Monday, May 16, 2016

What is the origin of the neti pot?

The neti pot is a device that is used to perform nasal cleansing or irrigation. The pot itself can be made out of a variety of materials and is generally shaped like a small teapot or gravy boat.

Ayurvedic Origins

    The use of the neti pot comes from the Ayurvedic yoga tradition of India, which is said to be more than 5,000 years old. "Neti" is a Sanskrit word that means "nasal cleansing," and the actual practice of nasal irrigation is known as "jala neti."

Ayurveda and the Neti Pot

    According to Ayurvedic medicine, there are three elements of the body (or "dosha") that need to be kept in balance: "vata" (air), "pitta" (fire/heat) and "kapha" (water). Cleansing with the neti pot was established in order to correct "kapha" imbalances by providing needed lubrication to a problem area in the body.


    Neti pots come in a wide range of shapes and are made from a variety of materials. The most common materials used for neti pots are ceramic, copper, stainless steel and plastic (which are often in the form of a squeeze bottle).

How to Use

    The common method of using a neti pot is to fill the pot with a saline solution that consists of 16 ounces of lukewarm water and one teaspoon of salt. The solution is then poured slowly into one nostril until the other nostril begins to allow the solution to pass through.

Potential Benefits and Possible Side Effects

    Neti pot users and advocates claim the neti pot not only reduces symptoms of flu, colds, allergies and other nasal problems, but also contributes to all-around good health. Most neti pot users claim to have experienced no side effects; however, it has been reported that 10 percent of regular users do experience some nasal irritation and stinging, and even occasional nosebleeds.

Recent Popularity

    Although the neti pot has existed for thousands of years and has been available in the United States since at least the early 1970s, its popularity increased in 2007 after a demonstration on television's "Oprah Winfrey Show" by Dr. Mehmet Oz. It is now possible to purchase neti pots widely online and at many drug stores and supermarkets.

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