Thursday, June 30, 2016

How to Control a Nose Bleed

Nose bleeds can happen for many different reasons. Most of the reasons aren't that serious, and 10 minutes will effectively cure the bleeding. If you follow the common procedure for stopping a nose bleed, and the nose is still bleeding, you might have to seek medical help. If your nose is bleeding because of a head injury, it's best to call 911 immediately.



    Lean your head forward. This will help the blood come out of the nostrils. If you lean back, the blood will likely go down your throat or into your stomach.


    Pinch your nostrils together just below the bridge of the nose. You should be pushing the soft part of your nose up against the bone. If you have the proper grip, there should be no bleeding at all. Hold this pinch for five minutes. This is in an attempt to form a blood clot.


    Release your pinch after five minutes. If you're still bleeding, pinch your nose in the same place for 10 minutes. Don't let go until the 10 minutes is up.


    Use the napkin to clean the blood off of your face and wash your hands.

Natural Remedy for Infant Sinus Congestion

Infants can only breathe through the nose for the first few months of life. If there is sinus congestion, it will make feeding and sleep difficult. Congestion is usually because of swelling in the lining membranes of the nose. Reduce the swelling to allow the infant to breathe easier. The American College of Chest Physicians does not advise the use of over-the-counter decongestants and other cold medications for children 14 years and younger. The side effects, which can be extra strong in children, may depress the central nervous system and cause changes in blood pressure, deep sleep and drowsiness.

Steam and Heat

    To relieve sinus congestion in young children, you need to reduce the swelling and drain any mucous. Give the child plenty of liquids, preferable water but fruit juices are also good, to lubricate the mucous membranes. Keep the room warm and humid. A vaporizer is the best or a pan of boiling water near the child, but not close enough to touch. It will keep the room humid and allow the sinuses to open.

Natural Antibiotic

    Colloidal silver, a natural antibiotic that comes in sinus spray, is effective for sinus infections in infants and children. Herbal teas and herbal nasal sprays will reduce the swelling in the sinuses. Vitamins build the immune system to fight infection that causes sinus congestion. Vitamins C and B-complex and zinc will help the body fight a sinus infection. Give the correct dose for the age of the child.

Eliminate Allergens

    Make sure your child is not near cigarette smoke, pets or too much dust that can cause the sinuses to congest. If the congestion lasts for several days, check the food intake for allergens. If the child is old enough, reduce or dilute dairy intake to thin the nasal secretions. Breast milk is always good as long as the child is hydrated. If he becomes dehydrated, water or fruit juices are better at first.


    For sinus congestion, steep 1 tbsp. of feverfew, 1/2 lemon cut up, 1 tsp. of fenugreek seeds and 1 tsp. of thyme leaves in 1 1/2 cups of water for 30 minutes. Strain the herbs from the liquid. Make sure you remove all the lemon seeds. Simmer the remaining liquid down to 1 cup of liquid, and then add 2 cups of honey and 2 tbsp. of vegetable glycerin. Let it cool and put it in a jar with a lid and store in the refrigerator. It will keep for two months in the refrigerator. For a child less than two years, leave out the honey because there is a microorganism in honey that can make infants ill. Use brown rice syrup, barley and organic fruit syrups as substitutions. Give 1 tsp. every 4 hours for a child of 50 pounds or under.

How to Clove Herbal Tea as a Home Remedy

How to Clove Herbal Tea as a Home Remedy

Clove herbal tea offers a number of medicinal benefits. Cloves have long been prized in ancient cultures for their medicinal properties. Today, clove is among herbal teas that are claimed to have health benefits as well as good taste. When combined with cinnamon, or cinnamon and ginger, additional health benefits are achieved.



    Treat vaginal yeast fungal infections with clove herbal tea as a douche. Clove tea is considered to be a great natural remedy for the fungus candida. Clove tea has natural anti-fungal properties. Oleoresin appears to be the active ingredient in cloves that combats fungal bacteria.


    Drink clove tea as a digestive aid. Today clove tea is sometimes consumed to sooth the digestive tract and ease diarrhea. Chinese and other Asian countries have long drank clove tea to cure and to eliminate both heartburn and gas in the intestine. The active ingredient, eugenol, is also useful in preventing diarrhea contracted by persons traveling in foreign countries.


    Combine clove herbal tea with ginger and cinnamon tea as an aphrodisiac home remedy. In the west, as well as in India and China, clove tea is considered to be stimulating and has become famous as an aphrodisiac.


    Swish some clove herbal tea as a natural mouth wash to maintain dental health. It is said that adding a clove to a cup of tea can relieve a toothache. Compounds in cloves have also been shown to decrease plaque formation and soothe the gums.


    Sip on clove tea to slow down the aging process. Asian cultures have long considered clove tea to be the secret of long life. This is attributed to anti-oxidant powers of clove tea, which protect against diseases of the elderly. Activation of metabolism to maintain overall health is another reason that clove tea is believed to prolong life.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

How to Make an Apple Cider Vinegar Cystitis Treatment

Apple Cider Vinegar can actually help to cure Cystitis. Apple Cider Vinegar can help with all forms of cystitis, but works best on cystitis caused by bacteria. Apple Cider Vinegar helps flush out the system, and helps to kill the bacteria that has caused cystitis. I suggest using this Apple Cider Vinegar treatment along with any medication you have been prescribed to help treat your Cystitis.



    Pour the tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar into the 6 ounces of unsweetened apple juice. Do not substitute with regular apple cider vinegar, or sweetened apple juice. You can use the apple cider vinegar in water, but the apple juice helps to disguise the taste making it easier to drink.


    Stir the mixture gently, then drink the entire glass.


    Drink this mixture 3 times per day. I suggest spreading it out evenly throughout the day, drinking it with the 3 main meals of the day. Continue doing this daily until your cystitis has cleared up, or you can repeat this daily for general care.

How to Use Quince as a Natural Home Remedy

How to Use Quince as a Natural Home Remedy

Quince is an edible fruit that offers a number of benefits as a home remedy. The quince name itself comes from the French, where it is known as "coing," adapted to "quince" by the British. Quince belong to the pome fruit family and are distant relatives of apples and pears. Quince shines among fruit for its anti-viral and anti-oxidant propeties, as well as it's high vitamin C content. Read on to leanr how to use quinc as a natural home remedy.



    Use quince as a natural source of potassium to boost heart health. The presence of potassium in quince helps lower high blood pressure and consumption of quince is also linked to lower cholesterol. Quince is very low in sodium, cholesterol and saturated fat.


    Prevent the flu by eating quince. Phenolics, substances present in Chinese quince, have strong anti-influenza characteristics. Phenolics protect against influenza because they adhere to the virus and weaken its ability to result in illness.


    Add quince to your diet to increase your intake of vitamin C. Quince is a rich source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is one of the most safe and effective nutrients, and may protect against heart disease, immune system deficiencies, aging of the skin and eye disease.


    Alleviate the symptoms of gastric ulcers. Consumption of quince has been found to be beneficial for people suffering from gastric ulcer. One study showed that phenolics, an active ingredient in quince might have health benefits for the gastrointestinal tract.


    Fight cancer. Quince boasts potent antioxidant properties, which help the body fight against free radicals and reduces the risk of cancer. These antioxidants are the phenolics found in the fruit, which are superior to several other antioxidants.

How to Select Herbs for Home Remedies to Treat a Yeast Fungal Infection

How to Select Herbs for Home Remedies to Treat a Yeast Fungal Infection

A yeast infection is an increasingly common fungal infection. A number of antifungal herbs are used for herbal home remedies to alleviate yeast symptoms. The following herbs have been found to be effective anti-fungal remedies.



    Prepare yeast home remedies with herbs that are rich in berberine and hydrastine, such as goldenseal. berberine and hydrastine are two volatile, anti-fungal ingredients that help slow down the growth of the yeast fungus and eventually destroy it.


    Select anti-fungal herbs such as marigold. Marigold is a flower that is believed to have anti-fungal properties. Its leaves are the source of its medicinal properties against fungus and are often ground and the liquid is extracted for therapeutic use.


    Use herbs such as garlic that contain high levels of allicine. Allicine is a naturally occurring compound in some plants, and serves as a strong anti-fungal agent.


    Incorporate tea tree oil: Tea tree oil has many medicinal uses. Among them is the ability to treat yeast infection. One example is the common yeast infection candida.


    Consider traditional favorites such as lavender. In addition to its potent anti-fungal properties, lavender is a popular herb for yeast home remedies because of its pleasant scent.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Home Cures for Tendonitis

Tennis elbow, one of the most common forms of tendonitis, consists of an inflammation in the fibers that connect muscles to bones. To try your hand at mixing up some relief, try one or more simple home cures for tendonitis, from simple rest to a warm bath or cooling.

Stop and Rest

    Simply stop the activity that causes the pain, and rest for a minimum of three weeks to heal the tendonitis. Brace the affected area, wear a sling (for the wrist, elbow or shoulder) or a brace on the knee or ankle.

A Whirlpool Bath

    Soak in a warm bath or take a whirlpool bath to warm the sore tendons, decrease the soreness and boost the blood flow to the affected area.

The Ballerina Treatment

    For a multilayer treatment---especially for tendonitis of the knee---put a moist, warm towel around the sore area, cover it with a plastic bag, wrap a heating pad around it and then put an elastic band of some sort around everything. Leave it in place between two and six hours. Elevate the affected area above your heart, and keep the heating pad set to low to avoid a burn.

Use Ice

    To help diminish pain and swelling associated with tendonitis, ice the area. Too much cooling of the body causes the blood vessels to constrict; take care using ice if you suffer from diabetes, heart or vascular problems.

Other Treatments

    Mix 2 tbsp. of cooking oil---sunflower or sesame seed oil, for example---with 1 tbsp. of kerosene or turpentine, and apply it to the affect area as a liniment.

    Alternately, pound several garlic cloves and mix them with some mustard or olive oil, then place the mixture on the area and wrap with a warm poultice or bandage.

    Or take a handful of eucalyptus leaves, crush them and grind them up with some cloves, 10 to 12 mint leaves and some coriander leaf sprigs. Add 1 to 2 tbsp. of warm coconut oil, then apply the mixture to the affected area.

How to Have a Home Birth

Sometimes, using a hospital and a doctor isn't the best option for those individuals who want a more intimate experience when giving birth. Many people don't know that home births can be exciting, fun and even safe. This article explains how you can experience what it is like to give birth to your baby at home.


Getting the house ready


    Start by getting your house ready for the home birth. This means having your bedroom ready for the big moment.


    Buy a plastic bed sheet or bed pad. Place it directly on top of the uncovered mattress.


    Next, purchase some new sheets, or use older soft sheets and place them on top of the plastic-covered mattress.


    Have a large container for water ready on a bedside table. This is used to keep a wash cloth in so that you can place it on your face and neck while in labor.


    Get a bottle of Powerade or Gatorade ready for the big day. Having a sports drink is essential because of the electrolytes in the beverage. Labor is hard work and you are going to need your energy.


    Coordinate with a trained midwife that you trust. Make sure that you and the midwife are on the same page, knowing exactly how you want the birth to go and what position you want to be in when the baby decides to come. Make sure to know when you need to call her to have her come to your house.

Alternative Methods for High BP

More than 50 million Americans suffer from high blood pressure (also called hypertension). Traditional therapies include powerful drugs such as Lasix or Caduet. Alternative methods may be less expensive and have gentler side effects than widely prescribed pharmaceuticals.

Herbal Remedies

    There have not been extensive or conclusive studies concerning herbal methods of treating high blood pressure. You should talk to your doctor before taking any herbs or medicines not prescribed by a qualified physician, especially if you are already taking medications to control high blood pressure.

    Some common herbal remedies for hypertension include: Rauwolfia serpentine (Indian snakeroot), hawthorn, tetrandrine, and ginseng. Some herbs, including licorice, ephedra, and yohimbe, should be specifically avoided because they cause high blood pressure.


    There are several natural supplements that have been successful in lowering high blood pressure. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) works as well as major blood pressure medications but with few, if any, side effects. CoQ10 is available in pill form.

    Omega-3 fatty acids have received much media attention in the last few years because of their potential to reduce mild hypertension. Though the evidence is conflicting on how effective omega-3s are, some patients report success with doses of the supplement. It is available in gel caplet form or as a liquid, and is also found naturally in such foods as fish.

    Amino acids, such as L-arginine and L-taurine, have been evaluated for their effects on high blood pressure. However, tests on these supplements have not been conclusive.

Lifestyle Changes

    In addition to medications, a diet low in saturated fats and sodium (salt) and high in vegetables and complex carbohydrates are key. Relaxation, exercise, and reducing stress have also proved extremely beneficial. Those with high blood pressure have found success with yoga or Tai Chi, an ancient set of movements from China, as well as regular moderate exercise. Acupuncturethe practice of inserting very tiny needles into the skin by a qualified practitionerhas also provided some with relief from high blood pressure.

Emergency Eye Pain Relief

Eye pain can have many causes. For the most common--dust, dirt, dry air, and allergens--you can usually find a home remedy that will eliminate the problem or afford you significant relief. For more persist and serious causes of eye pain, a doctor should be consulted as quickly as possible.

Pain Relief

    Simply blinking, which stimulates the production of tears, may help. Tears flush out common invaders, such as dirt and dust. If blinking doesn't do it, try using your eyelids to push a foreign object out. Gently grab the eyelashes of your top lid and pull them over the bottom lid. This helps your bottom lashes brush the speck off the inside of your upper lid.

    If you're still experiencing discomfort, try using water to flush the foreign object out of your eye. Splash as much water as you can onto your eyes. You could also try artificial tears, which will not only help flush an object out of your eye but also hydrate and refresh your eye once the irritant is gone.

    If your eyes are dry and itchy because of allergies, consider using a cold compress to reduce the itch. Place a wet washcloth or towel over your closed eyes. Leave the wet towel on your eyes for up to 20 minutes.

    Aromatherapy can help with dry eyes. Valerie Ann Worwood, author of "The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy," recommends placing several drops of tea tree oil in a humidifier. This especially works well in an area with a high-powered air conditioning system, such as your office.

    If you have a painful sty on your eye, drain it with a warm compress as soon as you notice it. Put a warm, damp washcloth over your closed eyes for at least five minutes. Continue this four times a day for two weeks, or until the sty is gone.

When to See a Doctor

    If you have acute eye pain, it's possible that something has scratched your cornea. Try keeping your eyes shut for half an hour. If your eye still hurts afteward, is red, or has lost vision, call your doctor immediately.

    If you're experiencing dry eyes, consult your doctor if your eye remains red after frequent use of artificial tears, your vision changes or if you have pus or discharge coming out of your eye.

Monday, June 27, 2016

How to Dilute Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera is a succulent plant, adapted to arid regions that do not get much rainfall. Succulent plants store moisture inside their leaves. The gel-like sap of the Aloe vera can be used for a variety of skin conditions, such as burns and scrapes. If you are growing an Aloe vera in your home, you must be careful to not over water it. Over watering can damage or even kill the plant. Fresh gel from your Aloe vera can easily be diluted into a solution and kept in your refrigerator, ready to use whenever it is needed.


How to Dilute Aloe Vera Gel


    Harvest the gel of six fresh Aloe vera leaves. Each leaf should be at least 6 inches long. Cut it near its base and allow the sap to drain while the leaf stands upright for several minutes, then slit the leaf lengthwise and spoon the gel out of its center.


    Place the harvested gel in a pot and add 4 ounces of distilled water.


    Bring the pot to a soft boil.


    Drop one 500 mg tablet of vitamin C into the liquid and crush it against the inside of the pot with the back of a spoon.


    Puncture one vitamin E gel tab and squeeze the contents into the pot.


    Stir the ingredients.


    Turn the pot off.


    Allow the contents to cool, then place them in a sterilized glass jar. Store the jar in the refrigerator.

What Are the Benefits of Taking CoQ10 for Hypertension?

What Are the Benefits of Taking CoQ10 for Hypertension?

CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10) is a very important part of the group of cells in the body that create energy and are known as mitochondria. The development of ATP is what CoQ10 is involved in. ATP is the energy medium of all bodily functions. Our bodies cannot survive without CoQ10; it is akin to a spark plug in a car's engine. Sometimes, CoQ10 is not developed in healthy amounts in the body which can cause medical complications for the heart. Reasons for low levels of CoQ10 in the body are lack of proper nutrition, defects due to genes or bodily tissues having more needs. Heart disease which includes hypertension (high blood pressure) is an example of tissue needs where more CoQ10 is needed.

CoQ10 Hypertension Studies

    According to Dr. HingHau Tsang of, a research study in which 83 people of both genders and sufferers of systolic hypertension were conducted. These subjects were in a controlled, random and double blind study for duration of 12 weeks. Half of the participants took 50 mg of CoQ10 twice a day. CoQ10 lowered systolic hypertension by 18 mm Hg (millimeters of mercury), according to the outcome of the study. This result rivals blood pressure drugs, lacking negative side effects. Other studies, which were crossover, randomized and open label, found that systolic blood pressure lowered by 11-17 mm Hg, and diastolic pressure lowered by 8-10 mm Hg. Half of the subjects were able to stop using in the least one type of hypertension medication in three out of 12 studies.

CoQ10 Hypertension Benefits

    According to Michael T. Murray, N.D, low levels of CoQ10 have been found in 39 percent of patients suffering with hypertension. Based on these results, it may seem as if the solution lies in an increase of CoQ10 supplements. The intake of CoQ10 provides medical benefits beyond just the correction of a deficiency. CoQ10 is instrumental in improving hypertension by lowering high blood pressure levels in patients, though the effects do not appear in patients after 4-12 weeks of CoQ10 therapy. This is done by the CoQ10 reducing the resistance to blood flow. An average decrease in hypertension patients in both blood pressure categories are about 10 percent. This is due to CoQ10.

Best Form of CoQ10

    The best form of CoQ10 to ingest is the oil version that is found in soft gel containers. These capsules work best when ingested in conjunction with food products. CoQ10 enhanced with vitamin E increases its absorption properties. In addition, this form of CoQ10 will most likely stay in its active structure. CoQ10 is inactive and active in the blood system. If there are low levels of vitamin E in the body in the body, CoQ10 is transformed into its inactive structure. CoQ10 function is increased when there are high levels of vitamin E in the body. Vitamin E behavior is increased by the presence of CoQ10 in the body as well.

CoQ10 Dosage

    The average dose of CoQ10 that is advisable is 50-150 milligrams a day, for effectiveness. But there are some things to consider when trying to figure out the best daily intake amount of CoQ10. A question to ponder is whether CoQ10 blood levels will increase beyond 2.5 micrograms/mL and stay at this level. Utilizing CoQ10 that is not absorbed well will not give this effective blood level as the normal blood standard for CoQ10 is 1 micrograms/mL.

Foods with CoQ10

    Foods do not contain high amounts of CoQ10. Nutritional sources only provide about 3-5 milligrams a day of C0Q10. This amount of CoQ10 intake is not enough to make a significant impact health wise on the blood and tissue in the body. What these amounts lack is made up is the regular intake of CoQ10 supplements. Foods that are known to contain CoQ10 are meats, poultry and seafood.

Home Remedy for Wheezing Asthma

Asthma, a long-term condition, targets the airways in the lungs, which can make it hard to breathe. People with asthma often experience pain or tightening in the chest, and they wheeze as the airways become inflamed and restrict the passage of air. Allergens in the air or in food can trigger asthma, but it can also result from exercise, illness, cold air and pollution. Although asthma treatments commonly utilize bronchodilators and corticosteroids, numerous home remedies can both manage the symptoms and keep asthma attacks at bay.


    Garlic, used for centuries as treatment for colds and coughs as well as illness prevention, has natural anti-inflammatory properties that help in the treatment of asthma, while reducing the amount of mucous produced in the bronchial tubes. Chew garlic cloves daily, or add garlic juice to other vegetable juices. To consume as a beverage, boil 10 cloves of garlic in milk---or in water flavored it with honey or ginger, both of which have anti-inflammatory properties---and drink the mixture daily.


    Honey has boosted immune systems for years. It can also prevent and treat asthma attacks. During an asthma attack, place a container of honey under your nose and breathe in the vapors. Take honey by teaspoon several times a day, or add it to a beverage with garlic or ginger.


    The caffeine in coffee has a similar effect to the asthma drug theophylline, which opens the airways of an asthma sufferer. Drink 1 or 2 cups of regular-strength coffee to alleviate the onset of asthma symptoms, such as wheezing and difficulty breathing. You can also drink caffeinated cola and chocolate with similar results.

Ginkgo Biloba

    Ginkgo trees grow in naturally in China and the Americas; people have used tinctures and extract made from the leaves of this tree for centuries to treat various illnesses. It works to treat asthma and bronchitis while improving lung function. Take the extract as a tea or mixed with other herbals, such as garlic and honey, or take the extract in a tablet form. Buy online or at your local natural health store.

Mustard Oil and Camphor

    Mix mustard oil with camphor, then rub the concoction your chest if you experience difficulty breathing; do not take this mixture internally. Mustard penetrates the skin and eases asthma attacks by breaking down phlegm.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

How to Naturally Cure Fibroids

Fibroids are noncancerous masses that grow inside the uterus. They can range drastically in size, and there can be just one, or there can be many. Almost half of women will develop them at one point in their life, and they're actually easier to shrink or get rid of than many women realize. It's always best to try to treat them before deciding on surgery to remove of them.



    Increase your intake of Vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 helps the body to process estrogen properly, you should try taking about 1,000 milligrams daily in supplemental form.


    Take Evening Primrose Oil in supplemental form daily. Evening Primrose Oil works in a similar manner to Vitamin B6. It works best when taken daily with Vitamin B6.


    Start taking a proper Multivitamin. Most people don't take a proper multivitamin, and when you suffer from fibroids most of the necessary vitamins need to be supplied in proper amounts. Try upgrading to a multivitamin with high mineral content, as well as all of the necessary vitamins.


    Increase your intake of Magnesium. Magnesium deficiency is common in American women, and creates problems in the muscle tissue in the walls of the uterus. This prevents proper blood flow. Try adding about 1,000 milligrams in supplemental form daily.

How to Naturally Relieve Fibromyalgia Pain

Fibromyalgia is characterized by chronic and widespread pain. Sadly, there are currently no cures for Fibromyalgia. However, some vitamins can be used to help relieve Fibromyalgia pain and its other symptoms, as well as to help improve the condition. Some patients with Fibromyalgia also have a vitamin deficiency which plays a role in their current condition.



    Take 250 mg of Magnesium Glycinate or Magnesium Aspartate, three times per day. Magnesium works by helping cellular energy production and also helps to relax the nerves as well as the muscles.


    Take around 250 mg (anywhere between 200 and 300 mg) of Coenzyme Q10 daily. Coenzyme Q10 helps to support cellular energy production and helps to relieve Fibromyalgia pain and symptoms.


    Take 1 mg of Vitamin B12 daily. Not only does Vitamin B12 help with Fibromyalgia, many patients with Fibromyalgia are found to have a deficiency in Vitamin B12 which is a factor in their current condition.

How to Make a Natural Ringworm Treatment

Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin that grows in a ring formation. Ringworm is known for being stubborn when it comes to treating the problem, so use this treatment consecutively for about 2 weeks to treat the ringworm. It may take up to a month for more severe ringworm. I suggest applying this treatment every morning and evening, and perhaps once mid day if possible.



    Drop the essential oils into the glass amber bottle, then add in the Vitamin E Oil and Sesame Oil. Shake the mixture together gently.


    Store the bottle in a cool, dark area.


    To apply, gently shake the bottle, then use a Qtip to apply a thin layer of the oil treatment to the area infected with ringworm. For a larger affected area, pour a small amount onto a cotton pad then apply to the ringworm.


    Repeat this 2-3 times per day until the ringworm has cleared up completely.

How to Benefit from Cod Liver Oil Supplements for Your Health

How to Benefit from Cod Liver Oil Supplements for Your Health

Cod liver oil supplements are fish oil supplements that are derived from the liver of cod fish. In the early 20th century, cod liver oil was commonly administered to children on a daily basis to ward off colds and flu. Many children who grew up taking this tonic developed a dislike for cod liver oil, and the practice eventually disappeared in favor of administering multi-vitamins to children.



    Increase your vitamin A intake. Cod is among the many fish that provide abundant levels of Vitamin A. Vitamin A is important in keeping skin healthy and moist.


    Take cod liver oil supplements to prevent chest congestion. In addition to prevention of cold and flu, cod liver oil supplements can be given to help ease chest congestion.


    Boost your omega 3 Fatty Acids intake. Another benefit of cod liver oil is that it provides the body with the omega 3 essential fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). EPA and DHA help lower the risk of heart attacks in people with diabetes or a history of heart attacks.


    Treat adult bone disease and disorders. In adults, vitamin D deficiency can lead to osteomalacia, which results in muscular weakness in addition to weak bones. oil supplements are widely taken to prevent osteomalacia as well as to ease the symptoms of arthritis.


    Supplement your vitamin D levels. Cod liver oil also has high levels of vitamin D. It is widely taken to prevent rickets, which is a nutritional deficiency which results in skeletal deformities

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Self Healing Techniques

Healing the mind, body and spirit is a power that we all hold inside. As soon as we get a cut, experience a trauma, or even do something as simple as lose our keys, all of our defenses go to remedy the situation and make it whole. Self-healing techniques assist the natural process of returning to wholeness in various ways through attending to specific life aspects of an individual. This article highlights a few of the many areas of focus for self healing.


    People are usually drawn to self healing because of a physical ailment. Improving your diet through increasing fruit, vegetable and water consumption along with foods believed to offset whatever illness you are experiencing can prove to be healing.

    Some techniques for healing on the physical level include: incorporating daily exercise and relaxation, self massage for pain relief and mobility, and raw food and other natural diets based in whole foods.


    The power of the mind, positive thinking, visualization and how we relate to our thoughts are some areas of self healing on the mental level. The mind-body connection points to a link between how we think and feel about ourselves and what manifests in our lives, including illness. In healing your mental state, various tools can be used to clear negative thinking patterns, increase positive and honest self talk, focus on what is wanted in life, and take appropriate and forward moving action based on sound thinking.

    Affirmations are positive statements a person can say or write to himself to affirm attributes, characteristics and desired qualities. The statements retrain the mind to produce a positive outlook while anchoring into the true sense of reality without judgment. In self healing, a person may affirm he is healed and whole to affirm a base belief that this is true and bring it about through the power of belief.

    Meditation is a technique that is used for healing to provide space and clarity about a person's core essence and who she thinks she is. The space created allows a person to see flawed thinking, to release it and to affirm personal worth and well being. Meditation and visualization are often used together to use the power of the imagination to bring about a healing experience.


    Releasing and transforming negative emotion while relating to feelings in a way that allows you to feel a sense of personal choice is a form of self healing.

    Various techniques for healing on the emotional level include: the emotional freedom technique, a combination of energy therapy and affirmative statements; focusing, a technique to invite feelings and receive signals those feelings are trying to convey to make changes; and conscious breathing to experience feelings fully.


    Connection with your spirit or the Source of Life brings about a feeling of faith in healing that can be considered a technique in itself. For some, spiritual self-healing is about transcending consciousness and for others it is about placing trust in the hands of their Creator. The many forms of spiritual healing include, but are not limited to: prayer, Reiki, energy work, Theta healing, shamanic journeying, chakra healing and unconditional love. Spiritual healing techniques generally aim to reconnect a person with wholeness through enhancing awareness of spirituality on many levels.

Tips and Warnings

    The information provided in this article is not intended to substitute for appropriate medical or mental health care.

    If you are receiving health care it is recommended that you continue while using self-healing techniques.

    If you are new to self healing, you may consider consulting with a minister or other healing facilitator to assist you in establishing a self-healing routine.

Homeopathic Cure for Plantar Warts

Plantar warts can usually be cured at home without significant expense, pain or surgical treatment, if done correctly. Plantar warts occur on the sole of the feet and can be fairly painful, if they are not addressed in a timely fashion. The most common cause of these warts is exposure to moisture-ridden flooring, most commonly found in bathrooms or swimming pool areas. To prevent plantar warts, thoroughly dry feet whenever they are wet.


    Take an aspirin and dissolve it in water. Start by crushing one or two aspirin tablets. The easiest way is to use the flat side of a knife to crush the pills. Put the crushed aspirin in a bowl and mix in one to two drops of water. Apply this mixture directly to the surface of the plantar wart and cover the area with a bandage. Repeat two times a day until the wart is gone.


    Cashews are a common homeopathic treatment for Plantar Warts. Many people find relief in simply rubbing a whole cashew over the surface of the skin. A more common home remedy is to reduce cashews to a powder by using either a food processor or a mortar and pestle. This powder can then be sprinkled on the plantar wart, or mixed with water to form a topical paste.

    Cashews can be found in any grocery store and, depending on the brand, can be fairly inexpensive. Health food stores may also stock cashew oil, which can be rubbed over the surface of the area afflicted by a plantar wart.


    Bananas are another good home remedy and are more inexpensive than the cashews. Start by peeling a ripe banana. Apply the inside of the peel to the wart to ensure the pulp is actually touching it.

    Tape the peel to the wart and only remove it when bathing, making sure to change the peel daily. This process takes about a month or longer, but will eventually remove the stubborn wart.


    This foul-smelling recipe can be quite effective. Any type of onion should work for this remedy. Cut an onion in half and remove the middle pulp. Add 1/2 tsp. of salt. The salt will draw out the juices of the onion after several hours; this can then be applied to the wart.

    Repeat this process several times a day until the wart has disappeared.

Naturopathic Remedies for a Kidney Stone

Kidney stones are hard deposits of mineral and acid salts that accumulate on the inner surfaces of your kidney. Kidney stones can be very painful but fortunately there a several natural methods of treating and kidney stones and preventing reoccurrences. Herbal supplements and nutritional changes are often the first methods employed to treat kidney stones naturally.

Herbals and Supplements

    Begin your naturopathic treatment by taking 500 mg of magnesium citrate daily. Magnesium may decrease the size of any existing stones while preventing any new stones from forming. You should also take daily doses of vitamin B6 to decrease urinary oxalate which can cause kidney stones. There are also several herbs that may be used to help ease pain and reduce the size of stones for easier passing. Gravel root is an essential herb for treating kidney stones as it is traditionally used for treating stones and gravel of the kidneys. Khella is also known for specifically easing the passage of small kidney stones by working as a calcium channel blocker and is also antispasmodic. Bearberry is a great antiseptic for the urinary tract and also acts as a diuretic. Corn silk also has mild diuretic properties and is smoothing demulcent. Crampbark is antispasmodic and may help relive physical tension associated with kidney stones. Stone root is a strong diuretic, and can be used to treat and prevent kidney stones.


    To treat kidney stones increasing water intake is absolutely essential. Try to consume 60 to 75 oz. of water every day to prevent urine concentration and stone formation. You should also try to include foods that are naturally high in magnesium. Some great foods for treating and preventing kidney stones include: brown rice, bananas, soy, barley, oat bran and flax seed. Avoid consumption of refined sugar, salt, antacids, alcohol and caffeine as foods, and beverages containing these ingredients will aggravate the urinary tract. Try to avoid consuming too much protein and avoid all dairy products until your kidney stones have completely passed.

    Refined white flour products can also aggravate your condition so pasta and white bread should also be avoided. While you are suffering from kidney stones your diet should mainly consist of fruits, vegetables and brown rice. This will help alleviate pain and pass stones more quickly. Once you have passed the stones you may return to a less restricted diet gradually but, keep in mind that you will want to avoid consuming aggravating foods in large quantities to prevent reoccurrences.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Use of Ginseng Tea in Motion Sickness

Traditionally used in Chinese medicine to increase the chi and restore vital energy to the body, ginseng tea may also help your motion sickness, seasickness, or car sickness. Knowing how to use the tea, as well as medication interactions and precautions, can help you determine if this alternative therapy is right for you.

Ginseng Tea

    According to the Herb Health Guide, ginseng---particularly Siberian ginseng---can help your sense of balance, which will make you less susceptible to motion sickness. In addition, proponents of ginseng say that it enhances your body's ability to fight stress and its effects on your body. Ginseng may also increase mental clarity and your energy level.

    If you'd like to use ginseng tea to combat the nausea of motion sickness, consider purchasing single serving prebagged teas. Manufacturers of these teas say to place one tea bag in no more than 6 oz. of boiling water. Let the tea bag steep for 3 minutes. Squeeze out the bag before removing it from the cup. Sweeten with honey if desired. Take ginseng tea a couple of times a day for a few days prior to when you expect to experience motion sickness.

    You can also purchase dried ginseng root to make your own tea. Some health food stores and online retailers also sell empty tea bags. Place 1 to 2 tbsp. of ginseng in 1 cup of boiling water and let it steep. After a few minutes, strain the tea.

    The University of Maryland Medical Center suggests that a daily dose of ginseng is 500 to 3,000 mg.


    Though ginseng is a natural herb, it can interact with other herbs and medications. Speak to your health care provider about using ginseng to reduce your motion sickness. Ginseng can interact with medications that control blood sugar, so if you're on such a medication, carefully monitor your blood sugar while using ginseng tea.

    The University of Maryland Medical Center says to avoid ginseng if you have high blood pressure, sleep problems, narcolepsy or are pregnant or breastfeeding. Ginseng may interact with sedatives used for insomnia. Common side effects of ginseng include nosebleed, high blood pressure, drowsiness, insomnia, vomiting and headache. Don't take ginseng continuously for more than three months. Avoid consuming caffeine or other stimulants while using ginseng tea.

How to Treat Sinus Congestion by Draining or Flushing

Sinus congestion, otherwise known as sinusitis, can be a daily nuisance; if infection has settled in, that nuisance may become a more serious issue. The practice of washing the nasal cavities---nasal irrigation or nasal lavage---has been around for centuries but is gaining in popularity as an effective way to drain the sinuses of congestion and flush out offending irritants, such as pollen, pet dander or allergens. According to Dr. Mehmet Oz, a cardiothoracic surgeon and author of multiple health books, washing the sinuses with warm saline solution improves a variety of nasal problems. A neti pot, a small vessel with a spout that easily introduces warm salt water to the nasal cavities, simplifies the process of nasal irrigation.




    Heat 8 oz. of distilled water to a comfortably warm, but not hot, temperature. Pour the heated water into the neti pot.


    Add the baking soda and salt to the water; stir well, until dissolved.


    Test the water to ensure a comfortable temperature; water that is too hot is unsafe and water that is too cold is uncomfortable.


    Lean forward over a sink. Begin inhaling through the mouth and continue to do so throughout the rest of the process.


    Place the tip of the neti pot in the left nostril, creating a seal so that water does not leak out. Be careful not to push the tip in too far, as doing so will seal the tip against the inner nose.


    Rotate the head, as if aiming the left ear to the ceiling. The water should start flowing through the sinuses and exit out the right nostril, into the sink. Keep breathing through the mouth until all the water is gone.


    Close the right nostril and gently blow the left nostril several times; then close the left nostril and gently blow the right nostril several times.


    Repeat the entire process for the other nostril; a total of 16 oz. should be used (8 oz. for each nostril).

How to Benefit from Grapeseed Oil Home Remedies

How to Benefit from Grapeseed Oil Home Remedies

Grapeseed oil is extracted from the fruit of the grape vine. Grapes are native to Asia, near the Capsian Sea, and were brought to North American and Europe around 1600s. Folk healers have long taken advantage of its medicinal properties. Read on to learn how to benefit from grapeseed oil home remedies.



    Protect against heart conditions. Grape seed oil contains flavonoids which is highly beneficial in protection of the heart. They may inhibit the oxidation of bad cholesterol, which may lead to hardening of the arteries hence reducing risk of death from coronary heart disease.


    Treat skin conditions with grapeseed oil. People with dry skins have benefited a lot in grapeseed oil since it is excellent in moisturizing the skin. It works well as a lubricant and it is instrumental in rejuvenating. It has a regenerating qualities such as; vitamin E, vitamin C, Beta-carotene and vitamin D which improves the skin's quality.


    Correct and prevent damage to your blood capillaries. Grape seed oil contains flavonoids called oligomeric procyanidins which provides the body with antioxidant protection. This helps to correct and prevent any damage to capillaries throughout the body which tones the capillaries and increase blood supply to the skin in order to prevent the breakdown of collagen.


    Neutralize free radicals. Grape seed oil contains anti-oxidadnts, which are substances that destroy free radicals that can cause death of cells. These are agents that contribute to the aging process, develop a number of health problems, cancer and other heart diseases hence the grape oil helps to prevent all this damages.


    Lower blood pressure levels. The extract from grape seed oil has a potential benefit that helps to prevent the formation of platelets in the blood which when accumulated can contribute to arteries becoming narrow or blocked up. In addition, they also prevent fats in the blood from developing into high cholesterol.

How to Benefit from Adding Onions to your Diet

How to Benefit from Adding Onions to your Diet

Onions are a vegetable that is a member of the lily family. They are the second most used vegetable after the tomato. Onion's uses range from seasoning of food, garnishing dishes to making salads. They have are very beneficial in terms of health and the following are some of their benefits.



    Prevent tumors. Onions have some flavonoids-like compounds known as quercetin that inhibits the growth of tumors in the colon. It therefore keeps colon cancer away.


    Lower cholesterol. Like garlic, the onion has been shown to lower the cholesterol levels in blood, which is very healthy for the heart as it prevents high blood pressure and other heart conditions such as angina.


    Take advantage of onions' anti fungal and anti bacterial properties. Onions have been found to have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It has been found to clear the skin of pimples and other skin ailments when mixed with vinegar.


    Improve kidney functioning. This vegetable facilitates the absorption of nitrogen from the blood thus improving the functioning of the kidney.


    Stimulate appetite and prevent atherosclerosis. Onions are appetizers and are even recommended by the World Health Organization. They are also important for the prevention of atherosclerosis, a disease that affects arterial blood vessels.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

How to Make a Treatment to Increase Stamina in Men

This treatment has been used for many years in Asian cultures to naturally increase stamina in men. It's a natural drink that helps to increase sexual stamina in men by using multiple ingredients known to help increast stamina. Drink the mixture treatment about 20 minutes before you need it. I do not suggest using this treatment to increase stamina in men, more than once per day.



    Pour the ginger juice and honey into a small mixing bowl. To get the ginger juice from fresh ginger, use a strong blender or food process to chop some ginger root into a fine pulp. Use a piece of cheesecloth to strain out the juice. You can also buy the juice at some specialty shops.


    In a seperate bowl, gently whisk the egg.


    Juice the lime into the ginger and honey mixture, and stir together gently.


    Sprinkle the black pepper and coffee beans into the honey mixture, and stir together gently.


    Add the egg, then gently stir everything together gently.


    Pour in 4 ounces of cold water, and stir together then drink the mixture.

How to Make a Bath Treatment for Tendonitis

This gentle bath soak treatment is perfect for tendonitis. Tendonitis is the inflammation of a tendon. Symptoms of tendonitis often include swelling, stiffness, pain and sometimes a burning sensation surrounding the tendon. This bath treatment works by helping to relieve the symptoms, and helping to treat the inflammation of tendonitis.



    In a small mixing bowl, gently stir together the celtic sea salt with the cypress oil, eucalyptus oil and chamomile oil. Use either a wooden or plastic spoon or spatula, but avoid using any metal utensils if possible.


    Run a warm bath. Ideally, the water should be around 100 degrees but not much hotter than that. Water that is too hot will weaken the essential oils used in the treatment.


    Gently pour the salt mixture under the running water. Once the salt appears to have dissolved, settle in to the bath. Soak in the treatment for a total of around thirty minutes.


    I suggest using the treatment daily until the tendonitis has healed.

Homemade Antifungal Cream

If you have a fungal problem, such as athlete's foot or a skin rash, there are many types of treatment available. One easy way to treat fungus is to try an at-home and all-natural cream remedy that may help clear up any fungus you have and save you a trip to the pharmacy.

White Vinegar

    White vinegar is a natural antifungal and antimicrobial treatment. This is why white vinegar can be used to treat a number of fungus problems or infections. While applying it by itself can be effective, use it in your homemade cream, along with other natural ingredients, for added punch.

Add Some Baking Soda

    Another natural antifungal is baking soda. To make your cream, mix about 3 tbsp. of white vinegar to about 1/2 cup of baking soda and stir into a creamy paste. If you are dealing with a fungus such as athlete's foot, baking soda will also help neutralize odors and refresh your tired soles.

Apply Cream

    Once you have made your cream, keep it refrigerated and apply a thin layer to the affected area at least three times a day for about a week to clear up the fungus. Allow the cream to dry and then rinse it off with cold water or just wipe it off with a clean towel. Remember when applying to not double-dip your applicator, be it a cloth, a cotton ball or your hands, into the cream as doing so will contaminate it.

Tips and Warnings

    If you are dealing with a foot or hand fungus, apply the cream to the area and then cover it with either gloves or socks and allow it to sit for about 30 minutes; then rinse off with cold water.

    If the baking soda and vinegar method doesn't seem to be working after a few days, try another natural at-home cream that is made with garlic and lemon juice. Start by finely chopping two to three cloves of garlic and then mashing them up in a bowl. Add lemon juice and mix into a paste. You can apply this as you would the baking-soda-vinegar mixture.

    These treatments are meant to be done at least three times a day for a period of about a week. If your fungus doesn't seem to be improving or gets worse, see your dermatologist.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Positive Vs. Negative Ions

Positive Vs. Negative Ions

A balanced atom has the same number of positively-charged protons as it has negatively-charged electrons. However, not all atoms are balanced and environmental changes make atoms lose or gain electrons, while the number of protons always changes. This change in electrons makes the atom a positive or negative ion, one that may have an affect on your health.


    All atoms contain neutrons and protons in the nucleus of the atom and electrons circling the nucleus. Neutrons have a neutral charge, while electrons produce a negative charge and protons a positive charge. Since electrons orbit the outside of an atom, it is the loss or gaining of electrons that determines whether an atom becomes a positive or negative ion.

Positive Ion Definition

    An atom should have an equal balance of positive and negative charges. This means that the number of electrons and protons starts as equal. With time and exposure to the catalysts in the environment, atoms sometimes lose electrons. This gives the atom a greater number of protons than electrons, giving the ion a positive charge. These ions are called positive ions.

Negative Ion Definition

    Just as some atoms lose electrons, other atoms gain additional electrons. This gives the ion an imbalance of negative charge overwhelming the positive protons. Therefore, ions with more electrons than protons are called negative ions.


    Positive ions make up the metals of the periodic table, such as those found in Group I and Group II. Negative ions are found in the non-metal elements. Positive and negative ions are important when writing the elements, because they determine which ion is written first. Compounds which have both positive and negative ions are written with the positive ion first. Additionally, the number of positive and negative ions in an equation should balance out.


    Since the 1930s, exposure to negative ions has been linked to health benefits, first by Russian researcher A L. Tchijevski, who found that exposure to negative ions reduced the growth of bacteria. Later, during World War II, airplanes of pilots were subjected to negatively charged ions to reduce the chances of the pilots getting sick, and present day US submarines are equipped with negative ion producers. In contrast, for all but 5% of the population, exposure to positive ions is linked to a variety of unwanted side effects that include constriction of the veins and increase in respiration. Many machines exist on the market to boost the negative ion count in the home or office environment.

Natural Ways to Combat Allergies

According the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America website, an estimated one in five, or 50 million, Americans suffer from some type of allergy, including seasonal allergies. Many of the prescription drugs used to treat the symptoms caused by these allergies are very expensive and have various unwanted side effects. An alternative to these drugs includes several natural ways to combat allergies.

Lifestyle Changes

    Keep all car windows closed when driving to avoid contact with dust and allergens. Keep household windows closed as well. Use air conditioning to cool autos and rooms, but make sure filters are clean. Do not use window fans as they can pull pollen and other allergens in from outside. Keep clutter at a minimum to prevent dust from building up, and vacuum often with a vacuum cleaner that has an efficient filter.

Nasal Irrigation

    Flushing the nostrils with salt water removes pollen and other allergens and helps treat allergies and other forms of nasal congestion, according to an article written by Lynn Kelly and published in Mother Earth News in August/September 2006 (also online). The process involves a small, inexpensive device called a neti pot and a solution of to tsp. of noniodized salt dissolved in one cup of lukewarm water mixed in the pot. Bend over the sink with your head tilted to one side. Place the spout of the neti pot in one nostril and pour about half the solution into the nostril so that it drains out the other. Flush the other nostril in the same way. Finish by gently blowing out through each nostril will holding the opposite one closed. Flush nostrils twice a day.

Herbal Supplements

    Quercetin is a natural plant-derived antioxidant compound that is found in many foods. It helps stabilize mast cells and prevents the release of histamine. While it is found naturally in citrus fruits, onions, apples, broccoli and other foods, allergy sufferers may need to use supplements, beginning their regimen at least six weeks before allergy season starts, to build up a level high enough to prevent allergy attacks. Dosage should be discussed with a physician before beginning, especially if any other health problems are present.

    Stinging nettle in capsule form acts as a natural antihistamine as does butterbur, which may be hard to find in the United States. Also, since butterbur is a member of the ragweed family, it may make symptoms worse in some people.

Nutrition and Diet

    What you eat may help combat seasonal allergies. Foods such as apples, bananas and onions help build your immune system and have anti-inflammatory properties. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as tuna, salmon and walnuts, may also help prevent allergies. Water is especially important. Drink at least eight to 10 glasses of filtered or bottled water a day to help hydrate your body and keep it working efficiently while it wards off allergy attacks.

Easy Remedy for Adrenal Fatigue

Modern life is busy, stressful and you likely find yourself over-scheduled on a daily basis. To keep up with the constant high levels of stress the adrenal glands become so overworked they fall into a state of fatigue. Adrenal fatigue can lower stamina, cause insomnia and affect memory, along with other uncomfortable symptoms. With some simple lifestyles changes, you can help your body rebound.

Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

    Adrenal fatigue can bring on weight gain, palpitations, feelings of nervousness and low blood pressure. Insomnia can become a problem that causes low stamina and low immune functioning. Some experience a craving for salty foods and have digestion problems. Memory issues, depression and high blood sugar can occur. Adrenal fatigue can be very disruptive.

Change Your Diet

    Consume a healthy diet based on a foundation of high fiber and low fat to give your body what it needs to fight back and help control rising blood sugar levels caused by adrenal failure. Eat alternative types of protein that come from legumes instead of animal protein. Animal protein should be used sparingly. Take a multivitamin, 2,000 to 5,000 mg of vitamin C and a vitamin B-complex supplement.

Stress and Rest

    Learn to deal with stress differently. Take a little time for yourself. Look for ways to give yourself 15 minutes alone to close your eyes and quietly meditate. Do this during your lunch hour at work. If you are home with the kids, take a timeout. Organize activities for the kids and set boundaries for 15 minutes of peace. Go to bed one hour earlier. Extra sleep will help to reverse adrenal fatigue.


    Relieve stress with exercise. Walk at least 30 minutes a day. Walking is a perfect solution because you can do it anywhere and it requires no equipment. Another great stress reliever is yoga, which offers a balance of strength, stretching and breathing. Done regularly it has a noticeable calming effect.


    Pregnenolone is a natural hormone that the body manufactures from cholesterol. Pregnenolone levels do not decline as we age. Pregnenolone works to reduce stress in the body, decreases allergies and soothes inflammation. It is useful for enhancing memory function, elevating moods, is an antidepressant and boosts energy levels. Recommended dosages for Pregnenolone vary between 25 to 300 mg depending on what symptoms you treat. Read the label and follow recommended usage.


    DHEA is typical produced by the body, but as we age the 25mg of DHEA produced daily can decline as much as 90 percent. Take a DHEA replacement supplement to aid the adrenal glands and return DHEA levels to normal. It has the added benefit of calming nervousness and anxiety. DHEA can be found in most drug or grocery stores. Read the label for directions.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Natural Antibiotic Information

Natural Antibiotic Information

The human body produces its own natural antibiotics called antimicrobial peptides. The immune system uses them to help protect our skin, mucous membranes and other surfaces from dangerous microbes. Some infections are still able to invade our bodies. It is becoming more commonplace to use natural antibiotics for treatment.


    Natural antibiotics have grown in popularity because of an increase in antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) says the cause of the resistant bacteria is widespread and sometimes indiscriminate use of antibiotics.


    The use of natural antibiotics dates back to the ancient Egyptians who used molds applied directly to the skin to treat infections.


    Naturally occurring alternative antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections, herpes, allergies, skin disorders and upper respiratory infections.


    Garlic, grapefruit seed extract, tea tree oil, colloidal silver, olive leaf extract and honey are examples of natural antibiotics.


    Natural alternatives are less toxic and safer, providing protection from antibiotic side effects. They boost the body's ability to produce antibodies for which bacteria, viruses and fungi can't develop immunity.

What Is a Healthy Alternative to Anti Inflammatory Drugs?

Inflammation is the process responsible for causing the pain associated with conditions like arthritis, menstrual cramps and many others. While effective, anti-inflammatory drugs can increase the risk of adverse effects like stomach bleeding and kidney damage in susceptible individuals. A variety of natural alternatives for treating inflammation exist, many of which are comparable to anti-inflammatory medications in strength and efficacy.

Willow Bark

    Willow bark is among the most effective anti-inflammatory herbs available. It contains salicilin, a substance similar to aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). It works by reducing the production of pain-causing chemicals called prostaglandins, which are at the root of most cases of inflammation. According to, willow bark is more effective than placebo at treating headache, lower back pain and arthritis-related pain. In addition, it may be less likely to cause stomach upset than synthetic salicylates like aspirin, though more research in this area is needed.

    Willow bark can be taken in tincture form or brewed into a tea for its anti-inflammatory effects. Four to six ml. of tincture can be taken safely up to three times daily by most people. To make a tea from willow bark, simply boil 2 tsp. of bark in 8 ounces of water for 15 minutes, steep and drink. Three to four cups of the tea can be drunk daily as needed for pain relief. (Never give willow bark to children, as this increases the risk of a deadly condition known as Reye's Syndrome).

Ginger Root

    Ginger root is a common herb with well-established anti-inflammatory properties. Like willow bark, ginger works by reducing prostaglandin levels in the body. According to, 75 percent of those suffering from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis report significant improvement in symptoms when taking ginger. What's more, side effects from ginger are rare to non-existent, even among long-term users of the herb.

    The recommended dose for adults is 500 to 1,000 milligrams daily, though up to three times this amount can be taken safely by most people. Both the powder and whole root are effective for reducing inflammation when brewed into a tea, added to food or taken in capsule form.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

    Omega-3s and other essential fatty acids (EFAs) are termed "essential" because they are needed to sustain life and cannot be produced by the body. Unlike "bad" fats like saturated and trans fat, omega-3s actually reduce inflammation in the body. According to, they are thought to work by competing with unhealthy fats for COX-1 receptor sites.

    Omega-3 supplements are widely available in most health supplement shops and grocery stores. EFA-rich foods like fish, flaxseeds, walnuts, basil and vegetable oil can also help you meet your daily recommended intake of these healthy fats.

Foods That Fight Inflammation

    In addition to herbs and supplements, many delicious foods can help fight inflammation naturally. Fatty fish like tuna and salmon can help control inflammation when eaten frequently due to their high omega-3 content. According to, the phytochemicals and antioxidants present in fruits, vegetables and dark chocolate can fight inflammation by decreasing activity of COX-2 enzymes, the same enzymes targeted by medications like ibuprofen and Celebrex.

    Herbs and spices including turmeric, cinnamon, clove and cayenne may also be helpful in reducing inflammation when added liberally to your favorite dishes.

Natural Herbal Remedies for Opioid Dependency

Opioid dependency occurs when drugs like heroin, morphine or codeine are administered over a long period of time. While there are no fast-and-easy cures for opioid addiction, certain herbal remedies can help treat the symptoms of withdrawal and possibly even alter brain chemistry in a way that favors recovery. As with all treatments, the decision to use herbal remedies should be weighed carefully to avoid unwanted outcomes.


    Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) is flowering shrub-like plant native to North America. It is widely used for treating anxiety and insomnia due to its sedating effects. The active alkaloids in passionflower--harmine and harman--affect levels of GABA, the neurotransmitter targeted by benzodiazepine medications like Valium and Xanax.

    Recently, the value of passionflower in treating opiate withdrawal has become apparent. According to National Institutes of Health, the use of passionflower along with Clonidine during opiate withdrawal results in better symptom relief than by the use of Clonidine alone. Further studies are needed, but it appears that the relaxing properties of passionflower can be useful in easing the symptoms of opiate withdrawal.


    Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is a tree native to Thailand, whose leaves have been used traditionally by natives to decrease pain and for its stimulating effect. Despite an absence of opiate alkaloids, kratom is sometimes used as a recreation drug, for its opiate-like effects. According to Lycaeum, the alkaloid mitragynine is likely responsible for the psychoactive effects. Kratom is thought to enable addicts to stop using opiates with fewer withdrawal symptoms and cravings, according to Healthy Holistic Living.

    The use of kratom as a treatment for opiate addiction is still being investigated, as the plant's potential side effects and method of action are not well understood. Because kratom is not regulated by the FDA, users face an increased risk of contamination, unknown potency and other health dangers.


    Ibogaine is the psychoactive substance found in iboga, a plant native to central Africa. It has been used traditionally by local shamans for its ability to induce a hallucinogenic state. More recently, ibogaine has been studied as a possible treatment for addiction to drugs like opiates, cocaine and nicotine. According to The Ibogaine Dossier, ibogaine has a complex method of action, affecting serotonergic, opioid, GABA and cholinergic systems in the brain. It is thought to "interrupt" the addictive process by attenuating opiate withdrawal symptoms, while its hallucinogenic effects often cause users to reflect on the behaviors that led to their addiction.

    Ibogaine is a "Schedule I" substance in the United States, which makes it illegal to possess, cultivate or sell. According to National Institutes of Health, ibogaine can be neurotoxic, causing degeneration of Purkinje brain cells at higher doses. It has been linked to several deaths as well, making further research into ibogaine's effects necessary before it can be safely recommended as a treatment for opioid addiction.

Vinegar for Sinus Infections

Sinusitis, or sinus infection, occurs when the nasal passages become irritated or inflamed, causing an uncomfortable buildup of pressure around the eyes, cheeks, forehead and temples. If you have a sinus infection, you might consider using apple cider vinegar to help ease these symptoms.


    Pure apple cider vinegar is commonly used to help combat the symptoms associated with sinus infection. It effectively drains the sinuses by thinning mucus, alleviating discomfort that occurs when the nasal passages become blocked or inflamed during sinus infection.


    Malic acid, found in apple cider vinegar, is useful in fighting the effects of fungal or bacterial infections, helping ease symptoms, as well as eliminating them completely. Apple cider vinegar also contains other vitamins and minerals vital to keeping your body healthy.

Methods of Use

    One popular method of using apple cider vinegar is to drink small quantities of it diluted with water (1/8 to 1/4 cup of vinegar in 16 oz. of water) several times a day. Other equally as popular methods include steaming the vinegar and taking it in pill form.


    Apple cider vinegar is most effective when sipped with water at the first sign of a cold, fever or allergic reaction. This way, it can help prevent a sinus infection before it begins.


    You should never drink apple cider vinegar that has not been diluted with water or another liquid. It is highly acidic and can burn your mouth, damage your teeth and even ruin the lining of your esophagus.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Alternative Cures for Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection that is caused by a germ called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This bacterium attacks the lungs and spreads through the air. You are more susceptible to this condition if you suffer from a weak immune system. The symptoms of tuberculosis may include a persistent cough lasting for longer than three weeks, weight loss, fatigue, night sweats, and coughing up blood. There are alternative treatments to cure the symptoms of tuberculosis, which can help your body and lungs begin to function normally. Consult a doctor before beginning any type of alternative treatment program.


    Milk is a terrific alternative cure for tuberculosis. One of the best therapeutic agents in treating tuberculosis is calcium, and milk is one of richest sources of organic calcium. The milk needs to be kept cold to prevent any growth from forming in it. Before beginning an all-milk diet, you need to embark on a three-day fast of raw juice only. During an all-milk diet, you need to drink a glass of milk every two hours on the first day from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, and then a half glass of milk every hour on the second day. Eventually, you will work your way up until you're drinking a glass of milk each half hour. This diet should last from six to eight weeks.

Custard Apple

    Custard apples are considered an effective cure for tuberculosis, because they contain the qualities of a rejuvenating drug. The pulp of two custard apples and 25 seedless raisins should be boiled in water. Filter the water after about a third is left in the pot, and mix in two teaspoons of powered sugar candy, and a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon and cardamom.

Indian Gooseberry

    Indian gooseberry is rich in vitamin C, which is used to cure a variety of ailments, including tuberculosis. For treating this condition, mix together a tablespoon of fresh Indian gooseberry, a tablespoon of honey, and eight ounces of water. This should be taken every morning when treating this condition, and you should begin to feel the effects in your body within a few days.

Bananas, Pineapples, Plantains

    Bananas and pineapples are effective in the treatment of tuberculosis, and can aid in recovery. Pineapples have shown the ability to dissolve the mucus in the lungs, while the juice of a plantain has been able to cure coughs, abundant expectoration, and high fever.

Steps to Using a Detox Foot Bath

The detox foot bath system supposedly cleans the harmful toxins out of our bodies. This process is becoming more and more popular, with many websites popping up every day testifying to the usefulness of the foot bath system. Understanding the process behind this detoxification system can help you decide if it is right for you.

The Process

    A detox foot bath machine is a small device with a pool of water in which to set your feet. These machines are sold online or at most natural health-care stores. They are available for rent online, as well.

    You start by filling your pool with salt water. The water isn't anything special, according to All 4 Natural Health. It's simply salt water. Once the water is in the machine, you place your feet in the pool and turn on the machine. The machine will then run a light surge of electricity through the water. The process that this machine works on is called osmosis. As the electricity passes through the salt water, the salt water separates the positive and negative ions in the electricity. The negative ions are supposed to pass up through your feet and go throughout your body. While traveling through your body, they are then supposed to attach themselves to toxins. The ions will then pass out through your feet. The toxins are deposited in the water. This process takes only 30 to 45 minutes.

Side Effects

    There are generally few side effects from using a detox foot bath. Slight tingling in the feet may be present after the process, as well as some small amount of pain. They will both pass. People who have heart problems, pacemakers, or are pregnant should not use this machine. Neither should small children.

Supplements for Lowering Triglycerides

Triglycerides are a form of fat. High triglycerides usually go along with high cholesterol levels with a high LDL ("bad" cholesterol) and low HDL ("good" cholesterol). Lowering triglycerides involves lifestyle changes such as increasing physical activity and controlling your weight. Certain supplements also can help lower triglycerides.

Triglyceride Levels

    Normal triglyceride level is 150 mg/dL or less. A level between 150 and 199 is considered borderline high, while 200 to 499 is considered high. A level above 500 mg/dL is classified as very high.

Lowering Triglycerides

    According to the Healthy Heart Guide, omega-3 fatty acids combined with vitamin C and a low carbohydrate diet can reduce your triglyceride levels dramatically.


    Dietary fish oil supplements lower triglycerides and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. There is also some evidence that alpha-linolenic acid may have similar, but less pronounced, benefits.


    Niacin is a B vitamin available as a capsule and also is found in fish, meat and dairy products. It can cause significant decreases in triglyceride levels as well as total cholesterol and LDL levels.


    Taking fish oil supplements in high doses may have harmful effects, such as an increased risk of bleeding. High doses of niacin can result in skin flushing or liver damage. Consult your doctor before including supplements to reduce triglycerides, and be sure to report any disturbing side effects.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

How to Get Rid of Skin Moles with Tee Tree Oil

Tea tree oil (also known as Australian tea tree oil) is made using a distillation process with the leaves of the maleleuca tree. The oil is a common skin remedy useful for all types of skin irritations and blemishes. It is thought to have antibacterial properties and can help in dealing with infections. Although tea tree oil should not be taken internally, external application can help with things such as fungal infections like athlete's foot, as well as with acne. Likewise, it can help with common moles that appear on the skin. While it is not proven to completely remove moles, tea tree oil can reduce the appearance of moles on your skin.



    Apply tea tree oil to the mole using a cotton ball once a day.


    Cover the mole with a bandage, and leave it in place for at least 4 to 6 hours.


    Repeat the above process for 1 to 2 weeks to see results.

How to Prepare Eczema Herbal Remedies

How to Prepare Eczema Herbal Remedies

Eczema (atopic dermatitis), according to the Mayo Clinic, is an itchy, inflammation of the skin. Eczema is a chronic condition that commonly affects children and infants, but may extend into adulthood. Read on to learn how to prepare eczema herbal remedies.



    Measure out two ounces each of mango butter and shea butter. Add two ounces of liquid oil, one ounce of cornstarch and two teaspoons of grapefruit seed extract. Mix the oils and beat until light and creamy. Apply to affected area of skin.


    Take two tablespoons of aloe vera gel, two teaspoons of evening primrose oil, one teaspoon of witch hazel and four drops of thyme essential oil. Put all in a two ounce dark glass bottle and shake to blend. Keep refrigerated and apply to irritated skin as needed.


    Heat three tablespoons of olive oil, one tablespoon of shea butter, two teaspoons of beeswax and one teaspoon of emulsifying wax pellets over boiling water. Add one-fourth teaspoon of vitamin E oil and lanolin. Separately, mix 1 tablespoon each of aloe vera gel and distilled water. Add aloe vera solution to the oil and wax mix and whip until creamy. Let cool and mix in lavender essential oil. Apply to skin as needed.


    Mix one-half cup shea butter, one-fourth cup olive oil, two teaspoons of vitamin E oil and six drops of lavender essential oil. Combine in electric mixer until creamy. Apply to skin lesions as needed.


    Heat one-fourth cut of beeswax in double boiler. Add one half- cup of almond oil and coconut oil and stir until completely combined. Mix in one-fourth cup of rose water. Pour into container while hot. Mixture will cool into a soothing skin cream.

How to Use Home Remedies for Insomnia

How to Use Home Remedies for Insomnia

Millions of people are affected by insomnia every year, which refers to the condition of inability or difficulty sleeping. Symptoms commonly include memory lapses, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and poor judgment. Unfortunately it is difficult to find information on natural remedies and home remedies to treat insomnia. Use this guide to learn a few simple ways to use home remedies to help with insomnia.



    Take a Vitamin B supplement during the day to help regulate the body's vitamin levels. Sufficient thiamine, or Vitamin B, levels are needed to help sleep properly.


    Make a decoction or soup from lettuce and eat this for dinner. Lettuce contains sleep-inducing substances that will help treat insomnia naturally.


    Drink a glass of milk at night and add honey if you like. This will help induce sleepiness.


    Mix an even amount of bottle gourd juice with sesame oil, and massage the mixture into the scalp at night.

Foot Soak Detox Systems

Detoxification is an increasingly popular health trend in the United States, and has long been popular in other countries. Foot soak detox baths are special basins that relax foot muscles and purportedly help rid the body of harmful toxins that may have accumulated. Generally, these baths are available online and in specialty bath and body stores.


    Before using a foot soak detox bath, it is important to understand the purpose, benefits and warnings related to foot baths. Holistic experts claim these products work to stimulate tissue and muscles in the foot. Often, foot detoxification baths employ an array of pressurized bubbles which help rid the body of dangerous toxins. Many scientists, however, disagree that detoxification through the feet is possible, and often, many detoxification bath systems will change the color of the water without the customer even putting their feet in. Nonetheless, it is important when using a foot detoxification bath system to sanitize the basin after each use, particularly if the basin is used by more than one person. Many products contain removable basins that make sanitizing the detoxification system easy.

Walter Drake

    Walter Drake offers the only foot detoxification system that employs positive and negative ions. The massaging bubble foot plate stimulates the soles of the feet as ions work to remove toxins through the skin. Water warms and changes color as feet soak and body is cleansed. Products come with ionic foot bowl, storage bag, power adapter, massage foot plate, control unit and two array coils. This detox foot bath costs about $300 and can be purchased online.

Healio Health

    Healio Health offers a more productive foot detox system. The manufacturer claims their foot bath determines the personal energy profile of the person soaking in the bath. The product then works to correct any errors in the energy profile while cleansing the body of any harmful toxins. Healio Health claims their foot detoxification system corrects a consumer's bio-electricity and bio-magnetic levels, eliminates toxins, restores normal cell function and increases metabolic energy. The product costs $2,000 and can be purchased online.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Home Remedy for Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a disorder in which segments of skin lose pigmentation. The disorder may be evident in a few places on the skin, across large patches or on the whole body. To treat their vitiligo, patients usually seek help from a dermatologist, who is likely to prescribe creams, ultraviolet therapy or other treatments. However, you may wish to treat your vitiligo with natural home remedies, either independently or in conjunction with a medical doctor.

Home Remedies

    Several natural remedies may be helpful when trying to reduce the depigmentation that comes with vitiligo. Turmeric and mustard oil can be a good mixture for treating vitiligo at home. Both of these substances aid in boosting the immune system. Mix 5 teaspoons of turmeric powder with 250 milliliters of mustard oil. Apply this paste to depigmented areas of skin twice a day. If you keep this up for a year, you should see color return to the area.

    Wild duckweed also helps to add pigment back to white patches of skin. Duckweed, also known as lemna minor, grows during summer, so collect as much as you can during this season. Wash off the duckweed, then grind it into a paste. Add one part of the paste to one part honey. Drink a teaspoon of it twice a day after eating.

    Many people who want to try home remedies for vitiligo turn to St. John's wort. St. John's wort increases the skin's responsiveness to sunlight, which can bring color back to your skin. Take St. John's wort as a supplement in a topical form, or you may choose to mix it with other ingredients to make a drink. However, if you are pregnant or nursing, do not use St. John's wort. The topical form of St. John's wort involves addng a tablespoon of its leaves to one cup of boiling water. Let it steep for half an hour, then strain out the leaves. Rub this into your skin where the melanin has gone, twice a day.

    To make the drink, mix one part St. John's wort herb, one part oregano herb, one part calendula flowers and one part chamomile flowers. Take a teaspoon of this mixture, then add a cup of boiling water and let it steep for at least 15 minutes, but no more than 20 minutes. Drink half a cup of this twice a day for one month.

    Babchi, khella, and red clay also are used for vitiligo home treatment. Apply a paste made from babchi seeds to the depigmented areas of your skin, then expose this area to early morning sunlight for 20 minutes. Khella should be ingested daily, in 120 to 160 milligram doses. You can mix the powder into your food. Mixed with ginger juice, red clay can also bring pigmentation back to your skin. Combine one part red clay with one part ginger juice, then rub the mixture into your areas of depigmentation daily.

Changes in Diet

    There are other ways to treat vitiligo that involve altering your diet somewhat. Foods to avoid with vitiligo include soft drinks, mango, dairy products, red meat and citrus fruits. Eating cucumber daily should help with your vitiligo. Other substances that may be beneficial to you are olive oil, black pepper and green tea.

    You may have a deficiency of B-complex vitamins in your system as a result of the vitiligo. If so, make sure to include plenty of foods with B vitamins in your diet. For example, milk and whole-grain products contain a high amount of B2. B2 is an important vitamin--if you are lacking it, you may form skin disorders. In addition to eating foods rich in B vitamins, you may wish to take a vitamin supplement pill daily for best results.

Natural Way to Get Rid of Gallstones

The gallbladder is a small organ located on the right side of the abdomen, just beneath the liver. It secretes a fluid known as bile, which is released into the small intestine in order to aid in the digestive process. Gallstones are hardened deposits of bile that form within the gallbladder, usually as a result of too much cholesterol or pigment within the digestive fluid. Although it is advisable that you seek medical attention if your gallstones are causing moderate-to-severe pain, there are several natural treatments that may limit your symptoms.


    Preventing the development of gallstones is the simplest and most effective natural treatment available. Maintaining your ideal body weight is an important element of prevention. Even slightly overweight individuals are two times more likely to develop gallstones than people who sustain their ideal weight. Those who are seriously overweight are six times more prone, according to However, in trying to maintain a healthy weight, is not recommended that you completely remove fat from your diet, as this allows bile to become stagnant and concentrate in the gallbladder. A diet that permits 20 percent of your calories from fat will help thwart the development of gallstones.

Gallbladder Cleanse

    Flushing out the gallbladder is one of the most popular natural remedies purported to be effective for ridding the body of gallstones. One such cleanse calls for drinking 20ml of olive oil mixed the juice of half a lemon every day. Later that same day, you should drink the juice from the remaining lemon half. A small, bean-size sliver of raw garlic, finely chopped and added to the oil and juice mixture, may further help with the cleanse. Be aware, though, that gallbladder cleanses may cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea in some people.

Helpful Food, Herbs, and Vitamins

    Eating a diet that is high in fiber as well as healthy fat is one of the best alternative, natural therapies available to those who suffer from gallstones. Fish and nuts contain the unsaturated fats you will need, while eating plenty of fruits and vegetables provide essential fiber. Artichoke leaves specifically have been shown to contain certain acids and compounds that stimulate the production of bile. This increase in bile will assist in dissolving the deposits that eventually lead to the formation of gallstones.

    Certain herbs have also been suggested as a natural remedy for gallstones. For example, the organic properties of milk thistle are said to block the excessive production of cholesterol while, at the same time, aiding in sustaining a healthy level of bile. According to Dr. Warnock, a naturopathic doctor located in Shelburne, Vermont, it is suggested to that receive the optimum benefit of milk thistle, you should take doses between 70 and 210mg three times a day. Of course, you should consult your personal physician before taking any herbal supplements.

    Lastly, those who are lacking in vitamin C, vitamin E, as well as calcium have been shown to have a greater propensity for the development of gallstones. Although according to there is not yet enough evidence to conclude that taking these vitamins and minerals alone will prevent the onset of gallstones, it may be worthwhile to consult your doctor about the possibility of introducing supplements to your daily regimen or adjusting your diet to include foods rich in calcium along with vitamins C and E.

How to Thin Sinus Mucus

Sinus congestion is a buildup of mucus inside the nasal cavities. It can be uncomfortable at best and, if not treated, may spread to the eyes, ears and throat, requiring antibiotics for relief. Untreated sinusitis may develop into a chronic condition. According to research at the Mayo Clinic and Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, several home remedies may help thin mucus sufficiently enough that sinus issues are alleviated without prescription medication.



    Drink plenty of fluids. The recommended amount for those suffering from nasal congestion is 6 to 8 oz. of water or fruit juice per hour.


    Use a humidifier. Place a cool-mist humidifier next to the bed or in the room where you spend the most time per day.


    Take a hot shower. The steam from the shower helps loosen up congestion.


    Use a nasal saline spray. The handy spray is economical and effective at adding needed moisture to the dry environment of the congested nose.


    Perform a nasal rinse. Twice a day, use a neti pot or bulb syringe to flush the nasal cavities of extra congestion and irritants, such as allergy-inducing pollen, dander or mold spores.


    Take an over-the-counter antihistamine. As a last resort before heading to the doctor, try an antihistamine to reduce inflammation in the nasal cavities; less inflammation means easier sinus drainage.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Home Remedy for Kidney Stones Using Ginger Root

Your kidneys eliminate waste from your blood and exit the body in the form of urine. A kidney stone is a crystal that forms in your kidney. Stones can vary in size and are composed of the waste in your urine. They may stay in the kidney or go down the urinary tract and, depending on size, can be very painful. Doctors usually break up the stone or may even remove it surgically, but there is a home remedy using ginger root that may eliminate kidney stones.

Clean your Kidneys

    A good kidney cleanse can help clear the kidneys of foreign substances that have accumulated over time, because the body was unable to dispose of them through the urine. Perform this kidney cleanse at least two times a year, if possible. Usually a cleanse takes three weeks. Juergen Buche, N.D., N.H.C., N.I., Phy.D., recommends the a cleanse with the following ingredients:

    One quarter cup each of dried hydrangea root, cleaver's herb, gravel root, uva ursi leaves, and marshmallow root.

    You also need parsley, goldenrod tincture (unless you are allergic to it), vegetable glycerin, one large bunch of fresh ginger or capsules of crystallized ginger root, 250 mg capsules of vitamin B6, and 300 mg of magnesium oxide tablets.


    Let the roots soak in a container (preferably non-metal) of 10 cups of cold water for four hours or overnight. Bring the roots to a boil and simmer for approximately 20 minutes. When it has cooled, drink roughly a quarter cup. Use a bamboo strainer to strain the rest into a clean glass jar and put in the refrigerator.

    Rinse the fresh parsley in one quart of water for three minutes, and then boil it. Consume a quarter cup when it has cooled. Place a pint of the parsley tea in the refrigerator, freeze a pint, and discard the rest. This remedy not only cleanses the kidneys, but also helps to break up the stones.


    Mix three-quarters cup of the root mixture with one-half cup of the parsley water. Mix a tablespoon of glycerin with 20 drops of a tincture of goldenrod. Drink the mixture throughout the day in divided doses. The drink should remain cold. If there is any discomfort or you are over the age of 70, take only half the dose. Allow up to three weeks for the kidney stones to dissolve. Keep in mind, however, that the kidney stones can return if you continue to consume fatty meat, cocoa, phosphate beverages, or certain types of tea.


    Ginger can be used in many ways. Hot compresses from ginger tea may cause a superficial skin irritation, which will take your mind off the deeper kidney pain. In addition, the juice of ginger root may be beneficial in ridding your body of kidney stones. Spice up your meals with fresh ginger or try a tea made of grated ginger root.
    Ginger root also comes in capsule form--add this to your vitamin regimen to begin the process of detoxification.

Natural Drugs for Relief of Tendonitis

Tendons are the fibrous cords that connect muscle tissue to bones. Tendinitis refers to the irritation or inflammation of any of the body's tendons, though the condition most often occurs in and around the shoulders, elbows, wrists, and heels (see Reference 1). Conventional treatments for tendinitis frequently rely on over-the-counter pain relievers, injections of cortisone around the inflamed tendon, physical therapy, and in severe cases, even surgery. However, treatments are available that utilize natural alternatives to traditional medicine.

Herbs and Supplements

    Numerous anti-inflammatory herbs are available for the treatment of tendinitis. Turmeric is particularly viable, as it has been shown in some laboratory experiments to be equally as effective as hydrocortisone and phenylbutazone (see Resource 1). Turmeric can be purchased in capsule form, and the typical dosage usually ranges between 400 and 600 mg per day.

    Studies have also shown that devil's claw is an effective pain reliever. The drawback, however, is that you must take up to six 500mg capsules per day.

    Licorice root offers relief in a form similar to the body's own corticosteroids. It not only decreases free radicals at the affected area, it inhibits enzymes responsible for inflammation. Boil 1/2 tsp. of the herb in 1 cup of water for 15 minutes to brew a tea you should drink three times a day. Be aware that licorice should not be taken if you are pregnant, on diuretics, have high blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid, liver, or heart disease.

    MSM, or organic sulphur, is a natural pain reliever, while organic silicon helps promote the body's own healing process. Vitamin C is also essential in the body's production of collagen, one of the main components of healthy tendons.

    It is recommended you consult a physician before undertaking an alternative treatment consisting of herbs and/or supplements.

Topical Treatments

    Topical treatments are applied to the skin over the area of inflammation. First, never use heat once you begin to feel the initial pain of tendinitis. Only use cold therapy (see Reference 2). A cold compress made by mixing chamomile oil, camphor, eucalyptus oil, rosemary oil, and lavender in cold water will provide pain relief. After the compress, apply boswellin cream to the affected area. This cream is made from an herb used for hundreds of years to treat pain. Another alternative option is combining 10 to 15 drops of peppermint essential oil with vegetable oil and rubbing the mixture over the sore spot.

Acupuncture and Lifestyle

    Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese method of natural pain relief. It relies on inserting needles into the skin to unblock energy pathways, known as meridians, to diminish pain. Several studies conducted by the Cochrane Collaboration have suggested that acupuncture is an effective treatment for tendinitis (see Reference 3). The treatments are most beneficial if done one to three times a week for several weeks. If you have insurance, check your coverage, as acupuncture is covered under some plans.

    Lifestyle also plays an important role in treating tendinitis. It is suggested that once you begin to feel pain or discomfort associated with tendinitis, you should immobilize the affected area and avoid activities that would cause pain or swelling. Do not attempt to push through the pain. Resting the tendon is an important component of healing the inflamed tissues. If the pain is affecting your knee, elevate it above the level of your heart.