Wednesday, September 30, 2015

How to Use Manuka Oil

How to Use Manuka Oil

Since time immemorial, the Maori people of New Zealand have used oil from the manuka plant as medicine and as an antiseptic. The oil from the plant is used to treat bacterial and fungal infections, wounds, sunburn, insect bites, swollen or inflamed joints, eczema and psoriasis. Studies indicate that manuka oil is a highly effective antiseptic, especially against bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus (staph). Manuka oil is readily available at health food stores and at online alternative medicine sites.



    Clean the affected area with warm water and a sponge or washcloth. Dry with a clean towel.


    Apply two to four drops of manuka oil directly on the affected site.


    Continue applying twice a day for five days, until the infection is gone. For acute problems, apply as needed for pain or inflammation.

How to Make Your Own Homemade Wart Cream With Vegetable Shortening

Warts are caused by a viral infection, Human Papilloma Virus, or HPV. The virus infects the upper layer of the skin through some sort of trauma, such as a scratch or abrasion. There are several treatments for warts, from over-the-counter medications to a dermatologist visit to have the wart removed through freezing and burning. An at-home treatment that involves the use of vegetable shortening as a base is concocted to remove the wart without the need for medical intervention.



    Put 2 tbsp. vegetable shortening into a small bowl.


    Add one chopped clove of garlic and 1/2 tbsp. lemon juice into the bowl.


    Stir the ingredients together and spread it onto the wart with a cotton ball. The vegetable shortening is used as a base for the lemon and garlic juice, which will begin to dissolve the wart.


    Place a piece of duct tape over the mixture and wart. The duct tape will suffocate the wart and help the garlic and lemon juice remain on the area.


    Allow the duct tape and mixture to remain for 12 hours before removing them both and reapplying the mixture and a piece of duct tape.


    Repeat these steps for two to three weeks or until the wart has disappeared.

Directions for Lepa Powder

Directions for Lepa Powder

Made in India, lepa powder was developed to help treat acne and skin irritation. It is an herbal remedy that also treats oily skin and draws out toxins, removes dead skin cells and stimulates blood circulation. It is highly recommended for adolescent and teenage skin problems and only for external use.



    Clean skin and pat dry.


    Mix the powder with some water to create a thin paste and apply. Leave on for 20 minutes.


    Wash off with warm water.

Problems With Homemade Colloidal Silver

Problems With Homemade Colloidal Silver

Silver has a long history of medical uses, particularly as an external anti-bacterial agent. Doctors provide silver nitrate drops to newborns to treat conjunctivitus. Others use silver sulfadiazine to treat burns. Colloidial silver is an alternative medicine for internal consumption. It consists of tiny particles of silver suspended in liquid. Colloidal silver is touted by companies like to help cure or prevent sicknesses from the common cold to HIV/AIDS.

How Colloidal Silver is Supposed to Help

    Makers of colloidial silver discuss the anti-bacterial benefits of silver in general., for example, talks about how people put silver dollars in milk to try to keep it fresh longer or how "being born with a silver spoon in your mouth" stemmed from efforts to keep babies healthy. The company claims that their process of creating colloidial silver is safe, scientific.

Problems with Colloidial Silver

    One of the major potential side effects of colloidal silver is a condition known as argyria. The condition results from the potential overuse of colloidal silver products. It causes the skin to permanently turn gray or blue. It may also interfere with the effectiveness of antibiotics such as Cipro. claims that this problem is caused primarily by homemade colloidal silver, using regular tap water, and that their processing methods prevent this condition.

Science and Colloidial Silver

    According to the Mayo clinic, no scientific evidence supports claims that colloidal silver prevents or cures any diseases or ailments. Evidence does find that continued use of this alternative therapy causes seizures or other neurological issues, kidney damage or skin irritation. Stomach stress, tiredness and headaches are other symptoms from the use of colloidal silver.

The Food and Drug Administration Stance on Colloidal Silver

    Since 1999 the FDA has ruled against companies that claim that colloidal silver will cure or prevent health problems. It has issued many statements and alerts against the use of colloidal silver. A consumer advisory as late as October 2009 warns against the use of the alternative medicine due to the potential for argyria. The FDA continues to study the claims of companies selling colloidal silver.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

How to Use Cell Salts

According to Stephen Byrnes, N.D, Ph.D., "Cell salts are homeopathic preparations of certain mineral compounds which are found living in all things." Discovered by Dr. William Schuessler, cell salts are believed to help cure ailments without the need for traditional, Western medicine. The idea that cell salts help the body's individual cells process minerals at a quicker rate, therefore healing people faster, has not been medically proven.



    Purchase the appropriate cell salt for your ailment. Particular cells salts are believed to heal particular illnesses. For example, silicea is believed to help heal sores, paralysis and loss of appetite. Cell salts come in pill, powder and liquid form.


    Take the appropriate dosage for your ailment. Dosage charts should be printed on the cell-salt container labels. Common dosage directions for acute illnesses include placing one pill on the tongue over 15 minutes. Let the pill dissolve or suck on it, but do not chew. For chronic illnesses, take six to 10 pills a day, throughout the day. Take one pill at a time, but do not chew the pill.


    Drink plenty of water while taking cell salts. However, do not drink mineral water. If you are mixing cell-salt powder with water, stir with a plastic spoon, as metal spoons can interact with the cell salts making them less effective.


    Continue to take the cell salts until your aliment is cured.

Uses of Castor Oil for Personal Care

Uses of Castor Oil for Personal Care

Castor oil is produced by pressing the ripe seeds from castor beans that have had their outer covering removed. The oil is referred to as ricinus oil or castor oil. The oil has a faint odor and slightly acrid taste. Castor oil has been used in medicinal remedies for centuries, and you can use castor oil at home to help with various conditions.


    Castor oil can be used to treat constipation. Because it has stimulating properties, according to WebMD, it works to increase the movement of the intestines. Take the castor oil by mouth. Follow the directions on the packaging for the correct dosing. Take the castor oil on an empty stomach. To improve the taste, add juice. Castor oil side effects may include stomach cramps, diarrhea and nausea.

Hair Treatments

    Castor oil can moisturize dry hair. Heat up a little castor oil in a pot until the oil becomes warm to the touch. Massage the oil into the scalp. Wrap your head in a steamy towel and leave on for 15 minutes before washing it out.


    Castor oil's emollient properties may be effective on wrinkles. Just place a little on wrinkled areas at night to soothe and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Also use the oil on dry skin, or dab a cotton ball with castor oil and place on sunburned skin for relief.

Arthritis Relief

    Used it as a natural arthritis remedy by making a castor oil pack. Fold a piece of cotton flannel into three layers and dip it into the castor oil. Place the pad on the affected area and cover with plastic wrap. Place a heating pad over the plastic and leave on the arthritic area for up to an hour. The oil purportedly reduces pain and inflammation.

Home Carbuncle Cures

Home Carbuncle Cures

Carbuncles are caused by staphylococcus aureus bacteria that enter a group of hair follicles and form an abscess underneath the skin. Staph bacteria are highly contagious, so be cautious when using home remedies because your family members can easily become infected. If the infection does not heal within two weeks, or if you develop red streaks or swelling around the carbuncle or a fever, seek medical attention.

Tea Tree Oil

    Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic and antibiotic. There is no scientific evidence that it is effective against boils and carbuncles, but anecdotal evidence suggests that applying tea tree oil topically can help eliminate the infection and relieve discomfort. To use tea tree oil, apply it to the carbuncle with a cotton swab, then dispose of the cotton swab in a sealed plastic bag to eliminate the possibility of infecting anyone else in the household.


    Turmeric powder can be purchased in the spice section of your grocery store.
    Turmeric powder can be purchased in the spice section of your grocery store.

    Turmeric, a spice with anti-inflammatory properties, may also eliminate carbuncles, according to Add 1 tsp. of turmeric powder to a glass of warm water and drink it three times per day when you suspect a carbuncle is developing. You can also make a paste of equal parts fresh ginger and turmeric ground together and warmed, and apply that to the carbuncle directly. Use turmeric only as a last resort because it can lead to dehydration and constipation.


    Apply warm, damp cloths to the carbuncle for 15 minutes, five times a day, to encourage it to drain and to relieve pressure. Be careful to either sterilize the washcloth after use by washing it in very hot water or by boiling it. Never lance a boil at home because that may spread the infection to other areas.


    Onions, when used as a compress, are another natural cure for carbuncles. Tie a thick slice of onion to the carbuncle with a cloth strip and change the onion slice every three to four hours. Dispose of the onion slice properly so that animals do not eat the infected onion later. After three to four days, the carbuncle should come to a head and begin to drain.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Uses for Black Seed Oil

Uses for Black Seed Oil

Black seed can be used as a homeopathic remedy for ailments and to improve overall health. The flowering herb goes by the scientific name Nigella sativa and is grown in Europe, Arabia and India. The rectangular seeds are the portion of the plant used to make black seed products. The seed has been used to treat maladies related to respiratory health, aid kidney function and improve circulation. Black seed is also used in cooking and may have anti-cancer properties. Other names for the seed are black cumin, fennel flower, onion seed and Roman coriander.


    According to the Muslim Health Network, black seed contains 15 amino acids, carbohydrates, alkaloids and dietary fiber, and linolenic and oleic acids in addition to minerals like sodium, potassium and calcium. Research indicates that black seed can help boost your immune system, act as an anti-inflammatory agent and serve as an antibiotic.

Bronchial Cure

    Take 1 tsp. of black seed oil in coffee twice daily. You can also inhale the oil by mixing it with hot water or simply rub it onto your chest to help with asthma or other bronchial illness. Take three drops of black seed oil in each of your nostrils to aid sinus congestion.


    A King Saud University clinical study notes that black seed oil decreases blood pressure. To treat hypertension, add 1 tsp. of black seed oil to any drink and also take two cloves of garlic with breakfast. Apply the oil to your body and expose yourself to the sun for 30 minutes every three days. Follow this procedure for a month.


    According to an article on the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center website, black seed is shown to have a low level of toxicity but does possess antioxidant effects due to its chief ingredient thymoquinine, meaning it could possibly interfere with radiation therapy or chemotherapy treatments in cancer patients. The seed extract does not appear to interfere with liver or kidney function.

How to Get Cigarette Smoke Out of Your Body

How to Get Cigarette Smoke Out of Your Body

Smoking cigarettes fills your body with toxins and can damage almost all your organs. The smoke and nicotine fills your body with toxins that, over time, can prove fatal. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), side effects of smoking cigarettes account for an estimated 443,000 deaths each year in the United States. Once you decide to quit smoking, there are steps you can take to detox your system and get the cigarette smoke and nicotine out of your body.



    Drink plenty of fresh water. Drinking eight to 12 glasses of water a day helps flush the toxins out of your system. Drink 100 percent fruit juices to give you a little variety.


    Add exercise into your daily routine. When you exercise, your body sweats and helps repel the toxins out of your system. Exercising 15 to 30 minutes a day helps expel the toxins from your body.


    Refrain from consuming foods high in sugar and fat and reduce your intake of pre-packaged or highly processed foods. These items make your body work harder to process them. When your body works to break down the foods, it slows down the detox process.


    Consume more fiber by eating whole grains or adding a fiber supplement. Fiber makes you feel full and reduces the chance of overeating. Fiber is also important for regular bowel movements, which help remove toxins and waste from your body.


    Incorporate fresh vegetables and fruits into your diet. Fruits and vegetables are chock full of nutrients that keep your body working properly.


    Consume more vitamin A and herbal teas. Cigarette smoke is said to deplete your lungs of essential vitamin A. Taking vitamin A helps heal your lungs and improves your breathing, which helps clear tar from your lungs. Drink herbal tea such as thyme, cardamom and fenugreek. These teas feature expectorant properties.

Carrot Oil Uses

Carrot Oil Uses

Carrot oil, also known as Queen Anne's Lace, comes from -- you guessed it -- carrots. According to the online drug index,, carrot oil is a non-toxic derivative of the carrot seed. Though clinical studies in humans are limited, carrot oil has been used for generations as an alternative therapy for a variety of ailments including muscle stiffness, skin problems and vasoconstriction. Ingestion of large quantities of carrot oil can potentially have neurological side-effects, as it contains myristicin -- a psychoactive agent.


    Carrot oil is used to add scent to many products such as soap, candles, laundry and dish-washing detergent, creams and perfumes. It is also used to make an essential oil used for massage and aromatherapy. Most of the carrot oil used in aromatherapy originates in Europe, though the carrot originated from Afghanistan. Carrot seed oil is known to relieve stress and exhaustion due to its natural earthy fragrance.


    Carrot oil is often used as a food coloring agent in things like desserts, condiments, meat and soups. Most commonly carrot oil, since it comes from carrots, is indirectly used to serve as the basis of stews, braises and soups, giving them a thicker, richer texture. Carrot oil is high in vitamin A and beta-carotene; it also contains complex B vitamins and vitamins C, D, E and K. Most of us have heard from our grandmothers or mothers of how important carrots are for eyesight and skin health. According to an article published on the website Essential Oils entitled "Carrot Seed Essential Oil Information," there appears to be some truth to that theory.

Hair and Skin Care

    Carrot oil can improve the appearance of skin.
    Carrot oil can improve the appearance of skin.

    Carrot oil is known to cause vasodilation, or widening of the veins; as a vasodilator, it helps increase blood flow to the skin's surface, which can improve the appearance of your skin. In alternative medicine, it is often used as a facial treatment and in hair creams and oils to improve the health and look of both. There are countless products designed for African-American hair types especially, which are made with carrot oil. Carrot oil is recommended for detangling very brittle, dry hair.

Colic and Teething

    Carrot seed is also used as an alternative medical treatment to relieve colic in babies. Boil a carrot with a few sprinkles of fennel in a half a pint of water for 10 to 15 minutes, strain, cool and feed to your baby. The natural oils in carrots can help soothe teething pain in older babies who are able to chew properly. Allow your older baby or toddler to chew on a carrot to help sooth gum pain. Only use this method if you are certain your child is fully capable of eating raw carrots to avoid choking.

What Are the Commercial Uses for Brown Algae?

What Are the Commercial Uses for Brown Algae?

Brown algae are a group of seaweeds that grow in shallow, rocky areas along the shoreline. They are most commonly harvested in New Zealand, where the Maori have used them as medicine and food for centuries. Scientists have identified 1,800 species of brown algae, 30 of which are used commercially. Commercial gatherers of brown algae sell them to a variety of manufacturers, who extract alginic acids to use in a number of products.

Food Additives

    Alginic acid is a product of brown algae that has almost no tasteless. It has a gelatinous texture, which makes it useful as a thickener in many foods. Manufacturers add alginic acid to a number of foods, such as puddings, ice cream, and commercially prepared milkshakes and drinks. Many sausage casings, soups, and sauces, such as mayonnaise, contain alginic acids. California is one of the major producers of alginic acids in the U.S.


    Brown algae have a variety of medical uses. Physicians and homeopaths use medicines containing brown algae for medicines to treat such physical ailments as fibromyalgia, heart disease, high cholesterol, acid reflux disease and cancer. Physicians also use medicines containing brown algae for conditions related to anxiety, such as insomnia and post-traumatic stress syndrome. Brown algae have no known side effects.

Manufacturing of Rubber, Tires and Textiles

    During World War II, U.S. manufacturers began producing alginic acid to use in the rubber, tire and textile industries. Alginic acid is often used to stabilize rubber, paint and coatings in industry. The textile industry also uses alginic acid in waterproofing treatments and to finish fabrics and to make them non-irritating. Printing companies use ink made with alginic acid to reduce the viscosity of the ink, which produces crisper printing.

Additive to Fish Food

    Alginic acid dissolves slowly in water, which makes it useful for binding together food pellets. As a result, feed manufacturers use alginic acid in fish and prawn food pellets. Pellets with alginic acid reduce food consumption among these animals up to 40 percent, which makes them economical for fish farmers. Because feeds containing alginic acid dissolve more slowly, they are not as polluting as fish foods that do not contain them.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

How to Remove a Splinter With Bacon Fat

How to Remove a Splinter With Bacon Fat

Splinters are caused when a very small piece of a foreign object, such as wood or glass, gets stuck in your skin. While many people try to squeeze or dig splinters out with tweezers, there's one easy method you can try that utilizes bacon fat to draw the splinter out. So if you have a splinter and happen to also have some bacon stored away in your kitchen, learning how you can use the fat on bacon to remove the splinter painlessly can help ease the situation.



    Wash the area of the splinter with some anti-bacterial soap and warm water to prevent infection. Dry the area gently with a soft cloth.


    Cut a pea-sized piece of white fat from a raw slice of bacon using a knife or butcher scissors. Place the piece of bacon fat directly over the splinter and wrap it atop the splinter, holding it in place with an adhesive bandage.


    Let the bacon fat sit overnight. Remove the bandage and fat in the morning. If the splinter is still under the skin and hasn't emerged yet, cut another tiny piece of bacon fat and place it over the area with a bandage for an additional day. The bacon fat should draw out the splinter out within a couple of days.

Uses of Collodial Silver

Uses of Collodial Silver

The mineral colloidal silver has been touted as a "cure all" for quite an eclectic mix of purposes, though WebMd explains that silver has no known function or benefit in the body. Depending on the use, you can take it internally or apply it topically. In 1999, the Food and Drug Administration banned the sale of over-the-counter drugs that contained colloidal silver. You can still find colloidal silver products marketed as dietary supplements quite easily as the FDA does not have jurisdiction over these products. You should probably consider other remedies.

Evidence of Effectiveness

    Physician and alternative medicine specialist Dr. Andrew Weil seconds the idea that the body has no need for silver and its reputation as a "cure all" for a wide range of maladies has no evidence to back it up. Its only potential use for medicinal purposes stems from silver's germicidal properties, though Weil explains this has limited applications for medical treatment. Mayo Clinic physician Brent A. Bauer says no sound research supporting the use of this supplement for any purpose has ever appeared in reputable medical publications.


    Its reputation as antibacterial has made colloidal silver an alternative to antibiotics, though Dr. Andrew Weil says it does not work for this purpose. Others have touted it to address other types of infections, such as yeast and fungal infections, viral infections like HIV, parasitic infections and malaria. Colloidal silver manufacturers also claim it can address mineral deficiencies that compromise the immune system. Other suggested uses range far and wide, including but not limited to, lung problems; skin conditions; inflammation of the prostate, stomach, colon, nose and bladder; diabetes; allergies; gum disease and cancer.

Side Effects

    Taking colloidal silver can result in a permanent bluish-grey hue to the skin and mucous membranes. This results from the silver depositing itself in the organs and usually shows up first in the gums. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center says use of this supplement has been linked to seizures and kidney damage. Other side effects include fatigue, stomach upset, headache and skin irritation. Topical applications for burns have been linked to a blood condition that can reduce the amount of oxygen delivered to the tissues throughout your body.

Considerations for Use

    Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding. Fetal abnormalities affecting the face, neck and ear have been found in pregnant women with high levels of silver in their blood. Colloidal silver can interact with antibiotics, thyroid hormone and penicillamine, a medication used to treat Wilson's disease and rheumatoid arthritis. Physicians Weil and Bauer do not consider colloidal silver supplements safe, and they suggest that you consider other treatments in place of this unproven supplement linked with potentially serious health problems.

Household Products That Can Make Someone Sleep

Household Products That Can Make Someone Sleep

According to the National Sleep Foundation, or NSF, many adults suffer from sleep problems, and persistent sleep issues can lead to psychological, physical health and daily performance problems. Many people turn to sleeping medications, but these may have side effects such as extend drowsiness, forgetfulness and even drug dependency. However, some common household products may work as more natural solutions for sleep problems.


    Melatonin is a hormone produced in the brain, and increases in levels the darker it gets. Though you can get it as a supplement, melatonin can also be found in common foods such as cherries, bananas, oats and rice bran, to name a few.

Herbal Supplements

    Certain household herbs can aid in sleep and prevent the need for other sleep drugs. For example, chamomile, which is often an ingredient in herbal teas, has calming effects and can also aid in digestion. The Herbal Resource states that hops, most commonly found in beer, can also promote sleep due to its sedative effects. Hops can also be consumed as a tea.


    "Psychology Today" reports that tryptophan, an amino acid associated with the chemical serotonin, can help increase sleepiness and even work as an antidepressant. Tryptophan is not produced by the body, and therefore must come from your diet. Though it's part of any complete protein, "Psychology Today" states that the best way to increase tryptophan levels in your brain is through dietary supplements taken on an empty stomach.


    Household scents can also aid in sleep. "Allure Magazine" cites a study where sleepers that were introduced to the smell of lavender reached a deeper level of sleep quicker.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

How to Use Tamanu Oil

How to Use Tamanu Oil

Calophyllum inophyllum is a tropical evergreen plant which can grow up to 30 meters high. The trunk is thick and the bark is dark to grayish brown. The plant grows in Southeast Asia, Southern India and the islands of Melanesia and Polynesia. The plant produces a nut from which the oil is extracted. The oil is called tamanu oil and has been used to treat everything from sore throats to scabies. Try tamanu oil to experience the benefits.



    Apply tamanu oil to acne. Tamanu has antibacterial properties, according to, and thus it may help reduce acne lesions. Just apply the oil directly to the acne for a simple way of clearing the skin.


    Use tamanu oil on psoriasis. Place a couple drops of oil on a clean cloth and apply to the areas with psoriasis. The anti-inflammatory properties of tamanu oil may be helpful to those suffering pain and inflammation from the psoriasis.


    Apply tamanu oil directly to stretch marks. This oil contains vitamins A and E, and these antioxidants may help reduce the appearance of scars.


    Use tamanu oil on rheumatism or arthritis. Apply directly to the skin and massage until the oil has been absorbed. Tamanu oil has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for rheumatism -- and natives of Fiji have used Tamanu for joint pain and arthritis.


    Use tamanu oil on wrinkled areas of the face. The moisturizing properties may soften the appearance of your wrinkles.

How to Use Gingko Leaves

How to Use Gingko Leaves

Ginkgo Biloba is known for its vast array of health benefits including increased circulation, decreased fatigue and improved brain function. While it is possible to get a regular dose of ginkgo from capsules and pills, other methods require dried ginkgo leaves and some added participation on your part. Homemade ginkgo tea and homemade tincture are two uses of ginkgo leaves that can provide all the benefits that you would get from taking a daily pill.


Ginkgo Tea


    Boil 2 cups of water in a medium saucepan to serve one person. Adjust the amounts accordingly for the number of people.


    Remove the water from the heat, and add 10 ounces of dried ginkgo leaves. Again, adjust this measurement based on the number of people to be served.


    Allow the tea to steep for 10 minutes.


    Strain the tea and serve.

Ginkgo Tincture


    Place 150 grams of dried ginkgo leaves in a jar. Be sure to use a jar that has a properly fitting lid.


    Add 17 oz. (500 ml) of vodka to the jar.


    Place the jar in a dark place for a month and shake the jar daily.


    Strain the leaves after a month in the dark. Be sure to press all of the liquid out of the leaves.


    Store the liquid in a glass jar and take 1 tsp. per day.

How to Rid Yourself of the Dreaded Hiccups

How to Rid Yourself of the Dreaded Hiccups

Everyone has suffered from the hiccups at one time or another. Hiccups occur when you swallow too much air. One way to prevent hiccups is to slow down while eating or drinking. Any activity or emotional excitement can cause the hiccups. Hiccups are a spasmodic, involuntary cutting-off of an indrawn breath. In addition to eating or drinking too quickly, large meals, alcoholic beverages and sudden exertions may cause hiccups.


    Hold your breath.
    Hold your breath.

    Hold your breath for as long as possible. Repeat if necessary by taking a quick gulp of air and holding your breath again. Just don't repeat too often or you might pass out.

    Sip and swallow Water
    Sip and swallow Water

    Constantly swallow or take small sips from a glass of water until the hiccups pass. When you feel the hiccup urge or sensation building, then swallow. Repeat sipping and swallowing continually till hiccups pass.

    Sucking on citrus fruit may alleviate hiccups.
    Sucking on citrus fruit may alleviate hiccups.

    Suck on a lemon wedge soaked in bitters. Or suck on a piece of hard candy. Swallow often while sucking on the lemon wedge or hard candy.


    While lying on your back, pull your knees up to your chest and lean forward, holding this position for as long as possible.


    Chew and swallow a slice of bread, or suck on crushed ice.


    Gargle with ice water or swallow a spoonful of dry sugar, which are home remedies recommended by the Mayo Clinic.


    Place an ice bag on the midriff area just below your rib cage. Leave it on the belly area till hiccups pass.


    Slowly drink water upside down. Bend forward at the waist and drink the water while in this upside-down position.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Home Beauty Remedies to Get Rid of Dark Circles

Home Beauty Remedies to Get Rid of Dark Circles

Dark circles under your eyes are not a serious health problem, but they give you the appearance of being tired, run-down and unhealthy. In some cases, dark circles are a symptom of something else that could eventually become a problem. There are several ways to relieve dark circles naturally, but it is also important to determine their cause. If you have black circles, determine what is causing the problem and use a combination of natural remedies to ease the problem.


    There are several possible causes of dark circles. Sometimes they are unavoidable, like if your circles are inherited. Thin skin under the eyes is a genetic trait which causes the bluish tint from the blood passing through the vessels in this area. Allergies and skin conditions also cause the darkening, because there is a tendency to rub the skin to relieve itching and watering. Age is another unavoidable factor. The darkness becomes intensified as you grow older if you do not find a cure or treatment that lessens the effect.

    Other causes are controllable and once a problem is fixed, the circles will disappear. Lack of sleep causes skin to be pale, making the blood under the skin more visible. This causes the bluish hue. A poor diet is another cause of circles, so eating right and satisfying nutritional deficiencies will solve the problem. Other causes of dark circles that are temporary include stress, sun exposure, medication, pregnancy and menstruation.

Remedies With Food

    Food is one of the best natural solutions to a variety of physical problems and dark circles are no exception. Placing cold cucumber slices over your eyes for 20 minutes creates a noticeable reduction in the bluish tint of under eye circles and reduces puffiness. Potato slices have the same effect. Mixing juices from potatoes and cucumbers in equal parts, creating enough to soak a cotton ball, is also effective for reducing dark circles when the juice is applied around the eyes. Other food remedies for under eye circles include mint, almond oil, turmeric powder and pineapple juice and parsley.


    Compresses are similar to cucumbers in that they are placed on the eyes for about 20 minutes. Make a compress for each eye by steeping a half cup of fresh rosemary in a quart of water for 20 minutes. Strain the water and chill. Soak a washcloth in the water and place over your eyes. The rosemary increases circulation around the eyes, reducing the darkness and the cold temperature reduces the swelling of the tissues, reducing puffiness.

Other Tips

    There are several other natural remedies for dark eye circles. Gentle massage around the eyes will stimulate circulation, but avoid rubbing too hard because you can worsen the circles and create eye pain. Protect your skin from the sun with sun-block, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and drink at least 64 ounces of water each day to stay hydrated. Avoiding coffee, alcohol and caffeinated soft drinks also reduces the appearance of dark circles.

Pain Killer Alternatives

Pain Killer Alternatives

Prescription pain killers can have nasty side effects. They cause constipation, sleepiness and upset stomach. There are alternative methods that can work as well as taking medication to deal with pain without the undesirable side effects. Not every solution will work for every type of pain. Using alternative methods to pain killers can help you cut down on the amount of medication you need to take to stay in control of your pain.

Heat and Ice

    Ice-packs and heating pads are two longstanding remedies for pain relief. For a recent injury, ice is the first recommendation. It prevents swelling and can help numb the pain. When you prevent swelling to the area, you are helping it to heal faster. Heat helps relieve stiffness in joints and muscles. Heat also encourages circulation to the injured area. Increased circulation brings more oxygen and nutrients to the damaged tissue, helping it heal more quickly.

Physical Therapy

    Physical therapy can help relieve pain caused by muscle spasms and joint injuries. Moving joints through range-of-motion exercises and massaging injured muscles helps relieve pain by increasing circulation and encouraging normal movement of the injured area. This type of therapy helps to regain muscle strength and flexibility. Physical therapy works by relieving inflammation, stiffness and joint weakness. A physical therapist can show you ways to move that won't cause pain and won't restrict your lifestyle.


    Researchers from the Department of Physiology at the University of Montreal reported that Zen meditators have a decreased sensitivity to pain. These findings were published in the January 2009 issue of the "Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine." They explain that the meditators continue to feel pain, but it does not take over their thoughts. Participants who use meditation for pain control are not distracted by their pain and do not suffer side effects from analgesic medications.


    Accupuncture can help you manage pain.
    Accupuncture can help you manage pain.

    Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of medicine practiced in the world. Multiple studies have been completed on the use of acupuncture for pain conditions, including back pain, jaw pain, headaches and fibromyalgia. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine reports as of August 2010, many of the studies have shown benefits for some types of pain such as carpal tunnel syndrome, osteoarthritis and tennis elbow. They also note that there are fewer adverse effects with acupuncture than with standard drug treatments.

Unusual Cures

Unusual Cures

The development of antibiotics has saved millions of lives. Advanced research and technology provides physicians with breakthrough treatments and cures at an increasing rate. The impact of modern medical techniques on society is undeniable, but some of the most effective cures and remedies do not come from within the realm of conventional modern medicine.


    An aqauatic cousin of the earthworm, leeches are widely used in hospitals to promote healing.
    An aqauatic cousin of the earthworm, leeches are widely used in hospitals to promote healing.

    Leeches are commonly perceived as disgusting, parasitical, bloodsucking worms. However, they are also used in modern hospitals to promote post-surgical healing of skin grafts and reattachment surgery. Leeches help restore blood circulation to grafted tissue by removing pooled blood from under the graft. Leeches also ensure good circulation by releasing an anticoagulant into the blood which prevents the formation of blood clots in the affected area. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved leeches as a medical "device" in 2004.

Medical Maggots

    Maggots are associated with rotting flesh, death and fish bait, but they also save lives.
    Maggots are associated with rotting flesh, death and fish bait, but they also save lives.

    When infections do not respond to conventional medical treatments like antibiotics and surgery, some doctors turn to maggots. Maggots are associated with rotting flesh and death, but they also save lives. When applied to an infected wound, disinfected maggots liquefy and ingest infected tissue along with bacteria. Maggot therapy is used to treat severely infected diabetic foot sores, burns and post operative infections.

Garlic as an Antibiotic

    Garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic
    Garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic

    Garlic does more than add flavor to sauces and stews. Known as "nature's underground pharmacy", garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic. Garlic kills bacteria and prevents infection when applied directly to wounds. The Russian Army used garlic so extensively to dress wounds during World War II that garlic became known as "Russian penicillin." Allicin, the antibiotic compound of garlic, is formed when raw garlic is crushed. Garlic has also been shown to be an effective topical treatment for earaches and fungal infections such as athlete's foot. Exercise caution when applying raw garlic to directly to wounds, as it may result in skin irritation and a burning sensation.


    Pineapple is rich in bromelain.
    Pineapple is rich in bromelain.

    Many people reach for a prescription or over-the-counter antacid to relieve indigestion and heartburn. They should be looking for a tasty slice of sweet, juicy, fresh pineapple. Pineapple has been used to treat indigestion for hundreds of years in Central and South America. Pineapple is a rich source of bromelain, a mixture of protein-digesting enzymes that rapidly break down food in the stomach to relieve indigestion. Many people suffering from chronic indigestion report that eating pineapple with a meal reduces stomach problems significantly.

Secret Natural Home Remedies

Secret Natural Home Remedies

From placing onions on the soles of feet to reduce fevers, to putting potatoes on the eyes to battle infection, home remedies have evolved greatly over the years. Described as cost-effective alternatives to medicine or chemicals, home remedies typically utilize fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices and oils. With the promise of minimal side effects, and often referred to as "all-natural," such remedies offer a purported treatment for conditions ranging from the common cold to heart disease.


    Home remedies treat different medical conditions as an alternative to Western medicine, such as prescribed pills and ointments. A 2010 Mayo Clinic article regarding asthma lists omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish and flax seed, and ginkgo extract as natural remedies to calm asthma symptoms. Steven Ehrlich, a naturopathic physician for the University of Maryland Medical Center, notes herbal remedies such as grape seed extract, bilberry extract or dandelion tea -- as opposed to pharmaceutical drugs -- may reduce edema, or fluid retention, in the lower extremities. To treat heartburn or acid reflux, Lauren Cox writes on, remedies include licorice, slippery elm or chamomile tea.

Types of Benefits

    Benefits to using home remedies, in addition to saving money, include avoiding possible adverse effects of prescribed medications, such as drug interactions, stomach ulcers and pain, skin rash, weight loss or gain and nausea, depending on the prescription. Using fruits, vegetables, teas, herbs, oils, and other remedies can also lead to all-around health benefits. For instance, in a 2011 "Reader's Digest" article, Patty Onderko writes that peppermint tea not only serves as an alternative treatment for irritable bowel syndrome, but also may relax combat gas and stimulate the secretion of digestive juices. The American Heart Association reports in a 2002 Scientific Statement on its website the importance of fish in the diet, noting that a fish oil supplement each day can reduce blood pressure and keep triglyceride levels low.


    Home remedies may not always be the answer to health problems, or a combination of Western and complementary medicine may be required to cure a symptom or disease. Serious infections usually require antibiotics, for example -- herbal remedies can help relieve symptoms, but when used alone they may prolong and worsen the condition. The AHA points out that while it recommends twice-weekly fish consumption, consumers should be aware of the potential mercury in seafood.


    Potential dangers exist in nearly every medical treatment. Consumers should talk with their doctor before discontinuing any current medical treatment, and determine possible interactions with other medications, as well as allergies, sensitivities and side effects from home remedies used to treat symptoms or cure a disease.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Making a Ragweed Tincture

A tincture is a liquid extract that is made using herbs soaked in a solution of alcohol, vegetable glycerine or apple cider vinegar. For those who experience the severity of ragweed allergies, it might be hard to imagine ragweed as being helpful to human health. However, ragweed actually has numerous health benefits --- it helps regulate the liver, stimulates gastric flow and can cleanse the appendix. Because you can't just eat the plant to extract these qualities, ragweed is soaked in alcohol as a means of extraction. When consumed, ragweed tincture can actually improve your resistance to ragweed allergies and lessen your symptoms.



    Trim several of the flowering tops off the ragweed plant and pack the tops tightly into a small glass jar.


    Fill the jar with the ragweed with 100 proof vodka and seal the container.


    Label the jar with the date and name of the tincture for future reference, using the scotch tape and marker. This will let you know how long has passed since the tincture was made.


    Store the jar with the ragweed and vodka in a cool, dark place for six weeks.

Parasite Zapper Instructions

Dr. Hulda Clark introduced the concept of using low-voltage electrical current over a long period of time to kill bodily parasites. These parasites are believed by some to cause infection and disease and killing them off will promote health. While these claims have been confirmed by some and denied by others, the sale and use of "parasite zappers" or simply "zappers" continues. The zappers run an electrical current directly into hands and feet. Since zappers are still considered an experimental device, please use caution before starting a therapy program.



    Plug the battery into the unit.


    Add a teaspoon of salt to a bowl of warm water and set aside. You may use saline solution instead of salt water.


    Connect the copper paddles, wrist bands and foot pads to the main unit. The wrist bands and foot pads are optional. Do not plug them in if you are not going to use them.


    Dip paper towels in the salt water and wrap around the metal plates of the copper paddles, wrist bands and foot pads. This will aid in electrical conductivity.


    Attach wrist bands to hands and adjust to preferred tightness. If not using the wrist bands, hold snugly to the copper paddles. Note which color wire, red or green, is in which hand. You will switch them for the next session.


    Select which frequency you would like and turn the unit on. The unit will emit electrical pulses into your body. Allow this to run for at least 7 to 14 minutes.


    Once done with the first session, turn off the unit and put down the paddles. Wait 20 minutes, then begin another session. If you held the paddle with the red wire in the left hand the first session, make sure to hold it in the right for the second session.


    Repeat again for a total of three sessions. When you are done, turn the machine off, disconnect the battery and put the unit away.

Liquid Paraffin Uses

Liquid Paraffin Uses

Liquid paraffin comes in two forms that should not be confused with each other. They each have many uses in multiple fields and industries. One form of liquid paraffin is a highly refined form of kerosene, which is used as fuel. The other is a very highly refined mineral oil that has various uses, such as in cosmetic and medicinal applications.

Liquid Paraffin Fuel

    One of the primary uses of liquid paraffin is fuel. Liquid paraffin is a highly distilled and refined form of kerosene that can be burned in lamps and other devices. The fuel produces no soot and no odor when burned, which makes it a more attractive fuel option than unrefined kerosene.

Industrial and Textile Uses

    Liquid paraffin is mainly used as a lubricant in various industrial settings. It can be used to lubricate blades that cut paper and in mechanical mixing. It is also a component of many air filters, particularly air filters that function underwater. It can be used as a hydraulic fluid in machinery.

    The uses of liquid paraffin in the textile industry mostly involve lubrication. Liquid paraffin is an oil component used for spinning, weaving and meshing materials. Sewing machine lubrication typically contains liquid paraffin also.

    Liquid paraffin can used to clean your hands after working with abrasive materials like cement.

Medicinal and Cosmetic Uses

    Liquid paraffin has many uses in the medical field. Because liquid paraffin passes through the body's intestinal tract without being absorbed, it can be used as a laxative to limit the amount of water removed from the stool and ease constipation. It is used in the penicillin production process and is also used in some eye lubricants. Liquid paraffin can be used to ease diaper rash and eczema irritation.

    The cosmetic industry also makes good use of liquid paraffin. The substance is used in various beauty products, including detergent creams, cold creams, hydrated creams, bronzed oils and makeup products. It can also be used as an emollient lotion to treat dry skin.

Other Uses

    Liquid paraffin is highly useful in many other fields. For example, it is an ingredient in many agricultural insecticides. Liquid paraffin is a component in the manufacture and containment of reactive gases like sulfur dioxide and chlorine. It is often used in infrared spectroscopy. It can be applied to baking tins to make removing cooked food easier. It is also used to make many food items like apples appear shiny for a centerpiece display.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

How to Cool Down First- or Second-Degree Burns

How to Cool Down First- or Second-Degree Burns

First-degree burns damage the outer layer of skin, leaving a red and painful area at the burn site. Second-degree burns harm both the outer and inner skin layers. These painful burns can include swelling and oozing blisters. Third-degree burns, characterized by charred skin that turns white or creamy in color, need a physician's care. You can treat most first- and second-degree burns at home.



    Rinse the burned area with cold water for 15 to 30 minutes until the pain subsides. If clothing is stuck to the burned area, run cold water directly over the clothing and see a doctor to remove the material. Before flushing a chemical burn, read the label of the product that caused the burn, as water can make some chemical burns worse.


    Take an over-the-counter pain reliever like aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen or acetaminophen.


    Cool down the burn with a room fan if the pain remains after the first 30 minutes of applying cold water and taking an over-the-counter pain reliever. Aim the fan directly at the damaged area of your skin.


    Wash any blisters that pop open on their own with soap and water and apply an antibiotic ointment.


    Cleanse the burned skin gently with soap and water or a Betadine solution once per day after 24 hours elapses to help the injured skin heal. Keep the area covered with dry, clean gauze between washings. Do not use adhesive-type bandages.


    Apply an over-the-counter sunburn cooling spray like Solarcaine to treat burns resulting from too much sun.

    Refrigerate aloe leaf for more cooling pain relief.
    Refrigerate aloe leaf for more cooling pain relief.

    Apply an over-the-counter lotion containing aloe, or even better, break off a leaf of the aloe plant and peel back the outer leaf layer, rubbing the gel-like sap on the injury. Place the unused portion of the aloe leaf in a plastic bag and put in the refrigerator to repeat as needed.


    Smear on an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment containing polymyxin B sulfate or bacitracin ingredients. This will ward off infections and speed up the healing process.


    Break open a Vitamin E capsule, as the damaged skin is starting to heal, and drip the oil over the burned area. This will help prevent scarring.

Uses for Epsom

Uses for Epsom

Epsom salt -- discovered in Epsom, England, during the 15th century -- is a naturally occurring mineral compound of magnesium, sulfur and oxygen, chemically known as magnesium sulfate. Magnesium, an electrolyte, proves vital to proper cellular function within the body, while sulfate plays a role in flushing out toxins. An inexpensive, versatile product found in both powder and crystal form at most supermarkets and drugstores, Epsom salt has multiple household and personal uses.


    According to the Epsom Salt Council, bathing with Epsom salt is an effective way to make magnesium available to the body while easing stress, relaxing muscles and fading bruises. Bathing with the salt soothes and relieves the itching and lesions of genital herpes and shingles, reports the Herpes-Coldsores Support Network, and compresses with Epsom salt reduce swelling from insect bites and stings. Some people take it orally, for use as a laxative, while others treat chronic problems such as athlete's foot, toenail fungus or gout with consistent and sustained soaking.


    In its crystal form, Epsom salt serves as an exfoliant, reports, and adds body to hair when mixed with warm hair conditioner. Natural Cosmetic News states that Epsom salt absorbs excess oil from hair when used with oily hair shampoo, and treats acne or blemishes on normal, oily or dry skin via a homemade facial mask.

Home and Garden

    For magnesium-deficient soil, the Epsom Salt Council recommends using the salt as an organic fertilizer, as magnesium proves essential to the chlorophyll production that transforms sunlight into nutrients. You can apply it directly to soil or use it as a spray for peppers, tomatoes, roses, houseplants, shrubs, trees and lawns. Sprinkled around plants, it deters slugs and snails. Around the house, the EcoHabits website suggests mixing salt with dish detergent to make a bathroom tile scrub.

Use Safely

    Consumers should check with their doctor before ingesting Epsom salt, as it can negatively interact with some prescription drugs, mineral and herbal supplements and over-the-counter medications. Also, its effects on the fetus and nursing infants are unknown. cautions against using Epsom salt as an enema, as it can result in fatal magnesium toxicity.

Bio Alternatives for Oil of Oregano

Bio Alternatives for Oil of Oregano

Oil of oregano is a natural substance that is extracted from oregano plants. Oil of oregano has two key compounds--carvacrol and thymol; the concentration of these elements determine the oil's effectiveness. The concentration of the active ingredient carvacrol needs to be at least 70 percent. Research published in the International Journal of Food Microbiology found that oil of oregano has antimicrobial, antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties.


    Oil of oregano is available in liquid and capsule form. If applied topically to ease itch, infection or tooth or gum pain, the solution should be diluted. Highly concentrated amounts of oil of oregano can be mixed with olive oil or coconut oil before application. The capsule can be digested as part of a vitamin or supplement routine to achieve its benefits.

Benefits and Uses

    Oil of oregano has a plethora of benefits attributed to it. It can be used to heal skin injections, and a few drops can be mixed with water to help aid digestion and reduce stomach upsets. In addition, oil of oregano has been shown to strengthening the immune system, increase joint and muscle flexibility and even improve respiratory health. Since the properties in oil of oregano are similar to pharmaceutical antibiotics such as penicillin, it may even be incorporated in antibiotics. Steven Foster, author of "Herbal Renaissance," states that oil of oregano does not promote the development of drug resistant strains. In addition, Cass Ingram, D.O., researcher and author, wrote that when mixed with certain foods, oil of oregano "will greatly halt the growth of microbes and, thus, reduce the risk for food poisoning."


    Ancient Greeks recognized the many health benefits that were derived from oil of oregano. They used the oil for its health benefits and medicinal qualities. The Greeks also used oil of oregano to reduce pain and inflammation, and to fight off infections.


    Oil of oregano can be purchased at local health stores that sell vitamins, supplements and alternative medicines. It also can be purchased over the internet at many sites. It is always important to check that the percentage of the active ingredient carvacrol is greater than 70 percent. Anything less than 70 percent renders the oil ineffective. Ensure that you read the directions before use to prevent irritation.

Management Relaxation Techniques

Management Relaxation Techniques

Stress in small amounts is beneficial for human performance. It can give you more energy and alertness, notes Problems arise when there is an accumulation of stress. When this happens, it is imperative that you learn how to manage stress in an effective manner. Failing to do so will take a toll on your physical and mental well-being. Incorporate a few simple relaxation techniques to help you feel less tense and more resilient.

Sound of Music

    One great reliever of stress that induces a natural state of relaxation is soothing music. This is because music is processed not only by one section of the brain, but by a combination of different sections. Therefore, because it engages several regions of the brain, it helps you to focus your attention elsewhere. The American Cancer Society reports that music therapy can help reduce hypertension, rapid heartbeat, depression and sleeplessness. Medical experts also believe that music therapy can also aid the healing process, restore mobility and enrich the lives of patients.

Heat Source

    Overly tense muscles in your neck and back will feel relaxed and free of tension when you incorporate the element of heat into your relaxation techniques. Heat helps to surround tight, tense muscles with warmth, which helps to release the tension that resides within these muscles. states that heat benefits the body in numerous ways. It helps with muscle relaxation, decreases pain and stiffness, and allows people to perform daily activities and exercises with greater ease. Whether it's taking a nice hot bubble bath, taking a hot steam shower or jumping in a sauna, the heat will relieve stress and induce relaxation.

Exercise Regularly

    Exercise is a great activity to incorporate into your daily routine because it has numerous physical benefits. However, exercise also has a favorable effect on stress levels and your ability to relax. states that virtually any type of exercise is an excellent stress reliever. Even people who are out of shape can reap the benefits of daily exercise. Exercise pumps up the amount of endorphins produced within the body, making you feel better instantly. It also improves your mood and can help you sleep better.

Talk It Out

    It is very easy to succumb to the ill effects of stress and not having time to indulge in relaxation. An easy way to get things off your chest and feel better instantly is to talk with a friend or loved one. Sometimes, simply talking about your problems allows you to clear your head of any negativity and gives you a chance to get another person's perspective and point of view about a particular matter. It also helps by simply having someone there who will listen to you.

Visualization Exercises

    Picture yourself in a peaceful environment, filled with beautiful scenery. suggests taking a mental visual journey, which induces a state of relaxation. Focus your attention on all of your main senses, such as sight, sound, smell and touch. If you feel at peace while being at the ocean, this is the visualization to practice when you feel overwhelmed. Participate in this relaxation exercise a few times a week for 20 to 30 minutes in a quiet, dark room, with no interruptions.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Manuka Oil Uses

The use of maunka oil dates back to the indigenous people of New Zealand. Manuka oil has been used to treat everything from urinary complications to skin conditions. Honey is derived from the flower of the manuka tree and sold as oil or honey for aromatherapy, ingestion and topical uses. Manuka oil has properties that make it an excellent anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal agent.

Modern Uses

    Manuka oil has many applications, from household cleaning products to the treatment of skin conditions, such as eczema, acne, dermatitis, oily skin and dandruff. The anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties of manuka oil have proven to be effective in treating cold sores, sunburn, ringworm, abrasions, bed sores, blisters, burns and insect bites, as well as fungal infections, lice and nail infections. As a disinfectant, manuka oil can be used as a household cleaner or added to a load of laundry. The honey-like aroma of the oil also makes it appropriate for use as a perfume.

Traditional Uses

    The natives of New Zealand found many uses for manuka. The leaves of the manuka tree were used to make a tonic for treating urinary complications. Manuka also was used to reduce fevers. Leaves were added to boiling water and the steam was inhaled to break up head colds and chest congestion. The leaves and bark used to create a decoction that was heated for topical use on aching joints and muscles. The bark also was chewed as a natural relaxant to enhance sleep.


    Manuka oil has been long used for medicinal properties, but its aromatherapy uses are a relatively recent discovery. Users report a sense of well-being and relaxation when they inhale the vapors from manuka oil. As aromatherapy oil, manuka can also reduce feelings of anger, stress and nervousness.

Manuka Honey

    Manuka honey has been shown to treat antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria such as MRSA as well as treating staph infections. Manuka honey as a topical remedy assists the healing process by providing a moisture-rich environment for enhanced tissue growth and the reduction of pain and cell damage. Manuka honey will maintain its potency even when exposed to heat or diluted.

How to Extract Oil From Grape Seeds

How to Extract Oil From Grape Seeds

Grape seed oil is often substituted for olive oil in cooking. Cooks like using it because it has a high smoke point and tastes slightly nutty. Grape seed oil's moisturizing and antioxidant properties also make it a popular ingredient in skin creams and lotions. People have been producing grape seed oil for thousands of years, although some methods for extracting the oil are no longer used today. Using an oil extractor is among the most convenient ways to do the task these days.



    Remove seeds from the grape pomace, left over from juicing. Grape pomace consists of grape skins, seeds and stems.


    Clean the seeds thoroughly. Debri may affect the quality of the oil and damage your oil extractor. Sort out large pieces of debri and run water through the seeds.


    Lay the seeds on a cloth to dry.


    Test the seeds' moisture level. Use a hand-held moisture tester to ensure that the moisture level does not exceed 10%. Damp seeds produce very little oil.


    Plug in the oil extractor and turn it on.


    Feed the seeds into the oil extractor chute. A metal auger will crush the seeds at a slow speed and the oil will flow into the collection jug.


    Pour the oil from the collection jug into oil-storing bottles. Seal them tightly with a cork or a screw cap.


    Store the bottles in a cool, dark place to keep light and heat from affecting the oil's quality and shelf life.

The Effects of Drinking Alcohol in Cold Environments

The Effects of Drinking Alcohol in Cold Environments

Some of us have been there, sitting in the bleachers at a football game with the weather particularly brisk, and we throw back a couple of beers; the perfect remedy for the cold. Or we come in from a cold snowy day and warm up with a nice hot toddy. This "warming up" is, in actuality, just an illusion. The fact is, there are many hazards associated with drinking alcohol in cold weather, both physical and physiological.

Physical Effects of Alcohol on the Body

    In the cold, the body will constrict blood vessels in the extremities in order to preserve heat in its core for vital organs. Alcohol consumption causes the blood vessels to dilate, giving the illusion that it is providing warmth. In actuality, the blood vessel dilation in the skin takes heat from the body's core and causes the body temperature to decrease. If exposed to the cold, this makes the body more susceptible to hypothermia.

Physiological Effects of Alcohol Consumption

    The illusion of warmth bought about by alcohol consumption can cause impaired judgment. An intoxicated person is more likely to go out into the cold without suitable outerwear, exacerbating their chances for hypothermia. Combined with the compromised motor and analytical skills that accompany intoxication, the dangers in cold weather are furthermore compounded. Intoxicated individuals also are more likely to fall; in the cold, this can lead to a more dangerous situation.

Teen Drinking

    When teenagers drink, they generally drink to excess. In cold weather, this makes teenagers more vulnerable, especially in light of the fact that their analytical skills are not fully developed. Consequently, they are more likely to make choices that can, and sometimes do, prove to be fatal.

Warming Up Safely

    When the body warms up too quickly, the blood vessels in the extremities dilate, causing the blood pressure to fall. When intoxicated, this effect is exacerbated, and can be potentially fatal. With extremely low pressure, there is too little blood for the heart to pump and, if this continues for several pumps, the result is heart failure.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Making Your Own Colloidal Silver Using a Silver Dollar

Making Your Own Colloidal Silver Using a Silver Dollar

Colloidal silver been used for hundreds of years to treat various infections and viruses in the body. During the Middle Ages, only the upper class used silverware to eat, which was attributed to their superior health. Currently, colloidal silver can be made using pure silver and distilled water. A silver dollar should only be used in making colloidal silver if it is .999% silver. Anything below .999% can become toxic, as it contains other metals instead of silver.



    Wash two silver dollars in warm, soapy water to remove any dirt or oils from the dollar. Rinse under water and dry them using a clean paper towel.


    Wash and dry, a mason jar or measuring cup made of glass. Ensure the mason jar is dry by placing it in the microwave for approximately 10 seconds.


    Purchase a 24V incandescent bulb connector which can be found at your local electronics store. Four wires having a negative and positive terminal should be attached. Solder, alligator clips which can also be found at your electronics store to the end of each red and black wires attached to the bulb. The alligator clips will hold the silver dollars, while they are submerged in water and the other alligator clips will connect to the 9V batteries.


    Connect the 4 9V batteries by connecting the positive and negative terminals of each battery. Leaving one terminal on each side of the battery available and not connected to a battery.


    Clip one alligator clip to one available terminal of the 9V battery and clip the other alligator clip to the additional terminal of the 9V battery.


    Connect the other two alligator clips to your two silver dollars and submerged the dollars in a glass filled with distilled water. Only half of the silver dollars should be submerged in the water. Ensure both silver dollars do not touch. Keep the silver dollars in the water for 5 minutes.

How to Process Kava Kava

Kava Kava can be processed from its original root form into a drink that will ease the mind as well as the body. Although it is possible to merely extract the Kavalactones with cold water or milk, grinding the root beforehand can help assist the extraction process. Kava Kava has been highly regarded for its natural stress relief properties, ever since its first use by natives of the South Pacific. Now is the time to learn how to get the most out of this amazing plant.



    Place two teaspoons of Kava Kava root into the electric grinder, then grind the plant material until it becomes very fine. Keep grinding it until it becomes a powdered substance. The finer the grind, the better the results of the extraction.


    Fill the drinking glass 3/4 full of your choice of organic milk or cold water. Just about any milk will work, such as goat, cow and even coconut. Make sure that the liquid is not hot, for the heat will destroy the grounded root's Kavaloactones.


    Pour the grounded root contents of the electric grinder into the glass of milk or cold water, then stir it with the spoon. Continue to stir the liquid until it becomes murky, almost yellow in color. The mixture should now be muddy in appearance.


    Hold the straining bag over the second drinking glass, then pour the liquid from the first glass into the straining bag. Squeeze the straining bag tightly to remove any of the Kavalactones that are left in the plant material. You are now ready to embark on your first Kava Kava extraction drinking experience.

Medicinal Properties of Honey & Cinnamon

Medicinal Properties of Honey & Cinnamon

Honey and cinnamon are natural ingredients people use primarily for cooking. Besides the culinary purposes honey and cinnamon have, there are a variety of medicinal uses for each. Knowing the medicinal uses for honey and cinnamon may come in handy if you need to use one or the other in a pinch.

Honey Heals Wounds

    Honey can be used topically when treating a wound. The reason honey is effective when treating wounds is because it has natural, antibacterial properties. It can prevent infection and speed up the healing process. Honey prevents bacteria growth and promotes healing because it isn't acidic and has a low pH level.

Honey for Allergies

    Honey may also help reduce the symptoms associated with seasonal allergies. If you consume local honey about one month before and during allergy season it may help reduce the histamine response in your body. Local honey contains trace amounts of the pollen from natural elements around you. When you consume the honey you are slowly developing immunity toward those elements.

Honey for Healthy Skin

    Honey is often used as an astringent or facial mask. People use honey on their skin because it softens and moisturizers. It is a humectant helping skin retain moisture as well as attracting more moisture. Honey is also a natural antiseptic helping clear up acne prone skin. For these reasons, many companies use honey in soap, bubble baths, cleansers, creams, shampoos and conditioners.

Cinnamon Helps Blood Sugar

    When taken twice daily, cinnamon may help patients with Type II diabetes. Less than 1/4 tsp. of cinnamon twice daily may help lower blood sugar, triglycerides and both LDL and total cholesterol levels. Cinnamon is believed to improve the efficiency of insulin in the body, the hormone responsible for transporting glucose to cells in the body.

Cinnamon for Inflammation

    Cinnamon is often used to alleviate the pain of arthritis because it has anti-inflammatory properties. Cinnamaldehyde is thought to inhibit nitric oxide production, believed to be a factor in inflammatory conditions. According to, it may also help inhibit the production of cyclooxygenase-2 catalyzed prostaglandin E2 biosynthesis, which also affect inflammatory conditions.

Cinnamon for Infections

    Cinnamon can kill bacteria, fungi and even some insects, making it suitable for use against certain infections. It is an antimicrobial that inhibits the growth of certain bacteria including many food-borne illnesses. Cinnamon can also help clear yeast infections caused by Candida. In fact, many cultures have used cinnamon for centuries as a stomach tonic to ease nausea, diarrhea and constipation.

Contraindications for L-Theanine

Contraindications for L-Theanine

L-Theanine is a dietary supplement that is FDA approved. It is also sometimes called Suntheanine. Like most dietary supplements, L-Theanine has a few contraindications that you need to discuss with a physician before taking it. This natural derivative is purported to have positive health benefits, from relieving anxiety to preventing more major health problems such as tumors.


    The tea plant is native to Eastern Asia.
    The tea plant is native to Eastern Asia.

    L-Theanine is a chemical derived from the tea plant and from a type of mushroom. It is a popular product in the alternative health world; it's prized for its ability to relieve stress without causing drowsiness. L-Theanine has also been shown to improve mental concentration when combined with caffeine, and preliminary research show that this natural drug has properties that may prevent obesity and tumors.


    Research is being conducted on the uses for L-Theanine.
    Research is being conducted on the uses for L-Theanine.

    Although research has not been conducted on every possible contraindication of L-Theanine, studies are being made on its uses. Usually, with drugs and herbs, the benefits are studied first, and then the contraindications. Now that more doctors know of L-Theanine's uses and possible uses, they can judge, on a case-by-case basis, if would be advisable for their patients to take it, and if it may interact negatively with other drugs that have similar effects.

Sensitivity or Pregnancy

    You should probably not take L-Theanine if you are pregnant.
    You should probably not take L-Theanine if you are pregnant.

    Since L-Theanine is sold as a dietary supplement, doctors and pharmacists don't have cut-and-dry contraindications on it as they do on prescription drugs and over-the-counter medicines. Yet, if you've experienced hypersensitivity to green tea or are pregnant or lactating, your doctor will probably advise you not to take L-Theanine. Medical professionals can also access online medical libraries, such as Merck Manuals, to find out about dietary supplements/herbs and their possible contraindications. Always check with your doctor or pharmacist if you're thinking of starting a new supplement.

Drug Contraindications

    Tell your doctor if you are considering taking L-Theanine.
    Tell your doctor if you are considering taking L-Theanine.

    The more serious contraindications of L-Theanine lie in its potential to interact negatively with other drugs a person may be taking. You should always consult your doctor before starting a new dietary supplement such as this. This is especially important for those on prescriptions such as sedatives, lipid-lowering drugs, or chemotherapy drugs. Although L-Theanine has been found to be a possible benefactor in lowering lipids and in chemotherapy, it is for this very reason that it may be inadvisable, since it can have unknown effects on treatments which are already in place.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Uses of Squalene

Uses of Squalene

Squalene is an organic substance found in animals, plants and humans. The oil form of squalene is commonly extracted from fish oil, specifically shark liver oil, to be used in health supplements, cosmetics, foods and non-prescription medications. Squalene oil is rich in alkyglycerols, chemical compounds found in human bone marrow, and breast milk which may possess cancer-fighting properties.

Cancer Treatment

    The American Cancer Society notes squalene oil has been shown to slow the growth of cancerous tumor blood vessels, suggesting it may help treat cancer as a standalone product or in conjunction with chemotherapy. The substance may reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatment due to its ability to shield cell membranes. Research indicates squalene can protect normal bone marrow cells from the negative side effects of various chemotherapy treatments, while letting the drugs continue to affect cancer cells. Although squalene oil has been purported to possess cancer-fighting potential, more data from clinical trials is needed to verify these claims.

Heart Health

    The oil has been used to treat conditions related to the heart and blood system, lowering triglyceride levels and blood pressure. Squalene oil has been linked to preventing heart disease and stroke, according to a Medline plus study. Taking excessive doses of squalene carries risks such as increased bleeding, and can actually elevate the risk of stroke.


    The liquid form of squalene forms an emulsion used in vaccines to enhance the response of the immune system. According to the World Health Organization, the influenza vaccine FLUAD, which possesses 10 grams of squalene per dose, is approved in multiple European countries. The substance is being used in experimental vaccines which help treat malaria and the pandemic flu.


    Squalene has been linked to digestive problems like diarrhea, upset stomach and nausea. The oil also raised blood cholesterol levels in animal studies and might possess harmful polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, which can increase the risk of some types of cancer in humans. If you have seafood allergies, avoid taking shark liver oil, as it might cause discomfort.

How to Dissolve a Wood Splinter

How to Dissolve a Wood Splinter

Wood splinters are painful and can cause infection, if left unattended. If the splinter is too deep for removal with nails or a pair of tweezers, there is no need to enlarge the wound by digging it out with a needle. Instead, dissolve it under the skin. This is an especially useful technique for children, as it reduces the trauma of removing splinters. There are a number of ways to remove a splinter using natural remedies.



    Cut a piece of banana skin that is big enough to cover the wound. Place the inside of the banana skin on the splinter and bandage it overnight. Enzymes in the banana peel help dissolve the splinter under the skin. Remove the bandage in the morning and discard the skin.


    Make a poultice to draw the splinter out and dissolve it. Mix enough water, with a teaspoon of baking soda, to make a paste. Smear the paste over the affected area and seal it with a bandage or medical tape. Remove the bandage after a few hours to see if the splinter is out. If so, clean the area with a disinfectant. If not, leave the poultice on for another couple of hours. The baking soda causes the skin to swell, which dislodges the splinter and moves it to the surface of the skin.


    Slice an onion or a tomato and apply it to the splinter. Cover it with a bandage or medical tape. Enzymes in both onions and tomatoes work to dissolve the splinter. Remove the bandage, to check the progress and reapply, if the splinter has not completely dissolved.

Cordyceps in Humans

Cordyceps in Humans

Mushrooms have a long history of use for medicinal purposes in traditional Chinese medicine. One such fungus, cordyceps, has long been prized as a tonic purported to increase strength, endurance, mental acuity and physical energy. It naturally grows on caterpillar larvae but is now specially cultivated to produce supplements.

Energy and Physical Peformance

    Cordyceps is probably best known for its ability to improve physical stamina, energy and endurance, making it a popular supplement for athletes. WebMD notes that research has shown positive results for increasing exercise capacity and endurance in elite athletes and older adults who exercise. A study presented at the 2004 Experimental Biology Conference was the first to look at the effects of this supplement in sedentary adults. Compared to the placebo group, those using a cordyceps supplement experienced an increase in oxygen uptake during exercise, improved endurance and even experienced a small reduction in body weight. Alternative medicine expert Dr. Andrew Weil also recommends it for combating general fatigue and weakness.

Other Purported Uses

    Its general strengthening properties have also made cordyceps popular for improving cognitive function, increasing sexual performance and promoting longevity. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center notes this mushroom has a history as a treatment for bronchitis and other breathing disorders and indicates research supports these suggested uses. It also has been recommended as a treatment for cough, hepatitis and high cholesterol and for strengthening the immune system. MSKCC reports cordyceps stimulates the production of a variety of immune system cells such as T-helper cells and natural killer cells and has exhibited anti-tumor activity.

Suggested Usage

    Weil recommends taking one to two capsules daily for improved athletic performance, sexual enhancement or fatigue. For general health, he recommends one or two capsules weekly. The supplement should not be given to children.

Considerations for Use

    No known interactions exist between cordyceps and other supplements or drugs. MSKCC reports cordyceps has demonstrated blood-sugar lowering properties; therefore, taking it at the same time as insulin or other drugs to lower blood sugar could cause hypoglycemia. Animal studies indicate cordyceps stimulates the production of testosterone, making it potentially problematic if you have prostate cancer or an increased risk for this type of cancer.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Bach Flower Therapy & Remedies

Bach Flower Therapy & Remedies

Bach flower essences is an alternative medicine. The Bach system of healing is therapeutic in that it incorporates flower essences with other dilutions to promote physical and emotional balance. Dr. Edward Bach founded Bach Flower Therapy as he saw the need arise in his patients. Bach believes the right combination of flowers will benefit the patient both physically and emotionally. Bach remedies are homeopathic; Bach essences contain 22% alcohol, listed as brandy in the ingredients.

12 Healers

    The sun is a natural dehydrator.
    The sun is a natural dehydrator.

    12 Healers is a Bach essences product containing agrimony, centaury, cerato, chicory, clematis, impatiens, mimulus, rock rose, scleranthus, vervain and water violet. The sun method captures essences from flowers that bloom in late spring and throughout the summer. The sun is most powerful during these seasons. Harvesters capture the essences of the flowers onsite. Harvesters also cut the head of the blooming flower off the stem below the calyx. The flower head sits in a jar of water for three hours in full sunshine, then it's removed and the water filtered. Mother tincture is the name of the filtered water. Mixing brandy with the mother tincture in equal amounts creates the essences.

7 Helpers

    Boiling water extras nutrients from flower heads.
    Boiling water extras nutrients from flower heads.

    The 7 Helpers include gorse, heather, oak, olive, rock water, vine and wild oat essences. The boiling method extracts the essences from these flowers. The boiling method is effective early in the year before too much sunshine takes over the day. At 9 a.m. harvesters go out selecting flowering sprays and leaves, placing them in a glass vessel. The mixture is 10 parts water to 1 part plant material. The water and plant rapidly boils for 30 minutes then workers let it stand to cool. After cooling, they let the water filter into glass decanters. The mother tincture created through the boiling method becomes a remedy after mixing with equal amounts of brandy, shaken and stored in a cool dry area.

2nd and 19

    The 2nd and 19 remedy includes aspen, beech, cherry plum, chestnut bud, cab apple, elm, holly, honeysuckle, hornbeam, larch, mustard, pine, red chestnut, star of Bethlehem, sweet chestnut, walnut, white chestnut, wild rose and willow. People choosing Bach essences often do so intuitively. Vibrational remedies like the 2nd and 19 are combinational methods of healing focusing on both the physical and the emotional pains of the person. Intuition is an inner knowing of what you need physically and emotionally to regain balance in your life.

First Aid

    First Aid is a healing essence including five flowers: cherry plum (fear of losing control), clematis (inattention), impatiens (impatience), rock rose (panic) and Star of Bethlehem (shock). The First Aid remedy reduces stress and anxiety of everyday life. The goal is to reduce tension and maintain mental balance. Both the Sun and Boiled Methods create the mother tincture for the First Aid remedy. The name can be confusing since it is not an immediate remedy, but a lifelong journey of healing and recovery.