Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Leaky Gut Syndrome and HGH

Leaky gut syndrome (LGS) is a defect on the intestinal wall that allows toxic materials to leak into the bloodstream. This toxic material in turn damages other internal organs especially the liver. This syndrome is the result of our modern day processed diet. Some doctors now view LGS as one of the leading causes of health problems from parasites to auto-immune diseases. Human growth hormone (HGH) is touted as the fountain of youth repairing cellular damage to organs throughout the body. But with LGS this may not be the case; HGH may do more harm than good.


    LGS is basically caused by the inflammation of the gut lining, which is caused by a number of factors: antibiotics (causing an overgrowth of flora in the intestinal tract); food and beverages contaminated with parasites; enzyme deficiencies; prescription corticosteroids; high refined carbohydrate diet (junk food); prescription hormones (birth control pills); and mold and fungal mytoxins (found in stored unprocessed foods and refined carbohydrates). The gut lining is extremely thin and when inflamed the cells separate allowing foreign substances to get through that would ordinarily be blocked. When this happens, your system becomes polluted with waste and your immune system goes into high gear to fight the foreign substances.


    Partially digested food gets into the bloodstream and becomes the target of the immune response. The food eaten for health and well being becomes an antigen or allergen and the body develops food allergies. The antigen/allergens cause a variety of illnesses including: arthritis, chronic fatigue, immune disorders, kidney disorders, liver disorders, Lupus, multiple sclerosis and thyroid disorders. The immune system becomes overwhelmed fighting the food that leaks through to the bloodstream, so it can't deal with other problems. These other problems grow worse and your health declines.


    LGS goes through stages. The first stage is the development of food allergies. Once a food allergy develops exposure to it, it significantly increases the permeability of the intestinal lining. The second stage is malnutrition, caused by an increase in para-cellular absorption and a simultaneous decrease in trans-cellular absorption which is how nutrients are absorbed. The third stage is bacterial dysbiosis. This "is a state in which disease or dysfunction is induced by organisms of low intrinsic virulence that alter the metabolic or immunologic responses of their host," according to Dr. Leo Galland. The fourth stage is hepatic stress, in which the liver has to work extra hard to remove macromolecules and other toxins from your system.

Reversal of LGS

    Reversing LGS is difficult. The treatment revolves around altering the diet and taking various supplements. The diet must be as hypoallergenic as possible. Anything and everything that is irritating to the stomach must be eliminated, such as: caffeine, alcohol, dairy products, grains containing gluten and high fat foods. Natural antibiotics, antiparasitics and antifungal are needed depending on the type of infection you have. HGH may be too dangerous for someone with LGS because hormones are broken down by the good bacteria in the intestines and with LGS the good bacteria are usually killed off. If you take HGH and it is not absorbed properly, you will reabsorb the HGH and cause growth to occur that you do not want (i.e., tumors).

    People suffering from LGS should eat several small meals instead of three large meals and chew their food more thoroughly to help with digestion. Supplements should include: lactobacillus acidophilu; bifidus; chicory; the dahlia plant and/or burdock root. Other supplements that are helpful include: natural digestive enzymes, essential fatty acids, antioxidants and plant extracts. There are now all in one hypoallergenic formulations designed for LGS that contains the necessary nutrients for treatment that are available through natural health practitioners.

The Outcome

    Reversing LGS takes a long time and in some cases it may never be reversed or the damage and other illnesses that it causes may never be resolved. Some people must stop eating certain types of foods for years because of food allergies and other issues. In the end, there is no guarantee of a cure, but the effort is definitely worth making because of the dire health consequences of LGS. Also the use of HGH should be limited to after the LGS is cleared up, so that it will work the way it is supposed to and help repair cellular damage.

How to Use Carrot Seed Oil

Carrot seed oil, with its earthy smell and myriad uses, is one ingredient you may be able to use to add fragrance to lotions or even to counteract signs of aging (from wrinkles to age spots). Massaging this oil onto your skin and scalp can relax you, decrease stress and even help treat psoriasis and eczema. As with any herbal remedy, consult your doctor before using carrot seed oil, particularly if you're pregnant, nursing a baby, or using the oil on a child.



    Mix carrot seed essential oil (15 drops) with 2 tbsp. almond oil; smooth onto skin to moisturize and remove makeup. Add other essential oils (e.g., geranium essential oil) for an added fragrance.


    Combine 3 drops of carrot seed essential oil with 3/4 tsp. jojoba oil and 2 tbsp. aloe vera gel for a facial moisturizer. Shake well before every use.


    Smooth carrot seed oil onto skin to add elasticity and to fight wrinkles on your face.


    Apply carrot seed oil to your scalp and massage into your hair to help stop psoriasis, as well as to relieve stress.


    Massage carrot seed oil onto your hands to help lighten and prevent age spots, and apply anywhere on your skin where eczema is a problem.


    Ask your doctor before attempting to use carrot seed oil as a muscle relaxant or a liver and kidney detoxifier, which are uses that need more medical study in humans before being deemed safe.

Side Effects of Silicea

Side Effects of Silicea

Silicea, which is also known as silicea terra and silicic acid, is used as a homeopathic remedy, a natural remedy and is being studied as a possible medical treatment for removing aluminum from the body as well. A compound of silicon oxides, silicea can be taken in tablets, in a colloidal suspension liquid or topically in a gel. There are few side effects of silicea, mostly digestive, but there are precautions to observe.

Silicea Terra and Silicic Acid

    The term silicic acid is the general name for for a family of chemical compounds which contain the elements: silicon, hydrogen and oxygen, all nonmetallic elements.

    Silicic acid exists naturally in seawater and can be found in the oceans of the world. It also exists in flint, sand, quartz and the human body. Orthosilic acid is found in human tissues, bones, tendons, the aorta, the kidneys and the liver, and is necessary for life. This means that the body tolerates silicea well, as a rule.

Homeopathic Uses

    As a homeopathic remedy, silicic acid is used in tablet form, colloidal liquid or topically as a gel to treat diseases of bone, dental caries and necrosis. The dense, hard dry structure of silicon, as present in quartz, flint, sand, etc., all of which contain silicon as an element, means that silicic acid should work (like for like) for scars, skin growths, dry skin and hair and brittle bones and nails. The phrase "like for like" reflects one of the basic philosophies of homeopathy--that conditions that are dry and hard, like scars, should be treated by that which is dry and hard in its elemental nature, such as the element silicon.

    One cautionary--homeopathic practitioners recommend that if you have an implant or an artificial component in your body, you should avoid silica and silicea products because they believe they may have a tendency to cause foreign materials, such as implants, to be expelled from the body.

Other Homeopathic Precautions

    Silicea stimulates the skin of the body homeopathically to reabsorb scar tissue, including keloids. This use must be monitored by a homeopathic practitioner, as an underlying condition, like an infection or a skin disorder, could be reabsorbed with the scar tissue or keloid, and begin to take hold in the body once more.

Homeopathic Side Effects

    Silicea also works homeopathically to treat abscesses, headaches, spasms and epilepsy. If you use silicea for these conditions, you should stay away from alcohol or stimulants like caffeine, as these work against the benefits of silicea in these conditions.

    Another side effect--symptoms that benefit homeopathically from taking silicea can worsen in cold damp weather, or if you become exposed to chilly, damp conditions for periods of time. These symptoms will improve with dry warmth.

Nutritional Supplement

    Silicea and choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid are used as a nutritional supplement (tablets) to treat dry skin and hair, brittle nails, bone formation, bone mineral density and to promote bone collagen formation in women who are osteopenic.

    Silicea works naturally with your digestive system to absorb and assimilate nutrients. If you have experienced problems assimilating silicea efficiently--side effects may include indigestion and/or constipation--you might want to add additional supplements that include boron, calcium, magnesium and potassium.

    If, after increasing your additional supplements, you find that you still do not assimilate the tablet form of silicea--some people continue to experience mild digestion and gastrointestinal distress--the mineral content is also available in food sources such as beets, brown rice, bell peppers, soybeans, alfalfa, leafy green vegetables such as kale and whole grains.

Silicic Acid, Aluminum and Alzheimer's

    Research done at the Birchall Centre for Inorganic Chemistry and Materials Science has focused on adding silicic acid to canned beverages, to observe the ability of silicic acid to reduce aluminum intake in the digestive system and aid the body in excreting it through the kidneys. Aluminum that is retained in the human body is considered to be a possible contributory factor to Alzheimer's.

    Research is also being done on the effect of dietary supplements of silicea and silicic acid on aluminum retained in the body.

    Be careful to drink five to eight cups of water daily if you are trying to counteract the effects of aluminum in your body with silicea. It helps your kidneys process and excrete both the aluminum and the silicea.

Natural Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

If you experience swelling and stiffness in the joints of your hands, wrists, knees and ankles, you may be suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, a progressive inflammatory disease and autoimmune disorder characterized by deterioration of synovium, a protective lining of tissue that acts as a shock absorber for your joints.

You cannot cure your disease, but you may be able to improve your condition and quality of life by exploring natural treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.


    Consider getting frequent massages. Deep tissue massage is thought to increase production of endorphins, which are the body's natural painkillers.

    Reduce your consumption of animal products, because they are high in arachidonic acid content. This acid is converted in the body into leukotrienes and other prostaglandins, inflammatory mediators that contribute to the swelling and pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis.

    Apply topical creams that contain capsaicin, which is derived from chili peppers. Capsaicin is considered a natural treatment of rheumatoid arthritis because it inhibits the release of substance P in nerve endings. Substance P is a neuropeptide that signals the brain to perceive pain. (See Reference 1.)

    Avoid engaging in activities that involve strain or sudden impact, which may increase the risk of injury to your joints.


    Increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids. In a 2002 review of 20 years' worth of available medical literature, titled "Omega-3 fatty acids in inflammation and autoimmune diseases," the Center for Genetics, Nutrition and Health concluded that "many of the placebo-controlled trials of fish oil in chronic inflammatory diseases reveal significant benefit, including decreased disease activity and a lowered use of anti-inflammatory drugs." The mechanism behind this is primarily the inhibition of inflammatory mediators collectively known as cytokines.

    Supplement with S-adenosylmethionine (SAM-e), a form of the amino acid methionine, which is naturally produced by the body to stimulate production of proteoglycans, proteins that form the building blocks of cartilage. Argentinean researchers who conducted a double-blind clinical trial involving 45 subjects found not only that supplementation with SAM-e was as effective as piroxicam in reducing inflammation and pain, but that relief was longer-lasting. (See Reference 2.)

    Suppress the production of excess inflammatory mediators even further by taking stinging nettle leaf extract. German researchers have found that nettle blocks the release of leukotrienes by 50% and prostaglandins by 100% within 24 hours of supplementation. (See Reference 3.)

Monday, May 30, 2016

Different Kinds of Aloe Gel

Aloe is a medicinal plant. A clear gel from the succulent leaves of the aloe vera plant has been used topically to treat skin problems for thousands of years, according to the Mayo Clinic. Aloe gel can be used as a stand-alone product or blended into a gel or cream that will alleviate physical pain. Aloe gel is typically safe to digest, and may often be found in other foods or products that are common household items.


    The main use for aloe is instant relief from skin burns and irritations. When applied to skin, aloe gel will cool a damaged area within seconds.

Ingestible Aloe Gel

    There are many benefits to ingesting specific types of aloe gel, which should be labeled as such. Heartburn, sinuses, kidney ailments and laxative benefits may all be helped by mixing aloe gel with juice or water. However, do not ingest aloe gel if the warning label on the bottle advises against it.


    Aloe gels have the same consistency as most hair gels, and can be used for the same purpose. Though aloe gels may not freeze hair as hard as hair gels, it is a safe and healthy gel for styling.

Kids' Aloe

    Aloe gels for kids is similar to other aloe vera products, but is intended for minor burns and irritations. A popular gel for kids is Boo-Boo Burn Relief gel.


    Aloe vera may also be mixed into a sunscreen. While this is technically a cream, the same properties of aloe are found in it.

How to Remove Body Hair With Sugar

Sick of that unwanted hair on you legs, under your arm, or even on you face? Every woman wishes they could remove unwanted hair fast and easy, with less pain. Sure, you can try waxing and shaving but this can be painful and leave your skin irritated. Why not try this new technique called "sugaring" to remove that unwanted hair. The sugar paste sticks only to the hair and not the skin, so it's not as painful as waxing.
Results can last up to six weeks and after repetitive use, the hair follicle can be damaged, so the hair may never even grow back. Now isn't that something we all would love?



    Mix together your sugar, lemon juice (without pulp or seeds), and water in a sauce pan over medium to high heat, stirring often, and bring to a boil. You can also add a few drops of lavender oil and tea tree oil, if you wish, which has a calming effect on the skin. Once your mixture is boiling, reduce to low-medium heat and simmer for 25-30 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool for 10 minutes, then place in an airtight container. Your mixture should now be a dark color, similar to a dark soda.


    Make sure your mixture has cooled to room temperature before applying to the skin then spread your paste over the area in which you wish to remove hair. I like to do one small area at a time, no bigger than a few inches long but you can do a larger area. I use the back side of a spoon to smear the paste on the skin, or you can use whatever works for you, such as a small plastic or rubber spatula.


    Apply your waxing strip, which can be found at any store that sells hair removal products. You can also use an old sheet or pillow case, cut into strips. This is a big money saving tip! Rub the strip on the wax, then simply strip it away. It's that simple!


    Excess paste left behind is water soluble, so it washes away easily and won't irritate the skin like normal waxing can.

Enzyme Therapy for Back Pain

There are many people who suffer from chronic and acute pain that stems from various disorders, including those pertaining to the back. These can be caused by stress and injury. Many of these individuals resort to pain killers or anti-inflammatory drugs, but these can damage the digestive system and other organs after prolonged use. There are natural treatments to help eliminate the pain, and one of them is enzyme therapy. Clinics are using these more and more to help patients live normally again.


    One of the enzymes that are used in the treatment of back pain is bromelain and it is found mainly in pineapple. This is a natural enzyme and can be used also for digestive purposes and well as an immune system stimulant. It has anti-inflammatory properties that allows it to reduce the inflammation and swelling in patients with back pain.

    Adults can take up to 250 mg of this enzyme a day but should be taken in between meals on an empty stomach otherwise it will not take effect. Children can also use this but in much lower doses. Those between 2 and 5 years can take up to 50 or 60 mg; those between 6 and 12 can use up to 100 or 125 mg; and those that are from 12 to 17 years old can take between 160 and 180 mg per day.


    This comes from the papaya fruit and is used somewhat for digestive purposes in the tolerance of gluten and with the absorption of proteins. This is however another enzyme that reduces swelling and inflammation because of other qualities that it has.

    Adults can take up to 1,800 mg three times a day. Those aged 2 to 5 can consume between 450 and 500 mg while those aged 6 to12 can take between 900 and 1,000 mg. Teenagers ages 13 to 17 years can take between 1,350 and 1,500 mg three times a day. These should be taken in between meals on an empty stomach with a glass of water.


    Pancreatin is taken from the pancreas of animals and is used research on degenerative disabilities. While is has digestive aid properties, it too has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce smelling and inflammation for those who suffer from back pain.

    Adults can take one 300 mg capsule up to three times a day. Children from ages 2 to 5 can take up to 75 mg; those from 6 to12 years can consume up to 150 mg, and teenagers ages 13 to 17 can take up to 225 mg. Any of these enzymes should be taken carefully and with the knowledge of your health care professional.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Mycotoxins Detox Treatment

Mycotoxins is a term typically used to describe the toxic chemicals that are produced by the fungi that are often found colonizing crops. As there are many different species of fungi, so too are there many different mycotoxins. Different species of fungi can either produce very similar or vastly different mycotoxins. Concentrated levels of mycotoxin in the air will be found near fungal colonies. The severity of the mycotoxin to a living organism is the type of organism infected, its susceptibility to the mycotoxin, its metabolism and its defense mechanisms.

Health Effects

    The poisoning associated with prolonged exposure to mycotoxins is mycotoxicoses. The inhalation, ingestion or skin contact with mycotoxins can lead to many adverse health effects, ranging from initial immune-system-suppression and body response to toxins to a long-term carcinogenic effect.

    The symptoms that an individual displays from mycotoxicoses will depend on the type of mycotoxin, the concentration of the mycotoxin exposed to, the length of exposure and the individual's personal characteristics like their age and previous health problems. Initial health problems such as vitamin and caloric deficiency, alcohol abuse and infectious diseases can compound the effect of the mycotoxins. Effects of mycotoxins include the inhibition of protein synthesis, inhibition of the ability of lungs to clear particulates out and increased sensitivity to bacteria.

Herbal Cleanse

    There are many different herbs that you can incorporate into your diet to help flush mycotoxins out of your system. The simplest addition to your food is garlic which is not only easy to find but also simple to incorporate into your existing recipes. Garlic is a natural antifungal and helps kill mycotoxins in your body.

    Other herbs that you could consider adding to your food include cascara sagrada, psyllium, goldenseal, licorice root and dandelion. Although these herbs may sound exotic and foreign, this mycotoxin detox could be a great time to try out new recipes. Also, because the toxins will be flushed from your body through your bowels, be prepared to be going to the bathroom a lot and don't schedule to go out soon after eating.


    During the mycotoxin detox treatment, you should be sure to drink lots of water and other fluids. This not only helps flush the toxins from your body, but it also helps to rehydrate you. The rehydration is important because you will be losing a lot of body fluid in the detoxification process.

    Although the herbs help loosen the mycotoxins from your system, it is really the water that helps flush them out and get rid of them once and for all. Although you should definitely be drinking more than the recommended eight cups a day, also don't over hydrate yourself because this can lead to you feeling bloated and sick. Drinking non-caffeinated tea can also help you drink more water by breaking up the monotony.

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Scalp Odor

Scalp odor comes from the apocrine glands that produce a fatty sweat in areas of the body where there is more hair. When you are under stress, the gland contracts, and the sweat is pushed to the surface of the skin where bacteria breaks it down. This bacterial breakdown of apocrine sweat can be the cause of scalp odor. There are natural ways to get rid of the odor.

Herbal Treatments

    Massage jojoba oil into the scalp and leave it on for an hour. Aloe vera will soothe the scalp; it is an ingredient in many natural shampoos. Neem oil from India is a natural antiseptic; it will remove unwanted bacteria, thus reducing the possibility of odor. Olive oil is also good for the scalp. Massage it in and wrap a towel around your head. Leave olive oil on the hair for 15 to 20 minutes. Regular natural care for your scalp will not only reduce odor-causing bacteria, but also make your hair more beautiful.


    A mousy scalp odor can be caused by the fungus favus, sometimes called honeycomb ringworm. It is mostly seen on young boys but can last into adulthood. The first stage is redness and inflammation; in the second stage, yellow crusts form over the hair follicles, and the hair begins to fall out. The third stage is the most severe, with large areas of hair loss. Poke root, grub root and inkberry are all detoxifying agents for favus. It is advisable, though, to also see a doctor if you suspect you have favus.

Be Clean

    Bathe at least once a day; if you sweat a lot, you should bathe twice a day. This will reduce the amount of bacteria on your skin and scalp. Sometimes stress or hormonal changes can trigger the release of excess oil on your scalp, on which the bacteria feed. Shampooing will help alleviate resulting scalp odor. Gentle, plant-based shampoos are available if you need to shampoo daily. Purchase the shampoo at a natural food store or online.

Preparation and Dosage

    For an alternative treatment, gather poke root in late autumn. After careful cleaning, slice lengthwise or crosswise and dry it. Put to tsp of the dried root in a cup of water, bring to a boil, and then simmer for 10 minutes. Take three times in one day. To consume as a tincture, take to 1 ml three times a day. Take only small amounts of poke root, because overdose can make you very sick and can be fatal.

Homeopathic Ways to Cure Kidney Stones

Kidney stones or renal calculi, are hard masses that form in the kidney or urinary tract. They can vary greatly in size, but are always painful. Some large kidney stones must be removed by surgery. Consult with a physician to ensure surgery is not required before beginning any homeopathic treatment. There are several remedies that address both the symptoms and causes of kidney stones. Herbal medicines, hot packs and changes in diet can relieve pain and reduce the formation of the stones.

Herbal Medicines

    Homeopathic remedies are used to treat symptoms of kidney stones for pain relief. The specific treatment will be determined by the symptoms. Berberis vulgaris is used for sharp pains that radiate from the groin area and for treatment of kidney stones on the right side. This medicine is also known to eliminate stones and prevent new ones from forming. Cantharis is used to treat urine that burns. Colocynthis treats pain over the whole abdomen, felt when urinating. Ocimum canum is used when pain is accompanied by nausea or vomiting. Pennyroyal is used to treat left-sided stones or frequent urination.

Hot Packs

    Hot packs can be applied to the back or abdomen to relieve pain. The heat will relax muscles and allow for easier passage of the stone. Castor oil can relieve cramps and spasms because it has an anti-inflammatory property. Hot vinegar packs can relieve severe pain. Place a pack of one part water to one part vinegar solution over affected area.


    Changes in diet can reduce or eliminate the recurrence of kidney stones. Most stones are made up of calcium and uric acid. Recent studies have shown that a diet high in calcium can help reduce the formation of kidney stones in patients. If acidic urine is present, avoid fish and poultry. Patients who develop calcium oxalate stones may need to limit their intake of chocolate, tea, coffee, cola, nuts, spinach and strawberries. Consult with a nutritionist to determine the best diet for youl. Increase fluid intake to help prevent stones.


    Many homeopathic remedies are given in the form of a pellet with a lactose base. Liquid forms are available and may be a better choice if you are lactose intolerant.

Neti Pot Remedies

Colds, congestion and sinus infections are a fact of life, especially during the fall and winter months. However, that does not doom you to months of not being able to breathe or pumping yourself full of drugs in order to muddle through the season. Neti pots have been used in India for centuries, but have now gained acceptance in the United States. They are an all-natural way to clear mucus and to open the nasal passages.

Neti Pots and How to Use Them

    Neti pots are small pots made of ceramic, glass or plastic which resemble small teapots. You fill them with a solution of one eighth to one quarter tsp. of salt and eight ounces of warm (not hot) purified or distilled water, then use the neti pot to pour the solution into the nasal cavity. To do this, you hold the pot in one hand, while tilting your head sideways over a sink. The side of your head that is on the same side as the hand holding the pot should be facing up. Put the spout into to the nostril on the side that is facing up and pour the saline solution into your nostril. The solution will drain out of your other nostril, carrying mucus and other gunk out with it.

Side Effects from Usage

    The first couple of times you use a neti pot will feel really odd and possibly uncomfortable, and you may get some of the solution down your throat, but you will get used to it. You may experience ear popping, which is from the change in pressure from the unblocking of the nasal passages. Some people choose to blow their noses afterward to get rid of the saltiness and to remove any remaining fluid or mucus. If you choose to do this, blow gently; harsh blowing could cause the solution to enter the sinus cavity or the tubes into the ears.

Further Directions and Cautions

    Some people with allergies or chronic sinus infections use a neti pot daily; others use one only when they feel congested or are getting sick. It should not be used by anyone under the age of 5, those who cannot tilt their head sufficiently to allow for drainage or those who have an ear infection. You should follow directions and talk with your doctor before using a neti pot if you are being treated for chronic sinus problems. Use of a neti pot is not designed to cure your sinus infection or allergy, but to give relief of symptoms like congestion.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Light Exposure Therapy to Relieve Symptoms

Light therapy is a technique that uses exposure to different forms of light to treat the symptoms of a number of conditions, including seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and other forms of depression, the skin disorder psoriasis and infant jaundice. It is also known as phototherapy. The type of light therapy used varies with the condition.

Light Therapy for Depression

    Light therapy is a potentially effective treatment option for various forms of depression, especially if you do not want to take antidepressant medications or cannot tolerate their side effects. It may also be helpful if antidepressants prove ineffective, or if you are pregnant or breast-feeding and worry about the effects of antidepressants on your child. In addition to SAD, light therapy can be used to relieve the symptoms of non-seasonal depression, postpartum depression and some sleep disorders.

    In this form of light therapy, treatment is given with a specialized box that emits light of greater intensity than is produced by outside light or indoor fixtures. If you receive this treatment, you will sit close enough to a light box to allow its light to enter your eyes indirectly. Initial treatments may last roughly 15 minutes. As you become accustomed to the therapy, your sessions may range from 30 minutes to two hours.

Light Therapy for Psoriasis

    If you receive light therapy for the symptoms of psoriasis, you will be exposed to doses of a form of light called ultraviolet B (UVB). UVB is a component of natural sunlight, and in some cases your doctor may choose to treat your psoriasis symptoms by recommending you get a certain amount of daily sunlight exposure. More typically, he will prescribe use of a device that produces artificial UVB. In this form of treatment, you will expose your psoriasis-affected skin to UVB for a prescribed amount of time. In some instances, your doctor may treat your psoriasis with another form of light called ultraviolet A (UVA). UVA treatments may be combined with use of the medication psoralen, which sensitizes your skin to the effects of UVA and increases the effectiveness of your treatment. This combined approach of light therapy and psoralen is known as PUVA.

Light Therapy for Infant Jaundice

    If your child suffers from the symptoms of infant jaundice, relief may be gained from another form of light therapy that uses light emitted in the blue-green part of the spectrum. In this technique, your child will be placed under a source that produces this kind of light while wearing a diaper and protective eye coverings. During treatment, a specialized plastic sheet will screen out any potentially harmful ultraviolet radiation. If needed, this light therapy can be supplemented with specialized pads or mattresses that also emit light.

    Consult your doctor for more information on the various forms of light therapy.

Juice Recipes for Acid Reflux

Cabbage has been long been used as a natural remedy for acid reflux disease and ulcers. It is loaded with essential vitamins and nutrients, but its gastrointestinal healing ability is due mainly to its abundance of the amino acid glutamine. Drinking cabbage juice is the easiest and most efficient way to reap its medicinal benefits. A few cabbage juice recipes can help relieve your acid reflux.

Plain Cabbage Juice

    The easiest cabbage juice recipe involves simply chopping up some cabbage and putting it in your juicer. You can use any type of cabbage to juice, but most people prefer the savoy variety of cabbage since it is has the sweetest flavor. In the beginning, drink no more one 8 oz. glass per day as cabbage juice can cause excessive gas, which can lead to discomfort and constipation. Over a week or two, start to increase your intake to two to three glasses a day as your body adjusts to it. You may also squeeze half of a lemon into the juice to add a little flavor. In a few weeks, you should notice a significant decrease in your acid reflux symptoms.

Cabbage Juice Combinations

    Many people find plain cabbage juice unpalatable. While the flavor is quite bland, the smell can be a little unappetizing. Fortunately, there are a few simple recipes that will make your cabbage much more enjoyable. Try juicing the cabbage with carrots and apples. This recipe can be adjusted according to your taste, but a good guideline is to use more carrots than cabbage. And one apple should usually be more than enough. From this base recipe, add other smaller ingredients such as lemon, ginger and aloe. All three of these ingredients will help ease acid reflux as well. In addition, the more ingredients you add, the more the nutritional value your juice will have.

    For a more tropical juice, add two or three bananas and half of a papaya to your cabbage juice. Not only does this recipe make for thicker, more flavorful juice, but the fiber in bananas will help counteract some of the constipation that comes along with drinking high levels of cabbage juice.

    The thing to remember is that there are endless possibilities with juicing. Get creative. While cabbage juice offers a tremendous medicinal benefit, it doesn't have to taste like medicine. Experiment with fruits and vegetables until you find the one you like best.

Earth Cures of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has many uses and is often touted as an eco-friendly remedy for everything from dandruff to acid reflux. Many also drink a mixture of water and vinegar daily to help prevent heartburn, cancer and bone loss. Apple cider vinegar contains several minerals and antioxidants that can help fight disease.

Topical uses

    Apple cider vinegar is good for the scalp. It can eliminate dandruff, unclog pores and sooth an itchy scalp when, combined with an equal part water, used as a hair rinse. Unlike most hair products on the market, apple cider vinegar is eco-friendly because it doesn't rely on any chemicals. You can also use it as an alternative to pesticide-filled lice shampoos. Also, if you have oily hair or acne on your scalp, vinegar can help clear oily buildup and reduce hairline acne.

    Mix 2 tablespoons of vinegar with an 8-ounce glass of water and apply it to your face with a cotton ball every day to reduce inflammation and infection in the skin. Vinegar is also used to fight brown spots caused by sun exposure and age. Mix a couple of teaspoons of vinegar with a teaspoon of onion juice and apply it daily to the skin. Brown spots should start to fade in a couple of weeks.

Internal uses

    Apple cider vinegar mixed with honey can help lower blood pressure. Mix a tablespoon of each in a glass of water and drink twice a day. The vinegar and honey contain potassium that can help balance sodium levels and reduce blood pressure. The vinegar also has magnesium, which relaxes blood vessel walls and helps lower pressure.

    Vinegar can also be used to help with the common cold. At the first sign of illness, mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a half-cup of water and drink several times a day. Because the body's alkaline levels increase during colds, vinegar will help balance your acid levels.

    Apple cider vinegar is also used to get rid of the heartburn of acid reflux. Although no scientific studies have been performed, dozens of testimonials insist on the effectiveness of this home remedy. You can try drinking a glass of water with 2 or 3 teaspoons of vinegar in it before meals to prevent heartburn. If you already have heartburn, drink a teaspoon or two of vinegar---you will feel relief in just a few minutes.

Preventive uses

    Vinegar is also used to prevent diseases such as osteoporosis and cancer. Vinegar contains manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and silicon, which help prevent bone loss. Put 2 or 3 teaspoons in a glass of water and drink daily to reap the benefits of these minerals. Apples and the vinegar made with them contain the antioxidant beta-carotene, and flavonoids and polyphenols that can help prevent cancer formation. They also contain pectin, a fiber that binds some cancer-causing compounds in the colon and flush them from the body.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Effective Massage for Skin Rejuvenation

Skin is the largest organ and the most obvious marker of your internal health. When your body is overloaded with toxins, the results show up on your epidermis via dry, flaky skin; a dull complexion; pimples and blackheads; and a rough texture. Massaging the skin is an excellent way to detoxify and rejuvenate it, and the most effective type of skin massage is dry brushing. It is simple, inexpensive, takes 5 to 10 minutes, and you can do it at home by yourself.


    The benefits of dry skin brushing are numerous and extensive. Brushing the skin helps shed dead skin cells and encourages the renewal of new cells, thereby resulting in a smoother, softer texture. The life cycle of your epidermis is 24 hours, so skin brushing daily is important to prevent pore clogging and dull skin.

    Brushing the skin increases circulation. This increased blood flow to the skin aids in the elimination of toxins through the pores as well as helps move lymph through the lymphatic system to drain it. The lymphatic system is an important part of the body's immune system, so keeping the lymph moving keeps your immune system strong.

    Dry skin brushing also encourages tightening of the skin because of the increased blood flow. Improving circulation to the skin may also reduce cellulite, which is simply an accumulation of toxins in fat cells that aren't able to be eliminated naturally. Brushing breaks down these toxic deposits and helps flush them out.

    Skin brushing invigorates the nervous system---which consists of cells, tissues and organs and regulates the body's response to stimuli---by stimulating the nerve endings in the skin and improving its function. And when the nerve endings are stimulated, it encourages muscle tone by causing the muscle fibers to move.

How To Brush

    Purchase a natural bristle brush (at any health food store)---nothing too coarse or too soft---and with a handle if possible. You should feel the pressure when stroking your skin, but not pain. Do this daily on your dry skin before you shower:

    Using long strokes in the direction towards your heart, brush your entire body, giving each section four strokes. Start with the bottom of the foot and work your way up the leg, both front and back. Do the other leg. Then brush from your hand up to your shoulder, including the armpit. Do the other arm. Brush your stomach in a circular motion, moving clockwise, then your breasts, also clockwise (be very gentle here). Brush downward on your chest and neck, toward the heart, and be very gentle as the skin is quite sensitive here. Reach over your shoulder to your back and stroke downward (this is where the brush's handle comes in handy). Reach behind you and brush upward on your buttocks and lower back. If the brush is soft enough, gently brush your face in circular motions.

    Avoid brushing over cuts, rashes or bruises. When you're done, shower to remove the dead skin cells and other impurities and prevent clogging your pores. At the end of your shower, blast yourself with cold water to close your pores and continue to stimulate blood circulation.

Detox for Hypertensive Patients

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is known as the silent killer. When hypertension is diagnosed in patients, physicians prescribe a course of treatment that includes a change in lifestyle and diet along with medication. Though not officially endorsed, most physicians agree that a routine detoxification diet combined with prescribed medications and lifestyle changes will greatly increase the chances for people to eliminate or reduce hypertension.

Lifestyle Change

    Without a change in your living environment and lifestyle choices, following a detox regime is pointless. Find a way to greatly reduce both internal and external stress catalysts. Daily mediation and listening to soft, soothing music aid in the reduction and control of stressful situations.


    Often, hypertensive patients are overweight, even obese, and follow no exercise program. It is recommended and proven that exercise such as moderate walking, 20 to 30 minutes three or four times a week, will increase oxygen in the blood stream, thereby lowering blood pressure. Begin slowly, even if it's for only five minutes at a time. Gradually increase the amount of time you are walking until it is at a brisk, steady pace. Proper exercise, when figured into a detox routine, increases the success of reducing hypertension.


    Hypertensive patients should consider a detox diet. Adding certain foods seems to jump-start the detox process and quickly help flush toxins from the body. This can be done by eating organic fruits and vegetables. If they are not labeled as organic, don't eat them. Most commercially grown fruits and vegetables have chemical additives that do not need to be added to the toxins already in the body.

    Fresh fruit is so important. It is a natural flushing mechanism that is high in fiber and water content. Nutrients in the fruit dissolve toxins while its natural sugars help maintain the body's fat and energy level. Apple cider vinegar should also be added to the diet as either a condiment or salad dressing. It is highly beneficial in the elimination of toxins.

    Hypertensive patients can also enjoy eating a daily dose of dark chocolate. Its chemical properties have long been documented to protect against the damaging effect of toxic buildup.

    Truly the best way for a hypertensive patient to experience a successful detox is to follow a program of moderate exercise, stress reduction and change in diet to organic foods. With time and detoxification, hypertension can be beat.

How to Use Vinegar for Heel Pain

Because it affects your ability to walk, heel pain can be a bothersome and disabling condition. For some, heel pain comes on suddenly, but can happen gradually for others. Although heel spurs are the most common cause of heel pain, other causes include plantar fasciitis, infection, tumors, and fractures or cysts. Whatever the cause, heel pain that results in swelling and inflammation may possibly be soothed by the use of either white or apple cider vinegar. If you have heel pain and are looking for a natural remedy, vinegar may be the answer.
Although some university studies have shown apple cider vinegar to have some beneficial effects when taken internally, the studies have been limited. Topical applications are unproven, although popularly accepted.



    Soak your foot in vinegar. To attempt to reduce heel pain characterized by inflammation and swelling, fill a foot tub or large pan 3/4 full with cool water and mix in 1/2 cup of either white or apple cider vinegar. Soak your foot in this vinegar bath for 20 to 30 minutes every day and see if the pain subsides.


    Wrap your heel in a paper bag soaked in apple cider vinegar. Cut a paper bag in the shape of your heel and soak it in apple cider vinegar. Wear this paper wrapped around your heel daily for 2 to 3 weeks, changing the paper several times per day. This may provide heel pain relief, especially for pain caused by heel spurs.


    Apply a mixture of apple cider vinegar, baking soda and molasses to your heel. For this vinegar remedy, mix two tbsp. of apple cider vinegar, one tsp. of baking soda and one tbsp. of molasses together. Apply this to the affected area of your heel daily for at least 10 to 15 minutes, and you may begin to see signs of improvement within a few days of use.

Home Remedy for Brown Spots on Skin

Many people are plagued with brown spots or skin discolorations. Instead of using harsh chemicals to treat dark spots on the skin, look to home remedies for simple solutions, often using ingredients you already have at home. If you continue to be bothered with brown spots, consult your physician for a more conventional treatment plan.


    Horseradish may not be thought of as a medicinal herb, but it has a few applications such as the ability to fade brown spots and freckles. Treat brown spots with a horseradish paste applied directly to the skin. Make the paste with one grated piece of horseradish about 4 inches long; combine with 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar. Put it in small glass container and allow to sit for two weeks. After two weeks, strain the mixture and apply with a cotton ball to the affected area three times a day. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.


    Lemons have mild bleaching abilities and can help to fade brown spots. The citric acid in lemons helps to bleach away and destroy the very top layer of skin. While it will take some time, you can start to notice a gradual fading of dark spots after a few months. Simply cut up some lemon, and rub the slices over your brown spots two to three times a day until you notice results. Likewise, you can saturate a cotton ball with some lemon juice and apply to the affected area a couple of times a day.

Aloe Vera Gel

    Aloe vera has long been used to treat all kinds of skin conditions and irritations. Rub the gel or juice on the affected area twice a day for results. You should notice some improvement within a month.

Castor Oil

    Castor oil has strong healing properties and can be used effectively to treat brown spots. Simply saturate a cotton ball with castor oil and apply to the affected area once in the morning and once at night. You should see some results in about a month.

Red Onion

    Red onions have a similar bleaching effect as lemons. Simply slice up some red onion and rub the slices over the affected area two to three times a day. The acidic nature of red onions works as a peeling effect on the skin, burning and bleaching off the top layer.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Home Remedies for Dandruff & Bug Bites

Dandruff (seborrheic dermatitis) is characterized by dry, flaky skin on the scalp. Several natural treatments are available to treat and prevent flaking. Insect bites and stings can cause pain, itching, inflammation and sometimes allergic reactions; you can do several things to address theses issues naturally. You should always see a doctor if you suspect you are having an allergic reaction to a insect bite or sting.

Treating Bug Bites Naturally

    If your bite is causing itching and irritation, you might want to use a topical treatment to ease the discomfort. Certain herbs, when applied topically, can be a good substitute for conventional treatments like hydrocortisone cream; they include lemon balm, stinging nettle, tea tree oil, witch hazel, calendula and plantain. Check with your doctor before using any natural treatments and discontinue use if you notice any negative reactions.

    If you are looking for natural repellents, the following oils, when applied to the skin, might protect against bites; they include eucalyptus, clove, citronella and neem. Do not apply the oil directly to the skin without diluting it first with a carrier oil like almond, grape seed, sesame or another type of oil.

    If you experience an allergic reaction to the bite or sting, certain natural supplements can ease the symptoms of the reaction. You should not attempt to treat an allergic reaction on your own; seek medical care. These treatments are complementary and are not appropriate on their own. Consult with an experienced practitioner to determine if these treatments are appropriate for you; she can offer guidance on proper use. Quercetin (400 to 500 mg daily) can ease the severity of allergic reactions. Vitamin C strengthens immunity and can reinforce the action of quercetin; the suggested dose is 1,000 mg two to six times daily. Zinc (30 mg daily) might ease the stomach problems that accompany allergic reactions.

    The following homeopathic remedies might be of benefit as well; take as directed on the product label. They include apis mellifica, hypericum, ledum, staphysagria and urtica urens. Working with a professional homeopath is the best way to determine the most appropriate remedies for you.

Treating Dandruff Naturally

    Use a tar shampoo every day or every other day until the flakes clear; afterward, use twice a week. You can also use a shampoo containing tea tree oil. They are appropriate for daily use.

    The following supplements can retain moisture in your hair and reduce the formation of flakes; they include evening primrose oil (500 mg twice a day), black currant oil (500 mg twice a day) and omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish oil (1.8 g daily of daily).

    If your dandruff is linked to eczema, you can do several things to reduce the incidence of flare-ups. Eat an anti-inflammatory diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans. Limit your intake of inflammation causing foods like saturated fats found in animal products, fried foods, white flour foods and sugar. Consider getting tested for food allergies and sensitivities to be sure you are not eating foods that are interfering with proper immune function and worsening your condition. Manage stress by practicing relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation. The above supplements are also beneficial for eczema as they also have anti-inflammatory properties.

Benefits of White Vinegar in Ears

White vinegar can be used as a home remedy to treat certain problems in the ears. It is commonly used to treat outer ear infection, commonly referred to as swimmer's ear.


    Swimmer's ear, or otitis externa, can produce symptoms like ear pain, drainage and itching. Discharge may be yellow or yellow-green and have a foul odor.


    Swimming in polluted water, having an object stuck in the ear or scratching at the ear can cause swimmer's ear. It can also be associated with respiratory infections.


    The National Library of Medicine of the National Institutes of Health suggests applying a mixture of a drop of white vinegar and a drop of alcohol to the ear after swimming or showering to prevent ear infection. The acid from the vinegar and the alcohol will inhibit growth of bacteria.


    According to Larry Davis, biochemist and Diving Safety Coordinator at the University of Michigan, white vinegar used every day after diving can prevent swimmer's ear. Davis recommends tilting your head on its side, filling the ear canal with white vinegar, then tilting the head again to drain the canal.

Ear Wax

    The University of Florida College of Medicine suggests using a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and warm tap water to clear ear wax impaction. Bend over a sink and use a rubber bulb syringe to irrigate the ear with the mixture.

Directions for Nasal Sprays

Nasal sprays deliver medicine to your body via the blood vessels in your nose. Nasal spray, which comes in a pump or a pressurized canister, contains medicine either in solution or in suspension that you spray into your nostrils. Whether you are using a pump or a pressurized canister, you need to use nasal spray properly to make sure you are getting the medicine into your body.

Pump Nasal Spray

    Before you use a pump nasal spray, blow your nose to get rid of any excess mucus. Then remove the cap of the nasal spray bottle, shake the botle, and "prime" it by squirting out a drop or two of the medication (to make sure there are no air bubbles), recommends the American Academy of Family Physicians. After you have primed the pump bottle, tilt your head forward a little, bending at the waist and keeping your neck straight, then, hold the pump bottle with your middle and index fingers on top and your thumb at the bottom. Close the nostril you are not using, breathe out through your nose slowly, then while breathing in through your nose slowly insert the tip of the pump bottle into your nostril and squeeze the bottle. Repeat these steps for the other nostril.

Pressurized Nasal Spray

    The directions for using a pressurized nasal spray are the same as for a pump nasal spray, except for how the medication comes out, according to NetDoctor.co.uk. Pressurized nasal sprays deliver a mist, Instead of a liquid, into your nostril for as long as you hold the nozzle down. Be sure to follow your doctor's directions for how much of this medication you need, or you risk overdosing.

Side Effects

    Some possible side effects of using nasal sprays could include nosebleeds, and an unpleasant taste in the back of your throat as the spray drains out of your sinuses. To remedy the nosebleeds the American Academy of Family Physicians recommends a saline spray before you use your medication. Also, if you use the nasal spray correctly, you should not have any excess dripping into your throat to create that unpleasant taste. Make sure you can breathe in and out of your nose before using the medication; otherwise you are wasting the dosage.

Nasal Spray Addiction

    Some nasal sprays contain steroids or antihistamines to help relieve congestion as the medication is delivered. If you become dependent on your nasal spray and cannot go a day without using it, you might be addicted. If you feel that you need to use a nasal sprays after your prescription is finished, and if you begin to habitually rely on saline nasal sprays, consult your doctor about how to overcome this dependency. Prolonged use of nasal sprays is not advised for your nostrils or sinuses.

Important Tips

    NetDoctor.co.uk recommends cleaning your nasal spray bottle at least once a week to keep contaminants away from the tip (and from getting into your nose). It also recommends not sneezing or blowing your nose after a dosage, because you risk blowing out the medication. It is important to aim the nozzle straight when delivering your medication, otherwise you waste the dosage. The tip of your canister should be straight in your nostril and pointing up toward the back of your head. Finally, as you use your nasal spray it can take up to two weeks before you notice a change. This is normal, and you should use your medication as directed by your doctor.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Desiccated Liver Remedies

Desiccated liver is made up of beef liver that is compressed into a powder and turned into a supplement capsule or tablet. It is considered a natural supplement that is rich is vitamins A, C, D, B-complex, iron, protein, copper, calcium and phosphorus. There are many benefits from taking desiccated liver.

Glandular Treatment

    Desiccated liver supplements can be used as the oral form of glandular treatment. This treatment is based on the theory that human glands will work better when glandular materials from another animal are consumed. This remedy is helpful because the liver of an animal is not commonly consumed during meals. Desiccated liver can also be taken in the form of injection, which works faster and over a longer period of time.


    The nutrients in desiccated liver can help to maintain healthy gums as well as treat gum disease, liver disorder and anemia. It reduces and prevents stress that is built up in the body as well as relaxes the body's natural stress response which works to decrease depression. The folic acid contained in this supplement aids in treating depression as well as constant fatigue.

    Desiccated liver works to stimulate red blood cell production as well as aid in the repair and buildup of body tissue. This natural remedy works to eliminate fatigue while increasing energy, metabolism and endurance. The natural source of iron helps to promote bone health. Most importantly, this supplement strengthens the immune system.


    You should not use desiccated liver supplements if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or breastfeeding. This supplement is not recommended for young children or people with hemochromatosis, thalassemia, sideroblastic anemia, sickle cell anemia and chronic liver failure. If you receive frequent blood transfusions you should not take desiccated liver supplements. If you are taking cold/flu medicine, laxatives, aspirin or other nutrient supplements you should consult with your doctor.

    Desiccated liver is not intended as an iron treatment for those who suffer from iron deficiency. There are no standard dosage amounts, so it is best to follow the daily dosage on the supplement's label. There are several types of desiccated liver supplements. To ensure that you are consuming the most natural sources, only purchase supplements that are extracted from grazing cattle. It is essential to only implement desiccated liver supplements that come from animals that are clinically tested and are free of chemicals and antibiotics.

Dandelion Wart Removal

Dandelion, or Taraxacum F. H. Wigg (Compostiae), belongs to the daisy family. This humble weed consists of the capitulum, the yellow-flowering top, and the bottom portion, of green rosette leaves. The dandelion, which has had a bad reputation as a pesky weed, can now be regarded with more esteem. Dandelions can be used in various ways. One is the application of its white sap to warts as a natural means of removal.


    Warts are diagnosed by their location and appearance. They can appear as light or dark skin around a lesion. Flat, smooth or small lesions can appear on the upper and lower body area as well as the face. Rough growths can appear under or around the fingernails and toenails, and even on the soles of the feet, which can be painful. Warts can also manifest themselves as lumps.


    Warts are caused by viruses. There are different types of warts. Common warts can appear anywhere on the body, although typically the hands. Flat warts are mostly in the facial area. This type is most common in children, less so in teenagers, and is rare in adults. Genital warts are found around the genital area and can even be found inside the body. Warts on the soles of the feet are plantar warts. Subungual warts are under the fingernails and toenails.


    Dandelions naturally contain a latex-type sap known as a phytochemical. The milky-white sap belongs to the luteolin class, and is known to be toxic to human cells. Applying the sap to the wart may reduce cell proliferation, acting as a natural remover. The sap may be gathered from cut roots, stems or leaves. Apply it to the entire wart one to three times daily for five to seven days. The wart can then be removed safely, as it will slowly detach from the skin.


    Wash hands carefully after touching warts. Avoid direct contact with warts on other people, as this can spread the virus. Warts can occur in a person with a weakened immune system. Therefore, causation should be investigated before starting treatment. Check allergies to any form of the dandelion before applying the sap. Consult a physician if you are unsure about any unnatural growth you observe,
    especially in the genital region.

Alternative Treatment for Bipolar Mania

With hundreds of medications on the market, finding the right bipolar treatment can be like finding a needle in a haystack. And if you are already wary of prescription drugs to begin with, or if you find that the side effects are unbearable, than traditional medication might not be right for you.

Diet and Nutrition

    Maintaining a healthy diet with proper nutrition is fundamental to lessening the effects of bipolar mania. Even for people who don't have bipolar, foods high in sugar, fat, carbohydrates and caffeine can have negative effects on mood, according to a CBS news article. Avoid these foods and focus on whole grains, good fats like those found in fish and legumes, and foods rich in vitamins B6 and B12, vitamin C, omega-3 fatty acids, and folic acid. People suffering from bipolar mania should especially avoid sugar and caffeine as it can be too stimulating.


    According to an ABC news report, regular exercise outdoors is recommended for bipolar patients. Raising the heart rate for a prolonged period of time (not less than 30 minutes) stimulates the production of endorphins in the body as well as serotonin and creates a feeling of well being. Having a healthy body also translates into having a healthy mind. Also, getting outdoors and being exposed to light, even if it is overcast, is helpful for stabilizing mood.

Dietary Supplements

    According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, the natural dietary supplement omega-3 may be helpful in treating bipolar disorder. Omega-3 is found in foods like fatty fish and vegetable oils, and it assists in a number of bodily functions such as muscle relaxation and contraction, blood clotting, cell division and digestion. Although these are available over the counter, they can still have side effects and can interact negatively with other medications you are taking. Consult a doctor prior to taking any supplements.


    A regular meditation or yoga practice can help to still the mind and calm the obsessive thoughts and behaviors often associated with bipolar mania. By studying the mindfulness techniques central to yoga and meditation, you can learn to have more control over thoughts and feelings and take charge of your moods.


    Regular consultation with a therapist or counselor is a necessary part of treatment for bipolar disorder. A professional who has experience working with the disorder can help you figure out strategies for managing the disease and living with it more comfortably, with or without medication. By learning and practicing new behaviors and coping strategies, many of the day-to-day struggles of bipolar mania can be avoided or lessened.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Dermisil Skin Tag Removal

Skin tags can be annoying, but rarely a medical problem. Traditionally, getting rid of them has always meant doctor or dermatologist office visits. One company, Dermisil, is trying to change that with an all-natural solution it claims can get rid of skin tags through regular use. No prescription. No physician. Is it possible?

Skin Tags

    Skin tags are benign skin growths which can be found on necks, face, eyelids, arms, chests, under breasts, armpits and sometimes on legs. Their cause is unknown but they happen most often to the elderly, pregnant women, those with diabetes type 2 and the obese.

    While skin tags themselves have no symptoms which cause discomfort, their placement can be a problem. Many people accidentally hit skin tags when shaving and skin tags can become irritated from rubbing against clothing.

    To remove skin tags, doctors offer several in-office procedures. Cryosurgery uses liquid nitrogen to freeze off skin tags. Cauterization uses the other temperature extreme and burns off skin tags. Ligation involved cutting off the blood supply to the skin tag until it dies and falls off. Excision is the surgical removal of the skin tag--which is done with a little local anesthetic in the doctor's office.


    Dermisil is a brand of natural skin products which include products targeting warts, scabies, herpes, impetigo, cold sores, shingles eczema, molluscum, scars, stretch marks, nail infection, yeast infection, jock itch, athlete's foot, ringworm, internal parasites and immune system. The company claims its treatments are all-natural and highly effective.

    The only clinical research on the effectiveness of Dermisil is the company's own--which it posts on its website at Dermisil.com. This is the same site where Dermisil sells its products.

Skin Tag Product

    Dermisil claims that regular topical application of its skin tag product will cause skin tags to dry up and flake away. While Dermisil does not explain the exact theory or science behind the product, it says the key ingredients are alpha-terpinene (an extract of tea tree oil), melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree oil), thuja occidentalis (the common evergreen shrub), and Ricinus communis (the castorbean).

    Purdue University Center for New Crops and Plants Production lists castorbean and castor oil as a natural toxin capable of killing small animals and even people in the right quantities. This may be what helps kill skin tag tissue. However, there is no explanation or specific evidence of this from the manufacturer.

Vaporizers for Sinus Infections

Vaporizers for Sinus Infections

A vaporizer is a machine that converts water into vapor suitable for inhalation and benefits those suffering from sinusitis and the effects of dry air. There are three types of vaporizers: a cool-mist humidifier, a warm-mist vaporizer, and an ultrasonic humidifier.

Cool-Mist Humidifier

    A cool-mist humidifier's rapidly spinning disk converts water into a cool mist. It is more prone to mold and bacteria, so regular cleaning is important. It disperses the minerals in tap water into the air, so distilled water is a safer choice. It also costs less than its warm-mist counterpart.

Warm-Mist Vaporizer

    A warm-mist vaporizer's heating element steams the water, which could create safety hazards for children. The machine does not disperse minerals into the air, so tap water is a viable option.

Ultrasonic Humidifier

    An ultrasonic humidifier creates movement in the water, which creates a fine mist. It is safe for use around children and doesn't spread bacteria and mold easily, but it needs to be cleaned regularly.

Cleaning a Vaporizer

    The Mayo Clinic suggests using a 10 percent bleach solution---one part bleach plus nine parts water---daily to wipe a humidifier down.


    Don't over-humidify the air. Too much humidity can encourage mold growth on walls and in carpet.

Good Oils for Hair Loss

Essential oils are needed for reproduction and hormonal growth in plants. Essential oils contained in plants work to strengthen, nourish and clean hair follicles. The benefits of these oils for alopecia, or hair loss, are to encourage hair growth and treat the underlying cause of the loss.


    Jojoba oil can be used for damaged or breaking hair. Its healing qualities work well with hair loss caused by breakage. Apply the oil to hair that has been washed and towel-dried. You should leave the oil in your hair for a half an hour.

    Burdock is an essential oil that can be applied to the scalp to encourage hair growth. This oil works to stimulate hair cell renewal and blood flow.

    Tea tree essential oil can be used to add moisture to your hair while reducing the amount of oil produced by your scalp. This helps prevent dandruff. Add a few drops of tea tree oil to your scalp every week. You can also add a few drops of tea tree oil to olive oil for a milder effect.

    Lavender oil can be used to treat hair loss because it promotes hair growth and regrowth, and speeds up the healing process. You can massage this oil into your scalp every night.

    Olive oil is another great oil for hair regrowth. It nourishes the hair and helps it regain elasticity.


    Rosemary and clary sage are herbs that should be used together to encourage hair growth.

    Apply a mixture of jojoba and clary sage to the roots of your hair to stimulate growth.

    Another treatment is prepared by boiling rosemary, sage, peach leaf, burdock and nettle together. Strain the herbs from the liquid, then use the liquid to wash your hair. This treatment can be used daily.

    Basil is an herb effective for stimulating blood circulation. It works best on oily hair. Use peppermint to nourish and stimulate the flow of blood to the root of your hair. Peppermint is best used for thinning or slowly growing hair. These herbs can be used by boiling the herbs, then using the water to wash your hair.

Cranberry Powder Remedy

Cranberries have long been popular for the unique, somewhat astringent juice they make. Perhaps not all people are aware of the enormous benefit they can have on health, particularly in the urinary tract. Multiple scientific studies have shown the effectiveness of this berry on urinary health. Taking cranberry powder is a simpler, easier way than drinking juice to get the concentrated relief offered by the plant.

Cranberry Effectiveness

    Dietician Dr. Winston Craig states that the high tannin content in cranberries is responsible for their astringent qualities. This results in the unique flavor of cranberry products, but also in the health benefit they produce in humans. Dr. Craig notes further that, "Cranberries have longed been considered valuable for maintaining the health of the urinary tract." The unique qualities of the berries essentially prevent bacteria---most notably E.coli (which is the strain that most commonly causes urinary tract infections)--from adhering to the walls of the urinary tract. Individuals who suffer from repeated UTIs or other problems in the urinary system related to bacteria can experience very quick relief with the use of cranberry juices and supplements such as powder.

Other Health Benefits

    In addition to reducing UTIs in both men and women, cranberries have been shown to have a positive effect on ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract. There is also a correlation between cranberry intake and kidney stone reduction, although it is not currently proven that cranberries are a cure for kidney stones. The flavonoids and antioxidants in cranberries are believed to reduce the risk of chronic disease and cancer, according to Dr. Craig. For this reason many individuals supplement their diet with cranberries in one form or another.


    If you are treating constant UTIs or other urinary problems, you may need a heavier dose of the cranberry's naturally antibacterial qualities. In these situations, it can become impractical to attempt drinking the volume of cranberry juice necessary to achieve positive results. Dr. Craig points out, "Drinking three or more liters of cranberry juice per day can produce diarrhea and other gastrointestinal effects." Cranberry powder, often taken in pill form, can be a much simpler way to get the dosage required. He recommends a dosage of ten to 12 cranberry capsules for the treatment of a UTI, but AltMD.com states two to four pills daily can add a layer of prevention in the first place. Be sure to visit a physician if you are experiencing UTIs to make sure more significant medical problems are not present .

Monday, May 23, 2016

Colon Cleansing for Constipation and Parasites

No matter how careful you are about what you consume, toxins can build up in your body over time. These toxins can affect your entire system, causing a variety of health problems. The buildup of toxins in your system begins in the colon. If you experience symptoms of being tired, irritable and depressed; have frequent headaches and irregularity; and recurring gas, allergies or intolerance to certain foods, you may be in need of colon cleansing. Through colon cleansing, you can rebalance your system and improve your physical, emotional and mental health.

Functions of the Colon

    The food we eat is processed through the colon. As food travels through the colon, the nutrients the body needs are removed and released into the blood stream and the waste is eliminated. People tend to overeat at times, putting too much material into the colon. The colon can become overloaded and experience blockage, which leads to constipation. When this happens, waste can build up in the colon, causing the release of toxins and parasites that affect other bodily systems.

Health Benefits of Colon Cleansing

    The purpose of colon cleansing is to remove stagnant material from the colon, thereby reducing toxic levels within the body as well as parasites, harmful bacteria, food additives, heavy metals and harmful chemicals. Colon cleansing improves the efficiency of the colon, which means food is digested and waste is eliminated in a more timely fashion, providing less opportunity for the buildup and reoccurrence of harmful toxins and parasites.

Colon Cleansing Diet

    A good colon diet helps the colon function properly. Unfortunately, the modern day Western diet does not do this; in fact, the highly processed food we eat today does the opposite. We need to go back to eating the way our ancestors did, a diet high in natural unprocessed foods and lots of fiber. Natural foods can be broken down easily, and the fiber keeps things moving along in the colon, preventing constipation and the buildup of toxins and parasites. The diet should consist of lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, nut, beans, whole grains, fish, small portions of lean meats and dairy products and plenty of water. You should avoid fast foods, fried foods, junk foods, hydrogenated oils, partially hydrogenated oils, refined sugar and processed white flower. Learn which foods are good for you and which to avoid, and then make the right choices in the grocery store.

Supplements to Enhance the Diet

    Laxatives and diuretic herbs like Licorice root, alfalfa, violet leaf and marshmallow root clean out excess and impacted waste from the colon (cure and prevent constipation). Black walnut hull and pumpkin seed remove parasites; Irish moss and passion flower leaf sooth irritation in the digestive tract; Witch hazel, capsicum, gentian root and cranberry act as antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidants. Unless you are very knowledgeable about the formulation of herbs, it may not be practical to take all of these; however, there are convenient formulations available at health stores with these and other herbs designed for colon-cleansing purposes. Alternatively, you could consult with an herbalist to have formulations compounded for you.

    Because potent herbal formulations that rapidly detoxify the colon can cause headaches, nausea and other symptoms, it is a good idea to start with milder formulation to test your body's tolerance for various herbs. After you become familiar with various formulations and determine what works best, you can adjust dosages or try formulations with different ingredients.

How to Treat Plantar Warts Naturally

Plantar warts are common but easy to treat naturally. Plantar warts are formed from a virus that causes them to produce more virus causing cells. Plantar warts are even supplied with blood vessels and nerves, making walking painful. Plantar warts can be removed by a doctor, but often times they can easily return. It's not only important to treat the plantar warts, it's also important to help prevent more from forming. Below are the more effective natural remedies to get rid of plantar warts.



    Apply Tea Tree Oil directly to the plantar warts daily until they are gone. Tea Tree Oil is antiviral and can help to treat most plantar warts.


    Apply slivers of garlic directly to the plantar warts to help get rid of them. You can also puree garlic and apply it to the warts. Cover the area with a bandaid, and replace the treatment 2-3 times per day until the warts are gone.


    Take Astralagus in supplemental form. Astralagus helps to strengthen the immune system and helps to prevent future plantar warts. It's the most successful, natural method for preventing the warts from returning.


    Increase your intake of Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps to strengthen the immune system and prevent future plantar warts.

How to Naturally Cure Dizziness

The cause of dizziness is actually a lack of proper communication between your balance centers and your brain. Though it's rarely a serious problem, dizziness effects many people, and the prescription medications given are usually unnecessary and harsh on the body. Below are some of the more effective ways to naturally cure dizziness problems.



    Try eating licorice, or take it in supplemental form. If you suffer from low blood sugar which is believed to be a factor of your dizziness, then you should try taking licorice. It's best to take it in supplemental form, or use licorice tincture in drinks, but tea can also be used.


    Take Ginkgo in supplemental form. Ginkgo helps to relieve dizziness by helping to improve the blood supply to the brain. It's best to take a gingko extract that is somewhere around 25% glycosides. Glycosides is the active ingredient that helps with the dizziness. Take around 50 milligrams 2-3 times per day, or as needed.


    Try eating something high in fiber. If you're feeling a bit light headed and suffering from dizziness, it's most likely caused from low blood sugar. It's best to eat something, but be careful with your selection. Try to eat something high in fiber but minimal in sugar. Also try to avoid simple carbs, including white flour.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

How to Naturally Cure Dry Mouth

Dry mouth can be caused by many different things, dry mouth can be caused from everything from a virus to regular daily stress. Dry mouth can also frequently be caused by common prescription medications. Usually dry mouth is a short term problem and can usually be treated fairly easily.



    Increase your intake of B Vitamins. Often times dry mouth is caused by bacteria. All of the B Complex Vitamins are necessary to treat this problem. Try adding a B complex vitamin as a daily supplement.


    Take Goldenseal in supplemental form. Goldenseal is a natural moisturizer. It helps to keep the mouth moist, and also helps to bring down any inflammation in the mouth. Drink some goldenseal at night and in the morning, or as needed. You can also rinse the mouth with the tea instead.


    Take Coenzyme Q10 in supplemental form. Coenzyme Q10 helps to improve circulation in the entire body, including the mouth. Try adding 30 milligrams per day in supplemental form.

Tabacum Use as an Aid to Stop Smoking

Tabacum Use as an Aid to Stop Smoking

People might find it surprising that the cure for smoking cigarettes could come from the same product that is used to produce the addictive substance. Such is the case with tabacum being used as a tool to help smokers quit. Tabacum can targets the symptoms associated with quitting or withdrawal from nicotine.


    Tabacum is a cultivated tobacco plant that is native to countries with tropical climate including subtropical America. The nicotine found in tabacum may be used as expectorant or diuretic, and has many other functions including homeopathy. Tobacum is the same base used for most cigarettes marketed today.


    Homeopathy is a form of treatment that uses elements that produce like symptoms to cure diseases. Samuel Hahnemann introduced homeopathy in the late 18th century on the premise that substances that create the same symptoms as the disease can be administered as a cure. This same principle applies to the use of tabacum as a remedy for nicotine addiction.


    Most smokers want to quit, but the withdrawal process pose a challenging problem to overcome addiction. It involves the occurrence of symptoms such as sweating, intestinal disorders, headaches, cold symptoms and respiratory problems. The mental symptoms prove to be more difficult such as confusion, insomnia, irritability, dependency, depression and anxiety. According to Dr. Henry Clay Allen (1836-1909), narcotic effects are generally cured by agents with the same symptoms.

    Although effects of nicotine vary by individual, Dr. Allen believes that potentized tabacum is the remedy against withdrawal syndromes or nicotine poisoning. Tabacum and its relative plants are effective in alleviating headaches, nausea, vomiting, palpitation, and gastric complications after excessive use. Tabacum can cause aversion to nicotine that could last for months or even a lifetime.


    Dr. H.N. Guernsey recounts an incident which happened decades ago, when a man from Washington called upon his services due to extreme weakness, thinness, loss of sleep, and appetite. He also appeared to be depressed. He discovered that the man smoked tobacco for many years and recently cut down on his intake, apparently the cut down was drastic and he was experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms. After a few doses of potentized tabacum, the man regained his health.


    A common misconception is that the use of tabacum alone aids to cure nicotine addiction and will make the craving disappear. A combination of homeopathic components can help to combat the "craving" or withdrawal symptoms and encourage long-term abstinence from smoking or other nicotine products.


    Do not use homeopathic relievers if pregnant unless supervised by a qualified practitioner.

Homeopathic Remedies for Blood Clots

If you are at risk for developing blood clots, then you may also be at risk for heart attack, aneurysm or stroke. A proactive approach to improving blood circulation and the integrity of your blood vessels and arteries is key to avoiding serious health complications. In addition to any necessary lifestyle and dietary adjustments, there are several homeopathic remedies for blood clots that may help.

Homeopathy Means Less Is More

    Consider the potential benefits of Hamamelis (H. virginiana), otherwise known as witch hazel. This botanical is traditionally used in homeopathic form to treat varicose veins, in which blood clots sometimes develop. According to Douglas MacKay, author of a review of treatment options published in the April 2001 issue of Alternative Medicine Review, Hamamelis virginiana is one of the remedies for blood clots that enhance circulation and vascular tone, and "may prevent time-consuming, painful, and expensive complications of varicose veins and hemorrhoids." The PDR for Herbal Medicines suggests the homeopathic dosage for chronic vascular conditions is 5 drops or 10 globules, one to three times per day.

    Improve your circulation with the homeopathic remedy Crataegus, known in the botanical kingdom as English hawthorn (C. laevigata). Sometimes abbreviated simply as Crat, homeopathic hawthorn preparations are used to dilate blood vessels, an action likely due to the presence of procyanidins, a class of polyphenols similar to those found in red wine. German researchers set out to measure the effectiveness of this substance compared to conventional treatments on patients with mild cardiac insufficiency. The results of this cohort study, which were published in the June 5, 2004, European Journal of Heart Failure, reported that this homeopathy remedy was as effective as conventional diuretics and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors in addressing all aspects of cardiac insufficiency with the exception of lowering blood pressure. The PDR for Herbal Medicines suggests the homeopathic dosage is 5 drops or 10 globules, one to three times per day.

    Add Hypericum perforatum to your list of homeopathic remedies for blood clots. This botanical, commonly known as St. John's Wort, may already be familiar to you since it has been widely publicized as a natural treatment for mild depression. However, according to The PDR for Herbal Medicines, the homeopathic application of this herb is valued for deterring the formation of cerebral-vascular calcifications, which can promote blood clots. The PDR for Herbal Medicines suggests the homeopathic dosage is 5 drops or 10 globules, one to three times per day.


    Be aware that it may take several weeks or months for you to see positive results when using homeopathic remedies.

    Recognize that homeopathic remedies are not the same as herbal medicines. In fact, they are reduced many times from their naturally occurring state so that only the "essence" of the substance remains.

    Understand that while homeopathic therapies are generally safe and do not produce side effects, it is important that you keep your health-care practitioner informed of any medicines you are taking.

Do Detox Footbaths Really Work?

Detox foot baths are advertised all over the Internet as having the ability to cleanse the entire body of toxins. These claims are enthusiastically made by the manufacturers, but there is no solid, clinical evidence or study to prove them true. Many people dismiss these foot baths as scams that are actually ripping people off their hard-earned money. However, there are others who believe that the detox foot baths make a difference in their overall health, and continue to use them.

Manufacturers' Claims

    Manufacturers of the detox foot baths claim that the baths use negative and positive ions to stimulate the body's cells and cleanse them of any negative and harmful toxins. Moreover, the ions supposedly rebalance cellular energy and causes cells to perform better. The toxins are supposedly removed through the pores of the feet. When the toxins are released, the water in the foot bath turns a reddish-brown, which is viewed as evidence of the toxins leaving the body, and definitive proof that the foot bath works.

    Manufacturers also claim that by removing these toxins, the foot baths help to treat fatigue, headaches, skin conditions, minor aches and pains and certain kidney diseases.

Clinical Evidence

    There are no conclusive laboratory studies that back up any of the manufacturers' claims on detox foot baths. Thus, the product is largely viewed as a scam that is no more useful than putting one's feet in warm water. According to Dr. Andrew Weil and Dr. Stephen Barrett, the claims made by proponents of the detox foot baths are ridiculous and have no basis in truth. Dr. Barrett says that the claims simply don't make any sense because the skin has no ability to remove toxins, which makes the entire point of the foot bath moot.

    Some people suspect that the color change in the water is not caused by the release of toxins, but by the release of iron from the device. Ben Goldacre, a reporter for the British newspaper the Guardian Unlimited, conducted a study in which he tested the water after it had changed color and found that it had developed its brownish color due to iron, and not due to any removed toxins. The rust from the iron probably came from the nails in the device.

    In conclusion, various doctors and independent studies have confirmed that detox foot baths do not actually remove any toxins from the body as manufacturers claim, and thus they do not work. The body has natural ways of detoxifying itself. The kidneys are the major organs serving this function.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Alternative Therapies for Drug Rehab

The standard 12-step program for drug rehabilitation works for some people, but for others it is ineffective. Different people have different needs, but the traditional form of rehab is highly standardized. There is still hope for those who have found traditional drug rehab programs unhelpful in ending their addiction, however: alternative therapy. Alternative therapies vary widely, being based on the philosophy that an individual's needs may often be very different from those of another. Even so, such therapy can be categorized into a few main types.

Expressive Therapy

    Expressive therapies encompass all forms of treatment that involve the arts and the addict's expression of his or herself through them. Therapies utilizing drawing, painting, expressive writing, drama and music all fit under this category. Canine or equine-assisted therapy also is sometimes grouped together with other forms of expressive therapy, due to the similarities in their application. Expressive therapy works by allowing the addict to express their emotions in a creative and positive way, bringing them closer to overcoming their addiction.

Body Therapy

    The use of acupuncture, massage therapy, yoga, martial arts and nutritional means to overcome substance abuse can be categorized as body therapy. Such therapies counteract biophysical and biochemical imbalances in the body, eliminating cravings for substances and toxins from the body. An increasing number of residential treatment centers are making use of body therapy, due to its effectiveness in detoxification and recovery from addiction.

Recreational Therapy

    This type of therapy includes the use of rock climbing, surfing lessons, horseback riding, wilderness expeditions, trips to the beach and drug- and alcohol-free parties in recovery from substance addiction. Recreational therapy is particularly effective with teenage addicts, demonstrating to them that it is possible to have an exciting and fulfilling life outside of drugs. Such therapy also often includes support group meetings and the use of peer pressure to turn away from drug use, encouraging a sober social life and healthy interaction with peers.

Natural Cures to Reduce Redness From Broken Capillaries

When capillary cells become severed or weakened, they often appear on the skin's surface in a red or purplish color. Broken capillaries are most common on the face around the nose and cheeks, but will also often appear on the calves and thighs. You can use naturopathic remedies to reduce the appearance of broken capillaries.

Diet and Exercise

    There are several foods and substances that increase redness and blood pooling so you should try to watch the consumption of certain products. Alcohol, drugs, caffeine and spicy foods all aggravate your capillaries and should be avoided. Exposure to extreme heat or cold, saunas and facial steaming may also cause skin redness.

    A diet high in fiber and bioflavonoids is essential in treating broken capillaries. You can incorporate these elements into your diet by including plenty of leafy green vegetables and brightly colored fruits and vegetables.

    Any type of exercise is helpful in moving the blood throughout the body and strengthening the veins. If you have spider veins in your legs, try doing some daily calf exercises to reduce the appearance of redness. When you are sitting, flex your feet and lift your toes while grinding your heels. Repeat this every hour or so throughout the day. Yoga poses that invert the body also reduce the appearance of broken capillaries in the legs. Holding the legs overhead for several minutes every day will drastically reduce the pooling of blood that causes spider veins.

Herbs and Supplements

    There are many herbs that will reduce the appearance of broken capillaries, but be patient and give the remedies several months to take full effect.

    A formula for facial oil that reduces broken capillaries can be made using several common herbs. Mix 1/2 oz. jojoba oil with 1/3 oz. rose hip seed oil in a container with several drops of borage oil and evening primrose oil. Add a couple drops of cypress oil, lemon oil and palmarosa oil to complete the formula. Apply this mixture to the areas of your face that have broken capillaries every evening before bed.

    For spider veins on your legs or other areas, mix 1-and-1/2 oz. sunflower oil with 1/4 oz. rose hip seed oil together in a container. Add 15 to 20 drops of borage oil, geranium oil and evening primrose oil, then several drops of lemon oil, cypress oil and palmarosa oil. Massage the oil gently over the affected areas of the body every day. Geranium oil may lower your blood sugar level so omit it from the formula if you are hypoglycemic. Taking additional vitamin A and C supplements will also help promote healthy skin and veins.

Harmful Effects of Edta

EDTA stands for ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. It is used in chelation therapy for patients with lead poisoning, digoxin toxicity and atherosclerosis. It has side effects which can be harmful if not treated.


    In the 1940s, EDTA was first used to treat patients with heavy metal poisoning. EDTA chelation therapy is approved by the Food and Drug Administration, and about 1 million patients undergo the treatment each year, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.


    EDTA is a chelating agent. It has the ability to bind to metal ions. This reduces the reactivity of the metal ions in the blood. EDTA is an antioxidant as well. It prevents free radicals from damaging blood vessels.


    Chelation therapy is the main application of EDTA. It is also used by dentists in root canal work. EDTA can let physicians monitor kidney function by measuring the amount of EDTA passed in the urine from the time of injection.

Side Effects

    Injection site burning is a common symptom associated with EDTA. More serious side effects include reduced blood sugar, reduced calcium levels, very low blood pressure, irregular heart beat, kidney failure and death.


    A medical health professional should monitor patients during EDTA chelation therapy. Vitamin and mineral levels should be tested before, during and after treatment. Supplements should be taken to replenish lost vitamins and minerals.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Is There a Vitamin to Help Get Rid of Warts?

Found easily in food and supplements, vitamins may be the answer to healing and preventing your unsightly, troublesome warts. Vitamins A, C and E all work to treat warts. You might also find help from a few other basic home remedies. If vitamins don't relieve your symptoms you should contact your doctor.

Vitamins to Get Rid of Warts

    Fight your warts with vitamin A. There's evidence that vitamin A helps build your immune system and fights warts, as the author of the book "Doctors' Book of Home Remedies for Women" found. Look for vitamin A in sweet peas, carrots, leafy green vegetables and squash. If you don't get enough vitamin A from your diet alone, Herbs 2000, an online resource for alternative therapies, recommends taking 25,000 IU of vitamin A twice daily for 10 days. If you're pregnant don't take more than 5,000 IU daily.

    Vitamin C will also helps support your immune system. Vitamin C helps prevent future recurrences of warts. Take 1,000 mg of vitamin C three times a day. In addition to taking vitamin C orally, you also can apply it topically. Mix powdered vitamin C with water and spread it over your warts. If your warts are located on your genitals, make sure to dilute the vitamin C powder thoroughly, as these warts are particularly sensitive.

    Applying vitamin E topically also will help heal the affected area. Create a compress out of a piece of flannel, cotton or gauze and pour the contents of a vitamin E capsule onto the compress. Apply it to the affected area.

    After bathing, make sure to thoroughly dry your wart--as warts thrive in moist environments--and keeping it dry will reduce its chance of spreading. You also might find aloe vera gel soothing. To apply aloe vera gel, dab a small amount on a compress and apply it to the affected area. In addition to aloe vera gel, you also could try adding a few drops of tea tree oil to a compress. Tea tree oil has antiviral and antibacterial properties.

When to Call Your Doctor

    See your doctor if after two months of at-home treatments your warts don't go away. Your doctor may opt to apply liquid nitrogen or even a laser to remove stubborn warts. Also, women who shave their legs may benefit from getting a wart removed by a doctor, as shaving can spread the wart virus to other parts of their legs. If you develop a wart on your face see your dermatologist, as facial tissue is too delicate for at-home remedies.