Saturday, October 31, 2015

Natural Remedies Using Balsamic Vinegar

Natural Remedies Using Balsamic Vinegar

Aged for years in barrels made from oak, cherry, mulberry, ash or acacia woods, balsamic vinegar is a gourmet gift that can be used in both the kitchen and the first aid box. Balsamic vinegar has an age-old tradition in Italy, with its first recorded appearance being in 1046. Today, in addition to being used as a piquant dressing for salads, it has its uses as a natural remedy for a variety of ailments.

Controlling Infection

    Use balsamic vinegar and water to prevent infection in your dog's ears.
    Use balsamic vinegar and water to prevent infection in your dog's ears.

    Balsamic vinegar has been used for centuries for its antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Using a diluted mixture of balsamic vinegar and water, the solution can be applied directly to your skin and used for the treatment of wounds and infections. Apply the solution twice daily to finger nails and toe nails to reduce or prevent fungal infections. Equally, use a similarly diluted solution to dab in your pet's ears to control fungal infection. Take care not to flood the ears, but rather carefully dab the surface of the inner ear

Controlling Digestion

    Balsamic vinegar aids digestion.
    Balsamic vinegar aids digestion.

    Balsamic vinegar can also be used to aid your digestive system. When ingested, it promotes the production of pepsin in your body and converts protein into amino acids. This aids in the digestive process and can be introduced into your diet to prevent problems with indigestion and to improve your metabolism. Incorporate balsamic vinegar into your daily diet by dipping bread into it or adding it as a tasty dressing to your daily helping of salad.

Other health benefits

    Balsamic vinegar is a useful antioxidant.
    Balsamic vinegar is a useful antioxidant.

    Balsamic vinegar is said to increase energy and to be a useful revitalizing tonic. In ancient times, balsamic vinegar was said to have powerful medicinal properties, not least of which was to prevent transmission of the plague.

    It is also said to be useful in reducing body pain and has been traditionally use to control pains ranging from labor pains to a sore throat. Today, balsamic vinegar is also said to have antioxidant properties, to be an effective immune booster, to aid in the prevention of both heart disease and cancer and slow down the aging process. It can also reduce blood sugar levels and is a much healthier alternative to mayonnaise and other, richer salad dressings.

    It also helps to lower your fat and calorie intake, which can aid in lowering cholesterol levels as well as weight reduction.

How to Clean Out Excessive Ear Wax

How to Clean Out Excessive Ear Wax

Earwax may seem like an unnecessary and unpleasant brown or yellow goo, but it helps to filter dust and debris from the ear canal, while it lubricates the ear and prevents infection. Usually, wax is naturally expelled from the ear while you're talking or eating: But occasionally, too much is produced and the result is a decrease in hearing and an unpleasant, full sensation. Simple and safe home remedies can usually remove the clog.



    Place a few drops of mineral oil into each ear canal. Heat the mineral oil by placing the container in a bowl of warm water. Soak a cotton ball with the warm oil, then tilt your head and squeeze the oil into your ear canal. The mineral oil should be comfortably warm but never hot. Alternatively, use a mixture of half warm water and half hydrogen peroxide. You can also purchase commercial ear wax softeners.


    Place the mineral oil or hydrogen peroxide mixture in the ear canal for up to five days to soften the earwax.


    Remove the softened earwax during your regular shower. Stand under the shower so that warm water enters your ear. Then tip your head, so the water and softened earwax can be flushed out. You can also use a rubber bulb syringe. Fill the bulb syringe with warm water, then bend over a sink and swish out the wax.


    Dry your ear with a hair dryer set on the lowest setting, with the nozzle several inches from your ear. Water remaining in the ear is uncomfortable and can promote infection.


    Use home treatments to soften and remove your earwax as often as necessary. For most people, treatment once a month is usually enough to keep the ear canals free of impacted wax.

What is Sepia 200?

What is Sepia 200?

Homeopathic medicine is a medical system that uses highly diluted doses of natural substances, such as sepia, to stimulate a person's immune and defense system. Sepia 200 treats a range of diseases, most of which affect the female reproductive system.


    Sepia is a pure ink pigment found in cuttlefish. When threatened, it releases spurts of dark ink, or sepia. The ink is collected for preparation and diluted with large quantities of milk sugar for final use.

Common Uses

    Sepia is mainly used for gynecological complaints such as premenstrual syndrome, painful or heavy menstruation, hot flashes, emotional and physical symptoms during and after pregnancy, candida, and sagging or prolapsed uterus. It is used for women who suffer pain during sexual intercourse.

    Homeopathic physicians prescribe Sepia 200 to patients whose symptoms include apathy and moodiness. It treats symptoms such as exhaustion and muscle weakness, indigestion, gas and tenderness, headaches, nausea, dizziness, hair loss, itchy or discolored patches of skin, circulatory problems, and profuse sweating.

Administration & Side Effects

    Sepia is available in C potency's --one part sepia and 99 parts milk sugar. The available forms are sugar pellets and as a liquid. Because it is a homeopathic remedy, the above ailments can be treated without a prescription.

    Homeopathic remedies are not known to produce side effects, as they have no effect except when matched with particular symptoms. Individual aggravations may occur, such as headaches and nausea.

Friday, October 30, 2015

How to Detox Aluminum

How to Detox Aluminum

Aluminum is one of the most common elements and is often classified as a heavy metal. Aluminum cookware and aluminum foil are common in most American households. This metal is not necessary for normal body functions and may result in adverse health effects if it accumulates in the body. Aluminum is found in foods like pickles, self-rising flour, baking soda, cake mixes, sliced cheese and beer. Deodorants, toothpaste and antacids also contain aluminum. Change your cooking, eating and personal hygiene habits to reduce the amount of aluminum that enters your body.



    Reduce your exposure to aluminum in your environment. Stop using deodorants and toothpaste that contain aluminum and do not cook using aluminum pots and aluminum foil.


    Add cilantro and chlorella to your diet. Cilantro is a popular herb that contains enzymes that reportedly bind to aluminum in the body. The liver and kidneys are then able to remove the toxin from the body. Chlorella works with the enzymes in the liver to help detox the body of heavy metals like aluminum.


    Add selenium to your diet. Selenium is a mineral that binds to metals like aluminum. Brazil nuts are a good source of selenium. Egg yolks, broccoli, garlic, tomatoes, lean beef and lean pork are also abundant sources of selenium.


    Eat raw vegetables like radishes, cabbage, turnips, rutabaga, cauliflower and broccoli to boost liver enzymes for detoxification of the body.


    Take supplements like milk thistle, vitamin C and vitamin E. These supplements support liver function and aid in detoxification.


    Fast for 24 hours once each week. Begin your day by drinking herbal tea. End the day with a light meal of salad, fruit and fish or chicken.


    Bathe in toxin absorbing bentonite clay once each week. Bentonite clay can absorb toxins that are stored in the skin. Dissolve two pounds of bentonite clay in a warm bath and soak for up to one hour. Rinse any clay residue by taking a cool shower after soaking in the warm clay bath.

Properties of Colloidal Silver

Properties of Colloidal Silver

Today we use silver in everything from bandages to water filters, but as far back as 4000 B.C., Persian society stored water in silver vessels to keep it fresh. Some of us even remember when our grandparents put silver dollars in milk to keep it from spoiling. Colloidal silver is "the suspension of silver particles in water." It's created by passing a current between two silver electrodes in distilled water. These suspended silver particles are more bio-available, since our body fluids are also colloidal in nature.


    In his book "The Body Electric," Dr. Robert Becker claims that our immune system malfunctions because it isn't getting enough of the trace mineral silver. He arrived at this conclusion by matching hair samples to medical records and by observing silver's ability to kill microbes without damaging healthy cells. When colloidal silver comes into contact with disease-causing bacteria, it acts like a catalyst by producing a reaction in an enzyme the bacteria uses as a chemical lung. This reaction neutralizes the enzyme's activity without affecting the silver. As a result the enzyme stops delivering nutrients and oxygen to the bacteria and it suffocates. Since all bacteria rely on this enzyme for respiration, colloidal silver is useful for preserving food, cleaning counters, treating burns and infections and numerous other applications.


    When viruses invade healthy cells, they alter the natural function of those cells. This causes the infected cells to stop producing chemicals for the body and to start reproducing the virus. The infected cells' metabolic enzyme also becomes more primitive; this allows colloidal silver to inhibit its natural function. The result is the same as when colloidal silver encounters bacteria; the enzyme is disabled and it's unable to deliver oxygen to the virus-infected cell. As a result the cell soon dies of oxygen deprivation. Since viruses cause many diseases by attacking healthy cells and organs, colloidal silver is often vaporized to disinfect the air or nebulized to transport it to viral infections in the body.


    We've all seen common fungus, like mold and mildew, growing on bread or household surfaces. Some of us have also experienced fungal yeast infections (candida). Every fungus is a parasitic organism made up of single cells connected by tubes of organic material. The fungus breaks down and feeds off its host; that's why decomposing food is often coated with fungus. Since a fungus is composed of primitive cells, just like a virus or microbe, they have a chemical lung that colloidal silver can disable. When silver particles come into contact with a fungus, they stop its respiration and smother it. That's why silver is used to treat skin, scalp, eye, ear and mouth infections typically caused by a fungus.


    Colloidal silver is a catalyst that only affects the metabolic activity of unhealthy cells. Since it doesn't react chemically with the body, it's unable to trigger an allergic reaction. In fact, it boosts immunity by reducing pathogens that overwork the immune system. A rare side effect that excessive consumption of poorly prepared colloidal silver can produce is Argyria. This condition is what gives "blue bloods" their name. These royals absorbed the silver on their dishes, utensils and cups as they ate their meals. The excess silver was stored in the collagen and tissues of their bodies and it gave their skin a bluish tint.

How to Clean Ear Wax With Olive Oil

How to Clean Ear Wax With Olive Oil

Overproduction of ear wax can be an unsightly and embarrassing condition. People who suffer with this problem may experience difficulty hearing and ear pain associated with wax buildup in the ear canal. What you may not realize is that ear wax is essential to your overall health, because it acts as a defense to block bacteria from entering the ear canal. Cotton swabs are commonly used to clean out the ear canal, but this technique runs the risk of forcing the bacteria into the canal. Applying olive oil to the ear allows you to loosen wax safely.



    Insert four to five drops of clean olive oil into your ear with an eye dropper.


    Lay your head down onto a clean towel, and allow the drops of olive oil to drip out.


    Repeat Steps 1 and 2 on the opposite ear.


    Perform these steps for four consecutive nights. Once completed, flush the ears out with two drops of vinegar and warm water using the ear syringe until the wax is removed.

The Neti Pot Cure for Snoring

In 2007 on Oprah, Dr. Mehmet Oz introduced neti, the ancient Indian practice of nasal cleansing with warm salt water using a neti pot. He cited benefits including relief from congestion, allergy and cold symptoms, sinusitis and snoring. Using a neti pot to cure snoring is simple, provided you keep a few precautions in mind.

How It Works

    Using a neti pot to cleanse the nasal passages loosens mucus and helps move it out of the body. This relieves pressure and clears congestion, improving clear breathing and alleviating two common causes of snoring.


    Fill your neti pot with a well-stirred mixture of about 8 ounces lukewarm water (distilled is best, or boil water and wait for it to cool down) and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Lean over the sink; while breathing through your mouth, tilt your head to one side and set the tip of the neti pot's spout on the inside edge of the upper nostril. Carefully tip the neti pot so the water flows gently in through the upper nostril and out the lower one. When completed, switch sides.


    The nasal passages are tender. Avoid using too much salt in your mixture as this can burn away the cilia, or little hairs in the nose, and irritate nasal membranes. For the same reasons, avoid using water that's too hot or too cold. Do not stick the neti pot's spout too far into the nasal cavity either, as the nasal membranes tear easily.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

How to Remove Toxins Without Side Effects

How to Remove Toxins Without Side Effects

Toxins are substances known to have a negative impact on the body and are often to blame for metabolic sluggishness, exhaustion and depression. They enter the body through food consumption and skin exposure and are stored in your body's cells. These toxins are not always removed by diet and exercise alone, so before you rush out to begin a diet and exercise program, you should first consider eliminating toxins from your body naturally. By eliminating toxins before beginning a nutritional regimen, you can give your body an even greater boost towards health.



    Begin a 3- to 5-day fast during which you consume only vegetables, fruit and water. By fasting from processed foods, meats and dairy products, you can give your body a chance to purge itself and return to its natural state.


    Drink at least 64 ounces of water per day. This will increase the ability of your digestive system to cleanse and restore.


    Build up a sweat for at least 30 minutes each day. Sweating helps eliminate toxins from the body by excreting them through your pores.


    Incorporate natural foods into your diet that are known to eliminate toxins. Almost all fruits and vegetables will detoxify, as will antioxidant-containing drinks such as green tea.


    Eat plenty of fiber to ensure regular bowel movements. Vegetables and fruit that are high in fiber include avocado, broccoli, carrots, apples and bananas, just to name a few.

Natural Sources of Energy for the Body

Natural Sources of Energy for the Body

As lifestyles continue to get busier and more hectic, it is no surprise people are looking for ways to boost their energy levels. Natural sources of energy can help keep you going throughout the day without being harmful to your health.


    Natural, unprocessed foods are a good source of energy.
    Natural, unprocessed foods are a good source of energy.

    A diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods such as fruit, vegetables, nuts, eggs, beans and lentils will help provide plenty of energy. Ensure you have a good healthy breakfast and eat regularly throughout the day. It will help keep your blood sugar -- and your energy levels -- stable.


    Exercise increases energy levels naturally.
    Exercise increases energy levels naturally.

    Getting plenty of fresh air and exercise helps lift the mood naturally and significantly increases energy levels. The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans state that adults should get at least two hours and 30 minutes each week of aerobic physical activity that requires moderate effort. They should also do strengthening activities two days a week to reap the full benefits.


    Ginseng is an energy-boosting herb.
    Ginseng is an energy-boosting herb.

    According to "Psychology Today," certain energy-boosting herbs can help give you a boost when you are feeling sluggish. Herbs such as ginseng and licorice increase energy levels because they are adaptogens -- they will help the body adapt to internal or external stress and calm the nervous system.

How Herbal Vaporizers Work

How Herbal Vaporizers Work

An herbal vaporizer is a device used to extract the active ingredients of herbs for the purpose of inhalation. Vaporizers are not yet FDA approved, so use at your own risk.

How It Works

    Smoking heats a substance to a very high temperature, which burns the material and causes it to be converted into smoke. The smoke is inhaled to obtain the benefits of the substance. However, smoking has dangerous side effects including the production of carcinogenic byproducts. Vaporizers use advanced technology to heat the material to the temperature most effective for gently releasing the pure flavor and active elements. There is no burning or smoke, only pure vapor.


    Vaporization results in direct delivery to the bloodstream, thus has a more rapid onset of the pharmacological effect. Vapor contains little tar, no carcinogens and feels much cooler to inhale than smoke. The vapor contains no smoke so the natural tastes and flavors stay intact and no odors are present.


    There are three types of herbal vaporizer elements: glass, ceramic and aluminum. The most widely used vaporizers utilize ceramic elements. The advantage of this type is that it stays cleaner than the others and is therefore healthier.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Products Containing Ephedrine & Ephedra

Ephedra, sometimes called ma huang, refers to a Chinese herb previously sold as a weight loss supplement and athletic performance enhancer. Ephedra stimulates the central nervous system and increases heart rate. The Federal Drug Administration banned over-the-counter supplements containing ephedra in May 2004.


    Ephedra causes short-term weight loss, but since the drug also increases blood pressure, the weight loss does not improve health, according to the FDA. It also works as an effective bronchodilator, which can treat asthma attacks. However, doctors usually recommend other treatments that have fewer safety concerns, according to the Mayo Clinic. Studies have not been performed on the effects of ephedra on athletic performance.


    According to a Southern California Evidence-based Practice Center-RAND study, ephedra use in clinical trials is associated with nausea, vomiting, mood changes, anxiety, palpitations and autonomic hyperactivity. Ephedra also reportedly caused seizures, stroke, myocardial infection and death in other users.


    Synthetic compounds derived from ephedra, such as ephedrine, are still available in over-the-counter decongestants and cold remedies, such as pseudoephedrine.

How to Prepare Neem Oil

How to Prepare Neem Oil

Neem oil is widely used in India and among alternative medicine practitioners in the West to combat a host of ailments. According to herbalists, neem oil has antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, antiparasitic and antiseptic properties. It is also used as an effective preventative treatment against insect infestation. If you're looking for an earth-friendly alternative to pesticides, you can prepare a solution of neem oil at home to spray on your plants and pets.



    Pour one quart of water into a large spray bottle.


    Add 1.5 tsp. of 100% neem oil to the spray bottle. Be sure to read the ingredients on your container of neem oil to make sure it is made from pure neem. If there are added ingredients, they may cause irritation for your plants or pets.


    Add about 1/3 tsp. of biodegradable soap to the bottle. Soaps such as Dr. Bronner's or Biokleen dish soap work well, as they contain only natural ingredients that will not irritate your plants or pets as long as they are used in small amounts. The soap is added to the solution to help the neem oil distribute evenly over your plants or your pet's coat.


    Place the lid on the bottle and shake the mixture to mix the ingredients thoroughly.


    Spray liberally on pets that have fleas or plants with any kind of insect infestation. Repeat the spraying once a week.

How to Create Affirmation Cards

How to Create Affirmation Cards

In spiritual and new age terms an affirmation is a positive statement that is believed to benefit the current situation and reality of an individual. Renowned author Louise L. Hay believes that repetition of affirmations can increase confidence, motivation and general well-being. Affirmations are also used by other popular American authors, like Anthony Robins, Esther Hicks, Rhonda Byrne and Napoleon Hill. Affirmation cards are a simple tool designed to aid the affirmation process.


Creating the Affimations


    Write down five broad areas that you would like to improve in your current situation, leaving a space in between each area. Some examples are career, relationships, finance, family, confidence, motivation and health.


    Jot down several affirmations under each heading; make sure that each statement is positive, in the present tense and personal to you. The affirmation must be concise (maximum 15 words in length) and if possible use evocative words that trigger emotional responses. For example under the health section you may write "I am overflowing with good health and wholeness," and under finances you could write "money comes easily and freely."


    Read over the affirmation list and circle eight of your favorite affirmations.

Creating the Cards


    Fold the A4 (or letter size) sheet of card in half, fold in half again and fold a third time to create eight rectangular sections.


    Carefully use the scissors to cut along the folded lines, leaving eight pieces of card.

    Images can increase the memorability of your affirmation.
    Images can increase the memorability of your affirmation.

    Flick through the old magazines and search for images that relate to your affirmations. Cut out the selected images -- it is not to necessary to have an image for each affirmation, but it helps to make each one more memorable.


    Glue each image onto a separate affirmation card.


    Write each affirmation onto its corresponding card.

How to Use Coconut Oil to Combat Baldness

How to Use Coconut Oil to Combat Baldness

When applying coconut oil to the scalp it appears to promote hair growth as well as counteract hair loss and combat baldness. Coconut oil is considered a functional food because it provides numerous health benefits in addition to nutritional perks. In the Pacific Islands the coconut palm is highly valued both for its medicinal properties and as food and is referred to as The Tree of Life.


Coconut Oil is Beneficial to Hair


    Consider that coconut oil is an antibacterial as well as an anti-fungal, explains It is full of medium chain triglycerides that enable the oil to get inside of the hair shaft, which helps protect from hair loss as well as giving the hair more body. When hair is strong and possesses necessary natural oils, this prevents it from breaking and also allows it to grow at a healthy pace. Coconut oil also works to reduce the loss of protein in the hair.


    Applying coconut oil to the hair and scalp twice a week stimulates circulation, as well as keeps the scalp moisturized. When hair loses protein it breaks. Coconut oil prevents this. Mixing coconut oil with lime juice and applying it to your hair prevents hair loss. Squeeze some lime juice into a large container and add the oil, mix together. Pour the contents over your head, remembering to massage your scalp as you apply the coconut oil and lime juice mixture to your hair. Rinse hair thoroughly after completion.


    Try this method: Put the oil in a bowl of water and heat it for a couple of minutes. Let the water and oil cool down some before dousing your hair with the contents. You can leave it on your hair and scalp overnight if you choose but you should wrap a towel around your damp hair. Wash out in the morning.


    Massaging your hair and scalp after applying coconut oil stimulates the circulation to the hair follicles and scalp, which allows the follicles to take in the nutrients of the oil, which helps hair re-grow. A massage is relaxing. When a person is relaxed chemicals are released throughout his body, which soothe all parts of the body, including the scalp.


    Mix coconut oil with an essential oil of your choice and the powder of shana seeds. Mix the contents together, creating a paste. Put the past on your scalp on a regular basis. Allow the paste to remain on your scalp and hair for 15 minutes and then rinse out.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Effects of the Magnolia Bark Herb

Effects of the Magnolia Bark Herb

Magnolia bark is a traditional Chinese remedy that is used in a variety of herbal formulations, such as Banxia Houpo Tang and Hangekobokuto. New research supports the use of magnolia bark in treating conditions such as insomnia, anxiety and cancer. The bark of the magnolia officinalis plant is rich in natural chemicals called honokiol and magnolol, which are believed to be responsible for much of the pharmacological activity.


    Magnolia reduces the symptoms of acute anxiety.
    Magnolia reduces the symptoms of acute anxiety.

    Magnolia bark helps to reduce anxiety, alleviate tension and calm the nervous system when taken as an herbal supplement. The "Nutrition Journal" published a study in 2008 written by Dr. Douglas S. Kalman and colleagues that showed magnolia bark was effective in reducing some types of anxiety in humans with no adverse side effects. Dr. Kalman did not find that the magnolia bark was effective in treating either long-term anxiety or depression, but found it better suited to treating short-term anxiety. Magnolia bark is best used for supporting acute feelings of anxiety. Readers are advised to speak with their health care provider before combining it with medications.


    Magniola bark reduces stress and promotes sleep.
    Magniola bark reduces stress and promotes sleep.

    In 2010, an article was published in "The Journal of Ethnopharmacology" by Dr. Uwe Koetter and colleagues that showed magnolia bark extract stimulated dopamine, serotonin and benzodiazapene receptors. In doing so, magnolia bark mimics natural chemicals in our bodies that support mood balance and relaxation needed for a good night's rest. Dr. Koetter concludes that this scientific finding supports the traditional use of magnolia bark for treating anxiety and insomnia.


    Magniola bark may have a role to play in cancer treatment.
    Magniola bark may have a role to play in cancer treatment.

    Several studies support the use of magnolia bark in fighting cancer. In an article published in the journal "Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry" in 2010, researchers Eun-Sun Hwang and Kwang-Kyun Park from Jeonju University in Korea found chemicals in magnolia bark significantly inhibited the spread of prostate cancer cells to other parts of the body. In a second study published in "Anticancer Research" in 2010, researcher S. Chilampalli and colleagues discovered magnolia bark was effective in reducing the risk of UVB-induced skin cancer.

Pain and Inflammation

    Magnolia bark reduces inflammatory chemicals in the body that cause pain.
    Magnolia bark reduces inflammatory chemicals in the body that cause pain.

    Magnolia bark helps to reduce pain and discomfort in inflammatory conditions. Researcher Yi-Ruu Lin and colleagues showed in a study published in the "Journal of Biomedical Science" in 2009 that magnolia bark was effective in reducing pain. Chemicals found in magnolia bark, such as magnolol and honokiol, reduce pain through inhibiting the release of a variety of inflammatory chemicals in the body. This pharmacological action means magnolia bark should provide symptomatic relief to sufferers from inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, dermatitis, colitis, burns and neuritis.

How to Use a Rife Frequency Generator

How to Use a Rife Frequency Generator

The Rife frequency generator is used to kill harmful bacteria in the body with low intensity sound, or ultrasound. During a session, an array of sounds is transmitted to the body in radio frequency range to create sympathetic resonance that vibrates the bacteria until it explodes or returns to a healthy state. The generators use either a light tube or electrode pads to deliver the sound frequencies. Many companies make Rife-type generators offering a wide range of electrode device options, timing features and frequency programming capabilities.



    Review the frequency generator user manual before using the machine. Make a list of symptoms. Include chronic and recent ailments.


    Look up the Rife frequencies for healing your symptoms and write them down. Program the frequencies into the unit. Generally, run each frequency for 1 to 2 minutes. Limit your time on the unit to 5 hours a day.


    Dress in loose-fitting clothing. Position your body in a comfortable chair or lie down and dim the lights. Do not eat before or during using the unit -- keep your stomach empty. Drink water before and after the session. Remove all metal from the body if using a pads unit.


    Run the session. Keep a record of how you respond to the frequencies.

Salts to Detoxify

Salts to Detoxify

One of the most accessible and beneficial salts at your disposal for detoxifying purposes is Epsom salt, which may already be stashed under your kitchen sink, just waiting to be used. Salt has many purifying benefits.

Epsom Salt

    Many people are deficient in magnesium, found abundantly in Epsom salt. Magnesium assists the body in regulating hundreds of enzymes and organizes electrical impulses, muscle control, helps with the elimination of toxins and produces energy. We absorb magnesium through our skin. Epsom salt contains sulfate, which, too, is absorbed through the skin. You can detoxify your body of environmental contaminants that you have been exposed to by putting Epsom salts in your bath water. The salts stimulate the pancreas, which generates digestive enzymes. Epsom salts help flush heavy metals and toxins from cells, and the magnesium allows adequate amounts of the brain chemical serotonin to bind, which elevates your mood as well as relaxes you.

Sea Salts

    Sea salts are another way to detoxify your body. According to, sea salts serve as a laxative and replace natural salt that is lost during normal daily body function. A sea salt detox will pull impurities out of your digestive track while providing and maintaining the necessary minerals in your body that you may be deficient in due to your diet. Sea salts have been used as a folk remedy for colds because they are a natural antihistamine.


    Create a sea salt detox by combining 2 tsp. of unrefined sea salt with 2 qts. of warm water. You may add some lemon juice. Drink it. Do this first thing in the morning.


    People react differently to detox. Some may go to the bathroom within a few hours, while some experience better sinus function and better breathing as well as increased energy and a better mood. When you detox your body, this balances electrolytes and relieves muscle pain as well as stabilizes your heart rate.


    If you have cancer, a digestive illness or ulcers, consult with your physician before undergoing a detoxification process of this nature.

Monday, October 26, 2015

How to Test Colloidal Silver

How to Test Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver is an alternative health product that is growing in popularity because of its alleged antibiotic properties, particularly as people are increasingly becoming resistant to pharmaceutical antibiotics. True colloidal silver is expensive to make and unfortunately unscrupulous manufacturers label other substances as the real thing. Usually these other products are either ionic silver or silver protein solutions which do not have the same properties as true colloidal silver (colloidal refers to particles, not ions) and silver protein products may even have a negative impact on health. It is possible to test these products to establish whether they are fraudulent or the real thing.



    Add table salt to the solution to see if it is ionic silver. Table salt is sodium chloride and, if there are silver ions present in the solution, they will mix with the chloride ions in the salt and turn the solution white and cloudy. Unfortunately, if the product contains no silver at all, this test will not work. However, also remember that ionic silver is completely clear and colorless, whereas true colloidal silver is not. The colloidal particles in the real thing absorb light, giving the substance an apparent color, or will make the liquid look darker. It will not be completely colorless. This may also highlight a product containing no silver at all as a fake.


    Shake the product to see if it is a silver protein solution. If it is, it will form a layer of foam at the top which will remain there for several minutes. Also look at the color of the solution. The color will range from pale amber to nearly black if the product is silver protein.


    Check the color of your product to confirm your analysis, if you have eliminated the possibility of fakes using steps one and two. It should be neither fully colorless nor fully colored, but should instead have an "apparent" color. Because the small silver particles in it block light from passing through the liquid, it will appear darker than a clear substance. True colloidal silver will contain between 50 and 80 percent silver particles. The rest of the substance will be ionic silver. The real product has the most surface area of silver as the silver particles used in it are so small; this is a key characteristic of colloidal silver. If you have a laser pen and shine this through true colloidal silver, you will see the beam shining brightly through it as it reflects off the tiny particles of silver.

How to Build a Royal Rife Machine

How to Build a Royal Rife Machine

The Royal Rife machine is an invention by American scientist Royal Rife. This machine is famous in natural health circles for its supposed ability to use sound frequencies to treat and reportedly cure almost any known disease or health condition. Rife believed that nearly all adverse health conditions are caused by viruses, and that these viruses can be destroyed by certain frequencies of sound, depending on the condition being treated. As of November 2010, a Rife machine can cost between $350 and $2,700. However, you can build one on your own for a fraction of the cost.


Put Together the Rife Machine


    Drill a 1/8-inch hole in the center of each of the two brass plates.


    Cut the speaker wire into two pieces of 12 feet each.


    Strip the casing from the two pieces of speaker wire using the wire stripper. Leave 1/2-inch of bare wire at the end of each piece of wire.


    Put one end of one of the bared wires into one of the crimp ring connectors, making sure it fits snugly and securely.


    Secure the crimp ring connector to one of the drilled brass plates using one of the pop rivets.


    Separate the two bared strands at the end of the speaker wire. Solder the first strand to the tip of the amplifier jack, then solder the second strand to the jack itself.


    Repeat steps two through six with the second 12 foot strand of wire.

Activate the Rife Frequency Software Kit


    Plug the amplifier into the associated jack.


    Open up the software kit and remove the stereo output line that comes with it. Plug one end of this line into the headphone port on your computer. Plug the other end of the line into the auxiliary output port on the amplifier.


    Attach one end of the power adapter into the amplifier and plug the other end into a wall outlet.


    Install the Rife software kit on your Windows-based computer (the software will not work with a Mac).

Use the Rife Machine


    Place one brass plate under one of your feet. Place the other brass plate on any nearby flat non-metal surface and put the palm of your hand on top of the plate.


    Run the Rife software on your computer.


    Turn up the volume on your computer until you can feel a slight tingling in the foot and hand that are on the brass plates.


    Use the software to set the sound frequency to one that will address whatever health condition you're treating with the Rife machine. The software kit comes with a list of frequencies for hundreds of health conditions.


    Sit still until the frequency plays all the way through to the end, then rest for a few minutes before getting up. Repeat the treatment process daily until you feel better.

Infrared Heat Massager Safety

Infrared heating massagers are used in spas, massage parlors and individual homes. The infrared heating pads can help aches and pains, if used properly. It is important to follow safety instructions when using one to avoid injuries.


    Infrared heating pads used for prolonged periods on bare skin can lead to burns, according to a report filed with the United States Food and Drug Administration. The pad should not be left on bare skin for an extended period of time. According to the report, the manufacturer failed to list warnings. Check warnings and safety precautions with the infrared heating pad you are using.

Foot Injuries

    According to the same report from the FDA, several individuals received burns and additional injuries from using an infrared heating device on their feet.

Pacemakers Warning

    Cardiology Associates advises individuals with pacemakers to exercise caution when using infrared heating pads. Verify that the model you purchase is appropriate for someone with a pacemaker. Some devices have been known to cause electrical problems with a pacemaker.

Time Frame

    The operating manual for an infrared heat massager by Kompernass suggests using the device for less than 20 minutes at a time. When purchasing one, check the manufacture's warnings for length of usage.

Shoulder Massage Directions

Shoulder Massage Directions

The shoulders and the neck are key areas that hold most of the body's stress and tension, resulting in tightness and pain. This pain can radiate into the head and jaw, causing headaches, and down into the back. Shoulder massage, done properly, can relax tightness in the muscles and release trigger points, or knots, which can cause pain several places in the body. Shoulder massage can also relieve stress to allow the body and mind to work more efficiently.



    Have the person you will massage sit with his arms resting on a lap pillow.


    Apply a small amount of oil or lotion onto your hands. Rub onto both of your partner's shoulders.


    Warm his shoulder muscles with long, gliding strokes with the full hand beginning between the shoulder blades and working up to the neck and out to the shoulders. Repeat several times.


    Knead his upper trapezius muscles between the shoulder and neck by gently squeezing and releasing. Repeat several times.


    Apply moderate gliding strokes with your thumbs between the shoulder blades and up into the neck area. Repeat several times.


    Repeat the thumb-gliding strokes on the upper trapezius from the shoulder toward the neck. Repeat several times.


    Repeat long, gliding strokes along the shoulders with moderate pressure. Decrease pressure with each stroke.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Pectin & Juice Remedy

Pectin & Juice Remedy

Pectin is a substance produced by plants, found abundantly in fruits such as apples, plums and blueberries. The pectin and juice remedy involves combining dried or liquid fruit pectin with juice.


    According to the People's Pharmacy, the pectin and juice remedy may help to relieve joint pain, a common symptom of arthritis. The pectin may also serve as an anti-inflammatory, reducing joint swelling and tenderness caused by the degeneration of cartilage tissue.


    Prepare the pectin and juice remedy by combining two teaspoons of dry fruit pectin, or one teaspoon of liquid pectin, with one to three ounces of juice. You can use any type of juice, but choosing one high in antioxidants -- like pomegranate or grape juice -- adds extra heath benefits. Mix well and drink twice daily, once in the morning and once at night.


    On the University of Cincinnati's Net Wellness website, Dr. Tanya Edwards states that "it's not surprising that fruit pectin may be helpful in arthritis and other inflammatory conditions." Antioxidants have natural anti-inflammatory properties, and pectin is a rich source of antioxidants.

Oxygen Bar & Cataracts

Cataracts are a common eye condition that can cause poor eyesight or blindness. They often require surgery to be corrected. However, oxygen bar therapy may slow the process that causes cataracts.

Oxygen Bars

    Oxygen bars offer a way for a client to inhale concentrated amounts of oxygen. Most often, oxygen bar therapy is offered in specialty oxygen bars, but there are also some portable oxygen bar products on the market. Oxygen bar proprietors claim that oxygen bar therapy offers a number of health benefits.


    Cataracts usually form as a result of old age. As the body ages its natural functions begin to slow, and nutrients and oxygen are not delivered to the eyes as quickly or in the same quantity. As nutrients diminish, eye cells may begin die. These cells are then shed and can build up and cloud the eye, forming a cataract.

Preventing Cataracts

    Although the Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated the use of oxygen bars, users and proprietors of oxygen bars claim that by using one, the risk of cataracts can be reduced. The idea is that, by delivering large amounts of oxygen, the aging process is slowed and the cells in eyes live longer. Therefore, fewer eye cells are shed, and there is less buildup in the eye, reducing the risk of cataracts.

Treating Cataracts

    Although oxygen bar therapy may help slow or halt the growth of cataracts, it cannot reduce or dissolve cataracts that have already formed in the eye. The dead cells that cause age-related cataracts can generally only be removed with surgery.

The Benefits of Ling Zhi

Ling Zhi, also known as Reishi, is a mushroom that is found in North and South America, Asia, Africa and Europe. The Chinese name of the mushroom means "herb of spiritual potency." It has been used in Asia for more than 2,000 years and was once so highly regarded that only emperors were allowed to have it. Many studies have found this mushroom to have significant health benefits. In its natural form, Ling Zhi is difficult to eat, so it is best to take it as an extract.


    Ling Zhi has beneficial properties for cancer patients and can also act as a preventative against cancer. It was found in a study by Cancer Research UK that Ling Zhi causes an increased amount of action of macrophages in a person's body. Macrophages increase the body's ability to fight against tumor causing cells. This, in turn, leads to fewer treatments of chemotherapy and radiation.


    According to Celestial Herbs, by taking 1,600mg of a Ling Zhi supplement can lower your bad cholesterol levels by as much as 40 percent. Unlike many cholesterol medications, Ling Zhi does not have negative effects on the liver. However, after you have taken Ling Zhi for four months, you need to stop for one month. This break will avoid possible side effects Ling Zhi, which can include dry mouth and bloody noses.

Circulation and Cardiovascular Benefits

    Ling Zhi may provide certain benefits for your heart as it can prevent hypertension and heart disease by reducing cholesterol. Because it contains triterpenes, Ling Zhi can also improve circulation throughout your body and your heart. Many plants contain triterpenes, which are natural compounds and have a bitter flavor. Triterpenes also help lower blood pressure.

Detoxification Benefits

    Ling Zhi aids the liver in ridding the body of toxins and helps reduce the amount of enzymes in the liver. For those infected with Hepatitis B, this can help support liver function. The mushroom also helps regenerate liver cells and increases the amount of albumin protein found in the liver. Albumin protein is a water-soluble protein similar to egg whites. By increasing the amount of albumin protein in the liver, your cravings for sweets and carbohydrates decreases.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Can Coconut Oil Make Me Sick?

Can Coconut Oil Make Me Sick?

As of 2010, experts are debating the true health benefits and risks of using coconut oil in cooking and adding it to your regular diet. If you have difficulty processing high-fat foods, you may not be able to process coconut oil, which is very high in fat. It is important to note that when experts mention coconut oil, they are referring to extra virgin raw coconut oil.


    Coconut oil has a higher burning temperature than many other oils and a longer shelf life, which makes it a practical choice for cooking. Coconut oil also contains antimicrobial lipids, capric acid, caprylic acid and lauric acid--all which have antibacterial and antiviral properties.


    Coconut oil is high in saturated fat, which is why is initially had a bad reputation. Coconut oil, however, contains lauric acid and stearic acid, the same two ingredients found in dark chocolate, which are not proven to increase risk of heart disease.

The De-Yeasting Effect

    You can add coconut oil to your diet to reduce yeast in your body (this is particularly important for women), but this could give you flu-like symptoms for three to five days. You may experience headache, nausea, chills or fatigue.

How to Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil on a Baby's Skin

How to Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil on a Baby's Skin

The delicate nature of a baby's skin requires some special attention to keep it soft and supple. Olive oil is a centuries-old home remedy that moisturizes the skin and can heal skin ailments. Olive oil is one of the most effective skin remedies for babies and is readily available on store shelves. However, extra-virgin olive oil is the purest form of olive oil and the best choice for using on the skin. There are several different parts of a baby's skin that can benefit from olive oil.


Treatment for Diaper Rash


    Mix two teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil and one teaspoon of water in a small bowl with an eggbeater until foamy.


    Apply to affected areas of the baby's freshly cleansed and dried buttocks.


    Put a clean diaper on your baby.


    Repeat treatment at every diaper change until symptoms of the diaper rash have subsided.

Skin Moisturizer


    Pour a teaspoon of olive oil into your hands and warm by rubbing your hands together.


    Gently massage your baby's legs and feet until the oil is absorbed.


    Pour another teaspoon of olive oil into your hands and warm by rubbing your hands together.


    Gently rub this into your baby's torso, back and arms until the oil is absorbed.

Treatment for Cradle Cap


    Dip your fingers in one tablespoon of olive oil and gently massage your baby's scalp in a circular motion. Repeat until the baby's scalp is coated with olive oil.


    Gently scrub off the white flakes of skin with a soft hairbrush specifically made for babies.


    Allow the olive oil to soak into the scalp for ten minutes.


    Wash your baby's scalp with baby shampoo and warm water. Rinse well.


    Gently pat your baby's scalp dry with a fluffy towel. Repeat treatment until the symptoms of cradle cap have subsided.

How to Use a Neti Pot Nostril

How to Use a Neti Pot Nostril

Neti, or nasal cleansing, has been practiced in Ayurvedic medicine and as part of yoga purification routines for hundreds of years. Warm, salted water is poured into one nostril using a specially-designed container shaped similarly to a small tea pot. The head is angled such that the stream of water pours out the other nostril, removing bacteria, mucus and allergens, and opening up the nasal passages.



    Pour the lukewarm water and the salt into the neti pot, and replace the lid. Be sure to use lukewarm water, as hot water will be irritating to the nasal passages and cold water is not soothing.


    Tilt the head to the left, tuck the chin to the chest and carefully insert the pointed spout of the neti pot into the right nostril, while standing over a sink and in front of a mirror.


    Breathe through the mouth, and raise the neti pot until a steady stream of salt water is coming out of the left nostril.


    Continue the process until all of the salt water has been poured through the nasal passages. Remove the spout of the neti pot from the right nostril, and exhale several times to clear any residual salt water.


    The process can be repeated with another 6 to 8 oz. of salt, with the head tilted to the right and the neti pot insert into the left nostril, if desired.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Saline Nose Drop Directions

Saline Nose Drop Directions

A cold, the flue or allergies can all cause nasal congestion due to mucus build up. The mucus can become thick or hard, making it difficult to expel from the sinuses. Applying saline nose drops to the effected nostril(s) can help loosen nasal mucus without the soporific effects of antihistamines or the jitters or dried-out feeling of decongestants. Saline nose drops can be used as often as needed because they contain no harsh chemicals and have no side effects.


Preparing Saline Nose Drops


    Microwave 1 cup of water in a microwave-safe measuring cup for 10 seconds.


    Use the dropper to test the temperature of the water. Place a few drops on the inside of your wrist. If the water does not feel warm, continue microwaving at 10-second intervals until the water is lukewarm or approximately body temperature.


    Add tsp. of salt and tsp. of baking soda to the water and stir.


    Pour the saline nose drops mixture into the sterile bottle.

Using Saline Nose Drop


    Lay down on your back with your head hanging slightly over the edge of a bed or couch. Do not hang your head completely over the edge as this will become uncomfortable and encourage the saline drops to flow through your sinuses and down your throat.


    Use the dropper to place two to three drops of saline solution in the congested nostril(s). Do not allow the dropper to touch the nose to avoid re-infection.


    Allow the saline nose drops to set for 30 to 60 seconds. This does not have to be accurate. The object is to allow the saline solution time to absorb into the mucus.


    Raise your head and sit up. Allow the saline and mucus to drain from your nose into a facial tissue.


    Gently blow your nose to release the loosened mucus.


    Repeat as often as necessary until congestion is relieved. Allow at least an hour between treatments to avoid drying out the sinuses.

Vitamins With Kelp

Vitamins With Kelp

Kelp is a brown seaweed that has carbohydrates, protein and essential fatty acids, as well as a high concentration of minerals. The nearly 30 minerals found in kelp include iodine, calcium, iron and magnesium. The vitamins in kelp include C, D and B complex. Kelp is available in supplements and vitamins, but it is still not known if kelp in this form is medically beneficial and there is no known therapeutic dosage.

Thyroid Supplements

    Iodine is an important mineral in thyroid hormone production. Iodine deficiency can result in goiter, an abnormal enlargement of the thyroid, or hypothyroidism, which slows down body functioning and can lead to depression and fatigue. Due to the iodine found in kelp, some people take thyroid supplements that contain kelp in an attempt to improve the thyroid's functioning. However, the American Thyroid Association cautions that too much iodine, which can result from taking kelp, can be problematic, especially for those who already suffer from abnormal thyroid functioning. Since iodine deficiency is caused by lack of iodine in the diet, it is recommended that foods such as iodized table salt, cheese, eggs and yogurt be eaten regularly to maintain adequate levels of iodine in the body.

Kelp Lecithin B-6 with Cider Vinegar

    Kelp can be found in weight loss supplements with lecithin, vitamin B-6 and cider vinegar. Some believe that this combination can accelerate weight loss because the body's metabolism can be manipulated into burning fat faster. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

Kelp Tablets with Bladderwrack

    Kelp tablets can contain bladderwrack, which is a type of seaweed that is sometimes considered the same as kelp, although it is technically a different plant. As with the thyroid supplements with kelp, kelp with bladderwrack is taken by some to treat under-active thyroid, although the University of Pittsburgh cautions it may actually worsen the condition. This type of supplement may have the ability to treat heartburn due to swelling of the alginic acid in the bladderwrack when it contacts water, which forms a seal over the stomach. Other conditions that may be treated with kelp tablets containing bladderwrack include arthritis, hardening of the arteries and constipation, although it is unclear if the treatment is effective.

How to Stop Scratching an Itch

To stop scratching an itch, the key is to find out its cause and heal it. Rashes and bug bites are two causes of itching. Since these are the two most common reasons people itch, according to "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Healing Remedies," they can both be treated the same way. The itching is usually caused by an allergic reaction to whatever caused the rash or bite.



    Wash the area with a mild soap and warm water. Be sure not to use anything with harsh ingredients. Pat dry with a clean cloth. Do not rub.


    Use a blend of herbs mixed together with a liquid like witch hazel or water, petroleum jelly, or a medicinal lotion or cream. The herbs that work best to stop itch include comfrey, burdock, chamomile and red clover.


    Leave the poultice on the rash or bite until it dries. This can be covered loosely with gauze and medical tape to ensure it does not rub off.


    Reapply as needed until the rash or bite no longer itches. Clean the spot with warm water and mild soap each time the medicine is removed.

How Does Relaxation Breathing Help?

How Does Relaxation Breathing Help?

Breathing in a controlled pattern, like that in pranayama yoga, is thought of as a way to bring in energy. This energy can be used for healing, relaxation and meditation.


    Yoga is used in the art of pranayama. In yoga, breathing goes along with the movements of the body into different positions. This type of breathing is healing because, according to the book "Pranayama & the Art of Breathing," it stimulates the nervous system.

Stress Relief

    Meditation is a highly recommended form of stress relief. According to "The Directory of Complementary Therapies," the focus put on breathing in order to relax during meditation can slow the heart rate and be of great value to those who suffer from high blood pressure. Meditation also gives the body time to unwind and forget about daily troubles, which is why it helps relieve stress.

Oxygen Intake

    Relaxation breathing also helps regulate oxygen intake. This can help someone who suffers from panic attacks or even insomnia. Concentrating on breathing rather than the thing that is disturbing the body can help one forget and relax. Deep breathing exercises, like those used in labor, can help reduce the effect of panic attacks, according to "The Directory of Complimentary Therapies."

Thursday, October 22, 2015

How to Make an Ion Foot Bath

How to Make an Ion Foot Bath

An ion foot bath is supposed to help your body detox and cleanse as you sit on a chair with your feet in the water. The idea is that the flow of warm water under your feet will cause the positive and the negative ions in the water to attach themselves to the toxins present in your body. It is supposed that your cells, energized by the ions in the water, will release toxins that have accumulated in your body all your life. Some claim that ionic foot baths will enhance the immune system, relieve pain and joint stiffness, improve organ function, regulate sleep and help recover from illnesses. It is expensive to get a foot bath at a spa; here is how you can build one at home.




    Attach each electrical wire to each spoon with the tape.


    Clip the loose end of one wire to the negative end of the battery.


    Clip the loose end of the other wire to the positive end of the battery.


    Fill each bowl with warm water enough to immerse the feet.


    Put a spoonful of Epsom salt in both bowls.


    Place a stainless steel teaspoon in each bowl.

How to Reduce Sweaty Palms

How to Reduce Sweaty Palms

Sweaty hands is a condition people may experience occasionally when they are stressed or nervous, but it usually resolves when the stressful situation has resolved. In some cases though, sweaty palms can be a sign of a serious medical condition that should be discussed with a physician or medical practitioner. Excessive sweating of the palms of the hands is called palmar hyperhidrosis. Depending on the severity of the problem, an individual may exhibit emotional and psychological symptoms. There are a number of home treatment approaches to help reduce sweaty palms. The materials listed in the "Things You'll Need" section should not be tried at the same time. The most effective approach is to first make modifications to the types of foods consumed and address hygeine issues.


Food Adjustments


    Reduce foods rich in iodine such as iodized salt, sea salt, mayonnaise, haddock, cod, cheddar cheese and condensed milk.


    Avoid broccoli, asparagus, white onion, alcohol and hot spices.


    Avoid beef, liver and turkey.


    Reduce intake of caffeine. This means coffee, sodas and most teas.One exception is drinking sage tea as it is recommended as a strategy for reducing sweaty palms.


    Limit snacking in between meals. The body needs to work harder when it is digesting food. The less frequently you eat each day, the less heat your body is required to produce for digestion.

Hygiene Adjustments


    Remove the sweat build-up on your hands by washing them often. This is an effective strategy to ensure bacteria and germs from your hands are washed away.


    Keep tissues in your pocket or purse to dry sweaty palms.


    Use individually packaged alcohol wipes periodically, or as needed, to remove sweat and germs from palms.

Additive Adjustments


    Use aluminum chloride paint on the palms of your hands. This is applied with a paint brush. Aluminum chloride helps prevent moisture from building up on your palms.


    Buy an antiperspirant specifically formulated for use on the palms of hands and feet.


    Rub zinc into your hands like a hand cream. Zinc has shown promise in reducing perspiration as well as body odor.


    Soak hands in a tea bath made by seeping five tea bags in a quart of boiling water. When cool, soak for thirty minutes. Tannic acid, found in tea, is an astringent, which acts as an antiperspirant.

Neti Pot Information

Neti Pot Information

A neti pot is a small container, shaped like a genie's lamp or teapot. Its purpose is a wellness technique whereby warm, salty water is poured into one nostril and out the other. Commonly known as "nasal irrigation", in the Yoga traditions this is called "Jala Neti".


    The use of a neti pot is sometimes referred to as
    The use of a neti pot is sometimes referred to as "nose hose".

    Neti pot use is believed to cleanse bacteria, dirt and pollen from the nasal passages while balancing the viscosity of the mucous lining. explains that this creates a balanced nasal state whereby "the body's natural mechanisms against nasal infections such as hayfever, allergies, sinusitis and other upper respiratory complaints like sore throats and coughs, post nasal drip, inflammation of tonsils and adenoids" are reprogrammed. This helps to drain sinus cavity blockages.


    Some neti pots are dishwasher safe.
    Some neti pots are dishwasher safe.

    Neti pots come in a variety of materials, such as ceramic, metal and plastic. Swami Omananda Saraswati, a neti pot user, researcher and educator, argues in favor of the stainless steal variety as they are lightweight, unbreakable and hygienic.


    Traditionally, Jala Neti is used to prepare for meditation.
    Traditionally, Jala Neti is used to prepare for meditation.

    The neti pot technique is considered a "Kriya", a Sanskrit term referring to a collection of cleansing and wellness rituals. These rituals are attributed to the ancient Himalayan Yoga masters, whose lineage of teachings goes back thousands of years.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Information on Organic Apple Cider Vineger

Information on Organic Apple Cider Vineger

A two-part biological fermentation process that converts sugars into acetic acid accounts for the creation of all vinegars, including organic apple cider vinegar. Organic apple cider vinegar ranges in price from about $2 to $5 for a 16-oz. bottle.


    Organic apple cider vinegar contains the nutrients calcium and phosphorous. Traditionally used as a cleansing agent, organic apple cider vinegar can be purchased undiluted as well as premixed into commercial drinks for easier consumption.

Benefits for Diabetics

    A 2007 study published in "Diabetes Care" demonstrated that type 2 diabetics who ingested 2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar along with 1 oz. of cheese before bedtime had reduced fasting glucose levels the next morning.


    While apple cider vinegar has been touted as a weight-loss tool, Mayo Clinic nutritionist Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D. says this is unlikely, given the lack of scientific evidence to back this claim.


    Purported (but scientifically unproven) health benefits of ingesting apple cider vinegar include lowering blood pressure, fighting infections and reducing symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and heartburn. Proponents claim that organic, raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar yields greater health benefits due to less processing and fewer potentially harmful pollutants.

How to Make Your Own Healing Ointment

How to Make Your Own Healing Ointment

After a minor cut, healing ointment is often used to form a protective layer over the skin. While many household medicine cabinets contain some kind of store-bought ointment, you can easily make homemade healing ointment using simple ingredients. Homemade healing ointments last for months without the harmful chemicals usually found in store-bought ointments.

Traditionally, ointments are made from animal fat, but today's homemade ointments are made from beeswax and oil with added herbs and essential oils that aid the healing process. Herbs like comfrey and chamomile are used to promote cell growth, treating everything from minor cuts and abrasions, to stings, bites, anal itching and eczema.


Making Homemade Healing Ointment

    The olive oil should be at room temperature when added to the base mixture.
    The olive oil should be at room temperature when added to the base mixture.

    Fill the lower part of your double saucepan with water and bring to a boil. Add cup of beeswax to the upper part of the saucepan. Once the wax has melted, reduce the heat and add 1 cup of olive oil, creating the base for your healing ointment. This will yield 1 cup of ointment.

    Comfrey is used in homemade healing ointments because it promotes fast healing.
    Comfrey is used in homemade healing ointments because it promotes fast healing.

    Combine 1/2 ounce of dried chamomile and 1/2 ounce of comfrey. Add the dried herbs to the base mixture and heat on low for approximately two hours.


    Fit a piece of muslin fabric around the rim of a bowl, using a large rubber band to hold it in place. Pour the mixture into the bowl.

    Rubber gloves will protect your hands, as the ointment will still be hot.
    Rubber gloves will protect your hands, as the ointment will still be hot.

    Put on rubber gloves. Remove the rubber band from the muslin fabric and begin to squeeze the mixture through the muslin into the bowl.

    Tea tree essential oil is a natural anti-septic.
    Tea tree essential oil is a natural anti-septic.

    Add 1 teaspoon of tea tree oil to the base mixture. Do not add tea tree oil to mixture until it has been removed from the stove and transferred into the bowl. Exposure to heat will cause the tea tree oil to evaporate. Tea tree oil is important for homemade healing ointment because it is a natural antiseptic.


    Transfer the ointment into the storage jars while it is still warm. Allow the ointment to fully cool before putting the lids on the jars to avoid condensation. Explicitly label your ointment jars so they aren't mistaken for food and store them in the refrigerator once the ointment has reached room temperature.


Cutler Protocol

The Cutler Protocol is also called Chelation Protocol and is a detoxification treatment for heavy metal poisoning in the body. The protocol prescribes the use of antioxidants for a variety of debilitating and mental illnesses that have been diagnosed as incurable by mainstream medicine.


    The Cutler Protocol was first introduced in the book "Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment" by Andrew Hall Cutler, a research biochemist and scientist. The book was published in 1999 after the author diagnosed himself with mercury poisoning from his amalgam dental fillings and devised a treatment to rid the body of the heavy metal.


    The program in the Cutler Protocol prescribes the use of the antioxidants DMSA (dimercaptosuccinic acid) and ALA (alpha-lipoic acid) that are both available over the counter in pharmacies. According to the book "Amalgam Illness," it will take two to six months to feel better and up to four years of continuous treatment to be completely free of heavy metal poisoning symptoms.


    The Cutler Protocol has been particularly embraced by parents with children who suffer from autism or behavioral problems because the over-the-counter antioxidants have less harmful side effects than the medical treatments prescribed by physicians. Several autism organizations endorse the protocol and claim significant reduction of behavioral problems in children treated in accordance with the protocol.

How do I Develop a Winning Personality With Subliminal CDs?

How do I Develop a Winning Personality With Subliminal CDs?

Using subliminal cds could help a personal develop a winning or positive personality through the power of suggestion. However, subliminal cds alone will not transform a person's personality. More effort is required to affect permanent change.


    Subliminal CDs sound like standard music CDs. Generally, the sounds or music on the CDs are soothing and gentle. Underneath the music, affirmative messages are hidden in a way that makes them inaudible. The argument is that the subconscious mind hears these messages and the messages will prompt changed behavior.


    Subliminal CDs contain a variety of messages. Since how we think about ourselves does have a significant affect on how we act, the CDs attempt to improve how we think about ourselves. Some personality-changing CDs are focused on being more positive, some on reducing stress and some on being happier or more outgoing. These positive, affirmative and instructional messages are repeated many times on the CDs. Most programs suggest listening at least an hour a day.


    Some scientists, like Ian McLaren, Professor of Cognitive Psychology at University of Exeter, say that there is little evidence such CDs help a person learn new skills or new information. However, there is evidence that subliminal messages do have a measurable impact on a listener in suggesting associations. It is possible that subliminal CDs could trigger a particular thought when a person is in a situation suggested by the CDs.