Wednesday, November 1, 2017

How to Use Neuro Linguistic Programming to Change Behaviors

How to Use Neuro Linguistic Programming to Change Behaviors

With its roots in the human potential movement of the 1970s, the neuro linguistic programming self-help curriculum seeks to induce change in behaviors by altering mental "maps." It seeks to change how we view our experiences: past, present and future. Supposedly, a person reshapes his or her map through modeling, matching behavior and outlook to those of successful people. It is said that people can use NLP to change bad behavior like overeating, smoking, nail-biting or excessive drinking.


Find Out if NLP is Right for You


    Search the Internet for information on the history and practice of NLP. The NLP Basics Web site is a great place to start (see Resources below).


    Think about the behaviors in your life that you would like to change. Add these to your search criteria to find out how NLP addresses these problems.


    Try some of the exercises you find at the NLP Marin Web site (see Resources below). Focus especially on those exercises involving guided imagery.


    Determine in your own mind how comfortable you feel with this experience. If you are "turned off" or "don't get it," NLP may not be the best choice for you.

Decide How to Use Neuro Linguistic Programming


    Gather the facts you have learned about NLP in relation to your own needs. Test out those techniques that can safely be self-taught. For instance, you can learn a popular technique known as "the Swish" at the Speak Like a Pro Web site (see Resources below). You can practice basic eye accessing cues at the Smart Driving Web site (see Resources below).


    Seek out a practitioner if your particular behaviors are best addressed by professional help rather than self-help.

Choose a Practitioner and Change Your Behaviors


    Write down any questions you would like to ask a practitioner about NLP and your particular goals.


    Use a directory (telephone or Internet) or ask a friend to help lead you to a practitioner. Contact one or more of the people listed, preferably by phone, and ask your questions.


    Make an appointment with the person who seems most satisfactory.


    Cooperate fully with your practitioner for best results.


    Expect private sessions to range in price from moderate to expensive.

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