Holistic medicine used to be looked upon with suspicion by most people in the Western world, but it has gained wider acceptance over the years by individuals who have used it, either as an accompaniment to or alternative to conventional Western medicine. Several chronic and acute medical conditions have benefited from holistic medicine, which deals with the whole person, rather than with a set of physical symptoms. It also examines areas, such as nutrition, emotional states and spiritual issues, all of which holistic practitioners believe affect the health of an individual.
Holistic Approaches to Improve Your Health
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Find relief with homeopathy, which works on the principle that physical symptoms actually work to fight disease and believe that they ought not to be suppressed. This holistic approach believes that "like cures like" and, so, tiny doses of homeopathic remedies are prescribed by a practitioner that, in larger doses, would mirror symptoms of a specific condition. In the smaller dose, however, healing is stimulated. Remedies are not uniform, but are tailored to the individual. It's best to work with a licensed, certified homeopathic practitioner to determine the remedy and potency that works best. Homeopathy has been used to treat such conditions as respiratory problems, immunity issues, reproductive difficulties, hormonal imbalances, colitis, circulatory concerns and depression.
2Consider acupuncture. It has been in regular use in China since ancient times. It involves having thin needles, made from stainless steel, inserted into specific pressure points to balance one's energy, also know as chi. Acupuncture has been implemented to treat such serious illnesses as rheumatoid arthritis, strokes, hypertension, acute gastritis, back pain and chemotherapy side-effects. Should you decide to seek out an acupuncturist, make sure he is board certified and licensed.
3Think about using Ayurvedic medicine, another ancient medical discipline. It has been used in India for millennia and is now making its way into the Western world. Like acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, the goal of Ayurveda is to bring your body into balance. According to its philosophy, everyone's body encompasses five elements--water, fire, air, earth and space--each of which affect specific areas of the human body. Ayurvedans believe also that we each have a specific dosha, or bodily humor--pitta, kapha or vata--which also affects our physical and emotional health. Ayurvedic medicine has been used to treat asthma, cataracts, diabetes, high cholesterol, hepatitis, migraines, female complaints, high blood pressure and several more mild to acute conditions.
4Call a chiropractor. Ten percent of Americans do, and it is one of the few holistic treatments that has gained almost universal acceptance by the traditional health care community. Chiropractors manipulate and adjust musculoskeletal areas of your body to regulate the motion of your vertebrae. Chiropractic has been used to treat headaches, neuromusculoskeletal problems, joint pain, back pain and neck pain.
5Try aromatherapy. Just as it suggests, aromatherapy involves using scents to address certain health concerns. Highly-fragrant essential oils are used to help treat conditions, such as asthma, bronchitis, depression, hemorrhoids, stress and skin disorders.
6Try naturopathy, which is sort of a "smorgasbord" of holistic therapies, combining treatments such as homeopathy, herbal remedies, acupuncture and supplementation. A naturopath works to impress upon his or her patient that the human body has an amazing capacity for healing itself. Naturopathy is used to treat conditions such as diabetes, heart problems, menopausal concerns, allergies, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, gastrointestinal disorders, migraines, immune disorders, fibromyalgia and chronic skin problems.
7Change what you eat. Nutrition plays an important role in health, and making changes in what you eat can assist you in improving your health. A bad diet can result in a host of serious physical conditions, such as heart problems, obesity, cancer and diabetes. Changing your diet can minimize your risk for certain illnesses and, in some cases, even help reverse some conditions. Consulting with a certified nutritionist can help get you on the road to wiser eating and better health.
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