Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Lime Juice to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are thin scars that range in color from purple to white and usually appear during pregnancy, adolescent growth spurts and sudden weight gain. Although there is no scientific evidence to support the use of lime juice to get rid of stretch marks, lime juice is considered one of the home remedies for stretch marks.


    Because lime juice has some natural bleaching properties, lime juice may be able to fade the color of the stretch marks. Stretch marks usually fade over time, but lime juice may speed the process.


    Always dilute lime juice with water when using lime juice to get rid of stretch marks. Home remedies for stretch marks that include lime juice may also include aloe vera, dandelion, hydrogen peroxide, oatmeal or rosehips.

Time Frame

    Applying a diluted mixture of lime juice to dark stretch marks for several weeks may help lighten stretch marks more quickly.


    According to the Texas Medical Center, applying lime juice to your skin can cause discoloration and rash when skin is also in contact with sunlight.


    There are other home remedies for stretch marks that may be more effective than using lime juice to get rid of stretch marks. Other home remedies for stretch marks include apricot scrub, Vitamin E oil and shea butter.

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