Saturday, November 4, 2017

How to Brew a Laxative Tea

How to Brew a Laxative Tea

Laxative teas are a simple, natural way to aid your normal bowel function. Here are a few to try at home.


Licorice Root Laxative Tea


    Add 1 tbsp. broken licorice root (a good mild laxative) per each cup boiling water.


    Boil uncovered for 1 hour and then remove from heat, cool and strain.


    Add apple, grape or other fruit juice to dilute tea if it is too strong.


    Drink 1 cup in the morning and 1 at night.

Barley Brew Laxative Tea


    Combine 1/4 cup organic pearl barley, 1/4 cup organic figs, 2 tbsp. licorice root, 1/4 cup organic raisins and 10 cups water in a non-aluminum pot.


    Cover and simmer until liquid is reduced by half (this takes about 8 hours).


    Strain and drink 1/2 cup in the morning or at night.

Buckthorn Bark Laxative Tea


    Add 2 tbsp. each of nettles, Oregon graperoot and plantain, followed by 1 tbsp. peppermint leaves to 6 cups of boiling water.


    Remove from heat.


    Cover and let stand for 30 minutes.


    Add 2 tbsp. buckthorn bark, cover and let stand for an hour or 2.


    Strain and drink in moderation. The tea may be reheated, but do not boil.

Friday, November 3, 2017

How to Do a Liver and Gallbladder Flush Fast

How to Do a Liver and Gallbladder Flush Fast

This particular fast is based on European folk medicine and is still used in health spas and hospitals to cleanse and revitalize two of your body's most essential cleansing tools--the liver and the gall bladder. We recommend that you read "How to Understand a Liver and Gall Bladder Flush" and consult your doctor before beginning this fast.



    Abstain from all solid foods for the first 2 days of the fast and drink organic apple juice, warmed with cinnamon sticks in it. Also drink dandelion root and dried dandelion leaf tea, made by simmering the 2 ingredients in water for 20 minutes.


    Drink both drinks, 2 hours apart, for a total of 7 drinks each day.


    Follow this general schedule with your drinks: 8 a.m.: 1/2 cup warm apple juice with 1/2 cup dandelion tea, together; 10 a.m.: 2 cup plain apple juice with 1/2 cup water; 12 noon: 1 cup tea and 1 cup apple juice, together; 2 p.m.: 2 cup juice, 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup fresh pressed beet juice; 4 p.m.: 2 cup apple juice, 1/2 cup water; 6 p.m.: 1 cup apple juice, 1 cup tea, together; 8 p.m.: 2 cup apple juice. Continue this schedule for 2 to 4 days.


    Take an internal bath on the last day of your fast before you begin the final step. This is optional, but recommended.


    Begin to end your fast about 3 hours before you go to sleep by completing the following procedure.


    Soak a 12-inch square of cloth, cotton or wool flannel fabric is best, with castor oil, and prepare either a heating pad or a hot water bottle.


    Drink 1/4 tsp. Epsom salt dissolved in 1/3 cup warm water to dilate your gall bladder and liver ducts in preparation for the olive oil cocktail. You can chew orange or lemon rind if the Epsom salt bothers you.


    Drink a blended combination of 1/3 cup cold pressed olive oil, 1/4 cup cream, 1/3 cup hot apple juice and 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice.


    Get into bed lying on your right side. Place the castor oil cloth, with the heating pad over it (use old towels to avoid a mess), over your liver and gall bladder area (on your right side, just under your rib cage). Leave it there for 1 1/2 to 2 hours.


    Remove the hot pack and castor oil cloth and drink the same Epsom salt drink that you drank earlier.


    Rest easy. Drink some fresh-squeezed orange or lemon juice. And by the next day you should notice various sized pebbles in your eliminations, ranging in color from bright green to dark brown--gall stones formed by rancid fats in your diet.


    Break your fast by avoiding fried foods, oils, and fats. Eat oranges, pineapple, grapefruit and berries in the morning; a leafy green for lunch; fresh soup, salad and steamed vegetables for dinner. Continue this general type of diet for a few days after your fast.

How to Reduce Cold Sores Naturally

How to Reduce Cold Sores Naturally

No cure exists for herpes simplex type I virus, which causes cold sores, but here are some natural ways to stimulate blisters to heal quickly.



    Take supplements that inhibit viral growth at the first sign of an outbreak. Try 500 to 1,000 mg daily of the amino acid L-lysine. Antioxidant vitamins and 50 to 100 mg of zinc per day may also help.


    Boost your immune system. Take echinacea and goldenseal and make sure you get 5,000 mg vitamin C daily. Get plenty of rest and reduce stress.


    Treat the cold sore topically. Dab tea tree oil, a natural antiseptic, at either full or half strength directly on blisters several times a day.


    Promote healing by avoiding foods that contain arginine, another amino acid that suppresses lysine; nuts, dairy products, meat, seeds, oats, peanuts and corn all contain arginine. Limit citrus and other acidic fruits because they can irritate blisters.

How to Treat a Yeast Infection Naturally

How to Treat a Yeast Infection Naturally

Vaginal yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of Candida albicans, a fungus that normally lives in your body. Certain conditions can create an environment for the fungus to proliferate, and some of the common symptoms are a cheesy white discharge, irritation, intense burning and itching, and redness in the area.



    Eat yogurt. It contains helpful bacteria (live cultures, including acidophilus and bifidus) that destroy yeast. It also works when applied topically. Insert some into the vagina using a finger or plastic tampon applicator. Use only plain yogurt with active cultures.


    Take lactobacillus/acidophilus supplements. Use according to the directions on the bottle.


    Douche with a solution of 1 to 3 tbsp. vinegar in a quart of water. Repeat once a day while having symptoms, but no longer than a week.


    Decrease or eliminate sugar and sugary foods. Sugar promotes yeast growth.


    Use a garlic clove as a suppository. Garlic contains a natural anti-fungal agent. Peel a fresh clove, wrap it in gauze and insert it into the vagina.


    Try gentian violet. It's a traditional remedy for yeast and other infections, and can be found in pharmacies. Swab the area with it once or twice a day. Make sure to use a thick pad - it stains everything.


    Use an herbal douche. Combine equal amounts of sage, raspberry and comfrey with 1/4 part goldenseal. This can be combined with cider vinegar.


    Use an over-the-counter yeast infection remedy. Apply as directed.

How to Use St. John's Wort

How to Use St. John's Wort

St. John's wort has been used for centuries to treat a variety of illnesses, including respiratory problems, dysentery, worms, jaundice and gastrointestinal disorders. Its most popular use today is to treat mild to moderate depression, and in fact, it is the best-selling anti-depressant in Germany.



    Choose a St. John's wort product that says it has a standardized 0.3 percent hypericin content. The higher the hypericin content, the higher the potency will be per milligram.


    Make sure you buy a brand that has a standardized concentration. Since herbs are unregulated, this is a way of ensuring you are getting a quality product.


    Buy St. John's wort in capsules, as a tincture or as a tea. Use according to product directions.


    Take at least 900mg a day. That is the amount usually needed to be effective. The usual dose is 300mg capsules, taken three times per day.


    Use sunscreen when taking St. John's wort. It has the potential to increase photosensitivity, although studies have found side effects to be rare.


    Don't expect an instant cure when taking St. John's wort. It works more slowly than prescription medication, so you may need to take it for several weeks before noticing the benefits.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

How to Do Self-Hypnosis

How to Do Self-Hypnosis

You are getting very sleepy....



    Recognize that to be hypnotized is to enter a trance state. You will be very focused, but will also be aware of what is happening around you.


    Sit in a comfortable chair or recline on a couch in a quiet place. Be sure that your clothes are loose and comfortable and the temperature is not too warm or cool.


    Turn down the lights so that it's not too bright. It doesn't need to be dark.


    Relax. You can have your eyes open or closed, whichever is most comfortable for you.


    Let yourself go loose. Feel every muscle go limp. Feel your mind slow down. Good.


    Breathe deeply and hold it. Feel all of your stress and worries sucked from your body and your head into your lungs. Blow them out slowly and watch them swirl away from you.


    Notice the different colors of each concern. See them float away and dissolve in the air. You are feeling more and relaxed with every breath.


    Feel your heart. It is strong and slow. You can feel it beating, slowly, slowly. Each time you exhale, your body relaxes more. You are calm and safe. You can feel your heart. It's beating so slowly.


    Feel your toes. They feel empty and light. They want to float away. That lightness is spreading up your legs, through your hips and into your back. Your body is so empty. You can see through it.


    Feel your arms. They feel empty. Your shoulders are empty. Your neck is empty. Your head is floating, weightless. You feel so calm.


    Feel liquid begin to fill your body through your navel. It's deep blue. It feels cool and comfortable. Watch it fill up your body. Cool blue. When you are full, you will feel calm and completely at ease.


    Now open your eyes and sit up. Your cool, blue feeling will stay with you.

How to Find Alternative and Holistic Practitioners

Government and medical research institutions have poured millions of dollars into studies on promising complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). You'll still need to check with your doctor, but here's how to find legitimate CAM professionals.



    Ask your doctor for a referral. You may face possibly well-warranted skepticism. Also ask friends, family, nutritionists or physical therapists for recommendations. Some alternative-medicine professional organizations have CAM referral services.


    Find out what your health plan covers; many costly CAM treatments are not. While more insurers include chiropractic treatments in their plan, far fewer cover acupuncture, let alone Ayurvedic medicine or homeopathy.


    Do some detective work at state and local departments of health and consumer affairs, which increasingly have licensing and accreditation requirements for alternative practitioners. Ask about practitioners' educational background and training, and if any formal complaints have ever been filed against them. Inquire if any scientific research supports specific treatments you may be considering. Search for existing study results at the National Institutes of Health Web site (


    Check qualifications if possible, despite the patchy regulations on CAM. For example, acupuncturists must be licensed in more than 35 states, but might also be called registered or certified, or doctors of acupuncture or Oriental medicine.


    Consider applying to be part of a clinical trial or study if money is an issue. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) is the federal government's lead agency devoted to supporting research; learn about trial participation at

How to Find Out Whether Your Insurance Covers Homeopathy

How to Find Out Whether Your Insurance Covers Homeopathy

The cost of medical treatment is skyrocketing. It's no wonder, then, that many people are seeking less expensive options to traditional medicine. More and more people are turning to homeopathy to save money when treating allergies, depression and serious diseases. Homeopathy uses diluted natural products to trigger the body's immune response to disease. As the science behind this becomes more widely accepted, more insurance companies are beginning to offer individuals the option to choose a plan that covers homeopathy as well as traditional medical treatment.


Find Out Whether Your Insurance Covers Homeopathy


    Ask your insurance agent. Your agent is the best resource you have for questions regarding individual coverage. If you have employer-sponsored insurance, ask your company's HR Manager to give you the appropriate contact names and numbers.


    Be persistent. It may take several attempts to find out whether your insurance covers homeopathy, especially if your agent is unfamiliar with alternative medicine. You might explain the cost-efficient nature of homeopathic treatments to an agent who is interested in learning more.


    Speak with someone else. Insurance agents are human and do not have all the answers. If you don't like what you're hearing, ask to speak to a supervisor or manager.


    Form an alternate plan. If your insurance doesn't cover homeopathy, consider switching to a plan or broker that does cover homeopathy. If you have employer-sponsored insurance, work with your Human Resources representative to find out how many company employees would be interested in homeopathy coverage. There is always room for negotiation in company-sponsored plans.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

How to Use Neuro Linguistic Programming to Change Behaviors

How to Use Neuro Linguistic Programming to Change Behaviors

With its roots in the human potential movement of the 1970s, the neuro linguistic programming self-help curriculum seeks to induce change in behaviors by altering mental "maps." It seeks to change how we view our experiences: past, present and future. Supposedly, a person reshapes his or her map through modeling, matching behavior and outlook to those of successful people. It is said that people can use NLP to change bad behavior like overeating, smoking, nail-biting or excessive drinking.


Find Out if NLP is Right for You


    Search the Internet for information on the history and practice of NLP. The NLP Basics Web site is a great place to start (see Resources below).


    Think about the behaviors in your life that you would like to change. Add these to your search criteria to find out how NLP addresses these problems.


    Try some of the exercises you find at the NLP Marin Web site (see Resources below). Focus especially on those exercises involving guided imagery.


    Determine in your own mind how comfortable you feel with this experience. If you are "turned off" or "don't get it," NLP may not be the best choice for you.

Decide How to Use Neuro Linguistic Programming


    Gather the facts you have learned about NLP in relation to your own needs. Test out those techniques that can safely be self-taught. For instance, you can learn a popular technique known as "the Swish" at the Speak Like a Pro Web site (see Resources below). You can practice basic eye accessing cues at the Smart Driving Web site (see Resources below).


    Seek out a practitioner if your particular behaviors are best addressed by professional help rather than self-help.

Choose a Practitioner and Change Your Behaviors


    Write down any questions you would like to ask a practitioner about NLP and your particular goals.


    Use a directory (telephone or Internet) or ask a friend to help lead you to a practitioner. Contact one or more of the people listed, preferably by phone, and ask your questions.


    Make an appointment with the person who seems most satisfactory.


    Cooperate fully with your practitioner for best results.


    Expect private sessions to range in price from moderate to expensive.

How to Treat Skin Problems With Folk Medicine

How to Treat Skin Problems With Folk Medicine

Use herbal remedies discovered through the development of folk medicine to treat skin problems like excema inexpensively. These herbs are available as tea or as topical applicants from many from different parts of the world. Follow these steps to find the best remedy for you.


Educate Your Consumption


    Learn that your diet can contribute to skin problems.


    Lower the amount of preservatives you eat each day. Folk medicine experts believe that skin problems are a direct result of preservative-packed snack foods that are full of calories and high in sodium.


    Trade carbonated, sugar-filled soft drinks for herbal teas. These days, they're available in bottles for those times when you're "on the go."


    Use herbal teas to cleanse skin from the inside out, as they've done for hundreds of years in Asia and other parts of the world.

Apply These Topically


    Try tea tree oil, honey, vinegar or a paste of salt and water to ease itchy skin.


    Apply a mildly thick mixture of ground nutmeg and milk for an hour or two directly onto your acne. This may benefit your skin problems within 3 days.


    Mix honey and cinnamon powder together into a light paste, then apply to face before bed. Don't remove until morning. Continue nightly for 2 weeks.

Treat With Produce


    Apply and wear on the face or hands ripe tomato innards for an hour each day to relieve skin problems.


    Position against the skin a section or the trimmings of a freshly-cut potato. It's said that it can extract pollutants from the skin.


    Treat regular skin problems by mixing lime juice with boiling milk. Apply to blackheads or excessively dried skin.


    Rub a freshly-cut clove of garlic around acne developments for a few days. You may see results soon.

How to Check If Your Insurance Covers Alternative Medicine

How to Check If Your Insurance Covers Alternative Medicine

In recent years, the popularity of alternative medicine, which is defined as treatments not normally used in "conventional medicine," has skyrocketed. With this rise in demand for alternative therapies, many insurance companies have begun to cover certain treatments. One of the biggest determinants insurance companies use when deciding whether they'll cover an alternative medicine treatment is whether it's medically necessary. The most common treatments covered are those that require official licensing by the state or government. Certain therapies, like aromatherapy and herbal treatments, can also be covered. When insurance companies don't cover alternative therapies, you can always try to pick up a supplemental discount medical card. These cards provide discounted, negotiated rates on medical services. There are several companies that offer cards targeted at alternative medicine patients. Follow these steps to learn more.


Check if Your Insurance Covers Alternative Medicine


    Browse through your insurance plan booklet, if available. Alternative medicine, like chiropractic and massage services, may be listed inside.


    Call your insurance representative to ask whether your specific plan covers alternative medicine. To speed the process along, it may be a good idea to have 1 or 2 specific procedures already in mind.


    Read through any supplemental clauses concerning alternative medicine very carefully. You may find loopholes in your insurance policy as well as with specific prohibited specialties.


    Ask your alternative medicine provider whether he or she accepts any type of insurance coverage. You can then consult with these companies to see if they offer supplemental plans for individuals.


    See if your employer has a flexible spending account, also known as a "Section 125" plan. These plans, which are designed to cover excess medical and dependent care costs, will sometimes cover alternative medicine services.


    Work with your alternative medicine doctor to pay the costs of treatments not covered by your insurance. Some doctors allow patients to make monthly payments to cover service costs.


    Find out more about insurance coverage and alternative medicine by visiting the "National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine" Web site (see Resources below).

How to Research Folk Medicine Remedies

How to Research Folk Medicine Remedies

Use the limitless power of the Internet to research folk medicine remedies. The term "folk medicine" refers to traditional and/or natural remedies that have been handed down anecdotally. They may or may not have been scientifically tested. Visit your local library or bookstore for more in-depth knowledge of free, time-tested folk remedies. Follow these steps to prepare for your research.


List Your Interests


    Write out your search objectives before beginning an Internet search for folk medicine remedies.


    Find information quickly by entering small, concise search parameters. Limit your descriptions to three words or less, like the following: "home bursitis remedies."


    Know that when you commit to an Internet search, online companies will frequently target you for sales. They'll do this by offering a small amount of the information you want, then leading you to a product they want to sell you. Noncommercial sites like the UCLA Folk Medicine Archive (see Resources below) are more likely to give unbiased information.

Visit the Public Library


    Find in-depth folk medicine history and suggestions in a library book. The public library is a free resource available in most towns. Many libraries will also let you use personal computers to do an Internet research for free.


    Perform research by locating medical books. Search the library's computerized database for books on folk medicine. Research is easy in a library, especially with the help of the qualified librarian who's there to help the public.


    Bring writing paper to take notes. While a public library may provide free computer usage, they will not typically provide free notebook paper. Arrive prepared to write down what you learn.

Interview Experts


    Read through your local phone book to seek out holistic health practitioners. Research their techniques and discover that much of holistic health is based on folk medicine.


    Locate health food specialists in your area that may provide less-popular ingredients for folk medicine treatments. Research your needs, then find treatment ingredients like raw potato juice and bulk ginger, grown organically for natural purity.


    Speak with conscientious health food store employees to access free and frequently useful information with a smile.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

How to Use Mexican Folk Medicine

How to Use Mexican Folk Medicine

Derived from a combination of Aztec, Native American and Spanish influence, Mexican folk medicine is indeed multicultural. With many treatments enlisting the use of popular herbs and vegetables, common cures are quite affordable. Known as "curanderismo," Mexican folk medicine is still popular today. It includes treatments like ground rattlesnake meat for healing cuts and sores. Follow these steps to learn more.


Locate Materials


    Use rosemary, a broadly available herb said to effectively treat earaches, skin rashes and various minor illnesses. It's known to possess many powerful healing properties. You can find it among the fresh spices at your grocery store.


    Explore the many-faceted popularity of "yerba buena," a form of mint used in tea. Drinking the tea may aid in curing indigestion and other common forms of stomach discomfort. In the folk tradition, whole leaves are boiled along with the water for the tea.


    Purchase ground rattlesnake in capsule form to fight serious illness. Known more likely in Mexico than in the United States, rattlesnake meat is used to treat a number of maladies from indigestion to erectile dysfunction to cancer. The ground powder is also applied externally to wounds to speed healing. Use with recommendation of a "curandero," or folk healer.

Apply Appropriately


    Be aware that in many of the Mexican folk healing traditions, the healing process must be spiritually oriented. In the past, a healer would be brought in to determine what in the spirit world had caused an injury or illness to appear.


    Find recommended practices and literature in a "Botanica," which is a store where "curanderismo" items may be found. In many cases, a "bonafide curandero," or Mexican folk healer may be found on the premises. Ask for advice while you're looking.


    Know that the spiritual side of "curanderismo" must be respected and represented for best results in Mexican folk medicine. When traditions are followed to the letter, success tends to follow more consistently. Learn more by reading Eliseo Torres' book "Curandero: A Life in Mexican Folk Healing" (see Resources below).

How to Use Herbs as Alternatives to Prescription Drugs

How to Use Herbs as Alternatives to Prescription Drugs

Herbal remedies have been in use far longer than prescription medications. In fact, the original intent behind pharmaceutical companies was to capture the active ingredients found in herbs. Over time, this gave way to the creation of synthetic ingredients that are the main component of many types of prescription medications today. Since the original prescription medication was a more potent form of herbs, it's possible to use herbal remedies as alternatives to more conventional approaches. In recent decades, herbal remedies have become viable alternatives to prescription drugs in the minds of many Americans. That's why there's been a spike in the demand for herbal products, which can now be found in grocery and health food stores across the country. You can't just stop taking your prescription drugs, though, and pick up any old herb. Instead, you have to know what you're looking for and how to use it once you've found it. Follow these steps to learn more.


Use Herbs as Alternatives to Prescription Drugs


    Discuss the possibility of using herbal remedies in place of prescription medication with your doctor. This is especially important if you decide to forgo conventional treatment, as your doctor needs to be aware of any changes in your health.


    Identify the prescription medications your doctor recommended, as well as their uses. Some of the more common prescription medications are antibiotics and anti-inflammatory pills.


    Research available herbs very carefully. There are thousands of different types of herbs from all over the world. You'll need to know what herbs are out there as well as what they can do before you begin. A good place to start is the "Herb Research Foundation" Web site (see Resources below).


    Decide which herbs you want to take, being careful to consider recommended dosage, possible side effects, availability and price.


    Buy your herbs either online from an organic grower or at your local health food store.


    Take the herbs as indicated on the packaging. Any deviations may reduce the effectiveness of the herbs.

How to Choose an Alternative Medicine Doctor

How to Choose an Alternative Medicine Doctor

Alternative medicine has been used to treat conditions ranging from migraines to anxiety to cancer. There are many different kinds of alternative medicine. Anything not used in conventional medicine is considered an alternative practice. There are 2 different kinds of alternative medicine doctors: those who use alternative theories and treatments in the course of their usual work, and those who have set up a practice dedicated solely to alternative therapies. Since alternative medicine covers such a broad spectrum, it's fairly easy to locate a competent doctor in your area. Follow these steps to find out how.


Find an Alternative Medicine Doctor


    Decide what kind of alternative medicine doctor you're looking for. There are more than 100 disciplines in alternative medicine, including acupuncture, aromatherapy, reiki, color therapy and homeopathy.


    Ask for recommendations from the staff at your local health food store. This is a great place to find out about doctors in your area, as well as about alternative medicine products and procedures you've never heard of.


    Talk to friends and family to get recommendations for alternative medicine doctors.


    Tell your general practitioner about your desire to seek treatment from an alternative medicine doctor. He or she may have some good references within your medical group and insurance plan limits.

Choose an Alternative Medicine Doctor


    Arrange for in-person consultations with your top choices. You can also speak to doctors over the phone; but in-person consultations are better. You'll get a feel for the environment of the doctor's office.


    Bring a list of questions you want answered to your consultations. These can be about anything from how the doctor conducts his or her practice to general health questions. Selecting an alternative medicine practitioner is a big deal. You'll want to choose someone you're comfortable with.


    Check your doctor's qualifications before you commit. While many alternative medicine professions aren't officially licensed, you can search individual organizations for competent practitioners. There's a fantastic database of alternative medicine organizations and associated practitioners at the "Alternative Medicine Foundation" Web site (see Resources below).

Monday, October 30, 2017

How to Balance Your Body's Chemicals Through Orthomolecular Medicine

How to Balance Your Body's Chemicals Through Orthomolecular Medicine

Poor dietary habits and the depletion of nutrients in soil may mean that our bodies do not have the necessary nutrients to facilitate normal functions. Orthomolecular medicine attempts to restore balance to the chemicals in our bodies by reintroducing the natural chemicals to the body in the form of antioxidants, minerals, lipotropes, fiber and more. It is said to treat everything from snake bites to schizophrenia.


Educate Yourself About Orthomolecular Medicine


    Understand that orthomolecular medicine practitioners do not consider their field to be 'alternative medicine' but a necessary complement to other medical practices. These practitioners feel that orthomolecular medicine is a safe treatment while more tests are performed on commercial pharmaceuticals, which typically have dangerous side-effects.


    Know that the process of orthomolecular medicine only tries to correct the balance of chemicals found naturally in your body through adding or subtracting nutrients. Nothing foreign is ever introduced.


    Learn that orthomolecular medicine was first tested in the 1950s to treat mental disorders. Later, in the 1960s, Linus Pauling adopted the treatment in regards to psychiatry. He believed that 'the right molecules in the right amounts' were medically beneficial.


    Learn more online at Web sites like Orthomolecular Medicine Online (see Resources below).

Contact a Doctor and Balance Your Body


    Find an orthomolecular medicine doctor at the American College for Advancement in Medicine Web site, which allows you to search by specialty (see Resources below).


    Speak with your chosen doctor to see if this treatment is right for you, and then set up a nutritional plan that can correct and restore the chemical balance of your body.


    Understand that the entire purpose of orthomolecular medicine is to correct chemical imbalances for the physical and mental benefit of the patient. By undergoing treatment with a skilled practitioner, you will balance your body's chemicals.

How to Find an Orthomolecular Doctor

How to Find an Orthomolecular Doctor

Orthomolecular medicine consists of balancing the body's naturally occurring nutrients and chemicals through vitamin therapy and introduces other nutrients, often in megadoses. While a substantial body of evidence supports the medical benefits of this treatment, many in the medical community reject these findings as the result of the 'placebo effect.' As a result, finding an orthomolecular doctor can be challenging.


Decide if Orthomolecular Medicine Is for You


    Learn about orthomolecular medicine before undergoing treatment. The practice, which originated as a way to alleviate neurological disorders in the 1950s, was later assimilated by Linus Pauling to treat a wider range of illnesses, like cancer, influenza and autism.


    Know that the concept of treating patients with nutrients was first considered a last resort when traditional medicine failed. Today, doctors who practice this method consider it a safe, effective alternative.


    Learn more when you visit Orthomolecular Medicine Online (see Resources below).

Find an Orthomolecular Medicine Practitioner


    Use the search engine at the American College for Advancement in Medicine Web site to locate a practitioner (see Resources below).


    Find a Web site dedicated to orthomolecular practitioners. provides links to doctors in both the United States and abroad (see Resources below).


    Call the offices of practitioners within a reasonable distance to schedule an initial consultation. Find out how long this consultation will last and whether or not you will be charged for it.


    Make an appointment with the practitioner(s) who strike you as the most trustworthy and experienced. Arrive at your appointment with a list of questions.


    Begin a course of treatment if the practitioner feels--and you agree--that you could benefit from orthomolecular medical treatment.

How to Relieve Stress Through Guided Imagery

How to Relieve Stress Through Guided Imagery

Those looking to relieve stress may find the solution in guided imagery. In this technique, a person imagines specific types of images to achieve positive mental, emotional or physical results. Guided imagery revolves around the theory that the mind can control the body. Therefore, if a person can relieve the mind of stress, the body will be relieved as well. Scientific evidence shows that guided imagery can cause some patients to relax their muscles.


Learn About Guided Imagery


    Know that guided imagery is not a new fad. It has been around since ancient times, when it was used to relieve pain, heal the body and cure diseases. It was believed that just having a strong image of sickness could create the symptoms within the body. Therefore, being exposed to positive, healthful images was paramount.


    Get more information through a local guided imagery practitioner. You can find one by visiting the engine (see Resources below).


    Learn more about the treatment, including history, procedures and concerns, at the Web site (see Resources below).

Guide Your Own Images to Relieve Stress


    Find a place where you can be undisturbed for your session.


    Use headphones or a stereo to play soothing sounds. You can use a purchased audio recording of a professional to aid you. Many Web sites provide you with a script to read. You may find that you prefer the sound of soothing music to the sound of voices. Feel free to follow your preference.


    Think of the most relaxing place you would ever want to spend time. Really think of the details that surround this place. Hear the sounds. Feel the breeze. Smell the scent in the air.


    Feel your muscles relaxing as you relieve your stress through the image in your mind.


    Breathe deeply and steadily as you perform your guided imagery meditation.


    Relax each part of your body, step by step. Start from the top of your head and work your way down to your feet, or start at your feet and work your way up.


    'Tell' each part of your body to relax. (You can do this silently, through thought.) For instance, inhale as you think the words 'relax, relax,' then exhale as you think the words 'feet, relax.' Use the same technique on your ankles, calves and so on. It may sound silly, but it's intensely relaxing after a few minutes of practice.

How to Improve Your Nutrition Through Orthomolecular Medicine

How to Improve Your Nutrition Through Orthomolecular Medicine

In orthomolecular medicine, the adage 'you are what you eat' is considered to be true. In this form of medicine, the regulation of the body's chemicals and nutrients is used to treat many forms of sickness, like herpes, skin disorders and viral pneumonia. By working with an orthomolecular practitioner, you can form a nutrition plan that may help improve your health.


Familiarize Yourself With Orthomolecular Nutrition


    Know that Orthomolecular nutrition has been used since the 1950s when doctors were used it to treat those suffering from mental disorders. Linus Pauling adopted it in 1968. He created the concept of using 'the right molecules in the right amounts,' through which psychiatric ailments could possibly be treated.


    Understand that you may already be performing a type of modified orthomolecular therapy. If you take vitamin pills, you are following the tenets of this therapy. With the help of an orthomolecular nutritionist, you may improve your overall nutrition with supplements as varied as dietary fiber, amino and fatty acids, megadoses of vitamins, minerals and enzymes.


    Feel comforted knowing that, while this practice may be somewhat controversial in the medical community, it is thought to be safe and natural. Only the chemicals and nutrients that occur naturally in the body will be manipulated. Nothing foreign will be introduced into your body.


    Get your questions answered online. Visit Web sites like for more information (see Resources below).

Find a Practitioner in Your Area


    Locate a practitioner in your area by using search engines. Try the American College for Advancement in Medicine Web site (see Resources below). Facilitate your search by specifying specialty.


    Use the Web site to find links to practitioners in the United States and abroad. Only a small portion of the medical community prescribes orthomolecular nutrition plans. Therefore, finding a doctor near you may prove difficult.


    Choose your doctor and develop a nutrition plan for your specific needs.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

How to Learn About Orthomolecular Medicine

How to Learn About Orthomolecular Medicine

Orthomolecular medicine is the practice of restoring the nutritional and chemical balance of the human body to treat or prevent illnesses from influenza and colds to schizophrenia and epilepsy. The medical community is divided on this method of treatment. Some believe that the health benefits are illusory, while practitioners and many patients claim it is effective.


Learn the History of Orthomolecular Medicine


    Know that this treatment originated in the 1950s when doctors developed this method to treat mental disorders with vitamins.


    Discover the involvement in 1968 of Linus Pauling who popularized the idea of introducing 'the right molecules in the right amounts' to treat sicknesses related to psychiatry.


    Study the claims that orthomolecular medicine can treat diseases like acne, cancer and clinical depression. You can purchase 'Putting It All Together: The New Orthomolecular Nutrition' through (see Resources below).


    Find answers about the treatment online. The Web site has a detailed historical timeline, as well as medical data and other resources (see Resources below).

Learn About Both Sides of the Debate


    Realize that many in the medical community classify orthomolecular medicine as 'alternative medicine'. Practitioners believe that Orthomolecular Medicine is not an alternative to conventional medicine, but rather a complement. The use of insulin to regulate blood-sugar levels is an example of orthomolecular medicine, yet no one considers it to be 'alternative medicine.'


    Appreciate this treatment's commitment to natural health. It only manipulates the levels of nutrients that occur naturally within the body, whereas pharmaceuticals introduce foreign or synthetic chemicals into the body.


    Speak to a practitioner by finding one online. The American College for Advancement in Medicine has a Web site that allows you to locate orthomolecular doctors in the United States (see Resources below).

How to Avoid Dangerous Mole Removal Products

If you have a mole on your skin that you'd like to get removed, you have options. You can either opt for surgery or use a mole-removal product. However, not all products are safe. Avoid dangerous products by consulting with your dermatologist and following these guidelines.



    Understand what type of mole you have. Some moles are benign and others are malignant.


    Discuss your skin type and any allergies you might have with your dermatologist.


    Get a prescription from your dermatologist for a product that he recommends for mole removal.


    Do not be tempted to buy any products you see advertised. Stick with your prescription.


    Test the product on your skin before applying it directly to the mole. Wait 24 hours. If there are no side effects, proceed with the treatment.


    Do not use anyone else's medicine on your skin. It can be dangerous.

How to Make Homemade Toothpaste

Want to save some money and have the satisfaction of making your own toothpaste? Well, it is just a few steps away. These simple ingredients are already stocked in most people's cabinets. You can make many variations with just a few drops of different extracts. Experiment and come up with your own variations. It is that simple!



    Mix the baking soda and about 1/2 of the water until it is the consistency of toothpaste.


    Stir in salt.


    Add a few drops of the extract of your choice and mix well.


    Add a little more water if too thick.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

How to Make a Salt Pack

An application of heat can help stiff muscles and joints feel better, or can ease menstrual cramps and stomach aches. Though you can use heating pads, salt is an excellent retainer of heat and its weight can help soothe you further.



    Heat the salt over medium heat in a pot until it's very hot. Stir with a wooden spoon as you heat so all of the salt is equally heated. It should be fully heated within ten minutes.


    Pour salt into a cotton pillowcase. Wrap the pillowcase around it so the salt will not spill. You may want to put the first pillowcase inside a second one to make sure the salt stays inside.


    Immediately apply the salt pack to any area of your body that is stiff, to stomach for menstrual cramps or to any painful joints. Relax and let the weight and heat of the salt pack soothe you.


    Reheat the salt when it looses its heat. You can use it four to five times, after which it stops retaining heat.

How to Make a Ginger Compress

A ginger compress will stimulate the flow of blood wherever you use it. You can use this home remedy to treat lower back pain, sluggish kidneys and other ailments.



    Boil water in a large pot. Reduce heat to simmer.


    Grate the ginger. Using the fine side of the grater will give you the best results; more juice will be released into the water.


    Place ginger in a square of cheesecloth or a large muslin tea bag. Tie tightly.


    Add ginger to simmering water. Simmer for 5 minutes. Turn burner to low, and remove the ginger.


    Place one towel over the area of your body that you are treating, such as the lower back to treat your kidneys or back pain. Dip the second towel into the ginger-water and wring out. Place the ginger towel over the first towel. Cover with the third towel to retain heat.


    Change compress when it looses its heat and repeat until your skin glows bright pink.


    Save the ginger water. As long as you don't boil it, you can reuse it throughout the week for additional ginger compresses.

How to Treat Meniere's Disease Through Lifestyle Changes

How to Treat Meniere's Disease Through Lifestyle Changes

Meniere's disease is caused by abnormalities in fluid volume in the inner ear. Symptoms include dizziness, tinnitus, vertigo, roaring or popping sound in the ears, variable hearing loss and a feeling of pressure. Typically, when one ear manifests the symptoms, over time, hearing loss is may occur. Lifestyle changes can be one of the best ways to limit the symptoms of Meniere's since there is no cure.



    Maintain healthy eating habits. Eating a balanced diet allows your body to function at its best. Meals should be eaten regularly and consist of with whole grains, fiber, dairy, protein and some carbohydrates.


    Control the amount of sodium in your diet. The average person needs less than two grams of sodium per day. Sodium increases the amount of fluid your body retains and can affect your blood pressure. Processed or canned foods, soups and preserved meats such as bacon and ham contain high amounts of sodium.


    Limit or eliminate caffeine and restrict the use of alcohol and tobacco.


    Exercise regularly without extended periods of physical fatigue. Exercising three to four times a week, if possible.


    Reduce unnecessary stress that may be a part of your everyday life. Intense careers and the burden of personal responsibilities can become stressful and overwhelming. Make time for a short walk, a few minutes of fresh air, breathing exercises or any activity that calms you.


    Get plenty of sleep regularly to avoid fatigue, which can lead to added stress.


    See your physician yearly and request hearing tests to keep records of changes in your hearing after your diagnosis. Seek advice on counseling and prescription medications if symptoms continue or worsen.

Friday, October 27, 2017

How to Benefit From SAM-e

How to Benefit From SAM-e

SAM-e, or S-adenosylmethionine, is a combination of the amino acid methionine and adenosine triphospate (ATP). The human body naturally produces this compound and some medical studies show that levels of SAM-e may decrease with age. SAME-e supplements are available in both prescribed and over-the-counter dosages, and are used to treat a variety of conditions such as depression, fibromyalgia, liver diseases, osteoarthritis and more. Follow these steps when adding SAM-e into your lifestyle.



    Consult with your physician before adding SAM-e, or any other supplement, to your regimen. For those with existing conditions that require prescription medication, your doctor can discuss any potential side effects that could occur with the use of SAM-e. Patients with heart conditions, mental health issues or women who are pregnant could experience serious side effects and should not take SAM-e.


    Store SAM-e in a cool, dry place and keep tablets in the sealed packages until use for maximum effectiveness.


    Take SAM-e on an empty stomach and at least one hour before eating for optimal absorption. You may take the supplement with water to speed passage of the tablet into the stomach.


    Maintain the recommended dosage of SAM-e to avoid complications such as physical discomfort including diarrhea or headaches, and prevent weakened effects over time.


    Notify your physician if you experience any unusual or severe side effects.


    Discontinue use of the supplement under the guidance of your physician. Your physician may recommend graduated discontinuation based on your current dosage or because of the combined effects with other prescription medications.

How to Use "The Secret" for Perfect Health

How to Use

Holistic health brings us great insight into the mind body connection. By focusing our minds and energy on positive thoughts, we are better able to foster healing in our bodies. Principles taught in Rhonda Byrne's book "The Secret" mirror this philosophy and are of great use when dealing with sickness. Follow the steps below and begin to attract health to your mind, body and soul.



    Use your imagination and believe you are in perfect health. Imagine how a healthy body would feel and hold onto such feelings. Recall a past time when you were in good health or picture yourself as strong, energetic and pain free.


    Get a clear picture of what you want to look like. Cut out pictures of people with healthy bodies and put them in a place where you will see them each day. Such photographs carry positive energy that will increase your attraction to wellness.


    Write down several positive affirmations about your health. For example: "I am getting healthier everyday," or "My body is slender, strong and full of energy." Then spend 10 to 20 minutes each day meditating on these positive affirmations.


    Find the things that inspire you and experience them frequently. When you feel joy, the Law of Attraction will bring more joyful energy into your life. Go for long walks in nature or listen to inspiring music. Anything that makes you feel calm and at peace will do wonders for your body.


    Let go of negative emotions. Holding onto anger, resentment or fear will eventually manifest itself as sickness. If your emotions are deep seated, consult a counselor or psychiatrist to help you work through them.

How to Use a Home Remedy for Nail Fungus

How to Use a Home Remedy for Nail Fungus

Nail fungus usually occurs when the toenails are exposed to damp public areas, such as the gym, swimming pools or public bathrooms. Nail fungus causes your nails to become discolored, and a foul smelling substance will begin to grow under the nail. You may also experience pain at the nail site. There are several home remedies you can use to cure nail fungus.



    Use tea tree oil. Placing a small amount of tea tree oil on the affected toe will clean the toe out and also act as a fungicide.


    Soak the infected foot in a mixture of equal parts warm water and apple cider vinegar. The mixture works as an antiseptic.


    Mix oregano oil and olive oil. Place a few drops on the nail fungus. Oregano oil has antiseptic, antibacterial, analgesic and antifungal properties.


    Apply grapefruit seed extract. Another remedy that you can use is to spritz the extract onto the affected site twice a day.


    Dry feet thoroughly after placing any type of home remedy upon them. Damp toes will breed more fungus.

How to Use Sound Therapy

With roots in ancient India, sound therapy works on the premise that each cell in the body resonates and disease develops when the frequencies are disrupted. Sound is often used as a successful supplemental therapy. We can learn to use sound therapy in our daily lives to address issues such as chronic pain or insomnia.



    Determine how sound therapy can assist you. The practice uses sound to correct imbalances in the body, so determine what situations in your body seem to be cries for help, such as digestion problems, headaches or insomnia. Also think about what aspect of your spirit is manifesting difficulties, such as blocked creativity or an inability to focus.


    Incorporate sound therapy into your life. It's one of the easiest to learn self-help tools and you don't need talent or musical ability to achieve results. You may wish to purchase a few accessories, such as a couple of tuning forks. They can be found in music stores online and off, but before purchasing, try out different pitches at a local store to find tones that resonate for you.


    Exercise your ears. They have muscles and like all muscles, they need exercise. Some work or age-related hearing loss can be improved with an auditory fitness program. This method of sound therapy can also improve learning, listening and communication functions.


    Research the way children can benefit from sound therapy, especially those with speech or language disorders or behavioral issues. Contact your pediatrician for more information about how the Berard and Tomatis methods of sound therapy might help your child.


    Join a group that offers sessions of chanting, bell ringing or drumming. These activities can provide therapeutic benefit in a fun setting. Chanting helps with concentration and Gregorian chants help reduce stress by focusing on breathing. Bells can help promote focus and drumming can relieve tension and pain with its heartbeat-like rhythm.


    Jump in the shower, a great place to use your voice for toning exercises, another form of sound therapy. Stand straight, relax your back and jaw, take a deep abdominal breath and as you exhale, sound a note; any note is fine. The idea is to create a resonant sound and experiment with different tones until you find one that makes you feel good.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

How to Use Laughter Therapy

One doesn't usually think of laughter as therapy, but a chuckle a day can prevent stress buildup, enhance physical and mental performances and strengthen the immune system. It also promote the release of mood-enhancing hormones, such as endorphins and help oxygen pump better throughout the body. Learning to use laughter therapy can even enable the body to produce an antibody to ward off colds and flu.



    Plan a night out for a nice dinner and a visit to your local comedy club. Get dressed up, get out there with your significant other and share some laughs with a person who makes others laugh for a living.


    Rent or buy a humorous video with actors who always make you laugh. Besides the varied personalities of comediennes, there are many genres of humor. If you really want to know how to make laughter work in your life, do a short study to learn which types of comedy make your funny bone happy. Research satire, parody, slap stick, adage, irony, fantasy and black comedy.


    Get a joke-a-day calendar for work and home. From that, you can start a daily joke email to share with friends and family.


    Buy a joke book and memorize a few to pass along to others throughout the week. Don't over do this one or you'll become known as a p-e-s-t.


    Try a laughing meditation. At least once a day, take two deep, cleansing breathes, stretch your arms up over your head and lower them back down to your sides. Smile and then start to giggle and work up to a good, hearty laugh.


    Decide to have a sense of humor at home, at work, in the grocery store or a restaurant. Everyone make mistakes, including you, so learn to laugh at yourself a bit. The best way to use laughter therapy is to let the joke be on you once in a while.

How to Grow Black Cohosh

Best known these days as the "menopause plant," black cohosh is a hardy perennial that grows from southern Canada south to Georgia, over to Arkansas and up to Wisconsin. Most black cohosh is harvested in the wild. Follow these steps to grow and cultivate black cohosh.



    Find a shady area with damp soil for your black cohosh seeds. This plant prefers humus rich soil, the kind you find in the mossy beds of a forest.


    Plant seeds inch below the soil in a flat in late summer, spaced about 2 feet apart. Black cohosh needs the room because it can self sow its seed and will quickly grow to over 4 feet. Leaves are large and the white flowers, which bloom May through July, are plentiful and grow to over 6 feet tall. Once you've planted the seeds, cover the soil with mulch to keep in moisture.


    Be patient. Seeds will need 2-4 weeks of warm temperatures, around 70F, followed by at least 3 months of cold, about 40F. In many locations, the ripe seeds can be planted in a shady bed in late summer or early fall and left for 18 months or so.


    Transplant the seedlings into individual pots once they pop up with their second set of true leaves, the ones that come up after the "seed leaves" appear. Leave them in a shady area for another 6 months and in late summer or early fall, when the plants are about two years old, you can plant them in a shady garden. Black cohosh has a rather unpleasant smell to humans, but bees and birds love it.


    Get ready for harvest as you watch the seedlings develop in little capsules from August to October. The capsules will rattle when shaken.


    Harvest black cohosh sometime in October. The rhizome will be dark brown to black in color, thick and gnarled. The roots attached to the rhizome are used for medicinal purposes.


    Wash the roots, blot with a paper towel and dry on a wire rack in a clean, well-ventilated area at 80F to 95F for one week. Once they are dry, store them in a burlap bag or cardboard drum in a cool, dark, dry location. Use within a year.

How to Find Natural Supplements to Boost Metabolism

In this age of beauty and fitness, some people strive for that perfect body. For those who struggle with weight loss, an herbal supplement may be the answer to boost metabolism and achieve that desired body weight goal.



    Speed up your metabolism with Guarana. Guarana is the herbal equivalent of caffeine and is used in weight loss supplements due to its stimulating properties. It has also been linked to improving mental alertness, stamina and also detoxifying the blood and acting as a natural aphrodisiac.


    Boost your metabolism with Bitter Orange. Bitter Orange has been known to increase basal metabolic rates and to act as a thermogenic weight loss supplement. Thermogenesis is activated when norepinephrine and epinephrine are stimulated, which are hormones that allow the body to burn more calories.


    Take a green tea break. Green tea is not only a refreshing beverage, but it is also a great antioxidant and has been linked to firing up your metabolism.


    Get nutty with the Kola nut. The Kola nut has not only been linked to boosting the metabolism, but has also been linked to reducing risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease and anxiety, in addition to improving the immune system and acting as an antioxidant.


    Max out your metabolism's potential by adding Yerba Mate to your diet. Yerba Mate has been used in South Africa for centuries, and it contains 24 vitamins and minerals, 15 amino acids and 11 polyphenols, a group of phytochemicals which act as antioxidants. Yerba Mate is a natural stimulant that has chemical components similar to green tea, but are considered more nutritious.


    Add folic acid to your dietary regimen. In conjunction with vitamin B12 and vitamin C, these supplements help to metabolize protein, and allow for the formation and growth of red and white blood cells.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

How to Grow Feverfew

Widely known as a good herb to treat certain types of migraines, feverfew is a perennial native to southeastern Europe and Asia, but found in many other areas. This is a perfect plant for those without a green thumb. It will grow anywhere, even in bad soil and among weeds. Its reputation for being low maintenance convinces many amateur herbalists to grow feverfew right in their own backyards.



    Decide where to plant your feverfew and if you want to use pots or sow the seeds right into the ground. You'll have plenty of choices since feverfew will pop up between the cracks in a sidewalk or a wall, a weedy garden or even on a rocky slope. Feverfew loves full sun and doesn't need an abundance of moisture.


    Plant by seed in the spring or root division in the fall. Feverfew can grow up to two feet. Its leaves are brightly colored and have an aromatic smell, but somewhat bitter taste. The plant will live through a mild winter if placed in a sheltered spot.


    Watch for flowers which appear from summer until mid-fall and look like daisies with yellow centers. As feverfew self sows its seed, the flowers will be quite plentiful.


    Divide the plants when they get too big and plant in another location, keeping them moist until reestablished.


    Harvest the entire plant while in bloom. Cut the leaves and flowers as needed. Dry the flowers face down on a flat surface to use later in potpourri. The leaves, flowers and occasionally, the stems, are used for medicinal purposes and are what give the feverfew its commercial value.


    Store no longer than 120 days to maintain full effectiveness. Studies reveal feverfew leaves are best stored in powdered form in freezer conditions (-15C).

How to Grow Ginkgo Biloba

Believed to be the oldest surviving tree on earth, ginkgo biloba has ancestors that lived when dinosaurs roamed around the world.
The medicinal properties of this fruit tree were discovered in 3000 B.C. by Chinese herbalist, Shen Nung, who proclaimed its usefulness in treating heart problems. Today it is cultivated throughout Europe and North America. Recent research shows it improves blood flow to the body and helps with concentration.



    Plant ginkgo biloba seeds in full sunshine to partial shade in any type soil, including sand, as long as it's well drained.


    Grow seed in the ground in the fall or in deep containers protected by an outdoor greenhouse in the winter and transplant later. The seeds should germinate all spring. Chose a male ginkgo biloba tree if you decide to go that route. The fruits from a female tree are slippery and smell very unappealing.


    Watch for the fruits in the fall. Pollination takes place the tree's first year, usually by the wind. The ginkgo biloba tree has one or more trunks with round fruits about the size of a cherry tomato, each containing one seed. A tree can live 1,000 years and grow as tall as 50 to 100 feet and is known for its resistance to insects and pollution.


    Be patient. The ginkgo biloba tree grows very slowly, mostly between May and the first part of September. It may take several seasons for blooms to appear.


    Harvest your ginkgo biloba tree in the fall. Only the leaves are used for medicinal purposes and are what gives ginkgo biloba its commercial value. Best time to prune this tree is spring.


    Store the seeds in your refrigerator and use them quickly. Store harvested leaves in a cool, dry place.

How to Use Melatonin

How to Use Melatonin

Melatonin is a natural substance found in the body that regulates its sleep cycles. Melatonin is now available in an over-the-counter supplement. Many people take melatonin supplements to help reset their body clocks and to compensate for the decrease in melatonin in their bodies that occurs over time. You can also use it for insomnia and other sleep disorders. Read on to learn how to use melatonin.



    Purchase synthetic melatonin rather than animal-extracted melatonin, which can contain unwanted animal proteins and possible viruses.


    Set aside enough time for a full night's sleep before taking any melatonin. Finish any driving or use of machinery you must do before taking it.


    Take the melatonin about 30 minutes to an hour before you plan to sleep. Begin with a dose of about 1.5 milligrams for most uses, or ask your doctor about the dosage right for you. Make sure that melatonin is compatible with any medications that you are currently taking.


    Use melatonin to reset your body clock when you experience jet lag by taking it at the appropriate time to sleep in your time zone, even if you are not tired yet.


    Pop some melatonin if you repeatedly wake up during the night, using the supplement to create a deeper sleep.


    Consume melatonin to prevent headaches that interfere with sleep, or for insomnia caused by a serious illness such as cancer or Alzheimer's disease.


    Watch for any side effects the next day. Discontinue taking the melatonin if the side effects outweigh the sleep benefits.

How to Treat Canker Sores With Sauerkraut

How to Treat Canker Sores With Sauerkraut

The cause of canker sores is unknown but they seem to signal an imbalance in the body. They can be triggered by stress, menstrual cycles, poor nutrition, food allergies or too much candy. Follow these steps to treat canker sores with sauerkraut.



    Purchase sauerkraut juice. If you can't find it in a store, purchase it online.


    Buy sauerkraut if you can't find any sauerkraut juice or it's too expensive. Drain the juice from the sauerkraut or just dip a tablespoon in it as you need it.


    Use about a tablespoon of sauerkraut juice. Swish it around your mouth for about 30 seconds and swallow it.


    Rinse your mouth with sauerkraut juice at least two or three times a day. Your canker sores should clear up in about a week.


    Eat foods with sauerkraut for added benefit. Some of these foods include Reuben sandwiches, hot dogs with sauerkraut or sauerkraut and bratwurst.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

How to Treat Asthma With Coffee

How to Treat Asthma With Coffee

Caffeine has been found to dilate bronchial tubes. It is chemically similar to asthma drugs and has been used to treat asthma since the 1800's. Numerous studies have shown the positive effects of coffee drinking used to treat asthma symptoms. Follow these steps to treat asthma with coffee.



    Decide what type of coffee you want. Premium gourmet brands you grind yourself at the grocery store are most delicious--you can even create your own blend.


    Make one cup of coffee when experiencing asthma symptoms. Drink only about 1/3 cup since coffee is a potent caffeine source.


    Wait about 10 minutes and see if you notice positive effect on your asthma symptoms. If not, drink about 1/3 cup more.


    See if you feel better after about 10 more minutes. If you are still experiencing asthma symptoms and you don't have any other medical conditions which require you to limit intake of caffeine, go ahead and drink the rest of the cup.


    Notice if you feel better after 10 more minutes. If not, caffeine may not be what you need to relieve symptoms. Seek further medical treatment or use your own prescribed medication.

How to Treats Colds With Ginger Tea

How to Treats Colds With Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is the best treatment for colds, according to traditional Chinese medicine. It has strong yang energy and warms the stomach and lungs. The Chinese have been using it for 2,500 years to treat congestion, sinus pain and sore throat. Follow these steps to treat colds with ginger tea.



    Boil about one tablespoon grated fresh ginger in a few cups of water. You can also use 1/3 to 1/2 tsp. powdered ginger.


    Simmer the ginger root for 20 minutes. While it's simmering, inhale the steam. This inhalation relieves congestion and dilates constricted bronchial tubes.


    Drink your ginger tea with a bit of brown sugar or honey if you like. Drink it on an empty stomach so it can be absorbed directly into your system. Do this a few times a day.


    Repeat the first three steps while you are experiencing cold symptoms. Ginger can also help soothe your stomach, stimulate your appetite and aid in digestion.


    Preserve your fresh ginger by placing it in some sherry and keeping it in the refrigerator. You will be able to cook with it long after your cold has gone.

How to Treat Constipation With Honey and Lemon Juice

How to Treat Constipation With Honey and Lemon Juice

The uncomfortable effects of constipation have plagued humans for millennia, and it seems that all through history, countless remedies and tonics have been made to ease constipation--from senna pods and aloe to dandelion tea and herbal infusions. Another time honored remedy to treat constipation is honey and lemon juice.



    Select a few smaller, nearly ripe lemons from the produce aisle. Look for a bright waxy peel and clean citrus smell. Lemons are a natural disinfectant and eating them greatly improves your overall health as well as helps to maintain healthy immune function and healthy digestive function in the body.


    Consider buying locally farmed and harvested honey made from wildflowers or clover. Honey is a proven, powerful antioxidant and eating honey native to your region also helps to alleviate symptoms from environmental allergens and irritants. Check local farmer's markets or specialty grocery stores in your area to find locally made honey. Or, buy clover honey from your local grocery store.


    Drink a cup of warm water or herbal tea mixed with fresh lemon juice and honey every morning on an empty stomach to treat your constipation. You want to use about half a squeezed lemon and around three tablespoons of honey for each cup that you make.


    Continue taking this honey and lemon juice natural remedy for at least a week. This natural laxative should have you regular again in no time, and then keep drinking it to help maintain your overall health for a lifetime.

Monday, October 23, 2017

How to Treat Warts With Banana Peel

How to Treat Warts With Banana Peel

Warts are stubborn, embarrassing and sometimes even painful. There are many commercial treatments available to treat warts, ranging from home cryotherapy kits to salicylic acid. These treatments are expensive and some make the wart appear even uglier and more conspicuous than the untreated wart. Forgo expensive traditional remedies and use the most gentle and inexpensive home remedy available, the banana peel.



    Use fresh banana peel pieces each day on the affected areas. Some people recommend freezing chunks of banana peel and thawing pieces as needed to avoid going through so many bananas, but fresh peel has a higher efficacy.


    Cut a fresh square inch-sized piece of banana peel. Use bananas that are just turning from green to yellow, as the active healing compounds degrade with age. Wash the affected area with soap and warm water.


    Prepare the wart by soaking it in warm water to soften the rough surface. You can also abrade the surface with an emery board to disrupt the surface of the wart.


    Secure the inner side of the peel to the wart with an adhesive bandage. Leave the bandaged peel in place for at least eight hours overnight.


    Wash the treated area with soap and warm water in the morning. Allow the wart to air dry, and then apply a clean bandage to the wart during the day. Change the bandage whenever it gets wet, as the virus that causes warts thrives in moist environments.


    Remove the black and brown parts of the damaged wart daily with nail trimmers. You must expose the fresh, undamaged wart root to the peel to enhance the treatment. You should begin to see progress after 3 days of treatment. Most warts disappear after 14 days.

How to Treat Sweaty Feet With Tea

How to Treat Sweaty Feet With Tea

The soles of the feet are susceptible to sweatiness, because our feet contain over 3,000 sweat glands per square inch and we enclose our feet in shoes and socks most of the time. Excessive moisture allows odor causing bacteria to thrive, so the first step in reducing foot odor is sweat reduction. The tannic acids found in black tea kill odor causing bacteria and shrink the pores in the feet.



    Boil 1 pint of water. Add 2 black tea bags. You can use regular or decaffeinated tea. Both contain the essential tannic acids.


    Steep the tea longer than you normally would if you were to drink the tea. Allow 15 minutes to release the maximum amount of tannic acids. The tea must appear black. If your solution is too weak, add another tea bag.


    Dilute the tea solution with 2 quarts of cold water to create enough solution to soak your feet. Place the solution in a clean washtub.


    Soak your feet in the cool tea solution for 30 minutes. Repeat daily for one week. As you achieve sweat control, you can reduce treatments to twice weekly.


    Wash feet with a washcloth, soap and warm water to remove tea stains. Buff feet gently with a pumice stone to reduce calluses that retain stains.


    Dry feet and apply foot powder to maintain the dryness. Leave feet uncovered overnight, and wear cotton socks during the day to allow odor causing moisture to wick away from feet.

How to Find Yourself

How to Find Yourself

In today's hectic world, people often experience a sense of losing one's self. But, it is possible to rediscover yourself. Finding yourself is about nurturing a connection to the person you want to be. If you feel lost or detached, the following steps will help you find yourself.



    Learn to put your needs first. This can be difficult, especially if you have a spouse and children. Obviously you can't complete forget about your family's needs; however, you can put aside some time for yourself everyday.


    Take a break. Schedule some quiet time to be alone with yourself. Put away thoughts about work, family obligations and all the other stress in your life. Focus on you. Think about what you'd do with your life if there were no obstacles. Decide how you would spend your time if money wasn't an issue.


    Imagine what you'd like others to say about you once you're gone. Think about the words you'd want them to use when describing you. These words say a lot about the type of person you want to be.


    Remember times throughout your life when you were happiest. Think about what you were doing and who you were with. Identify what about those experiences made you so happy and satisfied.


    Use a journal to record your answers to these questions and any other relevant thoughts. Keep journaling on a regular basis. Go back and review the discoveries you have about yourself. Over time, you'll start to understand what makes you happy and what type of person you want to be. Then, you can go out and be that person.

How to Treat Hair Loss With Aromatherapy

How to Treat Hair Loss With Aromatherapy

Hair loss has many varied causes including, genetics, hormonal changes or medical issues and can be a problem for women and men, and in our culture many people do just about anything to avoid hair loss. However, aromatherapy offers hope for some people suffering from hair loss.



    Talk to your doctor before using aromatherapy to treat hair loss. They may want to explore why you're losing hair as this can indicate a health issue. They also may feel that aromatherapy may not work for you and have other suggestions for treating hair loss.


    Combine essential oils. Mix two drops Thyme, three drops Lavender, three drops Rosemary, three drops Cedrus atlantica and two drops Atlas Cedar Wood into a carrier oil of three ml of jojoba and 20 ml of grapeseed oil. Scottish dermatologists had great results in treating hair loss using this combination over the course of seven months.


    Try other essential oils that have been used for treating hair loss such as Bay, Cedarwood, Grapefruit, Jojoba oil, Lemon, Roman Chamomile and Ylang Ylang. Be sure you combine essential oils with a carrier oil such as grapeseed oil before massaging into scalp.


    Rub or massage the aromatherapy mixture into scalp for two minutes. Massaging the scalp in treating hair loss is vital.


    Wrap the scalp with a towel and leave on overnight.


    Rinse the scalp with a mild shampoo in the morning.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

How to Use Home Remedies for Colds

How to Use Home Remedies for Colds

The common cold has many causes, but there is no cure. However, there are a few things that you can do at home, which can calm your symptoms and shorten the length of your cold. Read on to learn how to use home remedies to treat your cold and avoid the harsh side effects of many over-the-counter cold remedies.



    Take Vitamin C, a proven remedy for the common cold that can ease symptoms and significantly shorten the length of your cold. Vitamin C works to boost your immune system; a dosage of 1.5 to 2 g a the onset of a cold is recommended. Eat citrus, like oranges and grapefruits, as they are high in Vitamin C.


    Consume garlic. Simply put it in your mouth and chew to relieve your cold symptoms. If the garlic is too strong, you can also take garlic supplements and avoid the harsh taste and bad breath.


    Eat chicken soup. This traditional home remedy is now getting attention in the medical community as a great treatment for colds. You can buy pre-made soup or make your own. The steam from the soup can help with congestion and chicken broth is believed to have anti-inflammatory effects, which will help to alleviate your symptoms.


    Use salt. Make your own nasal drops for a dry and stuffy nose by adding 1/4 tsp. of table salt to about 5 ml of lukewarm water. Use one to two drops, three to four times daily. For a sore throat, gargle several times a day with 1 tsp. of salt dissolved into a glass of warm water .


    Clear a blocked nose by mixing menthol or thyme leaves in a bowl of hot water. Place your nose over the bowl and cover your head with a towel, breathing deeply. A hot bath with a few drops of cinnamon can also help relieve a stuffy nose.

How to Treat Diarrhea With Macaroon Cookies

How to Treat Diarrhea With Macaroon Cookies

Many suffering from excessive diarrhea, such as those with Crohn's disease, have found relief from an unusual remedy--macaroon cookies. Some say the treatment works better than any medication for the ailment. Learn how to treat diarrhea with macaroon cookies.



    Check with your doctor if you are experiencing chronic diarrhea, or if you are very ill in addition to having diarrhea. You will want to rule out any serious conditions before seeking an at-home treatment for something that is only sporadic.


    Understand how coconut and coconut oil benefit the digestive system. Some people have a digestive disorder that prevents them from absorbing the proper nutrients from their food. In these cases, the digestive tract needs to be cleansed. Coconut oil has been found to be a beneficial solution to this need for cleansing.


    Consider eating macaroon cookies, which contain dried coconut, to curb problematic diarrhea. Numerous companies sell this variety of cookie in the grocery store. You can also make your own from a recipe.


    Try eating two macaroon cookies each day while you have diarrhea. This is a good place to start. Some people using this treatment note that even increasing to three cookies a day causes another problem--constipation.


    Gauge your body's reaction to the treatment, and always seek medical attention if you feel something is not right with your body. If you feel that the macaroon cookies are improving how you feel, continue to eat a few a day until the problem subsides.

How to Treat Cuts With Black Pepper

How to Treat Cuts With Black Pepper

Alternative medicines are gaining in popularity as we become aware of all the possibilities inherent in the herbs and spices that surround us. Black pepper is one such spice that has medicinal properties. Below is a look at how you can use black pepper to stop bleeding and help heal your cuts.



    Rinse the cut. Make sure to get rid of any dirt or foreign matter that you might find. Be sure to cleanse it thoroughly before doing anything that might press infectious material further into the cut.


    Dab up any bleeding as best you can with a clean, sterile cloth or paper towel. If possible, keep the affected body part elevated; gravity will help stop the bleeding during this part of your treatment.


    Put black pepper on the cut. Ground black pepper is ideal for this, whether from the kitchen shaker or from packets of black pepper.


    Bandage securely. Depending on the size of the cut, use a normal adhesive strip, or, if necessary, adhesive tape with gauze. Be sure to cover all areas of the cut to help stop the bleeding and to keep out dirt and germs.


    Check the cut daily to monitor healing. With one application you should see significant progress such that you shouldn't have to repeat the process. You will notice that the black pepper has the effect of stopping the bleeding while assuring that the cut heals, often without much indication of scarring.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

How to Learn to Love Yourself

How to Learn to Love Yourself

Some days, it's impossible to look in the mirror and see anything that you like. It is so easy to start criticizing yourself. This negative thinking can affect your entire life. Start loving who you are with these steps.



    Go to a mirror and take a look at yourself. Find one thing that you like about yourself. It doesn't matter what it is. Good skin, nice smile, great hair. It can even be something as tiny as great shaped eyebrows. Just find something that you can be positive about.


    Hold on to that one positive thing. The next time you think a negative thought about yourself, stop and remind yourself that you do have something about yourself that is great.


    Find something else about yourself that you like. It doesn't matter what it is, it just has to be something positive. Again, use these positive things to cancel out the negative. It doesn't have to be something positive physically either. Doing something good at work, a favor for a friend, handling a difficult situation well all counts as something positive.


    Treat yourself when you come up with something positive about yourself. Take time to pamper yourself or pick up a special treat just for yourself. Create a positive attitude in yourself.


    Continue to reinforce this positive thinking. Negative thoughts are as much of a habit as positive ones. So your creating a new way of thinking about yourself. Continue and repeat the steps of find something positive about yourself and reinforcing them when negative thoughts creep in.

How to Know the Best Way to Lose Weight With Herbs

How to Know the Best Way to Lose Weight With Herbs

Weight loss can be tricky. The formula is pretty simple: Eat a healthy diet, exercise, and don't consume too many calories. But what happens if you've been doing these things but are not getting the results you expect? Herbs can help out a lot.

Note: Depending on the herbs you choose they can help your body burn fat, boost your metabolism, and keep your liver healthy. The herbs listed below are not diet aids. They simply help strengthen the body's natural ability to lose weight. They are also not stimulating like some of the "diet herbs" on the market.

If you are looking for a guide to help you detox, this is NOT it. If you want something that will help you lose weight quickly, again, you will not find that info in this article.

Too many people try to find the quick way out. They spend years abusing their bodies and eating food that is bad for them. They neglect their bodies and continue to not exercise. Instead, they want to undo years of abuse by taking a supplement that will crash the weight off. This is just MORE abuse.

You will NEVER find that kind of information in an article that I write. This is not a healthy mindset and I will never advocate those methods. My goal is to help you get healthy. Period.

So if you read the steps below and feel disappointed that I'm telling you to take herbs that will gently get your body back in balance and will help aid you in a normal, healthy weight loss schedule - perhaps it's time for a change of mentality? If you want to lose weight it is NOT an overnight process.

My advice would be to really think about your habits and your lifestyle. Make the changes that you need and then choose one or two of the herbs listed below that will gently help your body be as healthy as possible. This WILL translate to weight loss.



    Choose one of the herbs listed below to try. Add 1 tsp. of the herb to hot water (or one tea bag). Let steep for ten minutes and then remove the tea bag or strain the herb. Drink two to three cups a day.


    A healthy liver helps your body process the extra fat and eliminate it. To stimulate your liver try dandelion root, burdock root, yellow dock root or dandelion leaves.


    Traditional tea is also a good weight loss aid. White tea and green tea are the best, but black tea and oolong tea will work as well. They come from the sample plant, they're just dried differently.


    Some herbs really help fire up your metabolism, which helps you burn more calories. These herbs include ginger, cayenne pepper, and cinnamon.


    Excess stress can really take a toll on your body and cause you to gain weight. You can help manage your stress by using herbs such as lemon balm, chamomile, and oatstraw.

How to Get Allergy Relief with Herbs

How to Get Allergy Relief with Herbs

Stinging nettle is by far my favorite herb for allergies. But, there are plenty of herbs out there that will work. Since everyone is different, you may not have the same positive reaction to stinging nettle that I do.

There are so many herbs and supplements that you can choose from that can all help. The goal is to find the herb that works the best for your needs.

Choose from the following herbs:

Stinging nettle
Green tea
White tea
Cayenne pepper

Choose one herb at a time to work with so you can test how it works. I also take extra Vitamin C, quercetin (note that garlic has quercetin) and grapeseed extract if my allergies are really bad.

My favorite way of taking any of the herbs listed above is with a tea. So the instructions for making a tea with the herbs are listed below. But, you can also take a pill. Just follow the instructions on the bottle.



    Place the loose herb in a tea strainer or drop tea bag into the mug.


    Pour boiling water into the mug.


    Let steep for at least 10 minutes. If using stinging nettle, steep for around thirty minutes.


    Remove tea strainer or tea bag. Sweeten and enjoy.

Friday, October 20, 2017

How to Treat Acne With Burdock Root

How to Treat Acne With Burdock Root

Acne can be an embarrassing problem. It's also something that can be controlled using a combination of a good diet, a smart exercise program and the right herbs.

One of the best herbs I've found for skin problems like acne is burdock root. For best results, you need to apply it to the skin and also take it internally. Most people see results after about a month so give it a chance. This isn't a quick fix, but it does work.



    Add water and herbs to the medium saucepan.


    Set stove to medium-high and bring to a boil. Leave saucepan uncovered.


    Once it comes to a boil, turn the heat down to low. Simmer until the liquid is reduced to about half.


    Take about 1/2 cup internally two to three times a day. Also, dab the liquid onto the affected skin using a cotton ball in the morning and at night.

How to Treat a Stuffy Nose With Herbs

How to Treat a Stuffy Nose With Herbs

My nose gets stuffy all the time--especially in the summer when my allergies are at their worst and in the winter when I have a cold.

Over the years I've developed a series of methods that help me breathe easier without overloading my body with medicine.

Here, I'll share with you my favorites. Choose one or two of the methods that you like the best to test them out. Don't do any more than that, though, because you may not be sure of what is actually working for you and what isn't.


Tips to Help You Get Started


    Fill a bowl with hot water and add some peppermint leaves. Place your face about six inches away from the bowl and inhale the steam. You can drape a towel over your head to form a tent to prevent the steam from escaping.


    Place a drop of peppermint essential oil on your pillow before you go to bed.


    Purchase a menthol inhaler and use throughout the day as needed. Follow the instructions on the package.


    Drink green tea, coffee (the caffeine has decongestant properties) or peppermint tea.


    Eat something with plenty of fresh garlic, horseradish or onions. Cut an onion and let your eyes tear.


    Eat something hot. Foods spiced with hot peppers helps drain the sinuses.

How to Treat Flatulence With Fennel

How to Treat Flatulence With Fennel

An embarrassing and uncomfortable gastrointestinal malady, flatulence can cause us to avoid some of the healthier choices in our diet. Beans, soy and cruciferous vegetables frequently cause flatulence. Fennel is a natural flatulence treatment described in ancient Roman texts and recognized by the medical community today. You can use fennel whenever flatulence strikes without worrying about side effects or building up tolerance.



    Use fresh fennel bulbs and seeds for cooking and tea. The volatile oils that help the body to expel gas dissipate as fennel ages. The efficacy of the 6-year-old jar of fennel seeds on your spice rack is low.


    Add fennel to your stews, salads and casseroles to reduce their gassy effects on you. Fennel imparts a sweet flavor to dishes akin to licorice. It pairs especially well with Italian dishes and sausage entrees.


    Chew on a fresh stalk of fennel after your meal. An amount the size of a postage stamp contains enough volatile oils to prevent gas.


    Prepare hot tea with whole fennel seeds. Crush the seeds briefly with a mortar and pestle to express the volatile oils. Add tsp. of crushed seeds to 1 cup boiling water. Strain after steeping for 10 minutes. You can drink this tea after each meal.


    Ask the doctor about offering fennel tea to a colicky infant. People have used fennel for centuries to produce "gripe water" to calm gassy babies.

How to Treat Candida Naturally

How to Treat Candida Naturally

Candida is a yeast infection that is called thrush when it is in the mouth, but it can appear as diaper rash or a vaginal yeast infection. It can appear after antibiotics kills beneficial bacteria along with harmful bacteria. It can be treated naturally with good results.



    Eliminate foods that contain sugar and yeast, which feed candida. Also avoid mushrooms and molds, vinegar and other fermented products, including alcohol or soy sauce. Other foods to avoid include dry roasted nuts, most commercial soups, white flour and bacon and other pork products.


    Reduce the amount of starchy vegetables and whole grains until symptoms improve. Limit your consumption of fruit and diluted fruit juices because the sugar content may cause yeast to grow. Use only small amounts of nuts, seeds, beans and other legumes.


    Eat eggs, chicken, turkey, seafood and lamb. Eat all vegetables except corn and potatoes. Focus on cabbage, raw garlic, onions, broccoli, turnip and kale. These vegetables all inhibit the growth of candida.


    Take a yeast-free multi-vitamin, vitamin C (1000 milligrams 4 times daily is effective), 100 micrograms selenium, 400 IU dry Vitamin E and extra beta carotene daily. These should improve the body's immune system. Take lactobacilus acidophilus and bifidobacteria in recommended quantities to repopulate the intestines with good bacteria.


    Try antifungal herbs or herbal remedies specifically for candida. These contain ingredients to slow or eliminate the growth of fungus or yeast.


    Eat yogurt daily to increase lactobacillus acidophilus. Once the candida has been cured, continue to consume the yogurt. It can't hurt you and has other benefits.