Saturday, December 31, 2016

Home Remedies for Hangovers

Hangovers are an unfortunate consequence of drinking more alcohol than your body can process in a short time. If you overindulge, you pay the price with a pounding headache, churning stomach, sensitivity to sound and light, dizziness and bloodshot eyes. Several home hangover remedies are available to help ease your symptoms.

Replacing Liquids

    While you won't want to drink more alcohol, drinking liquids helps alleviate the dehydration that occurs when you drink too much. Dehydration is often responsible for the headache that comes with a hangover. Drinking water when you are drinking alcohol can help you from becoming dehydrated and reduce your chance of developing a headache. Sports drinks, such as Gatorade, can help in rehydration and are also effective in restoring salt and minerals that are lost when you are dehydrated. Caffeine, in the form of coffee, tea or cola, can help replace liquids and ease your headache by shrinking swollen blood vessels in the brain.


    Often the last thing you feel like doing when you have a hangover is eating, but eating the right kind of food can help reduce some of your symptoms. Eating a banana or drinking a banana milkshake may help reduce queasiness. When you develop a hangover, your magnesium and potassium levels drop. Replacing these minerals may help your stomach start to feel a little better.

Salty, Spicy Foods and Supplements

    Salty snacks, such as pickles, pickle juice and even pickled herring, can help replace lost electrolytes. Electrolytes are types of bodily salts that conduct electricity and are important in cell function. Salty foods can also encourage you to drink more water. If you enjoy a hearty bowl of tripe soup, you might find some relief from this dish which is made from the lining of a cow's stomach. The soup is made with large amounts of chili and garlic and these spicy ingredients may actually provide more relief than the tripe itself. If you're not quite up to tripe soup, bland food, such as toast or chicken broth, can help coat your stomach and help you start feeling better.

    A study by Jeff Wiese, MD; Steve McPherson, MD; Michelle C. Odden, BS; and Michael G. Shlipak, MD, MPH; found that taking two opuntia ficus indica (prickly pear) capsules significantly reduces dry mouth, nausea and appetite loss. The study was published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in June 2004.

Other Home Remedies

    Taking a shower can revive you and help break down any toxins in your body from drinking alcohol. Cold showers are recommended, as warmer showers may cause more dehydration. Aerobic exercise is helpful if you have a hangover because it increases oxygen levels in your body. When you exercise, your body breaks down some of the toxins that are causing your symptoms.

Indian Home Remedies for Hair Loss

Hair loss and eventually baldness affects both men and women. Hair loss, while it does not cause medical problems, can cause emotional and psychological problems. There are many different medical procedures that will aim to help hair loss victims, but sometimes the best treatments are found right at home.

Eggs and Castor Oil

    India has produced some very interesting hair loss remedies, many of which involve nuts, berries, leaves and eggs. For instance, taking the uncooked yolk of one egg and massaging it into your scalp is known to help hair loss. Keep the yolk on your scalp for about an hour before you wash it off. The healing qualities found in the egg are said to stimulate the hair follicles and recharge hair growth. Another treatment involves applying castor oil to the scalp and roots of the remaining hair. Do not put the castor oil on the hair itself, just the root and the scalp. Wrap a cloth or newspaper around your head and leave it on throughout the night. Wash it off when you wake up in the morning.

Olive Oil and Coriander

    Olive oil and coriander leaves are also known to be hair-loss remedies. The stimulating enzymes found in each are said to recharge the hair follicles' growth. The olive oil remedy is prepared by combining two tablespoons of olive oil with rosemary, the juice of one lemon and the yolk of one egg. Massage the mixture into the hair, root and scalp and after one hour wash it out. You can also mix one half cup of olive oil with a tablespoon of cumin powder and rub this mixture into your scalp, leaving it on for 1/2 hour before you wash it off. If you plan on using coriander, extract the juice from two cups of coriander leaves and apply it to the entire head. You can also steep the coriander leaves in hot water, apply the mixture to your head and wrap a towel around your head to trap the healing qualities of the coriander.

Drug Detox at Home

Drug Detox at Home

An effective drug detox will rid your body of toxins, and not just toxins related to your drug use. The detox will flush your system, cleansing your blood and, especially, your liver. A good detox will entail changing one's diet, and can also include the addition of some herbal detox aids.

Eat Less

    You should avoid anything that contains sugar if you are on a drug detox, and that includes artificial sweeteners. Avoid dairy products as a rule, including milk, cream cheese, sour cream, butter and yogurt. Also, avoid grains that contain gluten, including wheat, barley and rye.
    Fatty foods, too, are out when it comes to a detox. So is junk food. Also avoid coffee, other caffeinated drinks and especially alcohol.

Eat More

    Consumption of fruits and vegetables, whether frozen or fresh, is recommended for those on drug detox.
    However, some vegetables are considered slightly more effective in moving the detoxification effort along. These include broccoli and broccoli sprouts, beets, red- and green-colored veggies, artichokes, cauliflower and especially garlic.
    Rice is a highly recommended grain, particularly brown rice. You can improve a natural body-cleansing diet by including other grains as well, such as millet, buckwheat and amaranth. Kidney beans and pinto beans are great for such a diet, as are lentils, garbanzo beans and mung beans. Raw nuts and seeds are also recommended, except for peanuts and peanut butter.

Herbal Supplements

    Ginger comes in many forms, including a root, powder, tablet, capsule and tincture. The herb is well-known for its powerful circulation-stimulating properties. Two capsules should be taken three times a day. One teaspoon of the powder might alternately be taken mixed with a cup of water, twice daily. A teaspoon of the tincture might be taken instead, two to three times a day. If you are pregnant, avoid large doses of ginger. Avoid the herb if you have gallstones.
    The bark of the prickly ash, or Zanthoxylum americanum, should be taken after being converted into a tincture or a powder. The former should be taken two to three times daily, in doses of 1 tsp. The recommended dosage for the latter is also 1 tsp., added to 1 cup of water and ingested two to three times a day. This herb helps cleanse the arteries, in particular. Prickly ash is not recommended during pregnancy.
    Consider taking coptis. Coptis is an herb with known liver-cleansing properties, and it is available from any herbal store. It is typically taken either as a tincture or in pill form.
    Cayenne, or Capsicum minimum, also known as African bird pepper, typically comes in ointment, capsule, powder and tincture form. It is known primarily for its blood-movement stimulation properties and also for removing toxins in the blood. For detox purposes, take between one and four capsules twice daily, or massage the ointment into the skin once per day. Side effects might include some gastrointestinal irritation, though this is not common.
    Milk thistle has long been considered an effective liver tonic--exactly what you need if you are attempting a drug detox. The silymarin in milk thistle works to bind the membranes of the cells in the liver, shielding the organ and its cells from toxin attack. Additionally, the milk thistle's silymarin stimulates the liver to produce proteins and enzymes faster, thus enabling it to battle the toxins in your body at a faster rate. Milk thistle, available at any natural medicine store, is best taken in combination with food.

Secret Food Cures & Doctor Approved Folk Remedies

Secret Food Cures & Doctor Approved Folk Remedies

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, is credited with saying, "Let food be your medicine and let medicine be your food." Throughout history, people have used food to treat health conditions. Many edible plants and natural remedies have become famous for their healing qualities, while others remain hidden in plain sight. These are the "secret" cures you can't afford to ignore.

Blue Water

    Sunlight and water are necessary for life on this planet, but the real magic happens when they're combined. The best way to do it is to leave a blue-colored glass bottle of water in the sun for at least 1 1/2 hours. As the sun's rays travel through the glass and into the water, it becomes energized with amazing healing qualities. The color therapy effect of the bottle's blue tint makes this water the most powerful antiseptic and astringent in nature.

    When you apply blue water to dry, chapped skin, the skin becomes smooth and soft, with a healthy glow. You can use blue water as a mouthwashit to kill germs on your teeth and gums and to sweeten your breath. Wounds and sores can be disinfected with blue water and indigestion can be relieved by sipping it. A few drops in red eyes will eliminate inflammation and strengthen weak eye muscles at the same time. These are just a few of its many benefits.

Apple-Cider Vinegar With Baking Soda

    Blood pH has everything to do with your health. This is true because an acid pH strips the negative charge from your cells and disrupts the electrical current that keeps your blood flowing. When your blood is unable to deliver oxygen and nutrients to your cells, you die. A slightly alkaline pH of 7.36 is what you need and apple-cider vinegar with baking soda is a good way to get it.

    Add 2 tbsp. of cider vinegar and 1/4 tsp. of baking soda to 6 ounces of water. Drink this once a day before dinner. Buy pH strips and check your pH every week by holding a strip in your urine stream. You can add a second glass of cider vinegar and baking soda before breakfast, if necessary.

Hydrogen Peroxide

    Way back in 1919, doctor J.S. Haldone reported that oxygen could be dissolved in the blood to fight infection. Since hydrogen peroxide, or H2O2, is water with one extra oxygen molecule, this is exactly what it does. In fact, there is no easier, effective way to flood the body with oxygen than food-grade H2O2. Since disease conditions can't survive in an oxygen-rich environment, we need all the oxygen we can get.

    The only hydrogen peroxide that is safe for both internal and external use, is properly diluted 35-percent food-grade H2O2. For therapeutic uses, you can create a 3-percent solution by pouring one ounce of 35-percent H2O2 into a pint jar and adding 11 ounces of distilled water. Put the three-percent solution ito a clean nasal spray bottle and pump it into your mouth five to ten times while deeply inhaling the fine mist. Do this two times every morning and two times at night. Your body will thank you!

Friday, December 30, 2016

Old Home Remedies for Kidney Infections

Kidney infections usually begin in the urinary tract or bladder, and prevention is the first and best method for reducing them. If it's too late for prevention, treating these infections as soon as possible will stop them from ending up in the kidneys, which is vital because a kidney infection can lead to kidney failure. But if you do end up with a kidney infection, there are some home remedies that, along with antibiotics prescribed by a doctor, can aid your recovery.


    When you have a kidney, bladder or urinary tract infection, you need additional fluids in your diet. More liquids will cause more urination, which will flush away the bacteria that is causing the infection. Cranberry juice can be used to treat a kidney infection at home, but make sure the it's pure juice and not cranberry juice cocktail, which is loaded with sugar.
    Avoid caffeine, alcohol and citrus juice when you have a kidney infection, because these beverages will aggravate the feeling that you must urinate, without producing the urine.
    The kidneys also regulate the amount of phosphorous in the blood, so when your kidneys are not functioning at the optimum level, avoiding foods that are rich in phosphorous will help you avoid dangerously high levels in the blood. Almost every food has some phosphorous in it, which makes it impossible to completely eliminate it from your diet. But some foods have higher levels and as such should be avoided while the kidneys are impaired. These include milk, dried peas, beans and lentils, whole grains, organ meat, chocolate and nuts.

Herbal Remedies

    Herbal remedies can be very effective while you are being treated for a kidney infection. Remember that a kidney infection can become very serious, very quickly, so always consult with your doctor before beginning any herbal treatment.
    Corn silk has a diuretic effect that has been used since the 18th century to treat kidney, urinary tract and bladder infections and gall bladder problems. Corn silk is brewed in a tea or taken as a tablet.
    Parsley is also a diuretic and is used in foods or teas to flush out the kidneys by stimulating frequent urination.
    Cleavers herb has a wonderful array of health benefits that include diuretic, anti-inflammatory and astringent capabilities. Add 3 tablespoons of dried or fresh cleavers to a pint of boiling water and steep for 10 minutes. Drink throughout the day.

Vitamins and Minerals

    Taking B vitamins, vitamin E and vitamin C can help with the treatment of kidney infection. Also make sure you are getting plenty of copper, magnesium and potassium while you are treating a kidney infection.
    Remember that a kidney infection can quickly become very serious. Visit your doctor if you are experiencing fever, intense back pain and chills.

Herbal Cure for Hives

Hives are raised itchy red welts on the skin that are usually brought about by an allergic reaction. This reaction could be from food, medicine or contact with some other substance. The causes of hives are not usually known.

During an allergic reaction histamines are released into the blood stream. These histamines can cause swelling and itching. Hives will eventually go away, but they are uncomfortable.


    Substances that trigger hives include a wide range of items. Food triggers can include shellfish, fish, nuts, eggs, milk and other foods. Pollen, animal dander, insect bites, medications, emotional stress or excessive perspiration are more common triggers. Exposure to extreme cold or sun can cause hives in some people. Hives can also have medical triggers like infections or illnesses.


    The main symptom of hives is itching. The itching comes from surface swellings, or skin welts. These welts are raised and can act in a random manor. They can appear and disappear quickly. Scratching hives may break them open and cause an infection.


    Crush a branch of jewelweed and apply directly to the hives like a topical ointment. The jewelweed root contains anti-inflammatory properties. Another way to use this herb is to harvest the entire plant, including the roots. Bring 2 cups of water to a boil, then add 1 cup of jewelweed. Turn the heat down and simmer for 30 minutes. The resulting jewelweed tea will be orange in color. Strain the tea and allow to cool. Pour into a spray bottle and spay onto your hives. Store in the refrigerator.


    Add 4 cups of fresh or 1 cup of dried mugwort to 2 cups of boiling water. Remove from heat and let the mugwort steep for 30 minutes. Strain the liquid. Pour into an ice cube tray and freeze. Rub mugwort ice cubes on your hives to cure the itching, swelling and pain.


    The camphor tree provides the medical world with camphor. This is an antiseptic herb. Mix camphor extract in a light vitamin E lotion. Smooth onto the hives. This lotion will help relieve pain and itching. It also promotes healing in the affected skin. Witch Hazel is an astringent herb. A concoction of witch hazel can be purchased in a pharmacy. Gently splash your hives with witch hazel to help cure the itching.

Massage Methods for Treating Scoliosis

Nearly 6 million Americans suffer from a spine deformity called scoliosis, which causes the spine to bend abnormally. Although it does not cause severe physical harm, it causes the shoulders, hips, or waist to look uneven. In severe cases, scoliosis also causes significant back pain.

Reducing the curvature of the spine is one of the main goals in scoliosis treatment, which several massage therapies address. These massage methods manipulate the tissue surrounding the spine, straightening it.

Deep Tissue Massage

    A deep tissue massage can reduce the pain and severe curvature of the spine, reducing the appearance of scoliosis. It brings circulation to the muscles by massaging each individual muscle, stretching it out. This also reduces the curve of the spine by reducing stress on it. According to the Institute For Integrative Healthcare Studies, this massage method is most effective for people under the age of 25 because the spine is easier to manipulate.

Cranial-Sacral Therapy

    Cranial-Sacral Therapy is another massage method used to decrease the severity of scoliosis. It massages the tissues surrounding the spine, increasing the body's mobility. This reduces the appearance of scoliosis.


    Rolfing, a massage method used to treat back pain, significantly reduces scoliosis by massaging the connective tissues around the spine. According to "Rolfing Structural Integration: What It Achieves, How it Works, and Whom It Helps" by Hans Georg Brecklinghaus, this allows the spine to lift up, lengthening the spine. This reduces the curve of the spine, reducing severe bends in the spinal alignment.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Natural Anti-Inflammatory Remedy

When your body reacts to an infection, injury or irritation, the affected part gets inflamed. Though this response shows your body is healthy, you need to treat the problem. There are many kinds of drugs available on prescription or over-the-counter that reduce swelling. However, there are many herbal remedies for inflammation that are effective as well.

Turmeric and Cat's Claw

    One of the most vital herbs for inflammation treatment is turmeric, rich in antioxidant curcumin. Taking 6 teaspoons of the powder or ground paste of fresh turmeric daily reduces swelling and pain. Use it generously in cooking, or have the powder in the form of a capsule or have a couple of teaspoons of fresh paste with 1 teaspoon of honey, three times a day. Apply fresh turmeric paste on the external inflamed area, cover it with a cloth to make into poultice for pain relief and inflammation reduction. Cat's Claw, a Peruvian herb, available as capsules or dried powder in specialty herb stores, blocks the function of pain-inducing substances in the blood. Beneficial especially for arthritis-related inflammation, take 350 milligrams of this herb in the form of a tea or 1 tablespoon of tincture twice daily.

St. John's Wort and Silymarin

    Though known best for its positive effects on depressive patients, St. John's wort is also a beneficial natural cure for inflammation. St. John's wort suppresses the action of pro-inflammatory genes, thus reducing inflammation. Steep 2 teaspoons of dried St. John's wort flower in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes, and have it twice a day. Silymarin is the antioxidant-rich juice of the milk thistle, which helps reduce inflammation. Have about 200 milligrams of silymarin a day, steeped as a tea for best results.

Ginger and Rosemary

    Ginger is another crucial herb that not only has anti-inflammatory ingredients, it also has substances that suppress the action of pro-inflammatory compounds. For daily use, sprinkle the powder or freshly ground paste generously in your food or steep at least 4 teaspoons of dried ginger in boiling water for a brewed ginger tea. The ursolic acid ingredient in rosemary helps block the action of inflammation-inducing compounds. To cure your problem, have about 2 tablespoons of rosemary with your food.

Horsetail and Arnica

    Horsetail is another herb that heals tissues and reduces inflammation. The joints of this herb can be steeped in boiling water for a brewed tea or can be ground and applied on the inflamed area and covered with cloth to form a poultice. Arnica is also beneficial for use as a salve to apply on inflamed body parts.

Vitamin B17 for Cancer

Vitamin B17 for Cancer

Vitamin B17 is an alternative treatment method for cancer patients. There are a number of theories that attempt to explain how B17 works as an anticancer therapy. However, a majority of the clinical tests that have been conducted indicate B17 is not effective for treating cancer. In fact, the chemical has been banned across the United States and Europe because it contains the poisonous compound cyanide.

What is B17?

    Laetrile, bitter almond, apricot kernels and amygdalin are just a few of the different names B17 is referred to as. Typically, B17 is used in conjunction with other alternative anti-cancer therapies such as metabolic therapy, urine therapy or diet therapy. While B17 is an illegal chemical in the United States, it still remains legal for Mexico to manufacture. In addition, it can also be obtained from the kernels of several fruits including apricots, peaches, plums, cherries, nectarines, apples and almonds.

Potential Side Effects of B17

    Some of the possible side effects that may affect cancer patients who use B17 include nausea, vomiting, headaches and dizziness. However, the most adverse side effect of B17 is cyanide poisoning, which has the potential to induce severe vomiting, seizures and even a coma. Serious cases of cyanide poisoning have been reported in people who have eaten large amounts of the fruits seeds that contain B17.

Theories and Clinical Trials Involving B17

    Several different theories exist that attempt to explain how B17 cures cancer. One theory suggests that cancer develops due to a lack of the vitamin B17. However, there is no significant research that shows laetrile is a vitamin, or that a lack of it in the body will cause cancer.

    Another theory is that the cyanide content of B17 has the ability to kill cancer cells in the body. While it is possible for cyanide to kill cancer cells, it is also possible that cyanide will negatively affect healthy cells in the body.

    The National Cancer Institute has conducted several clinical trials that debunk any theories that suggest B17 is an effective form of anticancer therapy. One such trial involved 178 cancer patients who were treated with laetrile. After three months, 91 percent of patients showed cancer progression, and, by seven months, all 178 patients had enlarged tumors. Overall, the institute has found that B17 is not capable of causing cancer regression, nor does it have the ability to improve cancer patient's symptoms.

Health Remedies Using Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is unique because it is the only vinegar that is not distilled. Apple cider vinegar benefits the skin because it contains nutrients such as potassium, which fights infection and removes impurities such as dirt, oil and dead skin cells. Apple cider vinegar benefits the body when consumed because it contains fiber, vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

External Use

    Inflamed and itchy skin caused by eczema, psoriasis, acne or insect bites can be soothed by pouring five cups of apple cider vinegar into a warm bath and soaking for 15 to 20 minutes.

    For a flaky scalp, dilute a cup of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water and pour over the head before shampooing in the shower. Massage with the fingertips into the scalp for five minutes and wash hair as usual. Apple cider vinegar will clear the scalp and remove dead skin that is clogging hair follicles and preventing growth. This is also an excellent treatment for dandruff. Use this twice a week to maintain a healthy scalp and restore a healthy pH balance.

Internal Use

    Ingesting apple cider vinegar has been reported to help relieve problems such as allergies, acid reflux, arthritis, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Apple cider vinegar also breaks up fat and is commonly used as a weight loss method.
    Apple cider vinegar benefits acne prone skin and sudden breakouts when ingested because it boosts liver function and filters toxins out of the body at a faster rate, healing blemishes fast.

    It can be difficult to drink apple cider vinegar because of the sour taste. Some people like to mix one part apple cider vinegar in eight parts water with a tablespoon of honey. It can also be drizzled over a salad or taken as a supplement. Apple cider vinegar supplements can be purchased in the vitamin aisle of any grocery or drug store.

    For weight loss, the best time to drink or take an apple cider vinegar supplement is 30 minutes before a meal. Apple cider vinegar aids in digestion and cleanses the blood.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Natural Herbs for Hypothyrodism

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland is not producing sufficient amounts of the thyroid hormones T3 and T4. Thyroid hormones are essential to maintaining proper metabolism, and a deficit results in a slowed metabolic rate. Herbs can be beneficial for addressing hypothyroidism.


    Iodine insufficiency has been cited as a potential cause for hypothyroidism. Bladderwrack, a kind of seaweed, is a natural source for iodine that can be included in the diet and might improve thyroid function.


    Mustard greens contain tyrosine (a component of thyroid hormones) and might help to improve thyroid hormone production.

St. John's Wort

    St. John's Wort (hypericum perforatum) is an herbal antidepressant that might moderate the hyperthyroidism-induced depression. It should not be taken in addition to prescription antidepressants.

Warning (Lemon Balm)

    It is commonly reported that lemon balm is effective for hypothyroidism. Lemon balm is known to suppress thyroid activity, worsening hypothyroidism.


    Herbal remedies are not a substitute for thyroid medications, though they might complement the thyroid treatment.

Goji Vs. Acai

The goji berry and the acai berry are making a statement across the United States and are being called the "superfruits" of the future. Although the scientific research on these berries is minimal in humans, they have centuries of use by people who swear by their positive effects. These beneficial berries are healthful foods to incorporate into any diet in moderation.


    The goji berry, commonly called the wolfberry, is commonly grown in north-central China, but its origin is unknown. The acai berry comes from the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil.


    The goji berry has many seeds in the center that can vary from fruit to fruit. The acai berry is nearly 90 percent seed, and the fresh berry has very little pulp. Both berries cannot survive in their fresh form outside of their habitat and cannot survive shipments to other locations. This means they are converted to powder, dried or freeze-dried before being shipped.


    Traditionally, goji berries are cooked before consumption. They were also often steeped as a tea. The dried goji berry has the consistency of a raisin and has a sweet and tangy taste. Acai berries are traditionally eaten fresh and have a taste that resembles red wine and chocolate.


    Both the goji berry and the acai berry are beneficial for vision. Acai contains vitamin A, which helps in preserving night vision. Goji berries contain zeaxanthin, an antioxidant that prevents age-related macular degeneration, which is the leading cause of vision loss in people over the age of 65.


    The acai berry and the goji berry contain antioxidants that fight diseases and increase the immune system. The acai berry, however, contains all of the omega fatty acids that aid in heart as well as mental health.

Naturist Cures for Intrinsic Asthma

Intrinsic asthma is unrelated to allergies and results from stress, smoke, toxins, anxiety, chemicals, cold weather, gastrointestinal reflux disease or a virus. It normally occurs in adults over age 40. Many natural supplements and herbs are available to help you manage intrinsic asthma. You should consult with an experienced health care professional about using natural treatments for this condition to design a safe regimen that will not interfere with standard treatments. Based on a review of studies and other literature, the University of Maryland Medical Center suggests the following treatments might be beneficial.


    Research indicates that people with asthma have low blood levels of certain substances and supplementation might be of benefit. They include magnesium, selenium, and coenzyme Q10. Talk to your doctor to see if these supplements might help you. She will also be able to suggest an appropriate dosage.

    The B vitamin choline can reduce severity and frequency of attacks. The suggested dose is three grams per day.

    Studies on Omega-3 fatty acids produced mixed results. Reported benefits included a reduction in symptoms in both children and adults. Talk to your doctor about this treatment.

    1,000 milligrams of vitamin C daily can assist in keeping airways open.

    If you are taking the standard medication theophylline, you may be deficient in vitamin B6 and potassium. Talk to your doctor before deciding to supplement to get an appropriate dosage. Taking too much of either can cause complications

Herbal treatments

    Studies involving boswellia, a popular herb in traditional Indian medicine, showed that taking it improved lung function and decreased the number of attacks. Take 3 milligrams three times a day. Discuss this treatment with your doctor if you are taking cholesterol medication or NSAID's (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

    Coleus forskohlii is another principal asthma treatment in Indian medicine. Studies suggest inhaled powder relieves symptoms. Do not use this herb if you have diabetes, thyroid problems, are using blood thinners, or are pregnant. Consult with a doctor familiar with Ayurvedic medicine to determine proper usage.

    Tylophora has a long history of use in treating asthma and some studies showed benefit, but were not high quality. Use 250 milligrams one to three times daily. Do not use if you are pregnant, have diabetes, high blood pressure or congestive heart failure.

    Pycnogenol reduces symptoms and improves lung function. Take 1 milligram per pound of body weight and do not exceed 200 milligrams. Avoid this herb if you have diabetes, high blood pressure or are using blood-thinning medications.

    The traditional Japanese formula Saiboku-to reduces symptoms of asthma. In several trials, it allowed participants to decrease their dosage of steroids. Be sure to discuss this treatment with your doctor.


    According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, research relating to homeopathy as a treatment for asthma is lacking. The following remedies are typically dispensed by homeopaths to address asthma. If you are interested in using homeopathy for this condition, it would be a good idea to consult with an experienced homeopath since treatments are very individualized. Dosing instructions are on the product label.

    Arsenicum album is for asthma that typically gets worse between midnight and 2 a.m., accompanied by restlessness, anxiety, chills and thirst.

    Ipecacuanha treats asthma accompanied by extreme tightness in the chest, persistent coughing with lots of phlegm that causes vomiting and with symptoms that get worse in hot and humid weather.

    Pulsatilla is used for asthma that is worse in the evening or after eating fatty foods and produces a yellow or green phlegm.

    Sambucus works best for people who are awakened at night by asthma that produces a feeling of suffocation and is more severe when lying down.

Milk Thistle for Blood Cleansing

Milk thistle contains silymarin, a chemical considered helpful in protecting the liver. Because of this, milk thistle is used for blood cleansing, especially useful in modern times where our bodies are under siege from various environmental toxins. This powerful alternative medicine helps to cleanse the blood of toxins, along with treating liver diseases such as hepatitis and jaundice.

What It's Good For

    Milk thistle is most commonly used to treat various liver diseases. Not only can it treat chronic liver diseases, it also works as an excellent cleanser for the liver by flushing out toxins and maintaining proper functioning. Ultimately it is the liver's job to cleanse the blood in the body. If the liver is not functioning at full capacity, blood may become contaminated with toxins that are not completely removed by the liver. Keeping the liver healthy allows it to fully cleanse the blood and is important in maintaining health and vitality.

How to Take

    When using milk thistle to cleanse the blood, there are a couple of options. Milk thistle is available in either pill form or liquid form. Both work equally well in cleansing the blood. Keep in mind that the liquid extract of milk thistle is not very tasty, so you may opt for the pill form. The standard dose of milk thistle is based on the amount of silymarin content. Standardized extracts are preferred, look for between 70-210 mg, and take three times a day for good results. Best results are achieved in the higher dose ranges of about 140 mg, three times a day.

Side Effects

    Milk thistle has been shown to have few side effects. Widely used in Europe, silymarin preparations have low evidence of toxicity. Because silymarin enables cholerectic activity, it may lead to a looser stool because of increased bile flow in the liver and secretion. While using higher doses it may be appropriate to incorporate some bile sequestering fiber such as psyllium and oat bran into the diet. This will prevent mucosal irritation and loose bowel movements. However, because of the overall lack of toxicity associated with milk thistle, it is feasible to use on a long term basis to cleanse the blood and maintain a healthy liver.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Bovine Colostrum Side Effects

Colostrum is a thick, milky fluid secreted from the breasts of mammals for a few days after giving birth, before actual milk appears. Colostrum contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, antibodies and growth factors important for a newborn. Some people use bovine colostrum, obtained from cows, as an alternative medicine. Side effects are few and uncommon.

Gastrointestinal Side Effects

    Bovine colostrum is occasionally associated with mild upset stomach, bloating, nausea and gas. This usually can be resolved by taking less of the substance.

HIV Patient Considerations

    According to, isolated reports have been made of people with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) experiencing nausea, vomiting, low red blood cell count and abnormal liver tests while taking bovine colostrum.

Lactose Intolerance and Allergies

    Because bovine colostrum has low levels of lactose, lactose-intolerant people should have no problems with it. People also can purchase it in skim and reduced-lactose versions. But anyone allergic to milk should not take bovine colostrum.

Mad Cow Disease

    No evidence indicates that bovine spongiform encephalitis, commonly called mad cow disease, can be transmitted through milk products. But people might want to avoid bovine colostrum produced in countries where mad cow disease has been found.

Pregnancy Considerations

    Because of a lack of evidence about safety, pregnant and breastfeeding women should not take bovine colostrum.

Severe Neck Pain Remedies

Severe neck pain can be brought on by an accident, a sudden injury, a health condition or stress. If you are experiencing severe neck pain, you should identify the underlying cause of the condition first. Visit your general practitioner or a chiropractor to identify what is causing your neck pain before you try any remedies.

After an Accident or Injury

    When you injure yourself or you are in an accident, your muscles can become ultrasensitive and tense. If you have ruled out spinal injuries after seeing a doctor, you can turn to basic treatments to alleviate pain while you heal. A heat pack may reduce muscle spasms---heat it in a microwave for a few minutes and apply it to your neck and surrounding muscles for 10 to 15 minutes. Cold ice packs can be used to diminish muscular swelling; ice also works as an all-natural anesthetic. If you're not sure if heat or cold would work best for your injury, consult your doctor.

Devil's Claw

    Devil's claw is an herbal supplement that can be consumed to diminish neck pain. Devil's claw works equally well to diminish conditions with muscular inflammation, too; this herb has been used to treat arthritic conditions, osteoarthritis, and other bodily aches and pains. The use of devil's claw can actually lower your need for prescribed pain medications; the herb has iridoid glycosides in it that are anti-inflammatory agents. Take 600 to 1200 milligrams three times daily for pain relief. The herb is also available as a tea; steep 4 g. of devil's claw in hot water and strain the tea before drinking. You can drink the tea up to three times per day.

Chiropractic Treatments

    Especially after a car accident, consult a qualified chiropractor who can treat your injury using spinal manipulation. Spinal adjustments involve attempting to realign the spine to help alleviate painful conditions and improve overall health. Several visits might be required for a full chiropractic assessment and for the spinal adjustments to fully work.

    A chiropractor will realign your spine by positioning you on a table and moving the vertebrae slowly and gently back into the correct position. During the first appointment, your chiropractor will typically take X-rays to assess the condition of your spine. Chiropractic treatments can be very helpful because sometimes an injury that feels like a muscle strain is actually caused by the dislocation of a vertebra.

Negative Effects of Steam Rooms

Steam rooms have been used for centuries and are popular in health spas and fitness clubs. They are used to promote improvement in blood circulation, stiff joints, muscle tension and many other ailments. Although they are beneficial in most cases, one must be cautious of the potential risk factors related to steam rooms.


    Steam rooms are different from saunas because they are a moist heat. It is known that bacteria flourish in warm moist places, so bacterial infections are a risk when entering a steam room. To cut back on the spread of bacteria, always enter a steam room clean. In addition, always take a clean towel to sit on.


    The heat from steam rooms is a cleansing experience, making one sweat out toxins. Due to the extreme heat, however, dehydration is a valid concern. Always remember to drink a glass of water before and after a steam room experience. In addition, don't exceed the recommended time of 15 to 20 minutes per steam room visit.

Cardiac or Respiratory Conditions

    Those with cardiac or respiratory conditions should be wary of entering a steam room. For blood pressures that are too high or low, the risk of a heart attack or fainting should not be ignored. Those who have a history or risk of pneumonia should also stay away from steam rooms as the moist air could cause problems. However, steam rooms are healthy for most respiratory systems.


    Dizziness can occur when leaving a steam room and entering an environment with a normal temperature. Upon leaving a steam room, allow the body to adjust slowly. Do not enter any cold areas until the body has adjusted. In other words, do not immediately hop in a cool swimming pool or a cold shower.


    Pregnant women should avoid steam rooms entirely. It is not wise to let the body temperature get too hot (above 102 degrees). Overexposure to steam rooms can actually lead to birth defects. Steam rooms can also negatively affect a pregnant woman's blood pressure, restricting oxygen flow to the fetus.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Tea Tree Home Remedy for Allergic Skin Reaction

Tea Tree Home Remedy for Allergic Skin Reaction

There are many products that are sold to help deal with skin problems that typically contain harsh chemicals such as benzoyl peroxide, which can cause allergic skin reactions and irritate the skin. Luckily, tea tree oil can replace benzoyl peroxide cleansers and lotions and help eliminate skin eruptions without causing such effects as peeling, redness or itching.

Tea Tree Oil Soap

    Tea tree oil can be infused into soaps and cleansers to replace commercial soaps that contain harsh chemicals. Using a soap that contains tea tree oil can treat acne during the washing process and give the skin a jump-start toward clarity. Tea tree oil has powerful antibacterial, antiseptic and antifungal properties, yet it is gentle on the skin.

    To use, wet your face, lather your hands with the tea tree soap and apply it to your face. Be careful to avoid rubbing the skin too aggressively, as it can exacerbate acne and disrupt the skin's surface. Rinse the skin well to remove any remaining soap.

Tea Tree Oil Toner

    Toners can be found that contain tea tree oil to further help treat acne naturally. Using a tea tree oil toner will help tighten the pores and remove dirt and impurities without the need for alcohol, which is a common ingredient in commercial toners. Tea tree oil toners often contain witch hazel and aloe vera, which help pores absorb the tea tree oil quickly.

Tea Tree Oil Salve

    After you have washed and toned your skin, apply a tea tree oil salve to allow the skin to be treated for an extended period of time. Tea tree oil salve typically has an olive oil and aloe vera base that soothes the skin without clogging the pores. Look for a salve that does not contain any added and unnecessary ingredients, such as alcohol or coloring. Apply around a dime-sized amount to the skin twice a day to treat acne effectively. Tea tree oil salve combats acne as well as benzoyl peroxide creams do but without causing an allergic reaction.

All Natural Treatments or Cures for Degenerative Arthritis

All Natural Treatments or Cures for Degenerative Arthritis

Degenerative arthritis, or osteoarthritis, is the most common form of the more than 100 types of arthritis. It affects over 20 million people in the United States alone. The condition is marked by a breakdown and eventual disappearance of cartilage between a joint or joints. And while a number of conventional treatments exist to deal with the condition, including surgery and medication, some all-natural remedies also exist. These include physical therapy, herbal supplements and dietary treatment.

Physical Therapy Treatment

    Some types of joint pain may be combated through prolonged physical therapy, assisted by a physician. Depending on the kind of joint pain problem, certain exercises may help to strengthen the joint muscles, thereby nullifying some of the condition's symptoms. Exercises may also improve the range of motion associated with affected joints. Physical therapy may also entail the temporary use of a brace or a splint. A number of stretching exercises, under the supervision of or at the direction of a physician, may help treat the symptoms of your joint condition. These exercises typically involve the back, hip joints and hamstring muscles. Stretching these areas may prevent the pain of your condition from worsening.

Herbal Treatment

    Consider taking boswellia supplements, available at any natural products store. Boswellia helps reduce inflammation around the joints and connective tissues. Boswellia is typically taken either as a tincture or in capsule form.

    Or try winter cherry, also known as ashwagandha, which is an herb that might help fight joint pain. Winter cherry helps nourish and strengthen bones and muscles, but is especially well-known for its ability to support the joints when they are physically stressed. Winter cherry is most easily taken in pill or tea form.

Diet Treatment

    A more long-term remedy for joint pain involves the increased intake of sulfur-high foods. Sulfur helps build, rebuild and strengthen bones, connective tissue and cartilage. Consider eating more eggs, asparagus, onions, garlic, oats, corn, alfalfa, carob, nuts, seeds, avocado and watermelon because they are all rich in sulfur.

Acai vs. Noni

The noni fruit and the acai berry are extremely popular in the United States and are called "superfruits" among dieticians and other health experts. The acai berry is grown in tall palms in the Brazil's Amazon rainforest. The noni fruit grows on an evergreen shrub commonly produced in the volcanic soils of Hawaii, but the shrub originated in French Polynesia. Although there are no known side effects of these "superfruits" that differ from any other fruit, scientific research is still being conducted to prove its effectiveness on human health. However, both the acai berry and the noni fruit are healthy foods to incorporate into your diet.


    The acai berry has a sweet taste and the fresh berry resembles the flavor of red wine combined with chocolate. The noni fruit is bitter in taste and even bears the nickname the "cheese fruit" due to its strong and unpleasant odor.


    The noni fruit is known for its antibacterial components that are especially beneficial for intestinal infections such as E. coli. Although there are claims that it holds other healing properties, there is no scientific proof of a high abundance of other nutrients. The acai berry is very potent in antioxidants as well as all of the omega fatty acids essential for heart and mental health.


    All parts of the noni fruit are edible. Unfortunately, the fresh acai berry is only 10-percent pulp; the rest is a hard seed.

Folk Remedies

    Both the noni fruit and the acai berry have been used for centuries as healing agents. The acai berry was used as an anti-aging tool while the noni was also used topically to cure infections on the skin and even thought to heal broken bones.


    Acai berry has vitamins B1, B2, B3, E and C. The noni fruit contains small amounts of vitamins, but its most prevalent vitamin is vitamin C, though it doesn't contain as much as an orange.

Homeopathic Remedies for TMJ

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome is a condition in which the jaw feels locked in one place. Talking, eating, chewing and even drinking can become a tough task because the jaw is very sore and difficult to move. It usually is caused by stress, injury to the jaw or from clenching teeth while asleep. Only in severe circumstances is surgery needed for this syndrome. Most of the time, a remedy can be found within your home.


    Using relaxation techniques can go a long way in treating TMJ. Engage in exercises that are made to help the body calm down. Yoga and tai chi are very therapeutic and help relieve stress. Take a warm bath before bed. This causes vasodilation (opening of blood vessels) and will aid in a more restful sleep. The use of a heat pack on the affected area can stop pain. It will increase the flow of blood to the jaw, which will accelerate the healing process. Lastly, try meditating or deep breathing exercises before bed. Put on some soothing music; typically sounds of nature have the most calming effect. Anything you can do before bed to help you relax likely will melt away the soreness caused by TMJ.


    Herbal remedies can help relieve pain from TMJ. Causticum, ignatia and magnesia phosphorica are some homeopathic remedies that help soothe strained ligaments around the jaw. These are not found in your local market as they must be sought in specialty nutrition shops or purchases from an online source. Some more common herbs that can be found in the supermarket are passionflower, kava kava, valerian root and St. John's Wort. These herbs help relieve stress and even help you sleep better.


    Acupuncture is an alternative treatment that may be used in lieu of painkillers and anti-inflammatory medicine. A 2007 British study showed that 70 dental patients received acupuncture for TMJ symptoms. Eighty-five percent of those patients felt the intensity of their pain was reduced by 75 percent. This technique helps burrow to the root cause of the pain, which generally is stress, and relaxes target muscles in the jaw. The great aspect of acupuncture is that it can be used alone or in conjunction with traditional medicine. There are no harmful interactions between the two.


    Homeopathic methods of treatment can be used in mild to moderate cases of TMJ. Most often when stress goes away, so does the TMJ. However, some cases that are more severe, as with those with rheumatoid arthritis or if you have suffered head trauma, more drastic measures such as surgery must be sought. If TMJ symptoms remain or become worse after five days of homeopathic treatment, it is best to consult a doctor or dentist for further advice.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Natural Cures for Women's Hair Loss

Hair loss is a much more devastating occurrence for women than it is for men. Women tend to focus more attention on their appearance, and hair loss is a very emotionally stressful occurrence. To find the best cure for hair loss, it is first necessary to find the cause of the hair loss. Women can lose their hair for many reasons.

Diet and Nutrition

    Diet is an important part of healthy hair and skin. Billions of dollars are spent on cosmetic products to improve the appearance of women's hair when eating a healthier diet may be all that is necessary. Deficiencies in diet can contribute to unhealthy hair and hair loss. A healthier diet will not regrow hair that has already been lost, but it can help keep the hair that remains on your head healthy and strong.
    Omega-3 fatty acids are an important dietary ingredient. Omega-3 fatty acids are commonly recommended by nutritionists and the American Heart Association as an essential part of a heart-healthy diet, but they are also an essential part of hair and skin health. Some women suffer from iron deficiency, which can cause anemia. Anemia can also cause hair loss. To increase the amount of iron in your diet, eat foods high in iron, such as broccoli, bok choy and spinach. These foods are also rich in vitamin C, which promote iron absorption.

Herbal Hair Loss Remedies

    Saw palmetto is an herb that has been studied for its effect on androgen activity in the hair follicle. Women should consult with their doctor before using saw palmetto for hair loss. Women who are using an estrogen replacement therapy or taking birth control pills should not use saw palmetto.
    Green tea is an herb with antioxidant properties that can be very healthy for a woman's diet. It is also used as an herbal remedy for hair loss. Green tea intake creates higher levels of globulin, which moves hormones like testosterone through the body in a bound form. When hormones are in this bound form, they are unusable by tissues in the body. This prevents testosterone from being converted into dihydrotestosterone, which is responsible for a shortened hair cycle. Apple cider vinegar and sage tea applied to the scalp is another herbal remedy that may reduce or stop hair loss in women.

Vitamins and Minerals

    Vitamin B12 is found to be deficient in women who are seeking treatment for hair loss. Supplementing your diet with vitamin B12 and biotin can help stop hair loss. Biotin is an essential part of healthy hair and skin and is important for growing new hair. It is found in foods such as egg yolks and liver, but it can be difficult to get enough from diet alone. Biotin supplements are often recommended by doctors to use alongside prescription hair loss treatments.
    A multivitamin that contains zinc is also recommended for those suffering from hair loss. Zinc may be able to keep the level of androgens, which are thought to be the hormones responsible for hair loss, to a minimum. Do not take more zinc than what is provided in a multivitamin. It is vital that zinc and copper remain in balance.
    Use natural shampoos and conditioners on your hair to avoid hair loss that can result from an excessive amount of chemicals on the hair.

White Sage Healing Techniques

White Sage Healing Techniques

White sage is one of the nearly 800 species of sage and is known by other names such as bee sage or sacred sage. It has many uses ranging from aromatic to medicinal and is used in many religious applications. Learning about the healing and therapeutic properties of this plant is important in learning about natural healing and botanicals.

Historical Techniques

    A burst of white sage.

    White sage has been used medicinally for centuries. As early as ancient Greek and Roman times, the plant was used in a compress to treat snakebites. It was also used by several Native American tribes to treat and cure stomach issues, and it was even used as a natural antiperspirant. According to the USDA, white sage was used by the Kiowa tribes in drinks to reduce phlegm and cough while suffering from a cold or flu. The medicinal properties of white sage have been known for a long time.

Spiritual Health

    White sage releases a pleasing and therapeutic scented smoke.

    According to some beliefs, spiritual and mental healing are as necessary as the physical. White sage has been used for ages in sacred spells, rituals and meditative environments. Even Neo-Pagan religions like Wicca incorporate the use of white sage for protection from negative influences. It is wrapped in whole plant form with thread to create a smudge stick, and burned to release the sweet and unique aroma into the air. This is known as "smudging" an area to cleanse it. The aromatic benefits are thought to relax the mind, body and spirit.

Modern Practice

    As of 2009, the benefits of white sage are widely known by homeopathic and herbal experts. The medical applications of this plant are various and broad, and it can be ingested, burned and even used as a poultice or compress. According to the USDA, white sage is effectively used as a treatment for skin eruptions and eczema. When the leaves are ingested in a tea it can help improve how your body handles insulin levels, which is why there may be a link between white sage use and diabetic treatment.

Home Remedies for a Face Blister

There are a variety of reasons you might get a face blister. It can be caused by friction, a burn, eczema, allergies, poisonous plant contact or diseases such as chickenpox. Face blisters need to be treated with great care to prevent scarring or the spread of certain conditions. Thankfully, there are a number of treatments that can be used to help face blisters heal quickly.

Blisters and Eczema

    You can get blisters on your face when eczema develops. Allergies that are at the source of eczema can cause inflammation of the skin and blister formations. Eczema is a type of dermatitis with symptoms that include facial blisters, dry cracked skin and itchiness. Eczema-related facial blisters appear just underneath the skin and look like small, tiny bubbles. Eczema can be treated with green tea extract; you can consume 250 to 500 milligrams a day for the anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants in the herb. The use of green tea oil will diminish the symptoms associated with eczema and will help keep face blisters under control. Cat's claw also can be taken internally to treat face blisters; you can consume 20 milligrams of this herb three times a day to reduce skin inflammation and to derive its antifungal and antibacterial effects.

Blisters and Allergies

    You might use a cosmetic or product on your face that causes your skin to blister. The blistering is an allergic reaction to the product's use. You should cease using the product immediately. Tend to allergic facial blisters with aloe vera. Cut an aloe vera leaf lengthwise to expose the gel inside. Then apply the gel directly to the blister. Aloe promotes healing and is helpful in diminishing the soreness and tenderness associated with face blisters. Aloe also will help reduce potential scarring sometimes associated with face blisters. If you don't have an aloe plant, apply calamine lotion to your face blisters to help diminish any itchiness or irritation.

Blisters and Poison Ivy, Oak and Sumac

    Poison ivy, oak and sumac are plants that contain urushiol, an oily ingredient that causes an allergic skin reaction when you come in contact with it. You can get contact dermatitis within hours or days of being exposed. Bumps and blisters can form on the body, and when you scratch them, the blisters can open up and ooze. The oozing discharge can spread and form more blisters on the body. To treat face blisters caused by contact with poisonous plants, apply calamine lotion and hydrocortisone cream on the skin to stop itchiness and prevent blister breakage. Taking Benadryl or another antihistamine can also eliminate itchiness so the blisters can go away on their own.

Blisters and Chickenpox

    To treat face blisters that result from chickenpox, take a cool washcloth and place it gently over your face. This will help to diminish the appearance of blistering skin. You can also use cold compresses to help diminish the appearance of face blisters with this condition. Refrain from washing your face with warm water; it will increase the itchiness of chickenpox and tempt you to scratch or pick at the blisters. The application of calamine lotion might also help in drying up the pox on your face and in preventing itchiness.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Natural Hay Fever Relief

Natural Hay Fever Relief

The term "hay fever" is quite an enigma, as it is not really caused by hay, and the symptoms do not include fever. The official term for hay fever is "allergic rhinitis," which refers to allergic reactions, usually including sneezing, nasal inflammation and itchy eyes. Experts believe the term "hay fever" originated when most people lived around farms and were inclined to develop allergic reactions during the hay harvesting season. There are some effective natural remedies you can partake to avoid and cure hay fever.

About Hay Fever

    When you inhale allergens, they quickly land on the mucous membrane in your nasal passage. Then the allergen sensors in your cells release abundant inflammatory chemicals such as histamine, leukotrienes and prostaglandin. These chemicals can cause a runny nose, sinus congestion, watery eyes and itchiness in your nose, eyes and ears. Other less common symptoms include stuffy ears, sore throat, coughing and swollen eyes.

Types of Hay Fever

    There are two main types of hay fever:
    1. Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis, which occurs to people who are allergic to pollens from grasses, weeds and trees. Spring and summer is usually when the symptoms strike, as the pollen counts in the air tend to rise during these seasons.
    2. Perennial Allergic Rhinitis, which can occur year-round. The triggers are usually dust mites and pet dander.

Natural Remedies vs. Conventional Drugs

    Taking conventional drugs may help fix your hay fever fast; however, it also makes your kidneys work harder. In addition, most allergy medications cause side effects. For example, antihistamines thicken the mucus in your nasal cavity, and ironically that makes your nose a perfect place for bacteria to grow and spread. Nasal corticosteroid sprays can sometimes cause a burning or stinging sensation in your nose, or even a nose bleed. Decongestants, which are medications used for shrinking the nasal blood vessels and decreasing the amount of fluid in the nose, do not help at all with sneezing or itchiness in the nose, and may cause insomnia, anxiety and irregular heartbeat.
    Natural remedies, on the other hand, do not cause serious side effects and can help strengthen your immune system, allowing it to battle allergens by itself.

Diets and Supplements for Hay Fever

    Quercetin. This is a plant-derived flavonoid with anti-inflammatory properties. It works by keeping mast cells from releasing inflammatory chemicals like histamine, leukotrienes and prostaglandin. You can take quercetin capsules as a daily supplement, or add more citrus fruits, tea and buckwheat to your diet. Taking quercetin, however, is only a preventive strategy.

    Nettle. Dr. Robert Rountree, a holistic physician and coauthor of the book Immunotics, suggests that taking nettle capsules can help keep hay fever symptoms under control. According to recent research, the symptoms most alleviated by nettle capsules are sneezing and itchy eyes.

    Fatty Acids. Oils high in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), such as borage and black currant seed oil, are extrememly beneficial for people who are prone to hay fever. They can reduce inflammation and lessen overall allergic reactions. Dr. Rountree recommends that allergic individuals take 300 mg of borage or black currant seed oil daily.

Nasal Wash

    Using a neti pot

    Since hay fever is caused by allergens breathed into the nose, rinsing those allergens out of your nose a few times a day can solve the problem and substantially improve your nasal hygiene. There are several ways to do this, the most convenient of which is to use a saline nasal spray. Experts say, however, that this method may not clean the nasal passage as thoroughly as the neti pot and nasal irrigator.

    The neti pot has become a popular nasal-wash device due to its simplicity and low price. It is shaped like an Aladdin's lamp with a spigot. Put saline water in the pot, tilt your head a bit to one side, breathe through your mouth, pour the water into one nostril, and let the water emerge from the other nostril.

    A nasal irrigator is basically a waterpik with a special nasal adapter. It is said to be the most effective nasal wash device, as it can spurt out saline water at 20 pulses per second and thoroughly dislodge stubborn mucus in the nasal passage. Pour the saline solution into the water reservoir, adjust the pressure on the irrigator to the lowest setting, lean over a sink, insert the tip of the nasal adapter into your nostril and let the water run out of the other nostril.

Saline Solution for Nasal Wash

    This saline solution formula is recommended by Dr. Robert Rountree: Mix tsp. sea salt with 4 oz. warm water. Stir well. Then add 1/8 tsp. baking soda.

Sciatica Therapy With an Exercise Ball

When trying to find ways to relieve sciatica pain, many options can be found using an exercise ball, or Swiss ball. But first, understand that sciatica is not a disorder, but a set of painful symptoms that are caused by another problem. Once you know what is causing your sciatica, you can find which kinds of ball exercises will relieve the discomfort. Try all of the exercises and see which ones help the most.

Sciatica from a Herniated Disc

    Typically the leg pain associated with sciatica and a herniated disc happens when the disc protrudes backwards and irritates or compresses the sciatic nerve. This causes pain down the length of the nerve, according to Most patients use backwards-bending exercises or extensions to help "move" the sciatica pain up the leg and into the lower back.
    Using the exercise ball, sit on the edge of the ball with feet flat on the floor. Reach back slowly, lowering your hands to touch the floor behind you. Your body will be resting on the ball in a backwards arched position. Stretch the muscles in the lower back by pushing with the legs and rolling your weight toward the hands.

Sciatica from Spinal Stenosis

    Spinal stenosis is a condition that causes the nerve passageways to constrict. Usually the sciatic pain happens while walking and the only way to relieve it is to sit down. The relief exercises intended to help this kind of sciatica involve bending forward. Lie stomach-down on top of the exercise ball, supporting and balancing with your hands in front and feet behind you. In a reaching motion, stretch forward to extend the muscles in the lower back. This will help reverse the constriction the nerves. Rolling back toward the feet and gripping the floor with your toes will help in the same way. See which stretching exercise feels most natural to you and relieves the most pain.

Sciatica from Degenerative Disc Disease

    Degenerative disc disease usually causes lower back pain, but sometimes it can press on a nerve root in the lower back that will cause sciatica. When this happens, it is sometimes possible to relieve the pain by limiting the movement of the spinal segments where the discs are. This can be done by using lumbar stabilization exercises on the exercise ball and on the floor. Lie on your back in the floor and place the exercise ball at your feet. Raise your feet to rest on top of the ball and place your palms down at your side. Using your core muscles, raise the buttocks into the air to form a "bridge" from the ball to the base of your neck. Repeat the motion over and over again, using your arms as stabilizers.

Sciatica from Isthmic Spondylolisthesis

    Isthmic spondylolisthesis is a condition that occurs when one vertebrae slips onto another because of a broken piece of bone in the spinal column. This fracture usually occurs in childhood, with symptoms like sciatica sometimes showing up in adulthood. Exercise routines can help this pain, but must be experimented with to a degree. Usually a routine including flex-based exercises used to treat spinal stenosis combined with stabilization exercises used to treat degenerative disc disease will have the most success, according to

Foot Blister Home Remedy

Common foot blister remedies include ordinary items you'll find around the house, such as apple cider vinegar, castor oil, cotton pads, antibacterial cream, warm water or petroleum jelly. In addition, aloe vera gel and Epsom salts can be used to treat foot blisters. These home remedies are easy to administer and cost next to nothing.

Homemade Options

    Use apple cider vinegar to treat blisters on your foot. Mix one teaspoon of smashed up onion with a teaspoonful of apple cider vinegar and apply the mixture to the blister. This should help to dry up the blister quickly.

    Castor oil is an excellent choice for treating foot blisters. Apply castor oil directly to the affected blister and leave on overnight. The blister should dry up completely. Avoid peeling off the top layer of skin if it has dried.

    Soak the affected blister in warm water once a day for 15 minutes. This will help to clean out the blister, allowing it to drain and eventually dry up.

    You can apply antibiotic ointment to a foot blister to promote healing and prevent infection. You also can add a teaspoon of antibiotic ointment to one gallon of warm water and soak the affected area for 15 to 20 minutes. A one-time soak should be sufficient to heal the blister.

How to Treat

    Aloe vera gel applied to a foot blister will soothe the pain and help dry up the blister.

    Use doughnut-shaped cotton pads to surround the blister area and protect it from infection. This leaves the blister area open, so it can air out. This remedy is especially helpful for blisters on the bottom of the foot.

    Apply petroleum jelly to the blister before bedtime to help to heal the blister.

    Soak the blistered area in one cup of Epsom salts mixed into a gallon of lukewarm water. You also can add a teaspoon of regular salt to one cup of cool water, dip in a clean cotton cloth and apply it directly to the blister. This will help to constrict and heal the blister.

    To prevent foot blisters from forming in the first place, wear socks with new shoes and keep your feet clean.

More Treatments

    If you have a blister from friction, apply a half- teaspoon of calendula ointment to the affected area. Cover with an ordinary bandage to speed healing if the blister is small. If the blister is larger, cover it with a gauze pad and adhesive tape.

    Another homemade option for treating blisters is to apply licorice ointment to the affected area. Use about one-quarter teaspoon and cover with a bandage.

    When a blister breaks, wash the area gently with soap and water, then rinse with hydrogen peroxide. Apply calendula ointment and bandage. Leave the bandage on overnight, then remove it in the morning so the blister site can get some air and dry out.

How to Use a Sun Lamp

How to Use a Sun Lamp

Sun lamps simulate the light from the sun, typically with a balanced spectrum of fluorescent light. When used properly, they can be an effective treatment for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), depression that occurs due to lack of sunlight in the winter. Before diagnosing and treating yourself, contact a qualified health-care professional.

How Sun Lamps Work

    People susceptible to SAD can experience depression in winter, in overcast climates or if they work in windowless environments. The lack of natural light can cause an imbalance in your internal clock. Sun lamps make up for the lack of natural sunlight by providing a specific amount of balanced spectrum light. This "fake" sunlight results in an increase in the neurotransmitter serotonin, which affects feelings of happiness and well-being. It also results in the suppression of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleeping patterns.

Choosing the Right Lamp

    Most sun lamps are table-top versions that are plugged into a wall socket, but visor styles that operate with batteries are also available. Light intensities are measured in lux, which is a unit of illumination. The most common strength recommended for treating SAD is 2,500 to 10,000 lux.

    Because you want the light to hit your face--specifically, your eyes--choose a model that can be angled toward your face or mounted on the wall at face height. If you are taking medications that may make you photosensitive, or if your eyes are sensitive to sunlight, therapy via a sun lamp may not be appropriate for you.

During Your Session

    When beginning sun-lamp treatment for SAD, start your exposure when days begin to shorten in the fall. Place yourself in front of the unit for 10 to 15 minutes, two to three times a day. Keep your face toward the light source, occasionally glancing at it to get eye contact with the light. Do not wear sunglasses--it is important for your retinas to be in direct contact with the light waves.

    Because the light from a sun lamp is much brighter than a typical indoor light, you may experience eye strain. Start slow, building up to an hour per day. Continue treatment into the spring.

    Monitor your exposure to see at what level and time you are achieving optimal benefits. Many SAD sufferers find it helpful to keep a journal of their symptoms and sleep habits to see when SAD tends to occur and to track how the light therapy affects their moods and sleeping rhythms.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Natural Cures for Menopausal Nausea

Nausea is a common symptom in women who are nearing or experiencing menopause. The symptom is very similar to the nausea that occurs during pregnancy, and some women face nausea when they eat certain foods. Diet and natural cures can help relieve these symptoms and eliminate this distressing morning experience during menopause.

Diet and Nutrition

    Keep a "food diary" that can help you learn which specific foods trigger your queasiness. It is simple to avoid foods that result in nausea and vomiting once you know what they are. During peri-menopause, dairy products, caffeine, foods high in iron and red meat are common culprits responsible for morning nausea. If you omit certain food groups from your diet, take a multivitamin or other supplements, such as calcium, to replace the nutrients you may now lack.

    Herbal teas and crackers can also help alleviate the nausea experienced during the years preceding menopause. Ginger tea, peppermint tea, dandelion tea and licorice tea are the most beneficial, and hot water with lemon can also help soothe a nauseous stomach. Unsalted crackers, saltines or dry toast are often easy to ingest when you're experiencing queasy feelings.

Hormone Replacement

    Hormone replacement is usually started during the peri-menopausal stage. In the past, doctors did not begin hormone-replacement therapy until menopause had been well-established up to a year after the last menstrual cycle. Today, doctors believe that significant damage can occur to the body during this time of decreasing estrogen and that starting hormone replacement earlier can prevent conditions such as osteoporosis.

    These fluctuations that occur during menopause can cause many of the nausea symptoms experienced by some women. Plant hormone replacements can also be beneficial for menopausal nausea as well. Phytoestrogens are plant-based hormone replacements that are found in soy, flax seed and chickpeas. Flax-seed oil and soy-based products such as tofu are healthy ways to include phytoestrogens in the menopausal diet and reduce nausea symptoms as well as hot flashes.

Herbal Nausea Cures

    Lavender is used for a variety of ailments, including nausea. Lavender can be made into a tea or the oil can be inhaled as aromatherapy. The flowers of the plant are used for the health benefits. Peach leaves are also used to ease gastrointestinal disturbances such as nausea. Soak 1 oz. of the leaves in 1 pt. of water for at least a day. Strain the liquid and take 3 tsp. two or three times a day to treat queasiness. Tangerine peel steeped into a tea can treat nausea caused by menopause and other conditions; drink 1 cup two or three times a day.

    Finally, ginger is justly famed for its ability to curb nausea. Steep it into a tea, chew on fresh ginger root or use it when cooking to get all the digestive benefits of ginger.

Natural Herbs for Healing a Yeast Infection

If you have ever had a yeast infection, you know how uncomfortable it can be. An overgrowth of the organism Candida albicans causes yeast infections; symptoms include vaginal itching, burning and a thick, yeasty- or foul-smelling discharge. You can effectively treat a yeast infection at home with easy herbal remedies. Mix up your own yeast infection remedy at the first sign of symptoms.


    Take one dropperful of echinacea tincture in 1/2 cup of warm water up to four times a day for two weeks. Echinacea, which boosts the immune system, may lose its effectiveness after two weeks. If your yeast infection has not cleared up in that time, contact your health care provider.

Anti-Yeast Herb Mix

    Drink this herbal mixture as a tea. Mix together 2 teaspoons of sage, 2 teaspoons of mullein, 2 teaspoons of raspberry leaf and 1/4 teaspoon of goldenseal root. Mix the herbs with one pint of water and bring to a boil. Cover the pot and remove from heat. Let steep for 15 minutes. Strain the tea before drinking. Take it between meals or 30 minutes before eating. You can mix this tea with an equal part of cranberry juice to improve its flavor.

Herbal Douche

    Use this douche every other day. If your yeast infection is severe, use every day for a week. Mix together the following: 1/2 ounce dry anti-yeast herb mix (follow recipe above), 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon plain yogurt and 1 small drop tea tree oil. Mix anti-yeast herb mix with one quart of water, boil, remove from heat and steep for an hour. Strain before adding other ingredients, place warm mixture in a douche bag and using a steady, easy pressure, use the mixture as a douche. This mix should help to clear up the infection quickly.

Does Chelation Therapy Help Clogged Arteries

The introduction of chelation therapy infusions can help diminish plaque formations associated with the condition identified as atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a condition where your arterial wall thickens and the passage of the arteries narrow, making it more difficult for blood to reach various parts of the body and organs. Atherosclerosis can occur in your body anywhere, but it often affects the brain, heart, and lower limbs when major arteries become blocked.

The Cause of Clogged Arteries

    Patches inside the inner lining of your arteries become raised and swollen due to plaque formation caused by the presence of low-density lipoproteins, blood platelet clumping, high cholesterol levels, excessive calcium, decayed muscular cells and fibrous tissues. If you have high cholesterol, you are more likely to end up with clogged arteries. This condition can block off the blood flow to parts of your body and put you at risk of having a stroke, a heart attack, angina, lower leg pain or blood clotting issues.

Less Calcium Allows for Plaque Formation Breakdown

    According to Dr. Hitendra H. Shah, a Family Physician, and Dr. Morton Walker, a former podiatrist and current professional medical author, conventional medicine is making a movement toward understanding that calcium deposits play a large role in atherosclerosis. Both Dr. Shah and Dr. Walker explain in their book, "Everything You Should Know About Chelation Therapy," that such therapy has proven successful in helping diminish issues associated with atherosclerosis and clogged arteries. During treatments, which can last three to four hours each session, you are infused with ethylenediaminetetraacetic (EDTA): a chemical known for its ability to bind to toxic metals, lead, zinc and mercury. EDTA can also bind to calcium. Once the EDTA binds with the metals in your bloodstream and/or calcium, the chemical and the materials it has attached itself to move into the kidneys and are passed out of the body when you urinate. With prompt excessive calcium removal, the calcium formations in your arteries begin to break down with greater ease: this is how EDTA helps to clear your arteries of existing blockages.

Cholesterol Level Improvements

    In addition to calcium deposits, Dr. Shah and Walker assert that low-density lipoproteins (LDL) are a form of cholesterol responsible for clogged arteries. EDTA can help to keep LDL levels minimized. EDTA infusions help keep high-density lipoproteins high, a good form of cholesterol. If you have low levels of HDL cholesterol, EDTA may help boost them. High levels of HDL cholesterol are desirable, as these lipoproteins are capable of being synthesized by your liver, picking up excess LDL cholesterol, and removing the cholesterol from your arteries. Meanwhile, LDL cholesterol is responsible for transporting cholesterol into arteries where it can then clog them.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Cardiovascular Disease & Chelation Therapy

Cardiovascular disease is a major killer of adults in the United States. One major symptom of the disease is atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. Atherosclerosis typically leads to blood vessel changes that may ultimately trigger a heart attack or stroke. Since the 1960s, alternative and other practitioners have promoted a treatment for heavy-metal poisoning, known as chelation therapy, as an effective remedy for atherosclerosis.

What is Chelation Therapy?

    Chelation therapy is a longstanding medical technique used to combat poisoning from contact with heavy, toxic metals. It involves the intravenous administration of a man-made amino acid called ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA). EDTA works by chelating---seeking out and binding with---toxic metals, allowing them to be excreted in the urine. EDTA is also capable of chelating the mineral calcium, which is a building block in the formation of artery-hardening plaque. According to alternative practitioners, this capability should allow EDTA to break down that plaque and help reverse the effects of atherosclerosis. Some doctors have also proposed EDTA chelation as a method of preventing atherosclerosis.

Chelation Treatments

    Chelation therapy may be practiced legally by a licensed medical doctor or an osteopath (a practitioner who augments regular medical treatment with specific body-manipulation techniques). If you undergo chelation therapy, you will typically receive a physical examination prior to treatment. After this exam, you will receive an intravenous dose of EDTA that will take two to four hours to administer. This chelation session will then be followed by additional sessions over the next month. The exact number of sessions is determined by your doctor, and may range from five to 30 individual treatments. After this first month, maintenance sessions are usually scheduled once a month.

    Potential side effects of EDTA include kidney failure, heartbeat irregularities, shock, bone-marrow depression, allergic reaction, respiratory arrest and hypotension (low blood pressure). Your doctor will monitor you for signs of complications during chelation treatment.

Adjuncts to Treatment

    In addition to the chelation therapy itself, your doctor will also likely ask you to take certain steps to reinforce the treatment's effectiveness. If you smoke, you may need to quit. You also may need to lose weight, or begin eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables and low in meat and saturated fats. In addition to medically supervised chelation treatment, you may also have access to proprietary "oral chelation" compounds, which claim to provide the same benefits as intravenous chelation without the time commitment and expense.

A Word of Caution

    If you are interested in undergoing supervised chelation therapy or using oral chelation products, be aware that as of 2009 there is no scientific evidence that either of these methods is effective in treating atherosclerosis. Much of the evidence in favor of chelation is anecdotal---meaning that it is based in first-hand accounts and perceptions rather than peer-reviewed science. Before proceeding with chelation treatment, seek the advice of your personal physician or a cardiologist.

At Home Candida Cleanse

All individuals with healthy systems have natural bacterias present in their bodies. One of these is Candida albicans, a yeast-like bacteria that helps regulate the intestinal tract and the immune system. Unfortunately, over time and often as a result of dietary habits, candida can multiply quickly and become too prevalent in the body. When there is a high amount of bacteria in the body, it can lead to a number of conditions. In many cases, a homemade cleanse can help to restore the body's natural bacteria balance and good health.


    Consuming a diet high in processed foods, which often include excessive amounts of sugars and fats, provides a welcoming environment for Candida to grow. This is because yeast naturally feeds off of sugar in order to grow. If you want to perform a Candida cleanse, cut all processed foods from your diet and replace them with fresh fruits, vegetables and protein sources such as meats without preservatives, eggs and nuts. All dairy products, items with added sugar and beverages other than water or natural fruit juices should be avoided entirely.

Bowel Cleanse

    To prepare the body for the process and to remove existing toxins in the intestines, do a colonic irrigation at the start of a Candida cleanse. A colonic irrigation will flush out the Candida bacteria from the system and allow you to start with a clean slate. A colonic irrigation must be performed by a professional, but if you are not comfortable with that process, an enema may be done in the privacy of your home, although the results will not be as thorough as with a colonic irrigation.

Resist Antibiotics

    One of the most crucial parts of a Candida cleanse is to stop taking any antibiotics. Antibiotics encourage candida in the body to proliferate at much higher than normal rates. Individuals who take antibiotics on a regular basis are optimal candidates for a Candida cleanse, as it is almost certain that their bodies have an excess amount of the bacteria.

Introduce Good Bacteria

    While a major part of a Candida cleanse is to remove the excessive amounts of Candida from the body, it is important to introduce "good" bacteria in its place, as many of the body's systems rely on the presence of bacteria to function properly. This is especially true in the case of the intestinal tract. Fortunately, introducing good bacteria into the body is simple. Taking an acidophilus supplement each day during a Candida cleanse will allow the healthy type of bacteria into your body. This "good" bacteria, when taken regularly, will help your body resist the proliferation of yeast.


    Although changing your diet, performing bowel cleanses and introducing good bacteria into your body with supplements may be enough to combat Candida proliferation at home, there are products on the market--such as Syntol and Rainbow Light Candida Cleanse--made to assist in the process. Usually in capsule form, these tablets introduce enzymes into the body that help combat yeast overgrowth and normalize bacteria levels. Treatments generally last 14 days.

Alternative Cures for Acid Reflux

Acid reflux occurs when the contents of the stomach and small intestine travel back up the esophagus. This causes a number of symptoms including heartburn, burping, nausea, vomiting, coughing, chest pain and sore throat. A number of natural treatment options are available to you to manage this condition. It is important to let your doctor know about any natural supplements you are using. Consulting with a healthcare professional knowledgeable in alternative medicine can help you design a long-term treatment plan to deal with acid reflux.

Nutritional Therapy

    Monitoring your diet is a vital first step in reducing occurrences of acid reflux. Nutritional supplements can also relieve symptoms.

    Certain foods can reduce symptoms of acid reflux. Include antioxidant rich foods in your diet like fruits and vegetables. Berries are an especially good choice for fruits. Foods rich in B-vitamins and calcium, such as almonds, beans, whole grains and sea vegetables, are also beneficial. Cook with healthy oils like canola and olive. Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water daily.

    Certain foods and beverages can aggravate acid reflux and should be limited or avoided. Coffee, alcohol, and carbonated beverages contain substances that increase acid production and contain chemicals that irritate the stomach lining. White breads and pastas as well as sugar can aggravate this condition as well. Reduce your consumption of meats and other animal products and up your intake of other protein-rich foods like cold-water fish, tofu and beans.

    Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil can decrease inflammation. Take one or two capsules of fish oil or 1 tablespoon of oil two to three times daily. Probiotics support general gastrointestinal health by replenishing the body's supply of "good" bacteria. Melatonin and L-glutamine also promote gastrointestinal health; take 2 to 6 mg daily at bedtime and 500 to 1,000 mg three times daily respectively. Resveratrol decreases inflammation; take 50 to 200 mg daily.

Herbal Treatments

    Green tea provides antioxidant and anti-inflammatory support; take 250 to 500 mg daily. Cat's claw eases inflammation and acts against bacteria, which can contribute to acid production; take 20 mg three times a day. Licorice has a long history of use for treating gastric problems; take 250 to 500 mg three times daily, either 1 hour before or 2 hours after eating. Mastic acts against H. pylori, a form of bacteria found in the stomach that contributes to excess acid production; take 1,000 to 2,000 mg daily.


    According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, research is limited regarding homeopathic treatments for acid reflux. Treatments are commonly recommended by professional homeopaths to address symptoms of this condition.

    Pulsatilla treats heartburn, queasy stomach and an unpleasant taste in the mouth triggered by rich foods and fat. It works best for people whose tongue is covered with white or yellow film. Ipecacuahna treats severe nausea brought on by consuming too much rich or fatty food. Carbo vegetabilis is for bloating and indigestion accompanied by flatulence and fatigue. Nux vomica addresses symptoms of heartburn, dry heaving, and sour burps. It works best for people who are agitated and sensitive to noise and light.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Asthma Diet As a Naturist Treatment

Asthma means your immune system is pro-inflammatory and your lungs are hyperreactive. Whenever your body has contact with an asthma trigger, your immune system will overreact by releasing abundant inflammatory chemicals and causing your bronchioles (small tubes in the lungs) to swell. Accordingly, your breathing passageways become narrower, and you feel like you are inhaling through a straw. You don't have to live that way or always have to rely on a bunch of drugs, though. Some smart changes in your diet can noticeably improve your asthma symptoms.

Go for antioxidant-rich foods

    An apple a day can really keep asthma away. Cornell University researchers found that people who consume a lot of antioxidant-rich foods have significantly better lung function than those who don't. Antioxidants can reduce the risk of bronchial damage, and may help asthma medications work more effectively in some individuals and therefore lower the need for higher doses. Some antioxidant-rich foods are vegetables and fruits that are dark green, yellow, red or orange as well as lean meat, cereals and Brazil nuts.

Eat the right fats

    Poly-unsaturated vegetable oils, margarine and vegetable shortening are pro-inflammatory. So try to avoid them. Extra-virgin olive oil is the best option for people with asthma. Omega-3 fatty acids from fish are also beneficial for asthma patients, as they can provide an anti-inflammatory effect. In Australia, researchers have found that asthma rates are lower in children who regularly eat oily fish. Similar research done in 10 European countries also discovered that asthma is most prevalent in teens who consume a lot of trans fats from processed food.

E is key

    Foods rich in vitamin E are good for asthma patients in two ways. They improve your antioxidant status. And they decrease the level of immunoglobulin E (IgE), which is a type of antibody that releases inflammatory chemicals when triggered by allergens. Great sources of vitamin E include wheat germ, vegetable oils, green vegetables, eggs and sunflower seeds.

Coffee can make you healthy

    It's controversial whether caffeine is good for us or not. A recent study by Indiana University researchers, however, found that coffee drinkers have about 25 percent fewer asthma attacks than those who are not caffeine consumers. The researchers believe that caffeine may help relax the muscles in the bronchial tubes and accordingly alleviate breathing. You should consult with your doctor how much coffee you should drink each day, as some asthma medications you take may be stimulants and should not be taken with caffeine.

Ways to Fix Wrinkles Without Surgery

One of the most discouraging aspects of aging is the loss of elasticity in your skin, which produces wrinkles on your face. The good news is that, unlike other muscles in the body, your facial muscles are attached directly to your skin. So by exercising your facial muscles, you can reduce many of those annoying wrinkles without having to resort to surgery.

Facial Exercises

    Several facial exercises, presented by Thomas V. Hagerty at, have been found to be helpful in reducing wrinkles. For each of these exercises, it is recommended that you begin by moistening the skin with water, oil or a facial moisturizer.

Fixing Wrinkles Around The Eyes

    The area around the eyes is often the first place wrinkles form, because the skin there is the thinnest and most delicate on your body. The simplest way to exercise the muscles surrounding the eyes is to wink. But for this exercise, you'll close your eye only part-way, because closing it tightly may deepen those crow's feet instead of remedying them. Hold the wink for one second, open your eye wide, and then repeat the wink. Depending on your comfort level, do up 50 reps of this wink on each eye once or twice a day.

Fixing Wrinkles on the Front of the Neck

    The front of the neck is another area that shows the signs of aging early on. Start this exercise in either a sitting or standing position. Tilt your head back slightly, keeping your chin and nose centered. Press your tongue firmly against the roof of your mouth. This will tighten all the muscles along the front of your neck. Keeping your tongue against the roof of the mouth, lower your chin toward your neck. To check if your form is correct, make sure the muscle at the top of your neck directly below your chin (known as the platysma muscle) feels tense as you raise and lower your head. Repeat the exercise as often as you like; just be careful not to overwork the muscles.

Fixing Forehead Wrinkles

    Exercising your scalp is very effective in treating forehead wrinkles. Unfortunately, this is also the most difficult facial exercise. There are two basic movements to this exercise. The first involves raising and lowering your eyebrows, using the muscles at the front of your head. The second motion involves contracting the muscles at the back of your head, causing your ears to move back and forth. If you're having difficulty doing this second motion (women find it harder than men), try lying down with your head on a pillow. By feeling whether your ears move against the pillow, you can tell if you're contracting the correct muscles. This will help you gain more control as you practice. Doing only five to 10 repetitions won't do much for you. Try to build up to roughly five minutes of repeating this exercise.