Wednesday, September 30, 2015

How to Use Manuka Oil

How to Use Manuka Oil

Since time immemorial, the Maori people of New Zealand have used oil from the manuka plant as medicine and as an antiseptic. The oil from the plant is used to treat bacterial and fungal infections, wounds, sunburn, insect bites, swollen or inflamed joints, eczema and psoriasis. Studies indicate that manuka oil is a highly effective antiseptic, especially against bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus (staph). Manuka oil is readily available at health food stores and at online alternative medicine sites.



    Clean the affected area with warm water and a sponge or washcloth. Dry with a clean towel.


    Apply two to four drops of manuka oil directly on the affected site.


    Continue applying twice a day for five days, until the infection is gone. For acute problems, apply as needed for pain or inflammation.

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