A head massage is a relaxing way to relieve eye strain, headache and sinus problems. It may even improve concentration and leave you with a feeling of tranquility. A head massage stimulates the meridians of the head. In Ayurvedic medicine, these meridians control conditions of the nose, eyes, ears, mouth and neck. A head massage by a professional is a treat, but in a pinch you can do one yourself.
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Prepare warm oils to rub into the crown of your head, if you wish. Use sunflower, sesame or olive oil for dry hair and sesame or almond oil for oily hair. Add rosemary essential oil to help your hair grow.
2Place a chair in a quiet, warm spot. Sit up straight in the chair. Lean against the back of the chair for support. Put both feet flat on the floor.
3Place your hands around your forehead. Press in the middle at the hairline. Massage the brow line to the temple. Use small, slow circular motions and slight pressure.
4Move the hands up through your scalp. Rub in gentle circles. Work up to the top of your head, then down the back, then back up again. Repeat four or five times, covering the entire scalp.
5Pull your fingers through your hair, tugging gently. Massage for about a minute. Let the strokes become lighter as you near the end.
6Put your palms on your temples with your fingers pointing up. Squeeze for five seconds. Release. Repeat on the area above the ears.
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