Thursday, August 31, 2017

How to Eat Seaweed to Treat Anemia

How to Eat Seaweed to Treat Anemia

There are many types of anemia and there are many types of seaweed to choose from, all with excellent health benefits. We'll take a look at the types of seaweed available in the U.S. which help those diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia. We will also look address pernicious anemia.


Learning About Seaweed and How it Helps Anemia


    Understand What Seaweed is: Seaweed is one of the healthiest vegetables a person can eat. The oceans and seas are filled with nutrients and minerals deposited from land over the period of Earth's history. Since we as humans are a part of our planet, the nutrients found in the oceans, accumulated in plant life such as seaweed, are necessary for health of our bodies, carried throughout the body by way of the blood. Seaweed is known to be many times more nutritious than vegetables grown on land.


    Know How Seaweed Helps Anemia: Most people diagnosed with anemia have an iron deficiency, including being deficient in vitamin B-12, also known as pernicious anemia. Seaweed is a natural, non-animal source of vitamin B-12 and is high in iron.. Those who are strict vegetarians (vegans) are more prone to be deficient in B-12 since animal flesh is the common source of this vitamin.

    Take Spirulina For Iron and Vitamin B-12

    Discover a Few Types of Seaweed that are Best for Anemia: All seaweed contain good amounts of iron, which is needed for most anemics. There are many varieties to choose from.In the U.S. and around the world, the most popular type of seaweed eaten is called, Nori. Nori comes in thin, papery sheets, usually dark green to almost black in color. It originates from Japan and is what one commonly sees sushi, along with rice, rolled up in. It is very mild-tasting with low-sodium.Spirulina has gained popularity in the U,S. over that last couple of decades. Spirulina is a spiral-shaped, blue-green algae found in alkaline lakes world-wide and freeze-dried. In health food stores, it comes in powder form as well as tablets. It is high in protein and contains many minerals and vitamins, including B-12. Spirulina is thought to be the food of the future, since it contains all of the nutrients needed to sustain life. This food has long lists of health benefits, including healing those with anemia.Dulse is a form of seaweed which originates from Ireland and England and is also called, "sea lettuce". It is rich in iron, making it a very good choice for anemic people. Along with vitamins and amino acids, kelp contains just about all of the minerals necessary for human life. It is the largest seaweed (called brown algae) and grows on the ocean floor. Kelp can be found in powder form or in tablets.


    Find Places to Buy Seaweed: Many regular grocery stores will have the nori type of seaweed since it's the most popular type. This can be found in the grocery store aisles named, "Ethnic Food" or "Asian Food". Health food stores, such as Whole Foods and Wild Oats will carry seaweed also, usually offering several varieties. Seaweed can purchased on the Internet, through many online health sources.

Ways to Eat or Take Seaweed as a Supplement


    Eat nori. This seaweed is more commonly seen in sheet form used when making sushi. Usually, bits of sushi (raw fish), pickled ginger and rice is placed on the sheet and rolled up, similar to making a burrito, for example. It is then sliced horizontally into round pieces which can be dipped into soy sauce or eaten alone. Other foods can also be rolled up in nori sheets--use your imagination. Besides the sheets, nori can also be purchased in shakers so small flakes can be shaken onto food as a seasoning, such as, salads, hot vegetables, sea food, rice, soups and sauces.


    Consume spirulina. In powder form, spirulina can easily be added when making smoothies (if you don't mind the green color) and in soups and sauces. I prefer 500 mg tablets in the Earthrise brand. Six tablets per day are recommended and I choose to disperse them throughout the day, usually after my meals. For example, I would take two tablets after each of my three main meals.


    Eat dulse. Although low in sodium, dulse has a natural salty taste and is high in flavor, making more it an excellent seasoning for vegetables, meats, sauces and soups. In shaker form it is delicious in popcorn, in place of salt. Kelp can be found in powder form, making it easy to sprinkle on food such as soups, sauces, salads, vegetables or one can take it in tablet form.


    Enjoy kelp. This seaweed can be found in powder form, making it a great salt substitute and easy to sprinkle on food such as soups, sauces, salads, vegetables. You can also choose to simply take it in tablet form.


    Have Fun Experimenting with Seaweed While Increasing Your Red Blood Cells: Buy nori sheets, take one out and take a bite out of it. Crumble it up. Sprinkle it on your salad or even in a sandwich or an omelet (it's great on eggs!). If you are not used to it, invite seaweed into your meals slowly. Have fun with seaweed. Make a big bowl of popcorn and sprinkle or shake some nori in it or perhaps some dulse (or both). Add it to foods you are already eating--you do not have to know how to create Asian dishes in order to enjoy seaweed.When you discover ways to enjoy seaweed every day, whether it's in the form of tablets like spirulina and kelp or something you can sprinkle, you'll experience an increasing sense of well-being as more healthy red blood cells develop and deliver nutrients and oxygen to every part of your body.

Have Fun Experimenting with Seaweed While Increasing Your Red Blood Cells

    Sprinkle Dulce on Food Instead of Salt

    Add seaweed graduatlly to your meals. Buy nori sheets, take one out and take a bite out of it. Crumble it up. Sprinkle it on your salad or even in a sandwich or an omelette.Add nori, dulse, kelp or spirulina to your soups and sauces for added flavor. Add a little at a time until you are satisfied with the taste, as you would do adding any new spice.If you are not used to it, always invite seaweed into your meals slowly. Add it to foods you are already eating--you do not have to know how to create Asian dishes in order to enjoy seaweed.


    Use seaweed in snacks. Make a big bowl of popcorn and sprinkle or shake some nori in it.. Or you can sprinkle on some dulse (or both) .Add a little spirulina powder to your favorite smoothie. This is another great way to get your seaweed into your body. You won't taste it but you'll notice the green color!


    Explore other types of seaweed along the way. There are many other types of seaweed with numerous benefits to your body, including wakame, kombu, arame, sea palm and agar agar. The flavors are delicious and there are many ways to use them, such as thickeners for sauces and soups, in place of meat (as with kombu) and much more.When you discover ways to enjoy seaweed every day, whether it's in the form of tablets like spirulina and kelp or something you can sprinkle, you'll experience an increasing sense of well-being as more healthy red blood cells develop and deliver nutrients and oxygen to every part of your body.

How to Improve Night Vision

How to Improve Night Vision

All of us can improve our night vision and it doesn't require much time or expense. Carrots are an extraordinarily effective method to help do just that.


Make or Buy 100% Carrot Juice


    Check your juicer's instructions to make sure it will indeed extract juice from carrots. Not all juicers are powerful enough to juice carrots.


    Use one very large carrot (peeling first is not necessary) in your juicer or two medium carrots to produce about an ounce and a half or two ounces of fresh carrot juice--all that is needed for the day. Drinking more than two ounces is absolutely fine and is your choice, although it will not speed up the process. You can always refridgerate it (for a day or two) also.


    Purchase pure carrot juice from a health food store or a regular grocery store, if you do not have a juice extractor. The cartons are always refrigerated and dated for freshness.


    Enjoy sipping your glass of refreshing carrot juice.


    Take note of how your night vision (and perhaps your day vision) improves during the week. It may take a few days but you'll be pleasantly surprised! Keep a journal of changes and differences.

How to Regrow Lost Hair the Natural Way

Using harsh chemicals to regrow hair is not the best idea in the world as they can be very dangerous and sometimes cause more damage than healing. There are natural ways to stop hair loss and regrow lost hair.



    Rub the scalp. Doing so gently does have a stimulating effect on the hair follicles. Scratching the scalp is not good for the follicles.


    Obtain a bottle of olive oil, because this is very useful in regrowing hair. Place a drop or two of the oil on your finger and rub your palms together to spread the oil over both hands. Now spread it very carefully into the balding area of your hair. This is messy of course, and can make your hair greasy so it not advisable to use this technique when you have to be somewhere in public. Use it when you have several hours to yourself and won't need to wash your hair for a while.


    Purchase a bottle of biotin, and take two of them a couple times a day. Biotin is a B vitamin and is very useful in regrowing hair. Be patient as it could take several doses before you start to notice a difference. Probably the first difference you will see is that your hair is no longer falling out the way it was before.


    A drop of iodine in a glass of water taken once each day will regrow your lost hair. The stuff is potent though, so make sure you only take one drop each time. It is expensive, but it is worth it to get your own natural hair back and improve your health at the same time. While it is true that there is such a thing as iodized salt, there is barely enough iodine present to honestly declare that it is there.


    Try collagen. This nutrient is excellent for the body's cell walls including hair cells and follicles. It can take quite a few of these per day to help strengthen and regrow hair. 6 a day is not an uncommon number to find on the label. Some people do not like taking that many pills per day. Use your own discretion as far as how many you take each day.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

How to Benefit From Low Dose Naltrexone

How to Benefit From Low Dose Naltrexone

Naltrexone is a pharmaceutical drug that was originally formulated as a treatment option for those suffering from opiate addiction. Later on in its history, however, is was also used as a treatment for those suffering from alcoholism. Now, the newest studies are showing that low dose naltrexone is often an effective treatment for HIV/AIDS, autoimmune disorders such as Crohn's disease, and certain types of cancers. How can you benefit from low dose naltrexone if you suffer from such maladies? Read on to find out:


How to Get a Prescription for Low Dose Naltrexone


    Determine whether or not the ailment from which you're suffering is something for which low dose naltrexone is an appropriate treatment. Since this is not a standard therapy, it is often difficult to determine whether or not it is indicated. To do so, try meeting with your primary doctor and discussing it, or go to the website listed at the bottom of the page for more detailed information on what disorders seem to respond well.


    Schedule an appointment with your physician to discuss the matter.


    During your appointment, indicate that you understand that low dose naltrexone is not a standard treatment, but that the research you've conducted has led you to believe that it may be appropriate in your case.


    Give the doctor copies of any research materials you found on the subject, in order to validate with them the issue and to show them that you've truly done your homework.


    Begin a low dose naltrexone regimen, taking no more than 10% of what the recommended dosage would be for an individual of your gender and size when used as a treatment for opiate addiction.

How to Benefit from Low Dose Naltrexone


    Take a small dose. This ought to be recommended by your medical professional, but ask your pharmacist to be absolutely sure. For most patients, a 10% dose is indicated in comparison to what would be used to treat an individual of the same weight and age for opiate addiction.


    Be consistent. Try to take your low dose naltrexone at the same time every day without deviation. This should allow for maximum benefit.


    Don't miss doses. Missing doses of low dose naltrexone can seriously inhibit the treatment's effectiveness. If you miss a dose, take it at a later time unless your next dose is within the next 8 hours. In that case, skip the first dose altogether and take your next doses as indicated.


    Follow your doctor's orders. Deviation from your other treatments may seriously inhibit the effectiveness of the low dose natlrexone regimen.

How to Oil Pull for Health

How to Oil Pull for Health

Oil pulling is still a very new healing concept in the U.S. but has been practiced for a very long time in other countries, such as Europe, India and China. Oil pulling is an alternative health practice of swishing edible oil (such as sunflower oil) around in your mouth (without swallowing it), for about 20 minutes, then spitting it out. Sounds simple, doesn't it? Actually, not only is it very easy to do, it's a very powerful healing practice, offering many health benefits. Oil pulling detoxifies the body in a highly effective way.Yet another wonderful bonus of oil pulling is an increased metabolism. Eventually, you may notice you will lose weight, if your body needs to. Oil pulling will help restore your body to its normal weight.


Your Daily Oil Pulling Procedure


    The first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and before drinking any liquids (including water), pour exactly one tablespoon of sunflower or sesame oil (or whatever oil you have chosen) into your mouth.


    Set a timer for exactly 20 minutes.


    Swish the oil around in your mouth without swallowing it. Move it around in your mouth and through your teeth, as if it was mouthwash (don't tilt your head back to gargle though). You'll find that the oil will start to get watery as your saliva mixes with it. Keep swishing.If your jaw muscles get sore while swishing, you're putting too much into it. Relax your jaw muscles and use your tongue to help move the liquid around the inside of your mouth. When you do this correctly, you'll feel very comfortable. Pretty soon, it will become second nature.


    As the end of the oil pulling session approaches, you may notice the oil/saliva mixture in your mouth has become thicker. This is quite normal, since it is pulling out toxins from your body.When 20 minutes is up, spit out the oil into the toilet. Don't be alarmed if it looks yellowish--this is also normal.


    Rinse out your mouth a couple of times with warm water and spit into the toilet. Rinse and spit with a good mouthwash. I prefer to dilute with water (or use full strength), regular hydrogen peroxide and I rinse and spit with that. The hydrogen peroxide is very effective in rinsing out any toxins which may be left in the mouth.


    Brush your teeth as usual with your toothpaste of choice. Baking soda is also a good option for brushing. Now you can drink liquids, eat and go throughout your day as usual. Enjoy a more healthier you with fresher breath, and clean, brighter and whiter teeth.

How to Resolve Serious Medical Problems with Holistic Medicine

Holistic medicine used to be looked upon with suspicion by most people in the Western world, but it has gained wider acceptance over the years by individuals who have used it, either as an accompaniment to or alternative to conventional Western medicine. Several chronic and acute medical conditions have benefited from holistic medicine, which deals with the whole person, rather than with a set of physical symptoms. It also examines areas, such as nutrition, emotional states and spiritual issues, all of which holistic practitioners believe affect the health of an individual.


Holistic Approaches to Improve Your Health


    Find relief with homeopathy, which works on the principle that physical symptoms actually work to fight disease and believe that they ought not to be suppressed. This holistic approach believes that "like cures like" and, so, tiny doses of homeopathic remedies are prescribed by a practitioner that, in larger doses, would mirror symptoms of a specific condition. In the smaller dose, however, healing is stimulated. Remedies are not uniform, but are tailored to the individual. It's best to work with a licensed, certified homeopathic practitioner to determine the remedy and potency that works best. Homeopathy has been used to treat such conditions as respiratory problems, immunity issues, reproductive difficulties, hormonal imbalances, colitis, circulatory concerns and depression.


    Consider acupuncture. It has been in regular use in China since ancient times. It involves having thin needles, made from stainless steel, inserted into specific pressure points to balance one's energy, also know as chi. Acupuncture has been implemented to treat such serious illnesses as rheumatoid arthritis, strokes, hypertension, acute gastritis, back pain and chemotherapy side-effects. Should you decide to seek out an acupuncturist, make sure he is board certified and licensed.


    Think about using Ayurvedic medicine, another ancient medical discipline. It has been used in India for millennia and is now making its way into the Western world. Like acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, the goal of Ayurveda is to bring your body into balance. According to its philosophy, everyone's body encompasses five elements--water, fire, air, earth and space--each of which affect specific areas of the human body. Ayurvedans believe also that we each have a specific dosha, or bodily humor--pitta, kapha or vata--which also affects our physical and emotional health. Ayurvedic medicine has been used to treat asthma, cataracts, diabetes, high cholesterol, hepatitis, migraines, female complaints, high blood pressure and several more mild to acute conditions.


    Call a chiropractor. Ten percent of Americans do, and it is one of the few holistic treatments that has gained almost universal acceptance by the traditional health care community. Chiropractors manipulate and adjust musculoskeletal areas of your body to regulate the motion of your vertebrae. Chiropractic has been used to treat headaches, neuromusculoskeletal problems, joint pain, back pain and neck pain.


    Try aromatherapy. Just as it suggests, aromatherapy involves using scents to address certain health concerns. Highly-fragrant essential oils are used to help treat conditions, such as asthma, bronchitis, depression, hemorrhoids, stress and skin disorders.


    Try naturopathy, which is sort of a "smorgasbord" of holistic therapies, combining treatments such as homeopathy, herbal remedies, acupuncture and supplementation. A naturopath works to impress upon his or her patient that the human body has an amazing capacity for healing itself. Naturopathy is used to treat conditions such as diabetes, heart problems, menopausal concerns, allergies, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, gastrointestinal disorders, migraines, immune disorders, fibromyalgia and chronic skin problems.


    Change what you eat. Nutrition plays an important role in health, and making changes in what you eat can assist you in improving your health. A bad diet can result in a host of serious physical conditions, such as heart problems, obesity, cancer and diabetes. Changing your diet can minimize your risk for certain illnesses and, in some cases, even help reverse some conditions. Consulting with a certified nutritionist can help get you on the road to wiser eating and better health.

How to Use Alternative Remedies to Cure Glaucoma

Millions of people are diagnosed with glaucoma annually. This disease may take years to completely rob the sight of its victim and can significantly reduce the quality of life. There are, however, steps that may be taken to avoid the ravaging effects of glaucoma. Heres how to use alternative remedies to cure glaucoma.



    Avoid caffeine and limit water intake. Drinking large amounts of water or caffeine may increase the pressure on the eye and ultimately reduce sight. Continue to drink water to allow toxins to leave the body, but regulate the amount and time intervals when water is consumed.


    Laugh often and hard. Quality of life affects physical health. Depression is not conducive to healthy living. Take the necessary measures to make sure that your mental health is stable. Make sure that family and friends understand that a positive environment is vital to recuperation.


    Sweat a lot. Exercise of any kind allows toxins to escape the body. This may take the form of yoga, dancing, swimming or brisk walks. The key is to sweat for 30 minutes at least three times a week. Get the body moving and keep it moving.


    Start a bowel regimen to purify your system. Salt water flushes work well to expel toxins from the body and promote clean living. Add 2 tablespoons of salt water to a quart of warm water. Drink it in one sitting first thing in the morning prior to eating anything. Be prepared to flush the entire system no later than one hour from drinking this combination.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

How to Use Essential Oils as Insect Repellant

Having bugs buzzing about you as you garden, hike or do other outdoor activities is just plain annoying. And with concerns about mosquito and other insect bites possibly carrying disease, it's a good idea to wear some form of insect repellent. But you may not want to slather yourself with chemicals such as Deet. Take heart. There are alternatives to commercial chemical-based sprays, and they use Nature's resources- pure essential oils. A number of essential oils can help repel insects. The bugs simply don't like the smell, and will head off in search of tastier prey. Here's how to select and prepare an insect repellent oil that will help defend you against the buzzing onslaught.


Make Your Own Natural Insect Repellant


    Choose 100 percent pure essential oils; only these offer healthful benefits. The label will state "100 percent pure." You can find them at health food stores and online. Dont use synthetic oils; they do not have the same benefits.


    Select one to three different essential oils that appeal to you. Some of the best insect repellents are (sweet) bay, cedarwood, cinammon, clove, eucalyptus, fennel, geranium, lavender, peppermint, rosemary and thyme. Most stores have tester bottles, so take a few whiffs and choose two or three you really like.


    To avoid wearout when sniffing multiple essential oils, take a short break and inhale a few deep breaths to clear your nose and give your brain a chance to reset.


    Choose almond or sesame oil as your "carrier oil"--what the essential oils are mixed with. Buy only almond or sesame oil that is specifically designed to be used for massage. They have been refined and prepared for use on the skin. Sesame oil has the added benefit of being a natural sunscreen. You can get them at health food stores and online.


    Blend the insect repellent oil by mixing one to three essential oils with the "carrier" oil. Measure the almond or sesame oil into the plastic bottle, then add three to six drops of essential oil per teaspoon of "carrier" oil. Shake well.


    Smear the oil on all exposed parts of your body and gently massage in. Make sure you cover yourself well--and dont forget your feet. You can also put some on your hair--it makes it wonderfully soft, shiny and smooth-which further helps repel insects from around your face. Reapply after swimming or perspiring heavily.

How to Naturally Cure a Migraine

How to cure a migraine naturally is something migraine suffers want to know as most of the prescribed medicines do very little to help.



    Take feverfew capsules, an all-natural herb you can buy at any health food store or larger department stores. Although not specially designed for migraines it is one of the few natural herbs which help according to many migraine victims. Chase the feverfew capsules with a can of soda with caffeine.


    Grab an ice pack from your freezer, or even a bag of frozen veggies and hold it on your forehead. Holding this over the eyes and eyebrow area will help clear your vision when you are suffering from a migraine.


    Heat up a rice bag in your microwave. A rice bag was designed to ease the muscles in the back of your neck. It relaxes the muscles therefore improving blood flow during a migraine. If you do not have a rice bag, then take a hot shower.


    Get a neck massage. Have someone rub the back of your neck. He will feel the knots which are tense muscles. This is where he should apply pressure to the point of a bit of little discomfort. This will ease the migraine.


    Head to bed in a dark quiet room. This will remove any of the lingering effects of the migraine and the associated side effects.

How to Use Essential Oils to Relax Muscles

Oh, those tense and aching muscles! You want some relief, but instead of using commercial ointments and creams, you can create your own muscle-relaxing massage oil to help soothe away the aches and pains.Heres how to select and prepare essential oils that will help to relax your muscles.



    Choose 100 percent pure essential oils--only these offer healthful benefits. The label will state "100 percent pure." You can find them at health food stores and online. Dont use synthetic oils. They do not have the same benefits.


    Buy only sesame oil that is specifically designed to be used for massage. It has been specially refined and prepared for use on the skin. You can get it at health food stores and online.


    Select the formula that most appeals to your sense of smell. Most stores have tester bottles, so take a few whiffs and choose the scents you really like. For muscle relaxation, there are multiple formulas to choose from. Here are two: Formula 1: ginger, cypress, juniper berries, black pepper; Formula 2: Peru balsam, thyme, sweet bay, marjoram.


    Make Formula 1. To create the massage oil, first mix the essential oil with the sesame oil, which is known as a "carrier" oil. Measure 2 tablespoons (30ml) of sesame oil into the plastic bottle, then add 10 drops of ginger essential oil, 10 of cypress, 5 of juniper berries and 5 of black pepper. Shake well.


    Make Formula 2. To create the massage oil, first mix the essential oil with the sesame oil, which is known as a "carrier" oil. Measure 2 tablespoons (30ml) of sesame oil into the plastic bottle, then add 9 drops of Peru balsam essential oil, 8 of thyme, 7 of sweet bay and 6 of marjoram. Shake well.


    Massage the formula into the tight muscles and surrounding tissues. Don't be surprised if you feel some "heat," as some of these oils provide that muscle-relaxing warmth.

Monday, August 28, 2017

How to Treat Multiple Sclerosis

To treat Multiple Sclerosis, one can use alternative medicine and exercise as well as prescribed medications. The early stages of MS can be treated by eating properly, exercising and relaxing. Stress is the worst enemy of someone suffering from Multiple Sclerosis. There is no cure for MS, but with the proper treatment, one can stay healthy and enjoy a normal lifestyle.


How to Treat Multiple Sclerosis


    Find a quiet room where no one can interrupt. Do some deep breathing exercises. This will relieve stress and relax the body. It is important that a time for quiet and relaxation sis done as much as possible throughout the day.


    Eat the right foods. Foods that contain saturated fats should be avoided. The lean meats can give the body the needed protein to keep the body healthy. Try to maintain a diet of 20 grams of fat or less per day. Eat as many vegetables as you can such as peas and beans.


    Take fish oil capsules, vitamin B12 and vitamin D to help relieve some of the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis. The supplements are needed to keep the body healthy to fight against other health problems that can arise because of the Multiple Sclerosis.


    Walking and light exercises can help keep the body functioning and healthy. Exercise is the most important treatment for MS aside from the diet. Bike riding, a tread machine (on low) and a few laps in a swimming pool will work well.


    Lifestyle change is needed if the lifestyle is fast and stressful. To lower stress and keep the body healthy, give up any bad habitat such as drinking or smoking. Change the diet and the way you travel through every day. Slow down and take time to relax.

How to Detox Naturally

How to Detox Naturally

Detoxification and cleansing of the body is an important process to keep our bodies healthy and full of energy. In today's world, our bodies are overwhelmed with chemicals and pollutants that harm our bodies. It is important to detoxify our bodies and remove the pollutants in the most natural way available. Bring your body back into optimum health naturally.



    Drink lots of water. Water is one of the most abundant substances found in nature that will aid in the detoxification of the body. Water flows through the body in the blood and lymphatic system and picks up toxins as it passes through the kidneys and out of the body as urine. The higher the intake of water, the better our body is able to cleanse itself from harmful compounds.


    Reduce the intake of chemicals that harm the body and inhibit self-repair. The body has many mechanisms that work to protect the body from harm. These systems include the respiratory system, gastrointestinal, urinary, lymphatic and the skin and dermal layer. Each of these systems has a particular elimination mechanism that keeps the body clean from harmful substances.


    Increase your consumption of foods that provide detoxifying compounds. Natural detoxifying foods and spices will aid in the cleansing of the body. Garlic, coriander, echinacea, ginger root and parsley leaf all cleanse our bodies. You can easily incorporate these spices in your normal cooking. Fresh fruits are great detoxifiers, provided you eat them by themselves and not in combination with other foods. Fresh green and red vegetables are great for detoxifying.


    Use products that contain only natural herbs, fresh fruits and vegetables to cleanse each part of the body. Above all, lots of water is required to cleanse each system. If what you put in your body is low in contaminants and chemicals then it will pull those that are stored in your body out and eliminate them as the water passes through.

How to Treat a Toothache at Home

How to Treat a Toothache at Home

Anyone who has ever suffered a toothache knows exactly how it can stop your regular daily activities in their tracts. Suddenly, chewing, drinking and living in general become difficult and uncomfortable. Unfortunately, waiting for a dentist appointment can seem like a lifetime, but a few home remedies can help you to treat the pain while you wait.



    Rub clove oil onto the tooth and surrounding gum or simply chew on a cloves. Clove not only has the ability to reduce pain, it is also antiseptic, helping to prevent further spread of infection which causes a toothache.


    Chew garlic three times daily. While you may not have the freshest breath around, garlic helps to stop the pain and kill bacteria. While it won't improve the taste, you can also mix crushed garlic with epsom salt and peanut butter and then press the mixture around the tooth. Allow the paste to set for at least 30 minutes.


    Use a better tasting home remedy to treat a toothache, placing a few drops of vanilla extract on the painful area as often as needed throughout the day. While vanilla will not help to stop an infection, it will help you to manage the pain.


    Place a piece of ice on the side of your mouth affected by the toothache. While ice may increase the pain, depending on the cause and nature of your toothache, ice will numb the area and reduce pain and swelling due to infection.


    Mix 30 drops of peppermint essential oil in 1/4 cup of water and use as a mouthwash, swishing in your mouth for at least 30 seconds, three times daily. Peppermint is an anti-inflammatory as well as an antiseptic and will help to reduce pain while eliminating infection.

How to Make Hips Appear Wider

There are plenty of tutorials out there that address the topic of how to make your hips thinner. There are also articles that discuss avoiding articles of clothing that make hips inadvertently look larger. But you do not always see information about how to make hips appear wider. It is surprisingly easy to create the illusion of wider hips. Probably the quickest and easiest way to add some heft to your hips is to wear a light colored pant and a dark colored top. There are several other ways to make your hips appear wider and you can learn about them in the following steps.



    Use color to your advantage. Try to wear a dark color on top and a lighter color on bottom. Wearing a light colored pant will create the look of fuller hips.


    Select bulky fabrics and prints to enhance the width of hips. Thick fabrics can add bulk and horizontal stripes can make the body appear wider.


    Accentuate your waist to make your hips appear wider. The appearance of a small waist creates the illusion of fuller hips. Draw attention to your waist by sporting a belt or tucking in your top.


    Select pants that will make your hips appear wider. Choose pants that are high waisted with a tapered leg. Pants with pleats and pockets also tend to add the appearance of curves. Avoid wearing white washed denim; wear a solid color pair of jeans instead.


    Toss on a double breasted jacket. A double breasted jacket, especially one that ties in the front, tends to divide the body, thereby adding heft to the hips.


    Choose dresses or skirts that button down the front. The row of buttons will make your hips look wider.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

How to Treat Cold Sore With Tea Tree Oil

How to Treat Cold Sore With Tea Tree Oil

Anyone who has had a cold sore knows what a curse they are. Over 80% of the population is infected with HSV-1, the oral herpes simplex virus that causes cold sores. Some people suffer from more than one outbreak per month. There are many commercial treatments marketed as cold sore remedies. Yet, few of those work. Many only slightly improve the condition. By using a simple natural remedy, tea tree oil from the Australian Tea Tree, melaleuca alternifolia, you can dramatically reduce both the duration and discomfort of a cold sore. Tea tree oil is antiviral and antibacterial. This makes it the ideal remedy for this tough to treat problem.



    Purchase the tea tree oil of your choice. Most health food stores, drugstores and large discount chains carry this item. Tea tree oil is also widely available online. Most brands are of sufficient quality for treating a cold sore. Tea tree oil usually comes in a small brown apothecary style bottle, and it is located in the health and beauty or pharmacy section of the store.


    Apply tea tree oil to the area with a cotton swab at the first sign of a tingling or itching sensation. The oil can be used at full-strength. However, if you have sensitive skin you should dilute it at one part water, one part tea tree oil. There will be a strong scent of eucalyptus because the tea tree is in the same plant family.


    Reapply tea tree oil to the outbreak several times a day. Apply just before bed until the scabs disappear and new skin grows in. Doing so can reduce the duration and severity of a cold sore outbreak to as little as one to two days each of swelling, ulceration and scabbing. Keep in mind the normal course of a cold sore which can take up to two weeks to completely heal.


    Remove the loose, crusty material which forms during the ulcerating stage of the cold sore. Do this by patting or rubbing gently with a damp washcloth. Reapply tea tree oil after doing so, in order to help the area dry up quickly.


    Keep your lips moist with lip balm during the course of treatment, as tea tree oil can be drying to the healthy parts of the mouth. Give the area of the outbreak plenty of time to dry out without being coated in lip balm. Everything in moderation. Occasional application of lip balm to the outbreak will not hinder its healing.


    Use tea tree oil lip balm on a regular basis to prevent future outbreaks. Taking Vitamin C, Lysine tablets and getting enough sleep will also help with avoiding cold sore episodes.

How to Eat Morning Sickness Safe Foods

If you are pregnant, you are probably like one of the eighty percent of women who also suffer from some form of morning sickness. While it isn't fun by any means, morning sickness can be treated by eating certain foods that help your body feel better.



    Eat something every one to two hours. Even if you're feeling sick, try something small and simple, like a cracker. One of the reasons that morning sickness can happen is an empty stomach, so try to keep something in you all the time.


    Eat snacks that improve morning sickness. Such snacks include ginger (ginger snaps, ginger ale, or anything with ginger in it), lemons, green apples, and peppermint (peppermint tea, or a peppermint flavored candy).


    Try eating food with protein in it before getting up in the morning. Peanut butter is a good choice, as is a boiled egg or a handful of nuts.


    Eat bland foods if that helps you avoid morning sickness. You can try crackers, pretzels, chicken broth, or a baked potato. These foods are less likely to irritate your stomach.


    Eat anything that makes you feel better. This may sound obvious, but eat what works for you! Everybody is different, so you may find different foods that work for you. Take note of the foods that make you gag as well as the foods that help you feel less nauseated, and steer clear of the bad foods and stick to the foods that work for you.

How to Use Essential Oils to Reduce Cellulite

The fight to reduce cellulite is one battle that many women are willing to fight. They are so willing to try anything that many have wound up wrapping themselves in cellophane wrap. Some go as far as having plastic surgery to remove this unsightly flesh. Here is how you can use essential oils to help reduce the appearance of cellulite.



    Choose oils wisely. When choosing essential oils for cellulite reduction, make sure you have chosen to purchase from a reputable company and that you are purchasing quality oils.


    Choose essential oils that will work to moisturize and soften the skin, making it plumper. This plumping will make the skin look fresher and fill in the dimples. Choose oils such as lemon, juniper, lavender or grapefruit.


    Mix the oils. Before mixing the essential oils, you must first add a carrier oil as the base. Mix no more than four essential oils together at a time, using only three drops of each. Apply the combination to your skin daily after a shower or bath for best results.


    Treat yourself. Giving yourself an oil treatment will work to stimulate your skin and help to renew old cells. You can really treat yourself by using a handheld massager to massage the oils into your skin, giving you deeper penetration. The massage and oil treatment works together to give a smoother appearance.


    Add your mixture to bath water and take a nice long relaxing soak.


    Eat healthy and exercise. Combine essential oils with a good exercise program and a healthy diet for best results.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

How to Soothe Sunburn with Apple Cider Vinegar

Sometimes the quest for the perfect suntan can go awry. It happens to the best of faithful sun worshippers -- too much time soaking up the rays and not enough sunscreen. If you happen to over do it at the beach or at poolside and your skin feels like its burning up, try using apple cider vinegar (ACV) to relieve some of the pain and discomfort. When applied over the affected areas, apple cider vinegar draws the heat out of sunburned skin. The vinegar smell isnt very nice, but your skin will feel and look much better.



    Mix 1 to 2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar with 1 to 2 cups of cold water. Using either a washcloth or strips of gauze, soak the cloth in the vinegar and water and then wrap the cloth around the sunburned areas. Repeat wrapping your skin with the vinegar soaked cloth as needed. Apply an aloe vera skin moisturizer to counteract the drying nature of vinegar.


    Use the same ingredients and ratio as above. Pour the apple-cider-vinegar-and-water mixture into a spray bottle. Spray it directly on to sunburned skin. Let skin air dry and repeat as needed. Apply an aloe vera skin moisturizer.


    Add 2 cups of apple cider vinegar to your bath water. Bathtub water should not be hot, but rather cool. Soak in the bath for 30 minutes. Dry off by dabbing, not wiping, your skin with a soft cotton towel. Apply an aloe vera skin moisturizer.

How to Use Essential Oils for Hair

Beautiful hair enhances your appearance. No matter how you like to wear your hair, it should feel smooth and have a healthy shine. These formulas will help to promote a natural shine and a healthier scalp, whether your hair is normal, dry or oily. They are best used at bedtime, to allow several hours for your hair and scalp to absorb them.



    Choose 100 percent pure essential oils-only these offer healthful benefits. The label will state "100% pure." You can find them at health food stores and online. Dont use synthetic oils as they do not have the same benefits.


    Buy only sesame, hazelnut or jojoba oil that is specifically designed to be used for massage. It has been specially refined and prepared for use on the skin. You can get it at health food stores and online.


    Select the formula that suits your hairs condition. Formula 1 is for Normal Hair, Formula 2 is for Dry Hair and Formula 3 is for Oily Hair.


    Make Formula 1 for Normal Hair. To create the hair oil, mix the essential oil with the jojoba oil. Measure two tablespoons (30ml) of the oil into the plastic bottle, then add 8 drops of thyme essential oil, 6 drops of sage, 6 drops of chamomile, and 5 drops of lavender. Shake well and go to Step 7.


    Make Formula 2 for Dry Hair. To create the massage oil, mix the essential oil with the sesame oil. Measure two tablespoons (30ml) of oil into the plastic bottle, then add 10 drops of ginger essential oil, 10 drops of bois de rose, and 5 of lavender. Shake well and go to Step 7.


    Make Formula 3 for Oily Hair. To create the massage oil, mix the essential oil with the hazelnut oil. Measure two tablespoons (30ml) of oil into the plastic bottle, then add 8 drops of petitgrain essential oil, 8 drops of lemon, and 8 of lavender. Shake well and go to Step 7.


    Massage the formula into the hair and scalp. Use approximately 1 teaspoon at one time and you can use more if you have long hair. Wrap a towel around your head and leave on overnight or for several hours to allow for absorption. Use the formula three times a week until you have the desired results.


    Wash your hair. A natural shampoo is preferable, available in health food stores, as these are more gentle on the hair.

How to Kill Head Lice Without Using Chemicals

How to Kill Head Lice Without Using Chemicals

When you or your kids get lice, you'll want to get rid of it as soon as possible. Lice can spread easily and your children will not be allowed to return to school until you have killed the infestation. Use these methods to get rid of lice naturally without using chemicals.



    Purchase a jar of mayonnaise. The brand name doesn't matter, but you do want to get enough to treat all parties in your household. Keep the mayo out of the fridge.


    Put a generous amount of mayonnaise on all parts of the hair. Be sure to get it behind the ears and on the back of the neck during treatment.


    Place a shower cap over the hair after you have applied the mayonnaise. The shower cap keeps the mayo from dripping off.


    Leave the mayonnaise on your hair for an 1 1/2 to 2 hours. During this time, the mayonnaise smothers the lice. After a couple hours, rinse the mayo out of the hair. Shampoo the hair and then rinse again.


    Use a nit comb to go through the hair. To get all of the eggs and remaining lice out of the hair, you need to comb each strand of hair with a nit comb. You can find these combs at any pharmacy.

Friday, August 25, 2017

How to Make Massage Oil for Stress Relief

Welcome to the 21st century, where stress and anxiety are a part of everyday life. The good news is that you can create your own natural massage oil that is wonderful for helping to reduce frayed emotions and to help you to relax.



    Buy only sesame or almond oil that is specifically designed to be used for massage. It has been specially refined and prepared for use on the skin. You can get it at health food stores and online.


    Choose 100% pure essential oils-only these offer healthful benefits. The label will state "100% pure." You can find them at health food stores and online. Dont use synthetic oils-they do not have the same benefits.


    Choose which formula you prefer based on what you like to smell. Formula 1 uses Bergamot, Mandarin, Lavender, Nutmeg and Lemongrass essential oils. Formula 2 uses Allspice, Dill, Fennel, Cinnamon, Mandarin and Marjoram essential oils.


    Make the Formula 1 massage oil. Measure 4 tablespoons (20ml) of Sesame or Almond oil into the bottle. Add 5 drops of Bergamot, 4 each of Mandarin, Lavender, and Nutmeg and 3 of Lemongrass essential oils. Cap the bottle and shake well. Go to Step 6.


    Make the Formula 2 massage oil. Measure 4 tablespoons (20ml) of Sesame or Almond oil into the bottle. Add 5 drops of Allspice, 4 of Dill, and 3 each of Fennel, Cinnamon, Mandarin and Marjoram essential oils. Cap the bottle and shake well. Go to Step 6.


    Massage the oil onto your shoulders, the back of your neck, along your back and on your abdomen, as well as in any other areas you experience tension when you are stressed out. Then cup your hands and inhale the aroma for added benefits.

How to Build Stronger & Healthier Bones

How to Build Stronger & Healthier Bones

As we age, the body gradually begins to use more bone than it can replace. Osteoporosis is a thinning of the bones that can eventually lead to fractures and deformity. It is usually the result of a progressive decrease in calcium reabsorption into the bones and is most common in postmenopausal women and the elderly. Common symptoms of osteoporosis include painful backaches and frequent fractures. Osteoporosis, however, is not a necessary evil of old age. It can often be treated effectively or even be prevented with a complete regimen of natural remedies. That is why supplementing your diet with an Osteoporosis product, is so important for both men & women.



    Osteoporosis is a thinning of the bones that can eventually lead to fractures and deformity.

    Natural Home Remedies

    Most common symptoms of osteoporosis are painful backaches and frequent bone fractures. However: Osteoporosis is not a necessary evil of old age. It can often be treated effectively or even be prevented with a complete regimen of natural home remedies.


    Support bone health with two forms of calcium, chosen specially for their superior bio availability, plus get the added benefits of
    12 specific vitamins and minerals that work in conjunction with calcium to support bone health.


    Constructed with Soy Fibers, acts like tiny wicks, pulling moisture into the caplet and helping it to break apart and dissolve easily.

    Take the calcium supplement that is proven to dissolve and get absorbed
    Micro-coating makes tablets easier to swallow with a glass of water.


    To find out more information, about Osteoporosis and OsteoMate, go to the bottom of this page where it says Build Stronger Bones, just below from Resources. Once you're on the website page, click on top of the page, where it says (shop for Products) for more information.

How to Use Natural Scar Remedies

The skin is the body's largest organ. It is easy to damage the skin. Even though the skin repairs itself when damage has been done the affected skin doesn't look and feel exactly the same as it did before it was damaged. This is what we commonly refer to as a scar. Scars can result from several different types of damage to the skin such as burns, cuts and even surgical incisions. Scars can have different appearances depending on the type of wound and the manner of healing. Although scars may never go away entirely there are ways to lessen the appearance of a scar making it less noticeable.



    Use aloe vera gel on a wound that is going through the healing process in order to prevent permanent scarring. Rub a bit of the gel on the affected area three to four times daily.


    Use honey to heal and minimize the appearance of scars. Honey has been used down through the ages for its healing properties. Rub a little honey onto the affected area. Since honey is sticky you will want to cover the affected area with a gauze bandage. Leave the honey on for fifteen to thirty minutes and then wash it off. You can also help heal your skin from the inside out by eating a teaspoon of honey each day.


    Use lemon juice to minimize the appearance of old scars. While old scars may not disappear completely their appearance can be greatly reduced. Apply lemon juice to an old scar two to three times a day to lighten the scar and make it less visible. You can also use coconut oil for the same effect. Do not use lemon juice on fresh wounds as it may cause burning and irritation. Use lemon juice only on old scars.


    Apply cocoa butter to lessen the appearance of scars. Cocoa butter has been used for years to treat scars and stretch marks. Although cocoa butter may not totally remove scars it can certainly minimize the appearance of scars. Apply cocoa butter to the affected area of skin three to four times a day to fade the appearance of scars.


    Use olive oil or Vitamin E oil to minimize the appearance of scars. Both olive oil and Vitamin E oil have been praised for their wonderful effects on the skin. Rub a little of either of these oils on the affected area of skin three to four times daily. The Vitamin E or olive oil will also help keep the skin moist and supple as well as reduce the appearance of the scar.

How to Manage Optic Neuritis

Optic Neuritis, or ON, is caused when the optic nerve becomes inflamed. This can be caused by diseases like Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, viral infections and some medications. Whatever the cause, Optic Neuritis symptoms include sudden blurry vision, eye pain, foggy vision and changes in color vision. In some cases blindness occurs



    Standard medicine advocates the use of IV corticosteroids to treat Optic Neuritis, however, there is no evidence this helps improve visual acuity after one year.


    When having an acute ON flare, your eyes will become tired more quickly. Resting the eyes frequently often helps.


    Increase the resolution on your computer screen or use voice recognition and text reading software. These technologies help decrease eye strain and pain.


    Try a pair of polarized sunglasses, both indoors and out. Wearing polarized sunglasses blocks out extra light waves, making it easier for your eyes to filter and process light. Colors may become clearer and blurriness may be reduced.


    Warm chamomile tea bags applied to each eye will help soothe your eyes and relieve pain.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

How to Promote Massage Therapy

Massage therapy has become increasingly popular over the past few years, as many people turn to more holistic approaches to health and well-being. If you are a massage therapist, you know that there is a lot of competition out there from your peers in the industry. You may want to consider taking certain steps to help promote your massage therapy services.



    Get business cards printed up promoting your massage therapy services. They need to be professionally designed, so resist the urge to "save money" by creating business cards on your own, because the quality will not be the same. Make sure that your information includes such things as your name, title, offered services and phone number.


    Create a website to promote your massage therapy business. Websites are relatively simple to build, since there are a number of hosting sites that provide tools to make designing a website easy. Your site gives you the opportunity to elaborate on what it is you do, present proof of your expertise, inform visitors about the benefits of massage therapy, offer a means of direct contact with you if they have questions and want to schedule sessions, etc. The Internet gives you a wider audience. Your website address should be printed on your business cards, if you use them.


    Utilize promotional materials, such as T-shirts, pencils, pens, bumper stickers, coffee mugs and the like that have the name of your massage therapy business on them. If you don't already have a logo, create one and then have a company like make promotional products for you, with your logo and business name. It's going to cost you a little, but the plus is that these promotional materials are bound to draw curious questions from observers. Not only can you use these products yourself, but you should consider giving things, like pencils and pens with your info on them to customers.


    See if beauty salons will allow you to set up a massage chair for interested customers. You might find a shop that may be willing to let you do this regularly, since it will definitely add a perk to their own business. Customers can receive a chair massage while they wait for their hair appointments. You may only want to do this for a brief period of time, however, so that the salon won't try to cut into your profits. Once you've gotten sufficient positive feedback from those you give massages to, move on, but hand your satisfied clients your business card before you leave.


    Word-of-mouth is still a very useful way of getting the word out about your massage therapy services. When customers are happy with your work, the likelihood is that they are going to go out and tell other people about it. Make sure that you establish a positive relationship with your clients from the beginning and that you are courteous, professional and willing to do all you can to accommodate them. You can even offer discounts to clients who consistently use your services or who refer a certain number of new clients. The better you treat customers, the better they will talk about you to friends, family members and acquaintances, which can result in more business for you.

How to Massage a Face

A facial massage promotes the feeling of well-being and is one of the oldest massage techniques for general healing. A regular facial massage gives your skin the look of a smoother, firmer, radiant appearance. Learn how to massage the face to increase moisture balance and eliminate toxins and impurities from your skin.


How to Massage a Face


    Prepare yourself and surroundings. Purchase or prepare your own massage oil. Thoroughly clean your face and smooth on massage oil. Set the tone of calmness by dimming lights, maybe even putting on some soft relaxing music.


    Use your fingers. You will use three fingers to perform a face massage; the three fingers to use are the index, middle, and ring fingers on both hands. Your strokes will move in an upward motion to the extent possible as some areas of the face may require you move in a slightly different direction. However, when possible always move skin against the force of gravity.


    Work the forehead. Place your fingers right above your eyebrows; with a gentle circular motion move your fingers across the forehead giving complete coverage. Repeat step four or five times.


    Chin up. This time starting at your chin and moving upward in a gentle circular motion using your index and middle fingers. Massage upward towards and around the mouth and top of lips under your nostrils. Repeat motion five times.


    Cut the fat. Using your forefinger and middle fingers, position them as if they were a pair of scissors. Starting where your jaw meets your ear, gently grasp the skin in this area between your scissor fingers; work your way down the jaw in a cutting motion. From the end of the jaw, massage back up to the ear using circular motions. Repeat five times. This process helps to reduce the fatty deposits that collect in this area.


    Go to the temple. Starting at your chin, massage up to your cheeks using the middle and index fingers. Continue massaging up to the temple, massage in a circular motion. Repeat five times. Your face should feel renewed and relaxed.

How to Relieve Back Pain with Castor Oil

How to Relieve Back Pain with Castor Oil

If you suffer from regular or sporadic back pain, the simplest tasks in life can be torturous to do. Perhaps you have tried every new "quick fix remedy" that comes on the market, hoping this will finally relieve you from pain and misery. Well, here's a technique that combines the healing power of Castor oil to not only ease the pain, but also relieve the inner self of a lot of stress. Castor oil's medicinal use dates back to the ancient Egyptians, and is just as effective today.



    Moisten a towel by spinning it in your washer. A spin in the washer is the fastest, most effective way to distribute moisture evenly in your towel, rather than wetting it and wringing it out.


    Place the moistened towel in your dryer to warm it up. The moist heat from the warm towel is necessary to make the process effective.


    Add the essential oils to the castor oil, using no more than two or three drops of each essential oil that you select.


    Gently warm the oils with by placing the mixture into a sink-full of hot water. The oil is ready when it is warm to the touch--but not too hot for your comfort. Pour it into a squeeze bottle.


    Dribble the warmed oil mixture over the area that pains the most. Place the moistened, pre-warmed towel over the oil. Spread the plastic over the towel, and then the heating pad over the plastic. Set the heating pad at a low temperature. Leave this layered treatment on for 20 to 25 minutes, as you rest and relax.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

How to Use Natural Remedies for Anxiety

Often, anxiety disorders are complicated with the presence of panic attacks and even various phobias, such as agoraphobia. Because anxiety is closely connected to chemical imbalances in the body, it is often possible to use natural remedies as means of alleviating the symptoms and restoring balance to the nervous system.



    Have blood work done. Anxiety is often caused by a combination of stress and the resulting deficiencies in various nutrients. Knowing what your body needs to begin recovery is key to bringing about healing.


    Use vitamins to combat the stress that can lead to anxiety. Several of the B vitamins are helpful with easing the effects of stress, especially thiamin, B3, B6, and folic acid. Interestingly enough, while B12 promotes energy, it also helps the other B vitamins to absorb into the system and spread their calming effect.


    Add minerals to the mix. Calcium, magnesium, selenium, and zinc deficiencies can all contribute to the development of anxiety. As a bonus, magnesium is thought to help both calcium and thiamin to function more efficiently, which means you could get more effect from taking the supplements.


    Consider amino acids as a way of dealing with anxiety. Theanine is an amino acid that is present in green tea and is understood to be one of the reasons green tea can be so relaxing. In some parts of the world, theanine is routinely added to soft drinks and even chewing gum to help provide a calming influence.


    Exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Even something as simple as riding a bike or walking at a brisk pace can help to combat anxiety. The activity helps to release dopamine in the system, which produces a sense of well-being in the body.


    Minimize or eliminate caffeine from the diet. Too many cups of coffee will take you past feeling sharp, all the way to a sense that your grip on reality is tenuous. If you drink several cups of coffee or consume a lot of tea during the day, try cutting back and see if the nervous feelings begin to subside.


    Get plenty of rest. Without recuperative sleep, the nervous system will not function properly. If you have problems sleeping, try taking thiamin before bedtime or having a relaxing cup of chamomile tea.

How to Use Vitamins to Help Lower Blood Pressure

As one means of helping to lower blood pressure, vitamins can be very effective. This is especially true when combined with other tools that are recommended by the doctor. Here are some of the basic steps in using vitamins to deal with blood pressure that is running a little high.



    Get a checkup. One of the first things you need to do is find out what factors are contributing to the rise in blood pressure. This information will help you to use vitamins to not only address the blood pressure, but also the underlying causes.


    Ask the doctor for recommendations. There are several vitamins that are helpful in lowering blood pressure. There is a good chance that Vitamin C will be recommended, as well as Vitamins E and K.


    Obtain recommended levels of dosage. Just like medications, it is possible to ingest too much of a given vitamin and make the issue worse. Work with the doctor to find a safe range that will help with the blood pressure, but not cause other problems.


    Treat the underlying causes for the high blood pressure. For example, if stress seems to be a factor, discuss adding several of the B vitamins to your daily regimen. Your doctor can advise you which B vitamins are effective for stress, as well as provide guidelines on the daily dosage.


    Monitor your progress. Your doctor can advise you how long it should take before you begin to notice a change in the high blood pressure. Not everyone responds to vitamins in exactly the same way, so dont become discouraged if there is no change for several days.

How to Make a Natural Refreshing Breath Spray

Gotta love that garlic! Chowed down on hot peppers or that wonderful pepperoni pizza? Unfortunately, as good as they taste, these and many other foods can give you bad breath. If you prefer not to use a commercial breath spray, and want to go with something natural and refreshing, natural essential oil-based breath sprays are ideal. There are a variety of different formulas that you can create to freshen your breath. Here are the steps to make two of them.



    Buy honey, preferably a local variety if available. Local honey has the added benefit of helping you build up resistance to local pollens.


    Choose 100 percent pure essential oils as only these offer healthful benefits. The label will state "100% pure." You can find them at health food stores and online. Dont use synthetic oils because they do not have the same benefits.


    Choose which formula you prefer based on what you like to smell and taste. Formula 1 uses lemon and lavender essential oils. Formula 2 uses cinnamon and orange essential oils.


    Prepare the breath spray bottle. Fill the bottle with 4 fluid ounces (or 120 ml) of purified water.


    Add the oils for Formula 1. To the water, add 10 drops each of lemon and of lavender essential oil. Add 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 ml) of honey. Cap the bottle and shake well to mix ingredients. Go to Step 7.


    Add the oils for Formula 2. To the water, add 10 drops each of cinnamon and orange essential oil. Add 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 ml) of honey. Cap the bottle and shake well to mix ingredients. Go to Step 7.


    Spray 1 or 2 times directly into your mouth to freshen your breath.

How to Improve Allergies With Yoga Breathwork

Allergies can produce itchy, watery eyes, congestion and sinus issues. However, by incorporating yoga breath work into your daily routine you can help alleviate annoying allergy symptoms. Allergy sufferers will find relief when they practice yoga breath work on a daily basis. Allergens will be cleared from nasal passages and allergy symptoms will be greatly reduced. When exhaling old breath from the bottom of the lungs, your bodies will get rid of accumulated toxins built up in lungs. Asthma sufferers can also greatly benefit from the practice of yoga breath work.



    Sit on mat or sit on chair. Raise hands above head and inhale deeply through the nostrils. Hold the breath for the count of three (keep hands raised over head). Exhale slowly to the count of six while you release your hands to your side. Make a whisper sound in the back of your throat, but do not open your mouth. Repeat this warm up breath four to six times.


    Place your thumb over your right nostril and inhale deeply through your left nostril to the count of three. Take your pinkie finger and pinch your left nostril and hold the breath for three counts. Release your thumb from your right nostril and inhale to the count of three. Inhale through the right nostril to the count of four and then pinch your thumb over your right nostril. Hold breath to the count of three. Release pinkie finger from left nostril and exhale to the count of three. Repeat four to six sets on each side of nostril.


    Sit with your back and spine straight. Place your hands to your side (palms facing to the sky) or place both hands on top of your stomach. Inhale and exhale quickly like you are panting. Breathe through your nostrils in quick, forced breaths. Feel the rise and fall of your stomach as you pant quickly (if you place your hands on your stomach). Breathe in and out through nostrils at ten to twenty times. After completing first set, inhale deeply through the nose and exhale deeply through the nose. Repeat two to four sets.


    Close your eyes and inhale slowly to the count of six and exhale slowly to the count of six through the nostrils. Raise your hands above your head as you inhale naturally through your nostrils and then release your hands to your sides as you exhale naturally through the nostrils.


    Complete your breath work practice by bringing your palms together at heart center with the word: Namaste (which ends the yoga breath work practice).

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

How to Make Body Powder With Essential Oils

Body powder is a pleasant way to add a touch of fragrance to your body, as well as masking the natural odors our bodies emit as the day progresses. Natural body powders are particularly good as they place no chemicals on your skin. Heres how to create two body powders--one for women, one for men. Note that you want to make this at least one day before using, to allow the ingredients to blend well. Read on to learn how to make body powder with essential oils.



    Buy cornstarch, and measure out 2 tbsp. into the glass jar. Because some cornstarch is more coarsely ground, you may want to further refine it into a more powdery substance using your coffee grinder.


    Choose 100 percent pure essential oils--only these offer healthful benefits. The label will state "100 percent pure." You can find them at health food stores and online. Dont use synthetic oils as they do not have the same benefits.


    Make the floral-scented formula. To the cornstarch, add 10 drops each of lavender and bois de rose essential oils, and five drops each of ylang-ylang and mandarin. Go to Step 5.


    Make the forest-scented formula. To the cornstarch add 10 drops each of cedarwood and spruce essential oils, and five drops each of the cajeput and juniper berries. Got to Step 5.


    Put on the lid, tighten, and shake well to mix the cornstarch and oils. Let the mixture sit one day, and then shake well each time before using.

How to Use Balance and Proprioception Training to Prevent Injuries

Proprioception training was developed for use in physical rehabilitation, to help patients regain their balance after an injury. However, many sports enthusiasts have also found it to be beneficial in preventing injuries they might suffer while playing.There are many ways to practice this type of training. When you engage in any athletic activity--whether it be dancing, snowboarding or even walking or running--you need to follow some sort of pre- and post-workout stretch routine and/or perform some other low-impact exercise to avoid injury. Here's how to incorporate proprioception training into your chosen activity.



    Make yourself more aware of your bodys movements when training. This consciousness, and the attendant need to try and improve your movement, is an element of proprioception.


    Start with an easy exercise that helps promote this awareness. Stand on one foot, then reach forward and touch the floor in front of you and stand up again. Do this several times as your pre- or post-workout exercise regimen.


    Work with a partner. Play catch with a medicine ball while balancing on one foot.


    Balance on one foot for five minutes and then on the other foot for another five minutes.


    Use balance pads when jogging, running or practicing your sport. These come in different densities and softness, and they improve your balance.


    Add balance exercises to your weight-training exercises. Incorporate some weightlifting exercises you can do while standing on one foot or the other.


    Take up yoga. Many of the exercises in yoga have to do with finding both your inner and outer balance.

How to Cure Urinary Tract Infection

How to Cure Urinary Tract Infection

If you've ever experienced a urinary tract infection, you know how miserable they are. The bacteria that causes them is an e-coli which has become notoriously resistant to antibiotics, and doctors now prescribe Cipro to cure a urinary tract infection. If you're prone to them, or if you have a mild infection that you're sure isn't a kidney infection, here are some natural remedies you can try to cure yourself with urinary tract infection over the counter medicine and natural remedies.



    The first thing you want to do when you have even a hint of a urinary tract infection is to start hydrating yourself with water and keep drinking it. Aim for 64 ounces a day, and avoid any beverages with sugar. Consult a physician for proper diagnosis.


    Studies have shown cranberry to be effective for UTI's. Don't use the sugar sweetened juices that are detrimental to your immune system. Look for cranberry extract and continue flushing with water. It may be easier to take a cranberry supplement. The instructions might say to take only one capsule 1 to 3 times a day which is the amount needed to maintain a healthy urinary tract. To heal an infection you will need to take at least two to three times more than suggested.


    D-Mannose is very effective and easier than drinking huge quantities of unsweetened cranberry juice. I used this in combination with the cranberry extract and found it to be great for daughter's recurrent urinary tract infection.


    Uva Ursi is an herb which is excellent for treating urinary tract infections. Uva ursi contains arbutin, which is a chemical that has antiseptic and analgesic properties which are helpful in clearing the urinary tract of bacteria. It is also astringent and has diuretic effects that help reduce the accumulation of uric acid.

Monday, August 21, 2017

How to Make a Heated Rice Pack

Body pain can take many forms, from back pain to neck pain to "everything hurts" pain. Sometimes muscle pain comes from overwork or too much exercise, while at other times it comes from chronic medical conditions, menstrual periods, or other episodic cycles. Whatever the reason for pain, the main goal is relief. Some people turn to over the counter medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, while others take prescription medications for pain. What do you do, then, when you can't take drugs for various reasons (interactions, pregnancy) but you need muscle pain relief? Consider a heated rice pack.This simple device can be made with about 10 minutes of work, and heating the rice pack in the microwave can bring tremendous relief from pain. Learn how to make a heated rice pack.


How to Make a Heated Rice Pack


    Cut the fabric into a 12 inch by 24 inch strip.


    Fold the fabric in half so that it makes a 12 inch by 12 inch square.


    Sew three sides of the square. Use tight stitches.


    Take the fourth side and sew it halfway closed.


    Turn the square inside-out.


    Pour the rice and lavender into the open hole in what is now a simple fabric pouch. You can add a different scent if you prefer, such as whole cloves or eucalyptus leaves. Do not include ground, dried spices, though; the spices will come out.


    Carefully tuck the ends of the edges of the unsewn section of the rice pack into the center of the pack, and sew the final 6-inch section shut. Tie off the end of the thread carefully.


    Place the heated rice pack on a plate and microwave for 45 seconds. Microwave for more or less time depending on comfort and heat level desired.


    Place the heated rice pack on muscles that hurt, or use the heated rice pack to keep your feet warm at night while in bed.

How to Suppress the Need to Burp

How to Suppress the Need to Burp

There are many places in society where burping would be rude or inappropriate. Therefore, you would need to either stop the burp or suppress the need to burp.



    Stop drinking carbonated or gaseous drinks.


    Close your mouth tightly if you feel a burp coming on that you cannot stop. By closing your mouth, you are preventing the air from escaping and avoid the horrible sound a burp makes. Once you close your mouth, you may also want to turn your head and put your hand over your mouth also for extra added protection.


    Eat slowly. Eating quickly will cause you to burp more quickly.


    Leave the room. If you absolutely need to burp and feel that you cannot hold it, then excuse yourself and leave the area. Go off and burp, then return to your party. Be sure to say "excuse me" if anyone hears you burp.


    Take an anti-gas medication. This medication will help your body eliminate the gas that has built up in the stomach and will help you suppress the burping. Many good anti-gas medications can be purchased over-the-counter at most drug stores. Carry some anti-gas medication with you everywhere you go for added protection against burps.

How to Soothe a Sore Throat With Sea Salt

How to Soothe a Sore Throat With Sea Salt

Quality sea salts are rich in vitamins and minerals, have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties and are useful both internally and externally to boost health. Whether a sore throat is caused by a cold or flu, laryngitis, strep throat or aggravation caused by acid reflux, sea salts can help to soothe the pain and heal the throat.



    Combine 1/2 tbsp. of fresh lemon juice, 2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar, 1/2 tbsp. of honey, 2 tsp. of sea salts and a pinch of cayenne pepper in a small pot. Each and every one of these ingredients has healing properties to help soothe and cure a sore throat. The sea salts not only help to reduce inflammation, they gently remove any mucus, pus or foreign substances from the throat, increasing the healing power of the additional ingredients.


    Heat the ingredients on very low heat, stirring constantly. Only heat the mixture until warm, avoiding simmering or boiling which can destroy the medicinal qualities and dissolve the salts.


    Place the liquid in your mouth and gargle for at least 30 seconds. Do not worry if you happen to swallow a small amount, as none of the ingredients are harmful; however, because the remedy is cleaning infection and bacteria from your throat, it is best to spit it out.


    Spit out the sea salt gargle and then fill your mouth with plain yogurt, swishing it around in your mouth. The yogurt further helps to eliminate harmful bacteria and will neutralize any burning sensation caused by the cayenne pepper. When the burning sensation stops, you can swallow the yogurt.


    Repeat your sea salt gargle three or four times daily to soothe a sore throat.

How to Use Ginger to Treat Heartburn

How to Use Ginger to Treat Heartburn

Ginger is a natural aid for the gastrointestinal tract, a deterrent against inflammation and nausea, and has been used for years to treat heartburn. Whether you're at home, on-the-go or traveling, reaching for ginger can alleviate uncomfortable heartburn. Read on to learn how to use ginger to treat heartburn.



    Get some ginger. You can use powdered ginger found in an average spice rack, fresh ginger, candied ginger, ginger capsules or liquid ginger.


    Add about 500 mg of ginger to food or mix it in a glass of water. Drinking prepared ginger tea may also have the same effect. If you don't have ginger tea, but would still like it's benefits, turn capsules of ginger into a quick substitute by pouring boiled, hot water into a glass, adding two "00" capsules and allowing the water to soak up the ginger.


    Consume the ginger and feel the symptoms of heartburn subside. Consider trying a bit more ginger to alleviate your symptoms if they don't improve within half an hour.


    Enjoy some candied ginger. Consume an amount equal to your pinky's fingertip. Repeat after 10 minutes have passed if you continue to feel heartburn.


    Take ginger about half an hour before each meal to prevent symptoms of heartburn that may present themselves during or right after a meal.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

How to Use Yogurt for Home Remedies

How to Use Yogurt for Home Remedies

Yogurt is a favorite among breakfast foods, sweet frozen treats and flavorful dips, but it also has a number of medicinal properties. Yogurt cultures help to soften the skin, fight fungal infections and replenish natural, healthy bacteria in the body.



    Eat a serving of yogurt every day to help lower cholesterol. Studies have shown that the active live cultures in yogurt inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the blood.


    Use yogurt as a home remedy for fungal infections. Eating yogurt daily can help to treat candidacies, or internal fungal infections. Gauze soaked in yogurt and placed over fungal skin infections destroys the fungus, soothes itch and discomfort, and cools irritated skin. Yogurt is a common home remedy for vaginal yeast infections as well, and can be applied by using a yogurt-soaked tampon, replacing four or five times daily, and used until the infection passes.


    Transform any fruit into a healing face mask by blending it with yogurt. Yogurt is a gentle moisturizer, and contains lactic acids which helps to exfoliate dead skin cells and reduce fine lines. The active cultures in yogurt also help to cleanse the skin and kill bacteria which cause acne.


    Rub yogurt on the lips and eat 1/4 cup, four times daily for its antibacterial effect, which can help to prevent and heal canker sores.


    Eat yogurt during and after a round of antibiotics to replenish the healthy bacteria in the body which are destroyed by antibiotic medication. It is best to eat yogurt at least 2 hours before or after taking your medication and daily for 2 to 4 weeks after finishing your medication. Yogurt eaten during a round of antibiotics also helps to prevent diarrhea, a common side effect of the medication.

How to Treat Low Blood Pressure With Alternative Remedies

How to Treat Low Blood Pressure With Alternative Remedies

Low blood pressure (hypotension) occurs when your consistent blood pressure readings are extremely low (usually at or below 90/60) over an extended period. The main symptoms of hypotension are fatigue, dizziness and fainting. Luckily, you can treat low blood pressure with these alternative remedies.



    Soak some raisins in a bowl of water overnight. Come morning, eat the raisins slowly and drink the water as well. Drink plenty of water, eat small meals throughout the day and get sufficient rest. Reduce the use of caffeine, refined sugar and artificial sweeteners in your diet.


    Ingest herbs and vegetables. Drink a cup of beetroot juice two times a day to improve this condition. Use herbs like rosemary, gentian, kola, Indian spikenard and ginseng in a tea infusion. Boil some water and add these herbs to make the tea and then drink twice a day.


    Consider Ayurveda treatments for low blood pressure. Depending on your dosha type (Vata, Kapha or Pitta) you can take the following spices or herbs: Garlic for Vata, cayenne for Kapha, and turmeric for Pitta. You can also use cinnamon, black pepper and cardamom. Add any of these to food as alternative remedies for low blood pressure


    Enjoy Epsom salt baths as a remedy for this condition. Prepare a bath by dissolving 2 to 4 cups of Epsom salt into hot water. Soak in this bath for 20 minutes. Dry friction skin brushing may also be beneficial.


    Make changes in your diet and lifestyle. Get adequate protein, Vitamins C, E, B complex, zinc and magnesium from foods or by taking vitamin supplements and include enough salt in your diet. Incorporate exercises like walking, swimming, biking or do some breathing exercises.


    Try color therapy as an alternative remedy. Combine the colors green and yellow and use them in 15-minute periods twice a day for two weeks. Use this combination in your home or wear clothing in these colors for two weeks.


    Raise your blood pressure with homeopathy, yoga, acupuncture and acupressure. Use the homeopathic remedy of broom, hawthorn berries and kola. Prepare a tea with these herbs and drink. Learn yoga poses that can raise blood pressure levels (see Resources below). Get acupuncture or acupressure treatment with licensed practitioners.

How to Eliminate Head Lice Naturally

How to Eliminate Head Lice Naturally

Head lice is common among young children and can turn your household upside down for days as you try to eliminate the nasty, annoying little creatures. For those who prefer a natural approaching to healing, head lice treatments can be extremely frightening, as they are pure chemicals. Fortunately, a simple natural remedy can help you eliminate head lice.



    Add 10 drops of lavender essential oil for every 1/4 cup of olive oil and massage the oils into the scalp and hair thoroughly. Olive oil helps to eliminate head lice as it dissolves their exoskeletons to kill them. The lavender stops the itch and irritation caused by the lice. Cover your head with a shower cap and sleep with the treatment in.


    Apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly to the eyebrows if nits are present. Reapply it several times a day until you completely eliminate the lice.


    Remove and throw away the shower cap and then shampoo the hair as usual. You may need to shampoo twice to remove all of the olive oil; however, do not use a conditioner. Rinse the scalp and hair completely with apple cider vinegar after shampooing which helps to loosen the glue that holds lice eggs on the hair. Rinse with hot water.


    Comb the hair to remove tangles and then use a nit comb to eliminate as many eggs as possible and then allow the hair to dry naturally.


    Continue this natural head lice treatment every other day until there is no sign of lice or eggs.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

How to Evaluate Natural Medical Treatments

How to Evaluate Natural Medical Treatments

When your doctor gives you a prescription, you trust her education and her expertise. Unfortunately, the television, Internet and our local supermarkets are full of natural medical treatments which do not come with a doctor's recommendation. While this does not mean that the treatment is not valid, it does mean that it requires more evaluation.



    Notice whether the information about a natural medical treatment is based on credible sources. Websites which are created by major universities, medical centers or governmental agencies have the most credibility. It is a good idea to look for the Health on the Net (HON) Foundation logo as well, as these sites have agreed to a code of conduct which requires scientifically backed information.


    Look for reviews of the product performed by qualified medical professionals. Reviews by consumers, personal points of view or evidence stated without back up are not credible and the product should be questioned.


    Search several sources on the Internet or in medical journals before you use a natural medical treatment. If you simply cannot find more than two or three sources which back up the item's claim, there is reason to doubt the treatment.


    Beware of jargon such as "Guaranteed satisfaction or your money back," "Miracle cure" or "New discovery," as these terms are used to awe consumers but do not prove that the treatment is valid and useful.


    Be skeptical of products which claim to heal a large variety of ailments and treat multiple symptoms. Remember if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


    Talk to a doctor or naturopath about a natural medical treatment before you begin. A professional will help you to evaluate the credibility of claims as well as contraindication of the medicine.

How to Ease Sunburn

We all know the importance of sunscreen, but even in the best of times we find ourselves coming up short, and turning up burnt. We all know that this can be extremely painful. But before you head to the store, you can just turn to your kitchen cupboards for some quick and cooling relief.



    White Vinegar

    Fill a spray bottle with white vinegar, and spritz the area of the burn.

    Or dampen a soft cloth with pure white vinegar and gently sponge the effected area.

    Instantly you will feel the sting begin to ease. Use as often as necessary to stop the pain.


    Talcum Powder/Baby Powder

    Apply a thin cool dusting to the surface of the skin, you will feel the effects immediately.

    Perfect for sunburn in the areas that receive friction from clothing.


    Baking Soda

    Fill a bathtub with warm water and add a half a cup of baking soda to the water. Then relax in the cooling water for at least thirty minutes. The baking soda will help draw out some of the heat of the burn.

    This is perfect before bed after a serious burn.

How to Improve Lung Function with Yoga Breathwork

Patients who suffer from chronic lung disorders like asthma, COPD or cystic fibrosis could benefit greatly from yoga breathwork. Yoga helps to improve lung function by opening up lung passages and releases stale air accumulated at the base of the lungs. By exhaling out toxins, it allows the lungs to circulate fresh, clean air.



    Lie on your back. Rest your hands to the side. Close your eyes and breathe normally through your nostrils. Allow the breath to come and go naturally. Relax your body on the mat as you breathe naturally for one to two minutes.


    Sit up in a cross legged position. Inhale slowly to the count of three and exhale slowly to the count of six. Increase the breath counts. Inhale to the count of four and exhale to the count of seven. Inhale to the count of five and exhale to the count of eight.Repeat two to four sets.


    Inhale and exhale naturally through the nostrils for a minute to center and ground yourself. Inhale through your nose to the count of three and then open your mouth and exhale forcefully by opening your mouth and letting out your breath so it forms the word: "Hahhhhhhhh" (make sure you draw out the breath when you open your mouth). Repeat six to eight times.


    Lie back on the mat and close your eyes. Visualize your breath as a warm, bright light flowing your lungs as you inhale deeply to the count of three. As you exhale to the count of three, visualize the stale air releasing from your lung as puffs of grey smoke. Concentrate on your lungs and feeling positive energy flowing through your lung and heart center filling your body with fresh pure air. Imagine toxins leaving your body as you lie on the mat as you become aware of your natural breath. Place your hands on your chest and feel the natural rise and fall of your chest as you breathe. Stay in this reclined pose for at least one minute.


    Sit up and sit cross-legged on mat. Inhale to the count of three as you raise your hands over your head and exhale to the count of three as you release your hands to your side. Bring your hands to heart center and end your breathwork practice by saying: Namaste.

Friday, August 18, 2017

How to Make a Massage Oil to Help Relieve PMS

We all know those PMS feelings-cramps, bloating, aches-that women experience as their period approach. The good news is that you can create a natural massage oil using essential oils that can help reduce or even alleviate such monthly unpleasantries. Heres how to select and prepare a massage oil that will help offset the symptoms of PMS.


Create a Massage Oil to Relieve PMS Symptoms


    Buy only massage oils that are specifically designed to be used for massage. They have been specially refined and prepared for use on the skin. You can get it at health food stores and online.


    Choose 100% pure essential oils-only these offer healthful benefits. The label will state "100% pure." You can find them at health food stores and online. Dont use synthetic oils-they do not have the same benefits.


    Choose which formula you prefer based on what you like to smell. Sniff testers are usually available at health food stores. Formula 1 uses Rose, Ylang-Ylang, Bergamot and Geranium essential oils. Formula 2 uses Chamomile, Geranium, Lavender, Bois de Rose, and Clary Sage essential oils.


    Make the Formula 1 massage oil. Measure two tablespoons (30ml) of Sesame oil into the bottle. Add 10 drops of Rose, 8 of Ylang-Ylang, 7 of Bergamot and 5 of Geranium essential oils. Cap the bottle and shake well. Go to Step 6.


    Make the Formula 2 massage oil. Measure one tablespoon (15ml) each of Borage and Jojoba oils into the bottle. Add 7 drops each of Chamomile, Geranium, and Lavender, 5 drops of Bois de Rose, and 4 of Clary Sage essential oils. Cap the bottle and shake well. Go to Step 6.


    Massage the oil onto your lower back at least once a day. Start prior to the onset of PMS symptoms. You can also massage onto your abdomen, and then cup your hands and inhale the aromas for added benefits.

How to Build an Outdoor Sauna

Outdoor saunas are convenient and you know, or at least have a pretty good idea, who was in them last. They are relatively easy to build, if you keep your design simple.It is necessary to provide a sturdy foundation for an outdoor sauna to sit on. For the purpose of this article, we will assume that you have already poured or built some sort of foundation for the outdoor sauna.


How to Build an Outdoor Sauna


    Decide how you want your sauna to look, and how big you want it to be. (See TIPS for more information.)


    Keeping in mind that the average size of a piece of lumber board (for the walls) is two feet by four feet, with a length of eight feet, and plank board (for the flooring) is eighteen inches in width by ninety-six inches in length, with a two-inch thickness, according to your plans, determine how much wood you will need. Purchase the wood and other things you need.


    If necessary, cut the wood and planks to the lengths and widths you will need, based on your plans.


    Following your plans, build your floor first. Nail four pieces of two by four birch or oak lumber together to form the frame, and then nail additional pieces of two by four birch or oak lumber at evenly spaced intervals to form the supports. Nail down the required number of birch or oak plank boards that you will need to form the floor surface itself.


    Build your wall and roof FRAMES in the same manner as you built the floor, using the birch or oak lumber (refer to Step 4).


    Using the birch or oak planks, build the OUTER walls, and then attach them to the floor.


    Place insulation between the spaces formed by the lumber that was used to build the wall frame and supports.


    Nail the CEDAR planking over the insulation, using the wall frames and supports to hold the nails.


    Finish your roof, if you have not already done so, and then attach it to the structure.


    Build simple bench seats (you can use cedar wood on them, also) and attach them to the walls.


    Install your sauna heater (that you ordered and have provided a power source for), fire it up, and enjoy your outdoor sauna!