Tuesday, September 15, 2015

How to Extract Hyaluronic Acid

How to Extract Hyaluronic Acid

The comb of a chicken or rooster contains pain-relieving material. The comb is the spiky red extensions on top of a chicken's head, and is the source of hyaluronic acid. When injected, hyaluronic acid provides relief from joint pain. If injected every five days, the acid lessens symptoms caused by osteoarthritis. Next time you have joint pain, remember to thank a chicken for providing the relief that you need.



    Boil five chicken combs in a cooking pot for 15 minutes.


    Remove the combs from the pot.


    Let the solution cool for 10 minutes


    Pour the solution through a fine particle strainer into a glass mason jar. The strainer removes unwanted particles from the hyaluronic acid.


    Pour the strained solution into a different cooking pot.


    Boil the solution until all the water evaporates. Only the hyaluronic acid remains.


    Pour the remaining liquid into a glass jar. Store the hyaluronic acid for later use.

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