Tuesday, November 15, 2016

How to Choose Diuretic Herbs for Home Remedies

How to Choose Diuretic Herbs for Home Remedies

Water retention in the body is an abnormal condition, caused by premenstrual syndrome, high blood pressure, circulatory problems and other underlying medical problems. Medically, it is referred to as edema. Edema in itself does cause discomfort and swelling. Duiretics are substances that help increase the flow of fluid from the body. Below are some herbs can that can help to remove liquid from the body.



    Use dandelion as a natural diuretic. Dandelion is used in herbal medicine as a general health tonic, and is considered to be a natural diuretic. Its diuretic action aids the elimination of fluid and toxins from the system via the urine.


    Prevent water retention with lemon. Lemon is not only a diuretic, but can also help with other urinary problems, such as urinary tract infections and high levels of uric acid.


    Increase urine production with linden herb. The diuretic substance in Linden is found in the flower of the plant.


    Detox the body with stinging nettle. Stinging Nettle is often used as a "detox," a method of cleaning the body of toxins. Its diuretic action makes nettle very useful in this process. Like lemon it has many benefits for the urinary system.


    Prepare yarrow herbal remedies. Yarrow is an herb that has action on many processes in the body. Its diuretic properties make it useful in the treatment of high blood pressure and improving circulation.

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