Friday, September 30, 2016

Natural Home Remedy for Sinus in Kids

Sinus infections in children are a common ailment that causes swelling of the sinuses and nasal cavity. Parents often have difficulty recognizing the symptoms of a sinus infection in small children. According to emedicinehealth, symptoms commonly associated with sinus infections include headache or pressure in the eyes, nose or cheek areas, cough, fever and bad breath. The symptoms usually develop after a viral infection such as the common cold.

Relieve Congestion

    According to Dr. Alan Greene, clinical professor of pediatrics at Stanford University School of Medicine, saline nose drops may help thin out mucus and speed healing. Saline drops are available at pharmacies and health food stores. Avoid using the same dropper on more than one child, as this causes cross-contamination.

Thin Mucus

    Offer your child plenty of clear liquids such as water, juice, hot tea and soup to help thin mucus. A common home remedy many parents find useful for thinning mucus and relieving congestion is steam. According to the Children's Hospital of Boston, many pediatricians routinely recommend the use of cool-mist humidifiers in sinusitis treatment. If you do not have a steam vaporizer, try turning on the shower and closing the door, allowing the bathroom to fill with steam. Have your child sit in the room and inhale the steam. For an older child, boil a pot of water and have him inhale the steam from the pot. Place a towel over his head to prevent steam from escaping. Do this in 10-minute increments as often as needed.

Pain Relief

    Sinus infections can be extremely painful and many parents wonder which home remedies they can use. Have your child lay on her bed. Turn off the lights and shut the blind to make the room as dark as possible, as light can often aggravate headaches. Alternate between a hot and cold compress applied to the affected areas. Perform a facial massage to the affected area by applying light pressure with your fingertips and stroking the skin. According to, holding the pressure while kneading in a circular motion for one to two minutes, several times per day, may relieve sinus pain and pressure.

Home Treatment for Shoulder Bursitis

The shoulder is one of the most common parts of the body to be afflicted by bursitis. Bursitis is the result of overuse of the shoulder joint and is commonly associated with activity that can range from playing tennis to raking the yard. If not treated, chronic bursitis can result in a buildup of calcium deposits that will ultimately decrease your ability to use the shoulder. Several home remedies can be applied.


    The causes of shoulder bursitis are related to repetitive motions or suddenly strenuous activity in a normally sedentary person. Heavy lifting is a frequent catalyst and the pain can be related to either the amount lifted or lifting a smaller weight from an uncomfortable position. A good way to prevent bursitis is not to engage in any strenuous activity for a long time after a long period of inactivity. Also, be aware of repetitive motions that use the shoulder.


    Preventative measures for those who must engage in the kind of actions that cause shoulder bursitis involve warming up the muscles. The idea is to keep from putting undue strain on the muscles in the shoulders. Warming up the muscles and ligaments in the shoulder stretches them and reduces the stress placed on tightened muscles.


    Massage is an excellent remedy that can be done at home after the pain has already started. Rest the injured shoulder while you are feeling pain so that you don't worsen the condition. Massaging the area causing pain improves circulation while relaxing the muscles that surround the painful area.

Herbal Therapy

    Increasing circulation is a vital elementin reducing the pain. Herbal therapy can help improve circulation, as well as reduce the inflammation. A common herbal treatment for bursitis is a mixture of willow bark, cramp bark, celery seed, and prickly ash.


    Natural treatment involves vitamins and nutrients that are good for building muscle tissue. The best are vitamin C, vitamin A,and zinc. Vitamin C can be found in copious amounts in fruits and vegetables. The old-fashioned treatment of cod liver oil is still one of the best ways to get vitamin A. For zinc, eat pasta, cereals, nuts, and even oysters.

Home Remedies to Treat a Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria living in the urinary system. Bacteria usually enter through the urethra and can affect the bladder and kidneys. Symptoms often include pain in the back or lower abdomen, a burning sensation and frequent urge to urinate, cloudy or dark urine, and fever or chills. Drinking lots of fluid and urinating frequently will help eliminate bacteria and avoid repeated infections, and other natural remedies are available.

Cranberry Juice

    Cranberry juice is the most popular home remedy for treating and preventing urinary tract infections. The acidic properties of cranberry are known to act as an antibacterial agent that prevents bacteria from growing and prohibits them from attaching to the urinary tract lining. Drink at least 8 oz. of cranberry juice a day to cure infections and prevent them from reoccurring.

Uva Ursi

    Uva ursi is used to treat urinary tract infections because of its diuretic and anti microbial properties. The recommended dosage for adults is 3 to 4 cups of tea per day, or 2 g to 4 g per day in capsule form. It should not be taken more than five times a year or for more than one week. Do not take more than the recommended dosage of uva ursi because higher dosages can lead to serious health conditions.

    Do not take uva ursi if you suffer from high blood pressure or kidney disease. Uva ursi should also be avoided if you are breastfeeding or pregnant. Children should not take it.

    The antibacterial effects of uva ursi can be destroyed by anything that makes the urine acidic. Avoid eating acidic foods like citrus, pineapple and tomato. Spinach, molasses, alfalfa, raisins and peppermint can are urinary alkalizers and increase the antibacterial effects of uva ursi.

Other Natural Remedies

    Garlic, parsley, rose hips and nasturtium can be used to help fight infection. Marshmallow, goldenrod, purslane and camp bark help reduce pain and inflammation. If you are having muscle spasms and difficulty urinating, hydrangea, fennel seed and meadow sweet may be helpful. Barley soup or tea can also be used as a diuretic.

Theta Healing Technique

ThetaHealing technique teaches people how to use their natural intuition by connecting to the Creator.


    Vianna Stibal, a naturopath, massage therapist, and intuitive reader, developed ThetaHealing in 1995 and credits its use for healing her of cancer. Stibal believes the technique uses a theta brain wave to achieve an instant healing.

What are Theta Waves?

    The brain produces four types of waves: alpha, beta, delta and theta. Theta is the slowest brain wave, generally achieved only in deep meditation or as drifting off to sleep.


    The aim of ThetaHealing is to achieve a clear and focused state to connect to the "energy of all that it is."

Belief and Feeling Work

    Stibal also believes that when a person is in a theta state, he can change subconscious limiting beliefs. The Belief and Feeling Work of ThetaHealing gives people the ability to change negative emotions, feelings, and thoughts into positive, beneficial ones.

Self Help

    Stibal views ThetaHealing as therapeutic self-help that people can use to develop the ability to change physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Oral Chelation Side Effects

Oral chelation has become a popular home remedy for a number of serious and minor illnesses. Those currently undergoing chelation or considering the therapy should be aware of its many potential dangers. Oral chelation side effects are numerous and can be life-threatening.

Oral chelation products can easily be purchased without prescription, but consumers should not be fooled. Easy access to treatment does not mean they are safe. Lifelong illnesses can develop as a result of the treatment. Deaths have occurred during clinical trials and under doctor supervision. Manufacturers are eager to boast the scientifically unproven health benefits, but make little or no mention of the many severe oral chelation side effects.

Patients should consult their primary care physicians for a complete list of possible complications. Oral chelation is not suitable for most medical conditions. Personal medical history will put some individuals at an unacceptable level of risk while undergoing chelation.

Mineral Depletion

    Chelation therapies interfere with the body's ability to absorb nutrients. Patients receiving treatment should undergo regular testing to ensure adequate nutrition is maintained. Mineral depletion is identified by expert and author Dr. Elmer Cranton as among the most serious oral chelation side effects.

    Cranton argues oral chelation products have a five percent absorption rate as opposed to 100 percent absorption when chelation is administered intravenously. Cranton reports the unabsorbed 95 percent remains in the digestive tract, waiting for substances to bind to for excretion. Those substances are often necessary vitamins and minerals. Cranton explains once nutrients are bound to a chelator, they are eliminated as toxins and the body can become malnourished.

Toxic Metal Poisoning

    Oral chelation side effects include the potential for worsening a patient's condition. Chelation therapy is used as an emergency treatment in severe cases of lead poisoning, but it can make victims more vulnerable to lead and other poisons. Chelation increases the body's ability to absorb toxic metals.

    This danger is especially high for patients receiving therapy for environmental toxins. Dr. Joan Bothner, pediatric expert, warns possible sources of toxicity must be eliminated before a patient is reintroduced to their environment. The consequence of further exposure after therapy has been administered can include total impairment and death.


    The Mayo Clinic reports participants in studies on the use of chelation therapy have died. The US Food and Drug Administration has issued warnings to health care providers regarding the risk of death when administering EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), a popular chelating agent.

Kidney Failure

    The American Heart Association lists kidney failure among possible chelation side effects. The organization reports renal tubular necrosis (kidney failure) as a result of chelation has required some recipients to undergo regular dialysis. Individuals with preexisting kidney disorders should not attempt oral chelation therapy without medical supervision.

Cardiac Arrhythmias

    The American Heart Association reports cardiac arrhythmias have occurred as a result of chelation. Disruption of heart rhythm is among the most serious oral chelation side effects. Individuals receiving chelation therapy should be monitored regularly to ensure heart health. The American Heart Association does not endorse oral chelation treatment for heart disease.

Brain-Building Games

Brain-building games are meant to stimulate and captivate the mind. It's great for brain aerobics, and especially good for individuals heading into seniorville. Brain stimulation prompts new brain cell development, which helps to replace dead and dying brain cells. Contrary to common belief, our brain cells don't actually start to die as we age, leading to forgetfulness or confusion. We forget because we don't exercise our brain. Exercise leads to the creating of new pathways for functioning and perception and keeps nerve pathways open and firing on all cylinders.


    Stimulate the brain every day by engaging in thinking activities. Try to learn something new every day--vocabulary in a new language, a new skill, or new learning possibilities. Brain cells can be stimulated from doing a New York Times crossword puzzle or by playing Memory with a deck of cards. Take advantage of video games available on the Internet or local video stores. Such games provide interactive fun and improve hand-eye coordination while at the same time barraging our brain with new tasks.

Brain Puzzles

    Play games that offer entertainment and stimulate memorization skills, such as word games, math games or puzzles, brain twisters, Sudoku, chess and checkers. Such games are known to improve attention and memory and offer a good, healthy brain workout on a daily basis. Memory pattern or card games increase spatial recall while other games help the brain focus on retaining attention, focus or reasoning.

Problem Solving

    Engage in problem-solving games, even if you don't like reasoning or math. These are especially helpful brain-building games for those who typically avoid reasoning games due to lack of patience or ability, because such games focus on reasoning skills that help keep brain cells active and functioning at optimal levels. Challenge the brain by engaging in thinking games or tasks that you usually don't do for optimal benefits. You don't have to win every game you play, or come up with the right answer every time. It's the thinking process that's good for your brain. You have to exercise your brain just like you would any other muscle in the body in order for it to work longer, harder and better for you for years to come.

Homemade Remedies for Fingernail Fungus

Fingernail fungus is difficult to cure, not because it is particularly hardy, but because it has found the ideal environment for itself. Nail fungi not only hide behind the nail, they actually feed on it, causing the nail itself to deteriorate and turn a nasty brown color. Without treatment, the nail will often split from the nail bed, creating a nasty disfigurement. Instead of resorting to conventional medicine which can take up to six months to work, homemade remedies may be just what it takes to cure fingernail fungus.

Tea Tree Oil and Mouthwash

    Tea tree oil is a strong natural antiseptic and fungicide that can help fight your fingernail fungus. Massage a few drops of undiluted tea tree oil mixed with olive oil onto the fingernail. You can also apply tea tree oil by itself with no olive oil, directly onto the affected area on top of the nail several times a day.

    Soak your fingernails in mouthwash. Certain kinds of mouthwash contain powerful antiseptics that leave your nails clean and healthy.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Lavender

    Soak your nails for between 15 to 20 minutes in a bowl full of warm water and apple cider vinegar mixed in equal parts. After soaking, dry your nails thoroughly. Follow with a blow dryer on the warm setting to completely absorb all the moisture in and around the nails.

    Mix tea tree oil with lavender essential oil and apply to the affected area. Use a cotton ball or swab and treat the area two or three times a day. Lavender added to tea tree oil provides additional infection fighting and helps to ease skin irritation.

Oregano Essential Oil and AHA

    Mix together 2 drops of oregano essential oil with 1 tsp. of olive oil. Dab this mixture onto the affected area daily. Do not use for more than three weeks. Oregano essential oil has strong antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, analgesic and anti-fungal properties are useful in treating nail fungus.

    Apply AHA or alpha hydroxy acid creams to your nails at night to remove any scaly or rough skin that may accompany the nail infection. This helps clear up the skin that may be contributing to the growth of the fungus.

    In addition to trying homemade remedies for fingernail fungus, be sure to keep your hands clean and dry. Avoid the overuse of nail polish, as this prevents air from circulating around the nail. Keep nails short and neat. If you continue to be bothered with fungal infections, consult your physician for more treatment options.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Alternatives to Premarin Cream

Premarin cream is used by women who wish to treat the dryness, itchiness and burning sensation around the vaginal area due to menopause. While this is popular, there are many natural alternatives that can be used.


    Ginseng is a Chinese herb that is widely used in the United States for various ailments. Many use ginseng to strengthen the immune system, build resistance to disease, increase concentration, and stabilize female hormones. There are no definitive studies that guarantee Ginseng has phytoestrogenic properties, but it does contain saponins, which are believed to regulate hormones. This is a very common herb found mostly as a dietary supplement. Ginseng can be found at any drug store, supermarket or nutrition store.

Chaste Tree

    This herb is used by women who suffer from the usual symptoms of menopause, such as bleeding, pain and inflammation of the vaginal area. The Chaste tree plant does not contain hormonal compounds, but its flavanoids act on the pituitary gland of the brain to release hormones. It will raise low estrogen levels and balance the production of estrogen and progesterone. Chaste tree is typically found as a concentrated liquid extract, powdered or pill from and is not as widespread as Ginseng. Many websites sell this herb, and some specialty nutrition stores carry it.

Gotu Cola

    Gotu Cola is a tropical herb commonly used as a diuretic, a mild sedative and an anti-inflammatory agent. It can help relieve the discomforts of menopause, particularly hot flashes, feelings of depression and vaginal dryness. Gotu Cola can be found as liquid extract, tea leaves, or in pill form. It can be found in special nutrition shops and on the internet.


    Premarin is standard prescription that women use during the menopausal phase of their lives. It is OK to try out different herbal remedies, but they may not be sufficiently able to replace a doctor's prescription. Some herbal remedies may cause an allergic reaction or respond negatively with medicines that you take now. Consult with your physician before taking herbal remedies to avoid potential side effects.

Yellow Root Facts

Yellow Root Facts

Yellow root, or Xanthorhiza simplicissima, is a species of plant that is often confused with another plant, Hydrastis Canadensis. The latter is sometimes called yellow root but is actually goldenseal. Yellow root, when made into a tea, is a bitter drink.


    Yellow root

    Yellow root is a small shrub that usually does not exceed 27 inches in height. The branches contain leaves arranged in a spiral. Its flowers resemble 5-pointed, reddish-brown or purple-brown stars. The roots are bright yellow


    Yellow root naturally grows in sandy soil, usually in semi-shaded areas on the edge of streams in the mountains.


    Yellow root grows as far north as eastern Maine, as far south as northern Florida, and as far west as eastern Texas. It is native to the North American continent.

Alternative Medicine

    Yellow root's medicinal properties have not been scientifically proven. But in folk medicine, it is used to treat a range of ailments: sore throats, mouth infections, diabetes, a weakened immunune system. It is also used as a sedative, to strengthen the uterus, and to stimulate the liver. Scientific medicine has not proven the viability of this product.

Native Americans

    The Native Americans used yellow root as a dye for clothing, as an external tonic for sores and a tea for treating ulcers. They made the dye, tonic, and tea by placing the root in boiling water.

Does Vicks Vaporub Cure Toenail Fungus?

Toenail fungus is a fairly common condition caused by microscopic organisms that thrive in moist, warm areas. If a person walks through a hospitable area such as a locker room, shower room or pool, the organisms may invade their nails and trigger an infection. This causes the nails to thicken, and they eventually get discolored and start to crumble. The condition is unsightly, and it may be painful in severe cases. Although most cases need to be treated by a doctor, home cures such as Vicks Vaporub have shown promise.


    Although toenail fungus is usually treated with oral medication prescribed by a doctor, some sufferers treat it with Vicks Vaporub. The Mayo Clinic says there is anecdotal evidence that Vicks Vaporub can cure toenail fungus in some people. This is mostly likely due to its ingredients, which include menthol, camphor and eucalyptus oil. These ingredients may have anti-fungal properties that inhibit the growth of toenail fungus and allow a new, healthy toenail to grow. The rub should be applied to the affected toenails every day.


    Researchers at the University of Michigan found that daily use of Vicks Vaporub cured toenail fungus in 32 people out of 85 total study participants. It took between five and 16 months for the infection to clear up completely, which is comparable to some other toenail fungus treatments. Although Vicks Vaporub was used in the study, Consumer Reports magazine says that other medicated rub brands containing the same ingredients should cure toenail fungus just as effectively.


    Consumer Reports magazine says that Vicks Vaporub has no side-effects, which may make it a good choice for people who have problems with oral treatments. According to the Mayo Clinic, oral antifungal medications can cause skin rashes in some patients, and may also lead to liver damage. Patients who have congestive heart failure or liver disease may not be able to take an oral treatment, so Vicks Vaporub may be a good alternative for them.


    Vicks Vaporub is not the only home remedy for toenail fungus. The Mayo Clinic says that some people believe that vinegar soaks can be an effective cure. Although there are no studies to prove that vinegar works specifically on toenail fungus, it has been proven to stop the growth of some types of bacteria. The soak should be made up of one part vinegar and two parts warm water. The feet should be soaked for 20 minutes, then rinsed and dried off thoroughly. If the vinegar causes irritation, the soak can be diluted with more water.


    The Healthy Skin Guide says that Vicks Vaporub is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use as a toenail fungus cure. The company that makes it does not recommend it for use in treating nail fungus.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Uses of Caprylic Acid Tablets

Caprylic acid, also called octanoic acid, is a short-chain fatty acid that occurs in human and cow's milk, palm kernel oil, and coconut oil. The supplement form is usually derived from coconut milk. It has been known for at least 40 years to have anti-fungal qualities, so it is used in the treatment of many fungus-based illnesses. Many doctors prefer it over Nystatin, an anti-fungal drug that has several undesirable side effects. Caprylic acid is available in liquid, tablet and capsule form.

Conditions Treated with Caprylic Acid

    Caprylic acid is used to treat a broad range of fungal problems, including vaginal yeast infection, male yeast infection (or "jock itch,") oral thrush, and candidiasis (intestinal yeast overgrowth).


    The standard dose is 1000 mg to 2000 mg daily, taken internally with meals. Most health practitioners recommend starting with a small dose and working up to 2000 mg gradually. Starting with too much too soon can cause a rapid die-off of fungus that may result in unpleasant flu-like symptoms.

How it Works

    Experts aren't entirely sure how caprylic acid works against fungus, but it is thought that its acidity allows it to break through fungal cell walls easily, leading to the breakdown of fungal colonies. It is highly fat-soluble, and fats are often able to migrate through cell walls, allowing the acid into cells directly. Candida albicans, the fungus that causes yeast infections, can colonize the colon in the form of a membrane, and caprylic acid's cell-destroying actions seem to break such a membrane apart.

Tips for Usage

    Because caprylic acid's fat solubility is part of what makes it beneficial, the Web site recommends you consume it with meals that include some fat --- butter, olive oil, or even fat from oily fish.

    When trying to beat any kind of fungal infection, it's a good idea to eliminate foods from your diet that create a fungus-friendly environment. This includes sugar, alcohol, caffeine, non-fermented dairy products, and (some say) wheat.

To Keep in Mind

    Mild gastrointestinal upset such as nausea or slight diarrhea sometimes occur when treatment with caprylic acid begins. This is called the die-off effect, and is a normal result of the dead fungus working its way out of your system. You can help it along by being sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day --- eight glasses at least.

    While tablets can be highly effective, many natural health practitioners recommend taking caprylic acid in a timed-release capsule formula so that it can reach the small intestine before being entirely dissolved.

Natural Herbal Remedies for Hyperactivity in Children

Children with hyperactive disorder, called attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), are plagued by the inability to stay focused, the inability to control behavior, and hyperactivity. This disorder prevents many children from doing well in school and from forming meaningful friendships with other kids. Drug treatment is available, but there is debate as to whether drugs are really in a child's best interest. If you are wary of drug treatment, try a natural remedy. Note, however, that if the condition is particularly serious, you should take your child to see a doctor.

Herbal Remedies

    Before diving into a herbal treatment course for your child, have your child assessed by a medical professional to determine if, in fact, your child is hyperactive. While you may notice symptoms such as the inability to sit still or excessive talking coupled with anxiety, your child might not be diagnosed as hyperactive.

    If your child is diagnosed with ADHD, a herbal course of treatment could help alleviate the symptoms. Some herbal remedies contain multiple herbs and natural ingredients. Other herbs, taken by themselves, could achieve similar results. For instance, St. John's wort, wild lettuce and chamomile are said to have calming effects on the body, according to Combining these with herbs that improve concentration and memory (such as ginseng or gingko biloba) could help calm your child's hyperactivity and increase his ability to recall things and focus. Experiment with these herbs and watch for any improvement. If your child does not improve, return to a medical professional to seek advice on what course to take next.

Glucosamine Chondroitin Benefits

Glucosamine and chondroitin are both substances occur naturally in the body. Glucosamine maintains movement and flexibility by keeping the joint cartilage lubricated. It also repairs and renews the cartilage in our bodies. Chondroitin protects the cartilage from being destroyed.


    Glucosamine chondroitin has been used for over 20 years to lessen the symptoms of osteoarthritis. It reduces joint pain, improves flexibility and reduces swelling around the joints.


    Glucosamine is used to repair damage to the weight bearing joints, such as the hands, hips and knees.


    Chondroitin slows the progression of osteoarthritis. It is believed to reverse cartilage loss when taken with glucosamine.


    Glucosamine chondroitin can is available in a combined supplement or can be purchased separately. The dosage for osteoarthritis should be 1200 mg of chondroitin along with 1500 mg of glucosamine daily.

Side Effects

    There are no known side effects from chondroitin. Glucosamine may cause insulin levels to fluctuate and should not be taken by diabetics. Glucosamine chondroitin is derived from shellfish and should not be used if you have seafood allergies.

The Effects of Yoga on the Skeletal System

Yoga is one of the world's oldest and most widely practiced forms of exercise. Both practitioners and medical experts have found that yoga provides an effective and holistic approach for keeping bones healthy and strong into old age.


    The system of yoga, which means to yoke or unite, was developed by ancient Indian, Chinese, Tibetan and Mayan civilizations. Yoga, which dates back to 40,000 BC, has been credited for renewing bone health, as well as creating mental and spiritual well-being.


    A consistent yoga practice improves posture and tones muscles, which reduces the weight and pressure on joints. Yoga also increases flexibility and relieves tension in the spine, hips and pelvis. It also maintains bone density and protects the body against common conditions such as osteoporosis.

Weight-Bearing Poses

    Weight-bearing standing, inversion and arm-balancing poses, such as plow, plank and downward-facing dog, help increase bone mass and prevent fractures.

Expert Insight

    According to Mary Schatz, M.D., a noted pathologist and yoga instructor, inversion and standing poses stimulate the bones, allowing them to absorb calcium.


    Depending on their condition, individuals who are pregnant, suffer from osteoporotic fractures, have neck or spinal injuries, high blood pressure or heart problems should avoid practicing certain twisting, bending and standing poses.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Grapefruit Seed Extract vs. Grape Seed Extract

When seeking alternative health products, many consumers turn to grapefruit seed extract or grape seed extract--their uses vary. Also, grape seed extract comes in tablet form, while grapefruit seed extract can come in liquid or powder form. Manufacturers of both claim different health benefits and different uses as well. Grapefruit seed extract is generally used as an antibacterial product, while grape seed extract tablets are taken for a variety of ailments, including heart problems.


    Sold as grapefruit seed extract or citrus extract, grapefruit seed extract comes from the liquid derived from the seeds, white membranes and pulp of a grapefruit. It can also be found in powder form. Grape seed extract, on the other hand, is an industrial derivative from grape seeds.


    According to The Analyst, an online diagnostic resource, grapefruit seed extract is a powerful natural antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal treatment. Grapefruit seed extract can be used to treat bacteria, yeast, some viral infections and parasitic infections.

    However, though alternative medicine proponents touts its benefits, a study in 2001 by chemist G. Takeoka found that many grapefruit seed extract products also contained preservatives and other disinfectant ingredients. As a matter of fact, the grapefruit seed extract solution that had no other ingredients showed no antimicrobial benefit.

    According to the National Center of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, grape seed extract is often used to help treat conditions of the heart, such as atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, poor circulation and high cholesterol. Grape seed extract may also be helpful in treating diabetes and vision problems. In addition, the National Cancer Institute is currently studying whether grape seed extract prevents or treats cancer.

Using Grapefruit Seed Extract

    Grapefruit seed extract can be used both externally and internally. To use grapefruit seed extract externally, apply a diluted solution to an open wound or affected intact skin. According to The Analyst, grapefruit seed extract was 100 percent effective as a surgical prep, which is a higher rate of effectiveness than both alcohol and surgical soap.

    To use grapefruit seed extract internally to treat chronic infections, take it three times a day, but don't exceed 1500 milligrams. To combat the bitter taste, consider taking it with a fruit juice or in capsule form.

Using Grape Seed Extract

    Grape seed extract comes in tablet and capsule forms. Manufacturers generally sell the capsules in 100 or 200 milligrams and recommend taking one to two tablets daily, or as recommended by your health care provider.


    Those who have allergies to citrus fruits may also have a reaction to grapefruit seed extract. Avoid the product if citrus fruits have been a problem in the past.

    The National Center for Alternative and Complementary Medicine says that grape seed extract side effects are usually mild and include headache, dry, itchy scalp or dizziness. Also, no significant research has been done on grape seed extract's interactions with other medications.

Home Remedy for Infected Nasal Passages

Infected nasal passages, also known as sinusitis, is a condition that includes symptoms such as inflammation, post-nasal drip, pressure behind the eyes, difficulty breathing, fever and a foul smell in the nose. Many alternative and home therapies attempt to alleviate the pain of sinusitis and open up the sinuses to promote drainage.


    Use inhalants of eucalyptus essential oil to break up and clear clogged sinuses. Place a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil on a tissue, and breathe in the vapors. Make a compress using one or two drops of menthol essential oil and one or two drops of eucalyptus oil on a clean, cotton cloth. Fold and place directly over your nose for five minutes, breathing in the vapors. Repeat as often as desired.

Herbal Home Remedies

    Boost your immune system by taking echinacea supplements. Look for echinacea in health food stores. Echinacea has strong antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, making it useful in treating sinus infections. Follow dosing instructions on the bottle carefully. Marshmallow, ginger and clove teas can also offer some relief for sinus infections.

Home Remedies

    Inhale steam from a vaporizer, a humidifier, even a steaming cup of coffee or hot tea. The action of the steam can help relieve congestion. Use warm compresses on your nose to open up the sinuses. Drink plenty of liquids to combat dehydration associated with sinus infection.

Nutrition and Diet

    A healthy diet that includes fruits and leafy green vegetables can help stimulate secretions and break up sinusitis. Try adding the following supplements to your diet as well: 500 mg. vitamin C every 2 hours for the duration of your infection, 25,000 IU of vitamin A per day, and zinc lozenges (consult a nutritionist for dose).

Nexium Alternative

Nexium is a common prescription drug for treating GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) and other conditions that cause acid reflux or digestive upset. You might be looking for alternatives because Nexium is not working for you or are interested in exploring natural treatments that preclude the need for prescription medication. Several natural strategies can help you relieve excess acid production. Natural treatments for acid reflux can be effective, but consistent use is important. Consulting with a health care professional experienced in natural supplementation can help you design an effective regimen.

Nutritional Supplements

    Certain natural supplements can address symptoms of GERD and digestive upset. Since many supplements offer the same beneficial outcome, taking every one listed is not required.

    Probiotics and L-glutamine promote overall gastrointestinal health. Use the probiotic as directed on the label and take 1,000 mg of L-glutamine daily. Melatonin helps protect the esophagus and stomach from the harmful effects of the acid. It is also good for this condition because it promotes sleep. If you are experiencing symptoms at night, they can interfere with falling asleep. Take 2 to 6 g before bed.

Herbs and Homeopathy

    The following herbs can relieve inflammation caused by acid reflux: green tea (250 to 500 mg daily), cat's claw (20 mg three times a day) and reishi mushroom (300 mg three times a day).

    DGL-licorice helps promote proper digestion and reduces acid production. Take 250 to 500 mg three times a day, either one hour before meals or two hours after. If you have an infection with H. pylori, bacteria that contributes to ulcers and digestive problems like acid reflux, use mastic at 1,000 to 2,000 mg daily.

    Certain homeopathic remedies can address acid reflux. Homeopathic diagnosing is based on many individual factors besides the condition including physical makeup, personality traits and emotional state. The most effective way to use homeopathy, especially long-term, is to consult with a professional homeopath. Use as directed on the label.

    Pulsatilla treats heartburn and a bad taste in the mouth prompted by rich and fatty foods like ice cream. It works best if you have a white or yellow coating on your tongue. Carbo vegetabilis treats bloating and indigestion, especially if they are accompanied by flatulence and fatigue. Nux vomica is good for heartburn, nausea, and sour burps.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Remedy for Itchy Dry Scalp

An itchy, dry scalp can cause dandruff, rashes or other scalp infections. This condition can be quite embarrassing and also irritating. A dry scalp will also make the hair less manageable and can sometimes cause hair to lose its luster. This condition can be due to a variety of reasons, all of which have some form of remedy to either cure or control the problem.

Understanding the Cause

    In order to treat any condition, it is first necessary to understand the cause. In the case of an itchy scalp, the problem normally occurs when the skin undergoes a process of renewal. Old skin cells are discarded, allowing new ones to emerge. When dead cells accumulate, the result is a dry and itchy scalp. Some of the reasons are a drop in temperature and humidity levels, or an adverse reaction to chemicals present in hair products. The problem can also simply be a hereditary condition that is not caused by any outside source.

    If you have difficulty diagnosing the cause of the itchy scalp, it may be necessary to seek professional assistance. Have the scalp checked by a dermatologist for any scalp infections or other medical conditions that can be treated with medication. If the scalp is free of these conditions, try using natural remedies, which are free from chemicals.

Oatmeal Home Remedy

    A quick home remedy for an itchy, dry scalp is to take two heaping tablespoons of oatmeal, and let it soak in water for half an hour. Stir the contents vigorously and then collect only the liquid. Add 4 to 5 drops each of lavender and rosemary oil to the oatmeal water. This liquid can be dabbed onto the scalp and left for at least 10 to 15 minutes. This treatment will give immediate relief from itching and soothe the scalp.

Use Moisturizing Shampoos

    Using a moisturizing shampoo with natural ingredients, such as buckthorn oil, will help to clean the scalp of flakes without removing the skin's natural oils. A conditioner massage after a shampoo will hydrate the scalp. There are shampoos available that have formulas for deep cleansing. These shampoos can be used weekly to remove any hair product which has built up and to eradicate any old skin cells.

Use Natural Oils

    There are certain natural oils available whose application can be a good remedy for an itchy, dry scalp. Zinc pyrithione is one such oil, and is known to be very effective for dandruff and many other scalp infections. This oil is also used as one of the ingredients in many shampoos and other hair care products, as it has antibacterial and antifungal properties. As a moisturizer, jojoba oil is very popular and is known to maintain a balance of the natural oils in the scalp.

What Does Solaray Cool Cayenne Do?

Stomach Ulcers

    Once you consume Solaray Cool Cayenne Pepper, your stomach will recognize the capsaicin, the main element in cayenne pepper, and the cells of the stomach will begin to react by secreting a thick mucous to cover the walls of the stomach and intestines. Although this mucous is meant to protect the stomach from the harshness of the pepper, it also helps with stomach ulcers. As the mucous covers the stomach walls it also coats ulcers, providing instant relief. If the mucous remains in place long enough, the stomach ulcers will begin to heal.


    Consuming Solaray Cool Cayenne Pepper also helps with the body's digestive function, since cayenne triggers the body to produce hydrochloric acid. This acid is necessary for proper food digestion. Once digestion efficiency is established, the body produces less gas and the stomach will feel less bloated. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that three Italian doctors were able to reduce symptoms of indigestion in patients by giving them daily doses of red pepper or cayenne pepper.


    Capsaicin also opens the blood vessels, which improves circulation and increases the body's temperature. These heating factors can stimulate circulation, particularly increasing blood flow to the hands and feet. This property of Solaray Cool Cayenne Pepper is especially helpful among people with rheumatoid arthritis, as it brings warmth to the skin and increases the blood flow of nutrients. When applied topically in a warm compress, Solaray Cool Cayenne Pepper can relieve arthritis pains. Once applied to the skin, the cayenne pepper causes a minor irritation to that specific area; that irritation distracts the nerves from the joint pain due to arthritis.

Heart Problems

    Cayenne pepper is also commonly used for its ability to increase the activity of the heart and cardiovascular system. Not only does the cayenne stimulate blood flow, it also dissolves any fibrin in the blood, eliminating the risk of fatal blood clots. The late Dr. John Christopher, a naturalist, used hot cayenne pepper tea with heart attack patients to prevent subsequent attacks because he believed that hot cayenne tea opens up all the cells, bringing the cayenne directly to the heart along with nutrients from throughout the body, which then allows the heart to regain its normal function.

Natural Remedies for Bladder Spasms

Urinary incontinence involves the loss of control over your bladder functions. There are different types of urinary incontinence, including urge incontinence, the sudden and unexpected contraction of your bladder. These bladder spasms can also be caused by bladder irritations due to the excessive intake of carbonated beverages, coffee and tea, as well as the consumption of artificial sweeteners, corn syrup, and spicy, sugary or acidic foods. Bladder spasms can make you need to urinate more frequently. Thankfully, some herbs can alleviate the condition.


    In "Women's Herbs: Women's Health," authors Christopher Hobbs and Kathi Keville explain that goldenrod is an herb that helps to alleviate bladder spasms. Goldenrod is often used to treat urinary tract infections, inflammation, cystitis, kidney infections and bladder spasms. The herb has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects, and it also acts as a natural diuretic.

    The authors recommend that you brew 2 tsp. of goldenrod in a cup of hot water. Drink this tea three to five times daily to alleviate bladder spasms. Alternately, add 2 droppers full of goldenrod tincture to a cup of plantain tea, and drink three to five times a day. Do not use goldenrod if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have cardiovascular complications.


    In "Natural Treatments for Urinary Incontinence: Using Butterbur and Other Natural Supplements to Treat Bladder Control Problems," author Rita Elkins explains that butterbur is an herb that can alleviate bladder spasms. Butterbur is a natural pain reliever and contains petasin, a compound that offers antispasmodic properties. Butterbur is available in capsule form; consume 75 mg twice a day during meals for ease of digestion. If you are pregnant or nursing, consult a physician before using this herb.


    In "Herbal Remedies: A Quick and Easy Guide to Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies," authors Asa Hershoff and Andrea Rotelli explain that yarrow has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Yarrow stops bleeding, tones your urinary tract and offers pain-relieving benefits while diminishing bladder spasms. To consume as a tea, steep 1 to 2 tsp. of the dried herb in 1 cup of boiled water for 10 minutes. Strain the tea, and allow it to cool. Drink this three times a day. As an alternative, take 2 to 4 g of yarrow in capsule form three times a day to relieve bladder spasms.

    Do not use yarrow if you are pregnant or nursing; the herb can cause a pregnant female to miscarry, and there are not sufficient studies available revealing the effects of yarrow on a fetus. Yarrow may interact with antacids, cimetidine, famotidine, ranitidine, esomeprazole, Omeprazole and lansoprazole. Be careful not to use yarrow with blood pressure medications; yarrow can intensify their effects. Yarrow has mild sedating effects and may intensify the effects of anti-convulsants, phenytoin, barbiturates, alprazolam, diazepam, solpidem, zaleplon, eszopiclone and ramelteon.

Home Remedy for an Infection in a Finger

Infections are a common disorder and are produced by bacteria. The infected area might be swollen, hot, red, and tender. Pus accumulates in infected tissue. Infection in a finger, if treated, should begin to heal in a few days and should be completely resolved in a week or two.

Treating Mild Infection

    A mild infection will clear up quickly with warm wet soaks every 8 to 12 hours and improved nutrition. Drinking plenty of liquids and taking added vitamins and minerals can be sufficient. Zinc stimulates T lymphocyte function, necessary to fight infections. B complex vitamins aid repair and replacement of tissues, and vitamin C with bioflavonoids is essential in immune function.

    Raw honey might destroy bacteria by drawing moisture; use it as a dressing. Echinacea can be taken by mouth every four hours for 10 days to fight infection.

Fighting Moderate Infection

    Drink distilled water with lemon juice and three cups of echinacea, goldenseal and astragalus tea daily. Choose from these options or combine topical applications: alcohol-free goldenseal extract can be applied directly to the infected finger and covered with gauze. Colloidal silver, a natural antibiotic solution, can be taken orally and applied topically. Tea tree oil diluted with four parts water and applied with a cotton ball three times a day will keep infection from spreading and will destroy fungus and bacteria.

    Soak the affected finger in warm water with Epsom salts alternating with very cold water, moving back and forth at five-minute intervals for 15 minutes, up to four times a day. This will increase circulation so the body's own bloodstream will attack and heal the infection faster.

    Herbs that cleanse the blood and support healing when taken internally are burdock root, dandelion, cayenne pepper, red clover, and yellow dock. Get plenty of rest. Elevate the finger higher than the heart to increase circulation and reduce pain and swelling.

    A poor diet prevents cellular waste from being eliminated and impairs healing. Fasting on fresh raw juices for one to three days might restore balance to body systems, allowing efficient healing. Fresh pineapple contains enzymes that fight inflammation. Garlic, onions or a supplement such as methylsulfonylmethane will correct sulfur deficiency that lowers resistance to infection.

Severe Infection

    See a health-care practitioner if pain, redness, or swelling increase. Heat, fever, or red streaks leading away from the finger are signs of serious infection. Diabetics should seek medical treatment, because diabetes can wound healing.

    If antibiotics are necessary, use a high-potency combination probiotic supplement for "friendly" bacteria. Eliminate junk food from the diet, and get regular exercise and adequate rest to prevent recurrence of infection.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Natural Home Care for Foot Problems

According to the Mayo Clinic, your feet have 25 percent of your body's bones, along with numerous tendons, joints, muscles and ligaments. They also takes the brunt of abuse in walking, running and shoe-wear. It's no wonder that your feet can be afflicted with a variety of problems. Many of these can be treated with natural home remedies.

Diagnose Your Problems

    The Mayo Clinic states that women are more susceptible to foot problems than men. High heels, age and improperly fitted shoes are the top causes of blisters, bunions, corns and calluses. Long-term use of high heals can also lead to permanent tendon damage in the foot.

    Blisters are very common with new shoes or develop after days where you spend an extreme amount of time on your feet. Friction creates blisters, which may have a fluid-filled bump in the afflicted area. A bunion is a big toe that leans toward the second toe resulting from misalignment of the joint. Corns and calluses are very similar where the skin becomes thick and hardened -- often in an area where blisters have healed or there is constant friction. Ingrown toenails can develop when toenails are not clipped straight. The edges of the toenail becomes red and tender with swelling as the toenail grows inward. Hammertoe is a condition where the toe is curled under like a claw.

    You may have heel pain if you tear the plantar fascia along the bottom of the foot. Achilles tendinitis is a chronic condition in which the tendon connecting the foot to the calf through via the ankle becomes worn.

Home Remedies

    One of the first things you can to to reduce pain from these common foot problems is to take a good look at the shoes you wear, especially those you wear most often. Shoes that are too tight are more likely to aggravate corns, bunion pain and increase blister formation. You want to make sure that shoes fit properly and have level soles. Soles that are worn down should be replaced to make sure your gait is not thrown off-balance. For women who are on their feet all day, it is best to keep heel height as low as possible to reduce the stress on your feet.

    You can often help reduce pain from these conditions with a warm Epsom salts bath, soaking your feet for 20 minutes. A foot massage can help to ease the pain of fascitis and tendinitis. Stretching your feet by pointing your toes back to you and down to the ground help release tension in the many muscles and tendons in your feet. Putting your feet up will reduce any swelling from these conditions and improve circulation in your feet, bringing nutrients in to help heal conditions. Clip toenails straight across to prevent ingrown toenails.

When to See Your Doctor

    If you have a blister or ingrown toenail is infected with yellow pus, have a doctor look at it. Ingrown toenails can be removed by your doctor. Should foot problems persist or worsen, consult your doctor. Excessive swelling and pain may be an indication of a more serious problem than you initially perceived. Your doctor can develop a proper course of action after an examination to help you get back on your feet as soon as possible.

Alternative Carcinoma Treatment

Carcinoma is a common form of cancer that develops in the epithelial cells (membranes that surround organs and cavities) of the human body. Carcinoma can spread very rapidly and affect nearby organs and tissues, or even metastatize into the lymph node system. Recent scientific research has shown that diet, exercise and certain herbal medicines can have profound effects on carcinomas.The best strategy for anyone trying to treat carcinomas by alternative means is to combine a phytonutrient-rich diet with a strong herbal medicine regime, as well as a proper exercise routine.


    Many natural foods such as fruits, vegetable and spices contain high levels of substances called antioxidants. Antioxidants have been found in numerous clinical studies to potently affect the growth and spread of cancerous tissues in the human body. A study conducted in Uruguay and published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer in 2000 found that both fruit and vegetables were associated with a significantly lower risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma. Eating a diet that is high in fresh fruits and vegetables keeps the body stocked with phytonutrients like antioxidants that protect cells and may be able to stave off or reverse cancerous mutations at the cellular level.


    Many herbs have been found to have profound cytotoxic (cell-killing) effects on carcinoma cancer cells, and should be utilized in an alternative carcinoma treatment plan. A study published in the journal Cancer Biotherapy in June 2009 found that two commonly used Chinese herbs; Astragalus and Ligustrum lucidum, were able to inhibit the growth of renal cell carcinoma. The researchers theorize that the herbs had a direct effect on the immune system, increasing natural killer cells in the body (NK cells) that are produced to fight cancerous growths. To effectively use herbal medicine to fight carcinoma, it wise to consult a practitioner of Chinese medicine or a Naturopathic doctor who specializes in combining herbs specifically for the treatment of cancer and carcinomas.


    High-intensity exercises such as swimming, hiking, and running generally raise the cardiovascular rate and can have profound effects on the human immune system. By boosting the immune system it is possible to strengthen the body's own natural ability to fight off cancerous growths. A study published in the journal Carcinogenisis in 1995 found that rats that were purposely given carcinogens designed to induce carcinoma of the breast were up to 60% less likely to develop tumors than non-exercising rats. By engaging in high-intensity exercise at least three times a week, and sustaining it for a least thirty minutes, you are manufacturing your own natural alternative treatment and prevention for carcinoma.

Vitamin Supplements That Aid in Quitting Smoking

Smoking is a dangerous lifestyle choice, and a number of smokers try unsuccessfully to find a way to quit. A number of different products are available to aid in quitting smoking, many of which incorporate nicotine in some way. For those who want to stay away from nicotine-containing solutions, a number of vitamins, minerals and herbs can assist in kicking the habit. Some commonly used vitamins and other supplements can help you give up cigarettes and stay healthy while doing so.

Vitamin C

    The average non-smoker requires around 1000 mg of vitamin C each day, while the average non-smoker may require as much as 3000 mg. Smoking depletes up to 40 percent of the body's supply of vitamin C, creating a deficiency that can cause major health problems over time. Taking extra vitamin C for short periods of time can help to reduce nicotine cravings, binding to the nicotine and allowing it to be more easily filtered and flushed out in the liver and kidneys.

Vitamin E

    Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that is considered to be important in preventing heart attacks. Because of the increased stress to the heart caused by smoking, the heart attack prevention that vitamin E provides is especially important to smokers. In addition to helping to prevent heart attacks in smokers, Vitamin E's antioxidant properties can also help to reduce damage to the respiratory system.

Beta Carotene

    Beta carotene provides a boost to the immune system, helping to keep you healthy during nicotine withdrawal. It may also provide some level of protection against cancer, though studies such as the Beta Carotene Cancer Prevention Trial (ATBC) and the Beta Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial (CARET) suggest that smoking can cause beta carotene to have an opposite effect over time. Because of this, it is generally recommended that beta carotene be taken as a supplement only if you are in the process of quitting smoking. Natural beta carotene that comes from foods such as green leafy vegetables and orange or yellow fruits and vegetables performs much better than supplemental beta carotene taken in pill form.


    In addition to the damage that nicotine and tobacco smoke can do to the heart and lungs, studies such as those done by the Center for Clinical and Basic Research in 2000 suggest that smoking can increase the speed of bone loss which naturally occurs with age. Calcium, a key mineral for healthy bones, is stripped from the body by nicotine. Adding a calcium supplement or increasing natural calcium intake can counteract this effect, keeping bones strong and maintaining bone health and density to prevent breaks and other damage.

Herbal Supplements

    In addition to standard vitamin supplements, a number of herbal supplements are suggested to those trying to quit smoking. Many of these herbs are used to calm the smoker and relieve the stress and depression that can come with nicotine withdrawal. Herbs such as St. John's Wort are recommended to help a quitting smoker stay calm and keep a strong frame of mind, while Black Cohosh and ginseng are suggested as a means of relieving anxiety. Herbal supplements are often available in pill and tea form, and some specialized mixtures may be aimed specifically at stopping smoking.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Tea Tree Oil as a Ringworm Cure

Tea tree oil is a warmly aromatic and antiseptic oil from the tree Melaleuca alternifolia of Austalia. It is considered a powerful natural germicide by Dr Andrew Weil, a noted authority on natural health, and is used topically to treat a variety of conditions including the skin fungus known as ringworm. Now tea tree oil can be found all over the world in health food stores and online retailers and people suffering from ringworm have access to this tried-and-true natural folk remedy wherever they go.


    Tea tree oil contains powerful natural germicides that have been found to be active against many different pathogenic organisms. A study published in the journal Phytomedicine in 2009 showed that horses suffering from ringworm showed complete healing after tea tree oil was applied twice a day for fifteen days. It appears that the fungal organism that causes ringworm, Trichophyton equinum, is highly susceptible to the compounds in tea tree oil


    The tea tree itself, Melaleuca alternifolia, has a rich history of use among aboriginal Australians. According to Dr. Andrew Weil, the tea tree was used for colds and for most general sicknesses. Later, colonists discovered the amazing power of tea tree oil to combat fungal infections of the skin, like athlete's foot.


    Ringworm is not the only skin fungus that tea tree oil is effective against. A study published in the journal Skin Pharmacology in 1996, tested tea tree oil against 26 different dermophytes (skin funguses) and 54 different strains of yeast. They found that tea tree oil was able to inhibit the growth of all of the fungal organisms that it was tested on. The broad spectrum ability of tea tree oil to control fungus makes it one of the most potent natural cures for ringworm.


    Ringworm is characterized by a red circular rash that is itchy, and can sometimes cause lesions that may lead to scarring or discoloration. The pharmaceutical medications currently used to treat ringworm may cause side effects such as gastrointestinal upset, rash and abnormal liver functioning according to the Mayo Clinic. Tea tree oil has no known adverse side effects and was able to help heal the lesions present in the above mentioned study on ringworm in horses.


    Although there are anti-fungal preparations marketed especially for ringworm, athletes foot and jock itch that contain tea tree oil, it may be cheaper and more efficient to purchase pure tea tree oil. Tea tree oil has become so popular worldwide that even pharmacies now usually stock it on the shelf for a very low price point.

Herbs That Lower Dopamine Levels

Ideally, serotonin and dopamine counter-balance each other. When serotonin levels are elevated, dopamine levels will decrease. When dopamine levels are elevated, serotonin levels are decreased. The elevation and decrease in these levels can change due to illness, excitement and stress. They also can be affected by medications, vitamins and supplements.

Why Use Herbs to Lower Dopamine Levels?

    When dopamine levels are elevated or lowered because of temporary circumstances, it is normal. Usually, the levels will even out as the circumstance abates, but when high dopamine levels persist, it can cause the brain to perceive reality in a distorted realm. This may cause increased aggression and risk taking. In this circumstance, using herbs that lower the dopamine levels, may be a safer alternative.

Raise Serotonin, Lower Dopamine

    Herbs that raise serotonin levels, and thereby lower dopamine levels, can be found at organic health food stores, and some can be grown in your own garden.

    Oat straw, which is found in oatmeal, can also be used as a tea.

    Root of the burdock, a type of thistle, can be used in a tea, or the stalk of the plant can be cooked and eaten.

    The dandelion can be used in tea, or cooked in food. It gives a general feeling of well being that will raise serotonin levels and lower dopamine levels.

    Ginseng is sold by the root, and can be used in a drink such as tea, or added to food as a spice.

    Black cohosh is a plant that grows in the eastern and central parts of the United States. This herb can be used in a tea or in food preparation.

Herbs in Supplemental Form

    Saint John's Wort, oat straw, burdock, ginseng, dandelion and most herbs that can lower dopamine levels by raising seratonin, can also be found in a pill, cream or powder form. Most of these herbal supplements, have added ingredients to preserve or regulate consistency of the herb. When looking for herbal supplements in pill form, make sure there are no added ingredients that will deplete the usefulness of the herb.

Herbs that Raise Dopamine Levels

    In order to lower dopamine levels, you will want to stay away from herbs and foods that naturally raise them. Omega-3 fish oils taken in high doses and L-thiamine found in green tea can raise dopamine levels. Fava beans, grape seed, gingko biloba and pine bark, also all have the ability to raise dopamine levels and should be avoided.

Precautions when Lowering Dopamine Levels

    Herbs and supplements used to lower dopamine levels can have positive and negative effects on the brain and how the receptors react to certain stimuli. They may also have an adverse effect on current prescribed medications. Before changing your current medication routine, or before trying an herb or supplement to lower dopamine levels, it is best to seek the advice of a medical or alternative medicine professional.

How to Treat a Ringworm With Vinegar

Ringworm is a fungal infection that causes red, circular blotches on the surface of the skin. The blotches may itch terribly. Often the red blotches form atolls of infected skin completely surrounding an island of healthy skin. Contrary to its name, ringworm has nothing to do with any sort of worm. One home remedy for ringworm: vinegar.



    Obtain a bottle of apple cider vinegar, then use a cotton swab to apply a few dabs to your inner arm. This is to check and see if vinegar is safe for you to use, as it can have negative effects on some people.


    Let the vinegar remain undisturbed on your arm for a night.


    Check for adverse effects on your skin the next morning. Is there a rash? Does it itch? If not, you are ready to proceed. If so, stop using the vinegar and seek an alternate remedy.


    Use cotton swabs to generously lather the ringworm-affected area with the apple cider vinegar. Repeat this action at least three times per day. Refrain from giving in to the temptation of washing it away. Simply allow it to dry naturally.


    Continue applying the apple cider vinegar using the cotton swabs for at least a week.

Phytonutrient Treatments

Phytonutrients are naturally occurring chemical compounds in plants that are increasing being found to have profound medicinal and therapeutic effects on the human body. It is in the area of degenerative and age-related diseases that phytonutrients are becoming an accepted form of preventative and complementary medicine. In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer's disease may all be linked to our ignorance of the treatment potential that phytonutrients possess. Fortunately, the scientific community has caught the phytonutrient buzz, and many studies are now being conducted on specific fruits and vegetables and their phytonutrient compounds that may prove to be potent treatments for many of today's health concerns.


    There are as many types of phytonutrients as there are colors, smells and tastes in fruit and vegetables. However, some nutrients have already made their claim to fame in the public eye and are becoming household words. Lycopene is responsible for the bright red color of tomatoes and is showing potential in cancer prevention, according to the USDA. Isoflavones from soy reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers, and flavinoids from blueberries may reverse nerve cell aging, according to the USDA.


    Phytonutrients are compounds that have very specific effects on various cells and organ-functioning in the human body, and a wide variety of them have been found to affect cancerous cells. In a study published in the journal "Nutrition and Cancer" in September 2001, there is a strikingly large amount of natural phytonutrients that mediate cancer risk through their interactions with molecular processes that influence cancerous cells. The researchers mention selenium, found in garlic; resveratrol, found in grapes; and genistein, found in soybeans, as some of the most active phytonutrients in terms of cancer treatment. A phytonutrient treatment for cancer would include eating garlic with meals along with red wine or grape juice and using soy instead of red meat products whenever possible.

Heart Disease

    Heart disease is a common health condition that many in the medical community link to dietary factors like fat intake and lack of adequate amounts of proper phytonutrients. In a study published in the "Journal of the American College of Cardiology" in May 2003, researchers gave a phytonutrient supplement called Juice Plus to volunteers who were also fed a high-fat meal intended to affect coronary health. They found that four weeks of supplementation with the phytonutrient supplement prevented the adverse coronary effects of the high-fat diet. Juice Plus is made up of the dehydrated concentrates of 17 different fruits, vegetable and grains including cranberry, tomato, acerola cherry and broccoli and is taken in two daily doses of two capsules each time with meals.

Brain Health

    Many phytonutrients have been found to have profound beneficial effects on brain functioning and may even be a treatment to reverse age-related mental deterioration. A study published in "The Journal of Neuroscience" in September 1999 found that spinach, blueberries and strawberries possess antioxidant phytonutrients that can stop age-related declines in neural and cognitive functioning. The dosage for fresh fruit and vegetables in this study was 10-20 grams per kilogram of body weight per day of each food source, which would equal about a pound of fresh fruit and vegetables a day for an average person.


    The potential for more phytonutrient treatments for a variety of diseases to be discovered in the future is high and almost inevitable. What we do know is that bright-colored and flavorful fresh fruits, vegetables and spices are the highest concentrated sources of phytonutrients and that a diet rich in these substances may be able to substantially prevent and even treat a variety of health conditions.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Natural Healing Home Remedy for Low Energy

Low energy in individuals can have a number of causes, and is often accompanied by poor moods. Causes include anxiety; overexertion; lack of exercise; poor sleep habits; low blood sugar; pregnancy and breastfeeding; seasonal depression; and seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, a more severe version of seasonal depression. There are two main strategies for naturally healing low energy at home: seeking out foods and liquids that increase energy, and avoiding those substances that lower it. Lifestyle changes also can be beneficial.

What Helps

    While supplements containing vitamin B, ginseng and other vitamins and minerals can help raise energy levels, they can be expensive. One of the best natural home remedies or strategies for low energy is proper dietary management. A diet consisting of the right foods can greatly increase energy and reduce feelings of fatigue, sluggishness and bloating. These include legumes (kidney beans, soy and lentils), vegetables (lettuce, spinach, broccoli, peppers, radishes, raw carrots, celery and tomatoes), fruits (apples, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, grapes and avocados), oily fish (herring, sardines, mackerel and salmon), nuts (particularly walnuts), seeds, whole grains, and walnut and olive oils. Food should be consumed in small amounts, with little time between meals. Grazing, as opposed to gorging, helps speed up metabolism. Drinking large amounts of fluids, particularly herbal teas and mineral water, also helps increase energy.

What Hurts

    While seeking out and consuming the proper foods and liquids is important for increasing energy, avoiding substances that lower energy is equally as important. Individuals with low energy should avoid sugary, fatty foods (pastries, cookies and doughnuts); salty, fatty foods (potato chips and the like); and foods high in carbohydrates (breads, biscuits and cakes). They should also avoid alcohol (with the exception of one glass of red wine per day) as well as caffeinated beverages. Small amounts of caffeine can increase energy, but large amounts can drain it, causing headache, fatigue, restlessness and insomnia. Individuals with low energy--if they must drink caffeine--should drink a maximum of two to three cups of coffee (or an equivalent caffeinated beverage) per day.


    To obtain an optimal level of energy, individuals need to balance their proper diet with a proper lifestyle. Some activities that can help increase energy include taking regular work breaks to stretch and walk around, taking short "power" naps during the day, enjoying as much natural daylight and fresh air as possible, and getting a proper amount of sleep in a well-circulated room.

Pain Relief with Capsaicin Cream

Chili peppers contain an ingredient called capsaicin, which is what makes them hot. According to the Mayo Clinic, topical creams that have capsaicin as an active ingredient will help alleviate pain resulting from neuralgia--pain on the surface skin nerves. There are approximately 15 brand names sold in North America that utilize capsaicin in one topical form or another.

Topical Applications

    The products using capsaicin may come in the form of a cream, ointment, gel, liquid or pad. You don't need a prescription to buy these products. Most drug stores, supermarkets and over-the-counter pharmaceutical retailers have an ample selection to choose from. Talk to your doctor about the proper use of these products.

    Capsaicin products should not be applied directly to lesions or open wounds. You do not need to wash or disinfect the area prior to applying the product but should take care in washing your hands immediately afterward to prevent inadvertently burning your eyes.

Pain Management

    The effectiveness of capsaicin is contingent on the regularity of using the products and the type of pain you are experiencing. It can be used for arthritis, neuropathy that occurs after herpes zoster infections, or diabetic neuropathy. Keep in mind that capsaicin is a pain management method and will not cure any underlying conditions causing the pain.

    When applying a product with capsaicin, you will experience a warm, mildly burning sensation at the application site. This is normal and should subside the more you use the product. Should you experience persistent and increased burning, stop using the product and consult a medical care provider. Your pain reduction may vary compared with other users of the product. Some people experience near immediate results while many who suffer from arthritis may take several weeks of regular use to reduce pain, according to the Mayo Clinic. When you stop using the cream, you may find that the pain returns.

    For adults and children over age 2, you should be able to apply the product three to four times daily. Consult your pediatrician if your child is younger than 2.

How to Get Rid of Skin Warts

Warts are an ugly, embarrassing nuisance that can grow anywhere on your body. Warts come from viruses known as human papillomavirus, or HPV. There are more than 80 types of HPV. Warts can be spread by scratching and picking at them, and through contact with contaminated razors or towels. Warts are transmitted when they come in direct contact with broken or cracked skin, and may take from two to nine months to show. Common, flat, filiform, periungal, and plantar warts are the five types of nongenital skin warts. Each type can respond differently to different treatments.




    Soak the wart in warm water to soften the skin. This can be done while taking a bath, if desired.


    Roughen up the top layer of skin on the wart using a new emery board or pumice stone. Make sure the skin that comes from the wart does not contaminate the surfaces around where you are working. This skin contains live viruses.


    Wrap the bits of skin that came from the wart in tissue and dispose of them in the trash. Put the emory board or pumice stone in a plastic bag. Do not use these for anything but the wart.


    Coat the skin surrounding the wart with a thin layer of petroleum jelly. Do not coat any part of the wart while doing this.



    Separate a small piece of a cotton ball, just large enough to cover the wart. Wet the piece of cotton ball with the apple cider vinegar.


    Cover the wart with the saturated cotton. Tape the cotton in place over the wart, using the waterproof medical tape to cover it. Leave it covered with the vinegar-soaked cotton for at eight to 12 hours, or overnight.


    Uncover the wart and leave it exposed to the air for the next 12 hours.


    Repeat these steps each day until the wart is gone. The wart will become discolored and form a scab. It will take from threes days to three weeks for the wart to disappear.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

What are the Topical Uses for DMSO?

DMSO or Dimethyl Sulfoxide is a substance derived from wood pulp and is sometimes used as a solvent. It can be used topically on the skin for various problems and it penetrates quickly with a peak time of four to eight hours. DMSO is not rubbed onto the skin but is blotted on with thin coats and usually diluted between 50 and 80 percent.

Arthritis Pain

    DMSO is beneficial as a rapid temporary pain reliever for arthritis.

Bruises, Pulled Ligaments, Tendons and Muscle

    Topical application of DMSO also helps a variety of sports injuries. It can help to prevent or minimize bruises and alleviate pain.

Athlete's Foot and Foot Odor

    Using a 50 percent diluted solution of DMSO on the feet helps to combat athlete's foot and will also help to alleviate foot odor.


    DMSO is excellent at penetrating the skin and acting as a carrier for all types of topical treatments. When used as a carrier for hormone applications it has been known to increase their availability in the body by 300 percent.


    Applications of DMSO have helped alleviate the lesions associated with shingles (Herpes Zoster).

Scars, Scleroderma and X-rays

    Applying DMSO to raised scars three times a day helps to flatten the tissues over several months and it also helps to relieve skin affected by Scleroderma.

    Using DMSO on the skin protects the body from the toxic effects of X-rays.

    Common minor side effects of using DMSO are itching skin, redness, or rash. This can be relieved by diluting it with more water. As a precaution, make sure to wash your hands before applying, since DMSO is an excellent carrier, it can carry any toxins on your hands into your skin.

Alternative Pain Relief for Severe Migraine Headaches

Every year, 28 million Americans suffer from migraines, but not all of them run to the pharmacy to buy over-the-counter pain relievers. To effectively treat your migraines, you need to identify what triggers them and learn how to treat them when they hit. These alternative treatments will help you predict, prevent and remedy future migraines so you can quickly overcome the pain and enjoy your days.

Keep a Migraine Journal

    Keep a journal of every migraine you experience, noting its intensity and duration, as well as any possible triggers. For instance, write down how much sleep you got the night before, the weather, and what you ate before your migraine occurred. After a few migraines, you may notice a pattern in your journals and identify triggers, which you can then eliminate from your diet and lifestyle or use to predict and prepare for future migraines.

Take Daily Supplements

    If you are a frequent migraine sufferer, take magnesium supplements along with calcium to reduce the frequency of migraines. Migraine sufferers have magnesium deficiencies which can be at least partially overcome by taking daily supplements.

    If magnesium causes diarrhea, take daily riboflavin (vitamin B12) supplements instead to ward off future migraines. Taken in large doses (400 mg per day), riboflavin has been proven to reduce the frequency of migraines by 50 percent. Riboflavin should reduce the number of migraines the first month but will become even more effective in following months. The herb feverfew has also been proven to reduce the frequency of migraines when ingested daily.

Choose Your Migraine Environment

    Select a place you can retreat to when you feel an oncoming migraine. Because migraines make you sensitive to light and noise, choose a dark, quiet room. Lie down with a cold compress for your forehead and close your eyes. If possible, take a nap.

Use Aromatherapy

    Add a few drops of essential oils to your cold compress or your bath to ease your migraine. Helpful for migraines are lavender, chamomile and marjoram.

Consider Acupuncture

    If you are unable to take supplements, consider acupuncture to relieve migraine pain. A study published in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine revealed that acupuncture proved more effective in reducing migraine pain than traditional medications, with no side effects.

Meniere's Disease Natural Remedies

Meniere's disease affects your inner ear and is characterized by unusual sensory perceptions, vertigo, hearing loss, a sense of pressure in the ear and tinnitus. This disease usually affects middle-aged individuals, and the severity of symptoms varies from one person to the next. The causes of Meniere's disease are not fully known, but the problem lies in the development of excessive fluid in your inner ear. Symptoms may occur in one or both ears. There are natural remedies that can help provide some relief from Meniere's disease symptoms.


    If you suspect that you have Meniere's disease, consult a physician to have your hearing tested. The doctor will check to see if you have experienced any hearing loss and will assess your inner ear. You may need to visit an ear, nose and throat specialist or an otolaryngologist for hearing tests. Your visit will entail a discussion about any issues with vertigo, ringing in your ears (tinnitus) and a full medical history to determine if you have Meniere's disease. Tests may include a hearing test to detect different sounds and an electronystagmography examination to observe your eye movements and to detect any balance problems.

Lifestyle Changes

    Lifestyle changes are necessary to help reduce symptoms associated with Meniere's disease. First, vertigo is a spinning sensation that can make you feel dizzy; sit or lie down until the vertigo subsides. Avoid trying to read, watch television and stay away from bright lights to keep your vertigo symptoms to a minimum. Vertigo may cause you to lose your balance and fall, so be extra careful when walking and keep a cane on hand for additional support and stability when symptoms occur. Do not drive while you are experiencing vertigo. Pull the vehicle over if you begin to experience vertigo symptoms and wait until symptoms subside before continuing to drive. If your symptoms are severe and you have frequent bouts of vertigo, you may want to avoid driving entirely.

Ginkgo Biloba

    Ginkgo biloba can be used to manage the symptoms associated with Meniere's disease. This herb promotes proper circulatory functioning and helps keep your blood vessels protected. Consuming ginkgo biloba may improve blood flow to your brain and cognitive functioning. This herb also helps to diminish symptoms associated with tinnitus and vertigo as well. It can take four to six weeks to note the benefits associated with ginkgo biloba; take 120 mg of ginkgo biloba a day in divided doses.

    Side effects may include rash, headaches and gastrointestinal upset. Pregnant women and breastfeeding females should not use ginkgo biloba. Stop using ginkgo three days before surgery to reduce any risks associated with excessive bleeding. Ginkgo biloba may interfere with certain medications like carbamazepine, valproic acid, fluoxetine, sertraline, paroxetine, escitalopram and phenelzine. It may also interfere with medications like nifedipine, aspirin, clopidogrel, dipyridamole, heparin, ticlopidine, ibuprofen, thiazide diuretics and trazadole. Diabetics should speak with a doctor before taking ginkgo biloba because it can increase insulin levels in the blood.


    In "Herbal Medicines for Common Ailments: A Quick Reference Guide," Dr. Rene M. Tshiteya identifies rosemary as a treatment for tinnitus. Rosemary helps to improve circulatory and cognitive processes. Take 4 to 6 g of dried rosemary and brew it in 2 cups of hot water for 15 minutes. Strain the mixture and consume 3 cups a day to improve your circulatory processes and tinnitus.

    Possible side effects include nausea and vomiting, and in extreme cases, coma and pulmonary edema can result. Pregnant women may miscarry if using rosemary, and breastfeeding females should also avoid the herb. If you have Crohn's disease, hypertension, ulcers or ulcerative colitis, avoid consuming rosemary. Do not consume rosemary oil orally because it is toxic. Rosemary can interact with warfarin, clopidogrel, aspirin, captopril, enalapril, lisinopril, fosinopril, diuretics like furosemide and hydrochlorothiazide, lithium and diabetic medications.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Alternative Treatment for Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a chronic inflammation of the liver that is caused by a virus. Although many people with hepatitis C suffer from eventual liver damage and even failure, it is possible to live a long and normal life with the hepatitis C virus provided you keep the inflammation at low levels. Alternative treatment options tend to focus on antioxidant rich foods that keep tissue liver healthy, certain herbs that are beneficial to the liver, and vitamin therapy to support optimal liver functioning. Combining these three approaches is a good way to implement a well rounded alternative treatment program for hepatitis C.


    According to the Mayo Clinic, most people infected with the hepatitis C virus do not know that they are infected and have no symptoms. The early stages of hepatitis C may mimic many common symptoms of colds and flus like fatigue, fever, nausea and may include a feeling of tenderness in the area of the liver. The most common form of diagnosis for hepatitis C is a blood test that looks for the viral load in your blood. Many health clinics do random screening tests for hepatitis C in people who may be at high risk due to needle use of injected drugs or sexual contact with those infected by hepatitis C. Once the positive diagnosis is made, medications and diet are usually prescribed although an alternative regime can also be implemented alongside the traditional one.

Diet treatment

    Stopping the ingestion of alcohol and other drugs that have liver damaging potential is the first step in treating hepatitis C through diet. Then, a diet that is high in fresh fruits and vegetables should be implemented, according to the Mayo clinic. According to the Hepatitis Diet, by the Janis and Friends website-- a site dedicated to helping those with hepatitis C-- animal products should be avoided as well as coffee, cola and other high caffeine products. The website recommends lots of fresh vegetables and vegetable juice and whole grains, such as oats, brown rice and corn tortillas as well as healthy fats like flax seed and olive oil.

Herbal therapy

    Milk thistle is the most commonly used herb for liver diseases and liver protection in western herbalism. It has been found to protect liver cells form damage and even help the liver regenerate according to Dr. Andrew Weil, a noted authority on natural therapies. He recommends combining milk thistle with the Chinese herb schizandra, a berry which is also known to support liver function, for people who are treating hepatitis through natural or alternative means and as a adjunct to conventional therapy.

Vitamin Treatment

    The liver is responsible for manufacturing a host of beneficial substances in the human body including vitamins. By supplementing the diet with certain vitamins, you can give your liver a nutritional boost that can help it function and heal. In a study published in the journal Free Radical Research, Vol. 27, No. 6, in 1997, researchers Herbay, Stahl, Niederau and Sies, at the Heinuich-Heine-Universitt in Dsseldorf, Germany, found that supplementation with vitamin E helped to lower the levels of oxidative stress in hepatitis C patients that is normally associated with contributing to liver damage.


    Hepatitis C is a disease in which there is no known or recognized cure and most sufferers live out their entire lives carrying the virus. However, the progression of the disease from slight inflammation to liver disease and eventual failure is highly variable and some people are able to live long and relatively healthy lives while infected with hepatitis C. By treating hepatitis C with diet, herbs and vitamins it may be possible to suppress some of the unpleasant complications associated with Hepatitis C

How to Get Rid of Beauty Spots on the Face With Garlic

How to Get Rid of Beauty Spots on the Face With Garlic

Moles, or beauty spots, are a cluster of skin cells that have turned black or dark brown with pigment. Most beauty spots are harmless, though they can be unsightly on the face or neck. Several home remedies exist to remove, or at least lighten, beauty spots. One of the simplest home remedies is to apply garlic to the spot. Keep in mind that all moles should be checked out by a dermatologist because they can sometimes indicate a more serious condition.



    Crush one to two cloves of garlic into paste using a garlic press. You may need to crush the garlic further using the back of a spoon if the garlic press fails to reduce the garlic to a paste.


    Place masking tape around the beauty spot to protect the skin around it. Garlic can burn the skin, so take care to place the garlic paste only on the mole. You may also use petroleum jelly to create a barrier between your skin and the garlic.


    Apply the garlic paste to the beauty spot using a cotton swab. Cover the mole with a bandage.


    Leave the bandage and garlic in place for up to four hours. You can repeat this treatment three times a day. You may begin to see results in two to four days.

Tea Tree Oil & Sinus Infections

More than 35 million people a year suffer from sinus infections in the United States. Sinus infections can affect a person's mental, physical and social abilities, making it difficult to function at home, work or school. Many medications can cure a sinus infection, but for those who prefer natural ways, tea tree oil can be a good alternative.

Tea Tree Oil Facts

    Tea tree oil comes from an Australian plant called Melaleuca alternifolia. Tea tree oil has been used for centuries for its antibacterial and soothing properties. Pure tea tree oil can be purchased at any natural store for less than $15.

Sinus Infection Facts

    Sinus infections can be viral, bacterial and fungal. Generally, most sinus infections are bacterial and can be treated with antibiotics.


    For people who want to avoid the use of antibiotics, tea tree oil is a natural alternative to treat a sinus infection. Tea tree oil can treat a sinus infection only if it is bacterial.


    Place four drops of 100 percent pure tea tree oil in a boiling pot of water. Put your head over the pot and let it simmer for 20 minutes, three times a day. Before going to bed, rub some tea tree oil on the nostrils to sooth the sinuses and kill the bacteria.

Time Frame

    Tea tree oil should kill the bacteria within three to four days. If symptoms persist for more than seven days, contact a medical professional for an assessment.

Home Remedy for Pregnancy Hyperpigmentation

The pregnancy mask, otherwise known as hyperpigmentation, indicates that your skin is producing too much melanin, usually because of hormone imbalance or sun exposure during pregnancy. While hyperpigmentation is usually nothing to worry about, it is very noticeable, and you may want to try to remove it without harsh creams that might be unsafe during pregnancy. There are several home remedies for getting rid of hyperpigmentation, and one single remedy may not work for everyone.


    Citrus has natural bleaching qualities because when you apply it to your skin, it removes the top layer of cells (see Reference 2). To make a skin lightening treatment at home, mix lime juice with turmeric powder until it is the consistency of a paste. Apply it to the dark spots on your skin. Or, you could mix lemon juice with a small amount of honey; apply that to your dark spots and rinse. Be aware that citrus may sting broken skin and eyes, so if you have broken or sensitive skin, or if your hyperpigmentation is near your eyes, citrus remedies may not be right for you.


    The acetic acid found in vinegar may help naturally bleach your skin. To make a vinegar home remedy for hyperpigmentation, mix equal parts white vinegar and water, and wash your skin with the solution. Rinse well with plenty of water afterward, because vinegar has a strong odor and can leave sticky residue on your skin. Do this once a day for several days until you begin to see improvement.


    According to YGo Home Remedies (see Reference 3), potatoes contain starch and mild bleaching properties that, when applied to your skin, may help with hyperpigmentation. Simply juice one potato like you would any citrus fruit and apply the juice to the dark spots on your skin once a day. If this remedy works for you, you should begin seeing results after ten days.

Monday, September 19, 2016

How to Mix Amla Powder

Amla powder is made from dried amla fruit, also known as the Indian gooseberry. It is used to add extra nutritional value to food and also to treat various conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and many others. Amla powder replenishes energy levels and is rich in amino acids, minerals, and vitamin C. It also has antibacterial and laxative properties.



    Mwasure 6 to 8 oz. of either water or juice and pour it into a drinking glass. Apple juice works best because of its sweet flavor.


    Add 4 tsp. of amla powder and stir with a spoon until well blended.


    Drink 6 to 8 fluid ounces, 1 to 3 times per day, for the greatest health benefits. For extra energy, amla powder may be taken more often without any known adverse effects.


    Store any leftover in the refrigerator until you're ready to drink it.