its use to relieve congestion, camphor can reduce the frequency of coughing.

    Rubbed on the chest as a topical treatment, camphor can relieve effects of bronchitis, asthma and other respiratory problems. Traditionally, camphor crystals were placed into a small bag and hung around the neck.

Skin Treatments

    Camphor has anesthetic properties that can help various skin disorders and work as a pain reliever when applied topically, particularly in the instances of back pain, arthritis and even neuralgia. The study at the University of Pisa states that qualities in camphor lead to "excitation and desensitization of sensory nerves."

    The pain-relieving benefits of camphor cream can also reduce the discomforts of bruises and sprains as well as treat skin inflammations. However, topical application of camphor should remain in cream or liniment form, as the use of camphor oil can be toxic. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not approve of the use of camphor cubes and tablets for cold and cough treatment. When using camphor creams or liniments, make certain to read the label carefully before applying.

Other Uses and Properties

    Camphor works effectively as a pest repellent and air freshener. The strong odor of camphor, along with its antiseptic qualities, can repel moths.

    Camphor also makes a good stimulant and has anti-spasmodic properties. In the past, camphor oil was consumed to help hysteria, epilepsy and heart problems. However, due to the toxicity of the oil, the internal consumption of camphor is no longer recommended and the actual benefits of camphor use on those illnesses remains unknown.

Dextromethorphan Vs. Honey for Coughing

Dextromethorphan Vs. Honey for Coughing

Dextromethorphan is an over-the-counter cough suppressant drug found in cough medicines. Honey, produced naturally by bees, is an alternative to cough medicines.


    Dextromethorphan treats the brain signals that trigger the cough reflex, according to It is found in a majority of generic and name-brand cough remedies, both for adults and children.


    According to Medical News Today, honey was found to have a greater impact on alleviating cough severity and frequency. By coating the throat with its thick liquid, the cough was eased and users slept more soundly.


    Use of dextromethorphan has not been supported by the American Academy of Pediatrics or the American College of Chest Physicians, states Medical News Today. Other options, such as honey, have been utilized by different cultures for years.

Interesting Fact

    Coughs bring about 3 percent of all outpatient visits in the United States, states Medical News Today.


    Honey should not be used on infants younger than 1 year. Dextromethorphan should not be taken with MAO inhibitors and will not treat coughs from smoking, emphysema or asthma.

How to Treat Intermittent Claudication with Natural Remedies

A simple way to treat Intermittent Claudication is with natural remedies. Intermittent Claudication is a medical condition that causes pain in the muscles in the legs. Natural remedies can not cure Intermittent Claudication but they can help to improve the condition. Below are some of the more effective natural remedies for Intermittent Claudication.



    Take Inositol Hexaniacinate in supplemental form daily. Inositol Hexaniacinate is a form of Vitamin B3 that has been used successfully to treat Intermittent Claudication. Ideally you should take around 2 grams, twice per day, for a total of around 3 months.


    Take L-Carnitine in supplemental form daily. L-Carnitine has been shown in double blind trials to increase walking distance in patients with Intermittent Claudication. Most patients were able to walk 75% further after only three weeks of taking L-Carnitine.


    Take Policosanol in supplemental form daily. The suggested dosage of this treatment is 10 mg, twice per day, for a total of at least 6 months. Policosanol has been shown to increase pain free walking capacity in patients with Intermittent Claudication by nearly double.

Benefits of Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement

In addition to producing hormones such as insulin and glucagon, the pancreas secretes digestive enzymes that aid in breaking down proteins, carbohydrates and fats. When the pancreas doesn't secrete enough digestive enzymes (pancreatic insufficiency), pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy is needed.


    Pancreatic insufficiency results from acute or chronic inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) due to conditions such as cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, Crohn's disease, systemic lupus erythematosis, gallstones, excessive alcohol intake, diabetes and abdominal injury.


    Symptoms of pancreatitis include painful bloating, gas, indigestion, malabsorption of food (undigested food in the stool), weight loss, vitamin deficiencies and steatorrhea (oily, loose and smelly stools).


    Pancreatic digestive enzymes, extracted from fresh swine pancreas (pancrelipase) or fungi (for vegetarians), are prescribed to bolster pancreatic enzyme production and relieve symptoms.


    The recommended dose is 200 to 600 mg three times a day just before eating a meal to aid digestion, or 10 to 20 minutes before meals on an empty stomach to reduce inflammation.


    Pancreatic enzymes have been shown to be beneficial even for people who don't suffer from pancreatic insufficiency by improving digestion. Pancreatic enzymes have also been used effectively in treating thrombophlebitis, rheumatoid arthritis, tendinitis and trauma resulting from sports injuries.